
*Maaziiiii! Help!!*
      Leteetza's head jerked up, eyes wide as she glanced at Ti'aasaan. The little zn'hre had tensed, expression taut, gaze moving to the balcony doors. The little Saiyan swiftly handed 'jiita and 'dittsu to him and moved with fast, fluid grace to the doors: 'raadiin was already there, one door half open.
      "Imouto…" Hijau had struggled out of Zha'haarak's embrace and hauled himself upright as Jagung moved away from Ti'aasaan: Leteetza shook her head.
      "Stay here. Guard the brats…"
      She took off - closely followed by 'raadiin: 'tiisaan hastened to close the door before the temperature in the suite dropped too far. Jagung stared at his Captain.
      "What the fuck is going on?!"
      Ti'aasaan had paled.
      "Alert the Guard."
      "Now, Hi'ijaa! Please!"
      Frowning, alarmed by the fear in the little zn'hre's eyes, Hijau dived for the comm…

"Get back to the suite! You shouldn't be here! It's dangerous - and far too cold…"
      'raadiin smirked.
      "I can cope for a little while. And you might need help."
      Leteetza would have told him in no uncertain terms what she thought of that idea, but at that moment Ti'ani and Le'leen almost collided with her.
      She shoved the twins behind her and hovered protectively, gathering ki - only there was nothing to attack.
      *There, maazi, there! Can't you see him?*
      Ti'ani was pointing straight ahead. Leteetza peered through the snowstorm, but couldn't see anything…
      'raadiin darted in front of her, his slight body absorbing the ki-blast that came out of nowhere. She caught him as he slammed backwards into her, winded and grimacing with pain from the impact, but basically unhurt. He pulled himself out of her arms and loosed his own blast - at nothing as far as the Saiyan could see.
      The hostling's move shocked Ti'ani and Le'leen into action: placing themselves to either side of Leteetza they also began blasting. Shaking herself, still unable to see anything but aware that the blasts were hitting something from the strange behaviour of the energy discharge, she joined in, aiming at the same area of space as the brats…
      Ti'ani grabbed her wrist and dragged her down and to one side as another massive ball of energy appeared before them - 'raadiin shot upwards and Le'leen to the side as they scrambled out of the way, immediately turning to resume their own attack as the blast ploughed to earth with a ground-shaking roar.
      Leteetza stared at the crater it left. Fucking hell… Suddenly furiously angry that the brats - her brats - were being threatened by something that obviously didn't give a fuck what it killed, she let loose with a steady but violent stream of ki… The hostlings joined her, faces grim: after a moment Ti'ani, his *voice* strained, *gasped*, *s'working… Maazi, can you really not see him?*
      *Can't see him, can't scent him...*
      Though that wasn't completely true any more. Under the persistent battering their assailant was beginning to take shape: squinting, she saw her blasts reflecting off a heavy defensive ki-shield, and behind it was a shadowy figure. A very big figure…
      "Need a hand, my lady?"
      Leteetza started, then smiled grimly at Kyuri.
      "Can you see him?"
      The Guard peered, then nodded doubtfully.
      "I… think so… What the hell is he?"
      "Let's worry about that after we've taken him down, shall we?"
      There were six Guards with Kyuri: it was a matter of only a few minutes before their assailant dropped heavily to the ground, battered unconscious. As the Guards surrounded and restrained him - with alloy fetters as well as ki-bands - Leteetza frowned at him, sniffing.
      No scent. No ki-signature. And why hadn't she been able to see him?
      She shook her head. That could wait. Right now she had two exhausted hybrids and one violently shivering, very cold hostling to get back to the suite. Kyuri grinned.
      "We'll take it from here."
      Ti'ani tugged on her hand, and she gazed down at him.
      "There were four more, K'uri. Inside the palace."
      Eyes frantically wide, Leteetza gathered 'raadiin and Ti'ani into her arms, looped her tail around Le'leen and took off, flying wildly back to the suite, closely followed by Kyuri and Muz…

**My Ssii'iin - please come home…**
      Zha'haabron paused in putting forward his point of view in the Council debate about the best thing to do with what was left of the Omanir and frowned.
      **What is wrong, sweetheart?**
      The *communication* was cut off abruptly. The High King glanced at the scowling Saiya-jin-no-Ou.
      "Trouble. I have to leave."
      "In the suite?"
      "I think so."
      Vejiita turned and slammed through the window, Zha'haabron and Apyo right behind him.

Fear threatened to overwhelm Leteetza as they arrived at the suite's balcony. Every single window had been smashed, and even in the short time she'd been absent snow had poured in on the howling wind, reducing the temperature close to zero and lying in drifts on the floor. Holding the children tightly to her she hovered closer: Kyuri's hand on her shoulder made her jump.
      "No, my lady. You'll stay out here."
      "Fuck that…"
      "That's an order, Guardsman."
      Leteetza stared, then swallowed hard.
      "The brats…" Oh gods - 'dittsu and 'jiita were in there, and Ra'vahn and Za'rayne…
      Kyuri stroked her face, quickly but gently.
      "I know. Wait here…"

Inside the suite was utter devastation. Everything that could be broken had been: walls and floor and ceiling were scorched, blackened by ki-blasts - a couple of the floor cushions were still burning, despite the water from melted snow that was beginning to freeze on the floor. And there was blood everywhere, blue R'ren'nkh'ian as well as red Saiyan… Kyuri dived over to the sleeping platform to check Apyo and Jagung, who were sprawled unmoving - and sighed with relief. They were hurt, but alive, thank all the gods. She didn't even want to try to imagine Merica's reaction if Jagung had been killed…
      But where were the others? She could scent them…
      Sharp Saiyan ears caught a tiny whimper, and she swivelled, racing to the door of the bathing chamber. It wouldn't open…
      "Zha'haarak-sama? Sir? Are you in there?"
      There was a moment's silence, then,
      It was 'tiisaan's voice, very high and very scared.
      "Yes, little one. Can you open the door? It's safe now."
      "I… I can't, Kyuri-san. It's ki-welded shut and there are lots of things blocking it…"
      "Are you all in there?"
      "Kobis and 'haabron aren't here, and maazi's hurt…" his voice tailed off into a sob.
      "Right… get everyone as far away from the door as you can. I'll be right back."
      She dived to the balcony, beckoning Leteetza and the Guards inside. Leteetza blanched at the sight that greeted her: Kyuri laid firm hands on her shoulders and gestured to the bathroom with a toss of her head.
      "They're in there. I need you to organise somewhere for everyone to go, to get warm." She glanced at 'raadiin, who was pale and shivering and only semi-conscious. "Right now. Then contact the medical centre - get a team over here." She glanced at the sealed door. "I'm going to break in: we'll soon have them out…"

Leteetza hurried through the main door - and pulled up short, eyes wide. The corridor looked like a warzone too. What the fuck had happened here?
      A groan from ground level made her jump, then she sighed in relief. Zh'leet…
      "You all right?"
      The brood peered up at her, one eye swollen shut, her face a mass of bruises, then pulled herself unsteadily upright.
      "I'll live." She frowned at 'raadiin, wincing as the movement sparked pain through her fractured cheekbone, then took him into her arms.
      "We'd better go and warm up a room, I think…"

"Are you all out of the way?"
      "Close your eyes…"
      Focussing tightly, Chikori and Kyuri ki-cut around the edge of the door, then dragged it into the common room. Inside the bathing chamber unidentifiable blackened things had been melted and fused to the door frame and floor, making it almost impossible to gain entrance. Kyuri squirmed her way in and dropped to her knees at the edge of the pool as the frightened children splashed their way over and tried to climb into her arms…
      She frowned. They were all so cold. She glanced over her shoulder - Chikori was using ki to clear away some of the debris so he could get into the room.
      "Get furs. As many as you can. And see if Leteetza's got things sorted yet."
      He saluted and backed out, returning moments later with his arms heaped with sleeping furs: Leteetza followed him in, her own arms full.
      There was chaos for a few minutes as those who could climbed from the pool to be swathed in furs and escorted a few doors down to one of the spare guest suites, small but cosy and now rapidly warming up, and Zh'leet's care. Leteetza slid into the cold water and waded over to the far side, where Ti'aasaan was slumped, Za'rayne and Ra'vahn cuddled against him crying silently. Taking them into her arms she crouched down, speaking very gently.
      "Koi? Can you hear me?"
      The little zn'hre whimpered and nodded very slightly.
      "Where's Zha'haarak? And the little princes?"
      "T… took them…"
      "The aliens?"
      "Y… yes… tried to stop them…"
      He gasped and paled further as he tried to move: Leteetza frowned. From the bruising it looked as though several of his ribs had been broken, and the awkward way he held his arm argued for either a break or a dislocated shoulder… She bit her lip.
      "Hang on, sweetheart. We'll get you out as soon as we can…"
      She hurriedly took the littlest hybrids through to the temporary suite, handing them over to Zh'leet, then raced back, relieved to see that the medics had, finally, arrived… She collared Kyuri, feeling panic rising in her throat.
      "Ti'aasaan says they took Zha'haarak, 'jiita and 'dittsu. I have to find them!"
      Kyuri grabbed her arm as she spun to leave.
      Leteetza growled through gritted teeth.
      "Let go."
      "Just listen, will you! It's pointless you haring off by yourself. We know this species."
      The smaller female blinked.
      "You do?"
      "Hijau's had a run in with them in the past. And Ambassador Bataa's bodyguard was the same race. We can't scent them, or sense their ki signature. And from what we saw when we met you, they're also able to erect some kind of visual shield as well. But," she grinned ferally, "it looks as though the zn'hre can see them - and we know that Ti'ani and Le'leen can *sense* them…"
      Leteetza scowled.
      "I don't want them in any more danger."
      "Leteetza, they may be the only hope."
      The King's Companion dragged her hands through her mane and groaned.
      "Vejiita. Shit…" She gazed hopelessly up at Kyuri. "He'll kill me for this."
      "It wasn't your fault…"
      "As far as he's concerned, 'jiita is the first priority. In all things."
      Kyuri sighed.
      "You'd better contact him…"
      "In a minute… Who else was missing?"
      "Kiraz, Kobis and 'haabron, Buahan, 'leesaan and selaan."
      Leteetza nodded.
      "'leesaan's in the library, and 'selaan will be at the infirmary. Buahan's visiting her mother." She chewed her lip. "Kobis and 'haabron will be together. And wherever Hijau is, you can bet Kiraz will be there too…"
      She brightened fractionally. Of course - why didn't she think of it earlier?
      *Niisan? Where are you?*
      There was no reply. She couldn't even sense her brother. Kyuri frowned as tears ran down the smaller female's face.
      "Can't *feel* him, Kyuri."
      The Guard nodded grimly.
      "That probably means he's fighting the intruders." Or dead, she thought to herself, a sudden chill making her shiver. She forced the thought down. "We know that they can also stop us *communicating* with each other if we're in close proximity to them." She thought for a moment. "You're closer to the family than any of us - could you *scan* for Kobis and 'haabron? Given this weather I'm worried about the zn'hre…"

'haabron was shivering violently and had lost all feeling in his legs, hands and face.
      **Aijin… can't stand much more of this…**
      Kobis hugged him close, trying his best to keep his flagging ki-haze going, trying to keep his koi alive…
      His first instinct on hearing the noise from the common room had been to grab his young lover and the sleeping fur they lay under and dive out of the side room into the frigid air outside. Once there he'd swiftly headed as far from the palace as he could, realising just a very little later that was the worst thing he could have done: the sleeping fur was of practically no use in the screaming blizzard. He reversed his course and was now flying back to the palace compound, heading for Guard Headquarters. But 'haabron was growing colder, and the palace was closer…
      Biting his lip, frantically trying to come to a decision, 'haabron's sudden coughing fit decided him. He streaked for the palace.
      The noise of combat and the whine of ki-blasts could be heard even above the storm, and he headed for the ground floor, smashing a window to gain entrance then hastening into the next room, a smallish dining room that was rarely used. But the hearth was plentifully stacked with logs, and he soon had a blaze going. It was a long, panicky hour before 'haabron stopped shivering though - and by then his throat was raw from coughing…
      Kobis hugged him carefully, eyes brimming.
      *I'm sorry, koibito. I always seem to cause you problems…*
      'haabron nuzzled him, trying not to cough.
      **Don't be silly…Can we get something to drink? I'm very thirsty.**
      The young Saiyan kissed his cheek - then frowned and laid a hand on his forehead. Hot. Well, warm, anyway. He was running a fever again.
      *I'll find us something. Will you be all right while I'm gone?*
      'haabron nodded, body shaking as he fought back another coughing fit. Kobis gazed at him worriedly. He'd better contact the medical facility while he was at it…
      The palace kitchen wasn't far: he grabbed a jug of fresh fruit juice and couple of beakers and raced back to the dining room. 'haabron was huddled as close to the fire as he could get, shivering, skin flushed and breath wheezing. Kobis poured him a beaker of cold juice with shaking hands and held it to his lips; the zn'hre sipped slowly, forcing the liquid down his burning throat, then leaned against the Saiyan, eyes closing. Kobis held him close, frightened by the heat pouring off his body.
      *You're really sick, koi. I'm going to get help…*
      'haabron grabbed his arm weakly, body shaken by another coughing fit.
      **… don't leave me…**
      Torn by indecision, the young Saiyan bit his lip. He couldn't leave 'haabron, and moving him from the warmth would make things worse…
      Then he brightened. Not much point having a twin if you couldn't call on him in times of need.

Kiraz stood in front of Zha'haarak, alert and grimly determined not to let any more harm come to him…
      The gentle zn'hre was huddled awkwardly in the corner where the alien had thrown him, staying conscious by willpower alone, 'dittsu and 'jiita in his arms.
      Vejiita had killed that one.
      But that still left three, and it was taking the combined power of the two kings and Hijau just to keep them at bay.
      *Kiraz? Where are you? I need help.*
      Damn but his brother's timing stank! He glanced over his shoulder at the shivering zn'hre.
      *What? I'm kind of busy right now…*
      *'s 'haabron - we need a medic…*
      *Everyone needs a fucking medic!* He sighed irritably. *Where are you?*
      Kobis' directions were fuzzy - Kiraz could *feel* his rising panic - but clear enough for his twin to pinpoint the room.
      The young warrior *shouted* for 'raadiin…
      … who woke instantly from an exhausted sleep, still shivering, and raced to find Leteetza…
      … who shot out of the suite, leaving the medics and a startled Kyuri to ensure Ti'aasaan was taken to the infirmary as quickly as possible, and dived for the ground floor.
      Seconds later 'haabron was cradled in strong arms as Leteetza flew back up to the temporary suite, Kobis beside her. As she lowered the semi-conscious hostling to the sleeping platform, she turned to the young Saiyan.
      "Run along to the suite and get a medic here."
      As Kobis dived for the door, Zh'leet wrapped another fur around 'haabron, then frowned up at Leteetza.
      "We really need Vinas. He's the expert."
      "Yes, well, we haven't got Vinas, have we?"
      The brood harrumphed.
      "Don't remind me. If Mahrayne hadn't insisted on going back to that benighted planet…"
      Leteetza rubbed her face wearily.
      "Zh'leet, I don't need this right now. Vejiita ordered him to go with her - end of story. We'll have to manage the best we can. Gtislin is nearly as good."
      Grumbling under her breath about royal physicians not doing their proper duty, Zh'leet stroked 'haabron's face gently, alarmed by his temperature…
      The room was lit up by a brilliant light from outside, the windows shaking as a blast echoed along the building. The children whimpered.
      "What the…?"
      Leteetza moved to the window, sliding behind the heavy drape that kept the chill out and peering through the snow…

In other circumstances it would have been an amazing, almost beautiful sight. It had been a long time since she'd seen Zha'haabron in combat: to see him and Vejiita fighting together was…
      She frowned. Where was Hijau?
      A brilliant flash of flame-red ki from above and behind the three big, ugly - bloody - beings facing the two kings answered her. Only vaguely aware of the door to the room opening as Kobis arrived back with a Feeodoreean medic, Leteetza watched the battle, entranced by the coruscation of energies, Zha'haabron's silver-blue, Vejiita's gold, her brother's crimson…
      A hand tugging at her arm startled her.
      "Kiraz needs help too…"

Leteetza was too busy making sure Zha'haarak was carefully carried to the infirmary for his to be injuries tended to - his hip had dislocated again, along with everything else he'd suffered - and hugging her children to her, making sure they were all right, to see the final outcome of the battle. It hadn't taken long: once Kyuri realised what was happening, the Guard had pitched in, and between them all they'd killed the remaining aliens. By the time the King's Companion reached the suite, the two kings, her brother and Kyuri were already there…
      Zha'haabron was coldly furious - at least partly from his own inability to overcome the attackers, she thought - ignoring pain and the medic who was trying to scan his shivering body to determine the extent of his injuries.
      "What are they, where did they come from, and how did they manage to gain access to the palace?"
      The Saiya-jin-no-Ou stood glaring, battered and bleeding, arms crossed over his chest.
      "I don't know - but I'm going to fucking find out."
      The High King eyed him for a moment, then smiled frostily.
      "They are next."

Several hours later…

Kyuri had flown back to Guard Headquarters to oversee the incarceration of their captive: Apyo had rousted the kitchen staff and organised a huge meal. The medics had reported back: Ti'aasaan was more or less comfortable, and there'd be no permanent damage, though they wanted to keep him under observation for a few days to check his lungs hadn't been harmed. Apyo was fine, Jagung would be out of action for a couple of days, and Zha'haarak was mostly just bruised: they'd sedated him and re-set his hip, and once they were sure the cold hadn't caused him any other problems he'd be allowed back into the suite. Tane and Dari would be more use to him now than a biotech.
      Gtislin was concerned about 'haabron, however. The hostling's temperature was still rising, and he was having difficulty breathing. Remembering how they'd treated Ti'aasaan, the zn'hre was now in a low-gravity chamber, lying on his stomach and with his head lowered, which was helping: the distraught and self-castigating Kobis refused to leave his side. Gtislin was reluctant to do anything more, however: Vinas really was the expert when it came to the zn'hre and G'geck medical technology, and while 'haabron was stable he didn't want to take any risks…
      Vejiita had remained with the family, cradling 'jiita - and 'dittsu - while Leteetza checked the sleeping children, a little worried that the cold might have harmed them. But, all told, everyone had come out of the encounter remarkably well.
      Zh'leet had broken the news while telling them what had happened.
      "It was Gh'veen. He was outside the door when they arrived: he gave the alarm - the Saiyan guards didn't even see them…"
      Leteetza frowned.
      "I haven't seen Gh'veen…"
      Zh'leet shook her head.
      "He cried out. I went out to see what was happening. They killed him. Blasted him - there's nothing left of him, or the guards."
      A startled, horrified silence fell - then Zha'haabron lowered his head, tears glinting in his eyes.
      "He was a loyal, faithful friend to the family. He will be missed…"
      Vejiita gazed at him sombrely.
      "We grieve with you. But he will be avenged…"

© 2002 Nov 4th Joules Taylor

Fourth Alliance Chronicle Index