
Even from orbit R'ren'nkh'ia looked hot, a cloudless sandy-brown globe with no open water apparent anywhere on the surface. Radittsu, his mane still damp from what might very well be the last proper bath he'd enjoy until they'd finished this 'assignment', gazed down at it through the viewport, frowning.
       "Doesn't look very friendly."
       Zha'haabron sighed from his position on the sleeping platform. "It isn't, I'm afraid. Come here."
       The Saiyan glanced over his shoulder and hastened to comply: the prince was opening a bottle of the sunscreen. Radittsu really, really enjoyed having the stuff applied to him, very thoroughly and very slowly and with much stroking and caressing - such ministrations being part of his duty as consort, Zha'haabron had said. The big male groaned as his bondmate started at his feet and worked upwards, slowly and sensuously massaging it deeply into his skin. He reached to lightly grip the prince's wrists as Zha'haabron reached the tops of his thighs, and pulled him up to rest against his broad, warm chest. "Do we... have time... before... planetfall...?" he whispered, trailing kisses across cool blue skin.
       Zha'haabron sighed happily and kissed his neck.
       "Of course. And it would be a good idea, since I have to apply the lotion to the whole of your body, and then you have to dress..."
       Radittsu grinned and rolled the prince onto his back, shifting slightly to enter him as Zha'haabron's long legs wrapped around his waist. It wasn't the prince's favourite position - he had to stay alert since Radittsu was still apt to become too excited, occasionally, and forget the barbs, and although Zha'haabron's reflexes were very fast, he had less control from underneath. And something about the submissiveness of the posture made him uneasy, stirred up those grimly-repressed hazy memories of pain and panic that had awoken when he'd *shared* his sire's 'self' with his bondmate...
       But it was appropriate lm'entr'e behaviour. And he knew, although Radittsu had tried his best not to let it *through*, that the Saiyan liked being on top, liked feeling a measure of control.
       Zha'haabron mentally shrugged. It was a small price to pay to please his zk'viss.
       Then... His eyes widened as he felt Radittsu do something - different. He gasped.
       *You like that?*
       The big male paused for a moment, grinning down into his lover's startled golden eyes. *I've been doing a little research of my own.*
       He started - shifting - again...
       **... ohhhhhhhhhhh...** Zha'haabron's eyes closed as his body tensed and shuddered and he came, forcefully, completely, his nails sinking into the flesh of Radittsu's shoulders as he screamed with pleasure. He collapsed bonelessly onto the sleeping platform, liquescent, pulsing, damn-near ecstatic - and Radittsu began thrusting powerfully into him. Safely, now that the barbs had relaxed into unyielding, extraordinarily stimulating - but most importantly blunt - little protuberances within his body. Panting, intrigued by the strange - but decidedly pleasing - new sensations, Zha'haabron gazed wide-eyed up into the beautiful strong face above his and buried long fingers in the fur of the Saiyan's tail. Radittsu flung his head back as he began to climax - then howled and buried his face in his bondmate's neck. Biting down hard...

Zha'haabron froze - suddenly terrified, one hand instinctively raised above Radittsu's back, focussing ki - and very nearly incinerated his bondmate.

Then he bit his lip and very, very swiftly reviewed everything he'd learned about the Saiya-jin. And then slowly relaxed, as he realised the significance of what his bondmate had done. It wasn't an aggressive act - well, not as Zha'haabron understood it, anyway. From Radittsu's point of view, it was an act of love and trust and longing and belonging. And while it evoked nightmare images of agony, destruction and death for the zn'hre, for the big Saiyan it was probably the most loving and intimate thing he would ever do. And it was something astonishingly unselfish, amazingly un-Saiyan: he'd forced himself to wait until he could offer the prince something of equal value to the extraordinary physical joy he found in their bond - and only then physically 'claimed' him, marking Zha'haabron as his own.
       Zha'haabron found himself suddenly tearful, and hugged Radittsu close. The big male kissed the wound on his love's neck and pushed himself up onto his elbows, gazing down at his prince, his expression uncertain.
       *I tried to be careful. I'm pretty sure there won't be too much of a scar...*
       Zha'haabron choked on something that was part sob, part laugh, and laid cool fingers against the Saiyan's cheek.
       **I don't care. I am so... honoured**
       Radittsu kissed his forehead - then gently brushed his lips over the prince's, the tip of his tongue trailing slowly over the soft blue skin. Zha'haabron parted his lips and tentatively touched the Saiyan's tongue with his own - the lightest, swiftest brush, but Radittsu's arms tightened around him, a deep, satisfied moan making his chest vibrate. He kissed the corner of his bondmate's mouth and rolled over, pulling the prince to lie on top of him.
       Zha'haabron nuzzled his ear, licking his neck, and they lay quietly for a few minutes, content. Then the prince chuckled quietly.
       **I do hope Leteetza remembered her promise!**
       Radittsu laughed outright. *Mmmm... Ah well. She's pretty unshockable...*
       The prince sighed and pulled himself up to kneel beside his bondmate, reaching for the sunscreen. He smiled, his eyes twinkling.
       "Now, where was I..?"

Radittsu slid the bathroom door open as Zha'haabron finished plaiting his hair and fastened a jewelled leather band around the end of the long, heavy braid.
       "Are you ready yet? We really should..."
       His voice trailed off as he stared at his bondmate, eyes wide.
       "You look..."
       Zha'haabron gazed up at him through long lashes, his eyelids lowered, smiling slyly. He'd been careful so far not to let the Saiyan see him in his customary R'ren'nkh'ian attire, wanting to surprise him - although on second thoughts that might have been a mistake. Radittsu was shifting uncomfortably, grimacing, his swelling erection trapped in the supple brown leather at his groin. The prince sighed and reached for his hand.
       "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I should have warned you..."
       He slipped out of a bodysuit that was little more than an abbreviated black leather V, then unsnapped the buckles over Radittsu's hips, freeing his erection as the big male sighed with relief. Pushing the Saiyan down to sit on the sleeping platform, he straddled his bondmate's thighs, impaled himself and brought them both to a fast, satisfying climax. Radittsu shuddered and slumped against his bondmate.
       "Do you have any idea," he panted, "how difficult you are making things for me? How am I supposed to keep my hands off you when you look like that?"
       Zha'haabron kissed his neck. "That's the general idea. I'm your consort. Your lm'entr'e consort. You may do with me as you wish. You must do with me as you wish if we are to be convincing."
       Radittsu stroked the tops of the prince's thighs - all that he could reach of the smooth blue skin of his bondmate's long legs, given the thigh-length black leather boots he was wearing.
       "I am allowed to be possessive, aren't I?"
       "Of course. It will - dissuade some of the lesser chieftains. But remember not to try to threaten any of the high-ranking chiefs."
       Radittsu sighed, running his fingers across the prince's broad shoulders and down his muscular arms, stroking the sleek, fine black leather of the full-length armsheaths he wore. Zha'haabron caught the Saiyan's unhappy face between his hands.
       **We can do this. We must do it. Focus...**
       Radittsu breathed deeply, his brow furrowed in concentration, closing his eyes... When he next opened them they were calm, resolute. He lifted Zha'haabron from his lap and rose to his feet, standing patiently as the prince reapplied sunscreen to his groin and settled the brown leather snugly back into place before sliding into his own bodysuit. They regarded each other silently for a few moments, then Radittsu pulled his bondmate to him and hugged him fiercely.
       *I love you.*
       Zha'haabron sighed, hands gripping the big male's mane. **And I you. Be strong. For both our sakes...**

They debarked into a low, almost deserted hall, stiflingly hot to Radittsu although the slight - hot - breeze and faint whine of machinery gave some sort of reassurance that some sort of air-conditioning did exist. The Saiyan felt his skin prickle, but the sweat that threatened to form was dried almost instantly...
       Vejiitasei must be sheer hell for Zha'haabron, he thought, distantly, as his body tried to adapt to the moisture-draining atmosphere. ...and I'm going to need to drink a lot of water if I'm to survive this...
       Zha'haabron quietly took his hand.
       **As much as you need. And I will do all I can to make this as easy as possible** His lips twitched into a tiny smile. **And Vejiitasei is more like paradise to me. After all, it's where I found you...**
       Radittsu resisted the urge to pull the prince into his arms. It would, he felt, be best if he remained aloof, at least until he was more familiar with the feel of the planet's culture. Although Zha'haabron had insisted that he could, in effect, behave as he pleased: there had never been Saiya-jin on R'ren'nkh'ia, his people had no way of knowing what was natural for the species...
       Doors at the end of the hall slid open, and what appeared to be the reception party entered. Zha'haabron glanced at the Saiyan very briefly. **They're late, of course. Subtle discourtesy - that will be at my sire's behest. Remember, I'll handle most of this. Go with me. Don't answer any questions. I'll let you know if you need to do anything**
       The prince pulled himself upright, eyes half closed and an expression of the utmost hauteur on his face as the party approached. Radittsu did what any good Saiyan warrior would do - straightened his back and stood with his legs apart, crossed his arms over his chest, and fixed the four members of the approaching group with a disdainfully appraising glare.
       *Who are they?*
       **No one particularly important. The female at the front looks like one of my sire's warriors: I assume she is part of the guard the King suggested to him**
       The female at the front? There were two almost identical - beings - at the front of the group: large, hairless, heavily built creatures with roughly scaled blue skin and thick powerful tails. Both carried some sort of laser rifle; both had a short sword in a studded leather sheath hanging from belts around their thick waists. As they reached the prince they simultaneously dropped to one knee, their heads bowed, as the other two members of the party stepped forwards. The taller of them - about the same height as Radittsu - ducked his heavily crested head briefly then stood with his taloned hands clasped behind his back: the other - a slight creature with pale green skin and short downy dark green hair covering an elongated head - bowed deeply and then smiled at Zha'haabron. The narrow-lipped mouth opened...
       And a flood of liquid, sibilant, hissing syllables flowed out.
       Radittsu glanced at his bondmate. The prince looked - he frowned as he tried to place it: coldly savage came closest - and the Saiyan's eyes widened with sudden realisation. He doesn't want to be here...He doesn't want me to be here... Shit. We talked about how I should act, my responses - we never discussed his... Instinctively he laid a hand on Zha'haabron's shoulder and wrapped his tail around his bondmate's thigh, possessively, reassuringly, relieved when the prince laid one hand over the Saiyan's and rested the other very lightly over his tail.
Don't they make the most gorgeous couple?        "We will speak in the common tongue in the presence of the Ssii'iil Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu."
       Radittsu firmly bit back a smile. There was a hint of a Saiyan growl in the voice - in fact, Zha'haabron had managed a fair impersonation of Vejiita at his most irritated. The green-skinned creature blanched, flinched, and stammered, "Your pardon, highness. I meant no offence."
       Zha'haabron raised his chin, expression arrogant. "You are..?"
       The other bowed deeply. "Ishn'is, highness. Protocol advisor to Ssii'iin Zha'geekaan. This," he gestured to the being behind him, "is Kk'leet, of the diplomatic corps. We are here to conduct you to the king."
       Zha'haabron nodded curtly. "Then do so."
       Ishn'is bowed and ushered the off-world pair towards the exit...

The groundcar had felt like an oven to Radittsu: fortunately the journey was short. Before he'd really had a chance to take in the dry and dusty surroundings or notice the effect of the slightly lighter gravity on his body Ishn'is was ushering them down a long, shallow slope into Zha'geekaan's subterranean palace...
       The advisor paused at an ornate double door, waiting while the guard outside communicated with his counterpart inside and they were ushered through into the throneroom.
       Radittsu glanced around, intrigued. Huge, soft cushions and mounds of pillows dotted the floor, many of them occupied by a bewildering variety of R'ren'nkh'ia-jin - though no zn'hre - who rose swiftly to their feet at the sight of the prince. The light was soft, shining through delicately filigreed metal lamps: a warm, heady, rich fragrance filled the air. Soft, slightly atonal music was playing quietly in the background. And at the far end of the room was something that resembled nothing so much as a large, low bed. On the bed was a large, grey - something...
       Ishn'is squawked impotently as Zha'haabron strode determinedly toward it, closely followed by the Saiyan, who - protocol be damned - had no intention of letting the prince out of his reach. Halting before the - throne? - Zha'haabron pulled himself to his full height, planted his fists on his hips, raised his chin - and began to speak.
       In his native tongue.
       The huge figure lying on its stomach on the bed/throne raised itself up on its elbows, its expression - as far as Radittsu could tell - a mix of the sardonic and the amused....

Confrontation. Can anyone see the family resemblance?

"I am here. I do not want to be here, nor do I wish my bonded mate to be here. I will never forgive you for forcing this on us. I trust that is clear?"
       Zha'geekaan gave a deep, rumbling laugh. "Ah, little snake. Blunt - and obnoxious - as ever, I see." He reached a hand towards the prince: Zha'haabron fell back a step, hissing.
       "You will not touch me. You will not touch Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu. Or the alliance ends here, and your dream of ruling the world becomes sand."
       Zha'geekaan's hands fisted, his face hardening. "Do not underestimate me, viper."
       "Do not underestimate the Saiya-jin no Ou. Without him, without us, you will never achieve your aim. There are other chiefs. Vejiita does not care who becomes High King, as long as his purposes are served."
       Zha'geekaan scowled. Zha'haabron bared his teeth, his eyes narrowed, Radittsu at his shoulder staring at the king with all the intensity his deep, dark eyes could muster.
       "Well well. Little mammal-lover. Is he better than me? So small, so weak, so...limited. Surely not..."
       Zha'haabron paled. Radittsu laid a hand on the prince's shoulder, alarmed at the tension shivering the muscle there: Zha'haabron was holding his anger in check, but just barely. He rested a hand against his bondmate's and breathed deeply, slowly, forcing himself to be calm. Then he smiled at his sire. It was a cruel, cold smile.
       "Better? He makes you look like a gn'ick'lehe." He glanced derisively around the king's court, then gazed up at his sire from under lowered lashes. "It must be hard for you, knowing this is the best you can expect, knowing you'll never have me again."
       Zha'geekaan's eyes widened in fury. Zha'haabron inclined his head, his eyes contemptuous.
       "You will not harm us in any way. Do I make myself clear?"
       "You, viper, should have been throttled at birth."
       "Do I make myself clear?"
       Zha'geekaan nodded, swallowing his ire and closing his eyes for a moment - then yawned mock-indulgently and languidly rose to his feet. He was nearly twice as tall as Radittsu, and more than twice as broad. His eyes glittered dangerously as he inclined his head to the Saiyan.
       "Welcome, Ssii'iil Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu. I trust you will find your stay comfortable."
       Radittsu crossed his arms over his chest, scowling, and bowed his head briefly - hiding the fact that he felt very, very uneasy. He'd had no idea Zha'geekaan was so big, so powerful. And *knowing* what the big lizard was like, he felt - inadequate. Brute force, even Elite level ki, would be wholly ineffective against the prince's sire. And he was no diplomat. Could he actually be of any use to Zha'haabron at all?
       The prince turned to him, smiling. **Your just being here is sufficient**
       Radittsu gazed down into the beautiful golden eyes and gently traced his bondmate's jaw with a finger.
       *Are you sure?*
       Radittsu pressed a kiss to his temple - then caught sight of the king. Zha'geekaan was staring, brows together and expression disbelieving. The Saiyan frowned, puzzled: Zha'haabron saw and turned towards his sire. Seeing the king's expression he smirked.
       "Oh, didn't you know? We mindspeak."
       There was a deep, deep satisfaction in seeing his sire so completely dismayed. Zha'haabron smiled slowly, eyes cold.
       "Something you've never achieved. Jealous, old serpent?"
       Zha'geekaan closed his eyes and forced himself to be calm. He smiled. If it could be called that.
       "I am - happy for you both. I trust your stay will be productive." The smile vanished as he stared coldly at his offspring. "And I will do all in power to ensure it is as painless as possible."

Radittzu sprawled on the cushioned platform, arms and legs spread wide, unable to sleep. The heat was oppressive: even the drinking water in the ewer - covered to minimise evaporation - was warm. He sighed. Zha'haabron - more than usually sensitive to his bondmate's state - awoke and laid a hand on his shoulder.
       **Too hot to sleep?**
       Radittsu nodded.
       **And you are worried**
       "Then let us talk for a while."
       Radittsu raised an eyebrow. *You want to speak?*
       **Leteetza will be listening. It is an opportunity to let her know some of the more personal details of what we have planned**
       They had spent some hours in discussion with Ishn'is and Kk'leet. The king had listened in, occasionally adding his own comments or commands, but otherwise leaving most of the talking to his aides. The chiefs and chieftains they were to visit - those most useful to Zha'geekaan - had been decided, and their route and travel arrangements organised. To start with a leisurely tour had been suggested, but Radittsu had stepped in, insisting that he could not be spared from his duties on Vejiitasei for any great length of time, and Zha'haabron had bowed his head, yielding to his bondmate in seemly lm'entr'e manner. The schedule that had eventually been finalised was punishing and would require a lot of sleeping on the move, but it cut thirty-one days off the original proposal. Zha'haabron had smiled. Radittsu was extremely eager to return home...

It took them an hour to run through all the names that had been mentioned. Zha'haabron gave his bondmate a brief commentary on each, while I listened in, recording everything they said and making notes - I'd get Chilek to do some research tomorrow, it was the sort of thing he enjoyed. The upshot of the whole conversation was that it seemed that of the twenty-seven rulers they would visit, the prince would probably only have to actually get physical with twelve.
       Only? Poor Radittsu...Poor Zha'haabron...
       This had better be worth it...
       I scowled in the general direction of the bedroom - Vejiita had stuck his head in about an hour ago, demanding to know when I was coming to bed. I sighed and put in a call for Armut to come and take over. Gentle rustling, sighing and gasping noises from the communicator suggested that Radittsu and Zha'haabron weren't likely to be talking business again before morning: I could safely leave monitoring to someone else. But I couldn't shake off a nagging feeling of anxiety. I still couldn't remember what it was about the conversation I'd had with Zha'haabron that was bothering me so much.
       Leaving strict instructions that if I was to be woken if anything at all disquieting happened, I made my way to the King.

© 2001 Joules Taylor

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