
"Oh, stop moping," Veran snapped, "the sight of your long face is giving me heartburn."
      Lutra didn't respond to her cousin's needling, continuing to stare out the window of the shared dormitory. It was aggravating that she had to share with Veran, of all people, but as was customary, all of the un-partnered members of a family were required to share a sleeping space. Tenshi were only allowed privacy when they were formally paired which meant that inevitably there were courting couples – or those just seeking momentary pleasure – meeting furtively in dark corners. Not for the first time Lutra thought this lack of privacy was a stupid custom, and the wonderful time she'd spent alone with Alestrel had only strengthened her opinion.
      She sighed.
      "Poor little Lutra," Veran was snide and mocking, "allows herself to be used and finds herself abandoned. That's what happens if you open your thighs for just anyone."
      "It wasn't like that." Lutra said listlessly.
      "No? He left and he's not coming back. I'd say that was abandonment. I suppose it's only fortunate that you weren't in a breeding cycle, your side of the family can hardly afford another sireless child."
      "Shut up, Veran."
      Veran had been verbally sticking the knives in since the Saiya-jin ambassadors had left five days ago and Lutra was tired of it.
      "Even if he did come back I'm sure he wouldn't look at you again – been there, done that – " the blonde tenshi shuddered at the sheer viciousness of Veran's attack, "but if I were to allow him the pleasure of my company – "
      Lutra snarled, spinning to face her cousin, fists clenched and white wings spread upwards in an instinctive 'threat' position. Veran laughed, a tinkling sound like falling shards of glass.
      "You'd challenge me over him? You'd challenge me over someone you're never going to see again?" The beautiful tenshi snorted disdainfully, tossing back her shining black hair, and fluffing soft grey wings, "You're even more of an idiot than I thought!" She sneered at her blood kin. "You couldn't win a challenge against me anyway – I'm stronger and faster."
      "And you'll fight dishonourably without a qualm," Lutra shot back.
      "The only dishonour is losing, dung-for-brains!" Veran's deep mauve eyes narrowed with contempt, then she dismissed her cousin with a toss of her head. "I don't have to listen to this. Take my advice, cousin," Veran said over her shoulder, "forget the alien and set your sights on someone more suitable – I hear one of the kitchen servants is looking for a partner for her son. He's good looking but mentally deficient, you'd make a good match."
      Lutra's gaze burned into Veran's back as the tenshi left the room: one of these days she was going to kill her cousin, break her wings and cut out those pretty eyes... With an effort, Lutra fought down the rage that was the curse of her people and flung herself onto her bed in helpless despair. She should put Alestrel out of her mind; it had been wonderful but it was over, they hadn't made any promises and he wasn't coming back. But his memory wasn't only in her mind, it was in her blood, her heart, it sang along her nerves and infused her spirit. Lutra curled her arms tightly around herself and pressed her face into the furs, attempting to stifle the sobbing whimper. It hurt without him.
      And then suddenly she sat bolt upright, thoughts racing.

He may not come back here but... could she go to him?

The tenshi gnawed her lip as she worked through the implications. She could go to Vejiitasei, couldn't she? It was possible. Turlan could give her leave from her service and while none of the tenshi trading ships, as far as she knew, went directly to Alestrel's homeworld, they did travel out of the Maurillan system... she could probably find passage with another race.
      Just thinking about the possibility of seeing Alestrel again helped ease the ache in Lutra's heart; she resolved to talk to the Suzerain's sister at the earliest moment.

"Why do you want to leave my service, Lutra?"
      "I don't want to leave, Highness but it's... personal..."
      "I see." Turlan thoughtfully regarded the female kneeling submissively in front of her. "Does this have something to do with the Saiyan Ambassadors?"
      Lutra blushed and kept her eyes lowered.
      "I see." The noble female sighed. "How do you propose to get to Vejiitasei?" Lutra's blush deepened – she was obviously terribly embarrassed - and Turlan smiled ruefully. "Your... association with Ssii'irin A'lestrel did not go unnoticed, child."
      "I'm sorry, Highness," Lutra hung her head, mortified.
      "These things happen," Turlan said off-handedly, "but why do you want to go to such lengths to see him again? Why not send him a communication first?"
      "Because I have to see him, Highness," Lutra lifted her face to the noble, her anguish creating shadows around her eyes. "I can't explain it."
      "What if he doesn't want to see you?" Turlan asked gently.
      "That is something I can only determine face to face, Highness."
      "Hmm." the Suzerain's sister settled her pale yellow wings close against her back. "Vejiitasei is far away. How will you pay for the journey?"
      "I have some currency, Highness, and I can work for my passage if it's not sufficient."
      "'Work'? How?" Turlan leant forward, tipping the younger tenshi's chin up before she could answer. "You're very pretty, Lutra, would you be willing to let a stranger use your body in exchange for passage?"
      Lutra paled even as her mouth tightened resolutely.
      "If necessary, Highness."
      Turlan smiled softly.
      "There'll be no need for you to do something so distasteful, child." she sat back. "You have my leave to go, Lutra, and I'll provide you with extra funds."
      "Th- thank you, Highness."
      "Clear skies to you, child. Go and see your Saiyan, find out if he feels the same..."

A'lestrel grimaced as he slammed into the wall of the training arena and collapsed onto the floor. Zha'raadiin sighed loudly and lowered his hands, reining in his ki, dropping from the air and landing in a crouch beside his machii. He laid a surprisingly gentle hand on the hybrid's cheek.
      **You all right?**
      'lestrel rubbed at a bruised shoulder and battered ribs and nodded, wincing.
      **Nothing broken**
      'raadiin's eyes closed in relief, then opened in a scowl as he helped his sibling to stand.
      **What the fuck is the matter with you!? A new-born could have deflected that!**
      'lestrel's *voice* was a snarl.
      **I know that! I… lost focus for a moment, that's all…**
      'raadiin shook his head decisively.
      **That's not all. You've been like this since you got back from Maurilla: training with you's a nightmare right now, you're so off-key I'm afraid of hurting you** His eyes narrowed. **What happened on Maurilla?**
      **Nothing that concerns you**
      'raadiin dragged 'lestrel round to face him, glaring angrily.
      **Don't be so fucking stupid. It concerns you, that means it concerns all of us**
      The hybrid growled, teeth bared.
      **It's none of your fucking business!**
      'raadiin stared for a moment, then thrust 'lestrel back, turning and taking off towards the palace.
      **Fine. I'll ask papa**

Zha'haabron was in council when his sireling arrived back - but Ka'reysu was there, with Le'leen and their two-day old hostlings, Le'ska and Ka'rayne, and it was pretty certain, thought 'raadiin, that 'lestrel's sib would know what was the matter with him. And 'reysu was a lot less… tetchy… than his twin.
      Le'leen smiled up at the zn'hre warrior from the bed-platform, the sleeping hostlings in his arms. 'raadiin smirked back.
      "Mind if I borrow your bondmate for a spell?"
      "As long as you bring him back undamaged, no."
      'raadiin chuckled.
      "Oh, don't worry. I just want to talk for a moment."
      'reysu frowned enquiringly.
      "About what?"
      "... Oh…"

He flew out to the coast, landing amongst a tumbled cluster of rocks at the bottom of a high, almost perfectly vertical cliff. He'd found the spot some years ago, quite by accident, and now came here when he needed to be alone. It was a peaceful place, the languid surge of the surf an aid to relaxation and meditation.
      He sat on a boulder, rubbing absently at the bruises down the side of his body, and gazed out to sea.
      It had only been five days since A'lestrel had returned to Vejiitasei. It felt like more. It felt… it felt as though something were missing.
      He sank his head into his hands. This was ridiculous! He had to do something about it, and soon, before he lost concentration at some crucial juncture and ended up hurt - or hurting someone else…
      He'd spoken to maazi and papa soon after returning from Maurilla. They'd been sympathetic but sceptical - which was understandable, A'lestrel had to admit, given some of his behaviour in the past. So he'd *opened* to them, let them *see* the bond-like connection that had taken root between himself and Lutra.
      Zha'haabron had frowned at his bondmate.
      **Would that Jeice were here…**
      Radittsu held the young hybrid in his lap, stroking his sireling's mane. Yes, it would have been more than useful to have Jeice's thoughts on the matter, but the hash'shavven had returned to Home for the Hashavineni and wouldn't be back for another twenty days: he planned to use the occasion to dance with friends, and spend a little time with his children. They'd have to make do without him for now.
      The king took his hostling's hand.
      "Do the tenshi-jin bond?"
      'lestrel shrugged.
      "I don't know, maazi. I don't think so."
      Zha'haabron nodded.
      "That might explain why this *feels* so unlike what any of us understand as a bond. I can't deny its existence. And it is surprisingly strong. Will it last, though?"
      'lestrel frowned.
      "Don't understand."
      "We know that bonds between Saiya-jin and R'ren'nkh'ia-jin - or between hybrids - grow stronger over time…" Yes, the hybrid thought irritably to himself, I know that, that's why 'haabron is on R'ren'nkh'ia with Kobis so you can stay here with papa… "… but this is - different. We know little about the tenshi-jin, but we do know that their females have breeding cycles, similar to our hybrids' fertile shizun. Which, if I'm not mistaken, is not far off for you and Ka'reysu. Might it be that hormones, rather than anything more profound, are responsible for this… pseudo-bond?"
      A'lestrel growled.
      "It is not a pseudo-anything, maazi. I miss her. And it hurts."
      Zha'haabron sighed and stroked the hybrid's face.
      "Then what I suggest is that we do nothing until after your next shizun. If you still feel the same way afterwards, we'll consider the matter further."
      "And in the meantime?"
      The king's eyes were solemn.
      "I wish you to remain onworld. I would prefer you not to have any communication with her, but I will not insist. You will stay within the harem, as usual, while you are in shizun: the tenshi is female in any case, and would be unable to provide the necessary relief for you. Are we in agreement?"
      A'lestrel's face was sullen.
      "I suppose so."
      The king cupped his face in strong, graceful hands.
      "I do not wish to make life more difficult for you, zk'vissin. Bonds - true bonds - are not to be taken lightly. We must be sure."
      "I understand…"

But understanding and actually doing are two quite different things. Five days on and he wanted Lutra. Yearned for her. And sitting here, the rich sounds and scents of the sea filling his senses, he could almost *sense* her, almost *feel* her. He closed his eyes and summoned her image in his mind, soaring in a moon-bright sky.
      He ached. The thought of spending shizun in the harem was repellent - even if not visiting meant only half of shizun's needs could be met. He was sure he could cope, this once.
      Mind made up, he returned to Vejiitamachi, landing at the spaceport.

It was a three day flight to Maurilla for the small, sleek personal cruiser he'd requisitioned. Strictly speaking he should have taken a co-pilot along, but the cruiser's automatic functions were some of the best ever designed: he'd have no problems flying solo.
      Retrieving clothes and personal effects proved easy too. And just to be fair, he left a time-controlled, very apologetic message for maazi and papa, promising he'd be back as soon as he could - hopefully with Lutra.
      One more day and they'd be reunited…

Lutra stepped off the main-line cruiser and out into the bright Vejiitasei sunshine, happily spreading her wings fully for the first time in days.
      It had taken the tenshi a harrowing day or so to organise her passage, not helped by her cousin gouging chunks out of her self-confidence with snide comments about Alestrel's probable reactions to having a discarded toy turn up unexpectedly. Lutra had gritted her teeth and ignored Veran's nastiness. Alestrel may not want her anymore but she had to find out – it was just too painful to leave it as it was.

"Welcome to Vejiitasei." The tall, wingless, hairless, bipedal being greeted Lutra pleasantly, entering her name and planet of origin on a datapad. "My name is Roum and I just need to ask you some questions."
      The tenshi nodded uncertainly; the space-port was very busy. It was kind of frightening – all these different races...
      "Is this your first visit to Vejiitasei?"
      Lutra nodded and Roum made another note.
      "Is the visit for business or personal reasons?"
      "Personal." Lutra smiled to herself – it was going to be a very personal visit, she hoped. Roum made some more notes.
      "Now, do you have somewhere to stay?"
      "I don't know," Lutra was beginning to feel flustered, she hadn't thought much beyond getting to Vejiitasei. "I'm visiting a – a friend."
      "I see," Roum's face creased up into what Lutra assumed was a smile, "Do you know where your friend lives? Can you contact them?"
      The tenshi shook her head, close to tears.
      The tall official gusted a sigh and scratched his bald head with a long finger.
      "Well, I suppose if you give me their name I might be able to help."
      Lutra smiled her tremulous thanks.
      "Ssii'irin Alestrel."
      Roum stared.
      "Prince A'lestrel?"
      "Prince..?" Lutra quavered, her hand going to her mouth. Alestrel was a prince?
      "Hm. The Ssii'irin is usually in residence at the palace but you can't just march up there and demand to see him."
      Lutra wasn't really paying attention to Roum, she was too busy assimilating the information. Alestrel was a prince? Then - then maybe Veran was right? She had only been a diversion for him. Would a prince want anything more with her?
      "Excuse me? Lutra che'Granian? Are you all right?"
      Lutra took a couple of deep but shaky breaths – it didn't matter, she still had to see him...
      "I'm fine thank you, Roum. Could I - ? Is it possible for me to get a message to him?"
      "Not directly," the tall alien tapped his datapad thoughtfully, "but I can contact the diplomatic Corps."
      Roum nodded slowly.
      "All right. I'll do that. In the meantime you're going to need somewhere to stay. There's a hostel in the Alien Quarter..."

The hostel was a plain, tall building close to the space port. Lutra had been assigned a room by the smiling being – a different species again to Roum - at the check in on the ground floor. She'd been shown the dining area and how to work the information console in her room, then left to her own devices. The tenshi was too nervous to eat, or sit still; what she really wanted to do was fly, but she was loath to leave the building in case Alestrel contacted her. She eventually settled in front of the console with the intention of learning as much as she could about Vejiitasei and its inhabitants.
      Lutra couldn't help herself, she went directly to the section of information about the Alliance's Reigning Families and there, smirking out at her from the middle of a family portrait, was Alestrel. The tenshi burst into tears, overcome with conflicting emotions. Seeing her Saiyan's image had brought the longing for him back into sharp focus, but right alongside that was a mountain of doubt about her potential place in his life.

An eternity later there was a knock on the dispirited tenshi's door. Lutra froze – could it be? The knock came again, louder, more insistent this time and she bolted across the small room, tugging at the unfamiliar locking mechanism in her haste.
      Lutra's heart sank: it wasn't Alestrel.
      "Lutra che'Granian?" The alien was tall, and bulky with a scraggly mop of dark-brown hair and wide spaced dark eyes. He also had a furred belt, the same colour as his hair – like Alestrel's tail. "I'm Mangga, from the Diplomatic Corps. I've come to escort you to the Corps building. Follow me please."
      The apprehensive but cautiously hopeful tenshi trailed along in his wake, taking to the air with a sigh of pure delight. Mangga smirked back over his shoulder at her and slowed his flight speed.
      It was a short flight to the broad high ridge that contained the palace complex - the infirmaries and labs, elite guard headquarters, barracks, the diplomatic corps' central buildings, assorted domiciles and the palace itself, massive, many-balconied, resplendent in its own extensive grounds - a short flight, but increasingly nerve-wracking for Lutra. There was nothing this grand on Maurilla.
      Within a few minutes they'd arrived at a series of large buildings set in a beautiful garden. Mangga showed Lutra through to a plainly furnished room and asked her to wait there. The tenshi paced nervously, turning with a jerk as another quiet knock on a door startled her. She recognised this Saiyan, he had been part of the delegation.
      "I am Ra'vahn," he introduced himself, "I'm A'lestrel's sibling."
      "Is he here?" Lutra blurted out. Ra'vahn looked uncomfortable.
      "... Ah..."

It did the Suzerain's reputation no harm that visitors to his palace were always greeted by one or more exquisite, graceful and charming tenshi, all of them hand-picked and groomed for the job. As luck would have it, Veran was on 'visitor duty' when Alestrel arrived unexpectedly. The tenshi's mauve eyes gleamed with a sharp delight: Lutra's special friend was here, and Lutra wasn't. Perfect.
      "Welcome to Cepa, my lord," Veran bowed deeply to the Saiyan, who – she was annoyed to see - didn't appear to notice her beauty, or the soft, inviting swell of her cleavage which she was displaying to best advantage. "Please come with me."
      Veran showed the alien to one of the smaller, intimate reception rooms reserved for dignitaries, ushering him into its cosy warmth with the shy smile she'd spent hours perfecting.
      "I want to see Lutra."
      Veran hid her annoyance behind wide eyes and a regretful sigh.
      "Lutra isn't here, my lord."
      "Where is she?"
      It was at that point the tenshi realised the beautiful alien seemed agitated, tense.
      "I'm not sure, my lord, she, uh, joined up with another male and took off." Veran shrugged, a pretty show of nonchalance. "Lutra is prone to doing that sort of thing, she's not known for her constancy."
      "You're lying." Alestrel snarled, advancing on her.
      "I – I'm not, my lord," Veran found herself backed up hard against a colourful tapestry, very very sharp-looking teeth only inches from her face. "She's not here!"
      For a split second Veran saw uncertainty waver in Alestrel's expression and she pounced – figuratively.
      "I'm sorry to be the one to bring you such tidings, my lord," she laid her palm softly over the centre of his chest, her eyes gentle and sympathetic, "if there is anything I can do to help..."
      She moved her hands slowly up his leanly muscled chest to stroke soothingly at his shoulder and neck. To her delight, Alestrel's eyes drooped half-closed as he leant hungrily into her touch, quivering under her fingers.
      Hah! As always, she could easily take what Lutra wanted...

A'lestrel gazed into the female's eyes - beautiful amethyst eyes, he noted distantly - and for just a moment allowed himself to relish the gentle touch...
      Then he caught the slender wrists and pulled them away and down to the side, a little more roughly than he'd intended. The female winced, her scent suddenly tinged with fear. He regarded her coldly, eyes hard.
      "You will keep your hands to yourself." He didn't say it, but the implied - 'if you wish to keep them' - hung between the two.
      "F – forgive me, my lord," Veran's normally pleasantly low-pitched voice was noticeably on the squeaky side, "I meant no disrespect."
      Alestrel dropped her wrists and stepped away from her.
      "I want to know where Lutra is."
      Veran had, frankly, run away at that point. Heart pounding, caught between the desire to hide and the knowledge her life – and reputation - wouldn't be worth fish shit if she didn't do as the Saiyan requested, she'd calmed herself, settled her feathers, and gone to look for Turlan.

The Suzerain's sister was surprised, and secretly pleased, to find the Saiyan Ambassador in the palace – though he looked... strained.
      "Ssii'irin A'lestrel, it's a pleasure to see you again." Turlan greeted him warmly and courteously, bowing from the waist and lowering her eyes.
      "Thank you for your hospitality, my Lady."
      Turlan took his statement in the spirit with which it was no doubt intended, ignoring the Ambassador's gritted teeth and glittering golden eyes.
      "I want to know where Lutra is."
      Turlan frowned.
      "Didn't Veran tell you? She's not here – " the Suzerain's sister took an involuntary step towards the Saiyan at the expression of anguish that passed over his fine features, " – she's gone to Vejiitasei."
      A'lestrel stared, eyes huge.
      "She… she what?"

The big Saiyan hesitated for a moment, then sighed quietly and smiled at the nervous tenshi.
      "You'd better come with me."

Ra'vahn landed on a broad balcony at the sunward corner of the top storey of the palace proper, and turned to face Lutra.
      "I'm afraid we are hardly prepared for guests."
      It was all the warning she got as he opened the glassed door and ushered her inside…
      Colour… movement… the noises of happiness… warm and sweet and spicy scents…
      It was beautiful in here. The spacious room - apparently the main living room, going by the sheer relaxed comfort of the furnishings - was filled with… She gazed around, bewildered but charmed. There were young children there, and two babies cuddled into the arms of a mauve-skinned, black haired Saiyan…
      A tiny Saiyan… or was he? He didn't seem to have a tail… rose from the vast, padded platform that took up the whole of a large alcove against the inner wall and walked towards her, smiling, arms held wide.
      "Hello Lutra. Please, be welcome. I'm Ti'aasaan." He glanced over his shoulder at a... person, definitely not a Saiyan, and hissed something unintelligible, then turned back to the tenshi. "Come, make yourself comfortable."
      She settled herself nervously on one of the big, downy floor cushions scattered around the room, watching as Ti'aasaan seated himself nearby - then flinching as a small hand caught hold of her wing.
      Ti'aasaan frowned and hissed, and the hand let go, the child scampering over to sit in his lap. Large turquoise eyes gazed at the tenshi from under a heavy silver mane, long silver tail coiling around a pale blue forearm. Ti'aasaan smiled apologetically.
      "I'm sorry. Jemiin is very inquisitive… I understand you're here to see 'lestrel?"
      Lutra nodded, too nervous to speak. Ti'aasaan grinned impishly.
      "He's not at the palace right now. Someone has gone to track him down…"

In fact, once 'vahn had *told* them that Lutra had arrived, Zha'haarak had tried to *contact* 'lestrel, not particularly surprised when there was no answer: shizun tended to play havoc with hormones and emotions both. He'd had Sasa fly to the harem to collect the hybrid.
      Who wasn't there. And hadn't been seen there since his last shizun, over a year ago.
      Frowning, Sasa *contacted* Radittsu, who was overseeing a training session at the larger arena. Cutting short the session, Radittsu *searched* for his sireling's ki, alarmed when he was unable to locate it. He returned to the palace, *calling* for Zha'haabron on the way…

The non-Saiyan person - Zh'leet, Lutra discovered, not a servant, quite - had handed out sweet, fruity drinks to everyone, and Ti'aasaan, helped by the children who were very curious about their visitor and fascinated by her wings, chatted easily to the tenshi, asking her about her trip, how her world compared to Vejiitasei, what she'd thought of the city… After a while he paused, glancing towards the balcony with a broad grin.
      "Ah, good. Radittsu's here. He's A'lestrel's… father." he added at Lutra's enquiring look.
      Lutra stared up, and up, at the newcomer. Alestrel's sire was overwhelming; he was enormous, very tall, heavily muscled and his hair fell in a shining black waterfall to his knees. He was sort of attractive too, if you liked them that big, but right now all she wanted was Alestrel and delightfully distracting as it was to meet his family she was getting anxious.
      Radittsu stared down at the tenshi, concern for his sireling and irritation that the source of the hybrid's current… trouble… had arrived without warning mingled in his mind. And what a pale little thing she was, too! Pretty, but so fragile! The complete opposite of A'lestrel's usual choice of partner…
      He inclined his head.
      It came out as a low, rough growl, and the tenshi flinched slightly, but before she could say anything another… person arrived.
      Lutra stared. This had to be A'lestrel's other parent. The similarities were too marked for him to be anything else. And he was beautiful.
      Then she frowned, her gaze flickering between the two beings towering above her.
      They were different species. They had to be…
      And if these were Alestrel's parents then that meant the blue-skinned one her Saiyan favoured had to be…
      Lutra's eyes widened and she scrambled to kneel in front of the pair.
      "Your Majesty."

Zha'haabron's reaction on seeing the tenshi for the first time was similar to his bondmate's - though without the irritation. This was definitely unexpected. He extended a hand to the kneeling figure.
      "Lutra. Please stand."
      Shyly, gracefully, the tenshi got to her feet, standing awkwardly in front of the powerful aliens, her hands clasped in front of her. She peeked up at – Zha'haabron, that was his name, wasn't it? – through a thick, gold fringe.
      "Alestrel looks like you, your Majesty."
      The king inclined his head, eyeing her closely.
      *She's not trying to flatter.* Radittsu had scented the female discreetly: Zha'haabron nodded minutely, then frowned at Lutra.
      "Do you know where the Ssii'irin is?"
      "I thought, hoped, he was here, your Majesty." Lutra suddenly felt very alone. "That's why I came."
      Radittsu growled, raising a frisson of fear.
      "He's not here. As best we can establish, he hasn't been seen for four days."
      The tenshi looked stricken.
      "Four days?" she quavered, eyes brimming. "Where is he?"
      Zha'haabron sighed. He had a sneaking suspicion he knew where the hostling was…
      "When did you two last speak? And when did you leave Maurilla?"
      "We've not spoken since he left me – my planet," Lutra amended with a blush, "and I left Maurilla three of our days ago."
      Zha'haabron glanced at Radittsu.
      "Contact Zyelenyi - have him communicate with Maurilla, see if the zk'vils is there…"
      At that moment a low chime sounded from the console in the corner of the room, making Lutra start nervously. The king and his bondmate exchanged a frown, then loped to the machine.
      A'lestrel's face appeared - looking somewhat embarrassed.
      "Maazi, papa, I'm sorry - I disobeyed you. By the time this message activates, I should be on Maurilla, hopefully with Lutra." He paused, lowering his head. "I want her to come back with me, at least for a while. I want you to meet her. I want you to realise, to *feel*, that what we have isn't just a flick of the tail…"
      Lutra gasped and darted over to the console, unthinkingly raising a hand to the screen.
      "Alestrel? Oh..." The disappointment when she realised her Saiyan wasn't there, that it was just a recorded message, was crushing. Then she pouted crossly, hands on hips.
      "He could have waited for me."
      Radittsu blinked.
      "Waited for you? What d'you mean?"
      "He should have stayed here. I was coming to see him. He – " Lutra stopped suddenly, chagrined, "I suppose we should have contacted each other first."
      Radittsu and Zha'haabron exchanged that exasperated look known the universe over as '…huh - KIDS…'. The king regarded the tenshi sombrely.
      "It might have been wise, yes…"
      "I'm so sorry, your Majesty, I – I just wanted to see him so badly!" Lutra's wings drooped and she hugged herself tightly, eyes closed trying not to cry in front of the imposing aliens.
      Then her eyes flashed open. "Alestrel's on Maurilla? He went to see me?"
      A cool strong hand rested on her shoulder.
      "Come and be seated, Lutra. Zh'leet, drinks please. Zkai'da -" the king smiled at his bondmate, "will you have Zyelenyi communicate with Maurilla?"
      While Radittsu contacted the diplomatic corps, Zha'haabron led the tenshi to a mound of floor cushions and gestured to her to make herself comfortable, dropping gracefully to sit cross-legged in front of her.
      "A'lestrel has told me what happened. It would appear you feel the same."
      The tenshi blushed, uncomfortable – tenshi-jin liked to keep private things private – but she answered the High King as honestly as she could.
      "I don't truly understand it, your Majesty, but I love Alestrel more than I'd have thought it possible to love anybody. I need him, and it… hurts without him."

Zha'haabron sighed - doing his best to ignore Zh'leet's beaming grin and twinkling eyes.
      "My hostling has also said it is painful." His eyes flickered to Radittsu at the comm unit, waiting for Zyelenyi to authorise contact with Maurilla.
      **I think we have to accept that it is some sort of bond…**
      Radittsu nodded.
      *Not what I'd have chosen for him, but… Well, we'll see…*
      Zha'haabron's gaze returned to Lutra.
      "Very well. We will sanction your being together, at least until we can confirm if the relationship is a binding one."
      Lutra blinked, not quite comprehending. 'lestrel's parents approved? They could be together? Even though she was...
      The tenshi's face dropped.
      "Your Majesty, I have to be honest. I'm not nobility, by rights I should only have a servant's position on Maurilla."
      A brief pause, then,
      "And your point is?"
      "It doesn't matter that Alestrel and I aren't the same rank?" Lutra was surprised but a beaming smile was spreading over her face as the last of her doubts were summarily shrugged off by Zha'haabron. "And he wants me too? Oh... "
      It was too much. The tenshi burst into tears.

At which point the comm unit screen burst into life, and A'lestrel's voice - anxious, tense - poured from the speaker.
      "Papa, Lutra's on her way there… you must have someone meet her, I don't want any harm to come to her…"
      Lutra scrambled upright, diving for the screen.
      "Alestrel?" she said incredulously.

Veran watched, jealousy a sick taste at the back of her throat, as the prince placed one hand on the screen, palm down, his face…
      She'd kill to have someone look at her with such love.
      Then A'lestrel frowned, his other hand clenching into a fist.
      "Why are you crying? Who's hurt you?"

"I'm not hurt, hab'lan," Lutra wiped her eyes with one hand, the other pressed against the screen, "I'm happy." She grinned at him, shyly, "Your parents say it's all right. We can be together. Please come back."
      Radittsu moved to glower at his sireling over the tenshi's shoulder.
      "Now let me guess. You went alone, so there's no co-pilot. You've had little sleep, and no sex, so you're exhausted, strung tight and hurting." A'lestrel blushed and lowered his eyes. Radittsu nodded grimly. "You're not safe to fly. You will have to wait until we can send a cruiser to collect you." As the hybrid's head jerked up, lips parted ready to argue, his sire growled loudly. "This is not open to debate, brat! Shizun-onset is no excuse for stupidity! You WILL remain on Maurilla until the cruiser arrives. Do I make myself clear?"
      This last was almost roared, and Lutra quailed. As A'lestrel flinched and nodded frantically, Radittsu snorted and glared at him.
      "Consider it punishment for your disobedience - and for your stupidity in not contacting Maurilla before taking off like… like… " he paused, frowning, then snarled, "Next time, use your fucking head."
      A'lestrel, looking thoroughly chastened, nodded meekly.
      "Sorry papa."
      Radittsu humphed and turned his head - to hide a smile, Lutra saw with amazement as the big Saiyan gazed at the king, his eyes soft. When he turned back to the screen he was as fierce as ever. Alestrel swallowed and asked, hesitantly,
      "When… when do you think I should expect the cruiser?"
      Radittsu kept him waiting for a few moments, then growled,
      "I'll have Uzum come for you. I'll arrange for a harem hito to be aboard, as well. Use him."
      A'lestrel nodded, looking slightly less anxious - by which Lutra assumed that this Uzum was a fast and efficient pilot. She wasn't so sure about the mention of a harem… someone, though she didn't want to risk asking either of A'lestrel's parents what that was about.
      Radittsu peered at his sireling, frowning.
      "Get some rest. You'll be home in a couple of days: I'm sure you'll want to be fit for your little torii."

Giggling, bright-eyed, Lutra crouched down low behind a large tree in the palace gardens, her ears straining for sounds of pursuit. Under Prince Zha'haarak's watchful eye she was playing hide and seek with some of the younger children of Alestrel's extended family – and playing quite successfully. The Saiyans had a heightened sense of smell, which normally would have given the children an advantage in tracking her down, but it seemed there were certain Vejiitasei plants that served to mask her scent. The palace garden was full of these plants...
      Lutra had been on Vejiitasei for three days, taken in – maybe 'enveloped' was a better word – by Alestrel's family, given her own room in the family suite and as much privacy as she needed. It had been... interesting. The Family was large and loving, and had no qualms about doing everything within view of everyone else. Lutra had blushed crimson when invited to bathe with them.
      She'd been touched by the warmth with which they treated her, even if the sheer number of them could be a little overwhelming at times...
       Lutra put her hand over her mouth, stifling another giggle. Jemiin was very close, sliding stealthily through the undergrowth, alert for any trace of her. The tenshi froze - but not because the child was close.
      It was Alestrel: he was nearby. She knew it - though she had no idea how she knew…

Ka'reysu watched the tenshi, circumspectly, waiting to see what happened. He knew his twin was back onworld, of course - the whole family *knew*! - but would Lutra?
      He hoped so. 'lestrel was exhausted and hurting - and *hurting* - and if the tenshi wasn't aware of it… Well, it wouldn't bode well for whatever bond they had…

… and something was wrong, he was in pain...
      Without realising it, Lutra straightened up, oblivious to both Jemiin's hiss of triumph and Zha'haarak's quiet restraint of the child. She sprang in to the air, the gust from the downbeat of her wings stirring the leafy mulch on the ground. Frowning, anxious, she hovered above the palace gardens, trying without really knowing what she was doing, to find her Saiyan.
      Her sharp hunter's eyes spotted movement far in the distance, and she gasped, knowing it was Alestrel. Without a second thought she streaked off towards him...

Radittsu had frowned as his sireling stumbled from the cruiser, pale, shadow-eyed: he'd obviously hardly slept. The big Saiyan loped forwards and caught the hybrid as he fell, sweeping the lean form up into strong warm arms.
      *Baka. Complete idiot.*
      **… love you too, papa…**
      Radittsu chuckled and rose from the ground, heading for the palace, A'lestrel held close.
      *Let's get you back. She's waiting for you…*
      The hybrid shivered, the thought instantly arousing even though, from his scent, he'd actually done as ordered and allowed the harem hito to ease the first stresses of shizun.

Radittsu was carrying Alestrel back to the suite; Lutra hovered anxiously, as close as she could get to them. Which wasn't anywhere close enough considering the amount of space she needed for her wings. Alestrel looked awful - though he brightened when he saw her – and neither of them could tear their gaze away from the other.
      The tenshi wanted nothing more than to spirit her hab'lan away somewhere private and... and... Lutra was caught uncomfortably between the urge to mother and protect him, and fuck him 'til he couldn't stand. She giggled, he looked like he could barely stand as it was...

Radittsu landed on the main balcony and immediately carried his sireling through to the room Lutra was using, swinging A'lestrel to his feet and supporting him while he got his (somewhat precarious) balance back. Lutra hastened to wrap an arm around his waist, gratified when he gripped her hand and slid his arm across her shoulders, careful of her wings.
      The tension was almost visible. The big Saiyan smirked, his eyes twinkling.
      "There'll be food ready when you want it. Just *shout*…"
      He turned to leave, glancing back over his shoulder at A'lestrel's quiet *call*.
      **Thank you, papa**
      Radittsu smiled.
      *…be well, zk'vissin…*

Lutra sighed contentedly, stroking silky green hair, A'lestrel's head resting on her shoulder. The hybrid was asleep, one arm around her waist, tail possessively wrapped around her thigh.
      As the door closed behind his sire, he'd dragged off the bodysuit and boots he'd been wearing, then ripped off the trousers and tunic Lutra wore, grabbing her tightly to his cold, shaking body…
      He'd dragged her down to the large, low bed, taking her with a thrilling urgency, thrusting hard, covering her face and throat with almost bruising kisses, coming quickly then rolling onto his back, still hard inside her: pulling her to him, tail easing between their bodies to tease her sensitive flesh and holding back until she was ready too…
      It had been fast and intense and deeply satisfying. He'd managed to stay awake long enough, afterwards, to stroke and kiss her, gently, speaking in a murmuring hiss words she didn't understand but it didn't matter - everything was all right now…
      He stirred slightly, erection hard against her thigh, and she kissed his hair.
      "I'm here, hab'lan."
      He cupped one breast in a cool hand and reached down to lick the other nipple, then gazed up at her, tired eyes still half-closed.
      "Are you hungry?"
      To her surprise she realised she was, and nodded. He smirked wearily.
      Seconds later Zh'leet entered the room, large platter heaped with a variety of meats in her large, capable hands. She grinned widely at the pair, snuggled together on the bed: at some point the hostling's plait had come undone and now thick green mane was tangled with silky blonde hair and ruffled white feathers.
      It was a charming sight.
      Zh'leet shook off her brief sentimental fit and lowered the platter to the ground beside the bed, smirking at Lutra.
      "Make sure he eats plenty. He needs building up." She turned to leave, then grinned back over her shoulder.
      "Oh, and later, you can tell me all about your species' reproductive cycles…"

Lutra blinked. Reproductive cycles? Good gods she hadn't even considered that... Could she and 'lestrel breed? She'd never really thought about children before but - a little blue-skinned tenshi with a tail? It was an appealing thought. Not right away, though. Lutra sighed, wriggling closer to Alestrel: she'd – they'd - think about it later.
      She closed her eyes, almost tearfully happy. They'd have all the 'laters' they needed…

© 2003 March 11th Amanda and Joules

Seventh Alliance Chronicle Index

Shizun - season, heat. On reaching early adulthood, the hybrids start experiencing something approximating the 'heat' that female Saiya-jin endure twice every 1.25 Vejiitasei years: for the hybrids shizun happens much less often, around three times over four V years. It lasts between ten and thirty V days, with the actual fertile period, during which (and only during which) the hybrid can conceive hostlings, lasting between five and twenty days.
      Its effect on the hybrids is similar to its effect on female Saiya-jin: a constant and irresistible need to fuck and be fucked, coupled with a heightened sense of smell and touch. When shizun was first understood, Zha'haabron set up the harem so the hybrids can find relief, and release, without any risk of them conceiving: the harem hito (person) are all alien. Beautiful, but genetically distinct from both Saiya-jin and R'ren'nkh'ia-jin. (They are also some of the highest paid and most deeply envied individuals on Vejiitasei…)

Torii - bird