
Radittsu dropped onto the sleeping platform, clearly exhausted. Zha'haarak knelt beside him, brushing wet mane back from his face.
      "You need to rest."
      "I know that!" The big Saiyan growled. "We all need to rest. But since we aren't going to get the chance, we'll just have to make the best of it." He glanced up as a dripping, bruised Hijau entered from the balcony, closing the door behind him before the lashing rain could enter. The Captain leaned back against the glass, blinking water out of his eyes.
      "I'm beginning to think Vejiita is testing us to destruction."
      Radittsu huffed as Zha'haarak handed Hijau a drying cloth and cuddled against his bondmate.
      "Just wants to make sure we're ready in case the worst happens."
      "But I thought we had some sort of treaty with the Karilun."
      "Heh, so did I, but when has Vejiita ever trusted anyone? And in this instance he's right."
      Manzano had requested a full Council meeting ten days ago: Radittsu, Hijau and Zha'haabron had all been 'requested' to attend. The diplomatic corps had been advised that representatives of the Karilun Empire were on their way to visit Vejiitasei, and would arrive in orbit in thirty days. The Karilun, it would appear, wished to visit the homeworld of the Saiya-jin Empire, to pay their respects to its king.
      Vejiita didn't believe a word of it.
      Since then every able-bodied warrior, of every class, had been recalled to barracks and trained until they dropped. Vejiita was taking no chances…
      "An hour." Hijau eyed Radittsu tiredly. "One hour's break, then we need to get back."
      Zh'leet hissed angrily.
      "The big ape's in no fit state to fight!"
      "Few of us are, Zh'leet-san, but we don't have any choice."
      Radittsu hauled himself upright, wincing.
      "Well, at least we can spend that hour in the pool. That'll help…"

Zha'haabron watched as the Saiya-jin Elite trained with their R'ren'nkh'ian counterparts, moving smoothly together, anticipating each others' moves. Their control was excellent - even Vejiita was pleased.
      "Not bad."
      The High King raised an eyebrow.
      "Will it be enough?"
      The Saiyan's tail lashed briefly as he growled.
      "It had better be."
      "And of course, it might all prove to be unnecessary. They may simply be coming here to visit, as they say."
      The royal brows lowered.
      "Don't be so fucking naïve."
      "I am not. But I am considering all possibilities."
      "Yes, you're good at that."
      The zn'hre ignored the sarcasm, replying mildly,
      "It has served us well in the past."
      Vejiita snorted and returned his attention to the arena, frowning at the warriors for a few minutes before raising his hands - a signal to them to stop. As they stood at ease the king turned to the Ssii'iin, arms folded over his chest.
      "Give 'em the rest of the time off. They'll be rested and ready for action by the time the Karilun ship arrives, then."
      Zha'haabron nodded. The Saiya-jin had boosted their strength about as far as it could go in the time available, and the R'ren'nkh'ia-jin were as polished and coordinated as possible. The rest was well-earned.
      "Very well. I will see you in Council?
      "In two hours. Bring Radittsu with you."

The Royal Liaison was limping, using ki to minimise it, and his scars were still harsh against the pallor of his skin. Zha'haabron had tried to persuade him to stay behind - after all, he could let his zkai'da *share* everything the Council had to say - but Radittsu refused to listen…
      Manzano was frowning as he stood to give the latest report.
      "There is just one ship on its way to us. One very small ship."
      There was a stir of disquiet around the table, and Limau rose to his feet.
      "Just one? How small? Is it armed?"
      "As far as we can tell it is unarmed, except for the standard defensive laser cannons. In size - well, it would only hold fifty individuals at most."
      Limau snorted.
      "Not much of an invasion force! And we're sure that's all?"
      Manzano nodded, but still looked troubled.
      "I don't understand it. I'd have expected an embassy from Karilun to have had at least a couple of warships, for show if nothing else… Maybe they are in earnest about their peaceful intentions…"
      "Heh, and I've turned pacifist and cut off my tail!" Vejiita growled. "No, this is some sort of trick. Well, we'll be ready for them."
      "Do you wish to have the troops stand down, sire?"
      The king glanced at Radittsu and shook his head.
      "No. Keep them on call. If it's nothing, then at least we can impress the Karilun with our battle-worthiness."
      The Royal Liaison saluted. Vejiita turned to Zha'haabron.
      "Are the hybrid brats primed, in case we need them?"
      The zn'hre nodded.
      "Eager to defend their homeworld."
      The king grinned ferally.
      "Good." He turned his gaze on the rest of the assembly. "Any other suggestions?"
      Buahan stood, a little hesitantly.
      "Sire, shouldn't we be making some sort of plans to protect the… weaker members of the family? What about the Academy?"
      Vejiita smiled, only very slightly indulgently.
      "I think the Elite force will be perfectly capable of protecting the city - all of it. Nevertheless, it is a good thought." He glanced at Zha'haabron and Radittsu. "Allocate a small squad to guard the Academy."
      Merica and Jagung, the Saiyan thought immediately. Jagung had spent a lot of time there anyway over the last year. Merica could choose a squad of first and second class warriors as backup. It should be sufficient: the Academy was hardly likely to be a high priority if the Karilun had any hostile intentions.
      Zha'haabron smiled at the princess.
      "The hostlings will be fine, Buahan-sama. The family guard is more than adequate to protect them."
      She nodded, but was obviously not wholly reassured. But Vejiita was eager to close the meeting…

In the suite, over a fully attended early evening meal, the family debated the report. Ti'aasaan was relieved.
      "This is good news. One ship won't be any sort of threat."
      Beside him, tail around his waist, Zorun had grunted.
      "All this fucking build-up for nothing."
      The little zn'hre had nudged him in the ribs.
      "Ah, you've enjoyed it, you know you have! The chance to get out there and throw your weight around? Escape from Royal Guard duty for a few hours? Browbeat the lower classes? What more could a Saiyan ask?"
      Zorun growled and nipped warningly at his mate's claim mark.
      *Want me to show you?*
      Ti'aasaan shivered happily.
      **Let's eat first, zkai'da…**
      'raadiin, however, was sulking.
      "I'm never going to get to fight for real."
      Ry laughed and tugged his plaits, earning himself a sharp-clawed slap across the shoulder.
      "Vicious little hv'vrn aren't you?"
      The zn'hre warrior scowled.
      "I don't want to see all my training go to waste."
      Zha'haabron shook his head. How did he ever manage to sire such a bloodthirsty hostling? Radittsu chuckled, tail stroking over his bondmate's back.
      *We may have to find him a battle to fight.*
      **I would much rather not. However, if it would help… Perhaps he should spend some time with the offworld military**
      *Not with Nappa!*
      **No, not with Nappa - with one of the squads under him, maybe. I'll speak to Manzano and Hijau, after the Karilun visit**
      Ti'ani and Le'leen were unusually sombre, but then again, if it came to a fight they'd be in the front line, beside the special squad. And it was rather different, they'd both realised, when you had a mate than when you were alone. You couldn't be quite so reckless, for one thing. And it was too easy to imagine what would happen to them if you failed - which made you more determined than ever to fight to protect them with everything you had.
      It was a little scary. But it was how Rad-san, and Hi'ijaa, and Zorun-san and Merica all felt too, so that was all right. They were allowed to feel a little frightened…
      Zha'haarak was just thankful, and said as much, hugging his bondmate tightly.
      "I know you need to fight, but I'd rather you were safe."
      Hijau sighed and nuzzled his hair.
      "Sometimes it can't be avoided."
      "I know. I am just so happy that on this occasion it won't be necessary."
      Zha'haabron nodded.
      "We all echo those sentiments…"

Wet season had dragged on and on, and somehow turned into cold season without its usual break for a last spell of warmth. It wasn't snowing yet, not quite, but the winds were chill, and the rain bitterly cold against the skin. The zn'hre had dragged out their winter furs early - and had new ones made where they'd grown out of the old - and the suites were already being heated. It was a nuisance, but one they could live with.
      Ta'haarel spent a lot of time with Zha'haarak, 'fallon and Ti'aasaan: it was easier to keep all the children together and warm. And the zhaneer had started teaching them simple games, repetitive word games, simple maths - rather to his surprise he'd found he had some talent as a teacher, patiently imparting knowledge to eager hostlings. He was very happy to have found something useful to do - it sometimes worried him that he had no specified purpose in the family - and Zha'haarak had suggested he consider teaching as a full-time job once his hostlings were a little older.
      Ta'haarel nodded thoughtfully. It was something he'd enjoy, even if, for the moment, it only involved introducing the little ones to simple knowledge. He'd have to speak to that head teacher at the college in the city - Ubi? - and see if she had any advice.
      But it would have to wait until after the cold season. Ta'haarel was more resistant to the cold than the zn'hre, but he was still finding the weather unpleasant…
      And the following day, three days before the Karilun were due to arrive, they woke to find a thin covering of snow on the ground.

Ry helped a shivering 'raadiin back to their suite, enveloping him in a ki-shield and holding him tightly.
      *Why didn't you say something, baka!*
      **And appear weak? Fuck that…**
      Ry growled.
      *Look, I know you try to overcome your limitations but that was just stupid! We can't afford to have you ill.*
      **I'm FINE. Stop making such a fucking fuss. I'll bathe as soon as we get back, that'll warm me up**
      *Right, then I'll fuck you while we're in the pool - that'll warm you up even faster.*
      'raadiin managed to smile through gritted teeth.
      **Yes, it will won't it?**
      Grinning widely, Ry grabbed the protesting zn'hre around the waist and flew them back to the palace…

Le'leen woke abruptly, aware of 'zhasaan's absence from the bed: the seer was standing at the balcony window, gazing out into the sparsely-falling snow. He spared a quick glance for 'miiron, sleeping uneasily beside him, then pulled himself upright and strode to the window, wrapping his arms around his mate's shoulders.
      *What's wrong?*
      **I'm not sure. I was dreaming…**
      Le'leen waited patiently - sometimes it took a while for 'zhasaan to gather his thoughts sufficiently to feel able to speak of his dreams. He stroked the zn'hre's hair soothingly, keeping his own thoughts tranquil, and finally the seer turned to him, slender hands resting on broad warm shoulders.
      **It is confirmed that the Karilun are only sending one ship, isn't it?**
      Le'leen frowned.
      *Yes, absolutely.*
      **Then my dream may not be about their visit…**
      *What did you dream?*
      The zn'hre hesitated - but this was Le'leen, and the Ssii'iin had told him to share every dream that he thought might be prophetic…
      **I saw the palace in flames, in ruins, and Vejiitamachi burning**
      Le'leen blinked, then gently *brushed* his mate's mind, *sharing* the vision. Yes, it was the city, and the palace, and there was melting snow on the ground - but it all felt… hazy, distant, as though viewed from a far perspective. Maybe one of time. It could be a vision from years ahead - there was no way for them to tell.
      **It doesn't feel right, does it?**
      Le'leen kissed his forehead.
      *I don't know, zk'vissin. I think we ought to ask your papa.*
      **I don't really want to wake him**
      *But it could be important. He won't mind - in fact, he'd be angrier if we don't wake him!*
      Le'leen nodded reluctantly.
      **I know… I'm just so uncertain as to what this means…It might mean nothing**
      *And it might mean much. Come, let's wake the Ssii'iin.*

© 2004 May 30th Joules Taylor

Naissance pt 3
Sixth Alliance Chronicle Index