
"Is papa coming too?"
      Ti'aasaan chuckled and ruffled 'selaan's hair.
      "No, zvi'ch - he's in conference with Vejiita. But Hi'ijaa will be there. And you'll be able to play with Ti'zheenan's hostlings soon."
      The transport with the returning Saiya-jin warriors, R'ren'nkh'ian partners, and Bri'seiyis, was due to arrive in an hour. Quarters had been prepared for most of them in the family's wing of the palace: a few others - all non-zn'hre and mostly shr'en'an and va'ha'da warriors - had asked to be lodged in barracks with their partners. Ti'aasaan, with Zha'haarak as the High King's representative since Zha'haabron was still in discussion with the Council and the Omanir Soutan (who insisted on his presence) over the hash'shavven affair, had happily agreed to meet the vehicle. Of course, most of the children wanted to be there too ('raadiin and Kiraz were at Guard Headquarters that day), especially 'tiisaan and 'viirel, who couldn't sit still for excitement. Jeice was going to accompany them, of course, and Mahrayne wanted to, but Kel had talked her out of it. It hadn't taken a lot of effort. It was another stiflingly hot, humid day, with a strange, heavy feeling in the air, and the Hassinan was finding even moving around the suite an effort.
      Kelapa, who was rota-ed to form part of the guard for the returnees, lifted her lover easily into strong arms and settled her on the sleeping platform with Ra'vahn and Za'rayne, who immediately snuggled into her hair. The Saiyan smirked and stroked her face.
      "Chilek and Kvetak are on guard on the balcony, and Jeruk and Kikuimo are in the corridor outside the suite - you'll be quite safe. Take it easy. You'll meet them soon enough. And you'll enjoy it more if you're rested."
      Mahrayne sighed and nodded.
      "It's this weather…"
      Kel chuckled.
      "It'll break soon - you'll be cooler then. Don't think the lizards are going to like it much, though…"

"Oh! His highness isn't here?"
      Mahrayne was roused from a light half-doze by the sound of Dari's voice. She smiled drowsily.
      "He's gone to meet the others. They won't be long."
      "Oh… Then we should come back later…"
      Closely followed by her twin, Dari turned towards the balcony. Mahrayne, gently but swiftly scooping the sleeping babies into her arms and levering herself into a sitting position, called softly after them.
      "Please, do stay."
      Hesitantly they turned back, and she treated them to her friendliest, least intimidating smile.
      "They really won't be long. And surely you'd like to see the babies, yes?"
      Dari's eyes lit up - but it didn't escape the Hassinan's attention that Tane looked enthusiastic too. Mahrayne carefully held them forward a little, allowing Dari to gently stroke their hair. Za'rayne nestled a little closer and hissed happily in his sleep.
      Tane hugged her sister from behind, kissing her ear, keeping a careful eye on Mahrayne. When the Hassinan didn't react, Tane slid her hands down to her twin's breasts, stroking gently. Mahrayne's eyes followed the movement, smiling as small nipples grew erect under the stimulation, tenting the thin silk of the close-fitting tunic. She inclined her head, not entirely sure of what to say. Tane smirked.
      "Do Hassinan siblings - play together?"
      Mahrayne considered the question carefully, wishing she had a Saiyan's sense of smell. Did Tane mean what she thought the young female meant?
      As she hesitated, Tane's tail caressed her twin's groin, Dari's thighs sliding slightly apart to allow the touches. Obviously it did mean what she thought it did…
      Mahrayne nodded.
      "It's the usual way of things on Hassina."
      The twins exchanged a glance.
      "It's - different on Vejiitasei…"
      Tane's voice tailed off. Mahrayne smiled encouragingly. The young Saiyan half-smiled nervously.
      "It's sort of… frowned on."
      The twins shared another look, and Tane shrugged.
      "We don't really know. It just is."
      The Hassinan nodded pensively. Interesting. They were sharing something with her that could, just possibly, get them into trouble. She wondered why. And why they were willing to share it…
      Though that could be because of the family itself. After all, sibling zn'hre were intimate enough to breed, and no-one thought anything of it, so morals were obviously different here. And as for why they were letting her know - were they propositioning her?! Not that she could dream of doing anything about it right now, not when she was looking after the babies… And not without Kelapa's agreement either.
      She smiled.
      "But I'm not Saiyan."
      An identical pair of sly smirks were her reply - then both heads turned towards the door as they moved quickly apart. Seconds later the door opened and the zn'hre entered in a melodious swirl of hissed conversation. Tane and Dari stood as one, rising and moving to one side to allow Zha'haarak - supported by Hijau and limping heavily, lines of pain around his eyes - to settle awkwardly onto the sleeping platform, then the twins seated themselves again one on each side of the gentle zn'hre, Tane reaching for his hip. Ti'aasaan grinned and ushered forward a tall, slender zn'hre with compelling azure eyes. Mahrayne smiled shyly and lowered her head as the little zn'hre retrieved the hybrids, who were just beginning to wake up.
      The songwright inclined his head, then sat beside her, to be quickly joined Jeice, 'tiisaan and 'viirel.
      "Mahrayne… It is a pleasure to meet you."

Tane and Dari worked quietly over Zha'haarak, glancing at the family every now and then.
      *Did we do wrong? Do you think she'll tell anyone?*
      Tane smiled wryly.
      *I don't think so. Too late now anyway.*
      *She's interested though, isn't she?*
      Tane nodded.
      *But it depends on Kelapa-san, doesn't it.*
      Dari bit her lip.
      *She'll never agree.*
      *She might. She does mostly what Mahrayne wants…*
      *Let's wait and see, shall we?*

Mahrayne was deliciously happy. Once she'd overcome her shyness at being addressed by the distinguished zn'hre, she found him delightfully easy to talk with, considerate, interested in everything she had to say. And she loved listening to his voice, low and mellow and melodious. Between them, she, Bri'seiyis and Jeice organised a schedule of meetings, lessons and collaborative dance sessions for themselves, 'tiisaan and 'viirel, and Ti'vadin and his host sib Ti'nienan, who the songwright had been training on R'ren'nkh'ia: they both had musical talent and Bri'seiyis hoped to have 'viirel join them. The zn'hre was obviously delighted to have the beginnings of a genuine musical association, and Mahrayne was overjoyed to be included, right at the beginning, in something she hoped with all her heart would grow and flourish…

Radittsu had returned shortly after the children and was stretched full length on a couple of floor cushions, various hostlings sitting on his back and playing with his mane, as he kept an eye on the interactions in the room. Once the first excitement had died down, the brats were very well-behaved… Of course, Kiraz and 'raadiin were still at headquarters, which helped. He wondered, idly, how they'd enjoyed their day…

'raadiin had beamed and hugged Kyuri hard as she'd welcomed them to Guard Headquarters that morning. The hostling was very fond of Kyuri, knowing - from odd things Hi'ijaa and 'rayne had let slip about FullMoon - something of how the red-maned female had helped his ma'issin. She'd returned his hug enthusiastically and ushered the two young warriors into her small - new - office to discuss the day with them, dismissing their guards with a nod.
      And to start with they'd enjoyed it. She'd taken them to the recruits assessment arena: there had even been a session going on, five very young Elites freshly in from the islands, all of them grim-faced with determination, being put through their paces by Radittsu: the big Saiyan insisted on seeing all the new recruits, and Hijau was very happy to agree. The ex-Captain was still one of the best trainers the Guard had ever had - better even than his father - and had an uncanny knack for picking out the cream of the recruits for special training. Kiraz and 'raadiin had saluted the big Saiyan, thrilled when he saluted them back, just as though they were real Guard themselves, then returned his attention to the recruits.
      From there they'd gone from arena to arena watching the various training exercises and levels, Kyuri explaining everything as they went along. She took them to the messhall for mid-day meal - the youngsters had watched and listened, wide-eyed and fascinated, to the adult conversation going on around them - then outside to try their hand at some of the simpler training exercises.
      And then she took them into the administrative offices…
      Several hours later she handed the befuddled youngsters back to their guards, smiling breezily.
      "So, young princes - have you enjoyed yourselves?"
      They nodded, dumbly.
      "Are you coming back again tomorrow?"
      Kiraz' eyes widened as he tried very hard not to shake his head.
      "Uh, we'll have to ask our papas…"
      Kyuri smirked. She'd done her best to give them a good overall view of what being an Elite Guard - in any capacity - involved. Not to dissuade them, exactly, but she'd had a sneaking suspicion they thought it was training, sparring and fighting and nothing else…
      She'd make sure they had plenty of time to think things over. And Hijau and Radittsu had already agreed to stress how important their morning lessons were, if they wanted to advance...
      The youngsters were unusually thoughtful and preoccupied on their return to the suite. Radittsu smiled to himself. Well, if they wanted to be the best, they had to understand what was required!

Zh'leet and a handful of palace servitors arrived shortly afterwards with an early evening meal, platters piled to overflowing, and for a while there was silence as everyone ate. Half way through the meal Zha'haabron arrived.
      Mahrayne - and Tane and Dari, who were still in the suite keeping 'zhasaan and 'fallon happy by combing their hair - watched as he greeted the family, then embraced Bri'seiyis, speaking for a while in R'ren'nkh'ia-go. The high king looked exhausted. And stressed, thought the Hassinan. Apparently the talks were not going well. Radittsu wrapped him in strong arms, smiling as the zn'hre sighed quietly and slumped against his bondmate.
      *Still no success?*
      **No. The Soutan is being very polite but refusing to let them free**
      The big male nuzzled Zha'haabron's neck, frowning at the tension throughout the strong cool body. The whole hash'shavven situation was depressing his bondmate, not to mention taking up all of his time right now: what little time they had to themselves the king was too tired to want to do more than simply be held as he fell asleep. It had been days since they'd made love, and both of them were irritable and frustrated because of it.
      Well, it was time to put that right.

The family bathed early for once - it had been a tiring day - then Radittsu took the children to one side.
      "The Ssii'iin is feeling very tired and a little unhappy, and we want to do something to make him feel better. So I want you all to decide where you're going to sleep: we need the platform to ourselves."
      'haabron nudged Kobis.
      **That means they're going to have sex. Wish we could join them…**
      Kobis kissed his cheek.
      *But we can make our own fun, can't we?*
      'haabron giggled and snuggled against his aijin.
      **Oooh yes…**
      Zh'leet, Gh'veen, Leteetza, Mahrayne and (grumpily) Kel hustled the children out of the bathing chamber. As the door closed behind them Radittsu grinned at Hijau - the arguments as to who was sleeping where and with whom had already started in the common room.
      "Should we have helped?"
      Radittsu nipped the younger Saiyan's shoulder.
      "Not tonight…"
      They soaked for a little longer, drifting lazily in the muted light, relishing the peace, then Hijau pulled Zha'haarak close as Radittsu stroked teasingly over his beloved's weary body. The two Saiyans exchanged a look - then simultaneously swept their startled bondmates into their arms and carried them through to the sleeping platform.
      The common room was quiet and deserted, the children settled into various siderooms for the night. Ti'aasaan slid the screens closed then joined the others, muting the light as he did so and slipping a quiet, delicately complex Bri'seiyis composition into the audio player.

Zha'haabron found himself the centre of the group. He frowned and tried to push himself upright - only to be gently restrained. Radittsu kissed him tenderly.
      *Please beloved… Let us pleasure you…*
      And, with his head resting in Ti'aasaan's lap, the little zn'hre running thin strong fingers through his unplaited hair and scratching very lightly at his scalp, with Zha'haarak holding one hand and Hijau the other, kneading gently at the strong, tense arms, and with Jeice - his hands shining with oil fragranced with the scent of the climbing plant outside the suite - massaging down first one long, muscular leg and then a little later the other, Zha'haabron lay on his back and tried not to whimper as a deep sense of wellbeing rolled through him in waves…
      Radittsu smiled at the expression on his beloved's face - then settled himself between strong thighs and began his own particular version of worship.
      Zha'haabron's back arched as the big Saiyan trailed large fingers down smooth firm skin, kneading over the broad chest, stroking across ribs, pressing firmly into the hard abdomen and jutting hipbones - then repeating the pilgrimage with his lips. By the time he licked first one, and then the other, of the king's hips Zha'haabron was trembling with need, his erection pulsing, chitsu weeping…
      Jeice handed the Saiyan the largest of the toys Mahrayne had had made for them. A little larger even than Radittsu, it was hollow, with a small crosspiece over the open end that served as a very convenient handle. Watching his beloved closely, Radittsu slid it into Zha'haabron's body.
      Going in, it made little impression, but when the Saiyan tried to pull it back…
      Zha'haabron's eyes flew open as he gasped and involuntarily yanked out of the others' gentle grasps, fingers clawing at Radittsu's shoulders as his thighs snapped shut.
      The Saiyan smiled and pushed the toy in again. Zha'haabron's head jerked backwards, his nails on his bondmate's skin drawing blood as Ti'aasaan, grinning broadly, caught his shoulders and pulled him back down.
      Radittsu withdrew the toy slowly, in small back-and-forth jerks…
      By mutual consent they all drew the delicious torture out as long as they could, using tongues and lips and fingers - and in Hijau and Jeice's case, teeth - to caress and arouse. By the time Radittsu lowered his face to his bondmates' groin, to kiss and lick and nip and finally take the quivering inkei deeply into his mouth as he speeded up the in-and-out movement of the toy, Zha'haabron was incoherent, his body flushed a dark blue as he writhed uncontrollably, gasping and whimpering… His body went completely rigid as he came, shuddering as the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced ripped through him. And he lost consciousness…
      It was a minute or two before he opened his eyes again, almost sobbing with delight. Radittsu smirked down into his face.
      *Heh. Looks like you enjoyed that…*
      The king grabbed him into a bone-creaking embrace, then glanced around at the others, his eyes brimming.
      "Thank you. Thank you all."
      Radittsu kissed him, carefully pressing warm lips to cool, tongue brushing lightly across soft skin. Zha'haabron sighed contentedly, closing his eyes.
      "Your turn now…"
      Radittsu stroked his cheek.
      *Beloved… Would you do me a favour?*
      The zn'hre nodded.
      **Of course**
      *Would you… would you make love with Hijau? And Jeice?*
      Zha'haabron's eyes flew open. He stared for a moment or two, then frowned.
      The Saiyan shrugged, then smiled.
      *Because they love you? Because they want to pleasure you? And they are both superb lovers.*
      Zha'haabron blinked.
      **And you?**
      *If you're not too tired, I'll go last.*
      The king's eyes widened further.
      **You would like me to do this?**
      Radittsu nodded, chewing nervously at his lower lip.
      *Very much, beloved.*
      Zha'haabron frowned.
      **This runs counter to all notions of claiming - and my own habit**
      The Saiyan nodded and kissed him.
      *Forget I asked, beloved. I'll not have you do anything you don't want to.*
      The king watched him for a moment, then smiled.
      **I do not want to deny you anything you might want - you ask so little of me as it is… Very well**
      Radittsu - who was beginning to wish he'd never brought the subject up - shook his head slightly.
      *No. I don't want you doing anything unwillingly.*
      **But I am not unwilling. And they are both very dear to me**
      Radittsu brushed a kiss across cool lips, rolled to the side and beckoned to Hijau…
      … who sank into his Ssii'iin's cool body with a sigh of mingled disbelief, satisfaction and outright delight, thrusting hard, nipping at Zha'haabron's neck and shoulders but managing not to bite.
      The sheer newness of a different person, different sensations, a different way of making love was intriguing - and had the king climaxing quickly, content to wrap long legs around Hijau's waist as the young Saiyan pounded, finally using ki to flip them both into a sitting posture with the king in his lap as he buried his face in the zn'hre's hair and rammed upwards one last time, jetting into the powerful cool body, Zha'haabron hugging him close as he came again.
      Panting, Hijau gazed up at his Ssii'iin, eyes hooded, and pressed his lips to the king's throat - unable to find words to express his fulfilment. Zha'haabron ran a hand through the captain's bright mane and smiled, glancing briefly at Zha'haarak, who was smiling proudly.
      **Hi'ijaa is - special, isn't he?**
      Zha'haabron sighed and nodded.
      **Very much so, heart-brother…**
      The captain was still inside him, still hard. He glanced into the warm golden eyes, then lowered his gaze, colouring slightly.
      "My Ssii'iin…"
      The king cupped his face in cool hands.
      "You wish to… play again?"
      "Would it be too much to ask?"
      Zha'haabron pressed a kiss to his cheek, whispering,
      "It would not…"
      "Then… would you turn over?"
      The zn'hre blinked. It was not his favourite position - it felt submissive, and not being able to see his lover's face disturbed him - but he knew both Radittsu and Hijau liked it greatly. He smiled and swivelled in Hijau's lap, one long supple leg sweeping up and across the captain's body as the Saiyan leaned back slightly, then smoothly moving forwards to rest on his hands and knees without dislodging the shaft within him. Hijau sighed blissfully and leaned forwards to wrap his arms tightly around the broad chest as he began to thrust again.
      Melting into the rhythm, the wonderful stimulation as Hijau stroked strongly over the blunted barbs arousing him once more, Zha'haabron closed his eyes - only to open them wide as a hot mouth engulfed his erection.
      Jeice was below him, studded tongue sparking a sudden, intense orgasm as Zha'haabron cried out, clenching internal muscles surprising the Saiyan deep within him into his own climax. Hijau knelt back, pulling the quivering zn'hre upright as Jeice, licking his lips with satisfaction, took the still firm blue shaft into his hand - and with a mischievous grin began to lick at the king's swollen, sensitive little nub…
      Zha'haabron moaned, trembling in Hijau's arms as the Saiyan stroked warm hands down and across his body, nipping and suckling at his neck. He was only distantly aware of Hijau clutching him tightly as they both came again and the Saiyan relinquished his place to the hash'shavven
      And Jeice - Jeice played him, like some fine instrument, studded shaft pulling extraordinary sensations from his body. By the time the little alien had finally allowed himself to come, Zha'haabron was afloat on a cloud of euphoria, drifting in an atmosphere of mingled desire and love, his body heavy with satisfaction, feeling boneless - wholly content.
      And Radittsu entered him, his movements slow, tender - then tensing slightly. After a moment or two he resumed the gentle thrusting, only - as Zha'haabron finally realised minutes later - something felt different…
      He forced open weary eyes - then smiled. As his bondmate moved within him, so Hijau was plunging into the bigger Saiyan's body, matching him thrust for thrust. Radittsu's eyes were closed, his expression one of rapture.
      Zha'haabron lightly, tentatively, bit very gently into his bondmate's shoulder: Radittsu gasped and came, pulling Hijau, and the king, into one last, surging climax - that *melded* them into one blissful whole.
      It took them some time to recover, and when they could focus again they found Ti'aasaan snuggled against the king's back while Zha'haarak had cuddled into Hijau: Jeice was gently stroking Zha'haabron's hair. The high king sighed and smiled wearily.
      "I would ask you not to - undertake such an endeavour too often. I still have one half of the Alliance to control…"
      Radittsu chuckled.
      "Too much for you, eh?"
      Zha'haabron gazed at him for a moment, then kissed him.
      "One day I will arrange for you to be the subject of such a sustained and intense… attack. Then, and only then, will I allow you to comment on my stamina…"
      The big Saiyan stared, then grinned and hugged him fiercely.
      "It's a deal…"

Zha'haabron went into Council late the following morning.
      He returned shortly afterwards, a miserable Jeice in tow.
      The Soutan Maagarin had finally, definitively, refused the Empire any access to Ghrakigh. He had also refused the High King's offer to purchase the hagarch Veiyan.
      Vejiita was not happy. Neither was Zha'haabron.
      The Empire quietly, discreetly, prepared for war.

Mahrayne frowned.
      "Leteetza - do you know what this is?"
      They were in the library, and had been for a large part of the afternoon. The Hassinan had decided she needed a break from Formal R'ren'nkh'ia-go, just for a few minutes, and was flicking randomly through the database, idling checking out the rather meagre section subtitled 'Saiya-jin Myths and Legends'. The little warrior raked a hand through her mane and blinked a few times, then leaned over to look at Mahrayne's screen. She frowned, then smiled.
      "Heh. That's just an old legend."
      "But it looks so… interesting…"
      She peered at the screen, read the brief notes, then turned to Leteetza again.
      "Please 'teetza - what exactly is a super-Saiyan?"
      The female sighed.
      "You've seen warriors 'power up', as it's often put - draw on our ki until you can see it around us? Gives our abilities an extra boost, makes us stronger and more able to defend ourselves?"
      Mahrayne nodded. Leteetza continued.
      "Have you ever seen the Ssii'iin do the same?"
      The Hassinan shook her head. She'd heard that the High King's ki outstripped the Saiya-jin-no-Ou's by several orders of magnitude, but she'd never actually seen it. Leteetza inclined her head.
      "Well, supposedly, a super-Saiyan's ki is even greater than the Ssii'iin's. Such a being would be more or less unstoppable." She shrugged, then grinned self-mockingly. "It's supposed to be a trait passed on through the royal line. Me, I think it's just a tale to justify the Saiya-jin superiority complex!"
      Mahrayne frowned.
      "But most such legends have their roots in reality, yes?"
      The Saiyan sighed.
      "Oh, maybe… But this one is so ancient… I think it dates back to before we came here."
      The Hassinan blinked.
      "'Before you came here?'"
      Leteetza nodded.
      "This isn't our homeworld."
      "It isn't?"
      The little warrior grinned.
      "Sounds like an echo in here! No, we're not native to Vejiitasei. It was originally called Shokubutsu. The Tsufuru-jin were the original inhabitants."
      "What happened to them?"
      Leteetza shrugged her shoulders.
      "They all died out. We took over."
      Mahrayne frowned to herself. That did explain a number of anomalies she'd been half-aware of - that, on the mainland certainly, there were far more buildings than could be accounted for by the Saiya-jin or even the aliens, and that she hadn't seen any new construction work taking place, only repairs. And the Saiyan-jin didn't seem to have any arts of their own - no music, no dance, no poetry or literature or visual artworks: it was all alien.
      She tucked the knowledge away in her mind. This was something she simply had to investigate - later, when the task of translating and cataloguing the wealth of material from R'ren'nkh'ia was completed…

© 2002 July 20th Joules Taylor

Journeys pt 1 - the first chapter of the Fourth Alliance Chronicle

Homecoming pt 5
Third Alliance Chronicle Index