
Half-way back to Vejiitasei…

Ti'ani wrapped his arms around the zhaneer's shoulders and nuzzled his neck, delighted when Ta'haarel leaned back into the embrace.
      *How're you feeling?*
      Well, that was understandable. The hybrid rested his hands over the prominent bulge of Ta'haarel's abdomen, chuckling at the movement he felt…
      Ta'haarel knew nothing about zhaneer hosting. Knowing he'd never host himself, he'd resisted finding out anything about it, realising it would only make him more miserable. Which had frustrated Vinas no end, forcing him to use the immersion capsule in order to find out what to expect. Which had left him with a pounding headache, which in turn made him very short-tempered. But he'd discovered that the average zhaneer hosting lasted around two hundred Vejiitasei days (he'd had Pasunippu work out the figures). Which meant Ta'haarel would be very close to giving birth as they arrived home…
      The zhaneer was finding it hard. He couldn't get used to his increasing girth, and the hostlings were terrifyingly active from a very young stage of their development, waking him when he was asleep and keeping him awake when he needed to rest. They'd discovered that sometimes Ti'ani could keep them still, if he cuddled into the zhaneer and gently *spoke* to them, but it didn't always work: Ta'haarel had taken to snatching short sleeps as and when he could.
      And he wasn't allowed to do anything strenuous - not that Vinas thought it would cause either host or hostlings any harm, but he wasn't going to take any risks. So the bemused Ta'haarel was in the - to him - novel position of having everyone pampering him.
      He'd been apprehensive at first, until Ti'ani had explained that it was perfectly normal, any hosting family member could expect the same treatment - well, maybe not quite so intensively - and he should just enjoy it. Which he'd slowly learned to do, opening and blossoming, ki slowly rising under all the loving attention.
      Rather to everyone's surprise, he'd not needed the semen influx that had proved so vital for all the zn'hre - though Zha'haabron, still suffering residual pain, was relieved about that. The zhaneer still had nightmares, times when he'd wake terrified, shaking and biting his lip hard enough to pierce the skin to stop himself from whimpering, aching with remembered pain, feeling himself back in the chamber with the elders… Wherever Ti'ani was on the ship, he would *feel* Ta'haarel's distress and fly there within seconds, pulling the frightened zhaneer into his arms, calming him, then staying with him until he was ready to join the others…

*Do you want to try to sleep?*
      Ta'haarel shook his head, his soft hair brushing against Ti'ani's face.
      *Not yet… I'd like to bathe, though, if I may.*
      *Of course.* The hybrid helped the zhaneer to his feet and held him while he gained his balance, then helped him through to the empty bathing pool. Ta'haarel wasn't yet used to bathing with the family, but he thoroughly enjoyed the way the water supported the weight of his body, taking the strain from his back and legs…

'leesaan's eyes were huge as he gazed at the enormous holographic display. He still felt stunned, even now, after nearly a hundred days of watching papa experiment with the navigation jewels, exploring their functions, learning how to use them…
      They could see everything. Once he had accustomed himself to the mental discipline required, which didn't take him long, Zha'haabron could bring into focus any planet in the galaxy, along with its primary statistics. 'selaan had wondered, at first, if the details they were seeing dated from when Zha'zhasaan had last used the jewels, but quick check on the current states of Vejiitasei, R'ren'nkh'ia and Hassina proved that somehow - they had no idea how - the information accessed was completely up to date.
      It was astonishing.
      And unbelievably versatile. Even a vague or ill-defined query yielded results: the simple *mention* of a particular fruit brought up not only its planet of origin but precisely where it grew, its primary use (as food, medicine, fuel, instrument...) and how it could best be harvested and prepared. The only disadvantage was that only the king was able to operate the jewels. At the moment, at any rate.
      They all had great hopes that Ta'haarel's hostlings might have the same ability. If the forthcoming hybrids ran true to form they'd be more powerful than either of their parents, and a cross between Zha'zhasaan's bloodline and a pure-blood zhaneer… It was exciting.
      But they'd have to wait and see.
      Right now they were exploring the zhaneer colony worlds. There had been nearly a thousand of them, but many were no longer viable.
      Pirum peered closely at what looked like a ball of blackened rock circling a yellow sun not that far, astronomically speaking, from R'ren'nkh'ia.
      "I wonder what happened here?"
      'selaan eyed it closely, then glanced at his sire. The king concentrated, and a little text display appeared, floating just above the planet they were examining.
      "Asteroid collision… devastated the planet. That was…" 'selaan glanced at 'nippu, who peered at the display, made the time calculations and said, "One thousand seven hundred and sixty-two Vejiitasei years ago." The zn'hre smiled his thanks and continued, "It's still uninhabitable - toxic atmosphere."
      "What about this one?" 'leesaan was pointing to a ringed planet out towards the edge of the galaxy. 'selaan checked the text.
      "The colony was abandoned. The native flora was too dangerous. Um… it ate everyone…"
      "Riiiiiight, we'd better forget that one then." Pirum smirked wryly, glancing over her shoulder at Kiraz. "Unless you want to prove how brilliant a warrior you are."
      The Saiyan snorted.
      "Heh. Like coping with you isn't enough of a challenge…"
      'selaan bit back a grin, watching Pirum's face: she couldn't work out whether to be complimented or insulted. Finally she decided to ignore the comment, and pointed to another ringed world, on the opposite side of the galaxy from Vejiitasei but much further in towards the centre.
      "Let's see what this is…"
       The world had never been colonised, although it had been earmarked for an expedition. But the programme had petered out before a ship could be sent. 'leesaan regarded it thoughtfully.
      "It could support our sort of life easily."
      'selaan pored over the details and nodded.
      "Indeed it could." He glanced at the king. "Papa, are we getting to keep this ship?"
      Zha'haabron blinked, then frowned.
      "Nothing has been agreed…"
      "We should, you know. We could explore so much more with a ship like this."
      The king nodded pensively.
      "I will investigate the idea. No doubt the Saiya-jin-no-Ou will wish to be included."
      "Oh, no doubt," commented 'selaan dryly - the prince was under no illusions about Vejiita's desire to see the Empire grow. Zha'haabron smiled.
      "We are an Alliance, after all." He looked up, eyes brightening at the sight of his bondmate: Radittsu leaned down to kiss him.
      *How long have you been here?*
      **About six hours**
      The Saiyan quirked an eyebrow.
      *And you're not tired? Impressive! But you really should take a break.*
      Zha'haabron gazed at the resigned young faces around him, and chuckled. They knew what Radittsu's expression meant.
      **You wish to make love**
      Radittsu grinned and nipped the king's ear, one hand reaching down to tweak Zha'haabron's erect inkei.
      *And you don't?*
      'leesaan smirked.
      "It's all right, papa. We've had you for hours. We can carry on later. You and dadda go and… play."

Radittsu led his zkai'da to the observation blister, which he'd already furnished with cushions and furs, a small heated container of food and a large bottle of one of the king's favourite wines. As Zha'haabron settled himself on the furs, he smiled at his bondmate, watching as Radittsu efficiently stripped off his bodysuit and knelt beside his zn'hre.
      *You are beautiful.*
      **As are you, zk'aida**
      The Saiyan eased the king's bodysuit from his cool body, kissing the pale blue skin as it was revealed, then without warning took the quivering inkei into his mouth, his tail teasing the entrance to Zha'haabron's chitsu. The king double-climaxed at the sudden stimulation, and Radittsu slid into him, thrusting powerfully and coming quickly.
      Zha'haabron sighed happily, resting back on the cushions, eyes raised to the stars outside the ship as he fondled his bondmate's tail. Radittsu groaned, erect again almost immediately, still inside his zn'hre, and began to move, the sensation of his penis-beads against the blunted barbs an exquisite torture. Zha'haabron wrapped long legs around the Saiyan's waist, teasing elegant fingers through the soft tail fur: Radittsu moaned, ramming home more forcefully, his bondmate held tightly to him. This time they came together, gasping as they *shared* each other's climax then collapsing onto the furs to recover.
      The Saiyan stroked back soft bright hair and kissed his zn'hre, dark eyes bright with adoration.
      Zha'haabron closed golden eyes with a heartfelt sigh of contentment.
      **Yours, zk'aida**

Le'leen had taken 'zhasaan for a walk in the garden room, pausing at the small natural-looking pool, with its waterfall, in the centre. His machii had regarded him from knowing golden eyes, and taken his hand.
      **I know what you want of me, of course**
      *I was sure you did.*
      'zhasaan nodded slowly.
      **There is one thing you must consider…**
      Le'leen nodded warily. 'zhasaan sighed.
      **I don't think you will like it… I don't want to host. Ever**
      It took a moment for the full implications of that to sink in, and he lowered his head.
      They'd had no opportunity to test it yet, but Vinas was almost certain that the hybrids would prove fertile with members of their respective species, both hosting and siring, though he couldn't yet say whether they'd conceive as easily as pure zn'hre. But to be on the safe side, that meant no sex - well, no penetration, anyway… or did it? Ti'ani frowned. What if he didn't ever come? He shook his head, hissing irritably. That was far too unreliable. And in any case, he wasn't bonding with 'zhasaan because he wanted to fuck the zn'hre, or have hostlings…
      There were always ways around a problem…
      How would he feel if he and 'zhasaan never fully made love? How important a part of the bond was the physical side?
      He didn't know. None of them did, yet.
      He raised his eyes to the seer.
      *And if I take an aijin?*
      'zhasaan's usually forbidding expression - which was deliberate; it made him less approachable and hence less likely to be approached - had softened.
      **I would expect nothing else. And should I feel the need, I shall do the same**
      Well, that was only fair. Perhaps they could share a Saiyan, the way Kiraz and Ry shared 'raadiin… Le'leen pulled the zn'hre into his arms.
      *And 'miiron?*
      **He will stay with us. I need his strength of will**
      The hybrid could cope with that. The physical angle - well, they'd manage. It would be worth it to be bonded to the dreamer. He nodded.
      **Then let us be…**
      'zhasaan *opened* his mind, as Le'leen *unlocked* his own, the two psyches melding and flowing around and into each other…
      A simple act, but afterwards… Le'leen gazed at his bondmate with awe. Such a beautiful, powerful mind…
      And suddenly 'zhasaan could *see*, could *see* everything that had been hidden from him, clearly and in depth. He gasped and swayed, Ti'ani's strength holding him steady.
      The sudden shock of all the memories of the future should have been overwhelming, but Ti'ani's presence protected him, afforded him control - and with it came the awareness of the responsibility he now bore… he gazed at his bondmate, eyes wide.
      *Now I can be what I am meant to be…*

Lying warm and content under the fur snuggled against his Saiyan, the king *felt* the bond forming, and contemplated preventing its completion for an instant - then sighed and relaxed. The sirelings had to make their own choices.
      And both 'zhasaan and Le'leen were mature and self-aware, and Le'leen would guard the seer with his life, Zha'haabron knew. It was not an inappropriate bond…
      Radittsu kissed his temple.
      *They have to make their own mistakes, zkai'da. At least they have the family to put all to rights if anything goes wrong.*
      **I know. I should not worry. It is simply that they are the first freeborn generation. I do not want to see any of them hurt…**
      Radittsu pulled his zn'hre closer, once again thanking whatever providence had brought Zha'haabron to him.
      *We'll do all in our power to prevent it.*

Ti'ani hadn't dared to speak of his incipient bond to Ta'haarel yet, not to anyone. To be absolutely honest, he felt as though he were being unfaithful to 'raadiin, even though he knew 'raadiin didn't want him. And yet the fledgling bond with the zhaneer was already there, he could feel it tugging at him constantly.
      But Ta'haarel wasn't ready yet. And Ti'ani didn't want to frighten him. It would probably be best to wait until after the hostlings were born, then perhaps ask the Ssii'iin to help. The hybrid nodded to himself, gently laving warm water over Ta'haarel's smooth skin where the zhaneer relaxed in the water. Yes, that would be best…

Kinu woke, wondering what was wrong… then spotted 'jau at the viewport.
      'jau glanced over his shoulder.
      *Are you all right?*
      Za'jau sighed and returned to the sleeping platform, cuddling into his bondmate.
      *Yes… It's just so sad.*
      *The zhaneer?*
      *And maazi, and the Ssii'iin. I guess he was right to be scared.*
      Kinu considered this for a moment, then nodded solemnly.
      *But it doesn't affect who we are.*
      'jau's tail wrapped tightly around Kinu's waist.
      *No, I guess not. We're us. An' we won't let anybody change that.*

Zaheen paced slowly, elegant tail expressing her disappointment. She had been so… excited. Yes, excited, like a young cub. And it had all been so awful.
      Yet the family had not let it affect them, not at heart. They were so strong, this strange mixture of species. Strong and endlessly fascinating.
      Perhaps her allegiance to the zhaneer was misplaced. Perhaps it would be better given to the family…

© 2004 February 15th Joules Taylor

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