
       Radittsu had just arrived back from an overnight training session. At Ti'aasaan's call he stuck his head around the bathroom door, grinning at the scene that met his eyes. The little zn'hre was in the bathing pool, with the babies - who were swimming merrily around as if born to it.
       "Now that's a cute sight!"
       Ti'aasaan smiled at him in welcome. "Isn't it? I didn't know it would come so easily to them!"
       Radittsu stripped, stood under the cool spray for a moment, then slid into the warm water beside the little zn'hre, kissing his cheek and wrapping an arm around his slender shoulders, hugging gently. Little Zha'haabron splashed over and nestled against the Saiyan's chest, tiny blue hands gripping his mane. Radittsu beamed and stroked his face as the infant burbled up at him delightedly - seemingly a signal for the others to join them, as seconds later four more little blue bodies were swarming around the captain.
       Ti'aasaan watched, frowning slightly, as Radittsu played with the babies, letting them climb up his mane, swishing them through the water as they held onto his tail. For all the happiness on the big male's face and in his thoughts, there was an undercurrent of melancholy that tugged at Ti'aasaan. The little zn'hre delicately probed into his companion's mind without Radittsu realising he was there, reaching for the source of his unhappiness...
       There it was. Children. He wanted children? Ti'aasaan blinked. What was stopping him? He probed a little deeper. Ah - he wanted children with Zha'haabron...
       The little zn'hre leaned back against the side of the bath and inclined his head, pensively. Well, at the moment they didn't know whether the prince could actually host offspring any more - first problem. Second - his own knowledge of genetics was almost non-existent, but even he realised that breeding across two completely different species might be impossible.
       On the other hand, he'd seen the impossible happen before...
       "Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu, could you take care of them for a while? There's something I need to do."
       "Well. If you think they're safe to be left with me."
       Ti'aasaan grinned. "Oh, they're safe with you. Whether you'll be safe with them is a different matter!"
       Radittsu looked faintly alarmed, and the little zn'hre laughed. "Don't worry. The worst that might happen is that they'll get hungry and try to take a bite out of you."
       Radittsu's expression was comically dismayed. "Oh, thanks. I'm sure I'll enjoy that!"
       "There's meat ready prepared in the cooler: just give them some of that. And if they become too difficult to handle, just *call*. I won't be far away."

I'd just finished yet another report for Limau and was considering taking a break for lunch when Ti'aasaan arrived beside my terminal. I grinned.
       "Hello, little'un! Who's minding the babies?"
       "Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu. Are you busy?"
       I shook my head. "Was about to get something to eat. Like to join me? You can tell me what's on your mind over a meal."

We ended up on the balcony of one of the reception rooms, me with a platter of mixed meats, Ti'aasaan with a large bowl of fruit. (His almost-addiction to native fruit had taken us all by surprise, himself most of all...) Before I'd even taken a bite, he turned to me, face serious.
       "How can I find out if it's possible for R'ren'nkh'ia-jin and Saiya-jin to interbreed?"
       I gaped at him. "What..? Why?"
       He shrugged. "Because Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu would like hostlings... children with Zha'haabron."
       I stared silently for a moment, blinking. That's one of the things I love about Ti'aasaan. He just - comes out with these mind-boggling statements. Then I thought about it for a minute or so. And I had to admit that the idea was very appealing...
       "Fine. Well, first we'd need to know exactly how you reproduce, I guess... How much do you know about your own type?"
       "Not much."
       I ran a hand through my hair. "Zh'leet and Gh'veen should be able to help. And I'm sure our own biogenetic team would find the project fascinating. What did Zha'haabron say?"
       "I haven't spoken to him. Or Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu. No-one knows I'm here."
       I frowned. "Don't you think you ought to tell them?"
       He shook his head decisively. "Not yet. If it turns out to be impossible, I'd rather they not be disappointed."
       I hugged him. "You are very sweet, you know that?"
       He pulled back and gazed at me, one eyebrow raised quizzically, and I grinned and let go of him.
       "Come with me."

Vinas stared at Ti'aasaan, his expression sombre.
       "An intriguing proposal. Raises a number of concerns, of course."
       "But could you do it?"
       "Well, we can certainly examine the genetic differences as a first step. We'll need samples."
       The little zn'hre nodded. "I can provide the R'ren'nkh'ian samples - in the first instance, anyway."
       "And I'm sure I can talk Kakarotto into providing Saiya-jin ones. Or get Tamata to do it."
       The Feeodoreean biogeneticist inclined his head. "We will need the co-operation of the two R'ren'nkh'ian biotechs."
       "I'll have them contact you."
       Vinas nodded grimly. "I will speak to my team. I'm not promising anything."
       "I understand." Ti'aasaan was looking a little apprehensive. I thanked the Feeodoreean for his time and ushered the little zn'hre out of the reception area, my arm around his shoulders.
       "He didn't seem very friendly."
       "Don't worry - that's just their manner. They're very good. I know they've researched Kink'l'hrl techniques thoroughly: if anybody can make it happen, it'll be Vinas and his team."
       He nodded absently, unconvinced, then smiled wanly at me. "Have I done the right thing?"
       I hugged him. "Do you have any idea how the prince feels about the subject?"
       He bit his lip. "After everything he's been through he may be reluctant to consider hosting again, I suppose - even if he could. But there's something... I caught an image in his mind. Two hostlings - half and half... There was a yearning associated with it."
       'Half and half' - half R'ren'nkh'ian, half Saiyan... If it was possible, what would they be like? What would be life be like for them? I shook myself. It would more than likely turn out to be impossible, anyway. Time enough to worry about such considerations if anything came of it. I smiled.
       "And I've seen the way Radittsu is with the babies. I think he'd make a wonderful father. I mean sire." I frowned. "No, I do mean father..."
       Ti'aasaan glanced at me and grinned. "I think so too. And speaking of the Ssii'iir, I'd better go to his rescue. I dread to think what the little monsters have done to him!"

Ti'aasaan arrived back at the suite to find Radittsu lying curled protectively on the bed with the babies snuggled into his mane, all sound asleep. The little zn'hre watched for a few minutes, smiling lovingly at the group, then went to find Zh'leet.

"You should have spoken to me first." The ko'ish'n scowled, hissing angrily in R'ren'nkh'ia-go. Ti'aasaan frowned.
       "But you would just have tried to put me off."
       "And quite rightly so! There are huge physiological differences between our species and theirs! Even if conception proved possible, I seriously doubt if the Ssii'irin could safely host something so alien. His body would most likely reject it. And if not - do you have any idea how big Saiyan babies can be? Did you know that they attach to the wall of the hosting chamber by a kind of tube, and feed directly from their host's bloodstream - can you imagine what that would do to him, if Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu's genes proved dominant and Zha'haabron had to endure a Saiyan-type pregnancy? The strain on the Ssii'irin's system could easily prove fatal, even without this heavier gravity. And that's without even considering the infant's nutritional requirements after birth. Saiya-jin drink nothing but their mother's milk for the first few days of life - we've no idea what a hybrid would need."
       Ti'aasaan's eyes filled and he bit his lip.
       "I didn't know."
       "Well now you do. If you ever find yourself stricken with any other such outrageous ideas you come and speak to me first, understand?"
       The little zn'hre nodded, his shoulders slumped and his head bowed. Zh'leet smiled.
       "Good. Now, let's collect Gh'veen and go and meet this Vinas."
       Ti'aasaan's head shot up, his eyes wide.
       "Well, we want to make sure we research the possibilities as rigorously as we can, don't we?"
       "But you just said..."
       "I know what I just said. I also know that hosting his bondmate's offspring is the Ssii'irin's dearest wish. So let's start off by seeing if it's at all possible, shall we? And if so, we'll take the rest one step at a time - we can sort out any potential problems along the way. But you must promise me not to breathe a word of this to anyone else."
       Ti'aasaan flung himself at the ko'ish'n, hugging her tightly. She smiled and patted his shoulder: the little zn'hre kissed her neck.
       "I promise..."

The two hours at the research facility were more humiliating than painful, for Ti'aasaan - Vinas had obviously lost no time in speaking to his team, who were positively excited by the challenge. The little zn'hre had been ordered to strip almost as soon as he'd arrived, then Gtislin handed him a glass beaker with the instruction to 'fill it up'. He'd frowned up into the xenotech's face.
       "Fill it up with what?"
       Gtislin glared at him. "Semen, of course. Or whatever it is you produce that serves the same purpose."
You want me to do WHAT!? (Requested by Carol Good: alt tag by Lutra!)        The other team members - all seven of them - had gathered round and were watching expectantly. Ti'aasaan glanced around nervously and swallowed.
       "What, here?"
       Vinas nodded. "We need to see the actual process of ejaculation."
       Ti'aasaan's jaw dropped, and he gazed helplessly at Zh'leet. The ko'ish'n stepped in, face set in a determined scowl.
       "He's not some sort of experimental animal. How do you expect him to perform with you all standing there gawping? I can't see why he couldn't use a private room and you simply record the process."
       Gtislin and Vinas regarded each other silently, then Vinas nodded.
       "Very well. But Gtislin must be present."
       "Then so must I."
       It was the first time Gh'veen had spoken, and they all gazed at him with varying degrees of surprise. Zh'leet smiled encouragingly at the little zn'hre.
       "Gh'veen will help you. Just close your eyes and think of Zha'haabron..."
       Ti'aasaan managed a small smile, and Gh'veen took his hand.
       "Simply focus on what we're trying to accomplish. I'll do what I can to make this easier for you."

Gh'veen's hands had been gentle, sensual and arousing: the experience had been less fraught than Ti'aasaan had expected, even with Gtislin watching closely and taking notes. Afterwards they'd returned to the main lab, where Ti'aasaan had been weighed and measured, asked some preliminary questions about his mating history, and Hakra had taken several vials of blood, some strands of hair and - with difficulty - a couple of skin samples. He'd proposed an internal examination too, but there Zh'leet drew the line. Ti'aasaan was pale and shivering: the whole experience had been stressful, and he needed time to recover. Not to mention mentally prepare himself for the next step: Vinas' team might be the best there was, but they were so coldly clinical about it! It reminded the little zn'hre too much of the way he'd been treated, prior to mating, at Gh'heegonan's court.
       "He's had enough for today."
       Vinas would have argued, but Gh'veen stepped quietly in front of the little zn'hre, refusing to let anyone else near him, and the team was forced to call a halt for the day. Vinas frowned at Zh'leet.
Gh'veen        "We will need further samples. And more detail about his history. We need a full body scan as well. We will also devise a series of tests to determine physiological responses. And we need to know everything you can tell us about R'ren'nkh'ia-jin reproductive processes. Can we rely on your full co-operation?"
       Ti'aasaan nodded frantically, desperate to get out of the facility, but Zh'leet raised a hand, warningly.
       "We will of course co-operate, but we are not prepared to hurry this. I will not have Ti'aasaan distressed: it will do him no good, and the prince would not be at all happy if he was upset. There is no urgency - the Ssii'irin and his bondmate will be on R'ren'nkh'ia for a while, and, should the project prove viable, we cannot proceed until they return."
       Vinas nodded, reluctantly, and turned towards his terminal.
       "Very well. Let's arrange the schedule..."

"All is well?"
       Gh'veen had escorted Ti'aasaan back to the suite, to find Radittsu curled behind the prince, moving gently within him, large warm hands stroking his chest and groin. The air was sweet with the scent of their lovemaking, Zha'haabron languid and drowsy, smiling as the big Saiyan kissed along his shoulder and nuzzled his neck. Gh'veen saluted briefly and went to the balcony to join the babies, sprawled asleep in the sunslight: Ti'aasaan grinned, slid out of his bodysuit and joined his bondmates. Zha'haabron pulled him close, kissing his throat, and the little zn'hre shivered with pleasure as Radittsu reached one hand over the prince's hip and stroked down his thigh. Zha'haabron glanced back over his shoulder at the Saiyan, one eyebrow raised, and Radittsu smirked and pulled slowly out of him.
       *Come here, little one.*
       Ti'aasaan slid across the prince's body and into Radittsu's embrace, wrapping his legs around the big male's waist. Radittsu rolled them to the side and thrust smoothly into the cool blue body: Ti'aasaan sighed happily, then moaned as the Saiyan began that strange and wonderful shifting...
       After a moment Radittsu gasped and paused, every muscle tight, and turned his head towards the prince.
       **I am sorry...** Zha'haabron began to withdraw: Radittsu's hand on his hip stopped him.
       *Oh, don't do that! Just give me a moment to get used to it...*
       He forced himself to relax as the prince sank into him - then started shifting again... Moments later Ti'aasaan froze, head flung back, hissing as he came, and Radittsu - and Zha'haabron behind him - began to thrust, rhythmically...

Radittsu lay panting, body limp, sated, Ti'aasaan's head nestled against his left shoulder, the prince's on his right, his arms around them both.
       Well, that had been something else - especially when Zha'haabron had started fondling his tail...
       Ti'aasaan stirred sleepily. **Can we do that again some time?**
       Zha'haabron smiled. "Oh, I expect so..." He glanced at the chronometer, and pushed himself to his knees. "I'm late."
       Radittsu pulled him back down to lie atop his warm, muscular body. "Vejiita can wait, for once. I don't know why you're still sparring with him, anyway. It can't be easy, having to damp down your own power just so you don't hurt him."
       "Nevertheless, there is no-one else onworld of anywhere near his ki level. And it provides me with a measure of exercise."
       Radittsu grinned, one hand cupping a cool blue buttock as he thrust his hips upwards. "You mean you don't get enough?"
       Zha'haabron chuckled and kissed his throat, stroked Ti'aasaan's face, and rose, heading for the bathroom. Minutes later, showered and dressed, he waved farewell and headed off to meet the no-doubt-by-now-impatient King. Radittsu turned to Ti'aasaan.
       "Now, do you want to tell me what it is you're trying to keep so secret?"
       The little zn'hre bolted upright and stared down at the big male, eyes huge.
       "What do you mean?"
       The Saiyan grinned. "There's a little area of your mind sealed off with 'Do Not Enter' *signs* all over it!"
       Ti'aasaan paled. "How... how can you tell?"
       Radittsu shrugged. "No idea. I'm certain Zha'haabron isn't aware of it, but I can *feel* it clearly. So what's going on?"
       Ti'aasaan bit his lip. "I can't tell you."
       "Why not?"
       "It's a... surprise."
       "For Zha'haabron? I won't tell him anything."
       "Um, well, it's sort of for both of you..."
       Radittsu pulled the little zn'hre to rest on top of him, and kissed his nose.
       "Well in that case I won't insist."
       Ti'aasaan nuzzled into his neck, breathing a silent sigh of relief - and deciding he'd have to have words with Leteetza. She might be able to help him come up with something that could count as a surprise for his bondmates, if their having offspring proved impossible...

The twins kept me busy that afternoon, and it was evening before I found the time to visit Tamata. She looked weary.
       "Are you all right?"
       She nodded, sighing and running her hand through her hair. "Yeah. Just tired."
       I rubbed her shoulders. "I hope he's helping out!"
       She shrugged. "He does... all right. He's not really the homemaking type, but he's trying."
       I gazed at her, unconvinced. "He's not claimed you?"
       "Hmm." That was a little worrying. Among the lower classes, a claim at least guaranteed a certain degree of recognition and support. "Have you contacted Baadakku yet?"
       "Uh, no..."
       "Then I will."
       "No buts. It'll probably come better from me, anyway."
       She smiled gratefully. "Are you sure?"
       I nodded. "You can do me a favour in return, though."
       "Sure! What?"
       "First, I have to have your word you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you."
       She looked intrigued - then her jaw dropped.
       "You're not pregnant too?!"
       I shook my head impatiently. "Of course not!"
       "You're running away with Radittsu?"
       I sighed. "No. That's all settled. Now will you just shut up and listen?"
       She clapped her hand over her mouth and regarded me attentively, her eyes growing larger and larger as I explained what we were trying to do.
       "Oh my... You serious?"
       "Uhuh. But there's absolutely no guarantee it'll be successful, and we don't want to disappoint the pair of them. So you must keep it to yourself."
       "Of course I will! Ooh, how exciting!" She frowned. "So what's the favour?"
       "The team will need male Saiyan samples to work from. Since Kakarotto is Radittsu's brother, their DNA should be pretty similar."
       "I see. What sort of samples?"
       "Blood, tissue and semen."
       She scratched her head. "How the hell am I going to persuade him to give those if I can't tell him why?"
       I frowned - she did have a point. "Hmm. Some kind of checkup? To make sure he's healthy? To compare your DNA and try to project what the child will be like? You'd have to give samples too, in that case."
       "That might work. Perhaps we could be the first study in a new procedure of some kind?"
       "To see if it's possible to determine a child's eventual ki level and potential fighting abilities from the DNA of its parents!" I grinned. "That would work! Hell, it might even be a viable real study for Vinas! Vejiita would certainly approve. Fine. I'll contact the team and have them 'invite' you to participate."
       Tamata beamed - then her face fell. "There's just one small problem."
       "What's that?"
       "Kakarotto's afraid of needles."
       "Yeah, I know. Stupid, isn't it? But he hates them."
       I wasn't about to let a little thing like Kakarotto's phobias hinder the project!
       "Very well - I'll warn Vinas. Contact me if he starts acting up when the invite comes: I'll pretend to be one of the team and assure you there will be no needles involved."
       Tamata giggled. "You wouldn't!"
       "Oh yes I would!"
       "You little liar!"
       I smirked. "Anything for a good cause! We agreed?"
       She hugged me. "Sure am!"
       "Right. I'll contact Baadakku and Vinas tomorrow and get back to you as soon as I can. I'm sure Baadakku and his mate will want to meet you - will you be able to get leave?"
       She nodded. "I have some backed up."
       "That's settled then."

I wondered if I should visit Ti'aasaan and let him know what we'd organised, but given how late it was I decided against it. I'd be unlikely to be able to talk to him privately now, and I didn't want to intrude on the family's time together. I'd drop in tomorrow, while his bondmates were out. We needed to talk anyway, to organise some sort of program for when the pair of them were on R'ren'nkh'ia. But for now, I rather fancied an early night...
       *My lord?*
       *Where are you?*
       *Don't move - I'll be right there!*
       He *chuckled*, and I took off, grinning to myself. There were very interesting times ahead...

© 2001 June 15th Joules Taylor

The Second Alliance Chronicle Index