Preparations (pt 1)

Ti'aasaan and Zha'haarak, eyes huge and lips parted, stared at Jeice. Who had just finished buckling the last silver clasp on something he'd called a harness...
      By no stretch of the imagination could it be called clothing, nor could it serve as any kind of armour - it left most of the body uncovered. In fact, it seemed to be nothing more than a series of interlinking supple black leather straps, joined together by intricately worked silver clasps. A broad strap with large, metal rimmed holes, placed so that his nipples were exposed, crossed over the subo's chest, along with several other, thinner bands of soft leather across his shoulders, at the bottom of his ribcage, and around his waist. A strap from that one looped through the silver ring at the base of his shaft and buckled just above his groin: others encircled his thighs and followed the inner curve of his buttocks, joining the wide strap down his back just above his waist. Still smaller straps crossed over his shoulders, down the sides of his body, and buckled to the ones around his thighs... It was all insanely complicated and, as far as the zn'hre could make out, it served no useful - or even readily apparent - purpose.
      And it reminded the zn'hre, uneasily, of the fetters they'd once known, the ones that had held them still during mating... Ti'aasaan swallowed nervously and tried to smile, holding up a much smaller jumble of soft leather bands.
      "I'm almost afraid to ask where this goes..."
      Jeice grinned and showed him.

It was the afternoon of the thirteenth day before the family left for R'ren'nkh'ia. Heirs, hybrids and hostlings were out, with Zha'haabron and the Saiyan side of the family, on their first real hunt, in the forest on the outskirts of the city: Radittsu had roped in several other warriors, including his brother (who'd brought Pasunippu along to join the fun) to help out. Now that the younger hostlings were flying, keeping an eye on all of them was almost impossible without additional personnel, although the older children - especially 'haabron, Kobis and 'leesaan, and, more surprisingly, Kiraz and Le'leen - were proving very helpful in keeping their younger siblings under control.
      Mahrayne had taken the opportunity to spend a little time with Zorun - and, to be honest, the zn'hre weren't too upset by her absence. Just recently she'd become so... irritable. Silly little things upset her. It couldn't be the coming FullMoon - she wasn't Saiyan, and in any case, she was female and had practically no ki. They'd asked Radittsu about it, but he'd just shrugged helplessly and suggested they speak to Leteetza - who'd told them the Hassinan was probably just having problems coping with two Saiya-jin lovers who hated each other. Trying to please both was getting to her...
      Ti'aasaan had frowned, somehow sure there was more to the problem than that, but it was obvious Leteetza wasn't going to enlighten them, so for the time being he accepted her explanation.
      Taking advantage of having the suite, and Jeice, to themselves for a few hours the zn'hre - well, Ti'aasaan, at any rate - had asked the little subo what was in his cases...

"That... looks painful..."
      Jeice smirked.
      "It isn't."
      Zha'haarak frowned.
      "But what is it? What does it do?"
      Jeice stroked the leather straps bound tightly around his erection and scrotum, the central strap separating and defining his balls and threading through another silver ring piercing the velvety skin stretched tightly over their surface. Ti'aasaan was beginning to wonder just how many more piercings he had - and where they were.
      "Keeps you erect. You can't come while you're wearing it."
      Ti'aasaan winced.
      "But... why...?"
      Jeice grimaced.
      "Sometimes I had to service several people, one after the other. This made sure I could, without keeping anyone waiting - while I recovered, I mean."
      The zn'hre exchanged puzzled looks.
      "But... do you mean you can only climax once?"
      The subo smiled.
      "Well, no, but it takes me a little while to recover, once I've come."
      "How long?"
      "It depends. About a quarter of an hour the first time. Longer after that."
      Jeice sighed.
      "I know it's different for you, from watching that first night. And for the Saiyans."
      Ti'aasaan chuckled.
      "Oh, they're insatiable. Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu especially." He inclined his head. "Does that really not hurt?"
      Jeice shook his head.
      "Once you get used to it it's... stimulating. As long as you don't wear it for too long. Would you like to try?"
      The little zn'hre gazed for a moment longer, then sighed and reluctantly shook his head.
      "It wouldn't fit."
      Jeice pulled another from a case.
      "This one's more adjustable..."
      Zha'haarak chuckled.
      "He means we're not built quite like you are..."
      Jeice frowned enquiringly.
      "I don't understand..."
      Ti'aasaan obligingly slid out of his bodysuit and stood in front of the subo, whose eyes widened as they fixed on the little zn'hre's groin. A small red hand reached forward, then paused as Jeice glanced up at Ti'aasaan's face.
      "May I? Do you mind?"
      Ti'aasaan shook his head, shivering as the subo's warm fingers gently lifted his flaccid shaft - which surged erect as Jeice's other hand stroked the firm, fleshy mound beneath.
      "Ahhhh." The little subo's voice was low and seductive. "I thought there was something different about you but I was afraid to look too closely..."
      Ti'aasaan was whimpering, eyes closing as Jeice rippled his fingers, gently exploring the creases of soft skin around the entrance to the little zn'hre's female channel. Zha'haarak stared at the subo, then knelt up, catching Ti'aasaan around the waist and pulling him down to Jeice's sleeping platform.
      The subo paused, glancing from Ti'aasaan to Zha'haarak and back.
      "May I pleasure you? I'd like to, very much."
      "Oh gods, please... please don't stop..." Ti'aasaan spread his thighs, his voice little more than a faint gasp. Zha'haarak smiled and nodded.
      "But only on the outside."
      Jeice raised a puzzled eyebrow: Zha'haarak inclined his head, murmuring, "I'll explain later..."
      The subo grinned and lowered his face to Ti'aasaan's groin...
      The little zn'hre's eyes snapped open, his head twisting to stare at the prince, his expression one of absolute astonishment - then he groaned and gave himself up to Jeice's ministrations, coming within minutes. Jeice held him gently until he was limp, then carefully lowered the still twitching shaft to rest against Ti'aasaan's groin. The zn'hre panted for a moment or two, then forced his eyes open.
      "Jeice - what's in your mouth?"
      Jeice obligingly parted his lips so that the two zn'hre could see the studs piercing his tongue, three of them in a line across the middle of the supple wet organ, two more towards the front. Zha'haarak stared, then gazed at the subo - who grinned and gestured for him to lie back...
      It was quite unlike anything the prince had felt before, erotic and stimulating, the solidity of the studs against sensitive flesh sparking pleasure through his groin as Jeice's sinuous tongue caressed him, tracing soft folds, flicking across his mound, twining around his erection... He too climaxed quickly - which seemed to upset Jeice. At any rate, the subo apologised and promised he'd make it better for them next time.
      Ti'aasaan blinked, then grinned.
      "I don't see how it could be better - but if you insist..."

And that's when Radittsu and Zha'haabron came back, early, intent on a little time to themselves while the rest of the family ate their catch by the lake in the forest, tired but excited and proud that their first hunt had been so successful...
      The bondmates stood in the doorway of Jeice's room, staring at the two zn'hre, sated and content on the bed, and Jeice - still wearing the harness and the straps that kept him erect - kneeling before them. Radittsu's jaw dropped. It was the first time he'd seen Jeice naked. Well, nearly naked, at any rate.
      "What the fuck...?"
      Jeice bit his lip and glanced up at the captain - whose attention was firmly fixed on the subo's groin. Specifically, at his shaft and its implants.
      "What...? What the fuck are those?"
      Ti'aasaan rolled onto his stomach, smiling languidly up at his Ssii'iin and Ssii'iir.
      "They're - rather special, Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu. The Hassinan males have something similar. Beads, like Mahrayne's, but on their..."
      "Yes, I get the picture." He frowned at Jeice. "We can always have them removed if they cause you pain."
      Jeice blinked.
      "But they don't, my lord. They give a lot of pleasure. Both to me and my partners."
      Radittsu stared.
      "They do?"
      The little subo chuckled quietly.
      "Oh yes, indeed."
      The captain stared, bewildered, as both Ti'aasaan and the prince closed their eyes, twin dreamy expressions on their faces - then he glanced at Zha'haabron, who smiled and took his hand.
      "Come with me. I'll explain."

"And you enjoyed it?"
      There was a distinct hint of petulance in the Saiyan's voice. Zha'haabron wasn't sure if it was because he thought the zn'hre might prefer toys to their living lovers, or because he thought his bondmate had kept a secret from him. He sighed and swivelled to straddle the big male's lap in the warm water.
      **Zk'vissin, I don't know. I haven't tried it yet: I won't risk it until after the hostlings are born. But Zha'haarak and Ti'aasaan have, and they say it's... powerful. The beads on the rods pull on our barbs, and the effect is overwhelming. Apparently Zha'haarak passed out, the pleasure was so intense**
      Radittsu pouted, and Zha'haabron very carefully kissed him, long tongue pressing insistently between firm lips.
      **Ti'aasaan has asked Mahrayne to have three made - one for each of us - to your size. With large beading. For occasional use, only. We'd hoped that you and Hi'ijaa might be willing to use them, on us**
      The Saiyan pulled his head back and to one side.
      "You'd rather play with toys than with us?"
      The king frowned.
      **Of course not! This would just add a little novelty to our love-play, that's all**
      "I see." Radittsu folded his arms across his chest, expression mutinous. "We don't satisfy you."
      Zha'haabron scowled.
      "Now you're being ridiculous! You know how we feel about you, both of you. But the fact remains that our barbs make it impossible for you make love to us in this fashion without tearing yourselves to pieces. For any fleshly being to do so. And we didn't even know that pressure on the barbs would have this effect until Ti'aasaan and Zha'haarak tried it for the first time." He inclined his head, watching his bondmate's stony face. "Do you begrudge us our pleasure? Our discovering something about ourselves?"
      Radittsu resisted for a moment longer - then sighed and pulled the king back into his arms.
      "No, of course I don't. It's just... We'd both love to be able to - pleasure you ourselves."
      "You do. Infinitely." He paused, unwilling to have his bondmate upset. "Would you rather we didn't have them made?"
      The Saiyan shook his head.
      "I'm not that selfish. And I suppose, if you let us take control of the things, it would be sort of like doing it ourselves..."
      On that note, with his beloved slowly coming round to the idea, Zha'haabron slid onto the Saiyan's erection and took the long, powerful tail into his hands, fondling, caressing, until Radittsu forgot everything in the waves of piercingly sweet pleasure flooding through him...

Ti'aasaan gazed at the bathroom door from his place in the pool, and sighed.
      "I wish Jeice would join us. Do you think he'd let me teach him to swim?"

The little subo was still afraid of the pool, although he was now happy to spend considerable time under the shower in his rooms, so the family assumed he was gradually overcoming his fear of being in water.
      And he was quite amazingly fastidious! He spent an inordinate amount of time grooming himself: his hair was always flawless, and he'd recently shown an interest in the zn'hre's nail-paints - which, Ti'aasaan thought, would certainly enhance the well-kept nails on his small, graceful fingers. And he'd surprised them all by seeming to be unwilling to show his body except when dancing - his day-clothes were all loose, exquisitely made, and covered him from throat to foot, and he wore a flowing robe to sleep in. It wasn't that he was shy about his body - given the way he danced he was quite obviously the opposite...
      'leesaan had asked him about it over one midday meal. Jeice had inclined his head.
      "It's because..." he paused for a moment, eyeing the adults and wondering quite how to phrase his answer. "...because I... when I was - working, or dancing, I didn't wear very much. So it made a change - was more fun - for me to wear more clothes when I wasn't working."
      And no doubt keeping that lovely little body hidden served to pique the interest of your master's 'guests'... Zha'haabron had smiled sadly, and stroked Jeice's hair, pleased when the little alien leaned into the gentle touch instead of pulling away.
      "You are welcome to wear as much - or as little - as you wish."
      The grateful smile Jeice had flashed him was a delight to see...

"I see no reason why we should not be able to teach him to swim - as long as we don't pressure him and take it very slowly." The king stretched languidly against Radittsu's chest. "But it would be best to wait until we return after FullMoon." He stroked a hand over his abdomen and smiled. "There will be others requiring 'lessons' by then. And speaking of FullMoon, I'm taking Jeice to see Vinas tomorrow."
      Hijau looked up from kissing Zha'haarak's neck and frowned.
      "Is there something wrong, my Ssii'iin?"
      Zha'haabron shook his head.
      "No. But we need to check whether he will be able to cope with the R'ren'nkh'ian sun or whether he will need sunscreen."
      Mahrayne leaned from Kelapa's embrace to whisper to Leteetza, "Sunscreen?"
      "Saiyans burn in the R'ren'nkh'ian sunlight. We need to wear a lotion that screens out the sun's rays. Jeice might need it too."
      Zha'haabron was still speaking.
      "I'd like to have Vinas give him a check-up, in any case. He seems perfectly healthy, but an initial check will give the biotechs some basic information about his physiology, in case he needs treatment in the future."
      Hijau nodded - then grinned as 'raadiin yawned widely and fell backwards into the water from his perch on Leteetza's shoulder. She chuckled as she retrieved the drowsily giggling hostling and glanced at Mahrayne, who began to gather children to her.
      "I think it's time for sleepy little ones to be in bed, yes? You've had a busy day, all of you."

Mahrayne wriggled out from under the four small cool bodies, the two small warm bodies, and Kelapa's sleeping embrace, early the following morning - to find Jeice already awake and helping Zh'leet and Gh'veen prepare platters of food for breakfast. The little subo was in black today, loose trousers tucked into calf-length black boots and a baggy, high necked, long sleeved tunic, cinched at the hips by a heavy silver chain. He smiled at Mahrayne's quiet greeting and offered her a plate of her favourite seared meat. To her surprise she found she wasn't hungry - in fact, the sight of the meal made her feel vaguely queasy, and she shook her head, turning instead to the sleeping platform to help rouse the children.
      'Breakfast' was always a bit of trial in the suite these days. 'jiisa and 'selaan slept very deeply and often woke up bad-tempered, especially since 'haavok and 'honee insisted on bouncing around the platform each morning, waking their siblings up by jumping on them - which didn't go down very well... 'raadiin usually woke before the Saiyan cubs and immediately leapt on Kiraz, tussling with the half-awake young prince and rousing everyone whom the 'terrible twosome' hadn't already woken. And 'tiisaan came through from the Hassinan's room, beaming hopefully at her, silently pleading for a very tiny early lesson... She'd taken to giving him a few minutes before breakfast, teaching him more muscle-control exercises every day. At least it kept him occupied for a few hours...
      Zha'haabron was already up and almost ready to leave with Jeice for the medical facility - the little subo had been anxious at first, until the king had explained why he needed to attend. The thought that he would be with the family for FullMoon was obviously appealing, if his bright smile was anything to go by. But as the R'ren'nkh'ian turned towards the suite's inner door, Jeice surprised them all.
      "It's a beautiful morning, your Majesty. Why don't we fly?"
      The whole family stared at the subo, who blushed and lowered his eyes.
      "You can fly?"
      Jeice nodded diffidently, and Radittsu regarded him closely, eyes widening as he focussed on the alien. He glanced at the king.
      *Very respectable ki! Not quite the same wavelength as any I've met before, which may be why I missed it - you have to concentrate to feel it... We should discuss this, later. There's a lot of potential here.*
      Zha'haabron gestured towards the balcony.
      "Certainly, Jeice." He glanced around the suite as a chorus of young voices chanted, "We'll be good, Papa", and smiled at his family.
      "We will see you later."

The suite was empty except for Radittsu and his second in command: the captain had already advised Kyuri they'd be late. Hijau frowned.
      "What's wrong, sir?"
      Radittsu shook his head and indicated they should both sit on the platform.
      "It's not Guard business... Has Zha'haarak said anything about the toys the zn'hre have arranged to have made for them?"
      Hijau nodded.
      "I thought it sounded like a good idea."
      "Have you seen what they look like?"
      "No - just had them described to me."
      Radittsu drummed his fingers against his thigh.
      "You know what they represent?"
      Hijau winced and nodded.
      "Sounded like a very painful procedure to me!"
      Radittsu fixed him with a dispassionate look.
      "I'm going to have it done. Want to join me?"
      Hijau stared in horror, then shuddered.
      "You want to have bone beads shoved under the skin of your... Are you mad? Why?"
      "Because it will give them pleasure."
      Hijau blinked, and his superior smirked.
      "Look, we know the barbs are sensitive even when they're blunted, don't we? They all love it when we can fuck them properly. Now, if the beads have such an effect on erect barbs, surely they'll have a similar effect - though not as strong, probably - on blunt ones."
      Hijau nodded slowly, brows drawn together.
      "I suppose so..."
      "Well, I don't know about you, but I don't fancy having a toy as competition!"
      "But it's not like that...!"
      Radittsu grinned, ferally.
      "Oh, I know it isn't. At least, my head knows. The rest of me - that's a different matter." His expression softened. "Besides, they're worth it, aren't they? Worth every ache, every cut, every drop of blood."
      Hijau considered this - then cupped his captain's face, smiling slyly.
      "And of course, it'll be interesting for us, too..."
      Radittsu stared, then his eyes widened as he suddenly hardened.
      "I hadn't thought of that..."
      Hijau smirked and pulled the big Saiyan to him.
      They were very late checking in to headquarters...

Zha'haabron had expected Jeice to find Vinas' customarily-punctilious examination distressing, but the subo submitted to the biotech's poking and prodding and monitoring with a resigned cheerfulness. And some of his answers to Vinas' questions had been - informative.
      The biotech gently withdrew the probe and patted Jeice's lower back.
      "You can dress now."
      As the little alien pulled on his clothes Vinas turned to the king, frowning at the readings on his monitor.
      "There's evidence of past abuse - some extensive internal scarring that indicates considerable violence. The old injuries to his skin are unsightly but only that: we could easily abrade and repair them..."
      "You could?" Jeice's eyes were wide and bright. "Oh, if you could...."
      Zha'haabron smiled at the subo.
      "If you would like to have it done, we will arrange it once we return from R'ren'nkh'ia."
      Jeice nodded eagerly, and Vinas scowled and cleared his throat, annoyed at the interruption.
      "However, the internal damage is not consistent with normal Omanir sexual practises..."
      "But he didn't hurt me."
      Both Zha'haabron and Vinas turned to stare at the subo, who blushed.
      "What do you mean, Jeice?"
      "It... it wasn't... Ambassador Bataa who hurt me..."
      The king laid a hand very gently on the little creature's shoulder.
      "Who did hurt you, Jeice?"
      "R... Rikuma..."
      Zha'haabron frowned.
      "Jeice, Kobis and Zha'haabron said that when they found you, you mentioned something about your master promising it wouldn't hurt but that it always did. Why did you say that if it wasn't Bataa who did this to you?"
      Jeice stared into the serious golden eyes, bewildered.
      "B... but...."
      He took a deep breath and swallowed, trying to explain.
      "The ones in authority - the ones who are above - they are always 'Master'."
      Zha'haabron's brows rose.
      "So 'Master' was anyone above you in status?"
      The subo nodded.
      "Or Mistress, if female."
      The king exchanged a glance with Vinas, then stroked the little alien's hair.
      "Jeice, I think you'd better tell us what happened..."

Zha'haabron listened with mounting horror as the subo recounted the tale of years of abuse at the hands of his master's bodyguard. Watching Jeice's hands twist together, so taut his knuckles were white, his quavering voice detailing assault after assault, the pain of being raped over and over again until he thought he'd never stop hurting - and then having to perform for Bataa's guests... the king thought, distantly, that Rikuma could have given Dhr'ovaanon competition.
      Vinas was frowning.
      "Surely the Ambassador noticed? He could hardly ignore the visible injuries."
      "S...said... his guests made them... without thinking... too aroused to stop..."
      "And what action did he take?"
      "S...stopped them coming back..."
      Vinas scowled.
      "But surely he must have noticed you were hurt? Inside, I mean. Why did he not take steps to find out who was doing this and stop it? I mean, you're obviously a valuable commodity - why didn't your owner take steps to ensure your safety?"
      "... he didn't know..."
      "Why didn't you tell him?" Zha'haabron's voice was low, very gentle. Jeice closed his eyes as the first tears trickled from under his eyelids.
      "... Rikuma said if I ever said anything, he'd hide me somewhere and tell Master I'd died - then keep me for himself, forever..."

"The best thing you can do is allow him time. Treat him gently, don't ask too much of him. He's resilient. He will recover."
      Jeice was waiting for Zha'haabron outside the medical centre, perched gracefully on the rim of one of the pools that were dotted around the palace grounds, small hands touching and stroking the blossoming water-plants on its surface. Inside, in the foyer, Zha'haabron regarded Vinas gravely.
      "We will do what we can."
      Vinas nodded.
      "And in the meantime, he should wear a light sunscreen if he's going to be out in your sun for any length of time - I'd say anything over a local hour. I'll have a supply made up for you."
      Zha'haabron inclined his head in thanks, and Vinas smiled.
      "And everything's fine with you, your majesty?"
      The king smiled and laid a hand over his abdomen.
      "Good. Of course, I'll want to keep a close eye on you once we're on R'ren'nkh'ia..."
      Zha'haabron chuckled.
      "Of course..."

The summons came just as we were half-way through the midday meal. Zh'leet took the call, bowed her head, then beckoned to me.
      Vejiita. I smiled. He smirked back.
      "I require your presence in the suite. Bring the brats."
      "Now, your majesty? We're still eating."
      "When you've finished."

Zorun was on duty outside the royal suite when we arrived. I smirked at him: he kept his face expressionless, but there was a gleam in his eyes and his scent was softly musky: I guessed he'd be spending time with Mahrayne later...
      Vejiita dropped the documents he'd been scanning, left his desk and knelt down, his arms open, grinning broadly. Buahan squealed and flung herself into his arms: the twins were a little more restrained, but happily allowed themselves to be caught up in a strong hug. He smiled up at me.
      *It's good to see you too, little warrior.*
      I chuckled and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
      *You're in a good mood!*
      He rose, lifting the brats with him, and carried them through to the bedroom, tossing them onto the bed where they bounced, laughing happily - then he turned to me, wrapping his tail around my waist.
      "And why should I not be? It's been a successful year, so far. I'm pleased with the way my Empire is growing. The first consignment of the Hassinan crystals are ready to be dispatched, and the Feeodoreeans believe they're close to discovering the source of the ki-depletion effect the planet causes. The situation with the Henka-jin is under control, according to Nappa. Our negotiations with the Runpen and Moyashi-jin are progressing well. And the preparations for FullMoon are almost concluded." He glanced over his shoulder to where the heirs were sitting, listening alertly. "And I have three healthy, intelligent, well-behaved brats. I have you to thank for much of that."
      I grinned.
      "It's been a pleasure. I never thought I'd say it, but it really has."
      He smirked.
      "Good. Because I want you to take them to R'ren'nkh'ia for FullMoon..."

© 2002 April 19th Joules Taylor

Preparations pt 2
Life Among the Savages pt 4
Third Alliance Chronicle Index