Life Among the Savages - Part 3

Zha'haabron miscarried the second hostling eight days after implanting.
      All of the High King's family had been desolated, and his bondmates had *felt* his pain and distress. Mahrayne's heart ached for their loss, but she was privately awe-struck that Radittsu and Zha'haabron were going to try again. If she loved someone enough would she be willing to put herself through the same trauma to have a child with them?
      The one good thing - she'd found out - that had emerged from all the pain was that, somehow, Zha'haarak and Hijau's partially formed bond had been pushed into a full-blown link. Mahrayne was very happy for them, but still, she wished...
       The High King stayed at the medical centre for the next six days; two days for him to recover sufficiently to try for a third implantation, and then a further four days of anxious, nerve-wracking waiting while Vinas performed whatever medical wizardry he needed to do to give this hostling the best chance of survival. Hijau had taken over the Captain's Guard duties for the time being, allowing Radittsu to be with his bondmate. A weary Radittsu managed to pop back briefly to the suite at least once a day to reassure everyone. Life went on though, and with Radittsu and Zha'haabron's drama as a backdrop, the routines of everyday living were re-established.

The day of the third attempt, the hostlings (and heirs) were restless and distracted. Mahrayne sat on the floor of the playroom with several large, blank pieces of paper and a few writing styli in front of her. Truth to tell, Mahrayne felt a bit mean, setting the children up like this, but they needed something to focus on, something creative. So she stared thoughtfully at the paper, tapping a stylus rhythmically against her chin and waited, like a dekub, for her prey.
       "What are you doing, 'Rayne?" 'leesaan plopped bonelessly down next to her.
       She sighed, a touch theatrically.
      "I want to make a wall-hanging for the common room in the suite, but I just can't think of what to put on it."
      Mahrayne lapsed into thoughtful silence again, watching 'leesaan through her eyelashes.
      He was frowning, serious. "Maybe we could help you think of something?"
      Mahrayne's face lit up - she really hoped she wasn't overdoing it - and she hugged him.
       "That would be such a help. Thank you!"
      Soon she was surrounded by curious, enthusiastic children, busily discussing ideas for the wall-hanging while Mahrayne smoothly moderated. She glanced up and caught Leteetza staring at her. Mahrayne grinned and shrugged slightly.
       "How are you going to make it?" 'leesaan asked.
       "Once we've decided on the design and the colours, we're going to cut out the shapes from some coloured felt I've got, then sew all the pieces down onto some backing material. It's very quick."
       "Can we help with the cutting and sewing?" 'haabron asked.
       "Of course, sinam," Mahrayne smiled, "the more people that help the quicker it will be done. And if we can do it very quickly, it might be ready by the time your Papa and Dada Raditts' come home."
       With some carefully worded guidance from Mahrayne, and Zha'haarak's quiet suggestions, the children finally decided on a simple, but colourful, swirling 'spiral galaxy' design made up of largish, uniform, inter-locking triangles. That evening, the children happily rummaged through Mahrayne's collection of brightly coloured felt pieces. She looked at Zha'haarak's absorbed face and thought that maybe he was having the most fun of all of them. The beautiful zn'hre gave careful thought to the blending of colours, gently guiding the children away from some of the more eye-shattering combinations they favoured.
      Over the next few days, Mahrayne - with help from Zha'haarak, Ti'aasaan and Leteetza - showed the children how to mark out the triangles on the felt using templates, then how to cut the shapes out using the sharp, shearing implements the Hassinan called 'scissors', and finally how to thread the needles and sew the pieces down. The infants could only really help with marking out the shapes - which they did with great enthusiasm, marking out many more shapes than were needed - but the older children soon got the hang of scissors and needles. In the end, all of the children had a hand in making the wall hanging; from Kiraz - who lost interest after stitching two pieces into place - through to 'haabron, 'tiisaan and Buahan, who spent a lot of time stitching diligently, sitting in a circle with Mahrayne and Zha'haarak and whoever else was working on the project at the time. Mahrayne and Zha'haarak between them sewed more than half of the pieces down, usually at night once the children were asleep, working around the occasional misaligned triangle, but being careful not to 'fix' any of the mistakes. The wall-hanging wasn't finished by the time the High King came back to the suite - it took another three days - but finally they were able to put the finishing touches to it. Along the bottom, Mahrayne wrote the name of everyone who'd been involved in the project, (in their native script with the Common translation underneath it) - then she showed those that wanted to, or could, how to use some bright silver or gold thread to stitch over their names so they stood out clearly against the dark backing fabric. Mahrayne and Zha'haarak finished off the other names then Mahrayne stitched in the date - in triplicate using the Vejiitasei, R'ren'nkh'ian and Hassinan calendars, and then the children proudly presented it to the High King.
      Mahrayne wished she could have recorded the image of Zha'haabron's face as he inspected the wall-hanging - it was the most delightful mixture of pride and pleasure. He and Radittsu sat there in loving attentiveness as the children, all of them at once, pointed out the bits that they had done. It was decided that the wall-hanging would be one of the things the family would take with them when they went back to R'ren'nkh'ia, but in the meantime it was displayed prominently in the common room of the suite.

In the bath one evening, Mahrayne finally got around to asking Leteetza about the strange scar on her neck; she'd seen several other Saiyans with similar scars, and she'd noticed Radittsu draw blood at the same spot on his bondmate's neck once or twice.
      "It's a claim mark." Leteetza answered, visibly relaxing as Mahrayne stroked her neck.
       "How is it made?"
       "Biting." Leteetza's eyes drifted closed and her head dropped back.
      Mahrayne winced - how hard would you have to bite a thick-skinned Saiyan to leave a scar like that?
       "What does it signify?"
       "That you're someone's mate and off-limits to everyone else - unless they want to challenge your mate for you."
      Mahrayne shook her head ruefully; just when she thought the Saiyans might actually have some slight inclination towards civilisation, a new aspect of their savage nature leapt up and growled at her.
       "So - who claimed you?"
       "The King."
      Leteetza watched Mahrayne through slitted eyes and smirked at her open-mouthed astonishment. The Hassinan was confused.
      "But... if the King's claimed you, why are you having sex with Radittsu? - amongst others?"
       "His majesty renounced his claim." Now Mahrayne was even more confused; if Vejiita had renounced his claim, that meant that he didn't want her anymore, didn't it? But she doubted very much it was 'matters of state' that left the little female languidly sated when she returned from the King's rooms.
       "Why did he do that?"
      Leteetza got that look on her face that meant she didn't want to talk about it - but she sighed resignedly at Mahrayne's obvious curiosity.
       "He... renounced his claim as a favour to the High King."
      Mahrayne blinked. "Uh..." - that made even less sense.
       "And because he wanted me to be happy."
      Mahrayne opened her mouth to ask for more details, but the little female had closed her eyes, an indication that that was the end of that conversation. Mahrayne sank back against the side of the bath, and chewed over what Leteetza had told her. If Vejiita had done something so drastic as renounce his claim on her because he wanted her to be happy, that meant that he must be at least fond of the little female. It was a very considerate thing to do, kind of sweet really; not something she'd have expected from a Saiyan let alone the Saiya-jin-no-Ou. But then, she'd seen glimpses of that sort of 'softness' in Hijau and Radittsu in their interactions with their zn'hre partners. Did all Saiyans have this capacity for tenderness? She chuckled to herself; and if they did, would they admit it?

Mahrayne's nocturnal wanderings had become a regular, welcome feature of her life. She loved walking in the near-dark, and her eyes - adapted to the dim-light of Hassina - had no problems with seeing clearly in the shadowy gardens. She found the solitude, and quiet, very restful after a day with the children, and having the freedom to dance naked outside was so - exhilarating.
      Mahrayne danced in the rain, in her glade, reveling in the feel of the water soaking her skin and hair, pattering down on her face. She stretched out on the moss and pleasured herself, her sensitized skin delighting in the cool moisture beneath her body. She rolled effortlessly onto her stomach, lying there quietly, feeling her heartbeat return to normal. She spread her thighs, sighing happily at the tickling sensation of the rain running between her buttocks - this was just wonderful...
      There was a noise, a tiny sound almost like a muffled gasp and Mahrayne lifted her head sharply, scanning the shadows between the trees. Was there someone there?
      She relaxed after a couple of moments. She hadn't seen anything, and honestly, there was no need to be concerned - what could there be in the palace grounds that could be a threat to her? She stood up and stretched luxuriously, shrugged into her dripping robe and squelched off happily back to the suite, a hot shower, and Kelapa.

It had been a particularly busy day. The children had worn themselves, and their carers, out. The upside of it though was that the little monsters had been happy to go to bed, and dropped off to sleep quickly. Mahrayne considered her options for the evening's entertainment. She could do some embroidery, go for a walk, but... She was feeling a little too - tense. She smiled slowly when she remembered the small, ornate bottle sitting on the shelf in her room. It had been a while since she'd indulged. Kelapa was watching her with interest and Mahrayne smirked; there were times when she found the Saiyan's heightened sense of smell very useful - it saved a lot of time when your partner could smell what you wanted. She said goodnight to everyone, and quirked an eyebrow at Kelapa before disappearing into her room.
      Mahrayne undressed and fetched the bottle off the shelf.
      "What are you doing?" Kel murmured, unclipping the metal bands from around Mahrayne's hair and stroking out the thick white mass with her fingers.
      "I'm going to have some of this." Mahrayne unstoppered the bottle, "it's called dilly."
      Kelapa wrinkled her nose. "It smells awful! Why do you want to drink it?"
      Mahrayne licked her lips in anticipation.
      "It has an interesting effect on me." She gazed up at the bemused female. "The thing is, dilly can make you unaware of your surroundings, or your actions - could you keep an eye on me while I'm using it?"
       "This stuff is a drug?"
      Mahrayne nodded.
       "Are you going to get violent or anything on it? Will I need to restrain you?"
      Mahrayne's pupils dilated, and her breath hitched in her throat.
       "Nothing like that." She teased Kel's nipple through the material of her body suit. "But I will have a reaction to it, and I'd like you to be there."
      Kelapa regarded her narrowly, hands on hips.
       "You're not telling me everything, are you?"
       "Of course not," Mahrayne laughed, heading out to her balcony, "there'd be no surprises then. Get undressed - " she paused at the threshold and looked back at the warrior, eyes glittering. " - and bring a sleeping fur." she said huskily.
       Maybe it had been too long a time since she'd used the drink, maybe it was the lighter gravity of this planet, but, whatever the reason, the narcotic coursed through her system faster than she'd ever experienced, and Mahrayne nearly lost herself too quickly in sensation, writhing at the feel of each individual hair in the sleeping fur tickling against her skin. She grabbed for the strong, anchoring warmth of Kelapa, pulling the female to her. And Kel was incredible, figuring out very quickly what was happening - turned out the warrior had seen the effects of similar drugs when she was off-world - and responding to it, her fingers, mouth and tongue tracing sparkling patterns over Mahrayne's body. The sensations were too intense, seeming to explode out of the pores of Mahrayne's skin bathing her in a shower of exquisite light and Mahrayne thought distantly she cried out as she climaxed. Kelapa's warmth blanketed her body as Mahrayne's soul went dancing off amongst the stars...

It was deep night when she woke feeling - light - as if she hadn't fully settled back into her body. Kelapa was asleep, curled around her, an arm holding her protectively close. Mahrayne felt a rush of love for the warrior and she kissed her gently, stroking a hand through her sleek mane. Kel woke up blinking, then smirked at her.
       "Well - that was an experience."
      "Oh?" Mahrayne was curious, she'd watched other people under the influence of dilly but had never given any thought to how she appeared.
       "I had to sit on you at one stage - you were writhing so much I thought you'd break something, and the noise...?!"
      Mahrayne laughed. "Wasn't that bad, surely?"
      Kel grinned and hugged her, kissing her forehead.
       "Compared to how quiet you usually are, it was like a herd of bighorns rampaging through the palace! I'm surprised someone didn't come to investigate!"
      Mahrayne giggled. "You're exaggerating!"
      "Only a bit." Kelapa was grinning lop-sidedly at her. Mahrayne stroked the female's face, then kissed her lingeringly.
       "Thank you - for being here with me." she said softly.
       "Pleasure." Kelapa's tone was light, but there was something deeper showing through in her eyes... "Will you be doing that very often?"
       "No. It's fabulous once in a while, but there's a certain selfishness involved that I don't much like."
      Kelapa frowned, not quite understanding.
       "When I use dilly I am only concerned for my own needs - and if someone is with me at the time, they merely become a means to an end." Mahrayne reached over Kelapa's hip and ruffled the fur at the base of her tail. "I enjoy the giving as well as the receiving." She nipped Kelapa's ear. "Over on your stomach."
      Kel arched an eyebrow in surprise, but did as she was told. Mahrayne sat astride the female's waist and slowly began to rub and knead her shoulders. Kelapa groaned with delight and relaxed into the soft sleeping fur with a sigh. Mahrayne worked her way down the Saiyan's spine, lightly sliding with deliberate slowness over the base of her tail, enjoying the feel of Kel's tail along her groin as much as Kel was. Mahrayne licked and nuzzled and kissed the exquisitely sensitive skin around the base of the warrior's tail, then kneeling behind her she gently encouraged Kel to lift her hips and tuck her knees under her, opening up her groin to Mahrayne's touch. The Hassinan smirked, one slim, experienced hand around Kelapa's tail, the other poised over the warrior's labia.
       "I'll give you 'herd of rampaging bighorns'." she purred.

The next day, Hijau was in the medical centre after being beaten badly by Zorun; Zha'haarak wouldn't leave his bondmate's side. Mahrayne'd been horrified when she was told just how badly injured the flame-haired Guard had been.
      But no one knew why Zorun had done it - and Hijau wasn't saying anything.
      'raadiin was furious - but quietly so. There were none of the hysterics Mahrayne expected from the child, just an outward control, and a slow, almost cold, simmering fury that made her very nervous. They'd have to watch him...
       She wasn't really surprised when 'raadiin snuck out of the suite that night, but she was surprised when it was Zorun who brought him back - unharmed. She didn't see it, but apparently the infant warrior had inflicted some nasty injuries on the big Guardsman, and Zha'haabron, although angry with his sireling for sneaking out of the suite and putting himself in danger, was also quietly proud of 'raadiin's fierce loyalty. Hijau came back to the suite to recover and was apparently satisfied with Zorun's public apology to him, and the severe beating Radittsu had given the male. The young Saiyan recovered quickly and was able to resume his duties within a few days.

Life settled down again.

And then one day Leteetza told her she'd caught Zorun masturbating while watching Mahrayne dance in the garden.
      Mahrayne wasn't sure how to feel about that. The being watched wasn't a problem, she'd had people lustfully watching her dance most of her adult life, had relied on it on some occasions to entice someone into sex, but...
       She'd realised a while back that she found Zorun attractive, oddly so given his initial, contemptuous reaction to her; but on the few occasions they'd come into contact since he'd almost been polite, and a couple of times she'd found herself under his oblique scrutiny. She hadn't known what worried her most - the fact that the scary male was watching her, or the fact she was pleased by his attention.

The next day Leteetza had told Mahrayne - towards the end of the afternoon - that she'd invited Zorun to dinner that evening. Mahrayne was a little annoyed that the female hadn't given her much warning, but was, conversely, grateful for the same reason; she didn't have much time to get ready, but she didn't have much time to fret, either.
      Dressing for the occasion was easy - she knew exactly what she was going to wear. Mahrayne took the silvery gown her sister had sent her, the one that she'd been saving for a 'special occasion', down off the shelf and stroked the garment contemplatively; having your first male lover was a special occasion wasn't it? Mahrayne wondered if she was being a little presumptuous; she wanted Zorun, and from what Leteetza had told her, he wanted her, but that didn't necessarily mean they were going to have sex, did it? Mahrayne giggled as she shrugged carefully into the form-fitting garment. Who was she kidding? She knew enough about Saiyans to realise that if he wanted her, it was highly unlikely she'd get out of there without having sex with him.
      She threaded the moonstone earrings through the newly healed holes in her earlobes, then called Leteetza to help her button up her dress.
      Mahrayne checked herself critically in her mirror. As she knew it would, the robe flowed around her like silver water, hugging and enhancing every curve. Would Zorun like it? Would he even notice? Saiyans could be incredibly dense about some things. The strands of moonstones just brushed her shoulders, highlighting the graceful length of her neck. She touched the thick rope of her hair, and wondered if she should leave it loose...
      "You're beautiful." Leteetza smiled at her. "Are you ready - it's almost suns-set?"
      Mahrayne swallowed, and put the flutter in her stomach down to hunger.

Leteetza took her to the small guest suite she'd prepared, and Mahrayne, unable to keep still, had prowled around while they waited for Kelapa to fetch Zorun. She had to smile at the sleeping fur the little female had provided - Leteetza obviously assumed that sex was inevitable too. Mahrayne took a couple of deep breaths to calm herself then went back to wait with the Saiyan.
      "Kel's not very happy about this." Leteetza stated softly.
       "Why not?"
       "She thinks you're going to prefer Zorun to her."
      Mahrayne was puzzled.
       "Why does she think that? She's a female, he's a male, there's no comparison. I can't prefer one to the other." She smiled a little tremulously at her friend. "And it might not come to that, if this doesn't work out - if we're not happy with each other..."
      Leteetza smirked.
      "If your scents are anything to go by, I'd be stunned if this 'didn't work out'!"

And then he was there and Mahrayne's heart was in her throat.
      He really was... gorgeous!
      Tall, and broad, large dark eyes in an angled face, and a dark shaggy mane. He wasn't as overwhelming as Radittsu - and all the more accessible because of it.
      Zorun froze when he saw her, with a look on his face of something like awe tinged with trepidation. Mahrayne smiled gently when she greeted him; it seemed she wasn't entirely without power here, then.
      He'd brought her a present. Mahrayne loved presents, but was a little hesitant - what would a Saiyan male think was an appropriate courting gift? She half expected something dead, but the box was so small... She'd been thrilled, and touched, by the beautiful little flower pendant he'd given her - and thrilled in a completely different way by his large hands resting lightly on her shoulders after he'd fastened the necklace around her neck.
       She'd gnawed her lip, metaphorically, over what to do with him. Tempting as the thought was to relieve the tension by just marching him off to the bed chamber and getting it over with, she wasn't about to do that, not for this first time, and not when there was no guarantee they'd see each other again. But over dinner - served by an unobtrusive Leteetza and Kel - she found herself falling back on a training she thought she'd never have any reason to use.
      The sexes were segregated in Hassinan society, only really coming together to breed. To make the encounters with the unfamiliar half of the race as painless as possible - and to prevent any unnecessary unpleasantness arising from misunderstandings - the females that were eligible to breed were trained in how to behave with the males. Mahrayne, as a non-breeding female, by rights shouldn't have had the training, but her all-consuming curiosity wasn't going to let her sit idly by while a succession of her eligible sisters and friends were taught something so intriguing. And now, Mahrayne found herself using the techniques she'd learnt on Zorun. She smoothly took control, using her eyes and the movements of her body to relax and reassure him - without having to use clumsy, inadequate words - that he was desired, but that there was no hurry.
      It could have been artificial, a mere rote performance of set actions, but it wasn't; she did desire him, and she did want this to be special. Mahrayne confidently used her skills to take what could have been a painfully awkward situation and turn it into a tantalising prelude. She silently thanked her tertera, Nonnia, for convincing her mother to let her have the training as well.
       When dinner was finished, Leteetza asked if they wanted to be alone - a question that had Mahrayne almost wetting herself with nerves - and Kelapa hadn't looked happy. Mahrayne hugged her lover, trying to reassure her, and Kel responded with a protectiveness that made Mahrayne feel all warm and quite loved.
       Zorun had tried, naturally enough, to move things along quickly once they were alone and Mahrayne, for her own safety, had to slow him down. If she'd let him take her when and how he wanted to (or as was more likely, not been able to stop him), she was sure she would've been injured. But a Saiyan's tail was as sensitive to pain as pleasure, she discovered, and she managed to get his attention long enough for him to get his brain back. Zorun growled at her, frustrated and in pain, angrily thinking she was only toying with him. But Mahrayne's experience with Leteetza and Kelapa had come in handy and she was able to relax, and gently arouse, him again.
      Mahrayne had no idea what to expect, despite watching Radittsu and Hijau with their partners. She thought (hoped) that Zorun wouldn't expect the same sort of sex-play that Radittsu and Hijau had with each other: Zorun'd scared her silly at one point, pinning her underneath his strong, heavy body, and for the first time Mahrayne had really appreciated just how powerful a Saiyan male could be. It had left her breathless, and terrified, and even more aroused. So much so, that, a few minutes later, he had barely touched her before she was coming.
      And what followed was definitely high on her list of interesting things to do.
      Zorun was patient, holding back until she'd had time to explore the new, and strange sensations arising from having sex with a male. It had really hurt when he finally thrust fully into her but Mahrayne figured - having asked various Hassinan females about their experiences with their male - that that discomfort would lessen with time and experience. And the brief pain was more than made up for by the incredibly empowering, but tender, knowledge that it was herself that had aroused him enough to come. Much later, as Mahrayne snuggled into Zorun's solid warmth to sleep, there was a deliciously shivery feeling in the pit of her stomach at the idea of getting more 'experience' with the big male.

They made love again the next morning when they woke, then cuddled and teased each other with an easy familiarity that Mahrayne had never thought to have with any male, let alone a Saiyan. Zorun kissed lazily along her neck.
       "I've marked you."
      He sounded pleased, and there was an odd light in his eyes.
      Mahrayne touched fingers lightly to her tender neck, and smiled.
       " I don't heal as fast as a Saiyan, they'll be there for a couple of days yet."
       "Good." He smirked. "Hungry?"
      She was, now he'd mentioned it. Zorun dressed quickly, then he leant down and kissed her, brushing a firm palm over her breast.
      "Back soon."
      Three long strides and he was out on the balcony and into the air.
      Mahrayne lay back on the fur and stretched. She gently rolled her nipples between her fingers, wincing, then reached down and stroked a finger inside herself. Gods she was sore! She closed her eyes and dozed...
      ... and woke up when she heard the knock on the door.
       "It's me." Leteetza called quietly.
      Mahrayne smiled.
       "Come in."
      The little female smirked at the Hassinan's naked sprawl over the bed - Mahrayne had seen no reason to move, or cover herself.
      "All right?" Leteetza sat down on the bed and handed her a clean robe.
       "Thank you. And, yes, fine thanks." Mahrayne couldn't help the self-conscious giggle.
       "You planning on doing this again?"
      Mahrayne considered: there'd been a couple of times - when Zorun had been inside her - that she'd briefly experienced an almost bone-melting sweetness. She could instinctively see the potential for a lot of mutual pleasure with the male.
       "Oh, yes." she said softly.
      Leteetza grinned. "No accounting for taste. Where is he?"
       "Gone to get some food."
       "I won't stay then. We'll see you in the classroom some time today?" she asked with a smirk.
      Mahrayne laughed. "Before midday."
      Leteetza grinned and brushed a kiss over her mouth.
       "Thank you." Mahrayne said simply.
       "No problem." Leteetza stood up. "But next time could you pick someone I actually like?"

Zorun returned, carrying an armload of delicious smelling packages; Mahrayne's stomach rumbled in anticipation. He sniffed and frowned.
       "Just checking to see if I'm alive."
      He scowled, and Mahrayne grinned.
      "Let's eat."
      Zorun sat cross-legged on the bed, fully dressed, Mahrayne, still naked, and feeling gloriously sensual with it, sprawled easily on her side in front of him. She knew he was watching her as she ate, knew she had some sort of power over this male, and quietly revelled in the knowledge.
       They didn't talk much - but unlike last night where it seemed that Zorun couldn't have spoken even if he could've thought of something to say; this morning's silence was more companionable, with an enticing undercurrent of attraction and desire.
      Not surprisingly, Zorun ate most of the food, and when they'd finished, he pushed the debris out of the way then lifted her easily into his lap.
       "No!" she squeaked, "I've got to get back."
      His eyes gleamed as he effortlessly positioned her thighs widely over his, wrapping one arm around her waist, the other reaching over her buttocks, fingers and tail questing between her legs from behind.
       "Right now?" He murmured, kissing her shoulders and she gasped, arching back to push against his fingers - damn he'd found her trigger point quickly!
       "Doesn't have to be right now... I guess." Mahrayne said unsteadily, winding one arm around his neck, the other reaching down and brushing her palm over the growing bulge at his groin...

Mahrayne dressed in the fresh robe, but didn't re-band her hair. She and Zorun stood at the open doorway of the balcony, facing each other, close but not touching. Mahrayne searched his large, dark eyes for some clue as to where they were going from here.
       "I... want to see you again."
      Did he really sound a little unsure of himself, or was she just projecting her own uncertainties onto him?
       "I'd like that." She smiled up at him, her heart skipping a beat at his answering smile. He touched a broad finger-tip to her cheek beads.
       "Don't wear anything - complicated, next time."
      She arched an eyebrow at him.
       "Right. Hair down, simple clothes. Anything else?"
      He tilted his head to one side, considering.
       "Bring food."
      Mahrayne burst out laughing and leant into his broad chest. Zorun wrapped his arms around her, and she could feel his amusement through his whole body. He put a finger under her chin and lifted her face up.
       "I'll see you soon." he said softly, leaning down to kiss her - gentle and promising, then stepped away and launched himself into the air. Mahrayne watched until he was out of sight, odd, unidentifiable emotions roiling inside her.

Chikori and Kvetak, the two Saiyans on guard outside the suite today, smirked at her when she returned. Mahrayne cocked an eyebrow and boldly smirked right back at them, laughing quietly as she slipped into the suite. She'd been planning to go straight to her room for a shower, but Radittsu stopped her, standing in front of her and frowning.
       "R... Raditts'-sama?" she asked nervously.
       "Are you all right?"
       "Yes. Thank you." Mahrayne was surprised. And disconcerted when he stepped close and slowly scented her. She fought down her embarrassed arousal and the conflicting urges to lean in to, and pull away from, him.
      He grunted, seemingly satisfied, but before she could relax, he gently lifted her head up and to the side, peering at her neck. He raised his eyebrows at the bruises.
       "Kelapa's left me with similar." Mahrayne said in soft protest.
      He fixed large, ebony eyes on her and Mahrayne didn't need to be telepathic to interpret the look on the big male's face.
       But she's not the one that put Hijau into the medical centre.
      Radittsu didn't let go of her chin, locking eyes with her.
       "You will let me know if he ever hurts you." he rumbled quietly.
      Mahrayne swallowed convulsively, and nodded, eyes huge, and thoroughly spooked.
       "C-can I go, please, Raditts'-sama, I need to get ready for a class."
      He grunted again and dropped his hand, and Mahrayne fled into her room, heart pounding.

The shower did wonders for restoring her equilibrium, and she was feeling quite settled and content again. There was a knock on her door and Ti'aasaan stuck his head round.
       "Can I come in?" he smiled at her. Mahrayne relaxed, and nodded.
       "So," Ti'aasaan sat down beside her on the bed, golden eyes twinkling mischievously. "how was it?" Mahrayne blushed, and giggled, and glared at the small zn'hre. "Could you be a little more direct, do you think?"
       "So, come on!" Ti'aasaan was almost bouncing beside her. "Tell me!"
      Mahrayne managed to stifle her giggles but couldn't get the blush under control.
       "It was... interesting - " she started to say before Ti'aasaan's small hands darted out and he was tickling her, Mahrayne yelping and squealing with laughter. She gasped, lying flat out on her bed, trying to get back her breath.
       "Now I know where 'tiisaan gets it from." she glared at him.
       "You can do better than 'interesting'." Ti'aasaan was unrepentant. "How does he compare to Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu?"
      Mahrayne gaped. "I - don't know..." she floundered, and Ti'aasaan laughed.
       "I meant physically!"
       "Oh!" Mahrayne flushed, and giggled again. "He's not as, um, big as Radittsu," she blinked as a thought occurred to her, "which is probably just as well. I mean, if I'm this sore from Zorun, I probably would've been damaged by Radittsu."
       "Did you like making love with a male?"
       "I think so," Mahrayne struggled upright, "it was very different to anything else I've done sexually."
      Ti'aasaan cocked his head. "And you like him?"
       "I'm attracted to him, certainly, but I don't know if I like him, yet. Want to find out though." She hugged her knees, and looked solemnly at the little zn'hre. "I know Zorun's not liked, not after what he did to Hijau - but he didn't hurt me." She smiled softly at the memory, "And he was considerate, and kind of sweet, and incredibly patient."
       "'Patience' isn't usually a word you use in the same sentence as 'Saiyans'."
       "Surprised the hell out of me!" she murmured. "But I don't honestly know what I was expecting."
      Ti'aasaan stroked her hair. "You want to see him again?"
       "Oh yes! There's lots of things I want to try." She stated confidently, then smiled shyly at him. "But that will have to wait, I guess. 'Do what you must, first'." She intoned piously, then stood up. "And right now, I must go help with the monsters."

Mahrayne got to the classroom in time for the second lesson - almost managing to get through the rest of the morning with her dignity intact. Leteetza's sly smirks and Zha'haarak's knowing, gentle, half-smiles left her teetering on the edge of giggles with her face flaming. But over the midday meal it was 'leesaan's innocent curiosity that came closest to having her writhing with embarrassment.
       "'rayne?" he looked up at her solemnly.
       "Yes, sinam?"
       "Are you going to have a baby?"
      Luckily Mahrayne wasn't eating or drinking at the time; Leteetza was, however, and the little female spluttered fruit juice all over herself.
       "Well - " 'leesan was very serious and thoughtful in the face of Mahrayne's astonishment, " - babies happen when people have sex."
       "Uh - "
       "And you're female - not zn'hre - so you can have a baby if you have sex with a male. Zorun's a male." the young zn'hre pointed out helpfully.
       "Uh - "
      'leesaan was looking at her, big-eyed and curious, waiting for her answer; so was Leteetza - and the rest of the family. Mahrayne floundered and blushed under the scrutiny.
       "I - I don't think so, sinam."
       "Why not?"
       "Zorun and I are different species - "
      "'teetza and maazi are different species and they had 'ani and 'leen."
      Mahrayne blinked, completely at a loss and looked at Leteetza in appeal. The little female smiled at the curious little zn'hre, softly stroking his hair.
       "We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?"
       "Oh, that's a big help." Mahrayne grumbled under her breath, knowing full well the Saiyan could hear her.

Kelapa hadn't come back for the midday meal, or the evening meal, and there was still no sign of her by the time the children had been put to bed. Mahrayne sat down at the comm unit and tried to apply herself to learning some more of the muruanian language; but she was too distracted - and annoyed.
      If Kelapa was off sulking somewhere...
      Mahrayne finally gave up and went to bed.
      She stripped and climbed into bed, prepared to wait up for the warrior.
      A minute later, with the beginnings of a temper, she got out of bed again and turned down the lights. She was not going to wait up for her.
       Mahrayne was still awake when Kelapa snuck in a couple of hours later. The Hassinan'd finished seething a long time ago, and now was just concerned.
      Mahrayne said nothing as Kel quietly stripped, then slipped into bed. The warrior settled on her side, facing away from Mahrayne, and right over the other side of the bed.
       "Where've you been?" Mahrayne asked softly. Kelapa twitched.
       "Guard business."
       "You're avoiding me."
       "No I'm not."
      Mahrayne sighed and crawled across to her lover, snuggling in to her back, an arm around her waist, and a leg hooked over her thigh. The warrior was so tense.
       "What's the matter?"
       "Nothing. Just tired." There was a catch to her voice and Mahrayne hugged her as hard as she could, not knowing what to say.
       "I missed you at dinner," she nuzzled Kelapa's neck. "I especially missed you at bathtime..."
      Kel twisted suddenly, pinning Mahrayne underneath her, her tail wrapping tightly around a golden thigh. Kelapa's eyes glittered above her in the darkness, Mahrayne wound her arms around the female's neck.
       "Kel - "
      She didn't get to finish what she was going to say because Kelapa kissed her, hard and fierce. Mahrayne arched up to her, blindly giving herself up to the warrior's skilled love-making, and for a while nothing existed for the two females but each other.


© 2002 March 27th Amanda Mullane

Third Alliance Chronicle Index

A small, predatory amphibian that lives in the underground lakes of Hassina; it sits, motionless, inside shallow depressions in the rock walls, and lures prey by dangling its phosphorescent, tendril-like whiskers in the water.
