
A warm hand brushing his forehead… Le'leen forced his eyes open.
      *Yes, brat. I'm here. How are you?*
      *I have been better.* The tone was dry, and Leteetza chuckled. *The biotechs say I should be out of here in a couple of days.* He grimaced. *I will be glad to leave…*
      *There's no hurry. There's nowhere to live at the moment, in any case.*
      He nodded, then scrutinised his host closely.
      *How is papa?*
      The Saiyan shook her head, face grim.
      *I was hoping you could tell me…*
      *He's *closed* himself off from us all. I suppose to protect us. When it happened… we thought he'd died.* He eyed her narrowly. *Will you be friends with Mahrayne again now?*
      Leteetza blinked, then scowled.
      *Why should you think I'd do that?*
      He shrugged carefully.
      *Zorun's gone. Any claim he had on Mahrayne is dissolved. Isn't it?*
      *Well, yes, I suppose so…*
      *So there's no reason why Kelapa-san can't validate her claim, is there?*
      *Well, strictly speaking no - but it's the principle, brat.*
      He regarded her for a moment, then waved a hand towards the outside.
      *You think we can afford to have principles like that, with what's happened? I'd have thought there were more important things to be concerned about.*
      She stared, not wanting to admit that he was quite right.
      *And in any case,* he went on, *Kel's not going to be happy for a while, and neither are you, since you're both going to be breeding.* He smirked. *You can keep each other miserable.*
      She blinked, then groaned, closing her eyes. She'd forgotten about that aspect of the destruction.
      *Thank you for that timely reminder… I wonder if I can find an excuse to go to R'ren'nkh'ia for a couple of years?*
      *You think the king would let you?*
      *Of course not.*
      *So think about it, ne?*
      She growled and kissed his forehead.
      *Yes, all right, I'll think about it.* She glanced over her shoulder as Radittsu appeared at the door, and smiled.
      "You all right? And the Ssii'iin?"
      He nodded wearily. She sighed.
      *You look like shit. When was the last time you rested?*
      *I forget…*
      *Right…* She turned back to the hybrid. "Shall I send 'zhasaan to you? I know he's been worried about you."
      Le'leen nodded.
      "Please, maazi." His face fell. "And I'll go and see papa as soon as they let me out of here."
      She lowered sombre eyes.
      "Thank you. I think he needs to be reminded of the good things he still has."
      "Maazi, he's lost the most precious thing he had. Reminders of what's left won't help much, not yet. But I'll see what I can do anyway. We both will."

*Do you need to get back to Zha'haabron?*
      Radittsu rubbed a scarred hand over his face.
      *No. He's resting - and I was shooed out by the Feeds. They told me to rest too. Why I can't stay there and rest I don't know…*
      *Vinas probably thinks you need a change of scenery. Come with me.*
      She led him to a tiny room tucked away at the end of one of the infirmary ship's corridors and ushered him inside. It was small, but warm, and comfortable, most of the space taken up by the low bed.
      *It was the best I could manage, and I'm sharing it until the palace is rebuilt. But for the next few hours it's mine - and yours. I've missed you.*
      *Vejiita is with Kayusu - she came into season yesterday, and since there's so few elites left…*
      He nodded tiredly.
      *We're all going to have to do stud-duty for a while.* He glowered. *So fucking impersonal.*
      *But necessary.*
      His shoulders slumped: she pulled off his bodysuit, kissing his chest.
      *So let's get you rested before you have all that drain on your energy!*
      He chuckled.
      *Persuasive, aren't you?*
      *I try…*

Radittsu roused five hours later to find himself deep within Leteetza's body as she straddled his hips: groaning as her scent woke him up completely, he gripped her hips as he plunged up into her body, coming hard and collapsing back panting. Then frowning and reaching for her tail.
      He sighed resignedly. Yup. Fluffed up and streaked with gold. He rested a hand over her abdomen then grimaced.
      *Did you know you were coming into heat?*
      Her eyes widened, attempting innocence - not an expression that sat convincingly on her face.
      *Oh dear, have I?* She turned her attention inwards, then sighed. *Twins again.*
      *You realise Vejiita will probably kill me?*
      *No he won't. You were just doing your duty, after all. I mean, if you hadn't been here I'd have probably fucked the first male who came along, and that could have been a third class labourer. As it is…* She shrugged. *They'll be strong, and noble.*
      He didn't look convinced. She stroked his chest with her tail, then leaned down to kiss him.
      *You're still tired. Go back to sleep…*

Similar scenes were repeated throughout the city, as if the females' bodies somehow instinctively knew the population needed boosting…
      Some had more control than others. Marul was offworld - but Jahonda was here. And he was special squad, and elite, his tail long and strong… Kyuri sought him out with single-minded dedication, dragging him to a quiet tent and backing the bemused but certainly not reluctant male into a corner…
      Sasa was determined to have Hijau as the sire of her brats, and badgered a harassed Gtislin to give her a mood suppressant until she could get his - and Zha'haarak's - permission, then made her way to the infirmary ship the family were using at the moment.
      Where she came upon an interesting scene. Tane and Dari had also come into season, simultaneously, while tending Zha'haarak, Ti'aasaan and Zo'rien. To their credit they had tried to retain their self-control, and succeeded - until Radittsu had appeared… Sasa arrived to find the big Saiyan pounding into a deliriously happy Tane, her sister sprawled beside them, smiling contentedly, her hand on her belly and tail twined with her twin's. The warrior grinned. Now those brats should be incredibly pretty…
      Hijau was cuddling both the zn'hre: he seemed to have taken on the task of looking after Ti'aasaan. She dropped to one knee and saluted him.
      "Sir… I know it's a bit of an imposition…"
      His pupils widened as he caught her scent, inkei stiffening immediately. Zha'haarak smiled gently.
      **Go, zk'vissin. I'll look after Ti'a-chan**
      Kissing his bondmate gratefully, he pulled the young female to him…

"Are you sure you want to do this?"
      'tiisaan nodded, expression grave.
      "I have to, Tion. I have to say goodbye to them, and this is the only way I know how."
      The remains of the Academy had been excavated, the bodies reverently taken away, and the foundations filled in: no-one could bear the thought of rebuilding on that spot. But the grounds were extensive; once the cold season was over a new Academy would be built, on the other side of the lake. Bri'seiyis had asked that a special garden be planted on the site of the old, and the Academy members had started making a list of all the plants - and memorials - they'd like to see there.
      But now, at Mid Winter, they were going to dance for their lost kindred - and the event was being recorded and transmitted across the Empire.
      To the recorded songs of 'viirel, Ti'kaanan, Ti'nienan, and Ti'vadin, Zha'tiisaan danced in the snow, a dance of horror and destruction and death slowly turning and ascending to hope and rebirth. It was beautiful. A fitting epitaph, thought Zha'haabron, weeping in Radittsu's arms as the Saiyan held him closely ki-shielded against the cold, for the young lives lost, the talent that would never have a chance to blossom…

The Saiya-jin-no-Ou stared at his daughter and his Companion, dismay and fury vying for dominance within him. They both glared back, unrepentant.
       It had been Buahan's first heat. It was a little early, but her body seemed to be in tune with the rest of the females on the planet… She had woken in Pirum's arms, hot and restless and aching, rubbing her groin with her tail. The Hassinan had woken, eyes widening, and reached for her friend's chitsu, slipping her fingers in and fondling - but it didn't seem to be enough… then she noticed the princess' tail, and realised what was happening.
      "Bu-chan, I think we need to get you back to Peyaru. I think you're in heat."
      The Saiyan grabbed her tail, peered at it, and groaned, nodding.
      "Sorry…" she gripped the Hassinan's hand hard. "That means… I'll conceive. Unless I get the contraceptives… but…" she buried her head in Pirum's breast. "We're all supposed to help… Will you come with me?"
      Pirum was about to point out that she didn't think Peyaru would be too impressed, when she suddenly realised that Buahan was scared. She cuddled her friend.
      "Of course I will…"
      In fact she hadn't needed to worry - Peyaru took one sniff and forgot everything else but his mate and his biological imperative…
      Vejiita was proud of his daughter, for being so truly Saiyan, though he was also quietly dismayed that she'd have such responsibilities at such an early age. Still, she would have all the assistance she needed.
      Leteetza's situation was quite different - and suddenly it was all too much. He had a city to rebuild, an Empire to secure - Nappa had already been instructed to assemble the fleet: as soon as he could be spared Vejiita was taking war to the Karilun - and his Companion was pregnant with Radittsu's brats. Again! Six children, including the current twins, and only one of them his.
      Enough was enough. He rescinded his permission for her to take other mates - and reaffirmed his claim, biting rather harder than he'd meant to in his anger.
      "You are mine. From now on you will be solely mine."
      "No argument!" he snarled. "I have been far too lenient. No more."
      Dismayed and sick at heart, she dropped to her knees, head bowed in obedient acquiescence, knowing the truth of his words…
      A touch on her shoulder made her look up. His face had softened a little.
      "However, I also will stay true to the claim. I'll take no-one else, either."
      She blinked, then risked a small smile.
      "You mean it? Sire."
      He nodded.
      "I have been somewhat… neglectful. That is not the way the Emperor should behave." He pulled her upright. "You will return to my side, where you belong. I will not stop your association with the family, but your nights belong to me." He hesitated, then offered a small, wry smile. "I have missed you. A little."
      She chuckled.
      "As you wish, my lord." She gestured to her abdomen. "And these…?"
      "Will no doubt be a fine addition to the family. And of course their… father may share in their lives. As long as you don't share in his."
      She nodded. Well, it wasn't too bad a situation. After all, she'd had a good time over the last few years, far better than any claimed female had any right to expect. And he was the king.
      She smiled as she remembered the early days, wondering if they could recapture them…

**I am sorry, zkai'da. I could not get him to change his mind**
      Radittsu kissed his bondmate, smiling.
      *Thank you for trying. But it's all right. We'll still see her.*
      **It is not the same, though**
      *I've had more than any Saiyan has any right to expect, beloved. And if it came down to a choice - well, there's no choice. You're my bondmate and my love and my life. I wouldn't want it any other way.*

The city grew, rising from the ruins like exotic plants, each building different, graceful, arching, in stone and glass and metal and ceramic and composites and alloys, laid out along curving roads, an amalgam of styles and forms from across the Empire. The spines of elevated walkways cast slender shadows on the snow as beams and girders were ki-welded into shape, the snakes of cabling and ducting twined around and through pillars as Feeodoreean and Ablinian engineers and architects directed teams of labourers. To the east of the city a new and far larger Alien Quarter appeared, the vast market laid out in a grid like the old, surrounded by individualistic, eccentric alien domiciles for those who traded there.
      And the palace compound was rebuilt, new and expanded labs and barracks, a larger diplomatic corps, larger Elite HQ, and a lofty, elegant Palace, many-balconied, imposing, yet comfortable, with suites of rooms purpose built for the zn'hre on the sunward side…
      A hundred days after it had been destroyed, the family moved back into the palace. Below them, the new Vejiitamachi, a city of spires and arches, walkways and parks, galleries and museums and libraries, was already laid out and half-built. It was going to be beautiful.

© 2004 July 19th Joules Taylor

Aftermath 1
Naissance pt 4
Sixth Alliance Chronicle Index