Grudge (pt 3)

Manzano was having a particularly problematic day drafting out a particularly complicated treaty, and the quiet knock at the door made him lose his concentration at a crucial moment.
       "What do you want?" he snapped irritably - only to turn, blanch and drop to one knee as Zha'haabron entered his office.
       "Your Majesty!" he managed to gasp. "I'm... I'm sorry... I..."
       Zha'haabron gestured for him to rise.
       "It's of no importance. I need you to communicate with the Hassinan High Council for me."
       Manzano took a deep breath, swiftly recovered his composure, and nodded understandingly. One of the first things Vejiita had done on setting up the diplomatic corps was to ensure that all comms to any worlds that were or might become members of the Empire were to be contacted by the corps only. The ruling applied even to himself: he did not want to risk any kind of incident that might endanger his world or his status. Irritating as it was, that meant that Zha'haabron, too, had to go through official channels if he wanted to communicate with other worlds.
       "Certainly, your Majesty. Can you tell me what it's about?"
       "There is another world in the system, G'geckah. I wish to speak with one of their medical experts."
       Manzano inclined his head.
       "I see. If you'd like to be seated for a few minutes, I'll see what I can do..."

"Hmm. Who is treating the patient?" the yellow-skinned being that had introduced itself as Gglz frowned thoughtfully on the other end of the comm link.
       Zha'haabron, Manzano hovering at his shoulder, mentioned Vinas's name, at which the G'geckan's eyeslits had widened.
       "Ah yes. The Feeodoreean. I know of him. A fine xenobiologist." It inclined its head, the frill of tentacles around its neck rippling slowly. "It would be best if I were to speak to him direct."
       "That can be arranged, Sir." Manzano spoke over the king's shoulder. Gglz nodded.
       "Can you transfer this call?"
       "Certainly. Please bear with me one moment."
       Manzano blanked the screen, putting Gglz on hold for a moment, then connected Zha'haabron to the medical lab. Somewhat to his surprise, Leteetza was there, but he had no time to speak to her before Vinas's face filled the screen.
       Zha'haabron explained what was happening. Vinas frowned, but accepted the call. As the screen went blank the king turned to the diplomat.
       "Thank you."
       Manzano smiled warmly.
       "You're very welcome, your Majesty. And may I express the hopes of us all that the G'geckan medical expertise will be of use."

Outside the office Zha'haabron paused. He'd left the suite abruptly, desperate to try anything that might help the little zn'hre, and he really should go back, spend a little time with the hostlings and his host-sib - not to mention thanking the Hassinan - Mahrayne? - properly for trying to help. But Ti'aasaan's pain *tugged* at him: he could *feel* the little one's struggle for breath, the deep cold that still clawed at him, and he found himself drawn back to the medical facility...

Leteetza had made her way through the driving snow to the lab, anxiously seeking out Vinas. He'd listened to her with barely concealed impatience, and finally snapped - "Do you seriously think beating him is going to improve the situation? His lungs are damaged enough as it is!"
       Leteetza bristled.
       "Well you don't seem to be making any progress! At least we're trying to find some way to help him!"
       Vinas took a deep breath, calming himself with difficulty, and spoke more gently.
       "I appreciate your concern. However, the kind of percussive action you're suggesting will most likely only increase the damaged area, as well as causing him pain and distress..." he frowned to himself. "... although the idea of having him lie at a different angle... and perhaps a gentler action, massaging rather than striking... It might help... It wouldn't hurt, at any rate..."
       Leteetza ignored, he busied himself at Ti'aasaan's side, turning the little zn'hre onto his stomach and lowering the head of the bed a little, then smoothly and firmly kneading at his ribs. With a sigh the unconscious zn'hre began to breathe a little more deeply, a little more easily.
       Vinas actually smirked, glancing back at Leteetza.
       "Amazing. Not quite what your friend suggested, but it seems to be helping already. I'll have someone keep this going - it may actually have beneficial long-term effects: I'll run some simulations." He frowned to himself, muttering, "it would be so much easier if we knew more about their physiology..."
       Ten minutes later he'd handed the task over to Jabiliko - a burly medic on his team - with strict instructions to be gentle, and Leteetza was sitting beside the little zn'hre, holding his hand. Then the comm unit bleeped. Sighing exasperatedly Vinas answered...
       And Leteetza listened, bewildered and uncomprehending, as a minute later Vinas launched into an extraordinarily complicated discussion with the G'geckan on the other end.
       About half way through it she was joined by Zha'haabron, who was shivering violently. Alarmed, she rose and shoved him down into the seat, kneeling in front of him and wrapping her arms around him, hugging tightly as she tried to share some of her body heat. He was so cold! And he was only wearing a medium weight fur, with no cloak.
       "My Ssii'iin, what were you thinking of! It's horrible out there! You're not dressed for this weather!"
       Hunched over, his arms wrapped tightly around himself, he tried to nod.
       "I know." His voice shook. "But..."
       He glanced at his bondmate, then at Vinas, and Leteetza sighed. Of course he'd want to be here, to find out the results of the conference, to be with Ti'aasaan...
       Vinas finally broke the connection and turned to them. Smiling! Leteetza gaped - this was not an expression you associated with Vinas. She smiled back, cautiously optimistic.
       "I think we may have the answer." Vinas sounded almost smug - then noticed Zha'haabron and scowled.
       "Your Majesty, what do you think you're doing? I really don't have the time to have to treat two of you."
       Zha'haabron's shivering had lessened already, and he was noticeably warmer. He fixed the xenobiologist with a steady golden gaze.
       "You said you might have the answer...?"
       Vinas sighed and nodded. "It'll take me a day or two to synthesise what we need, but with this information," he tapped the data chip to which Gglz had downloaded the medical details while they'd been speaking, "I have firm hopes that we'll see a significant improvement - if not a full recovery." He smiled to himself. "Amazing people, the G'geckans. I really must visit. Maybe arrange some sort of information exchange. I wonder if I could persuade the king to invite them into the Empire..." His face had become vacant, dreams of new knowledge glowing behind his eyes. Leteetza grinned as she hugged Zha'haabron - who hugged back, tears in his eyes. Vinas would not be this confident unless he was sure it would work.
       "I ought to get back." The little warrior pulled herself upright. "I left Mahrayne to the horrors' mercy. No-one deserves that, especially not someone who may just have saved his life!" She reached over to stroke Ti'aasaan's face gently, then turned to Zha'haabron.
       "You'll be all right?"
       The R'ren'nkh'ian nodded, then caught her hand.
       "Leteetza - please don't mention this to anyone. Not even Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu. Not until we know for certain it will work."
       "Please don't make me have to order you to silence."
       Leteetza's jaw fell - then she nodded reluctantly, realising suddenly that if he did order it, she would obey.
       When had that happened?
       She sighed. Well, she was more or less a R'ren'nkh'ian citizen now. After all, she'd borne the king's bondmate's children. Which made her - she supposed - some sort of kin...
       She shook her head, bemused, then gently kissed her Ssii'iin's cheek.
       "Of course. Will we see you later?"
       "Until then..."

Outside the facility she met Radittsu, on his way back to the suite from the Guard headquarters. In the howling wind, snow whipping around them, he pulled her into a hug, his big body loose with fatigue and a measure of relief, his scent no longer soured with anger and frustration. She stared up at him, eyes wide.
       "What's happened?"
       He lifted her up into his arms and kissed her deeply. Moments later, gasping, she pulled back a little and grinned.
       "I suppose that means you've had some success?"
       "We're halfway there. Though it's not exactly good news..."
       "Are you coming back to the suite? You can tell me on the way."
       He sighed, though she couldn't hear it over the wind.
       "I can look in for a moment, check all is well, hug the brats. Then I have to leave." He smiled, unpleasantly, an evil gleam in his deep dark eyes. "We think we've found the people who attacked Ti'aasaan. They're being brought to headquarters now. I need to... interrogate them."
       Leteetza stared up at him, eyes huge, then gripped his shoulders hard.
       "You're going to hurt them? Please say you're going to hurt them!"
       He ran a hand through her mane.
       "I'm certainly going to try..."

**Welcome, my Ssii'iir**
       Zha'haarak smiled drowsily, gently yielding in his arms as Radittsu held him close, the older hostlings tangled in his mane as the babies hissed happily up at him from the floor. He stifled a sigh. He so missed being with them all, sleeping here, wrapped in the family's love...
       The gentle zn'hre sighed and kissed his cheek.
       **We miss you too. Both of you**
       Setting Zha'haarak back on his feet, the Saiyan turned to the alien Leteetza had been speaking of as they'd made their way back, his eyes widening. The little warrior had told him about those strange skin decorations, but the reality was rather different to how he'd imagined them. What had sounded like some peculiar defacement was actually rather - attractive. He gazed down into big, stunned, golden-bronze eyes and nearly grinned, a familiar fragrance assailing his nostrils. Yes, that was lust!
       Very aware of the little Hassinan's reaction to his presence - he could hardly fail to be, given her scent! - he tried not to embarrass her any more than necessary. After what Leteetza had said, after all Mahrayne had done for them this day, it was the least he could do. He moved away, aware of the Hassinan's relief, to speak to Zh'leet.
       Who was delighted with his news.
       "Make them suffer, my Ssii'iir. For the pain they've caused the family if nothing else."
       The big Saiyan smirked.
       "I'll do my best."
       "Will we see you later?"
       He nodded.
       "We'll both be back to eat this evening. Even if I have to drag him here. He needs a break from that lab."
       "I agree. I'll try and have something special organised for the meal. And you two should try and bathe - you're both stressed: you need some time to yourselves."
       "If we possibly can, we will." He sighed, then smirked. "But for now, I have duties to attend to..."

It was difficult to keep the secret. I just wanted to tell everyone. But Zha'haabron was right - we really did need to make sure this treatment - whatever it was - would work before raising any hopes. But I did tell Mahrayne that her idea had been partially helpful.
       She'd been quietly delighted, and given me a shy smile.
       "Oh, I'm so glad." She bit her lip. "I... hope nobody minded me speaking out like that. I'm afraid... I do it rather more than I should. Speak when I shouldn't, I mean."
       I'd patted her arm - about the only contact I felt I could make, given how skittish she seemed most of the time. Except when she was holding the hostlings.
       "Please, you have any more ideas like that, tell us!"
       She nodded, her gaze directed down to Zha'tiisaan, who was curled up in her lap, his eyes closed blissfully as she stroked his hair. I grinned.
       "Would you like to help bathe them?"
       Her head jerked up, her eyes wide and startled - and gleaming with... hope? desire? Whatever it was, she wanted to help, very much.
       But her gaze flickered to Hijau and her smile faded. I touched her hand gently.
       "It's all right. He won't be there. Neither will Gh'veen. Just you, me, Zh'leet and Zha'haarak. And the brats, of course."
       Her eyes sparkling, she nodded shyly.

Zh'leet and Zha'haarak hustled the hostlings through to the bathroom, helping them pull off bodysuits and chuckling as they jumped into the water, splashing a great deal more than was necessary. I grinned at Mahrayne and gestured to the door, then followed her through into the warmer chamber.
       I couldn't take my eyes off her as we got ready to bathe. For one thing, she was so... so... bashful! I just knew she wanted to see what Zha'haarak looked like - but she turned her face away as he stripped and slid into the water!
       And then, as she pulled off that ridiculously elaborate robe...
       She had more of those 'skin-beads' on her body.
       Well, she had said her people hated blank surfaces...
       They looked like... like the tendrils of the climbing plant that twined around the balconies. Delicate, graceful, two ran from the cleft between her breasts and followed the line of her collarbones, elegant little spirals peeling off above and below along their length: half-way along the lines split into two, one part feathering up towards her shoulders, the other tracing the outside of her breasts then looping up to circle her nipples, just grazing the aureoles.
       Without thinking I reached out, my fingers following the patterns, stroking smooth skin, the little bumps of the beads silky and intriguing, feeling her nipples harden as I brushed my fingertips across them, distantly hearing her quiet gasp as her eyes closed and she leaned into my touch. My tail stroked up her thigh, following the sinuous curves of yet more tendrilled patterns, then across her hip and around her waist, feeling her hands rest lightly on my hips, her scent warm and musky...
       My legs were trembling. She was warm and responsive and very attractive, and - oh gods, I hadn't had sex for so long! My breathing quickening, I could feel myself leaning towards her, my lips parting...
       "'teetza? Coming in?"
       We both jumped and swivelled to the pool, to meet sixteen pairs of curious eyes. Little Zha'haabron had propped his elbows on the edge and was watching us intently, his chin cupped in his hands: Zha'haarak was smiling bemusedly, while Zh'leet looked thoroughly startled.
       I grinned: Mahrayne blushed deeply and lowered her eyes, but to her credit didn't try to cover herself.
       "Yes precious, we're coming in..."
       And as Mahrayne turned to enter the water...
       Oh, those were beautiful! I reached forwards, my hands tracing the patterns over each hip and down her rump, curling down to the bottom of her spine and then into delicate spirals on her buttocks. She shivered, resisting turning to me again with an effort, and we both slid into the water. I reached for her back again, fascinated. Under water the beads felt smoother, silkier. Irresistible.
       She arched her back, her head resting against my shoulder as I stroked across her breasts with my tail.
       Which she then caught between her hands - and fondled, sinking her fingers deeply into the fur. And I pulled her to me, my face buried in her neck, one hand cupping a breast, the other quivering against her groin as I came.
       She followed me a moment later.

It took a few minutes for our heart rates to return to normal: I held her against me, my arms wrapped around her waist, until she'd stopped trembling, then shifted her off my lap to sit beside me. She was immediately surrounded by curious hostlings - mine included - who proceeded to prod, poke and stroke at the beads.
       Zha'haarak, Zh'leet and I all grabbed for the little horrors, but Mahrayne shook her head, laughing.
       "No, it's all right, they're not hurting..."
       After a few minutes their curiosity was satisfied and they swam off to play. I glanced at Mahrayne.
       "Uh, sorry."
       She flashed me a beautiful smile.
       "What for? I just wish it had lasted a little longer. If I'd only known your tail was so sensitive..."
       At that point she was claimed by 'leesaan asking her about something - something they'd done while I'd been at the lab, I think, since it made no sense to me - and I watched her for a while, smiling to myself. Well! That was quite an experience. I really must find out a little more about Hassinan customs.
       And a little later again I watched her comb Zha'haarak's hair, amused at the way the gentle zn'hre was at first apprehensive, then startled, and finally thoroughly aroused by the attention she lavished on him. Though perhaps fortunately she didn't realise quite what effect she was having - or if she did, she didn't act on it.
       A fascinating being. Beautiful, incredibly useful, and there was so much more she could tell me...
       I was already trying to work out a way of keeping her on Vejiitasei.

Kyuri, Apyo and Kelapa stood guard over the surly crowd of detainees. Rather, detainees that had been surly a couple of hours ago, before Radittsu had taken three of their number, one by one, into a small room, locking the door behind him. To start with they'd refused to acknowledge the grunts, then cries, then screams coming from behind the door, but as the captain dragged each new victim into the room they grew more and more apprehensive. Nobody was coming out of the chamber.
       The fourth detainee was now standing before the big Saiyan, thoroughly cowed, staring in horror at what was on the floor.
       The neatly jointed remains of three long, deeply furred, Saiyan tails, lying in pools of blood.
       Almost whimpering with fear, the male - a Thinker - dragged his eyes up to Radittsu's face. The captain was leaning back against the wall, his own tail loose, switching luxuriously, confidently, from side to side as he stroked his cheek with a horribly bright, horribly sharp little knife.
       ...oh gods... he wasn't even using ki! At least that would have cauterised, killed the nerves...
       Radittsu smirked.
       "They said you were the organisational force behind this. That you are the only one, apart from Anzu himself, who knows exactly what was planned, and all the details. How much will I need to cut off before you share those details, I wonder?"
       The Thinker swayed, almost fainting. Life as a tailless Saiyan - wasn't life. Radittsu flickered to stand in front of him, grabbing his hair and yanking his head up to stare into intense black eyes in a face beautiful as crystal, and as cold.
       The captain wrapped the tip of his own tail around his captive's, evoking a sudden flicker of terrified arousal - then pulled it taut and neatly sliced through the first joint.
       The Thinker screamed. Pain... How could anyone bear such pain?

He told Radittsu everything.

The big Saiyan exited the room, hauling the semi-conscious Thinker with him, and grinned mirthlessly at Kyuri.
       "Lock them all up until I've had a chance to report to his Majesty."
       As the others moved to comply, Radittsu caught her wrist.
       "I need your technological wizardry."
       She followed him to the operations room, seating herself at the main terminal and shooing him away as he tried to reach the touchpad.
       "Sir, you're dripping, and that could cause a short-circuit."
       Eyebrows raised, he took a moment to rinse the blood from his hands. Kyuri smiled at him.
       "What is it you want me to do, sir?"
       "The Thinker kept all his records scattered throughout the library's database. He said you can pull them all together by using his 'key' - does that make any sense?"
       She nodded.
       "I'll need the key, though."
       He reeled off a series of nonsense words, which she tapped into the system, peering at the response on the screen, then turning to her captain.
       "It'll take a little while, there are quite a few and they're widely scattered. Maybe half an hour." She inclined her head. "So are you going to tell me what's going on?"
       Although the full details would take some time to tell - the whole conspiracy dating back to before the old king had died - the basics were depressingly simple. Anzu, quite simply, wanted to rule Vejiitasei. He did not like aliens. And he believed himself far better qualified than either the elder or younger Vejiita - but had had no way of doing anything about it on a world where power made for kingship.
       But once the twins were born...
       They'd been trained from birth to be fascinating, able to please a male while leaving him wanting more, headstrong, self-willed, beautiful, confident. Anzu, who from the start had had contacts in the palace, had taken it upon himself to foment discord between the new king and his Companion - not that he considered Leteetza any kind of real competition (thereby showing his lack of understanding of the new king's character), but it did no harm for the king to have two such beauties as his daughters to - console himself with...
       But it hadn't worked, and Vejiita had proved himself both more intelligent and more determined - and far less amenable to being 'directed' - than the Southern Lord had anticipated. In desperation, he'd staged the kidnap of his daughters and the Royal Heirs, intending to hold the children to ransom for the king's future obedience.

Kyuri stared, disbelievingly.
       "How the fuck did he think he'd get away with such a... a... lunatic scheme?"
       Radittsu shrugged.
       "Sheftali herself isn't exactly stable. Maybe it's inherited from her father." He frowned. "Speaking of the terrible twins, is there any news?"
       She grinned and leaned back in her seat.
       "Came through while you were interrogating, sir. They're safe and well, with the heirs, on Heiwa. They were guarded, but that wasn't a problem. They'll be escorted back tomorrow - the shuttles aren't flying tonight, the weather's too bad."
       Radittsu nodded.
       "Good. Can you make a start on preparing a report for Vejiita..."
       At that moment the terminal beeped, and Kyuri turned back to the monitor.
       "Excellent. We have everything here." She clasped her hands behind her head with a satisfied sigh. "And it looks like Anzu had some sympathisers. I imagine the clean-up operation will take us a few days."
       "The king will decide how he wants to handle it. He may want to execute them himself. For the moment, despatch the Guard to bring in anyone whose name appears in the files." He pulled himself upright and stretched. "Can I use your shower?"
       She raised an eyebrow, then grinned.
       "Of course sir. Want me to wash your tail - I mean, back?"
       He chuckled and ruffled her hair, something he'd not done since she was a cadet.
       "I think I can manage, thank you..."

Half an hour later, showered, dressed and carrying a cloak for Zha'haabron, he arrived at the lab to find his bondmate stroking Ti'aasaan's hair: the little one was lying on his stomach, his head lower than his feet, much less pale and breathing much more easily. As the Saiyan gazed over Zha'haabron's fur-clad shoulder, the little zn'hre peered up at him and smiled faintly.
       Radittsu grinned widely.
       *You're awake? You're awake!*
       He knelt beside the bed and kissed the no longer frighteningly-cold cheek.
       *...little one...*
       **My Ssii'iir...It's good to see you...**
       Radittsu grinned.
       *You've no idea how good it is to see you! How're you feeling?*
       **Tired, but a lot better** Ti'aasaan frowned slightly. **My Ssii'iir, will you take our zkai'da home for a little while? Please? He's exhausted. So are you. I will be fine. And Vinas wants to treat me again - it will be very boring for you both...**
       In a strange way, Radittsu could appreciate Ti'aasaan wanting a little time to himself. He still shared that strange mental bond with the little zn'hre and suspected that although he'd been unconscious, he'd still been aware of what had been happening in the emergency chamber...
       It took them fifteen minutes to convince Zha'haabron that the little zn'hre would be all right for an hour or so, but eventually he stopped resisting and allowed Radittsu to wrap him in strong arms as the Saiyan flew them to the palace through the shrieking storm. Inside, the king turned to his bondmate, holding him close.
       **You were right, zk'vissin. Everything is going to be all right**
       Kissing the emerald hair, Radittsu felt himself, finally, relax.

© 2002 January 26th Joules Taylor

Alien Notions pt 2
Alien Notions pt 1
Second Alliance Chronicle Index