
The Saiya-jin-no-Ou was being… difficult.

"He is to be my heir and I decide how he is to be educated."
      Leteetza growled.
      "You're going to teach him yourself? Don't be so fucking stupid. You know nothing about teaching!"
      Vejiita glowered at his Companion.
      "He will be tutored in the traditional way."
      "Like you were, you mean?"
      "I was taught by my father…"
      "Yeah, and look what happened! You overturned everything he ever stood for or believed in and made an Empire!" Leteetza's tail lashed as she paced. "Look, we've got things set up so well other species have started asking us for help in organising their own educational systems. The islanders have already adopted many of our methods for their own children. The Thinkers have had so many requests from the city that Ubi is talking about opening a school there. We're famous for the quality of the teaching we provide. And you want your heir to miss out on that?"
      The king's face had assumed that stony expression that meant that further argument was useless. Leteetza snarled.
      "You pig-headed bastard…"
      Vejiita inclined his head.
      "Don't push your luck."
      The female planted her hands on her hips and glared.
      "He's my brat too and I will not let you… throw away his chance of a decent education."
      "You have no choice."
      She bared her teeth, then turned on her heel and exited the office, snarling over her shoulder,
      "Don't bet on it…"

Back at the suite she dropped onto a floor cushion and sank her face into her hands with a groan. The discussion had started so well, and seemed to be progressing reasonably, until it became clear that Vejiita had already decided their brat's future. Then… She'd lost her temper again. Why did she keep doing that? She knew it did no good - usually made things worse, in fact…
      A hand tentatively laid on her shoulder momentarily distracted her attention, and she gazed up into bronze-coloured eyes, biting back a snarl. Mahrayne.
      "Are you all right? Can I do anything to help?"
      Leteetza shook her head. She didn't feel up to explaining what had happened, not right now - and anyway there was still a chance the king could be persuaded to change his mind. She could rope in the Ssii'iin; Vejiita would die rather than admit it but he respected the zn'hre High king. Zha'haabron's opinion, his advice, meant a lot to the Saiya-jin-no-Ou…
       Mahrayne had seated herself beside and slightly behind the Saiyan, holding her lightly, comfortingly, and for once Leteetza leaned back willingly, allowing the Hassinan to kiss gently along her neck.
       "Come into my room." the taller female murmured. "There's something I want to show you."
       Sighing but too weary and fed up to resist, the Saiyan let herself be tugged to her feet and ushered into Mahrayne and Kelapa's chamber.

Once inside Mahrayne gently pushed her down onto the bed, then sat beside her, frowning.
       "'teetza? Tell me what's wrong, yes? Is it the children?"
       The little warrior gritted her teeth. If this was Mahrayne's way of getting her to talk about the unborn brats…
       But the Hassinan was truly concerned, she could scent it. She sighed.
       "It doesn't affect anyone yet. If I have my way it never will."
       Mahrayne nodded, wisely refraining from asking anything further.
       "But you will tell me if there's anything I can do to help, yes?"
       Leteetza nodded. The Hassinan smiled.
       "Thank you. Now, sinam, you are tired, and need to rest. But first…"
       She slipped off the Saiyan's crop top and briefs, pushing her gently down onto the bed and easing her thighs apart. Leteetza resisted, frowning: Mahrayne teased a nipple, making a shiver run through the golden-brown body below her.
       "Please, suserah. I think you'll enjoy this. Kel did." she added, smirking.
       Leteetza relaxed with a resigned grunt and closed her eyes as Mahrayne began to caress her, gentle fingers stroking and kneading, paying particular attention to the Saiyan's nipples, already enlarged in preparation for nursing and extremely sensitive. It was only a matter of a couple minutes before Leteetza was gripping the sleeping fur, her tail twisting agitatedly beside her and her hips canted slightly upwards, her thighs wide and groin exposed, glistening wetly, begging for the Hassinan's fingers or tongue.
       Mahrayne grinned and moved to lie between lean golden-brown legs, nipping very carefully at the Saiyan's swollen nub, earning herself a stifled moan. With teeth and tongue she aroused her friend further, pulling the slim little toy from its case and warming it slightly - then pressing it against Leteetza's anus…
       The little warrior yelped indignantly and tried to move away, but Mahrayne's teeth holding firmly to a very sensitive part of her anatomy stopped her - and then she froze as the Hassinan slid the toy firmly into her body.
       What the fuck…?!
       She moaned as Mahrayne pulled the toy out slightly, then pushed it back in, working it gently back and forth…
       It felt… it felt a little like it felt to have someone fondle her tail, slowly, expertly, teasingly, sensuously - but magnified several times. Blinding pleasure flooded her, outwards from the base of her tail, to engulf her entire body as she came violently, tail unconsciously wrapped bruisingly hard around Mahrayne's wrist. She could feel her genitals, her whole body, throbbing with the aftershocks of a frighteningly powerful orgasm, and lay still for a moment, trying to get her breath back.
       "Good, yes?"
       The Hassinan's quiet, satisfied voice filtered through her drifting consciousness, and she managed a weak smile.
       "You could say that…" Then she frowned. "But how…?"
       Mahrayne shrugged.
       "I think it's because of your tail. There must be many nerves, close to the surface on the outside and inside. The toy… stimulates the ones on the inside, yes?"
       Leteetza nodded slowly, considering it.
       "Sounds reasonable… I wonder if it's the same for the males?"
       "I would think so."
       "It would explain why they enjoy fucking each other so much, even when it hurts…" She pulled herself upright. "I'm going to ask Radittsu."
       "Right now?" Mahrayne's voice was plaintive. Leteetza smirked.
       "It's your own fault - you've infected me with your insatiable curiosity." She knelt to press a kiss to the Hassinan's lips. "Thank you. I'll thank you properly later."

Radittsu was in one of the small arenas supervising the brats' afternoon training session. Leteetza waited until he gave them a ten minute break, then flew to him to ask that telling question…
       He stared at her, nonplussed.
       "Well, of course it is!"
       She crossed her arms.
       "And none of you ever thought to mention it?"
       "Why the fuck would we? If we ever thought about it at all, I suppose we assumed you females already knew."
       "And how would we? After all, it's more usual for us to be fucked at the front."
       He shrugged, mouth twisting sarcastically.
       "In case you hadn't noticed, we don't have that option. It's the back or nothing for males."
       She snorted.
       "Well, that's fucking obvious."
       He inclined his head.
       "Did you really enjoy it?"
       "Fuck, yes!! Never felt anything like it! Like having your tail stroked from inside and out."
       He grinned.
       "That's a good way to describe it. So, you going to pass the information along to other females?"
       "Damn right I am! Why should you males have all the fun?"
       "Does that mean I get to…"
       She stopped him with a glare.
       "No it does NOT!! You're too big." She shuddered, imagining it. "Ye gods, you'd rip me apart!"
       He chuckled wryly.
       "Just checking…"

Another storm was on its way, and Radittsu cut the afternoon session short to make sure the hostlings got back to the suite before the rain started. As Ti'aasaan hustled the children through to the bathroom for hot showers, Hijau arrived home, settling next to his bondmate on the sleeping platform, kissing a cool cheek then glancing at the sheaf of paper the gentle zn'hre had laid aside as he entered.
       *What are those, beloved?*
       Zha'haarak lifted them so Hijau could see, frowning at them appraisingly.
       **I have been trying to - 'draw'. They're not very good, I'm afraid. Though I am improving a little, with practise**
       Hijau felt his jaw drop as he stared in amazement. There were sketches of the hostlings, of Mahrayne, of Jeice and Ti'aasaan, the Saiyans, Radittsu, and himself. Lots and lots of himself…
       Not very good?? They were exquisite
       *But… but these are beautiful! They look exactly like who they're supposed to!*
       Zha'haarak inclined his head, gazing at the pictures.
       **Do you think so? I don't know - I can never get them exactly right…**
       Hijau wrapped an arm around thin shoulders and kissed the zn'hre's neck.
       *Can I show Mahrayne when she gets back from the dance lesson?*
       Zha'haarak shrugged, then nodded.
       **I don't mind**
       *Good…* he paused as Zha'haarak winced. *Hurting again?*
       **Yes… It's the coming storm…**
       The captain nodded and called for Tane and Dari.

The storm had reached them by the time Mahrayne, Jeice and their students - Ti'vadin and Ti'nienan included - returned to the suite: the windows rattled with the force of the thunder and the pounding rain. Kiraz was huddled into a pile of pillows in the corner of the sleeping platform, trembling, too scared even to rise to 'raadiin's merciless teasing…

It had come as a huge shock to them all to find out that Kiraz was frightened of thunder. The revelation had come with the first storm of the wet season, when the young Saiyan had jerked awake at the first enormous clap of thunder and flung himself, whimpering, into Hijau's arms and stayed there, trembling uncontrollably, until sunsrise. Kobis had been surprised and faintly contemptuous - he'd loved the storm, the awe-inspiring majesty of the natural forces - while the hostlings, with one exception, had found his fear completely incomprehensible. (The exception was 'fallon, who was, as Leteetza fondly put it, 'afraid of his own shadow'. Kiraz' embarrassment was even worse, knowing that the most timid of the zn'hre was the only other person afraid of storms…)
       So far they'd managed to keep the information from Vejiita, but unless they could cure Kiraz of the fear the king would find out, and the young prince would suffer for it, so Radittsu was trying to find out if there was any sort of 'cure'. So far he'd had no success, but Vinas - sighing irritably at the sheer triviality of the supposed 'problem' - had promised to check with some of his colleagues who had more knowledge of mental ailments than himself.

Tane and Dari were in their accustomed places beside the gentle zn'hre, watching and listening to the activity in the suite as they warmed and eased his hip. The children were dressing after their bathe, the hostlings sliding into warm, soft bodysuits, 'haavok and 'honee - as usual - deliberately getting in everyone's way. Pirum and Buahan were together on a floor cushion huddled over a book, the young Hassinan's arm around her friend's shoulders as the princess' tail twined around Pirum's waist. Jeice and Ti'aasaan had taken the babies for their bathe: Zh'leet's monitor was at Leteetza's neck, the small female suffering the attention with an expression of exasperated long-suffering on her face. Hijau was showing the older Hassinan Zha'haarak's sketches: if Mahrayne's wide-eyed expression was anything to go by she was impressed. Tane glanced at her twin.
       Dari's eyes were sparkling.
       *Oh yes. It's like being part of the family!*
       Tane grinned.
       *Without the responsibilities! I'm glad we accepted the 'invitation'.*
       Dari beamed.
       *Now,* her sister continued, *If we can only find a way to have Kelapa accept us…*
       They knew Ti'aasaan was interested: he'd gone so far as to invite them to share a bath with himself and Jeice, his lovely little face alight with a positively wicked smile, but so far they hadn't quite managed to find the right time. Likewise they knew Mahrayne was simply itching to get them into bed - but Kelapa didn't want that at all, and the Hassinan was obviously determined not to upset her lover. Which was a pity, because both twins had come round to the idea that it would be an awful lot of fun to play with Mahrayne. And if Jeice and Ti'aasaan could be there at the same time…
       Tane wondered, idly, if inviting Kelapa to join in would help, but she hadn't quite worked up the resolve to ask the warrior, not yet. She wasn't too sure she ever would.
       They were distracted by Ti'aasaan's low, musical - worried - voice.
       "Where's 'haabron?"
       As the suite fell silent, Hijau frowned around the assembly and added,
       "And where's Kobis?"

The young lovers had slipped out earlier, evading their guards, suppressing their ki and heading for the forest on the outskirts of the city. They'd hunted, then relaxed by the lake (in the same place, although they didn't know it, that Radittsu and Zha'haabron knew so well), kissing and touching and stroking each other, then wandering through the heavy woodland hand in hand, too wrapped up in each other to notice where they were or what was happening around them - until the first clap of thunder and the torrential downpour that followed it…
       'haabron squinted up into the heavy grey sky. Already wet through from the cold, stinging rain, he glanced at Kobis.
       "We should go back."
       The young Saiyan grinned.
       "In a minute. I just want to…"
       And he moved out from the entirely inadequate cover of the trees to stand in a small clearing, face raised to the sky, eyes closed, an expression of calm joy on his face as the rain fell on and around him.
       Trying to ignore the gnawing cold, 'haabron watched him, wide-eyed with love - then moved to join him, wrapping his arms tightly around his koi. Kobis sighed happily and hugged him, gently kissing his eyelids as they stood in the rain, lightning flickering across the sky as thunder growled all around them.
       *I love the rain. It makes me feel… clean. Full. So happy…*
       'haabron shivered, not understanding but willing to try to enjoy anything his Saiyan liked. The zn'hre tried to smile.
       **I've never felt it…**
       *It's wonderful, isn’t it?*
       Minutes later 'haabron gave up trying to pretend. He was soaked to the skin, and so cold he felt raw. He slumped in Kobis' arms: the young Saiyan pulled him close, alarmed.
       *Aijin? What's the matter?*
       'haabron was now shivering violently. He gazed up at Kobis, eyes half-closed and glazed, teeth clenched together to stop them chattering.
       **… cold…**
       Suddenly frantic, Kobis hauled the prince into his arms and took off, heading back towards the palace, *calling* ahead to Radittsu…

… who stiffened with alarm and glanced at Ti'aasaan as he dived towards the balcony windows.
       *Make sure the pool is cold-season warm. Ready plenty of drying cloths and some warmer sleeping furs. And get Vinas here…*

The big Saiyan met the children at the edge of the forest. Kobis was almost crying with fear and frustration for - firstly - not realising how dangerous this weather was for his koi and - secondly - not having the strength to fly him home before more harm was done. Radittsu took the semi-conscious zn'hre into the crook of one arm and enveloped him in a warm ki-haze, then pulled Kobis close, kissing the distraught prince's forehead.
       "Come on, your highness. Let's get you both back."
       Kobis' eyes were brimming.
       "Oh, Raditts'-san… How could I be so stupid!?"
       The big Saiyan smiled.
       "Sometimes we forget. And sometimes those we love love us back so hard they want to be inside our skins. They forget, too."
       Kobis bit back a sob.
       "But he could be really ill. He could d…"
       Radittsu shook him gently.
       "Don't be morbid. He's cold, but not that cold. We'll warm him up when we get back, and Vinas will check him over. He'll be fine in a couple of days."
       The big Saiyan's calm practicality was soothing and reassuring, and for the rest of the short flight home Kobis stroked at his koi's sodden hair, allowing himself the luxury of weeping now, when his tears were indistinguishable from the rain…

Zh'leet, of course, was furious - but Ti'aasaan glared at her, hissing something in R'ren'nkh'ia-go that had her compressing her lips into an even thinner line than normal and stalking into the cold store to heat up some fruity glop. Radittsu took 'haabron and Kobis straight into the bathroom, sliding into the pool without bothering to try to undress first. Kobis hovered anxiously as the big Saiyan carefully pulled off the zn'hre's clothing and laved luxuriously warm water over the cold, shivering body, holding the little prince against his own warmth. After a quarter of an hour or so 'haabron's eyes fluttered open.
       "Wha… what…?"
       Kobis caught his koi's cold hand in both of his own and pressed kisses to the long fingers.
       *I'm so sorry…*
       'haabron blinked at him, bewildered.
       *I forgot about the cold, what it does to you…*
       'haabron smiled drowsily, and Kobis bit his lip. So much love…
       **Doesn't matter**
       Radittsu glanced over his shoulder at a sound from the doorway: Vinas had arrived. The big Saiyan climbed out, wrapped the hostling in several layers of drying cloths, then - squelching somewhat - laid him carefully on the sleeping platform. Kobis (who'd quickly stripped before going back into the common room) knelt beside the medtech, anxiously watching as Vinas pressed various small but alarming devices to the young zn'hre's body. Finally he sat back and scowled at Kobis.
       "Your highness, you are very lucky that your… carelessness hasn't caused more harm. As it is, his highness is going to be fine." As Kobis slumped with relief, Vinas added, "No thanks to you. How many times do I have to tell you all that the zn'hre cannot tolerate the cold! I would appreciate it if you would stop trying to make my life more difficult and start taking care of your partners and hostlings…"

'haabron was running a fever the following day, drifting in and out of consciousness, his body hot to the touch. Kobis - once he'd been reassured several times that although his friend's temperature was uncomfortably high for zn'hre he wasn't in any actual, immediate danger - remained glued to his side, bathing his hot skin with cool water and murmuring quietly, lovingly, to him.
       It was the day Radittsu and Hijau were due to get their beads set. For a while they'd wondered if they should reschedule, but Zh'leet had reassured them that 'haabron would be fine: she'd let them know if they were needed. So, armed with a generous selection of newly-slaughtered food animals as payment, they'd flown down to Peruro's quarters above the wood-carver's shop in the alien quarter…

Her eyes had widened as she caught sight of them, unconsciously running up and down Radittsu's massive frame then glancing appreciatively at Hijau. Then, giving herself a little mental shake, she'd graciously accepted their payment and ushered them into a small room comfortably furnished with a variety of floor cushions and a low table sporting a long pointed instrument and a tray of smooth, ivory coloured beads. The Hassinan gestured for them to sit, then knelt in front of them, a friendly but professional smile on her pretty face.
       "How much has Mahrayne told you about the procedure?"
       The Saiyans exchanged glances…
       A quarter of an hour later Peruro had gleaned that they really didn't have much of an idea about what was involved. She sighed to herself, then smiled again.
       "Very well. Perhaps you could tell me what sort of effect you're aiming for? Do you wish for a slow arousal? Just a few small beads to add piquancy to love making? What might your partners like?"
       Well, she'd thought later, the answer to that question had certainly been an eye-opener!
       The big Saiyan, Radittsu, had explained about the barbs that lined their partners' - female parts - and the effect the Hassinan toys had had. Although they both realised their beads wouldn't have quite the same effect, that was the sort of thing they were looking for.
       Peruro nodded. Well, that sort of pattern wasn't too complicated - labour-intensive because of the number of beads required but not difficult - and it would be something of a long job, not to mention quite a test of her skill, since these were her first aliens… But if she did well here it would certainly help her career on Vejiitasei. She nodded.
       "Very well. That sort of design will take three sessions of two hours each…" she paused at the frown on Radittsu's face.
       "Can't you do the whole lot in one session?"
       Peruro blinked.
       "Well, of course I can, but it will be most - uncomfortable - for you. And of course you'll need to be erect the entire time…"
       Hijau's eyes widened.
       Peruro sighed silently. Well, she could hardly blame Mahrayne: the female had had practically nothing to do with males before coming here, she wasn't to know the procedure…
       "You need to be erect while the beads are being set, or the pattern will not be accurate, or have the desired effect." She smiled. "I can get you ready, or you can do it yourself, I don't mind which."
       The two Saiyans glanced at each other, smirking, then Radittsu turned back to the bead-setter.
       "Can we fuck while it's being done?"
       Has it suddenly got hot in here? Peruro wondered, fanning at her face. She shook her head.
       "I'm sorry, you need to keep the movements of your penises to an absolute minimum. And I'll have to bind you afterwards, while you heal, so the beads don't slip out of place."
       Hijau scowled.
       "You mean we can't… How long until we can make love again?"
       "And what sort of bindings? We can bathe while we're healing, can't we?" Radittsu looked faintly alarmed. This bead-setting business was proving less straightforward than he'd thought…
       Peruro frowned, considering.
       "Well… our males come back to have the bindings removed when they've stopped hurting. But from what Mahrayne has said, I understand you heal very quickly indeed. I'd suggest you return tomorrow to let me check how you're doing. As for bathing…" she inclined her head. "I don't see any reason why I can't use cloth bindings. You'll be able to bathe with those on…"

It had been a long, and very interesting, day for Peruro, and a very long, interesting, painful day for Radittsu and Hijau. From the expression on Peruro's face when they first stripped and she saw what she was going to be working on - especially Radittsu: she'd gone to collect more beads when she saw the size of the organ she would be adorning - through the quite extraordinary uses to which the two males could put their tails, to the stoicism of the pair… The operation hurt. Saiya-jin evidently couldn't dull the pain in any way, either naturally or artificially, but they both kept their flinching to a bare minimum, whichever of them that wasn't being worked on using his hands and tail (and in Hijau's case teeth: Radittsu's shoulders were a bleeding mess by the time the Hassinan had finished with him) to keep the other erect. At one point, towards the end of Radittsu's bead-setting, Peruro had mentioned, in passing, that it was a pity they weren't built like male Hassinan, who (she explained when they insisted on an explanation) could 'lock' an erection into place for as long as they liked…
       Hijau had frowned at his aijin.
       *Think those things… cockrings?... Jeice uses might help?*
       Radittsu had grinned.
       *Think he's got any big enough?*
       Hijau chuckled and pushed himself upright.
       *Only one way to find out! Be right back…*
       And after that, with the leather straps bound around both males' inkeis and balls, the procedure went a little more smoothly…

Back in the suite that evening Zha'haabron and Zha'haarak had been very solicitous, gently helping them undress and ease into the water. Jeice had been curious, asking them both for the details and comparing them - favourably - to his own experiences. Kobis, with the still weak but recovering 'haabron resting in his arms, paid close attention, flinching a little but, going by his expression, still quite eager to have his own beads. Radittsu and Hijau were both very sore, but the worst thing was that the bindings were tight, holding the beads firmly in place - and quite incidentally preventing them both from achieving an erection, though it didn't stop their bodies from trying! Hijau glanced at Radittsu, wincing, eyes narrowed.
       *This had better only take a day…*

Fortunately it did. Peruro was amazed, and quietly impressed, with the speed and efficiency with which the Saiyan's bodies had healed. Also quietly proud: even allowing for the residual pain, bruising and swelling (which, she told them, should disappear in another day or two) the beads looked very good. And the Saiyans were obviously very pleased too. As she ushered them out she smiled at them both.
       "Please do remember to tell any interested friends or colleagues where I am!"
       They'd both grinned and nodded enthusiastically, and Peruro sighed with satisfaction. She had the feeling she'd be getting a lot more Saiyan customers…

Hijau was at the spaceport, accompanied by Apyo and Chilek, to meet Merica and Jagung on their return to the onworld Elite Guard. The bonded pair had saluted the captain smartly and correctly, then grinned widely and grabbed him into a hug.
       "Thank you - sir." Merica's deep voice was filled with gratitude. "For facilitating our return."
       Jagung kissed the captain's cheek.
       "We really appreciate it."
       Hijau chuckled.
       "It's good to have you both back. And you have four days downtime to get yourselves sorted out. Anything you need right now?"
       Jagung's expression became sombre as he nodded.
       "I need to see your bondmate."
       Hijau frowned.
       "Zha'haarak? Why?"
       "I heard what Cendawan did. I may not have any family left, but I still have some family pride, and my honour. I want to apologise to him. Ask if there's any way I can make recompense."
       Hijau blinked, then inclined his head.
       "Thank you. I don't know about the Ssii'irin, but I'd appreciate that."
       Jagung smiled.
       "Can we go straight there?"
       Merica scowled and would have objected, but his bondmate laid a hand across his lips.
       *Please, aijin. I need to do this. And I need to do it as soon as possible.*
       Merica sighed and nodded. He never had been able to resist Jagung.

Tane and Dari had been working with Zha'haarak, who had fallen into a light doze, relaxing as the focussed warmth of the twin's ki soothed and eased the bone-deep ache in his hip: Jeice was playing with the little hybrids, and Ti'aasaan was half-asleep on the platform close to the prince, trying to recover from a night disturbed by 'zhasaan's strange and disturbing dreams. As Hijau, Merica and Jagung entered the common room Zha'haarak, half-woken by the cessation of the ki-flow as the twins stopped to stare at the newcomers, had forced his eyes open - to be met by the image of Cendawan…
       Suddenly terrified, he'd whimpered and shoved himself backwards, shifting his hip awkwardly in its socket as he did so and undoing the twins' last four hours work. Pain disregarded in his panic he tried to pull himself upright - only to collapse into Hijau's strong warm arms, his hip giving out, as his bondmate hugged him close, stroking his hair.
       *Beloved - it's all right, it's all right… It's not her...*
       Zha'haarak trembled in his arms, his face buried in the crook of the captain's neck, and so missed the look of anguish and shame on Jagung's beautiful face. He turned to Merica.
       *That unspeakable baita… Look. Look what she's done. How can I apologise for this…?*
       Merica hugged him close and kissed him gently.
       Jagung pulled slowly away, nodding, and moved slowly closer, kneeling at the foot of the sleeping platform, his head deeply bowed.
       "Your highness… Nothing I can say can ever take away what she who was once my sibling has made you suffer. But please believe me - I would never do anything to hurt you. And if there is anything I can do to help wipe out her crime, be assured I will do it."
       He slowly raised his head to gaze at the zn'hre prince still trembling in the captain's arms, wondering if the gentle creature could ever bring himself to look at his attacker's sibling. But slowly Zha'haarak's tear-streaked face came round, the prince gazing over his shoulder at the kneeling warrior.
       And Jagung was abruptly lost in deep golden eyes, knowing suddenly he really would do anything for his captain's bondmate.
       Short of betraying his own, of course.
       And Hijau smiled. Zha'haarak was slowly relaxing, responding to Jagung's earnest entreaty - and the prince really needed a personal guard, a regular guard, to ensure there was no repeated attack, to carry him when he began to flag, to keep an eye on him when Hijau couldn't be there. Jagung was a warrior, but his heart had never been truly in it: he'd struggled through the training, the combat, the campaigns, because it had been the only way he and Merica could stay together. At the same time he was highly trained, and very effective…

So why not make Jagung Zha'haarak's guard?

© 2002 July 27th Joules Taylor

Journeys pt 2
Journeys pt 1
Fourth Alliance Chronicle Index

Hands up everyone who thought it was the prostate all this time!
