Chapter 6

Rani slammed the door shut behind her and pounded away down the stairs, propelling herself out of the building with a ferocity born of anger and shock.
       'tink had lied to her.
       No, worse than that, the artist hadn't lied, she'd told her nothing!
       Head down, hands thrust deep into her coat's pockets, Rani dredged up every snippet of information she'd gleaned from Katinka in their two years together. The blonde artist had been born in Russia and migrated to England when she was ten, after some sort of family tragedy. What had happened? Rani had never thought to ask, or rather, she had but 'tink obviously didn't want to talk about it so she'd not pushed for information. What else did she know about her lover's past? She knew which schools 'tinka had been to but other than that and the art, art and art there wasn't much else. Rani scowled: she'd taken it for granted that Katinka's first love had been such a big part of her life it was natural for there not to be anything else to mention. But there had to have been more to her life than that. How long had 'tinka been this other person? Had her parents known? Was she more than human, or just... different? Rani had always known 'tinka was not like anybody else, but artists by definition were odd. What exactly could she do, anyway, other than change her hair colour and jump twenty feet into the air when fighting monsters?
      The small woman kept walking, and thinking, not paying attention to her surroundings.
      So... when it came down to it she knew sod-all about Katinka. How was that possible? They'd talked and talked for hours, especially in the beginning. Rani's scowl deepened. Katinka had been very close-mouthed without seeming to be, she'd manipulated their conversations right from the start, deftly turning Rani's attention away from herself by being interested in what she had to say. The sneaky cow! She was such a good listener, subtly prodding her new girlfriend to go on and on about herself all the while skilfully avoiding any personal revelations. Why? Rani sighed, finally slowing her pace. She knew why, Katinka had been hiding, but then that was what she'd thought the first time she'd really seen 'tink, that here was someone trying not to be noticed. The artist had almost succeeded too, the dull-coloured hair, the ubiquitous student 'uniform' of battered jeans and baggy tops was a perfect formula for being overlooked, but there'd been something about her eyes... Rani smiled to herself. It'd been 'tinka's eyes that had drawn her in. That they were beautiful and intriguingly changeable was secondary to the light that shone from them.
       But what was the artist? She looked human, but no human could perform the mid-air combat Rani had witnessed, not outside of a martial-arts movie, anyway. The small woman shook her head, smiling ruefully: less than a fortnight ago she would've scoffed at the idea there was a grain of truth in that genre but now...? She had no choice but to believe, which brought her back to the puzzle of Katinka. Rani reviewed what she'd seen of her lover's other self. Silver hair, not white, but actual silver, metallic and gleaming. Silver eyes too, all silver, with no pupils, no irises, like something from one of her brother's improbable comic books. Rani laughed aloud, amused by the thought of Katinka as a super-hero – maybe she should suggest she get hold of a spandex costume or something. But then those black clothes worked well enough, leather was always dramatic. The Hindustani paused: where did the clothes come from anyway? She'd never seen them before, and for that matter where did the sword come from? Where did 'tinka keep it when it wasn't slicing bits off her opponent?
       Rani ambled on down the darkened streets. She wasn't sure how she felt about it but – given the evidence – it appeared Katinka may not, actually, be completely human. The thought was unnerving, and yet, it kind of felt... right. Rani had noticed very early on that the artist generally kept herself aloof from the rest of humanity, she'd even caught the looks of amused condescension as Katinka observed those around her. She was never like that with her though, had she earned her respect somehow or did love truly conquer all?
       Too many questions, and the only way to find the answers was to ask Katinka.

Rani looked up, conscious for the first time since leaving the flat just how far she'd walked. A prickle of fear shivered down her spine: god, there could be anything out here in the dark! She pulled her coat tighter about herself as she got her bearings and turned for home. Perhaps she shouldn't worry though, if she got into trouble Katinka would probably turn up to save her again...

Katinka first instinct on hearing the door slam was to go after her lover.
      No – she sat down heavily on the edge of the bath, wincing as the movement tugged at the healing wound – Rani wouldn't appreciate that, in the mood she was in she'd probably tell her to fuck-off for good. She'd had a shock, the artist set about convincing herself, it'd be better to give her some space, give her time to think things through. There was still a persistent, nagging sense of unease though, that was steadily growing. Katinka hesitated for a bare second more before diving out into the main room to find some clothes. She'd spent years honing her instincts for trouble, now was not the time to ignore them. 'tinka pulled on a heavy, denim jacket and shoved her hair up underneath a plain, grey knitted cap. She'd give her lover time alone, as much as she wanted, but there was no way she was going to leave her unprotected. It'd be fine, Rani wouldn't even know she was there. She ran the few steps to the door, flung it open, and froze in numb horror.
      The man filled the doorway, tall, broad, handsome and compelling. Platinum blonde hair was sleeked back to reveal a sharp widow's peak and an angled face.

"What's the phrase these creatures have?" Ember-bright, amber eyes snatched the artist's breath from her throat. "If Mohamed won't come to the mountain...?"
       "Wh... what do you want?" Katinka held her ground, shakily, conflicting urges to get away from him and yet not let him into the room – her life – leaving her trembling.
       "I want what I've always wanted, child. You."
       She swallowed convulsively, feeling his presence looming over her, crushing her to insignificance. No! Katinka pulled her shoulders back, straightening her spine to glower up at into the coolly arrogant, self-assured face.
      "Not going to happen."
       He laughed, genuinely amused, the low, rich sound vibrating through her body and threatening to turn her insides to water.
       "You honestly believe you have a choice?"
       Katinka gritted her teeth and continued to glare.
      "Do you want to know why I'm not giving you the choice?" He hadn't moved but the artist could feel a physical pressure being exerted against her. She curled her fingers tightly into her palms - using the discomfort of nails biting into skin to anchor herself - and refused to budge.
       "Of all my off-spring, you are the strongest, the only one worthy." Orst did move then, leaning down, bringing his lips close to her ear. Katinka shivered, fighting down the horrible arousal his nearness evoked. He nuzzled the delicate skin of her neck, a feather-soft touch that had her biting back a moan. "I will sire a dynasty on you." he whispered.
       Katinka struggled to control her breathing, forcing herself to drag air into her lungs, forcing herself not to drown in sensory overload.
      Rani, think of Rani...
       Orst smiled, dreadfully attractive.
       "You realise you're going to outlive that little mortal by several centuries, or more," he said conversationally. "She will rot away before your eyes."
       For one tense moment Katinka wavered. To see her lover grow old, die, while she stayed young and vital? Could she bear it? The artist pulled her lips back in a sneer, summoning anger. It didn't matter – if she had to watch one lover, others, live out their mortal lives, that was infinitely preferable to what this... monstrosity was proposing.
       "No." she snarled, "You will not have me."
       Orst pulled back, eyes narrowed, straightening to his full, imposing, height. He pulled back the sleeve of his tailored suit jacket and shirt, exposing the pale skin of his inner wrist.
       "I said you had no choice." Katinka stared, half horrified, half fascinated, as one of his manicured nails grew, extending into an evil looking claw. The corners of his mouth curved up into a harsh smile at the woman's expression and he flensed a thin strip of his skin from his arm. The blood welled up momentarily, viscous, almost black. He held the grisly morsel up, dangling it inches from Katinka's face. "No choice at all."
       "No!" she stumbled backwards into the flat, her only thought to put as much distance as possible between herself and that... that...
       Orst's arm whipped out and he grabbed her wrist, striding into the room and dragging her bodily towards the bed.
       "If you will not accompany me voluntarily – " he flung her down, moving swiftly to pin her with his weight, an arm pressed tightly against her throat, " – then you will be forced."
      Katinka fought desperately, not only against the weight restraining her but against her own dark desires. Orst's expression was malicious, avid, hungry.
      "How many did you kill the last time you consumed flesh?" he trailed the strip of skin over her bottom lip, provoking a renewed struggle. "Eight? Ten?" He forced a strong thigh between her legs, pressing hard against her groin. The sharp surge of pure lust took Katinka by surprise and she groaned, lips parted, arching helplessly up into the body covering her. Orst smirked, and shoved the scrap of skin into her mouth.
      "So much destruction from such a young child. It was beautiful. I was very proud of you that day."
      Katinka froze beneath him, eyes wide and horrified as she realised what he'd done. With a frantic, strangled cry she tried to spit it out but it was too late, the taste was there, longed for and denied for years. She swallowed, defeated, changeable eyes closed in despair. Rani...

Orst levered himself off the suddenly compliant, very warm body. He smiled down at his daughter with smug satisfaction, teasing a hand between her thighs, scratching lightly over the taut denim. Katinka mewled, shivering as she writhed against him.
       "Soon," he chuckled, lowering his head to nip her throat before pushing himself off the bed. He straightened the suit and finger combed his hair back into place. "Come to me, Elga. Don't worry, instinct will guide you."
       He left the flat, closing the door quietly behind him.

With his overwhelming presence gone, Katinka was finally free to move. She rolled onto her side, curling in on herself and wept. She could still taste his blood in her mouth, could feel it calling to her own – like to like. Her insides were writhing and shifting horribly; she was changing, being forced into a transformation she had no control over. And with the change came the memories she'd suppressed. A glorious sensation of power, of death and destruction. She'd exulted in the terror she'd caused, and laughed as she'd torn her nanny apart...

Rani hurried along the street, so focused on getting back to Katinka she barely noticed the expensively suited man saunter out of the apartment block. He paused on the pavement to light a cigarette; the tang of the smoke followed the Hindustani into the building. Rani climbed the three flights of stairs, slowing as she reached their landing. Something was wrong - there was an odd sort of glow spilling out from underneath the door...
       Scalp crawling, Rani pushed the door open a crack and peeped in.
       She faltered: something was in there but she wasn't sure it was her lover.
       "Get out!" it rasped – Katinka's voice.
       "'tinka?" Battling the fear that threatened to consume her, Rani edged into the flat, staring at the... thing on the bed. Elongated, serpentine while still retaining an essentially female shape, pearlescent scales shimmered over its body. Beautiful – terrifying. The remnants of its – her – clothes stretched and tore as the creature continued to grow.
       "Leave! Now!" Familiar purple-grey eyes looked out at Rani from a horribly altered face. "Please. I will kill you. Don't want you to die." A burst of light coruscated over her body and Katinka hissed, whether in pleasure or pain Rani couldn't tell. "Rani. Go!" The scaled form heaved, visibly increasing in size as delicately curved spines forced their way through the skin on her back.
       "I don't... don't want to leave you." Rani whispered.
       In reply the creature bared it's teeth and snarled, then flung it's head back and roared as another shower of light exploded outwards. When Rani's vision stopped sparking she found herself the focal point of a predatory, inhuman gaze.
      Rani bolted.

Gasping for breath, more scared than she'd ever been, the Hindustani woman pelted down the stairs, wrenching open the heavy security door and flinging herself into the street. There was an indefinable noise behind her – Rani spun around to see the front half of the topmost story of the apartment building detonate in a shower of masonry and scorched wood.
       "'tinka!" horrified, Rani screamed as what looked like a beam of blinding energy streaked into the night sky.

© 2004 April 20th Lutra

On to Part 2, chapter 1

© 2004 WordWrights