
Ry slumped on the floor of the training arena beside Kiraz and ran a hand over his face. The prince grinned.
      "Knackered. I thought 'raadiin was bad enough - you try living with him and 'fallon! I swear all the little ama thinks about is sex. You'd have thought he'd take a few days to recover after having the brats, wouldn't you, but nooooo, not 'fallon…"
      "He's not got anywhere else to channel his energy, has he? I mean, he doesn't fight, he's not much into book-work, all he does is write rhymes."
      "Poetry. He writes poetry. It's not just rhymes."
      "Heh, if you say so. Most I know is 'There was a young alien from Bampuck…'"
      Ry slapped a hand over his companion's mouth.
      "Yeah, right, not here, thanks… Anyway… You still with Pirum and 'selaan?"
      Kiraz shook his head, then changed his mind and nodded.
      "Well, we're fuck-mates anyway."
      "Do they need you every night?"
      Kiraz thought about it for a moment, then smirked.
      "No. Why?"
      Ry shoved a hand through his shaggy mane.
      "How'd you like to help me out?"
      "Fuck your zn'hre, you mean? Give you a break?"
      "All right. Tonight?"
      Ry closed his eyes with a huff of relief.
      "What about the Ssii'iin?"
      "No, he's perfectly happy with Rad-san - oh, you mean will he mind?"
      Kiraz slapped his friend across the back of the head.
      "'Course, baka!"
      "Not in the least."
      "Sure about that?"
      "In that case, I'll move in tonight."

"Not that I particularly care, but where does that leave us?"
      Pirum kept her attention on her monitor screen, her voice casual as she flung the question in Kiraz' direction. He grinned.
      "Don't worry snowball, you don't get rid of me that easy. Any time you want me, just call."
      "Like that'll ever happen…" she grumbled. 'sel smiled.
      "We will. And thank you for volunteering to help my sire-mates."
      Kiraz bowed his head briefly.
      "'s a pleasure."
      'selaan beamed at him, turning and relaxing back against his desk, bringing his groin - and erection - into prominence.
      "Oh, it will be, trust me…"
      Kiraz groaned, glancing at the chronometer. Yes, he had time before his afternoon session with Kyuri at Guard HQ. He stripped out of his bodysuit and boots, prowling towards the prince, growling quietly. As 'sel tipped his head back, Pirum humphed.
      "We're supposed to be working!"
      'sel grinned at her.
      "We can take a short break…"

'tiisaan was shivering with anticipation. Bri'seiyis frowned at 'leesaan and Gtislin.
      "Are you absolutely certain it is safe?"
      The Feeodoreean nodded gravely.
      "Zha'leesaan-sama has spent several hours in the immersion capsule, with full physical scans - and thorough *scans* - before and after. We have recorded no change to either his physical or mental functions."
      "I must, Bri-sama! It's the only way I can learn original zhaneer dance…"
      And if I don't authorise it, you'll only go and use it anyway, the songwright thought resignedly to himself.
      "Very well. But you will be monitored at all times."
      'tiisaan nodded eagerly.
      "'lee-chan's already offered, and Ti'ani will keep an *eye* on me too. And Vinas will be there to monitor my body."
      Bri'seiyis inclined his head.
      "Very well. I expect you to rest afterwards, then report back to me before doing anything else."
      The dancer hugged the older zn'hre tightly, eyes wide and bright.
      "Can I go now, Bri-sama?"
      The songwright blinked.
      "Will everyone be able to spare the time?"
      Gtislin smiled very slightly.
      "It has all been arranged, Ssii'iir Bri'seiyis."
      Bri'seiyis frowned at 'tiisaan, who gazed up at him innocently, and shook his head, eyes closing.
      "Of course it has. How could I have thought anything else?" He sighed, then gestured to the door. "I trust the experience will be a pleasant one…"

Since Buahan had moved into the royal wing, she and Pirum had made it a habit to meet up for several hours every second day, usually by themselves, somewhat to Peyaru's dismay: he was devoted to his mate and liked to share everything with her - including Pirum. It was a relaxed and empowering time for them both, a chance to reaffirm their friendship - and 'play', usually…
      Buahan shuddered as she came down from orgasm, easing her tail from Pirum as the Hassinan lay panting, quivering from her own climax. The princess moaned quietly and snuggled close, kissing her friend's nipple.
      Pirum chuckled and stroked her mane.
      "Nice, ne?"
      Buahan sighed.
      "Oh yes… I've been trying to teach Peyaru what to do, where to touch, but he's a bit… slow. I think he's afraid of hurting me, the idiot."
      The Hassinan laughed.
      "That's cute. Bit different from Kiraz - he just bangs away regardless. I'd have to bite him to make him stop, I think."
      The princess giggled.
      "Heh, yes, my brother always was a little insensitive… How are things?"
      "Going well. 'sel and I have started studying Korijin physiology - that's fascinating, did you know their young live in sort of sealed pouches against the females' bodies until they're ready to be weaned? And their respiratory system…" She grinned at Buahan's slightly dazed expression and changed the subject - slightly. "We've discovered that Tia-chan's ability to breed with Saiya-jin without outside interference hasn't been passed on to his hostlings, which is a relief for 'raadiin and 'tiisaan, but I gather 'haabron isn't so happy about it."
      Buahan nodded: she communicated with Kobis every twenty days or so - she was fond of him, and it was important for her to stay up to date with the happenings on R'ren'nkh'ia.
      "But on the positive side, Vinas has now completed trials on a sunscreen for the Saiya-jin on R'ren'nkh'ia. A simple injection, the modified gene takes about a day to alter the individual, and there you are, no more danger from the sun. Kobis will be delighted."
      "So will the rest of the Saiya-jin there! When will Vinas start injecting?"
      "I think he's planning to send a team out when wet season starts."
      "Soon then."
      "Yes." The Hassinan sighed. "'sel will probably go with them. I wish I could."
      Buahan cuddled her tightly.
      "Vinas couldn't do something about your body - something genetic so you could cope with the heat?"
      "I've asked, but he thinks it would be too difficult. But he said he'll keep up to date with the research on other Empire worlds, and if anything is discovered he'll take it further."
      The princess nodded.
      "It would be nice for you, wouldn't it…" she pulled Pirum a little closer, tail stroking slowly over her friend's groin. "I'm afraid I have a meeting in an hour - but that gives us plenty of time to play…"

Kobis grabbed his zn'hre tightly around the waist and hugged hard, nose buried in fragrant hair.
      *This is wonderful news! No more lotion - not that I didn't enjoy you applying it of course…*
      'haabron chuckled.
      **No, of course not. But I agree, it's great news. When is Vinas coming here?**
      *Start of wet season. About twenty-five to thirty-five days time.*
      The prince sighed and snuggled closer.
      **Not long to wait then**
    *No - and then I want to take you out over the desert and make love to you in the air…*
      Golden eyes half closed as 'haabron shivered with anticipation.
      **I can't wait…**
      Kobis kissed him gently, then reluctantly pulled back.
      *We really ought to get to our meeting.*
      'haabron nodded. Three days ago he'd proposed to Gh'heegonan that he establish a Royal Guard - he'd been meaning to do so for quite a while but had somehow never quite got around to it - with Fa'saayen as its Captain. Gh'heegonan had agreed; today's meeting was to discuss the details, principally who else would join. 'jiisa had already volunteered.
      **Indeed we must. But we have nothing else planned for the rest of the day…**
      Kobis smirked, tail wrapping his mate's waist, one hand slipping inside the brief excuse for a bodysuit 'haabron wore to fondle the swollen inkei. The zn'hre groaned, pressing against his zkai'da.
      **We don't have time!**
      Kobis chuckled and dropped to his knees.
      *We have time for this -* he slid the bodysuit down and lowered his face to the cool blue groin *- and I'm perfectly happy to wait… I enjoy the anticipation…*

It had taken a little while for anyone to realise it, but there was something rather strange about 'vaasaan…
      Ta'haarel had noted it first, but not thought to mention it to start with - which was understandable, the zhaneer had no idea what was normal or abnormal in the family. But after a while he summoned up the courage to speak to Ti'aasaan.
      The little zn'hre had smiled at the hesitant zhaneer, and pulled him into a hug.
      "What's worrying you?"
      Ta'haarel had bitten his lip.
      "Does… it's your hostling, Tia-chan…"
      "What's he done?"
      "Well, he seems to be able to… I'm not sure… stop me feeling worried, or afraid…"
      Ti'aasaan blinked.
      "… he does…?"
      The zhaneer nodded.
      "I don't know how, but any time I feel scared or anxious, I find him staring at me - and then the fear… goes away."
      The little zn'hre frowned pensively.
      "Have you mentioned this to anyone else?"
      "No… I wondered, at first, if I was imagining it…"
      "I see…" Ti'aasaan beckoned his hostling from where the little hybrid was playing with 'jau: 'vaasaan happily seated himself on his host's lap, big eyes gazing up.
      "'vaasaan, zk'viss - can you make me feel happy?"
      The hybrid inclined his head, then shook it.
      "You already happy, maazi."
      Which was true, Ti'aasaan thought wryly.
      "Very well - can you make me feel sad?"
      'vaasaan frowned.
      "But don't want to make anyone feel sad, maazi. Want everyone to be happy."
      Ti'aasaan cuddled him.
      "I know, zk'vissin, but just this once, will you try?"
      Pouting, the hybrid nodded reluctantly.
      "Oh, all right then…"
      He gazed fixedly at his host for a moment or two - and Ti'aasaan suddenly found himself almost overwhelmed by a wave of sorrow so intense he burst into tears. 'vaasaan paled and grabbed his maazi's plaits, *flooding* the little zn'hre's mind with happiness instead.
      Coughing, wiping his eyes and trying to regain his equilibrium, Ti'aasaan regarded the anxious Ta'haarel.
      "Well, that answers that. We have a little emotion-manipulator here."
      The zhaneer blanched.
      "Is that… common?"
      Ti'aasaan shook his head.
      "Never happened before, as far as I know. We'll have to tell the Ssii'iin."

Zha'haabron added lessons in the ethics of manipulation, and mental discipline, to the ever-growing list of training sessions he had to organise for the hostlings. And filed away the skill for future reference: he could already think of a multitude of uses.
      In the meantime, they'd better keep the discovery quiet. Vejiita could know about it later, when they'd assessed the full range of the hybrid's abilities.

Radittsu finally had the all-clear to come home. Zha'haabron had taken a look around the suite and shaken his head: it was, he thought, time to move some of the family into their own suites. This one was now decidedly crowded…
      The idea went over rather better than he'd expected - there were, after all, smaller, empty suites along the corridor in this part of the zn'hre wing of the palace, and he made it clear that everyone was always welcome in the main suite at any time. 'raadiin, 'fallon, their children, Ry and Kiraz were the first to move, laying claim to the suite next door: then Le'leen, 'zhasaan and 'miiron claimed a slightly smaller suite opposite them. Ta'haarel had hesitantly suggested he and Ti'ani and the hostlings also move, but both the Ssii'iin and Zha'haarak had thought it would be better to wait until the children were a little older. Finally Zorun, Ti'aasaan and 'vaasaan laid claim to the suite next to 'raadiin's - a move which pleased Zorun, who, much as he appreciated the love that bound the family together, was beginning to find the situation a little claustrophobic. This way they were close enough to the family for Kinu and 'jau not to feel they had to choose between which of their parents to stay with, yet far enough that the King's Guard could feel he finally had a little privacy.
      The security implications nearly had Merica tearing his mane out - but with a little help from Hijau he managed to allocate a sufficient force…
      It took two days for everyone to settle, then Zha'haabron had flown to the medical centre to help his bondmate back to the suite. Zh'leet had hissed in dismay at the sight of the big Saiyan.
      "You're starved! What has that he'zk'aan been feeding you - air?"
      Radittsu laughed and shook his head.
      "I can always rely on a cheerful welcome from you, old lizard." He accepted Hijau's help to settle on the sleeping platform, wincing as his legs complained about the unaccustomed exercise. He looked down at himself ruefully - the heavy scarring wasn't pretty - then sighed and shrugged. "Ah well. I wasn't much of a beauty to start with."
      Zha'haabron sat behind him, arms around broad warm shoulders, and kissed his neck.
      **You have always been beautiful to me, zk'aida**
      Leaning back into the strong embrace, the Saiyan relaxed, allowing himself to enjoy the feeling of home. There'd been a while, back at the battle-front, when he seriously doubted he'd make it back, and keeping that thought from his zn'hre hadn't been easy. But he was here now…
      Zha'haarak rested a hand on his forearm.
      "You are tired. Why do you not sleep for a while? There are several hours until the main evening meal."
      Radittsu smiled at the gentle zn'hre and twisted to kiss his zkai'da's cheek.
      "Have to admit the idea sounds good."
      Zha'haabron chuckled.
      "Then do so."
      And within minutes the big Saiyan was asleep, snuggled on the sleeping platform, surrounded by a tangle of hostlings and smiling happily to himself. It was so good to be home…

Naptime (c) Sylverthorne 2004

Illustration by Sylverthorne. Click the pic for the full size version

© 2004 May 8th Joules Taylor

Naissance pt 2
Sixth Alliance Chronicle Index