
Mahrayne arrived back from an evening walk - with Kelapa for once, a rare treat - in the palace grounds to find sheer chaos in the redesigned suite. The family had just moved back in and the hostlings were scurrying and flying into every room, exploring and hissing loudly to each other, excited about having so much more space, and a huge, twin-pool bathing chamber, and two new balconies, and an enormous sleeping platform...
       Zh'leet and Gh'veen had been trying to restore order for two hours, with no success and not helped by Ti'aasaan - who seemed just as excited as the hostlings - or Zha'haarak - who'd disappeared into the bathroom with Hijau, 'zhasaan and 'miiron. Mahrayne watched in amazement as Zh'leet finally lost her temper and shouted at the hostlings - very loudly, in R'ren'nkh'ia-go, so the Hassinan couldn't actually understand what was being said. The children obviously did, though. 'tiisaan flinched, 'viirel - eyes wide with fear - hiding behind him; 'haabron stared, lips parted; 'leesaan and 'selaan made straight for their host and huddled in his arms: 'raadiin hugged 'fallon (who had burst into silent tears) and he and 'jiisa glared at the ko'ish'n furiously. 'haavok and 'honee hissed in fright and dived beneath Mahrayne's robes, peering out with frightened eyes. Even 'zhasaan and 'miiron hastened through to see what all the noise was about, closely followed by the adults...
       Ti'aasaan had risen to his feet, scowling, the two hostlings in his arms, and answered the brood angrily in their native tongue - and for a moment or two it looked as thought there would be a full scale row. But Zha'haarak raised his hands, his low voice louder than usual, and the little zn'hre and the ko'ish'n fell silent to listen to him. For a moment, anyway.
       Mahrayne glanced down as a cool hand took hers, and 'tiisaan - 'viirel still cowering behind him - gazed up at her. She bent down close to his ear.
       "What are they saying?"
       The little dancer swallowed.
       "Haani's angry because everyone's making too much noise and not helping her. And dadda Radiz is bringing papa home today, and she says he needs peace and quiet and for us to be gentle and not fuss him. And maazi says papa will be angry she frightened the little ones, and that papa won't mind if we're noisy. And dadda Zhak says we all want papa to..." the hostling frowned, head on one side. "I don't know what the words are in Common."
       "It's alright, sinam. I think I understand." She clapped her hands, twice, loudly enough to be heard over the voices, and everyone turned to stare at her. She smiled.
       "Zh'leet, can I help?"
       "I wish you would." the brood snarled, glaring around the room. "The Ssii'iin and Ssii'iir Rhoi'datt'zh'iu are due back in two hours and nothing's ready for them. The Ssii'iin needs a calm atmosphere and plenty of rest: much as he loves the little zk'viss, being swamped by them as soon as he comes in won't do him any good."
       The Hassinan nodded, pulled 'haavok and 'honee from under her robe and into her arms, and knelt down, beckoning the children close.
       "Isn't it wonderful? Your papa's coming home in a little while!"
       A chorus of excited hisses answered her.
       "Shall we see if we can make everything comfortable for him? And nice and peaceful, yes? He'll have missed you all, but I expect he'll be very tired. We want him to feel good, don't we?"
       A chorus of solemn nods. She beamed.
       "Good. Let's ask - haani?" she glanced at 'tiisaan, who nodded, "what we can do to help, yes?"
       'raadiin and 'jiisa scowled, but the rest nodded and turned to the ko'ish'n eagerly. Sighing with relief, Zh'leet soon had them organised putting clothes away, arranging cushions and pillows, and piling an assortment of sleeping furs on the sleeping platform. In a surprisingly short space of time the suite looked like home again, and Mahrayne applauded.
       "You've all done so well!" she grinned. "Papa will be proud of you. Now, shall we get you bathed, so you're all ready for when he gets here?"
       The idea went down well, and minutes later everyone except for Zh'leet and Gh'veen - and Mahrayne, who'd delayed for a moment to speak to the R'ren'nkh'ians - was in one of the pools.
       Zh'leet touched the Hassinan's arm gently.
       "Thank you. I'm very glad you're here..."
       Mahrayne smiled.
       "All part of my job. Now, is there anything I need to know, anything in particular his Majesty might need that I can help with?"
       Zh'leet considered for a moment, then shook her head.
       "Nothing specific. I need to keep a close eye on him while he's here: I know Vinas is good, and I know all the previous damage has repaired itself, but this is an entirely new procedure. I don't want the Ssii'iin distressed in any way if it can be avoided. Not," she added with a certain bitterness, "that anyone can make him do anything he doesn't want to." She frowned, then smiled. "Except Rhoi'datt'zh'iu. I'll have a word with him. Not that I think I'll need to. This is at least as important to him as to Zha'haabron." She swung her attention back to the Hassinan. "If you could just remind the hostlings to be as quiet and gentle as they can, that should be enough."
       "I'll certainly try!" Mahrayne frowned slightly - all the previous damage has repaired itself? Did that have anything to do with what Leteetza was saying about what zn'hre life had been like, before he became High King? But Zh'leet had already bustled off to the bathroom. The Hassinan would ask Leteetza, later.

Leteetza arrived back with her children and the king's heirs as the hostlings were climbing out of the bath and into light bodysuits ready for bed. The little warrior was panting; she'd obviously hurried to be back in time for Zha'haabron's return. Hustling her charges under the hot spray then into the bath, she quickly joined them and they all soaked for a few minutes: Mahrayne slid back into the water beside the Saiyan.
Mahrayne        "How did it go?"
       Leteetza smirked. She'd spent the afternoon with the king, who'd wanted some time with his children.
       "He was delighted, both with their manners and their pride in what they've learned so far. He was even happy to see Ti'ani and Le'leen! It was a good afternoon - a very good afternoon... We want to repeat it in about ten days time."
       Mahrayne sighed with relief. She knew the little warrior had been a touch nervous about taking her children with her...
       "One of these days you'll have to tell me the story of how they - came about."
       Leteetza shrugged.
       "As I said, it was an accident."
       She didn't seem inclined to talk about it, and Mahrayne stifled her curiosity. Until another time, anyway. She stroked the Saiyan's shoulder.
       "Kel and I will stay out of the way for his Majesty's return - he'll want to greet the family first."
       Leteetza shook her head.
       "No, you should be there - he's fond of you, you know, and deeply appreciates the help you give us all. We should all sleep together tonight, too - it reinforces the family group. Though if you want to go to your room later that's all right. I can't guarantee you'll end up with any of the brats, since it's a special occasion, but you never know... And we'd better get out now or we'll never be ready."

Mahrayne was so proud of the children! Radittsu had arrived back, Zha'haabron cradled in his arms, and the hostlings had greeted him quietly, their joy shining from their big golden eyes, and they'd clustered around him as the big Saiyan settled him on the bed - close, loving, but not fussing or pestering. Zha'haabron had hugged them, one by one, hissing softly to them, love clear in his eyes: Ti'aasaan and Zha'haarak had held him close, their own voices the faintest murmurs, their hands laid gently over his abdomen.
       And then, as she'd been half expecting, everything went silent as the family was enwrapped in that wondrous telepathic union. A touch enviously, Mahrayne watched the group through lowered lashes: Radittsu looked very tired, she thought, and the High King pale and weary. Well, she would do what she could to make sure they got some rest - in peace, without children disturbing them!

Life almost immediately assumed a comfortable routine. The children's lessons continued as normal, with Zha'haarak joining them most mornings, while Ti'aasaan, with Zh'leet and Gh'veen, looked after the younger hostlings back in the suite. Hijau and Radittsu disappeared to Guard headquarters every morning, both returning for the midday meal, after which Radittsu usually stayed (helping out in the playroom if Leteetza had to be elsewhere, which was happening more and more often at the moment) while his second in command went back to headquarters to continue his normal duties. Zha'haabron commandeered the suite's main comm unit, and spent a great deal of time in hissing conversation with his Council: Mahrayne caught glimpses of other beautiful, blue-skinned, green-haired creatures on the monitor, and wished with all her heart she could visit R'ren'nkh'ia.
       And the evening meal and bath-time ritual were an absolute joy! Everyone assembled, playing with the children, talking about the day's news, and making love. It was just as well they now had two pools...

The hostlings, heirs, hybrids, Ti'aasaan, Leteetza and Mahrayne and Kelapa had all settled down for the night, leaving the R'ren'nkh'ian/Saiyan couples in peace in the pool. Radittsu relaxed in the water, eyes closed, Zha'haabron cradled against him, both bondmates' hands resting on the zn'hre's abdomen, relishing the strong little ki glowing within. The Saiyan nuzzled his love's neck.
       *Hope he takes after you...*
       Zha'haabron sighed happily.
       **And I hope he favours you... Well, another ten days and Vinas should be able to tell us a little more - like whether he'll have a tail!**
       Radittsu stroked his own teasingly across the king's groin, raising a shiver. Zha'haabron twisted to kiss the warm throat.
       **I hope he has a tail...**
       They lay for a moment in silence, watching Hijau make love to Zha'haarak. The gentle zn'hre was obviously highly aroused and in a state approaching bliss, eyes closed, panting quietly as he writhed under the Saiyan's talented, loving touch.
       Zha'haabron sighed, frowning slightly.
       **I wish we could help them**
       Radittsu blinked, frowning.
       *They need help? It doesn't look like it to me...*
       Zha'haabron twisted sideways to wrap his arms around his bondmate's chest.
       **... how can I explain... Zha'haarak has formed a partial bond with Hijau. He *feels* with him, *knows* him, deeply - but can't *speak* with him. And it's one-way - Hijau has not bonded with Zha'haarak...**
       The big Saiyan instinctively hugged his beloved closer, remembering how he'd felt when Zha'haabron had *closed* to him.
       *That's terrible! How...*
       Zha'haabron closed his eyes, head resting on the Saiyan's shoulder.
       **Zha'haarak is - resigned. Such things aren't unknown on R'ren'nkh'ia, although they are at best uncomfortable. He is trying hard not to let it hurt him. He feels that the pleasure he gains from being with Hijau should be recompense enough** The king sighed. **He still thinks like a slave. I don't know if he can ever overcome that**
       Radittsu bit his lip.
       *Would it help if I spoke to Hijau? The thought of Zha'haarak suffering...*
       Zha'haabron shook his head.
       **Bonds can be forced - but such ultimately bring only pain and misery to those involved. It would be best to leave it be for now. It may yet happen of its own accord. Sometimes shared ecstasy - or shared grief - will initiate a full bonding**
       Unhappy with the situation, but trusting Zha'haabron's greater knowledge, Radittsu let the matter drop. For the time being, anyway.

It was on the eighth day after their return to the suite that disaster struck.

Zha'haabron had returned from the medical centre that afternoon, held in Radittsu's arms as usual - the High King had grumbled that he was perfectly capable of flying; his bondmate had said yes, he knew that, but did Zha'haabron really want to deprive him of the pleasure?... at which the zn'hre had sighed and given in gracefully - but looking a little pale. Ti'aasaan and Zha'haarak had immediately nestled close, concerned. Radittsu sighed.
       "Vinas insisted on another of those injections."
       Zha'haarak had flinched.
       "Ah, I see." He stroked above his host-sib's hip, kneading carefully at the sensitive flesh. Zha'haabron sighed and closed his eyes.
       Zha'haarak kissed him, keeping up the gentle pressure, and Ti'aasaan had stroked his neck, grinning at the big Saiyan.
       "Of course, there's a better way to take his mind off things..."
       They'd been making love, gently, for the last three days with Vinas' approval: they both found the activity as satisfying as ever, if not more so since they knew it was helping the hostling. Radittsu hugged his bondmate close, already hard, and peeled the bodysuit from the cool blue body. And Zha'haabron turned to him, eyes warm and loving, and pulled him down, wrapping long legs around his hips and stroking very gently down his tail.
       Radittsu entered him smoothly, shifting until Zha'haabron gasped and came, trembling, then thrusting - gently, carefully - into the cool, welcoming body. Halting as Zha'haabron caught his breath and froze, eyes wide and pained, long nails digging into the Saiyan's shoulders, breaking the skin.
       **... something's wrong...**
       Radittsu pulled out, quickly but carefully - then panicked.
       Oh gods... no...
       Zha'haabron was bleeding, blood pulsing from between his thighs. Radittsu grabbed a sleeping fur, wrapped his bondmate thoroughly, and took off for the lab faster than he'd believed it was possible to fly.

Vinas ran his monitor over the king's shaking body.
       "The lining of the inner wall has ruptured..." he glanced briefly at Gtislin. "Two units of R'en blood-substitute - now..." He reached for a hypodermic, frowning in concentration. "... have to get this bleeding stopped..."
       There was a fraught silence for several minutes as the Feeodoreean focussed on his monitors. Then he nodded.
       "That seems to be doing the trick. We can worry about curettage once the blood vessels have completely sealed." He pushed himself upright and frowned at the Saiyan.
       "What happened?"
       "We were making love..."
       Radittsu pressed his beloved's hand to his lips, tears streaming down his face. That bright little ki had flickered and died during his flight to the medical centre...
       Zha'haabron was drifting in and out of consciousness, his face desolate, weeping without realising it. Radittsu swallowed, his voice no more than a pained whisper.
       "It was my fault, wasn't it. I was too rough..."
       Vinas shook his head firmly.
       "No, it was not your fault. Making love obviously triggered the rupture, but I think it would have happened anyway."
       "W... why?"
       "A combination of things." The Feeodoreean gazed frankly at the captain. "Looking at these readings, I believe the hormone injections I've been giving him were too - potent. Advanced the state of the inner wall too far, too fast. Possibly even deceived his body into thinking it was time to give birth - I can't be sure until we've run some tests, which I'll have done right away. And it's always possibly that the embryo wasn't viable..."
       Radittsu closed his eyes.
       "It was. It was strong and healthy."
       There was silence for a moment, broken by Vinas' voice, unusually soft.
       "I'm sorry."
       He waited for a minute, then,
       "This may sound callous, but his treatment will depend on the answer. Do you want to try again?"
       Radittsu was about to shake his head, unwilling to put his beloved through this again - yet, anyway - but Zha'haabron levered himself painfully half-upright, shakily, his beautiful low voice a hoarse rasp.
       "Yes. Right away."
       *Beloved... Don't you want to think about this?*
       **No. I want your hostling. As soon as possible**
       Vinas was watching them, expression enquiring. Radittsu swallowed and nodded.
       "As soon as possible..."

This time Hijau knew exactly what had happened, almost as soon as Zha'haarak - so closely bonded to his beloved host-sib - felt Zha'haabron's shock and grief. Radittsu's second in command had doubled over, hands clasped to his abdomen as pain speared through him. As his vision cleared he found Apyo leaning over him worriedly.
       "You alright, sir?"
       "No..." he'd managed to gasp. "Kyuri..."
       Within moments the female warrior was before him, holding his face between slim hands, frowning into his pained eyes.
       He shook his head.
       "...Zha'haabron... miscarried... oh gods..."
       It was a breathless groan as he sank to his knees, feeling the High King's pain... how the hell...? Kyuri knelt with him, holding him as best she could given his hunched over pose, pulling his head down to her shoulder and rubbing his back.
       "Want me to help you get home?"
       He shook his head, gasping.
       "Give me... a minute..."
       He gritted his teeth and forced himself to ignore the pain, reminding himself how much worse he'd suffered in the past... Of course, that had never been accompanied by the sheer grey desolation he could *feel* his zn'hre feeling... He swallowed hard and dragged himself upright.
       "Take over...?"
       Kyuri glowered.
       "Stupid question... sir."
       He nodded, gathered his determination and took off, heading unsteadily for the palace.

Zha'haarak lay curled around himself, silent, trembling, golden eyes wide and staring, soft silky hair in drifts around him. Hijau clumsily opened the balcony door, kicked it shut, then collapsed onto the bed and curled around the gentle zn'hre.
       He'd never tried it before. Didn't expect it to work. But was nevertheless not surprised when Zha'haarak turned to him, nestling close, finally allowing himself to weep.
       **My Ssii'iir...**
       Hijau held him tightly, kissing his hair, stroking his back, trying to give silent reassurance.
       Suddenly feeling whole.
       *Zha'haarak... Are you all right?*
       The zn'hre shifted slightly in his arms.
       **I'm sorry, my Ssii'iir... I tried to keep it to myself...**
       Hijau chuckled, very lightly, and kissed the cool forehead.
       *Precious one... Do you really want to keep secrets from me?*
       Zha'haarak suddenly realised what had happened. What they were doing. Slowly his head came up until he was gazing into slanted dark green eyes, his own wide with wonder.
       **We... mind-speak?**
       Hijau smirked and nodded.
       *Looks like it, ne?*
       **But...** The gentle zn'hre fell silent, staring at the Saiyan. His Saiyan. His Saiyan bondmate.
       Then he shook himself. Time to revel in that later.
       **Would you... will you come help with the hostlings? They'll be so distressed...**
       Hijau rose and held out a hand to assist his zn'hre somewhat awkwardly to his feet. Noticing absently that the awful pain had receded to a dull ache.
       Together they went through to the common room.

Moments later a crowd of wailing, frightened hostlings tumbled into the suite, Mahrayne behind them looking entirely lost, Leteetza grim-faced, supporting Ti'aasaan as the little zn'hre stumbled blindly into the room. 'raadiin and 'jiisa, followed by a completely bewildered Kiraz, headed unerringly for Hijau, while 'zhasaan, 'miiron, 'fallon and 'viirel ended up in Zha'haarak's embrace. 'tiisaan, 'selaan - and Buahan and Kobis, confused but picking up on the grief - snuggled against Mahrayne. Leaving Leteetza, and the desperately hurting Ti'aasaan, to comfort the rest.
       Somehow they managed it. And about an hour later Radittsu, looking pale and distraught, returned briefly.
       The children swarmed him as soon as he entered, and he seated himself on the platform, hugging them all as closely as he could.
       "Papa's all right. He's hurting, and..." He bit his lip. How did you explain to brats that they had been going to have a sibling and now they weren't?
       'haabron took his hand.
       "Dadda? We know. What happened, I mean. Is papa really all right?"
       The big Saiyan kissed his hair.
       "He will be. Very soon. I promise."
       "And are you going to try again?"
       Radittsu choked down something that was half chuckle, half sob.
       "Yes. We're going to try again."
       'haabron - and 'tiisaan and 'leesaan - nodded approvingly. Radittsu managed a half smile.
       "I have to get back now. I'll come and see you again later."

Zha'haabron was intractable for the next two days, refusing sympathy, intent on recovering as quickly as possible. Radittsu had held him closely, not a little worried. It now seemed to have become some kind of bitter personal battle for the zn'hre: angry at what he perceived as his own body's betrayal, he was grimly determined that this attempt would succeed.
       And as soon as Vinas had declared him fit to try again, they did. And two hours later a wholly exhausted Radittsu watched over his bondmate as Zha'haabron slept fitfully, half-waking at irregular intervals only to drift into uneasy sleep once more...
       Vinas kept the king under constant observation, this time giving him smaller but much more frequent injections, adjusting the dosage from hour to hour depending on the monitor readings. Zha'haabron gritted his teeth and ignored the pain, and hardly dared move for three days.
       At noon of the fourth day, Radittsu, haggard after only a few snatched half hours of sleep here and there, finally dared to rest a hand over the king's abdomen.
       And started upright, exhaustion forgotten. He stared at Vinas.
       "I thought you only implanted one hostling."
       Vinas, for once actually looking weary himself, nodded.
       "That's right. We thought one would be safer."
       "Then why are there two kis?"

The following hour was a bewildering flurry of monitoring, scanning and double-checking, all of which just went to prove that Radittsu had been right. There were two embryos. Healthy, developing normally. And with bright, powerful kis. Vinas had shaken his head wonderingly.
       "I didn't think it was possible, but all I can assume is that the original zygote split after implantation." He gazed at Zha'haabron, satisfaction clear in his eyes. "Well, your Majesty, looks like you're having twins. And this time I'm sure we have everything under control. You'll need very careful monitoring, and I'm going to suggest you refrain from intercourse for a while - just to be on the safe side. Which means you'll need regular injections, I'm afraid..."
       Zha'haabron stared at him, then reached for Radittsu's hand, pulled his bondmate to him - and wept against the broad warm chest, relief and joy flooding his entire being. The Saiyan wrapped strong, protective arms around his beloved and grinned dopily at the xenobiologist.
       "Oh, I think we'll manage to put up with it..."

© 2002 March 9th Joules Taylor

Life Among The Savages pt 2
Third Alliance Chronicle Index