Homecoming pt 3

Mahrayne sat cross-legged on Kel's bed almost humming with contentment. Kelapa was sitting behind her, gently combing out her lover's still damp hair.
       "All done."
      Mahrayne smiled over her shoulder at the warrior.
       "Thank you."
      Kelapa smirked, and brushed the thick mass of white over Mahrayne's shoulder.
       "Leave your hair out tonight," she said, gently stroking the Hassinan's neck.
      Mahrayne smiled and nodded - Zorun and Kelapa both liked her hair unbound, it was one of the few things her Saiyans had in common.

It was the evening of their second day on Pankuzu, and apart from the ever-present humid heat, Mahrayne was having a wonderful time. Yesterday afternoon Kel had shown her around Lord Kurumi's estate, followed at a discreet distance by Chilek and Apyo of course. The noble's holding was quite extensive, incorporating a good chunk of what looked like jungle but was actually a very fertile fruit growing area; it was also, incidentally, a good place to go hunting. They'd walked, or clambered rather, through the thick vegetation, Kel pointing out what was and wasn't edible for Saiyans. The females had rested for a while under a squat, twisted tree that was covered in clusters of small, red fruits. Kel had broken open an old, rotting log that was lying on the ground and fished out a double handful of finger length, fat, blue-grey grubs. Insects were a staple part of the Hassinan diet, so Mahrayne hadn't been surprised when Kel had 'cooked' them, using a brief, intense flash of ki. The head part of the grub had a set of quite nasty looking pincers that - Kel said - contained poison, and she'd shown Mahrayne how to use her nails to twist off this inedible part of the insect. Mahrayne sunk her teeth into the plump morsel Kelapa held to her lips and giggled as its unexpected juices spurted in her mouth, overflowing down her chin and onto Kel's fingers. The warrior grinned and rolled her eyes, wiping her fingers on her brief bodysuit.
      "Messy brat!"
      "These are delicious!" Mahrayne had said, and Kel smirked.
      "Northerners don't appreciate this kind of thing." Mahrayne looked at her quizzically and Kel snorted. "They've got a thing about their food not having bones!"
      They finished off the succulent grubs, taking turns feeding them to each other then Kelapa hauled Mahrayne to her feet and led her out of the sultry forest and down to the beach.
       It was much cooler on the sands, the strong sea-breezes seeming to carry the heat and humidity of the island away down the coast. The light was painfully bright for Mahrayne though; she stood on the edge of the shore, up to her ankles in cool water, closed her eyes and turned her face to the wind...
      "Come into the water!" Kel said beside her. Mahrayne turned to her lover, cracking her eyes open a slit.
      "What's the matter?" the warrior asked.
      "Light's too bright," Mahrayne said apologetically, "I can't see very well."
      There was a brief silence then:
       "Wait here, I won't be long."
      Mahrayne heard the stirring of sand as Kelapa took off into the air – returning a few moments later carrying something that rustled.
       "Try this."
      Mahrayne felt something settle around her head and she cautiously opened her eyes.
      She could see! Sort of... Kel had made something out of – Mahrayne reached up and fingered the material – leaves, that shaded her eyes. The light was still bright, but it wasn't shining directly into her face.
       "Thank you!" Mahrayne beamed at the Saiyan, noticing she was naked.
       "Come into the water." Kel waded out a few steps, "It's lovely."
      Mahrayne hesitated. She wanted to, the water felt wonderfully cool around her feet, it was very tempting to strip off and immerse herself but...
       "Don't worry," Kelapa smirked, "they won't look."
      The Saiyan was referring to Chilek and Apyo, who, as friendly as Mahrayne was with them, were still unfamiliar males and she was reluctant to go naked when they were around.
       "Just pretend they're not there."
      Mahrayne looked around and frowned; the Guards were out of sight, but even though she couldn't see them, no doubt they could see her. She shook herself. This was ridiculous, she was living amongst Saiyans now, it was time she let go of some of those absurdly inappropriate Hassinan customs. Mahrayne gritted her teeth, slipped out of her robe - tossing the bright garment away from the water line - then quickly waded out to join Kel in the deeper, concealing water.
       The ocean had a similar sort of buoyancy to it as the baths on Hassina, but it tasted very different, much saltier. Kel had laughed when Mahrayne experimentally took a mouthful of the water, spitting it out almost immediately and pulling a face as she did so.
       They spent the rest of the day playing in the water, or sitting on the warm sand eating raw the fish Kel had caught – it was idyllic.
       The first sun had set, and the second was heading towards the horizon when Kel suggested they return to her father's house. Chilek and Apyo emerged from the forest after the females had dressed, and Mahrayne blinked - she had managed to forget about them.
      Kel took her time flying them back to the compound, giving Mahrayne a chance to have a good look at the island now that the light wasn't so bright. They had a leisurely, shared shower before joining Lord Kurumi for dinner in the 'open' room, and much later that night they made love in Kel's room before falling asleep to the sound of the ocean.

They left the compound early next morning, just after sunsrise, Kelapa grinning wickedly as she rousted the two Guards out of the same bed.
       "We're leaving without eating first?" Apyo had grouched as they assembled in the courtyard.
       "If you want something to eat," Kel smirked at the yawning Guard, "you're going to have to catch it first."
      Mahrayne's eyes sparkled - a hunt! No wonder Kel had suggested she wear a bodysuit and boots rather than one of her robes.
       They flew to the beach, close to the spot they'd been yesterday, dumping the few things that Kel had brought with them under one of the tall, ridged-bark trees. Then the four of them silently entered the forest.

Mahrayne found being hungry had put an edge on the hunt, knowing that if they didn't catch something then they didn't eat had seemed to sharpen her senses. It was too dense in the vegetation to fly, or run for that matter, so the hunters had to rely on stealth to get close enough to the animals for a kill. It was very humid amongst the plants, Mahrayne sweated profusely underneath the body-suit, and the bits of her hair that had come loose from the metal bands ended up plastered over her face and neck. But for all that, she was too caught up in the hunt to be uncomfortable. She lost track of time, too, as she carefully stalked with the Saiyans through the dim, quiet, greenness, her awareness narrowed down to the now of hunting and nothing else mattered.
       It was only about an hour short of midday when they emerged from the forest, grinning, pleased with their catch. Between them they'd caught a large, horned, pig like thing, similar to the animal on the mainland, a couple of tree-dwelling animals that had long limbs and very big teeth, and one of the island's big game-birds plus the several eggs it had been sitting on. Mahrayne smiled to herself; before she'd met the Saiya-jin, she would have considered this amount of food adequate to feed her household comfortably for a day and beyond, but now it would make a comfortable, single, meal for three Saiyans and one pregnant Hassinan. They sat in the shade cast by the slender, ridged trees at the edge of the forest, and ate the tree-dwellers raw, sharing the warm, fragrant meat between them, allaying their hunger while bits of the bird and pig were seared over a fire. Mahrayne wore an old, wide-brim hat that Kelapa had unearthed from somewhere in her father's house, that shaded her eyes enough for her to see; she kicked off her boots, wriggling her toes in the warm sand. Midday came and went, the heat of the day tempered by the cool ocean breezes, and the four of them lounged around eating and talking. By the time Mahrayne was almost uncomfortably full the Saiyans were still eating heartily; the Hassinan didn't think she'd ever get used to the sheer amount of food Saiya-jin could put away.
       Mahrayne was on the point of dozing off when Kel shot a look at the males. They stood up, smirking and sauntered a little way off down the beach, taking what little was left of the food with them.
       "Let's go swimming."
      "I'm too full." Mahrayne protested, but Kel was already helping her out of the bodysuit. They stayed in the water long enough to rinse off the sweat of the hunt and cool down a little, before Mahrayne, grinning around a huge yawn, told her lover she had to sleep and it would probably be safer to do that out of the water. The females sauntered hand in hand back up to the edge of the forest and in the shade of the trees, Kel spread a large blanket out on the sand. Mahrayne lay down with a grateful sigh, asleep almost before Kel had stretched out beside her.
       After they woke, they spent a good part of the afternoon playing in the water, and feasting on the shell-fish and crustaceans they caught in and around some nearby rock pools. They made love on the blanket, kissing and touching leisurely and gently before dozing together again.
      The first sun was just touching the horizon, its light spilling over the ocean, turning the water a light, mutable gold. Mahrayne floated on her back in the sea, totally relaxed, and smiled dreamily up at Kel who was floating a few inches above her in the air. The Saiyan's tail was coiled lightly around one of Mahrayne's thighs, anchoring the females together, and she watched her lover's face as she softly traced Mahrayne's breast beads with her long fingers. Kelapa looked up and around, then frowned.
      "We've drifted too far out from the shore, time to go back."
      She scooped Mahrayne out of the water and flew them both to the beach, where Chilek and Apyo were waiting for them. Mahrayne flushed when she realised she was still naked and the males smirked, but turned their backs and walked a little way away, while she struggled into the bodysuit. Kelapa took shameless advantage of the situation, kissing Mahrayne deeply while the males weren't looking, and teasing her tail slowly between her lover's thighs. The males may not be looking, but they sure as hell could scent what was going on and it was that knowledge that stopped Mahrayne from responding as – enthusiastically as she normally would have. Kelapa smirked down at her, not the least bit apologetic for Mahrayne's discomfort, then picked her up again and called the males back. Mahrayne snuggled happily in Kelapa's arms on the flight back, and Kel kissed her hair, radiating love and contentment... which lasted until they reached Lord Kurumi's house.
      As they landed in the courtyard, Kel scented the air and growled.
      "We've got visitors."
      Mahrayne looked at her quizzically.
      Kel scented carefully, her tail twitching in irritation.
       "Some old-fart friends of my father's, and - others." she finished lamely. Mahrayne would've asked further but at that point Lord Kurumi came out of the house.
       "You might have warned us, Father." Kel said sourly. Kurumi barked out an amused laugh.
       "It was a spur of the moment decision, daughter, to invite my friends to my house for a meal, how could I have warned you?"
      Kel glared at him, then sighed. "You'll have to excuse us while we get changed."
      The noble smiled benignly. "Of course, daughter, but don't take too long, the first course is almost ready."

Once they were alone in Kel's room, Mahrayne cornered her lover in the shower.
       "Who are the guests, and why are you not impressed?"
      Kelapa made an irritated sound.
       "The elders I don't have a problem with," she smirked, "Kurumi's only invited them to show you off to."
       "I don't understand."
      Under the warm spray, Mahrayne ran her fingers through Kel's mane, washing the salt and sand out.
       "You, takibi," Kel nipped Mahrayne's nose, "are an important person."
       "Me?" The Hassinan's astonishment wasn't feigned. "Why?"
       "You're the King's tutor, responsible for the education of the Saiya-jin-no-Ou – and the High King of R'ren'nkh'ia's – heirs…"
      "But Leteetza has as much a part to play in that as I do." Mahrayne protested. "So do the Thinkers involved…"
       "As well as that," Kelapa went on as if she hadn't been interrupted, "you're the claimed mate of the King's Guard which straight away gives you a high status."
      Mahrayne grimaced. "But that's ridiculous! On Hassina I'm inconsequential, surplus…"
      Kel growled and pulled Mahrayne in to the spray with her.
       "That's because those fucking kusoyaros don't appreciate you like we do."
      Mahrayne cuddled into Kel's warm strength, distinctly uncomfortable with the conversation – time to change the subject.
       "So who are the other guests?"
      Kelapa sighed, and turned off the flow of water.
       "Burajirunu, and though I haven't met her, I think his mate is here too."
       "And that bothers you?"
      The warrior wrapped a drying cloth around Mahrayne.
       "Burajirunu is the male my father wanted me to mate with."
       "You refused?"
       Of course I fucking refused! The last thing I wanted to do was stick around here and have brats. I'm an Elite female - I get a choice about my life!"
       "So why – "
       "My father's invited him - and his mate who is pregnant with their second brat, if I remember rightly – because the old fool thinks that by dangling what I missed out on in front of me, it might suddenly make me change my mind."
       "About what?"
       "About - resigning from the military, about – taking a fucking mate and breeding." The warrior shuddered.
       "Ah." Mahrayne said, then she frowned. Did none of these Saiyan females want to breed? Was it only accidental pregnancies, like Leteetza's, that kept their race going? Mahrayne sometimes felt she'd never understand these aliens. Oh well – she didn't have to understand them to be happy amongst them. She handed Kel a bone comb.
       "Comb my hair for me, please?"

And now here they were, refreshed and – almost – ready to go downstairs and meet Lord Kurumi's visitors. Almost. Mahrayne couldn't decide what to wear.
       "Can I wear something of yours?" she asked the warrior. Kel rolled her eyes.
       "Go ahead, do what you want with the fucking stuff, just don't expect me to wear any of it."
      Mahrayne happily rummaged around in the clothes cupboard, eventually pulling out the length of dusky blue cloth that had caught her eye yesterday. She mutely held it out to Kel.
       "I assume you want me to show how to wear that?"
      Mahrayne nodded. Kel sighed.
       "You couldn't have picked something a little less fiddly could you?" Kelapa grumbled as she unfolded the cloth and began to wind it around her lover. Mahrayne grinned, this was hardly 'fiddly', not compared to some things she'd worn. Kel wrapped the cloth around her body twice, going under her arms, and tucking the material in somehow as she went so it was comfortably secure over Mahrayne's breasts, but hung loosely from there down, allowing her freedom of movement. There was a length of the cloth left over, and after a moment's hesitation, Kelapa arranged it over Mahrayne's unblemished shoulder, leaving bare her other shoulder, the one that carried Zorun's claim mark.
       Between the garment and leaving her hair down, Mahrayne was relieved to find she was almost completely covered. Only her arms, one shoulder and her legs below the shins, were exposed; and only a single line, the uppermost curve, of her breast beads on one side could be seen.
       "How do I look?"
      Kel smirked and kissed her.
       "Pity we have to go and be sociable. I'd like to stay here and unwrap you."
      Mahrayne laughed.
       "Can't right now, but later?"
       "Definitely." Kel kissed Mahrayne's throat, "And tonight you're not going to stay up 'til all hours talking to my father, are you?"
      Mahrayne smiled, Kel had been less than impressed last night, when Mahrayne hadn't followed her up to bed, but had instead stayed downstairs chatting with Lord Kurumi until a few hours before dawn.
       "Not unless I'm given a better offer."

Lord Kurumi beamed at her when she and Kel came downstairs.
       "It's good to see someone finally making use of those clothes."
      Kel rolled her eyes.
       "You look lovely, Lady Mahrayne, your presence in my home does me honour."
      Mahrayne blushed at the compliment, not knowing what to say, but her shy smile seemed to be sufficient for the noble. Lord Kurumi suddenly smiled at her.
       "Wait here, please." The noble strode off upstairs.
      Mahrayne looked at Kel, who shrugged – she had no idea either.
      Lord Kurumi returned in a few moments carrying a small, plain wooden box. He handed it to the Hassinan with a deferential smile.
       "I would be delighted, Lady Mahrayne, if you would wear these."
      Kelapa leaned in to look as Mahrayne lifted the lid on the box. The Hassinan's eyes widened when she saw the jewelry nestled safely inside, and she beamed up at the noble.
       "Lord Kurumi – they're beautiful, I'm honoured..."
      Mahrayne stripped off her own jewelry – everything except the floral pendant Zorun had given her – then slipped the pair of coiled, silver armbands around her upper arms. Kel fastened the matching headband around Mahrayne's forehead, and glanced at her father.
       "Haven't seen these for a while."
      Lord Kurumi smiled a little sadly.
       "No one to wear them."
      Kelapa nodded and almost groaned at Mahrayne's palpable curiosity. She stroked one of the armbands reflectively.
       "These have been in my family for years... My mother wore them last."
      Mahrayne swallowed her questions - the Saiyans obviously didn't want to say anything more. She smiled up at Lord Kurumi.
       "Shall we eat now?"

The noble ushered his guests through to the 'open' room, and from there out to the courtyard where the meal was to be served.
       It was another warm and clear night; the lanterns spaced around the courtyard and hanging from the eaves of the house, softly illuminated the area without competing against the brightness of the stars.
      Apart from Kel's would-be mate and his female, all of the five other guests were older, or elderly, Saiyan males. Lord Kurumi introduced Mahrayne to each of them individually and the Hassinan found herself being closely, if circumspectly, studied. Mahrayne really hoped Kel would let her know if she did or said anything inappropriate, but figured as long as she was quietly attentive - and didn't ask too many questions - she wouldn't embarrass herself. The elder males were members of Pankuzu's ruling council, as was Lord Kurumi, and one of them, Hezerunattsu, was Burajirunu's father. After speaking with Burajirunu for a very little while, Mahrayne found the younger male to be not as interesting as other Saiyans she'd met. No wonder her lover had refused him, Kelapa would've gone insane from boredom if nothing else. He was physically ordinary too, being shorter than Kel and - pudgy. Yesterday, Mahrayne couldn't have even imagined a pudgy Saiyan, but here was one standing right in front of her. She worked hard to keep her thoughts light and friendly, and hopefully her scent as well - the last thing she wanted was to insult her host's guest.
      Pinattsu, the young male's mate, however, was something else. She was tiny, smaller than Leteetza, very pretty by Saiyan standards, and very pregnant. She also seemed desperately relieved to have someone to talk to. Mahrayne got the impression she was seen by her mate as little more than a breeding machine, hardly worth the effort of doing anything with other than fucking. Pinattsu also thought herself stupid, apologising to Mahrayne for her limited conversation, which centred around talk of her small son and her current pregnancy. Fortunately, Mahrayne was happy to talk about such purely female things - despite Kel's quietly heartfelt groan - while also managing to broaden the conversational topics. Pinattsu had only the barest education, but she was far from stupid. As Mahrayne talked with her, she found the little female had a well-hidden, wicked sense of humour and a sharp eye for observing the absurd in the people around her. Mahrayne enjoyed talking with Pinattsu, apologising to her with a smile when someone else wanted to speak with her, but always returning her attention to the female.

Kel watched all this with a sly smile. Mahrayne had no idea the consternation she was causing Burajirunu by paying more attention to his mate than him. The baka male was desperately trying to put this perceived lack of respect down to Mahrayne's only being a female, and an alien, but that didn't explain her attentiveness to the other males. Kel almost laughed out loud at Burajirunu's not so subtle attempts to claim a share of the Hassinan's attention, only to find himself being delicately, but definitely, rebuffed. The warrior felt obscurely proud of her lover as she chatted with the elder males. The old-farts were clearly impressed by the alien female's intelligence and courtesy, and charmed and flattered by her genuine interest in them and their lives, and Pinattsu was positively glowing. Kel glanced at her father and smirked ruefully; Lord Kurumi was also watching Mahrayne - proudly and indulgently. Kel wasn't sure how to feel about that, but she shouldn't have been surprised, Mahrayne was closer to what Kurumi wanted in a daughter than she ever would be.

The guests were all seated on low stools around an equally low table. The servants brought out platter after platter of food and a large quantity of drinks.
      "What's that?" Mahrayne pointed to the pale, opaque liquid in Kel's beaker.
      "Fermented fruit juice."
      Mahrayne lent close to her lover and sniffed the drink appreciatively.
       "Can I try some?"
       "Won't it upset your digestion?"
      The Hassinan shrugged.
       "Won't know until I try."
       "All right," Kel smirked, "but don't keep me awake all night if you find you can't keep it down."
      The last time Mahrayne had tried fruit juice, the effects were immediate, and messy, but maybe the fermentation process had made it digestible? She tentatively took a couple of mouthfuls - delicious, refreshing mouthfuls that fizzed slightly on her tongue - from Kel's beaker and waited to see what happened.
      Nothing happened.
      Mahrayne drank a little more.
      Still nothing happened.
      Kelapa protested mildly as Mahrayne drained the beaker, and told her to get her own. Mahrayne laughed, and when she'd gotten her own beaker of the fermented juice, she grinned and mock-solicitously offered it to the warrior. Kel snorted, but out of sight underneath the table, her tail wound briefly around Mahrayne's ankle, the tip snaking up and tickling behind the Hassinan's knee.

Mahrayne just wasn't hungry and she only managed to pick at the food being served; Lord Kurumi, seated beside his daughter, leant around behind Kel's back towards her.
       "Is there nothing here to your liking, Lady Mahrayne?" the noble asked her with quiet concern. Mahrayne smiled at him.
       "It's delicious, thank you, but Kel's been feeding me all day and I'm really not very hungry."
      "I'm glad to see my daughter is looking after you." Lord Kurumi said with a slight smirk, and Mahrayne wondered how much he knew of her relationship with Kelapa.

The dinner wound down several hours on, to Mahrayne's secret relief: all that frolicking in the water earlier had tired her out and she was ready for bed. The elder males as they each left, included Mahrayne and the three Guards in their polite and respectful farewells, and Lord Kurumi looked very pleased with himself. Hezerenattu, his son and Pinattsu were the last to leave. Pinattsu impulsively took one of Mahrayne's hands and smiled up at her as she said goodbye. The feel of the small female's warm fingers wrapped around Mahrayne's slightly larger hand provoked a flicker of sexual interest that the Hassinan didn't have time to suppress. Pinattsu's luminous grey-brown eyes widened and she smirked.
      "If you ever find time to write to me, Lady Mahrayne, I would be pleased to receive your letter." The small thumb stroked briefly and softly against her palm, so briefly Mahrayne wasn't sure if she imagined it, then Pinattsu let go of her hand and went to stand with her visibly sulking mate.

"Pinattsu's not going to get into any trouble is she?" Mahrayne murmured the enquiry to Kel when the small family group had left.
      "For flirting with you?" Kel smirked back, "No, Burajirunu hasn't got the balls."
      Mahrayne burst out laughing, futilely trying to suppress her mirth when Lord Kurumi looked over at them. The noble's face was stern - then he smirked as well.
       "Daughter, I apologise for trying to make you mate with him," he murmured with a smile, "I can see now it wouldn't have been a successful match."
      Kelapa gaped at her father, then shut her mouth quickly, shaking her head. The noble half-smirked then inclined his head politely and went upstairs.
       "He must be mellowing in his old age." Kelapa said with a snort, then shooed Mahrayne off to bed.

Their last full day on Pankuzu started early, again, but instead of hunting for their food, this time Kel flew Mahrayne to a nearby village. It was already warm so the four of them sat in the shaded outside eating area of the village's single inn where – served by a wide-eyed and carefully polite young male – they ate a leisurely breakfast of meat and fish and fruit, and more of the fermented fruit juice. Mahrayne quickly finished one beaker of the liquid and licked her lips; she was going to miss this. She wondered if it was available in Vejiitamachi...

They spent the day at the beach again, Chilek and Apyo carefully out of sight as the females stripped off and headed straight for the water. The time passed for Mahrayne in a warm, sensual haze of fresh raw food, sunlight and Kelapa.
      After the inevitable midday nap, Mahrayne tickled Kel until the female grudgingly agreed to tear herself away from the ocean and accompany her lover on an exploratory walk into the forest. The Hassinan was fascinated by the plants, so different from those in the G'geckan jungle, or even from the plants in the forests on the mainland.
      She spotted a tree with thick, twisted limbs that looked perfect for climbing.

"What are you doing?" Kel sounded vaguely alarmed as Mahrayne hauled herself up onto a branch close to the ground.
      "I'm climbing, what does it look like?" Mahrayne smiled.
      "Why not?" the Hassinan laughed. "I haven't climbed since Zorun taught me how to on G'geckah."
      Kelapa stared at her lover, then burst out laughing.
       "Zorun taught you how to climb?"
       "Yes. Why are you laughing?"
       "Because – " Kel choked out, "the idea of King's Guard–I'm-so-fucking-serious-Zorun climbing trees like a brat is just so – so – "
       "Then you'd better not mention it to anyone else." Mahrayne said sternly.
      "Hah! Oh no! This is too good to keep to myself!"
      Mahrayne frowned. "I'm serious Kel, I'll not knowingly embarrass him." Then she smirked evilly at the warrior, "Or you." Kelapa stopped laughing and regarded her suspiciously. Mahrayne's smirk got wider.
       "'Fresh blood red'" she quoted with a grin, looking down into her lover's outraged face.
       "You wouldn't!" Kel growled, her tail stiff with shock and embarrassment.
      Mahrayne raised an eyebrow enquiringly and waited. Kelapa growled then sighed testily, crossing her arms across her breast and scowling up at the Hassinan.
       "Oh, all right."
       "Thank you." Mahrayne beamed at her, a wonderfully sweet and loving smile, and Kelapa visibly thawed.
       "Why are you so protective of him anyway?"
      Mahrayne frowned. "I don't know. He just - brings out my maternal urges sometimes."
      The warrior shook her head.
       "He's not a cub, 'rayne, he's a Saiyan Elite – he doesn't need protecting."
      Mahrayne almost stared – Kel was defending Zorun? Now who was being protective?
       Mahrayne continued to climb, slowly, concentrating on carefully placing her hands and feet securely, this tree wasn't as tall as the one she and Zorun had climbed on G'geckah, but it could still be nasty if she fell. Kelapa didn't deign to climb, not after what she'd said about Zorun, but the warrior hovered in the air close to Mahrayne, watching the pregnant Hassinan anxiously - though she'd never admit it - ready to catch her if she slipped.
      Mahrayne was drenched in sweat by the time she'd gone as far up the tree as she safely could, and she was covered in grey-green smudges from the mosses growing on the bark. Kelapa smirked in rueful fondness at the grubby, dishevelled female beaming at her from her perch on a branch.
      Mahrayne grinned. "'s fun! You should try it some time."
      Kelapa snorted. "Ready to come down now?"
       "Not yet." Mahrayne had just spotted something. The outer third of the branch she was sitting on was covered by a tendril of a vine that was growing on a nearby tree. Mahrayne sat astride the branch and edged forward carefully to investigate the flash of brilliant red she had glimpsed amongst the shiny green leaves. It was a flower; there were streaks of vivid yellow marked down the centre of each of its delicate red petals and - Mahrayne held it to her nose, sniffing tentatively - it carried a faint musky sweet scent about it. She tucked the flower behind her ear and edged back towards the solid trunk of the tree.
      "It's a flower." Kel said, when Mahrayne held it out to her. The Hassinan rolled her eyes.
       "Yes, but look at it! It's beautiful."
      The warrior shrugged non-comittally. "Yeah, I s'pose."
      Mahrayne grinned and reached up to tuck the blossom into Kel's mane. The Saiyan growled.
       "It's just a flower, Kel." Mahrayne said in exasperation. Kelapa shook her head firmly.
       "Please?" Mahrayne softly stroked the flower between her lover's breasts and widened her eyes in the 'tiisaan fashion that had worked so well with Leteetza.
      Kelapa sighed heavily.
       "There's no one else in the universe I'd do this for," she grumbled.
      Mahrayne secured the blossom behind Kel's ear, then smiled at the scowling female.
      Holding on to the tree firmly with one hand, Mahrayne hooked the other around Kel's waist and tugged the warrior in close. She reached down to gently ruffle the fur at the base of the female's tail. Kelapa sighed and relaxed, her tail coiling around Mahrayne's biceps, the tip quivering as the Hassinan's tongue licked over her nipples.
       Beautiful… Mahrayne thought lovingly as Kel climaxed and buried her face in her lover's hair.

Mahrayne hadn't argued when Kel suggested she carry her down from the tree, rather than let her climb down. Once they were safely on the ground, Kel picked the flower out of her hair, looking at it with some distaste, before tucking it behind Mahrayne's ear.
       "Looks better on you, anyway." The warrior smiled lop-sidedly. Mahrayne grinned at her.
       "If you insist," she said demurely. The Hassinan was secretly pleased with herself - she'd managed to get Kel to wear a flower, albeit briefly, and the Saiyan was still wearing the gold chain she'd given her on Hassina… She'd get her lover into a robe - or, even better, one of those wrapped garments - sooner or later.

Kelapa took Mahrayne into the ocean and washed off the moss smudges, slowly, then when they'd got their breath back they hunted up something to eat in the rock-pools.
       "Is it hot here all the time?" Mahrayne asked Kel as they rested in the shade.
      Kel shook her head. "Pankuzu's cold season isn't quite as fierce as on the mainland, and it doesn't go for as long, but it still snows and we get some fucking amazing storms."
       "Really?" Mahrayne listened raptly wide-eyed as Kel described the seasonal storms that routinely uprooted trees and had been known to tear the roofs off buildings.
      Mahrayne shivered, it would be scary, but she'd like to experience weather like that…

They returned to Lord Kurumi's house just on dusk, showered quickly then spent a relaxed evening with the noble, eating and talking. Mahrayne soaked up the details of life on the island, Lord Kurumi being happy to answer her questions.

It wasn't a late night and Mahrayne almost bounced up the stairs after Kel, not ready to sleep yet.
      She would've pounced on the female as soon as they were decently alone, but Kel stopped her with a smirk.
      "Wait." she said softly, teasing Mahrayne's nipples through the fine material of another one of her old, unworn garments. Mahrayne waited patiently, just barely, her eyes alight with curiosity. Kel listened carefully then grinned at her.
      "Everyone's gone to bed," she whispered, "let's go."
      They left through the bedroom window, Kelapa carrying her once again down to the ocean.
       "What about Chilek and Apyo?" Mahrayne queried, "Aren't they supposed to come too?"
       "Don't worry about them," Kel grinned. Mahrayne's eyes gleamed.
       "Alone at last."
      Kel grinned but didn't answer - she knew the males were there, had scented them following when she and Mahrayne had left the house, but as long as they stayed out of sight, Mahrayne would never know - and what her lover wasn't aware of wouldn't inhibit her. The warrior smirked and stripped Mahrayne bare, stroking and teasing the Hassinan until she was shivering. Mahrayne looked at her in bewilderment when Kel stepped back.
       "Dance for me."
      It was more than a request though not quite an order. Mahrayne's eyes lit up in understanding and she smiled.
      Kel watched, transfixed, as her lover's demeanour changed radically. Mahrayne sank gracefully to her knees in the sand, her whole posture one of anticipatory submission - and then she danced. Kelapa's throat went dry as Mahrayne danced the illusion of complete and total surrender to the Saiyan's whim, danced her willingness to do anything the warrior desired. Kel watched until her own arousal equalled Mahrayne's and she couldn't wait any longer.
      As Kelapa pushed the Hassinan to the ground, tempering the rough handling with gentle strokes from her tail, a dim part of her brain remarked that she really should find a way to thank Jeice for sharing his skill with her lover...

Many hours later, Kelapa managed to find the energy to fly them back to her father's house, Mahrayne a sleepy bundle of repleteness in her arms. They slept soundly, only waking when the servant came to fetch them for an early breakfast before they left.
      Lord Kurumi diplomatically didn't notice the heavy eyes and stifled yawns of his four guests.

"Thank you so much for having us here, Lord Kurumi," Mahrayne smiled up at the tall Saiyan.
      "It was my pleasure, Lady Mahrayne, and please visit again soon; you and your mate are most welcome."
      Mahrayne dimpled with pleasure. The noble turned to Kelapa.
      "And you are welcome back at any time as well, daughter." He said pointedly.
      Kel crossed her arms across her breasts and smiled faintly, but didn't say anything.
       "Lord Kurumi?" Mahrayne asked shyly as they were about to leave, "Would it be acceptable for me to keep in contact with Pinattsu?"
       "I can't see why not," the noble replied with a lop-sided smile identical to his daughter's, "send the correspondence to me, if you like, and I'll make sure she gets it."
      Mahrayne smiled her thanks to the elderly male as Kelapa tapped her on the shoulder, an unsubtle hurry-up.
       "We have to leave, 'rayne, or we'll miss the shuttle."
      The Hassinan turned again to Lord Kurumi and lowered her head respectfully – and a moment later, the noble echoed the gesture.
       "Travel safely." Lord Kurumi raised a hand in farewell and stepped back as Kelapa picked Mahrayne up and took off into the air, followed closely by Chilek and Apyo.

© 2002 June 30th Amanda Mullane

Third Alliance Chronicle Index