
Zha'raadiin hissed, a comical scowl on his little face, and bit me.
       "Youch!! He's got sharp teeth!"
       Ti'aasaan grinned and grabbed the little horror, cuddling him against his chest and dangling a small piece of raw meat in front of his nose. The tiny zn'hre reached for it eagerly, bright golden eyes wide, and chewed on it happily.
       "I'm sorry. They haven't yet learned the difference between dead and acceptably alive meat."
       I ruffled his hair. "It's all right. Though it's just as well we heal quickly!"
       "Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu said the same thing." I hid a smile. That explained all those tiny bitemarks down the captain's arms and around his ankles...
       Watching Ti'aasaan with the children was a pure joy: it was almost impossible to believe he'd never had the chance to do this before. He watched over them with a small proud smile, attentive but not smothering, allowing them to explore but always there if they needed him. It was obvious he adored them and was entirely devoted to them, but not to the point of being overly-indulgent. I found it astonishing, and wondered if all zn'hre had the same potential for such amazingly maternal instincts. I somehow doubted Zha'haabron did - although the thought of him acting like this gave me a warm fuzzy feeling in my gut...
       "Have you spoken to them recently?"
       He nodded, smile fading. He was still missing them - I was myself - and the news of Radittsu's experience had given us both nightmares. And I was beginning to feel lonely, too: Vejiita was still on R'ren'nkh'ia, in detailed talks with the new High King, and with the twins' labour imminent (and them being absolutely unbearable at the moment) I couldn't spend as much time with Ti'aasaan as I'd hoped, although we did make love and sleep together most nights. It was a comfort for us both, especially as I was in heat again.
       "How are they?"
       "Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu is much better now. And my Ssii'iin is a lot happier."
       I nodded. Vejiita rarely called me, and when we did speak it tended to be on official matters, so I really had to rely on Ti'aasaan for any personal news.
       "No indication of when they might be coming back, I suppose?"
       "No. Though the situation with the zn'hre seems to be going well..."

Although it hadn't occurred to him before, when Zha'haabron asked if he'd speak with each of the zn'hre, explaining what had happened and what they hoped to accomplish, Radittsu had grinned at the idea. After all, he was their king's bondmate, and had experience of zn'hre (not to mention a loving appreciation of the type). It made perfect sense...
       In practise it wasn't as easy as he'd thought. They were suspicious - not yet realising that the High King was one of their own, they'd had visions of Zha'geekaan (whose reputation was planet-wide) wanting them all for a harem: several had subsequently tried to commit suicide and only been stopped by forceful action on the part of their Saiyan guards. Nearly half of them were in various stages of pregnancy: a rare few were belligerent, and most of them were simply terrified. For the first twenty or so days after their arrival Zha'haabron just let them rest and grow used to their new situation, ensuring that their needs were met and that those who required medical aid received it. It wasn't until three days after Radittsu had found the pitiful figure in the desert that the big Saiyan began his visits to the zn'hre.
       A weary Radittsu had returned to the royal suite on the evening of his ninth day of trying to persuade the various zn'hre that they weren't going to be hurt, that their new king was one of their own, that the big, frightening, tailed warriors were there to protect them, not hurt them... Now he lay face down on the sleeping platform, mane pushed to one side as Zha'haabron kneaded his aching back.
       "Mmmm. That's good..."
       The R'ren'nkh'ian kissed the back of his neck. "Perhaps I should accompany you?"
       "Not yet. I'd like to talk to them all first. Generally speaking they're - warily hopeful. I'm not sure they fully believe me, but most of them seem to trust me." He twisted slightly to grin at the king. "No idea why!"
       Zha'haabron smiled. Then the smile faded. Radittsu pulled himself upright and wrapped his bondmate in his arms.
       "Still no change?"
       Zha'haabron's eyes glanced towards the smaller sleeping chamber.

When Radittsu had returned to the enclave with the emaciated figure in his arms, the promised medical team had been waiting. Zha'haabron had been detained - some piece of business that simply couldn't wait - so hadn't been there to see the rescued zn'hre. He arrived at the medical centre as the biotechs had finished their initial emergency treatment, cleaned their patient, and were hooking him up to a monitor and intravenous drip. The big Saiyan was at his bedside: he glanced up as the king approached.
       "What was it you wanted me to see?"
       Wordlessly, Radittsu gently turned the hurt zn'hre's face to Zha'haabron - who gasped and paled. The Saiyan quickly stood and held the R'ren'nkh'ian firmly, supporting his suddenly unsteady form.
       *Beloved? Are you all right?*
       Zha'haabron nodded faintly, moving out of Radittsu's arms to sit on the edge of the bed, his eyes never leaving the other zn'hre's face. Radittsu laid a hand on his shoulder.
       *Do you know who he is?*
       **I can only assume... he must be a sibling**
       *You had some?*
       **I... think so.** He frowned, concentrating, trying to remember. **I think there were two of us in the brood. Our host was zn'hre, of course** He glanced up at the Saiyan, troubled. **There may have been three. I think the brood was particularly unusual. Zha'geekaan might know**
       Radittsu stroked his neck, reassuringly. *Well, even if we asked he wouldn't give us an honest answer. Is there anyone else who would know?*
       **There might be. I'll have someone check the enclave records** He touched the other zn'hre's face, gently. Radittsu frowned.
       *And the mating compulsion..?*
       ** absent** Zha'haabron glanced up at his bondmate. **Interesting. And encouraging. If this holds true for us all, my task will be that much easier**
       *Of course, he is unconscious right now.*
       **That should make no difference**
       Radittsu beamed delightedly. *That would be wonderful!*
       Zha'haabron nodded sombrely. **Indeed. We will proceed with caution for the moment, however**
       Zh'leet came over to check the monitor, then glanced at the king, her head inclined.
       "He has to be a host-sib. You're too alike for the relationship to be anything else." She hesitated for a moment. "If you wish, I can arrange for him to be moved into your suite, in a day or so's time when we're certain he's in no danger. There'll be someone on duty to care for him at all times, of course..."
       Zha'haabron regarded his bondmate. "Would this trouble you?"
       Radittsu kissed him. "Of course not!"
       Zh'leet nodded. "Very well."
       In fact it was six days before Zh'leet allowed the zn'hre to be moved. In addition to blood-loss, dehydration and malnutrition, he was suffering from internal injuries and haemorrhaging - he'd had hostlings removed (far too early, in Zh'leet's opinion) a short while ago, and the surgery to repair his body had been at best sloppy. She suspected he'd been brutalised as well, going by the damage to his internal organs. But then, it would appear that he hadn't been meant to survive for any length of time anyway - just long enough to endure a slow, agonising death in the desert. Zh'leet had shaken her head in disgust. The Saiya-jin may have their faults, but compared to the way the rest of the R'ren'nkh'ia-jin treated the zn'hre...
       Zha'haabron had spent what little time he could spare with his sibling, talking quietly to him, but there had been no response. To start with this hadn't worried him, but as time went on and the injured zn'hre remained unresponsive he grew anxious. He knew there was a level of frightened *awareness* there - he could *feel* it - but for some reason his sibling was *refusing* to let himself waken. Had he been so badly treated that fear-filled unconsciousness was preferable to waking life?
       Quite possibly.

*Is there anything I can do to help?*
       Zha'haabron sighed and allowed himself to nestle a little closer to his bondmate. **I don't know. I cannot *reach* him. And I'm afraid to touch him - he may think it another attack and retreat further into himself**
       Radittsu hugged him. *Perhaps I could try. I feel quite different to any of you: he might not consider me hostile.*
       Zha'haabron frowned. **I think it more likely he will believe any physical contact to be threatening**
       *Then just let me stroke his hair.*
       The R'ren'nkh'ian blinked in surprise, then gazed at his bondmate pensively. Well, it probably wouldn't do any harm. It was the least violent form of touch he could think of...
       **Very well**
       The Saiyan moved decisively to the small room and entered, nodding at the ph'ti'pa biotech as he approached the patient: Zha'haabron followed and hovered at his side as he sat on the edge of the bed and began to speak, in Common, in a low, soothing voice, one hand very gently stroking the bright emerald hair. For long moments there was no response - then the zn'hre's head shifted fractionally, towards Radittsu's hand. He paused, glancing up at his bondmate with a small but delighted smile, then continued the rhythmic stroking, running his fingers deeper into the silky mass, voice a low murmur. Zha'haabron closed his eyes, concentrating, as he tried to *brush* against his sibling's consciousness, just the lightest touch, without the zn'hre realising he was there.
       ** ...who...?**
       The king withdrew hastily - but the hesitant voice *followed* him.
       **...I ... know you...**
       **I am Zha'haabron. I believe we are host-siblings**
       **...Zha'haabron...** To the R'ren'nkh'ian's amazement one thin, pale green hand reached tentatively towards him. He held it, careful to keep his movements slow, not to put any pressure on the tightly-stretched and painfully abraded skin. Radittsu grinned happily and began to stroke the soft hair with both hands.
       **Can you tell me your name?**
       The *voice* was slowly growing stronger, a little more confident. **Zha'haarak. It used to be Zha'haarak**
       **'Used to be'?**
       The injured zn'hre began to tremble, and Zha'haabron laid a hand very gently on one thin shoulder.
       **Do not distress yourself. It is not important. What matters now is that you become well and strong, Zha'haarak**
       The zn'hre sobbed, once, silently, and pulled Zha'haabron's hand to his face, brushing his lips across the strong fingers in the ghost of a kiss.
       **I have been Slave for more years than I can count**
       Zha'haabron leaned down to kiss his forehead, softly.
       **No longer, brother**
       Slowly, bright golden eyes flickered open, gradually focussing on the face above his, widening as he realised how similar it was to his own, then glancing up at the Saiyan. He flinched slightly, and Radittsu slowly lowered his hands, smiling understandingly.
       **He is my bondmate**
       Zha'haarak's eyes returned to the king's face.
       **He is not one of us**
       Zha'haabron reached to grasp one of Radittsu's large warm hands. **In many ways he is better. As you will discover**
       Zha'haarak smiled tentatively at the big male. Radittsu grinned back.
       "Hello Zha'haarak."
       Frightened golden eyes sought Zha'haabron's. **How..?**
       The king pressed gently on the suddenly tense shoulder. **We mindspeak**
       Zha'haarak's eyes grew huge. **Truly?**
       Zha'haabron nodded, then glanced at the biotech, who was frowning at the monitor read-outs and making ushering-type motions with her hands. In truth, Zha'haarak was tiring... He nodded and gazed at his sibling.
       **We should leave you to rest now, but we're only next door. *Call* if you need me**
       Zha'haarak smiled tremulously and reluctantly released the strong blue hand he'd been holding.
       **I'll see you soon?**
       **After you've rested** Zha'haabron stroked his face. **Sleep well, Zha'haarak**

*Were you able to find out anything else?*
       Zha'haabron shook his head.
       **I did not wish to distress him by probing deeper - not at this stage. He is fragile at the moment**
       Radittsu pressed a kiss to his throat. *Then we'll handle him carefully!*
       Zha'haabron closed his eyes with a sighing shudder as the Saiyan stroked down his body, tail wrapping around his shaft as the Saiyan pulled him closer...
       And the comm unit beeped.
       Radittsu rested his forehead against his bondmate's and groaned. Zha'haabron chuckled.
       "Lousy timing..."
       Zha'haabron rolled off the platform and prowled to the unit, palming the visual control. The little zn'hre's face appeared, and he instinctively laid a hand against the screen, touching the image of Ti'aasaan's palm. Behind his head, the lights were lowered: in Vejiitamachi it was some hours after midnight. Zha'haabron frowned.
       "Something is wrong?"
       "No." Ti'aasaan shook his head, switching into R'ren'nkh'ia-go. "Not really."
       "Where's Leteetza? I thought she'd be keeping you company."
       Ti'aasaan shrugged. "She's just been called away - the twins have... 'gone into labour', I think she called it." He lowered his head, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, my love - I shouldn't have disturbed you."
       "You're lonely, aren't you?"
       Ti'aasaan nodded, not meeting the king's eyes. Zha'haabron sighed.
       "I - we - miss you too, zk'viss."
       Ti'aasaan glanced up, eyes brimming, biting his lip.
       "When are you coming home?"
       "I don't know yet. But," he frowned to himself, an idea suddenly taking shape. "I may have a way of easing your loneliness. No, zk'viss," he added as the little zn'hre's eyes lit up, "you cannot join us: I want you to stay there with the little ones."
       Ti'aasaan nodded, eyes desolate. "I know." He tried to force a smile. "I wish you could see them, be with them, just for a little while. They're growing so fast!"
       Zha'haabron sighed silently. "Zk'viss, you know I'd rather be there than here. But there's still so much to organise here."
       The little zn'hre sighed. "I know. I'll be patient."
       Zha'haabron nodded approvingly. "Please try. We'll be with you as soon as we can." He glanced up as Radittsu laid strong hands on his shoulders and leaned down to smile at Ti'aasaan.
       "Hello little one."
       "Ssii'iir... All is well with you?"
       The Saiyan nodded. "How are the babies?"
       Ti'aasaan grinned. "Trying to eat everything that moves!"
       Radittsu chuckled. "Heh. Sounds like me at their age!"
       The little zn'hre laughed. "They could do far worse than take after you!" He paused as he noticed the Saiyan's state of undress. "But I'm interrupting. I'm sorry."
       "Now you know it's always a delight speaking with you!"
       Ti'aasaan blushed slightly, and smiled. "But it is late, and I should try to get some sleep before they wake up. I'll speak to you soon."
       Zha'haabron nodded, his eyes sad. "Take care, zk'viss."
       "You also. Good night, my Ssii'iir. Try not to let him work too hard."
       "I'll do my best. You try to get more rest - you're looking tired."
       Zn'hre and Saiyan gazed at each other for a long moment, then Ti'aasaan pulled his hand away from the screen and - reluctantly - closed the connection. Radittsu wrapped his hands around his bondmate's broad shoulders.
       *I miss him.*
       **I also**
       The Saiyan frowned, struck somewhat belatedly by the sudden realisation - "How come he's alone? I thought Leteetza was spending her nights there."
       Zha'haabron smiled wryly. "It would appear that Vejiita's heirs are in the process of making their entrance into the universe..."
       Radittsu stared for a moment, then grinned. "And we get to hear about it first! Heh. Well, I'm sure the little warrior will report to him as soon as it's all over. And in the meantime..." Zha'haabron shivered and closed his eyes as his bondmate kissed firmly down the side of his neck *...where were we...?*

Leteetza reported in the following day with the news that the king was now the father of twin sons and a beautiful little girl, and, rather to everyone's surprise, Vejiita insisted on returning to Vejiitasei as soon as he heard. Though not, Radittsu suspected, from any paternal feelings: it was more likely he wanted to imprint his heirs' psyches with own dominance as soon as he could, a standard practice within the elite. Well, if nothing else it would keep them in their places for a good few years, though he wasn't at all sure Leteetza would be happy with the idea...
       But it meant a lessening of stress for Zha'haabron, and for that the big Saiyan was grateful. He'd had a long meeting with the king scheduled for the following day: Radittsu insisted he spend the time with Zha'haarak instead of finding something official to do. And for once, Zha'haabron didn't argue.
       The captain arrived back at the suite late afternoon, to find Zha'haarak half-sitting up, propped on a small mountain of pillows, his hand resting in Zha'haabron's gentle grasp, listening avidly to his sibling's low voice. He'd glanced up as the Saiyan entered, then blushed and lowered his eyes. Radittsu pulled a stool over to the bedside and seated himself, smiling.
       "How are you feeling?"
       "Much better." Zha'haarak regarded Zha'haabron, his expression a mix of embarrassed and dismayed. "I don't know what to call him..."
      "Ssii'iir. Or Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu."
       Zha'haarak bit his lip, then offered a shy smile. "Ssii'iir. I understand you are to be thanked for rescuing me."
       Radittsu waved a hand. "I could hardly leave you to the desert. I'm just glad I was in the right place before it was too late."
       Zha'haarak lightly touched one strong warm hand. "So am I."
       Radittsu turned his hand palm up, curling his fingers very lightly around Zha'haarak's thin, cold hand, relieved and delighted when the zn'hre trembled slightly but did not pull away. They sat quietly for a few moments - then Zh'leet bustled in and shooed the bondmates good-naturedly out of the room.
       "He needs his rest, you inconsiderate pair!"
       Zha'haarak risked a small smile. "But I feel fine. I have enjoyed today."
       Zh'leet waved an admonishing finger, but her eyes - and voice - were pleased. He was definitely looking better. Very tired, but better. "Nevertheless, you need some sleep. I'll not have your recovery delayed by thoughtless behaviour. You can see them again tomorrow - but only if you settle down now."

*He's quite different to you.*
       Zha'haabron stretched, languid in the afterglow of making love.
       **Indeed. In both character and situation. We haven't spoken of his life yet, but I believe it was a lot more unpleasant than mine**
       Radittsu winced. *In that case it must have been really horrific.*
       Zha'haabron nodded sombrely, then rolled onto his side to gaze at his bondmate.
       **I would like to send him to Vejiitasei, in a little while, when he is stronger**
       *What!? But you've only just got acquainted - I mean, re-acquainted! Why would you want to send him away?*
       **It's not a matter of wanting, it is a matter of what might be best for him. And for Ti'aasaan**
       *Oh. You think he'd make a good companion for the little one.*
       Zha'haabron nodded. **Neither of us can give him the time and attention he needs, here. Ti'aasaan is lonely. And I believe that his complete recovery would be more quickly accomplished away from R'ren'nkh'ia. He would be safer, as well**
       *And you want him to join the family, don't you?*
       Zha'haabron blinked, surprised. **But of course. Did I not say so?**
       *No. But I'm happy with the notion.* He closed his eyes momentarily, shuddering slightly. *Though how I'm to cope with three zn'hre I don't know...*
       Zha'haabron smirked and pulled him close, licking along his jaw as the big male's head rolled back in pleasure. **Oh, I'm sure we'll find a way. Appearances to the contrary, we are capable of some restraint, you know**
       *Really? I'd never have guessed...*

© 2001 August 24th Joules Taylor

Notes! Zha'haarak isn't really my creation - his name was originally Zarak, and he was created by Chiisai Saru in her long work Shattered Heart. I like Zarak. I like Zarak a lot. In fact, I like him so much I drew him for Saru (you can find the pic in the Gallery.) Saru gave me permission to 'borrow' him for the Alliance Chronicles (many thanks, Saru!).

Second Alliance Chronicle