Progression pt 4

The baby lay absolutely still, bright, black eyes focused on her quarry, her gold streaked tail fluffed with frustration. She'd tried grabbing for the shiny thing with no success and it continued to dangle just out of reach - now she was getting cross. Scowling, she reached for it again, straining her little body towards the shining, sweet-smelling thing... which suddenly, obligingly moved itself into her chubby fingers. Gurgling with satisfaction, Korena tugged Ti'aasaan's stray plait towards her mouth...

The little zn'hre winced and looked down at the infant in his lap.
      "Careful, little one, it's still attached." He smiled at the cub who responded with a gurgling giggle and another sharp tug.
      Korena was twenty days old and as the first child born to the Academy was the darling of staff and students alike. It didn't hurt that she was generally a happy baby, not given to screaming tantrums even when she didn't get what she wanted. She was growing quickly - too quickly for her mother's liking - already being stronger and more coordinated than Kinu had been at the same age. Korena showed promise of an exotic beauty too, having almost the look of a pure Saiyan though her skin wasn't quite the same shade of gold that was common amongst the Saiya-jin and her face was a little flatter, her eyes a touch more angled than her father's people.
       "Excellent, Ssii'iir!" Mahrayne grinned. She was giving Zha'haarak his private lesson in one of the small tuition rooms at the Academy. "A year ago you couldn't have held that pose for more than a few seconds."
       The gentle zn'hre flushed a little with pleasure and exertion.
       "With your help and patience, Mahrayne..."
       Ti'aasaan had accompanied Zha'haarak, ostensibly to visit Mahrayne but also to spend some time with his bondmate's daughter. There was a lot of Zorun in the little female, he thought fondly, especially in her wide, black eyes. She was a very pretty child and he thoroughly enjoyed the small amounts of time he, and Zorun, were able to spend with her. He was looking forward to when she was weaned and they could have her with them for longer.

The lesson was over and the zn'hre and their guards had gone back to the palace. Before they'd left, Zha'haarak had cuddled Korena, a soft, sweet smile on his beautiful face as he hugged the infant to him.
       "If you need someone to look after her while you're working, Mahrayne, once she's weaned of course..."
      "Thank you, Ssii'iir," the Hassinan said shyly, "I'll certainly consider it."
      Actually, Mahrayne wanted her daughter with her all the time but the practicalities of life were such that it wasn't a realistic wish. This wasn't Hassina, there weren't half a hundred females close by to mind her child in the same room as she was teaching, and it wasn't fair to expect her students to be able to give their full attention to the lessons with such a sweet little distraction nearby. Let alone her own distraction - even with Korena nestled close to her body in the fabric sling a small part of Mahrayne was always alert to her baby's needs.
       "Goodbye, zk'vissin, we'll see you soon." Ti'asaan hugged Mahrayne, an embrace she was reluctant to break.
       "Take care of yourself, sinam," she smiled, stroking her hand over the slight bulge of his abdomen - the little zn'hre's hosting was beginning to show.
      "I will," Ti'aasaan reached up to caress her cheek briefly, and then they were gone and Mahrayne took her cub back to their sunlit room for a rest.

Mahrayne and Kel had recently moved into new quarters at the Academy. Their comfortable suite was on the top floor and its balcony looked over the large, informal courtyard shaped by the three inward facing sides of the building's back wing.
      Mahrayne softly sang a Kori story to her cub. Korena had finished feeding and was lying relaxed in her mother's lap, watching the Hassinan's face with fascination until eventually, her ebony eyes drifted closed and she fell asleep. Mahrayne snuggled next to her child on the broad, sun-drenched platform, just intending to close her eyes for a moment while she waited for Kelapa to come home from duty...
       "Shh, no, brat, let them wake up before you fucking throw yourself at them!"
       Mahrayne stirred awake at the sound of her lover's voice and as soon as her eyes were open she found herself with an armful of young, solid Saiyan.
       "Hello, leidan," Mahrayne grinned at the cub and tousled his mane, "how was your day?"
       "Good!" Kuri's lustrous brown eyes gleamed, "Kir-kun let me spar wi' him and I almost beat 'im!"
       "Well done!" Mahrayne beamed at the youngster.
       "'Course, I didn't really almost beat him," Kuri whispered conspiratorially, wriggling off of Mahrayne to cuddle his now wide-awake and happily squealing half-sister, "Kir-kun only 'tended I did - he's much stronger 'an me." He planted a wet, loving kiss on Korena's forehead then gazed back at Mahrayne, eyes alight with a purely Saiyan anticipation. "But one day I'll be strong as him an' I'll beat him for real!"
      "I don't doubt you will, brat." Kelapa had shrugged out of her boots and armour then slid onto the bed behind Mahrayne, wrapping herself closely around her lover. "Missed you," she nuzzled Mahrayne's thick, white hair, breathing in her scent deeply.
       "Missed you too," the Hassinan flipped herself over to face the warrior, moving to nibble lightly at her creamy throat. The Saiyan smirked.
       "You've seen Ti'aasaan today," she chuckled, her tail slipping under Mahrayne's robe to stroke a golden thigh.
      "Yes," Mahrayne gave her a quizzical look, "how do you know?"
       "Your scent," Kel's tail-tip gently probed the sensitive crease of skin where Mahrayne's leg joined her body, "you still want to fuck him."
       The Hassinan quivered, wariness tingeing her arousal.
       "I swear I'll never act on it, Kel." she whispered, gazing earnestly at the Saiyan.
       "What if I say you can?" Kelapa murmured into her ear, making her shiver deliciously even as she frowned at her mate in confusion.
      "I will kill anyone else who comes near you, but the little 'un...?" Kelapa shrugged, "I dunno, he's just not a threat."
       The Hassinan snuggled in to the warrior, resting her head on a leanly muscled shoulder.
       "Not likely to happen though, is it?" she sighed, "Zorun wouldn't be happy."
       Kel shrugged again and kissed Mahrayne's hair.
      "He hasn't claimed the little lizard."
       "It's not important anyway, tahnan," Mahrayne smiled, tilting her head to kiss Kel's jaw, "I have all I need in you."
       Kelapa blinked back tears and pulled Mahrayne close, deeply, wordlessly happy at the love and trust in the Hassinan's scent.
       "Maazis?" A small angular face topped by a mop of black hair popped up behind Mahrayne's shoulder, "Can we go to the beach? I wan' some fish."
       Mahrayne giggled at the exasperated look on Kelapa's face – the warrior had still not resigned herself in any way to having tender moments interrupted by the children.
       "Of course, sinam," Mahrayne twisted her upper body to look at Kuri, whose tail was waving in anticipation behind him, "I have no plans for the evening. Kel?"
       "Fine," she growled, "I don't have any plans either – " her tail moved underneath Mahrayne's robe, brushing swiftly over the Hassinan's nub and making her gasp, " – that can't wait 'til the brats are asleep." the warrior added in a husky aside to her mate.

Three of the Family's guards accompanied them to the coast; the fair female, Sasa, and two males Mahrayne didn't recognise. Kuri appeared to know at least one of them though.
      "'rotto-san!" the cub flew at the spiky-maned Elite, who snatched him out of the air before he could impact with his broad chest.
      "Hey, brat!" the male grinned and tossed the cub high into the sky, making Mahrayne's heart jump even though she knew Kuri wasn't going to fall.
      "We're goin' to th' beach!" the young male enthused after he'd been deftly caught by the guard, "I wan' some fish! Come on, let's go!" He wriggled out of the elder male's arms and hovered impatiently in mid-air. Kelapa, expressionless, nodded curtly to the guards then scooped Mahrayne and Korena up into her arms.
      "Let's not keep Kuri waiting," her face relaxed into a tiny, lop-sided smile as she spoke to Mahrayne, "he'll probably fucking take off without us."

It was a beautiful, cool evening, the soft breeze carrying a hint of warmth for the coming hot season. Mahrayne was content; the fish and crustaceans Kelapa had caught were succulent and tasty, and the guards were unobtrusive - or they would have been if Kuri hadn't insisted on tussling with the one he called 'rotto, growling convincingly and lashing his tail as he attempted to spar with the Elite.
      "At least he's keeping the brat occupied," Kel observed wryly from her place stretched out naked beside Mahrayne on the fur they'd brought along.
      "When's he going to start training?" the Hassinan idly stroked her hand down Korena's back and out along her tail - the cub was lying on her stomach between the females, practising holding her head up and burbling to herself as she played with the empty shells left over from their meal.
      "Not sure," Kelapa shrugged and eyed her son, "I was going to wait until Radittsu returned but I doubt Kuri will wait that long. I'll speak to Kyuri about placing him part-time in the crèche, he can at least make a start on his training there."
      "No chance we can convince him to be a Thinker?" Mahrayne grinned.
      "Fuck that!" the warrior chuckled, "I think we'll have enough of a problem keeping him in the classroom as it is!"
      Mahrayne laughed quietly, Kelapa had a point. Kuri showed not the slightest interest in starting classes with the other children, stating loftily and decisively that 'warriors didn't need lessons'. The only reason he hadn't flatly refused the idea was because Kiraz and 'raadiin had had lessons and – according to Kinu – Zorun had expressed the wish that his youngest son have the same education as the other brats.

The first sun had already disappeared beyond the horizon and the second was just at the point of staining the water red-gold when the small family decided to head home. Once back at the Academy 'rotto handed a sleeping Kuri back to his mother without a word then the three guards disappeared off to wherever they were going. Korena was also fast asleep in her sling, only waking long enough for her customary bedtime feed before falling back to sleep. Mahrayne settled the cubs in the centre of the sleeping platform, tenderly tucking a soft fur around them both before turning back to her lover. Kelapa smirked and pulled her close, undoing with one hand the jewelled clasp that held Mahrayne's simple wrap dress in place, the other busy pulling out the metal bands that held the Hassinan's hair back from her face. Mahrayne stood naked - save for her jewellery gleaming against golden skin – and aroused in front of the warrior, thick white hair tumbling luxuriantly around her face and shoulder.
      "Beautiful," Kelapa whispered throatily, her tail looping possessively around Mahrayne's hips.
      "What was that you were saying earlier about plans that could wait until the children were asleep?" the Hassinan asked softly, dark-golden eyes shining in the suite's dimmed light. Kelapa smirked and bent down to nuzzle her claim mark, her hands sliding over Mahrayne's hips to cup her buttocks and pull her even closer...

Mahrayne jerked awake, blinking rapidly, the residual tendrils of an aching sadness floating through her mind. It was dark in the suite, some hours before dawn she guessed. Mahrayne lifted her head to meet Alida's concerned gaze; her twin was lying on the other side of the bed, on top of the furs, protectively close to the cubs.
      *Was that... significant?*
      Alida's gold-limned face creased into a frown.
      *I'm not sure, heart's light, it didn't have the same... feel as our waking dreams.*
      Mahrayne shuddered and lowered her head to the platform again, unconsciously snuggling backwards into the warmth and safety of Kel's body. No, her dream hadn't had the same tangible realness of the others, but she was still getting that flutter of sensation in her breastbone that went along with a true 'seeing'. She couldn't remember the details either, only that it had centred around her sisters, Chumie and Testa and... the sense of loss and loneliness was frightening.
      *I'm uneasy, 'lida, I don't like how it's made me feel.*
       *It could be a warning?*
      *Possibly. Maybe – maybe I should speak to the Lead Speaker again?*
       *It can't hurt to remind him, I suppose.*
      Kelapa's arm and tail tightened momentarily around Mahrayne's body.
      "Takibi?" the warrior mumbled sleepily.
      "I'm fine, tahnan," Mahrayne whispered reassuringly, consciously relaxing her body against Kel's. "Just a dream."
      "'m'kay." Kelapa planted a nuzzling kiss on her shoulder then dropped back to sleep.
      *Tomorrow,* Mahrayne *whispered* to her twin, *tomorrow I'll contact Marldus.*

The morning classes had finished but it wasn't yet time for the midday meal. Mahrayne had asked to have her call to Hassina relayed through the communications console in her suite rather than making the journey to the Diplomatic Corps building. Not that that would have been a problem, it was only a short trip using the pre-programmed hover cars but the Hassinan felt the need for privacy.
      She chewed her lip while she waited, trying not to fidget, hoping that Korena would stay asleep in her sling for the moment - and then Scrinium, one of the Lead Speaker's staff appeared on the monitor. The tall, bony male raised a scornful eyebrow at her polite request to talk with Marldus and was, Mahrayne knew, on the point of summarily dismissing her when he'd frowned at someone out of sight of the monitor.
      "Very well, Mahrayne," his tone indicated annoyance, "I have only just been informed that you are to be put through to the Lead Speaker whenever you call."
      "Thank you," Mahrayne lowered her eyes demurely in proper female deference to a male, and waited.
      "Daughter," Marldus' concern was only betrayed by the slightest tightening of the skin around his eyes.
      "Lead Speaker -" Mahrayne breathed out in relief, then stopped. She had no idea what to say.
      "All is well, Mahrayne?" Marldus prompted.
      "Yes – " she floundered, "– and no." Mahrayne held up a hand at the older male's look of consternation.
      "I have no decisive news, Lead Speaker, but please don't be complacent."
      Marldus regarded her solemnly for a moment or two, then nodded, his shoulders slumping.
      "I understand," he forced a smile onto his lean face, "and how are your children?"
      Mahrayne beamed, grateful for the change of subject.
      "Very well, Lead Speaker, Kinu is excelling in his studies, particularly the languages, and Korena seems to be growing bigger and stronger before my eyes."
      On cue, the baby wriggled and woke, curling her little hands into fists as she stretched and yawned. Mahrayne lifted her daughter out of the sling and held her up before the monitor. Marldus' face softened.
      "I see what you mean, Mahrayne," his smile was warm and fond, "no one would believe she was born only a short time ago! She is... healthy?"
      Mahrayne knew the elder male was referring to her cub's genetic status.
      "She is perfect, Lead Speaker, like her brother," Mahrayne cuddled the infant who was beginning to become restless with hunger. "It's their Saiya-jin heritage, I'm sure."
      "Indeed, the Saiya-jin are a robust race." Diplomat that he was, only one of Marldus' fine silver eyebrows quirked minutely. "Forgive me, daughter, I have things to attend to..."
      "My apologies for keeping you, Lead Speaker," Mahrayne bowed her head, "thank you for speaking to me and could you pass on my regards to my father... if he is ever in the mood to receive them?"
      Marldus chuckled.
      "I will, daughter." and with that the Lead Speaker closed the connection.
      Mahrayne hurriedly put her daughter to her breast – the cub was on the verge of becoming strident – then turned to look at Alida who'd been sitting at her side the whole time.
      *He's still taking our warnings seriously.* she said. Alida nodded.
       *The Lead Speaker's no fool, he understands the significance of twin's abilities. He's hoping for a different outcome, though.*
      *Aren't we all,* Mahrayne sighed, *He didn't ask me about Zorun – do you think he knows we've separated?* As far as she was aware there had been no formal announcements and she'd told few people outside of the family.
       *I'd be surprised if he didn't,* Alida smirked, *not a lot gets past that wily old nottokh.*
      Mahrayne *laughed* and the twins lapsed into comfortable silence, waiting for Korena to finish feeding so they could join Kelapa and the others in the servery for the midday meal.

"Tell us a story, maaziRayne!" 'jau was snuggled down with his bondmate on Mahrayne and Kel's sleeping platform.
      "If you like, sinam," the Hassinan smiled, stroking his mane, "what would you like to hear?"
      "Kinu's story!" the little hybrid chirped happily. "In Kori-go!"
      "Very well," Mahrayne laughed, settling herself comfortably beside them. "Once, long ago when the stars were still new..."
      The sleeping platform was crowded tonight. Along with 'rena and Kuri – both of whom had fallen asleep quickly despite the little male's fierce determination to stay awake - there were Kinu and 'jau, 'selaan, Pirum and 'tiisaan. Mahrayne was delighted to have the children with her, Kelapa less so but the warrior wasn't going to complain too loudly, not tonight. Tomorrow was 'rena's Naming Day and she knew her lover needed the distraction of having the children around.
      Eventually the youngsters had all been lulled off to sleep and Kelapa, smirking, took Mahrayne by the hand and led her out to their suite's tiny balcony.
      "You're nervous," she murmured, enfolding the Hassinan in a warm hug.
      "A little, I don't know why," Mahrayne sighed, melting into the female's embrace. She did know why, of course, but didn't really want to voice it. Mahrayne was loth to draw attention to herself in any way, and while 'rena's Naming wasn't going to be as open as Kinu's had been she couldn't help feeling a little anxious at the potential scrutiny. Not so anxious though, that she'd consider not having her daughter Named. Korena was half-Hassinan after all and being Named was a thing of grave importance to her mother's people. Mahrayne would not take the risk of consigning her daughter's soul to wandering lost and alone after her death because she couldn't pass on to the afterlife without her name...

The second sun had only just risen when everyone assembled in the Palace grounds for Korena's Naming. Mahrayne had considered holding the ceremony in one of the beautiful gardens that surrounded the Academy, but had decided against it thinking it would be nice to have her daughter Named in the same spot Kinu had been – in the quiet, mossy glade where she'd first danced under the stars. Kelapa had checked, discreetly, that there would be no problems using the space (there weren't) and the plans for the event went ahead.
      Held comfortably in her mother's arms, Korena looked around curiously at the assembled people. The cub gurgled happily when she spotted Ti'aasaan and held out her arms to the little zn'hre.
      "Thank you for coming," Mahrayne's voice was a little shaky with emotion as she passed the cub to her friend.
      "It's my pleasure, Mahrayne," Ti'aasaan grinned down at the infant he was cuddling, "Oof! You're getting so big, 'rena-chan!"
      Mahrayne had asked Zorun – through their son – if there was anyone he would like to nominate as a Name-parent for Korena. The Hassinan had asked purely out of courtesy, not expecting a reply as she imagined Zorun would want nothing to do with anything she was involved in. To her surprise and tearful delight Ti'aasaan himself had told her that Zorun had asked him to be a Name-parent, and that he was happy to be chosen.
      Mahrayne had asked Kelapa, Kinu, Pirum, Buahan and 'tiisaan to be Name-parents and they'd all agreed. Admittedly, Buahan hadn't said yes right away, the oujo had gone away to think about it before agreeing, and 'tiisaan had approached Mahrayne in some distress at first because she hadn't asked him.
      "Of course I was going to ask you, sinam!" Mahrayne had cuddled the hostling tightly, brushing kisses over his silky hair, "But we've both been so busy I haven't been able to speak with you about it!"
      "Truly?" the dancer gazed winsomely up at her with his big, soulful golden eyes.
      "Yes, truly," Mahrayne smiled, not minding the overt manipulation this time, "and to be honest, I wasn't expecting Korena to be ready for her naming quite so soon, I thought I had days yet to get organised."
      And that in itself had caused Mahrayne some anguish. Korena had taken on more from her Saiya-jin heritage than just her looks. Developmentally, she wasn't that far behind a full-blood Saiyan of the same age. At forty days old the cub's teeth had almost come through and she'd mostly weaned herself. She was holding her head up, of course, that was the pre-requisite for Naming, but she'd also just started sitting upright unaided and Mahrayne had noticed her little daughter seemed ready to try crawling any day now. Ayva had joked that Korena would probably reach physical maturity before Kinu did.
      It just wasn't fair! Mahrayne had longed for children all her life and now she'd got them they were growing up far too quickly…!
      But at least she'd got the chance for children of her own which was more than every other non-breeding female got and something to be eternally grateful for. Mahrayne found herself wondering though, whether her next child – yes, she did already feel the maternal stirrings – could possibly be fathered by someone from a race who were slow to mature? A Hassinan male would be ideal but that was beyond the realms of possibility. Mahrayne was still, according to her people, a non-breeding female, no Hassinan male would want to come near her, and then there was Kelapa to consider. The warrior was greatly enjoying the fact her mate wasn't pregnant for the first time in ages: it wouldn't be fair to expect her to be happy about supporting Mahrayne though such a long pregnancy, let alone that the child would effectively be a baby for over two Vejiitasei years.
      "Let's get started, 'rayne," Kelapa murmured with a smirk, "I haven't had anything to eat yet."
      Mahrayne laughed and directed the Name-parents to sit in a circle on the cool, damp ground as she took her place in the middle of them, the warm happiness she felt that Alida was there with her counterbalancing the sadness that Zorun was not.
      The ceremony went swiftly and well; Korena giggled when her toes first touched the ground, an auspicious omen. Buahan's expression was solemn as she took part in the ritual, it was obvious the noble female was serious about the responsibility she was taking on.
      A lot of the Academy's staff and students were there to witness Korena's Naming, and of the Family, Zha'haarak, 'selaan, 'leesaan had come as well as 'jau who seated himself closely behind Kinu for the duration. Peyaru had accompanied his mate but he kept himself well away from the centre of attention, standing uneasily at the back of the small crowd with the Guards. All of the Hassinan on-planet were there, not surprisingly, and all of them were emotional. Dignusia and Peruro were cuddled one to either side of Zyelenyi, their male standing easily with an arm about both their shoulders, his tail curled around Dignusia's waist. Zaheen, the Hyoujin xenologist, stood quietly to one side, taking notes...

The Academy's largest dining hall was vibrant with music and laughter, singing and dancing as the guests celebrated Korena's Naming. The guest of honour was having a wonderful time what with alternately being swung off into the dance by 'tiisaan and Pirum, clamouring for tastes of what her maazis and brothers were eating and pawing happily through all her brightly coloured Naming gifts. Mahrayne smiled indulgently, stroking her little daughter's mane as she lay back in her lap, clasping a fascinating bangle, trying to work out how its three contrasting strands of bright metal fit together. The cub was flagging after all the excitement of the morning though, she'd be fast asleep before the midday meal.
      Kelapa returned with another platter piled high with tender cuts of seared meat, settling herself next to Mahrayne with a contented sigh.
      "Say one thing for the Academy," the warrior wound her tail around her lover's waist, "the cooks here are fucking brilliant."
      Mahrayne laughed as 'rena dropped the jewellery in favour of the strip of meat Kel was dangling over her nose, gripping the tidbit in both hands to gnaw contentedly on it.
      "She agrees with you, I think." Mahrayne laughed again and her hand absently strayed to the jewelled flower pendant Zorun had given her. Last night, as she'd lain awake surrounded by people she loved, Mahrayne had decided that one day, when Korena was a little older, she'd give the pendant to her daughter. It felt like the right thing to do...

© 2003 July 22nd Amanda Mullane

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