Our Books

Haunted Swindon

Paranormal Site Investigators

Investigations of allegedly haunted sites in and around Swindon, Wiltshire

Ken Taylor began working as a consultant for PSI, an educational charity, in 2006, and has researched the history (both mundane and paranormal) of many haunted sites for them, including most of those investigations featured in their 2008 Haunted Swindon book and their 2007 Haunted Swindon DVD, part of the Haunted Swindon Project.

Haunted Swindon book cover. Haunted Swindon DVD cover.

Ken has also writen summaries of PSI investigations for local BBC websites. These include (most recent uppermost)...

Secret Location, Wiltshire

Stanton Park Farmhouse, Stanton Fitzwarren, Wiltshire

Central Fire Station, Swindon, Wiltshire

Littlecote House Hotel, Hungerford, Wiltshire

The Jolly Tar, Hannington, Wiltshire

The Red Lion, Avebury, Wiltshire

The Little Chef, Burford, Oxfordshire

PSI is based in Swindon, Wiltshire, and is set on becoming an educational charity. The group uses the scientific approach to monitor and record paranormal phenomena, and is committed to bringing the highest academic standards to paranormal research. It publishes a peer-reviewed Journal of Investigative Psychical Research, of which Ken is also a member of the Editorial Board. The Journal is free, as is their e-newsletter.

PSI make no charge for investigating a property or other site, offer a highly ethical service (confidentiality assured if requested), and give the owner a written report that, depending on the extent of the investigation, may be the size of a small book. Ken's research into the site's history fed directly into those reports, which also contain full details of any paranormal phenomena the PSI investigating team experienced during their vigil/s.

A sample report is available from the PSI website.

Full details about PSI can be found at their website.

Text & design © Ken Taylor 2007-2013

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