
It was hot, and getting hotter, and the plans and rehearsals for the Academy's Summer Performance were proceeding smoothly…
      And giving Radittsu nightmares. There'd been the small matter of a breakdown in communication between the Guard and Bri'seiyis: the songwright was unaware - as were most of the populace - of the ongoing investigations into the Anzu Conspiracy, and had been sending out invitations to the event since the cold season had finished. The Royal Liaison hadn't been pleased when he'd found out. Zha'haabron had wrapped strong arms around him, nuzzling his neck as he frantically scanned Guard schedules to see what he could do in the way of damage limitation.
      "But Bri'seiyis wouldn't think to check, zkai'da. He trusts our security implicitly, and knows nothing about the conspiracy."
      "That's all very well," growled the Saiyan, "but I can't pull extra Guards out of thin air! Do you have any idea how difficult it's going to be, ensuring appropriate security for this many beings?"
      The current number of attendees stood at eight hundred, with more acceptances arriving every day. The king kissed his bondmate's jaw.
      "I know… zkai'da, it's hot season - second as many of the R'ren'nkh'ia-jin forces as you need."
      Radittsu paused, nodding slowly.
      "Good idea. The va'ha'da are big and ugly enough to make anyone think twice - and it takes more than a casual ki blast to get through their hide!"
      He turned back to the screen, calculating numbers. The event as a whole was due to last three days, culminating at High Summer itself: for that day Bri'seiyis had planned performances starting around mid-morning, and ending after dark, with breaks for meals, short talks and small demonstrations - a major feat of organisation. But it could be done, the Saiyan nodded to himself, with a little imagination and switching of personnel… He leaned back against his bondmate's body, smirking up into wide golden eyes.
      "I need to get over to HQ, discuss this with Hijau and Kyuri. But I think we can do it. It'll mean having all the nitorine trained warriors on duty at the Academy, but since all the family will be there anyway that's no great problem." He rose, turning swiftly and grabbing the king into a tight, enthusiastic embrace. "Will 'tiisaan star? It would make up for his disappointment at deep winter."
      Zha'haabron chuckled.
      "Yes, he will star. I'm just a little concerned he will want to perform his 'winter' dance."
      Radittsu laughed.
      "Oh, I'm sure Bri'seiyis will be able to talk him out of it." He pulled away a little reluctantly. "I'm almost afraid to ask, but has anyone told Vejiita about this yet?"
      "Not as far as I am aware."
      "I will speak with him."
      "Rather you than me…"

Zha'haabron caught the Saiya-jin-no-Ou for a moment or two before the next Council meeting. Vejiita had scowled at him.
      "It's not my concern. But I'll have the heads of anyone who lets any security breach occur."
      Zha'haabron sighed. Well, it was no more than he was expecting…
      "That's understood. Will you attend?"
      Vejiita raised an eyebrow.
      "Of course. So will Leteetza and the princes - and Buahan and Peyaru."
      Good, everyone would be in the same place. That would make the Guard's duties easier.
      "And do you wish us to make a joint entrance, as at the winter performance?"
      The king frowned pensively, then nodded.
      "Always good to show a united front. We can settle the details closer to the time."
      Limau glanced towards the pair, an indication that everyone was ready to start, and the two kings took their seats. But at least it confirmed the basics, as Zha'haabron *commented* to Radittsu a minute or so later, and gave them something to work on…

"But it would be such a wonderful contrast, Bri-sensei!"
      The songwright gazed down into huge, soulful golden eyes and sighed. It was almost impossible to deny 'tiisaan anything he really really wanted. Almost, but not quite.
      "It would not be appropriate, zk'viss."
      "But Ssii'iir, Jagung danced a summer-type dance at the Winter Performance…"
      "It was not strictly a summer dance…"
      "He was dressed as though it was!"
      Bri'seiyis sighed again. That wasn't the point, but to say so would be to risk being sucked into one of 'tiisaan's convoluted and circular arguments and then they'd never get the matter resolved…
      "Ssii'irin, it really would not be apt to use your winter dance at the height of summer."
      'tiisaan's lip trembled, tears gathering in his eyes. After all the effort and pain and fear he went to to learn that dance…
      "But Bri-sensei, when can I dance it, then? It has to be outdoors, the music won't work indoors. And I can't go out in the winter…"
      He had a point, the songwright conceded. And although the idea seemed odd, it would be an intriguing contrast… He frowned, running over the plan for the event in his mind…
      They'd need to change the lighting, make it a stark silver blue to reflect off the lake and the white walls of the building itself. And it would need to be performed after dark, so the bright summer colours of the plants in the grounds wouldn't spoil the effect… It might be possible to silver the floating stage, too, to create the effect of ice… in fact, making it reflective would be a good idea in any case for a couple of the other dances they'd been planning…
      He nodded, then smiled.
      "Very well…"
      It was as far as he got before being swamped by a double armful of ecstatic hostling.

A little later that afternoon he had a visit from five of the young Shimosein students. He glanced up from his monitor and smiled: Chaliel stepped forward, a little nervously.
      "Sir, we were wondering… We were talking to 'tiisaan, and wondered if there's any way we could perform our ice-dance…"
      The zn'hre blinked. Well, of course 'tiisaan would have talked about it, but he hadn't expected this. He frowned. The dance in question was a graceful display they'd first practised on the frozen lake, last winter, strapping fine small blades (part of the 'survival kit' they all carried) to the soles of the leather boots they habitually wore and gliding and skating around the ice…
      "Beautiful as your ice-dance is, zk'vissi, we have no way to freeze the lake, and attempting it on any other surface would not be practicable. Or safe."
      Chaliel beamed brightly, frosty mauve eyes gleaming.
      "But there is a way to freeze the lake, sir."
      Bri'seiyis inclined his head dubiously. Chaliel hurried on.
      "Kinu, sir. Lady Mahrayne's son. He makes cold ki."
      The zn'hre sank back in his chair, bemused. He vaguely remembered hearing something about that…
      "Cold ki. And you think he might be able to freeze the lake?"
      "Not all of it, sir. Just a small part, enough for the dance."
      Well, if it could be done, it would be quite stunning. And if they could time it so that 'tiisaan danced immediately afterwards, they could let the ice melt - which would create very atmospheric swirls of mist for the prince's performance…
      But it was a lot to ask of a child, even the son of the King's Guard. He inclined his head.
      "I cannot promise anything, but I will investigate further. If it is possible, I will let you know - as soon as possible." He glanced at his chronometer and smiled. "You will be late for your next class if you don't leave now."
      Humming excitedly, the students left the office, and Bri'seiyis contacted Vinas…

"Hold… hold… now slowly… down… deeper…"
      Jagung watched critically as his little class of young Saiyans worked their way through the exercise he had given them. They were coming along very well indeed, and would be ready to dance the hunt they'd decided on for the performance.
      "Good… Rest now."
      With sighs of satisfaction the seven pulled themselves upright, shaking tired arms and legs and tails and grinning at each other.
      Riiki beamed up at his teacher.
      "Jagung-sensei, can we try the dance later?"
      He chuckled, ruffling the brat's thick glossy mane. Riiki was enthusiastic, dedicated and very talented, second class ki but set to become a top class dancer. He was also quite stunning to look at, with pale skin, his thigh-length mane, and tail, a red so deep it was almost black, and vivid green eyes - the fruit of a liaison between a Southern mother and a Northern father.
      "Yes - after lunch…"
      He laughed aloud as his students stampeded for the door…

There'd been an air of expectancy in the eatery that night, and smugly satisfied smiles, as though the teachers knew a secret. But no amount of badgering could make them reveal what it was, much the students' annoyance.
      "s'not fair." grumbled Cibule. "They never tell us what's going on…"
      Which was patently untrue, of course. But Bri'seiyis, hearing the discontented rumbles, stood and raised his hands for silence.
      "It is a surprise. You will know tomorrow. At about mid-morning," he added, before the pedantically-minded could ask.
      'tiisaan turned to his room-mates, eyes wide.
      "I wonder what it could be."
      'viirel shrugged.
      "We'll find out tomorrow. I'm more concerned with finding a space to practise the music for your dance. We still have to work out a couple of awkward passages and try that windblown effect outdoors."
      'nienan grinned.
      "Bri-sensei says we can use the flower garden. It's secluded and quiet, and as long as we don't have the amplification set very high, no-one will hear us."
      'kanaan nodded.
      "It's sort of the right shape too - give us some sort of idea as to how it'll sound in the main area."
      They made their way to the sweetly-scented, tranquil place with their instruments soon after second sunsrise - 'tiisaan and Bri'leyann joining the musicians a little later, when they'd dragged themselves awake - and by mid-morning were so engrossed that Bri'seiyis had to send someone to find them after he'd called the whole Academy together into the main performance hall.
      'tiisaan had been annoyed about being interrupted.
      "This had better be worth it." he grumbled to his sire-sib as they took their places close to the front. Bri'seiyis heard them, and smiled.
      "Oh, I think you'll find it is…"
      He raised his hands for attention, then inclined his head.
      "I believe you all know our guest - by reputation, if not personally."
      There was a moment's stunned silence, then the zn'hre stood back and waited for the exultant cheers to die down as Jeice loped forward to the front of the dais.

"I'm so glad you're back!" 'tiisaan was cuddled into the hash'shavven and would not be moved. "I've missed you."
      Jeice kissed his forehead.
      "I understand you have been working hard, though."
      "Oh yes… I promised I would…" a slightly troubled silence, then, "Ja'isuu, are you staying?"
      The dancer shook his head sadly.
      "No, little one. I will have to leave ten or so days after High Summer."
      Big golden eyes filled with tears.
      "There are still things I need to do, on Home."
      'tiisaan sniffled.
      "Oh… well, could I come to visit you, then?"
      Jeice blinked: he had said that the hostling could, one day. Perhaps that might now be possible… He'd speak with the Ssii'iin, and with Bri-sama, see how things stood.
      "We will see." He smiled. "But for now, there's someone I want you to meet."
      He gestured towards the door of the rehearsal chamber. 'tiisaan - and the other zn'hre in a group around the hash'shavven - turned to look, smiling a welcome as a slight female figure approached them, her vibrant red skin and silvery ice-blue hair glowing against the pale colours of the walls.
      "This is Meysan - my daughter."
      'tiisaan scrambled up and bowed from the waist, holding out his hand. The little hash'shavven female beamed at him and laid delicate long fingers in his cool palm.
      "Your highness."
      'tiisaan blinked, then grinned.
      "I'm 'tiisaan. May we dance together?"
      Meysan eyed him for a second, then laughed, a sweet, silvery sound.
      "I would like that…"
      Jeice laughed.
      "I see nothing has changed!" He smiled at his daughter. "If you like, hssaa."
      'tiisaan regarded his old teacher.
      "Can you stay to watch?"
      Jeice shook his head.
      "I need to speak with Bri-sensei - and Mahrayne. But I will come and see you later."
      'tiisaan's face fell - but only for a moment. He hugged the hash'shavven tightly.
      "It's wonderful that you're back. And you won't forget to ask Bri-sensei about me coming Home with you, will you?"
      "I promise…"

The best way to get to know anybody, 'tiisaan firmly believed, was by dancing with them. As his roommates made their way back to the garden to continue refining their composition, he smiled at the little hash'shavven female.
      "Ja'isuu has taught me the hvassah…"
      Meysan nodded.
      "I know. He's speaks of you a lot. And the hvassah are fine dances. But we have new forms now."
      'tiisaan froze, eyes widening.
      "New forms?"
      "Yes. Would you like to see?"
      "Oh, yes!"

Torris was still trying to get used to being here, in the Academy, being allowed to do the only thing that mattered - dance. She still had strange, dizzy-making dreams about her 'escape', as she phrased it in her own mind…
      The young Hassinan had arrived on Vejiitasei in the company of a very irritated Momoran, captain of a slow transport carrier that had stopped off at Hassina to collect Kori-jin going home for a spell of downtime. She wasn't supposed to be there: she'd sweet-talked one of the big aliens into taking her onboard to see a spaceship - then somehow never left again. The Momoran had dumped the child with the diplomatic corps, who handed her over to Mahrayne's keeping while they sorted out what to do with her, and Mahrayne had of course taken her to the Academy.
      Where Torris had nagged and wheedled until she was allowed to dance for Bri'seiyis.
      Who'd watched wide-eyed and immediately started procedures to have her legally registered as an Academy inductee.
      That had been two hundred days ago - two hundred days that had flown past as the little Hassinan had entranced and infuriated staff and students alike. She was brilliant, with a passion for dance to equal 'tiisaan's, and the pair of them - the fiery golden female with the angled silver eyes and thick dark silver mane and the intense young zn'hre - made a striking contrast as they danced together.
      Torris was now searching for 'tiisaan: she'd just had word her registration had been authorised. She was now a legal ward of the Academy. She could stay. She could spend the rest of her life dancing…
      She halted outside the rehearsal room, watching through the window in the door. The zn'hre was dancing with an alien she hadn't yet met - a real stranger, there weren't any others with that colouring - and the dance was… was… she opened the door quietly and slipped inside.
      It was a moment before the dancers realised she was there - then 'tiisaan paused and grinned over his shoulder.
      "Torris-chan - this is Meysan. Jeice's sireling."
      Meysan beamed and held out her arms in welcome: Torris - a little more warily - greeted the smaller female politely…
      'tiisaan watched, eyes narrowed… red and ice-blue. Gold and silver. His own summer blue and emerald green… Riiki's palest rose-gold and deep red-black…
      Halaniel's shimmering frosty-paleness and stunningly blue eyes…
      … three ki-users, two ki-less, earthbound but it could still work, he could see it…
      Eyes shining, he laid a hand on the females' shoulders.
      "I have had an idea…"

Outside the intense activity at the Academy, life continued much as usual…
      Ry nuzzled his zn'hre's neck, chuckling as 'raadiin shivered, then growled and rolled over to pull the Saiyan tightly to him. The prince was hard again.
      *You're insatiable…*
      **If you don't like it…**
      *I didn't say that!*
      'raadiin arched his neck as Ry's long strong tail coiled around his erection, hissing quietly as a hot tongue laved his throat.
      *What would you like?*
      Ry grinned to himself. He didn't need to ask, he knew perfectly well what his aijin liked on waking - but sometimes it was fun making him ask for it…
      Then again, he thought dazedly as he was unceremoniously dumped on his back and penetrated smoothly and quickly, sometimes it was better not to… He groaned, eyes closing as his zn'hre thrust into him, feeling the flex and play of lean muscle under silk-smooth cool skin, whimpering as inkei-beads swept over and over his tail spot, pushing his arousal higher and higher until his vision blazed out as he came, arching and crying aloud, spasming around the cool flesh filling him - then filling him with sparkling coldness…
      On second thoughts, maybe it might be fun to keep asking.
      It was several minutes before his vision returned to normal. He reached to stroke the delicate face beside him, grinning at the satisfied smirk on soft blue lips.
      *You're evil, y'know that?*
      **Thank you**
      Ry sighed happily and snuggled into 'raadiin's side, idly kissing his shoulder, one hand playing with thick silky hair. Then he frowned to himself. There was something they needed to discuss, and he really had put it off for quite long enough.
      It was probably best just to leap straight in. 'raadiin wasn't a particularly subtle being.
      *Have you noticed how Ti'ani's been behaving?*
      **I don't make a habit of watching all my machii**
      *That's a no, then.*
      'raadiin swatted the back of his head.
      **Yes, that's a no**
      *So you won't have noticed him watching you, then?*
      A pause, then the zn'hre turned to the Saiyan, frowning.
      **What do you mean, watching me?**
      *I mean, watching you. He's definitely…* Ry frowned. He had no idea what to call it. *I mean, he wants to… be with you. Sleep with you - fuck you - have you as a partner, as aijin, I don't know, something like that…*
      A startled silence, then 'raadiin burst out laughing.
      **He WHAT??**
      *It's not funny.* Ry was growling. *He gets very jealous when he sees us together. Or sees you with 'fallon.*
      'raadiin had pulled himself into a sitting position and was holding his stomach, eyes brimming with tears of laughter.
      **Oh, this is too funny! Heh, where is he? I have to let him know you've told me…**
      'raadiin! You do anything that stupid and you risk us both! Or have you forgotten how powerful he is?*
      The laughter stopped as 'raadiin scowled.
      **No, I haven't forgotten, fuck it**
      *Then you won't do anything stupid, will you?*
      **… I suppose not…**
      *So what are we going to do?*
      **About what?**
      **Why do we need to do anything?**
      *Well we can't leave him in that state! It's cruel!*
      'raadiin shrugged.
      **It's not my problem**
      Ry stared, mouth opening and closing helplessly. 'raadiin smirked.
      **You look like a fish!**
      Ry closed his mouth and scowled.
      *You should speak to him.*
      It was 'raadiin's turn to scowl.
      **It's not my problem!**
      *He's your machii. It's everyone's problem.*
      **So what do you suggest I do? Fuck him? Let him fuck me?**
      *I don't know! That's the whole point of talking to him!*
      **I could just let papa sort it out**
      *You afraid to do it yourself?*
      **Course not!**
      *You are, aren't you?*
      **I am not!**
      Ry growled, then rose and dragged on a bodysuit.
      *All right. I'll speak to him.*
      **Ry… RY…!"

Ti'ani and Le'leen were in the middle of a training session with Zha'haabron and Vejiita. It was a very uneven match. Deciding that the Saiya-jin-no-Ou might not appreciate having one of the guard see how badly he was faring, Ry made his way to Guard HQ.
      Hijau was growling under his breath, fingers twined in a hank of his mane and tugging hard as he tried to rota his guards to best effect for the forthcoming Performance. To his relief, the promised R'ren'nkh'ian force - five hundred va'ha'da and fifty shr'en'an - were already on their way: teaming them with special squad members to monitor vulnerable spots would ease a lot of the strain, and still leave enough of the big lizards to patrol the lavish hostelries that Manzano and Nashi had allocated to the Empire's guests. Over a thousand of them. Organising supplies for the environmental and nutritional requirements alone had been a logistical nightmare, but Nashi had somehow managed it, though the King's Liaison was looking very much the worse for wear. Hijau glanced up and managed a half-smile; Ry rested a hand on the Captain's shoulder.
      "How's it going?"
      Hijau leaned back and rubbed his eyes.
      "It would be a lot easier if I didn't have half the Guard chasing conspirator leads."
      Ry nodded: 'raadiin had told him about the Conspiracy, with the proviso it wasn't to become general knowledge. Although all the family knew about the situation, and it wasn't exactly a secret, they'd still prefer it not become widely known, purely for the peace of mind of the planet's inhabitants.
      "Any successes so far?"
      "A few, though nothing vital. Rad-san managed to track down three small groups; the members of one of them survived long enough for interrogation, and we think we may be able to use their information to get closer to the central controlling cadre. But nothing's definite yet. What brings you here? I thought you were on downtime."
      "I am. I need to speak to Ti'ani."
      Hijau eyed the young warrior for a moment, then smirked.
      "I see. Well, the session has just finished - it's safe to go back to the arena. Good luck!"
      Not wanting to know how the Captain knew to wish him luck, Ry hastened back to catch the hybrid before he returned to 'zhasaan.

"I really don't want to talk about it."
      Ti'ani's expression was tight, an uneasy hostility in his eyes - eyes that had become angled, more like Hijau's, as he'd grown older. Ry nodded apologetically, aware that Ti'ani knew about his past treatment of 'raadiin, and was fighting not only his own unrequited love - lust? - but also an intense jealousy that despite Ry's behaviour the zn'hre had joined with him.
      And Ti'ani was, of course, quite capable of frying his brain from the inside. The Saiyan spread his hands, palms upwards, in an attitude of defeat.
      "I'm sorry, Ti'ani-sama. I want to help, if I can."
      "I don't see how you can. And in any case, it's unnecessary. I have it under control."
      Well, yes, that was obvious - but it wasn't making life easy for the hybrid. Ry sighed.
      "Would it help if you spent some time with us? Maybe slept with us? If 'zhasaan doesn't need you, I mean."
      Ti'ani regarded him impassively.
      "And does this… invitation come from you, or 'raadiin, or both of you?"
      "I'm just… exploring options, Ssii'iir. 'raadiin knows I'm here."
      The hybrid lowered his eyes.
      "He laughed, didn't he?"
      Ry bit his lip, afraid to speak. Ti'ani eyed him, expression desolate.
      "I thought so."
      "I think it was just the absurdity of you feeling something so strong for him, not that it's funny that you do. If you see what I mean."
      "I am perfectly aware of 'raadiin's probable feelings on the matter."
      Ry sighed, shoulders slumping.
      "Will you just come and speak with us? Both of us? Please?"
      Ti'ani crossed his arms, head tilted to one side.
      "I will consider it. After the performance: we will all be too busy beforehand."

'raadiin was sprawled in the bathing pool when Ry arrived back. He glowered up at the Saiyan, golden eyes narrowed.
      Ry dropped into a crouch, one hand stroking the zn'hre's silky hair.
      "He'll think about it. After High Summer."
      'raadiin relaxed minutely, expression softening a fraction. Ry's eyes widened - he'd been goading his aijin about being afraid to face Ti'ani, but was that actually the truth? Thinking about it, he wouldn't be surprised. After all, Ti'ani was very powerful. What might happen if he lost control didn't bear thinking about.
      Ry stripped and slid into the warm water, pulling 'raadiin onto his lap and suckling at his neck, and for once the zn'hre nestled into his embrace, relaxing against the warm body and licking along Ry's throat. The Saiyan groaned slightly, aroused, inkei rising and nudging between his aijin's labia.
      "You know I won't ever let any harm come to you, don't you?"
      'raadiin snorted, wriggling to ease the solid shaft into his body and moving Ry's hand to cup his own erection.
      "And quite how you're going to accomplish that I will be interested to see!"
      Ry chuckled and flicked the zn'hre's swollen nub, earning himself a gasp.
      "Just have to find a way, won't I…?"

The first day of the Event - must find an appropriate name for it, Bri'seiyis thought distractedly as the wide gates opened to allow the Kings' cavalcade into the grounds - dawned with brilliant sunsshine from a cloudless sky. The Academy smelt of flowers, and of fresh air, and of the mingled sweet or musky or cool scents of the assembled beings gathered in the main hall and spilling out through the wide open windows into the grounds outside. Bri'seiyis stood on the dais and extended his arms, his smile calm and happy as a summer's day.
      "Welcome, welcome, all, to the Academy, and to this, our first summer event. We are gathered to celebrate our theme, our principle, the noble concept that guides us - Unity…"

For two days aliens wandered through the building, admiring the costume workshops, the music rooms where groups of students - and the occasional tutor - were giving impromptu lessons in a huge range of different instruments, the rehearsal rooms, where dancers were on hand to give demonstrations and explanations, even the technical labs, where lighting and special effects were devised and created. The eatery staff worked flat out, creating marvels of gustatory goodness, an ongoing buffet that never ran out, picnic lunches for those who wanted to wander in the grounds, and even managing to fulfil some of the most eccentric digestive requirements they'd ever encountered. Cheerful voices, fascinated people, the whole Academy bubbled with happiness and pleasure. Even the presence of the huge va'ha'da, grimly alert behind their Saiyan counterparts, couldn't pall the festival atmosphere.

And then, on the third day…
      Conspiracy investigations had kept Radittsu and Hijau from the Academy for the first two days, but they'd be damned if they missed the third! Handing control over to Kyuri and Hruska for the day - but with instructions to *call* should an emergency arise - the big Saiyan gathered the Captain up before dawn, flying with him back to the suite and into a shower before a short sleep with their respective bondmates…

"Hasshkaen, you will be tired before you start if you don't calm yourself a little!"
       'tiisaan was almost wriggling with excitement and impatience and anxiety.
      "Can't help it, Ja'isuu…"
      Jeice could sympathise. 'tiisaan had such a central role in the dance side of the Academy - choreographing, teaching, performing - today would be a showcase of his talents as much as the Academy as a whole. And there were still a few things that could go wrong…
      Vinas had confirmed that yes, Kinu was certainly strong enough to freeze a portion of the lake, for a short time, without it tiring him too much. They'd had a trial run, with Kinu sitting at the edge of the pool - now perfectly round, its circumference marked by palest blue R'ren'nkh'ian glowstones - touching the water, freezing the quarter immediately in front of the now-silvered floating performance platform to a handspan's depth, more than enough for the Shimosein to dance safely. The problem was that it took a lot of energy to keep it frozen - it was a particularly hot hot season… Kinu had taken to practising as often as he could, which had led to Zh'leet grumbling about finding beakers of ice all about the place…
      Jeice pulled 'tiisaan into a hug, running his fingers through the silky mass of emerald hair, deliberately calming the little dancer.
      *All will be well, hasshkaen.*
      'tiisaan sighed and relaxed against the hash'shavven.
      **I know, Ja'isuu… I'm just…**
      Jeice kissed his forehead, rocking gently until 'tiisaan actually dozed off, catching up on a little of the sleep he'd missed over the last three - or was it fifty-three? - days…

Zha'haabron, Radittsu behind him, arms around broad cool shoulders, turned to the Saiya-jin-no-Ou and smiled. Vejiita, Leteetza beside him, 'jiita and dittsu in her lap, their arms around her neck, inclined his head, eyes - for perhaps the first time in the zn'hre's experience - soft and warm.
      But then again, it had been a finale to stir the hardest of hearts…

In days to come they'd all agree the day had been a complete, unqualified, glorious success. Everyone had been in their allocated seats in the open-air amphitheatre, the lake at its centre a mirror of the cloudless summer sky, by the time Bri'seiyis had opened the Performance with a lively, and funny, dance-drama in which all their newest students participated. It had gone down very well with the audience - as had the discovery of the capacious foodboxes they all found underneath their bench-seats during the interval, this being the easiest way to prevent massive queues at the eatery, Bri'seiyis had decided.
      A half an hour's break, then the next act - a choral piece accompanied by slow-moving mime, with 'viirel and 'nienan singing solos and duets, their voices clear and pure, sweet and softly husky on the warm still air…
      Another break, and an experimental piece, Clouds, an aerial dance, the ki-users - zn'hre, Lopoldan, Saiyan - in voluminous fine costumes that spread along the air in imitation of the subject, a multi-coloured mass of vibrancy that had the audience breathless and applauding wildly at the end… Remembering how well their dances had been received at the Winter event, the Tardans, Fidimi and Turvians had got together to create an extravagant - and somewhat dangerous - spectacular piece, part dance, part hunt, part battle, that had the audience on the edge of its collective seat and Bri'seiyis hardly daring to draw breath. He knew what a risk this was to the dancers, of course, but they'd insisted - and going by the thunderous applause at the end, it had been worth it.
      They took a longer break at that point, a chance for the guests to stretch various ambulatory limbs, eat and drink, get comfortable, and for the performers to prepare for the next section, and Zha'haabron had turned to Vejiita.
      "It is going well."
      The Saiya-jin-no-Ou raised an eyebrow.
      "Of course it is. I'd expect nothing less."
      Leteetza growled and jabbed an elbow hard into his ribs.
      "A little appreciation for the hard work and skill being displayed here wouldn't go amiss. Sire."
      "Yes, papa." 'jiita piped up, frowning severely at his father. "Be nice. I think it's wonderful."
      The king blinked, then smirked at Zha'haabron.
      "Heh. Family…"
      The zn'hre hid a smile. Vejiita sighed.
      "Yes, all right. It is very impressive. Useless for any practical purposes, but very… beautiful."
      "Oh, I wouldn't say it's useless, Sire." Nashi leaned back from his place before the king, expression serious. "It reinforces the perception of the Empire as a benevolent, culture-respecting entity - and does wonders for our reputation as purveyors of the best in all things..."
      "Yes, thank you, King's Liaison…" Vejiita glowered at the High King, muttering about it being a conspiracy to get him to admit he was impressed. Zha'haabron chuckled.
      "You honour the event with your presence. I trust you are enjoying it - at least a little."
      Vejiita remained silent, but the gleam in his eyes spoke volumes. Yes, he was enjoying himself - but he'd rather die than admit it!

The day continued.
      'tiisaan, Jeice and Mahrayne performed the dance they'd been working on since last wet season, and which had gradually coalesced into a celebration of individual being, Mahrayne dancing the earthbound but joyous physical body, Jeice the fiery determination of mind, and 'tiisaan the boundless, limitless essence of psyche. It had entranced the audience, who had given it rapturous applause. Then there'd been a demonstration of Hassinan and cross-culture bell-dancing - performed properly naked this time, no more pandering to outmoded mores and offworld customs, this was the way it should be done, and such was the stunning effect that there were no complaints…
      Another musical performance, in the form of a duel between stringed instruments and wind instruments, starting slowly and gradually becoming faster and faster, leaving the audience positively dizzy at the dazzling crescendo that culminated the piece. A second dance-drama, part sung, part spoken, the Tsilin taking the vocal parts and creating an eerie aspect to the tale of discovery the mixed-race cast unfolded…
      As first sun set and second sun turned the sky to flame the young Saiyans, ki-lit and glowing, flickered amongst the trees on the far side of the lake, drawing all eyes to them as they 'hunted' through the grounds, finally soaring onto the platform to perform their dance, their movements perfectly in tune and time with each other, seven small, lithe powerful young bodies brimming with potential. At the end of their dance they were joined by a small group of ki-users, who waited until the applause had died down, then all delighted the audience with a display of ki, sparkling and shimmering and glowing in the darkening sky, in time to the music the zn'hre were playing off to one side - while all unnoticed, Kinu knelt at the edge of the lake, shivering with excitement and pride as he froze the waters…

The Shimosein erupted onto the ice in a blaze of silver light as the group on the platform dimmed ki and quietly moved away. Blades flashing as they glided over the smooth surface, twisting and spinning and leaping to the accompanying 'oohs' and 'aahs' of the audience, willowy forms unbearably graceful and alien, skating on thick ice at the height of summer… It was unsettling, and bewitching, and breathtakingly beautiful…
      But Bri'seiyis had told them to keep it short, so as not to place Kinu under too great a strain. As the weary little hybrid pulled his hand away and moved to snuggle against his bondmate and maazi, the Shimosein, eyes glowing and sparkling with pleasure and satisfaction, made their way from the ice - to reveal the small figure of 'tiisaan standing alone on the platform…
      The music alone brought tears to the eyes, high and silver and piercingly lonely, and when the zn'hre shrouded himself in frost-coloured ki and began to dance…
      Zha'haabron brushed at the tears on his face. His sireling danced abandonment, grief, the coldness between the stars and utter, aching loneliness. The loneliness of ultimate solitude, ultimate aloneness…
      No one was unmoved. The audience was silent as he slowed, then slowly dropped to one knee, hands over his face, a small figure completely alone on a sea of silver…
      Another small figure, flame red, hair shimmering, loped to his side, placing a hand on his shoulder. He looked up, then reached up to take her hand as she pulled him upright, embracing him briefly then glancing to the side and beckoning. The Saiyan leapt for the platform, twisting in midair to land in a deep crouch and taking the zn'hre's other hand… And one by one each member of the Academy, all the teachers, the students, even the technical and administrative staff, appeared and joined hands together in a stately spiralling, twirling dance that covered the platform and extended out over the water to the grass-covered slopes beyond, ki-users supporting the ki-less in a glorious celebration of co-operation and unity…
      And at the very end, under the bright summer stars, Zha'tiisaan, Meysan, Riiki, Torris and Halaniel danced together, ki-lit, a rainbow in the night, complementing and reinforcing each other, a beautiful and potent symbol for the ages to come.

A perfect expression of hope, of the bonds of love and friendship, of strength, of the aims of Empire. The perfect end to a perfect day.

© 2003 November 17th Joules Taylor (with suggestions and feedback from Amanda!)

Fifth Alliance Chronicle Index