Make sure you read Amanda's companion sequence, Exile, in conjuction with this sequence.


Hijau was in his office well before dawn the next morning. Kyuri - anxious and concerned and trying to hide it - had tapped on his door and entered without waiting for an answer, a piled breakfast platter in her hands as pretext for her visit.
      The young officer gazed at her. He was obviously exhausted, but… She frowned. His expression was much calmer than of late, his scent - stressed, less than happy, but no longer quite so agonised. She paused, staring, then blinked, eyes widening hugely as she scented…
      "Zorun? You and Zorun?!"
      She peered at him a little more closely, absently noting the bruises, the cuts and abrasions.
      "Sir? Are you…"
      He nodded, even managing to smile slightly.
      "I believe we have - settled our differences. For now, at any rate."
      She nodded. "I'm glad. I think…" She frowned. "Can I get you anything?"
      He glanced at the platter and smiled.
      "No. But you could join me for first meal. If you aren't required elsewhere."
      "I'm off-duty as of ten minutes ago."
      He gestured to a chair. She smirked and seated herself in front of his desk, placing the food between them. They ate for a while in silence, then,
      "Sir, can I ask what your plans are for the season?"
      He inclined his head.
      "At this precise moment I'm not entirely sure…"

I awoke gasping, hot, sweating, and incredibly grateful for the little cool bodies around me that made the heat just bearable. Not far from me Radittsu lay sprawled on his back, Zha'haabron cradled in one arm, Zha'haarak at his other side (with Jeice cuddled against him) while Ti'aasaan snuggled between his legs, draped half across the Saiyan's warm body, head pillowed on his abdomen.
      So that's how he managed to stay cool enough to sleep comfortably here! Well, I'd helped the family stay warm during cold season - it was only fair that they help me stay cool now. I'd have a word with them all, later…
      But right now I really needed a quick dip in the pool. Wriggling out of the pit, and nodding to Gh'veen, Zh'leet and her sibling as they quietly prepared for the morning meal, I slipped into the poolroom and immersed myself for a few tranquil and immensely satisfying minutes in cold water. Then Ti'ani and Le'leen tumbled in, closely followed by a hot, flushed Buahan, and peace and tranquillity scuttled out of the door…

An hour later, over breakfast, we discussed plans for the day. Zha'haabron and Radittsu had yet more council meetings, of course. Since Mahrayne wouldn't be able to take up lessons again until she was settled back on Hassina, and I wanted to get used to being onworld before I really got down to work, we'd declared a holiday: the brats were free to do as they wished for a few days. I'd asked Zha'haabron if someone could give me and the heirs a guided tour of the enclave. He'd readily agreed and, to my surprise, volunteered Zha'haarak.
      I frowned.
      "Won't that be painful for him? All the walking, I mean."
      He shook his head.
      "It should not be. His hip only really troubles him in the cold. Although he is still limping, he is not in pain. And the exercise will strengthen him." He smiled. "But if you are concerned, stop to rest at regular intervals. You will probably want to anyway. There are many things of interest in the enclave, and you will need to eat and drink occasionally."
      I was still unsure. He rested his hands on my shoulders.
      "Little warrior, I wish him to have something to occupy him. This will help stop him brooding."
      That made sense, and I grinned.
      "Right! And we'll enjoy having him as guide. Do you have a library here?"
      He smiled.
      "Of a sort."
      I nodded.
      "I'll look forward to seeing it…"

After breakfast everyone dispersed - Jeice went with 'tiisaan and 'viirel to Bri'seiyis' studio, 'raadiin dragged a heavily-sunscreened Kiraz to Ye'vena's training session (with strict instructions not to let him overdo things), the rest of the hostlings disappeared to their various activities, and Ti'aasaan took the opportunity to visit Ti'zheenan: they obviously had a sire in common somewhere in the past and the little zn'hre wanted to see if they could trace the relationship.
      Which left me - with my brats, Buahan, Kobis (and 'haabron - the little prince refused to leave his friend's side) and 'leesaan, who wanted to see the labs - with Zha'haarak for the day. Accompanied discreetly by our guards, of course. The Ssii'irin smiled, genuine pleasure in his eyes as he gestured us from the suite. It looked as though Zha'haabron had been right: he needed something to distract him from missing Hijau…

I'd seen a little of the enclave, of course, the preceding day, though between my own excitement and that of the brats, and then later my worry about Zha'haarak, I hadn't really taken in all that much. Now I was able to look around, appreciate my surroundings and ask questions.
      Though to start with I was almost afraid to open my mouth. It was so quiet! As a species the R'ren'nkh'ia-jin are softly-spoken, and even if R'ren'nkh'ia-go hadn't resembled the sound of the wind the murmuring of the enclave's population would still have been soothing, relaxing, almost hypnotic. The only raised voices I heard the whole time we were there were Saiyan!
      It smelt... I closed my eyes, scenting carefully. The zn'hre all had a spicy-sweet fragrance below their personal, individual scent-identities: that was part of it. The va'ha'da had a much deeper, muskier scent - and there was another that smelt almost the same as the desert outside: I guessed that was probably the shr'en'an. There were faint smells of food being cooked, and the sweet scent of fruit. There were other, less immediately identifiable scents too, light and aromatic, probably the other types… All in all most intriguing - much less intense than a Saiyan dwelling. I'd probably come to miss the deep, green, earthiness of my home after a while, but for now, this was a delight!
      Zha'haarak limped onwards. Zha'haabron's enclave - in common with nearly every dwellingplace on R'ren'nkh'ia, as I was later to discover - was hollowed out of a massive rocky outcrop, and was obviously very ancient. Everything was rounded, sinuous, smooth, with no sharp edges or corners. The corridors - and most of the rooms - were wide and high, to allow for the height of the va'ha'da, I supposed, and tinted in pale shades, golds, greens, and beautiful blues which gave the illusion of space and coolness. The floors were mainly a wonderfully cold, smooth stone, its pale blue-grey shot through with veins of dark turquoise, bright gold and sparkling silver. Hollow metal chimes hung from the curved ceilings in places, pealing gently as tiny stray breezes - either from outside or stirred up from the movement of the inhabitants - twined among them. Meeting and eating places (there were serveries scattered through the whole enclave, providing food and drink: meals seemed to be communal, a bit like the messhall back at barracks though much more comfortable and relaxed, and were obviously treated as opportunities to socialise) were wide extensions of the corridors, filled with seating pits and cushions.
      Most of the living and communal areas were at the top of the enclave, with access to the daylight and fresh air (if you could call that gaspingly hot atmosphere fresh air!) through wide windows and skylights. Workspaces were lower down, with the medical and research facilities being actually underground, with their own discrete power supplies and air-conditioning. It was cooler here, though just as spacious, and the artificial lighting operated at the same wavelength as the R'ren'nkh'ian sun, making it pleasant for those engaged in work. Or so I was told by a tz'een technician at one of the labs we stopped in. 'leesaan was fascinated, dawdling through the maze of subterranean chambers, eyes wide and trying to look everywhere at once, but I felt a little claustrophobic - and I could tell from their scent that Kobis and Buahan were uneasy at being underground, too - so Zha'haarak led us back up to the surface, where we stopped for another rest and something to eat.
      Flopping down into a seating pit, Kobis sprawled happily against 'haabron, wrapped his tail around the zn'hre's waist, and grinned.
      "I like it here."
      'haabron chuckled and hugged the Saiyan prince.
      "I'm glad. So do I."
      A couple of little gn'ick'lehe pattered over to serve us: 'haabron spoke to them quietly in R'ren'nkh'ia-go and a minute or so later a tray was placed on the low table in the centre of the pit, on it a large jug of some sweet fruit juice, beakers, and a couple of platters of mixed native foods, of which some kind of big, flash-seared insect seemed to figure largely. I eyed it warily, but it was very tasty, rich and meaty, and the brats obviously enjoyed it.
      Zha'haarak looked a little tired, and I wondered if we ought to cut short the tour - I guessed we'd seen less than a quarter of the enclave and it was well past noon already.
      "Shall we call a halt there, my Ssii'irin? We can continue tomorrow; we have plenty of time."
      He smiled.
      "It might be as well. The family will be gathering for a meal soon, and the Ssii'iin likes us to eat together at least twice a day."
      But we lingered a while longer, soaking up the atmosphere of the enclave, the stillness, the peace…
      I liked it here, too. I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt so relaxed.

Zha'haabron was dozing in Radittsu's arms when we got back. Ti'aasaan arrived soon afterwards, all smiles and bubbling with enthusiasm from a day happily spent with a grandsire-sib and his hostlings - and minutes after him our own hostlings started arriving back, murmuring quietly about their own day…
      I sighed and grinned at Radittsu. No matter where we were, the warmth, the satisfaction, the feeling of *family* never changed.
      Zha'haabron winced in his sleep as one of the hostlings kicked, then dragged himself awake, one graceful hand rubbing at his eyes as his bondmate nuzzled the side of his neck. Half-closed golden eyes sought mine and smiled.
      "Your day has been pleasant?"
      I nodded.
      "Fascinating, my Ssii'iin. Your home is very beautiful."
      "Thank you. Although I cannot take any credit for that."
      "But you encourage it, my Ssii'iin. That's the most important thing."
      He nodded abstractedly and frowned slightly at Zha'haarak, whose expression had suddenly changed from relaxed to uneasy. The gentle zn'hre glanced at his host-sib and tried to smile.
      "Forgive me, heart-brother… I… I need to speak with Hi'ijaa…"
      Zha'haabron sighed.
      "There is nothing to forgive. We will see you in a little while."
      Bowing his head in thanks, Zha'haarak rose and limped hastily from the suite. Zha'haabron turned to me.
      "How has he been?"
      I raised one cool pale blue hand to my lips and kissed the fingers. I'm still not quite sure why I have this occasionally overwhelming urge to touch the High King, but he's never objected, and it makes me feel - content, somehow.
      "He was wonderful, my Ssii'iin. Informative, amusing, and very kind. He knows so much! But he did tire, so we came back. He's happy to continue tomorrow, though, if that's all right with you?"
      "Of course."
      I beamed.
      "Thank you. We haven't seen the hatcheries yet. Or the library."
      His eyes twinkled as Radittsu chuckled and pulled him closer.
      "Oh, we must not forget the library. Although I think you might find it less interesting than you hope."
      I shrugged.
      "I'll let you know…"

Zha'haarak limped heavily into the schoolroom, activating the connection as he dropped to the cushion before the screen and gripped his hip tightly, kneading, trying to ease away the bone-deep ache. Towards the end of their tour he'd been forced to use ki to help support his weight so as not to worry Leteetza: now he was exhausted and hurting and just wanted to curl up in his bondmate's arms.
      But Hijau was two hundred lightyears away.
      Forcing himself to take deep calming breaths and ignore the throbbing, stabbing ache that seemed to fill the lower part of his body, he waited until his Saiyan's face appeared on the screen as Hijau hit the connection on Vejiitasei.
      The young officer's eyes were brimming with tears.
      *Beloved… I betrayed you…*
      Zha'haarak blinked. Hijau was talking about last night, with Zorun…? He shook his head.
      **No, zk'aida, you did not**
      *But you don't know what I did…*
      The gentle zn'hre inclined his head.
      **You and Zorun…**
      Hijau stared, horrified - then the tears brimmed over.
      *You… you know?!*
      Zha'haarak stroked a hand down the image of the beloved face on the screen and nodded.
      **That you and he… 'fucked' last night? Of course I know. I was *there* with you…**
      Hijau backed from the screen, eyes huge, hands clamped over his mouth.
      * … you were *there*…?*
      Worried, Zha'haarak nodded hesitantly.
      **I… I could not help but be *with* you, zk'aida. It is part of the bond**
      Hijau sank his head into his hands with something part groan, part sob.
      *Oh gods, beloved… I'm so sorry…*
      Zha'haarak reached forwards, his own tears spilling.
      **No! You must not be! I know you need this release. It is not a betrayal. It is…** He shoved a hand through his hair, trying to think of a way to express it, then gazed at his bondmate, his eyes filled with love.
      **I will not forgive you if you endanger yourself. You must do this, so that I may come safely back to you at the end of FullMoon. Zk'aida, your heart is in my keeping, as mine is in yours. What your body must do to survive, so that I might hold you again… I will willingly share with you, share you, share your pain, the pain you give and that which you take. I am a part of you, as you are of me, and I will not allow you to suffer for some - notion of betrayal. The only way you can betray me is by dying** He drew a ragged breath, his *voice* breaking. **And if you die, I will follow you**
      The muted light in the classroom on Vejiitasei gleamed on the young officer's tears.
      *I want so much to hold you, tell you how precious you are…*
      Zha'haarak bit his lip.
      **And I want so much for you to hold me… sth'is'issin, we can and we must endure this. It will be easier for me if you do not fight it - because I feel that too, and it hurts me**
      Hijau flinched, then hunched in on himself.
      *… I didn't know…*
      **None of us did. This is so new to us all**
      Swallowing hard, Hijau gazed at his bondmate.
      *Who will help you?*
      Zha'haarak smiled through his tears.
      **The family is here, remember?**
      Hijau bowed his head, nodding, shoulders slumping very slightly with a measure of relief.
      *Of course. Is it enough?*
      **I would rather it were you. But I can cope. As will you, neh?**
      Hijau placed both hands against the screen and stared intently into his bondmate's eyes.
      *I would do anything for you. And when you come home, I'll prove it to you.*
      Momentarily frightened, Zha'haarak's eyes widened.
      **I ask nothing…**
      But Hijau was smiling, a determined glint in his lovely slanted eyes.
      Zha'haarak gazed helplessly, lips parted, then sighed.
      **I can deny you nothing…**

Three hours after he'd spoken with his zn'hre, in his room in the empty, echoing suite, Hijau paced, his body tight, tensed to the point of pain, waiting…
      At midnight he *felt* Zorun land on his balcony and pause, waiting. Hijau opened the balcony doors, and for a long moment the two males simply stared at each other.
      Then Zorun turned, rose into the air and headed out, towards the plains.
      And Hijau flew with him, grim, unspeaking, landing with him at last night's boulder.
      They did not speak, but in pain and violence there was a sort of forgiveness, and a sating of the agony of loss. They slept, curled around each other on the hard earth, until first sunsrise woke them - then flew back to the city in silence, not touching. Already knowing that the pattern of their nights was now set until FullMoon was over.

And on R'ren'nkh'ia, in one of the side rooms, Zha'haarak wept silently, pounding into Jeice as his sharp nails clawed at the subo's skin as he climaxed - then a little later, on all fours, his pelvis arched upwards to the little alien's hard thrusts as small red hands gripped his shaft and relentlessly kneaded his mound, the prince closed his eyes and *screamed* silently for Hijau as the golden-skinned Saiyan *reached* out to him across forever. And as they came, simultaneously, it was *within* each other…
      And afterwards Zha'haarak slept, deeply, soundly, and woke feeling a little more hopeful, a little less anguished - as did Hijau. Maybe this was the way to struggle through the season, after all.

The library - when Leteetza finally managed to get into it - was both fascinating and a disappointment. A hugely jumbled mass of a mix of datachips, parchments, documents written on soft thin leather, some sort of crumbling parchment, and even some carved on stone - Mahrayne would have loved it here! But everything was in formal R'ren'nkh'ian, and she couldn't understand a word!
      She'd asked Zha'haarak if he could help her - only to discover that the Ssii'irin couldn't read. Or write. Well, that wasn't strictly true: he'd learned to read and write Common in Mahrayne's classes - it was one of the reasons he'd asked to join them - but Dhr'ovaanon had not permitted him to learn to read or write his own language. What use would it be, anyway? The zn'hre was of no importance: it was a waste of time teaching a hv'vrn anything…
      So she'd asked Ti'aasaan, but he couldn't help either - he knew only a very little of the language. Apparently very few R'ren'nkh'ians could read the ancient script. Zha'haabron was one of them, and the little zn'hre believed Ish'nadris could, too, but as far as he knew no-one else at the royal enclave knew it. Though Leteetza could try asking the council…
      She hesitated to bother the council. And Zha'haabron was far too busy - and when he wasn't busy he was too tired - right now.
      Ah well. Perhaps later…

It felt very strange, to have all the children together while Mahrayne was so far away, but the Hassinan seemed willing to throw herself into the lessons - albeit with a slightly frenzied enthusiasm. Leteetza frowned, but waited until the morning's classes had finished before speaking. As the hostlings filed out and made their way back to the suite for a meal, the little Saiyan stood before the big screen, arms crossed over her chest.
      "Ok, what's wrong?"
      Mahrayne stared - then coloured slightly.
      "What do you mean?"
      Leteetza hmphed.
      "I may not be able to scent you, but I know you well enough to know there's something wrong. And I don't just mean the fact that we're all so far apart, either. So what's wrong?" As the Hassinan hesitated, the Saiyan scowled. "If you don't tell me I'll find out from Kelapa."
      Mahrayne's shoulders slumped.
      "He claimed me."
      Leteetza's eyes widened.
      "Is that all?"
      "What do you mean, is that all?! He… he… bit me. He thinks he owns me!"
      The Saiyan inclined her head.
      "Well, you are mates. And you're carrying his cub."
      Mahrayne simply stared, disbelievingly. Leteetza grinned.
      "And it means he'll always look after you, protect you. And it's Zorun we're talking about. I know I don't like him much, but just about any other Saiyan female would be overjoyed to swap places with you."
      "But… but… Kel…"
      Leteetza shrugged.
      "Having Zorun claim you's no bar to you still having Kel. Males don't consider female relationships any kind of competition. He'll kill any other male who tries anything, though." She frowned. "I'm pretty certain he won't count the zn'hre as 'male', though he might not like you fucking Jeice - although they're all family and under Zha'haabron's protection anyway, so I don't think he'd dare object. But it would probably be best to talk to him, find out what he finds acceptable."
      Mahrayne was gaping, her face horrified.
      "How can you take this so calmly!?"
      "Because that's the way things have always been on Vejiitasei."
      "I'm not Saiyan!!"
      Leteetza laughed dryly.
      "Heh… looks like you are now - an honorary one at any rate!"
      "Did you like it when the king claimed you?"
      The Saiyan seated herself - it looked like this might be a long conversation.
      "I didn't even know what he'd done until Tamata explained it to me. Then I was flattered."
      "Yet you were happy enough to have him renounce his claim… Renounce his claim! I could get Zorun to do that…"
      Her voice tailed off as Leteetza shook her head.
      "That was exceptional. I really don't think Zorun would be prepared to do such a thing."
      The Hassinan was pacing.
      "What am I going to do?"
      The Saiyan sighed.
      "Not a lot you can do until after FullMoon." For a moment she debated telling Mahrayne about Zorun and Hijau - then decided not to mention it. It was hardly the best time, and the news should come from Zorun, anyway.
      "Look, it's really not that bad a thing. He's made you his, yes, but you also have a measure of control over him." A damn sight more than I have over Vejiita, she added silently. "He'll never deliberately hurt you, he'll protect you if it kills him, and you'll be spared the attentions of other males. He'll feel compelled to grant your requests - within reason, of course. He'll provide for you and your brats…"
      Leteetza stopped. It was obvious from Mahrayne's expression that none of this was having any impact. The Saiyan sighed.
      "Nothing can happen until after FullMoon. You might feel differently then - but we'll talk when we're together again, yes?"
      "Could the King intervene?"
      The Saiyan frowned.
      "I suppose he could. Whether he would is another matter. What happens between mates is usually their own business…" Leteetza paused as a thought occurred. "Tell me something - why are you reacting like this? From what you've said of Hassina, being claimed by a Saiyan doesn't seem to be all that much different from being 'gifted' to one of your males. In fact, I'd have thought it was better! Saiyans don't treat their mates as nothing more than breeding machines. And you've seen the sorts of relationships we have."
      "That's not the point!"
      Leteetza blinked. It certainly seemed to be the point, to her…
      "Mahrayne, just think about it, all right? Try and see it as the honour it is. Zorun is from a very old aristocratic bloodline. Before he met you he hated aliens: now he's so closely involved with one he's actually claimed her. He loves you, baka! He's going to be going through hell right now."
      "Good! He deserves it! He knew I didn't want this."
      The Saiyan shook her head - it was obviously no use trying to talk to Mahrayne when she was in this state.
      "Is this going to cause any problems with you giving the brats their lessons?"
      "Of course not!" the Hassinan snapped. "Why should it?"
      Leteetza sighed.
      "Right. Look, I'll talk to you soon. I have to get back to the suite now. Just think about what I've said, will you?"
      Mahrayne's face threatened to crumple, but she forced back her tears and nodded.
      "Until tomorrow then…"

But to Leteetza's surprise, the Hassinan didn't seem inclined to talk about the situation again - which, to be honest, came as a relief since the Saiyan really couldn't see why it was such a problem…

The days flowed past. Zha'haabron's belly grew steadily larger, and Radittsu was a little anxious about him: he tired so very quickly, his appetite decreased alarmingly, and he was in considerable pain at times, as the active hostlings kicked at his internal organs. But Vinas seemed perfectly satisfied. "Only to be expected." was the xenobiologist's regular comment. And indeed, Zha'haabron himself seemed content with the way the pregnancy was progressing. So Radittsu tried not to worry.
      But the day he found he could *talk* to the hostlings by himself reduced him to tears of joy - and afterwards he was able to calm them when their movements grew too boisterous for Zha'haabron to comfortably bear, *admonishing* them sternly to give their maazi some peace…

It was fifty days after the arrival of Leteetza and the young Saiyans, and the children were all preparing for a spell of outdoor exercise after an intensive morning's tuition. The rest were already heading for the exit under their bodyguards' watchful gaze, but 'haabron and Kobis were still in the poolroom: the zn'hre prince was getting ready to apply the sunscreen to his friend's back, as he'd done every day. Only - today…
      Mesmerised, Kobis watched 'haabron as the zn'hre prince poured sunscreen into his cool blue hands.
      His friend was so graceful! The young Saiyan's eyes were bright as 'haabron, hands cupping the fragrant lotion, grinned at him.
      "It'll be easier if you turn around!"
      Shaking himself, Kobis swivelled, hands lifting his heavy mane out of the way, for a moment tense until 'haabron slopped the warm liquid onto his shoulders and began to smooth it into his skin.
      He bit his lip. This last few days it had felt - different - when 'haabron had applied the lotion. But the zn'hre wasn't doing anything he hadn't done umpteen times before… So it must be me, thought Kobis to himself, shifting uneasily as 'haabron worked efficiently down his back to his tail.
      His tail…
      The Saiyan swallowed hard. His tail. Just recently he'd noticed… the tiniest breeze through the thick fur, an inadvertent touch - gods, even the feel of the bathtime water on his tail! - felt… it made him feel hot. Not the heat of the planet - he was getting used to that. This was quite different. It sent his hands to his groin, cupping himself, pressing, stroking, wanting something but not knowing quite what…
      And it was far worse when 'haabron's strong, slender hands worked their way across his body. He loved the feel of his friend's hands on his skin. It was exciting and soothing at the same time - made him want to wrap 'haabron up in a hug and simultaneously drag him out flying, soaring high above this planet that was so wonderful because it was 'haabron's home
      He gasped and bit his lip. 'haabron had reached the base of his tail, and was starting to work the rich lotion into the deep fur. Whimpering silently, Kobis sank his nails into his palms, eyes closed against the delicious torture as his friend's sure and gentle fingers massaged the cream down the length of the sensitised limb, finally reaching the end and finishing with a soft kiss!
      "All done."
      For a moment Kobis couldn't work out what the zn'hre prince meant. Then he realised that 'haabron had finished applying the sunscreen…
      He couldn't help himself. Before 'haabron could move away Kobis had twisted around, snaked one hand through the zn'hre's soft hair - and pulled the prince to him.

It was an innocent kiss. Gentle, unsure, tentative, trembling… But for Kobis it was the world. Two worlds, his own and 'haabron's.
      And the zn'hre's eyes were huge pools of black-centred gold, startled, frightened. Kobis pulled back, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood, hand over his mouth, suddenly terrified. Eyes wide, he gasped out
      "I'm sorry…"
      before racing from the room.

'haabron stared after him - then ran his fingertips over his mouth, frowning slightly. His lips were tingling.
      It felt - nice.
      It felt very nice.
      He'd rather like to feel it again.
      But he wasn't at all sure why…
      He sighed, shoving his hand through his hair. Perhaps he ought to have a talk with papa…

Leteetza looked up from trying to make 'haavok sit still long enough for her to be able to plait his hair as a small black and golden form streaked past and out of the suite. A moment later 'haabron exited the poolroom, his fingers brushing against his mouth and a strange, abstracted expression on his face.
      "'haabron? What's wrong?"
      The young zn'hre glanced around the common room, but it was mid afternoon, and papa and dadda were in council, and maazi was off visiting with friends, and dadda Zhak was in the schoolroom *speaking* with Hi'ijaa… But 'teetza might do. After all, she was Saiyan, like Kobis. He knelt beside the little warrior, his face serious.
      "Kobis kissed me."
      Leteetza gazed at him, smiling faintly.
      "And he ran away."
      "Oh. Do you know why?"
      The zn'hre shook his head, frowning, puzzled. The Saiyan stroked his hair, pushing back one of the loose strands framing his face.
      "How do you feel?"
      Solemn golden eyes blinked up at her.
      "I feel… I don't know. It was nice."
      Leteetza resumed combing 'haavok's hair. At least the brat was sitting still now, listening to his sibling with wide-eyed interest.
      "You liked it, neh?"
      'haabron nodded.
      "You like Kobis, don't you?"
      "He's my friend. I missed him."
      "Well, I think he likes you a lot, too. I know he missed you. And I think he kissed you because he likes you so much."
      'haabron inclined his head, frowning slightly.
      "You mean, like like papa and dadda like each other?"
      The Saiyan smiled down at him.
      "Maybe. Does that trouble you?"
      The prince thought about it for a moment. Then smiled.
      "Not even a little bit?"
      "No… Do you think I should go and find him?"
      Leteetza secured 'haavok's vivid green plait with a leather band and turned to regard 'haabron, smiling to herself at the serious expression on his beautiful face.
      He was so young! They both were. And yet…
      They'd been playmates and bedmates since they'd been born, just about. She'd hoped their early friendship would continue, and had been delighted when it had done so - although it was a bit early for it to blossom into love!
      And if that was what had happened, then both brats would need a little advice. For one, 'haabron would have to learn to be very careful with his teeth…
      She sighed and kissed his forehead.
      "Would you like me to talk to him?"
      'haabron thought about it for a moment, then shook his head.
      "No, I think I should."
      "Do you know where he is?"
      The zn'hre smiled and nodded.
      "He's in the sound room."
      "How do you know?"
      The smile faltered as 'haabron frowned - then his brow cleared.
      "'Cause that's where I'd go."
      He hugged Leteetza briefly and hastened from the suite, leaving the little warrior smiling after him.
      Zha'haabron would be very pleased.
      Whether Vejiita would feel the same way was another matter entirely…

© 2002 May 17th Joules Taylor


Third Alliance Chronicle Index

A thing, an object of no value, something useless, expendable, contemptible.
