
Lutra nuzzled Alestrel's neck. The Zasshu was deeply asleep, sprawled on his stomach on the rather small bunk in their state-room: the newly-bonded pair were on their way back to Maurilla, the tenshi's homeworld, for the double moon celebration. Lutra nipped lightly at her mate's shoulder, stroking fingertips down his spine to the base of his tail.
       "Are you awake yet, hab'lan?"
       One dark golden eye peered up at her from behind a lean, blue arm.
       "I am now."
       "Good." The tenshi giggled wickedly, shifting around so she could nibble and lick the exquisitely sensitive skin around his tail...

Some time later Alestrel smirked at the tenshi cuddled languidly into his side.
       "I should take over from Ry."
       "Probably," Lutra's voice was an indistinct mumble, "he's been very good about letting us have time alone."

Alestrel's parents had agreed to let them return to Maurilla if Alestrel took a co-pilot this time. The Zasshu'd been on the point of protesting until Ti'aasaan had looked at him and he'd acquiesced without a murmur. Lutra found out later the little zn'hre had telepathically pointed out to her mate how much more time he'd be able to spend with her if there was another pilot.
      Ry met them at the spaceport. The Saiyan was taller and older than Alestrel and broadly built, his black mane flopping in soft spikes over black eyes that twinkled with wry good humour. He'd looked the tenshi up and down, openly appraising.
       "Do you share?" he smirked at the prince.
       "No." Lutra said, voice soft but her eyes flashed dangerously.
       "No." Alestrel confirmed with a smirk, winding his tail possessively around her waist.
       "Do you share?" the Saiyan smirked at Lutra.
       "Enough!" Alestrel grinned, stepping in before the tenshi could reply, "let's go, ne?"

The small cruiser they were using was sleekly beautiful, state-of-the-art, but not spacious; there weren't many places the tenshi could fully spread her wings, certainly not in their little cabin, but that was a minor matter compared to the joy of being with her mate. Alestrel was bothered by something though, not that he said as much but Lutra knew. It was very strange how much she knew of what her mate was thinking or feeling. Tenshi-jin weren't telepathic and while a bonded pair would, over time, develop an awareness of each other, it was nothing like what she was experiencing with 'lestrel. Lutra guessed it was because of her Zasshu's 'pathic abilities. Zha'haabron had said as much when he'd *scanned* them both.

The Tenshi had felt very self-conscious lying fully-clothed in the High King's embrace, but with 'lestrel snuggled in behind her it hadn't been too bad and before long she'd slipped into a deep, restful sleep. She'd woken a little later to her hab'lan lovingly stroking her face.
      "How are you feeling, aijin?"
      Lutra smiled and stretched luxuriously, incidentally arching her back and brushing her breasts against the Zasshu. Alestrel smirked down at her.
      "Later, zk'vissin, we've an appointment with Vinas now."

The bio-tech had taken blood and tissue samples from them both. While there was no way to track any change in Lutra's blood chemistry since she'd bonded, it was an easy matter comparing Alestrel's samples with previous ones. Vinas had appeared to Lutra to be vaguely enthusiastic as he explained to them – and Zha'haabron, who'd accompanied the pair – how it seemed that some aspects of Alestrel's hormonal and chemical make-up now mimicked parts of her own.
       "Tell me about tenshi-jin bonds." Vinas asked her, datapad at the ready.
       Lutra straightened up on the stool as she considered the best way to answer the bio-tech's question.
       "Over time, a mated pair will change, adapt to each other."
       "Adapt, how?"
       Lutra frowned thoughtfully.
       "It's – they become attuned to their mate." She fluffed her feathers irritably – she didn't know if she could make it any clearer than that.
       Vinas watched her expressionlessly.
       "What is the result of this adaptation?"
       "Ah," Lutra smiled, she could answer this, "mates are very protective of each other, and their children, and – " she lowered her eyes, blushing shyly, " – they're only, um, interested in each other."
       The bio-tech blinked. So did Zha'haabron.
       "'Interested' – as in, sexually attracted?" The High King asked.
       Lutra nodded.
       "Yes, your majesty, it's necessary, really."
       "How so?"
       "We're very territorial and when you know, in your heart, that your mate won't go elsewhere, it's... well, mates rarely kill each other."
       "I see." Vinas said after a moment. "Can a female only become pregnant to her mate?"
       "No," Lutra said shortly and hoped he wouldn't pursue that line of enquiry.

It hadn't happened much in recent times but in the past it wasn't unheard of for a mated female to be stolen from her family, held captive until she went into a breeding cycle, then forcibly impregnated before being released. No paired female would tolerate being touched by someone other than her mate and she would inevitably fight, hard, against it; but these types of attacks were rarely carried out by a solitary male, and often the female would suffer grievous injuries, testimony to the struggle. While the children of these attacks were always accepted into the female's family, it had been known for a female to kill herself rather than bring this dishonour to her mate.

"You only have one partner?" Alestrel looked incredulous, and – Lutra thought – a little worried. "Doesn't that get boring?"
      The tenshi laughed, raising a hand to cup the Zasshu's cool cheek.
      "How can you get bored with the one you live for?"
      Alestrel didn't say anything, but Lutra knew he was anxious – she didn't miss the worried look he exchanged with his maazi either. What was that about?
      "And this lasts a lifetime?" Zha'haabron asked quietly. Lutra nodded.
      "How do these bonds form?" Vinas enquired, the bio-tech's voice slicing neatly into the charged silence.
      "They just happen, sir," Lutra considered, "some bonds take a while to establish while some – " she smiled at her mate, blue eyes shining with love, " – form very quickly, but generally speaking, the longer a couple spend alone the quicker the bond forms – oh!"
      "Zk'vissin?" Alestrel was looking at her with some concern.
      "It's all right," the tenshi grinned, "I've just realised something."
      "What's that?" Alestrel relaxed a little.
      "It's customary for only formally paired couples – those whose pairing has been recognised by their families – to be allowed privacy, un-paired couples aren't allowed the same privilege." The tenshi's grin widened. "That being forced to grope in dark corners is to stop any inadvertent bonds forming."
      Alestrel blinked.
      "Like ours?"
      Lutra sobered, gazing seriously at her mate.
      "Like ours."

After the session at the medical centre, Alestrel and Lutra had flown down to the coast to hunt and swim - amongst other things - while Zha'haabron returned to the suite for a family 'conference' with his own bondmate, Zha'haarak and Ti'aasaan.
      "It is a genuine bond," Zha'haarak mused aloud, "and there can be no doubt of their feelings for each other."
      "But?" Ti'aasaan, sitting cross-legged beside the High King, said with a small smile.
      "But," Zha'haabron gazed sombrely at the little zn'hre, "the tenshi-jin are physiologically monogamous, and A'lestrel - is not."
      The little zn'hre sighed. The young hybrid was renowned for his… appetites… and well known around the barracks: more than once the High King had wished his hostling could behave in a manner more appropriate for a member of the royal family.
      "I'm not sure I follow..." Zha'haarak frowned.
      "Lutra will be content with only Alestrel, but she will not be able to fulfil all of his needs." Zha'haabron rubbed at his forehead. "How will she react when her mate inevitably seeks out others? She said herself her people are extremely territorial, and from what I have *seen* that is true."
      "She didn't seem to have a problem when 'lestrel was in shizun." Radittsu pointed out reasonably.
      Zha'haabron nodded.
      "True, but that was an exceptional circumstance, and I believe she was unconsciously empathising with him, drawn along by the strengthening bond. It will be different when he's not in shizun."
      "Heh, maybe it'll teach the brat some self-restraint!" Radittsu rumbled in amusement. Zha'haabron's wry smile indicated how likely he thought that was. He frowned.
      "I would not wish her to be… hurt, in any way. But I also do not wish any harm to come to my hostling." He smiled at his bondmate. "It is less a matter of restraint, more one of physiology, as Vinas has confirmed. The Zasshu need that stimulation, and the occasional influx of semen, to prevent physical and emotional stress."
      Radittsu grimaced.
      "Then they're just going to have to compromise. It won't do the brat any harm to learn a little consideration for others. And if the torii was tolerant at shizun, I'm sure she can be tolerant at other times as well." He smirked. "Heh, she'll have to be if she wants a happy mate!"
      Zha'haabron nodded slowly, then sighed.
      "It is in some ways an unfortunate bonding…"
      Radittsu wrapped strong arms around him from behind and nuzzled his ear.
      "You could say that about ours. Didn't stop us, did it? Or Hijau and Zha'haarak. Or any of the others."
      "This is a slightly different situation…"
      "I know. Stop worrying. They'll work it out for themselves and be the stronger for it. So will their bond…"

Lutra was sleeping. Brushing a kiss over her face, A'lestrel loped through to the craft's small cockpit. Ry glanced over his shoulder, then swivelled to grin appreciatively at the lean naked form.
      "Heh, want to play?"
      A'lestrel scowled and absently ruffled the Saiyan's mane, hissing in startlement when Ry grabbed his hips and yanked the hybrid to sit astride his lap. Nuzzling the cool throat, rocking his hips gently to rub his rapidly-hardening erection against the prince's groin, he whispered,
      "We've missed you, you know, aijin. Lot of broken hearts at the barracks."
      A'lestrel sighed.
      "Baka. You know flattery never worked."
      He gasped and arched his back as strong warm hands slid down to fondle the base of his tail, freezing as Ry eased one finger into him to stroke at his internal tail spot.
      "I mean it."
      "R… Ry…"
      The Saiyan paused, kissing his jaw.
      "For old time's sake?"
      Gritting his teeth. A'lestrel rested his forehead against the Saiyan's.
      "Ry, I'm only just bonded…"
      The Saiyan's tail wrapped a rigid quivering inkei.
      "You still want it, though."
      "Of course I fucking want it! But… it wouldn't be fair to Lutra."
      "But she can't fuck you."
      "That much is obvious."
      "I can."
      'lestrel bit his lip, torn. Ry had always been an exciting and fulfilling lover, and they were both achingly aroused… The Saiyan stroked his tail spot again…
      And 'lestrel moaned and gave in, trembling fingers dragging the lower half of Ry's bodysuit down his thighs to expose the big throbbing inkei then impaling himself, eyes closing as Ry suckled on his neck, ramming up into his body, easing in another finger and tormenting him, teasing and fondling, other hand wrapping his shaft…

Lutra jerked out of an uneasy sleep, disoriented for a moment – hadn't she been flying with 'lestrel? She rubbed tiredly at her eyes; no, she'd been dreaming... The tenshi shuddered at the sudden, superstitious chill shivering down her spine; in her dream she hadn't been flying with Alestrel, she'd been struggling to catch up to him as he streaked ahead of her. She looked up as the cabin door opened, her welcoming smile freezing in place when 'lestrel didn't quite meet her eye.
      The Zasshu was naked, nothing unusual there, 'lestrel preferred it but... Lutra's gaze dropped to the two crescent shaped bruises on his collarbone. She frowned, confused – they looked like bite marks.
      'lestrel was very *aware* of Lutra - her scent was troubled, her dreams had been uneasy, and - oh fuck - she was staring at his neck. He was abruptly conscious of the low ache where Ry had bitten him, and obviously left marks.
      He bowed his head, a weird mix of emotions coursing through him, irritation, a warm post-sex glow of satisfaction, edginess…. Foremost was guilt - not for what he'd done, exactly, but for how disappointed and upset she was going to be…
      He sighed and seated himself on the edge of the bed.
      "Zk'vissin… I'm sorry."
      Lutra wet her suddenly dry lips.
      "Ry?" the tenshi whispered – stupid question, a small part of her thought, who else could it be?
      He watched her for a moment, biting his lip. She was upset.
      Of course she was upset.
      He wiped a hand across his eyes.
      "Lutra… I think… We need to talk…"

The tenshi went rigid with something akin to shock, the surge of brutal, mixed emotions temporarily immobilising her.
      He'd let Ry fuck him?
      She was murderously angry with Ry for daring to touch her hab'lan, as well as aroused by the thought, and twining through those conflicting feelings was a bitter despair that she'd failed her mate.

The conflicting emotions in her scent made him feel dizzy for a moment - and he didn't know whether to keep his distance or pull her into his arms - though he'd much prefer the second option. He growled to himself.
      "It's not your fault, zk'vissin…!" He took a deep breath. "Look… You know what I am. I need… I need both… Not just at shizun, either. And Ry and I… we've known each other since I was tiny…"
      Lutra trembled, unable to speak. She'd assumed that once shizun was over she'd have 'lestrel to herself; she shook her head in disgust at her naivety. She would never, ever, be enough for her hab'lan, he'd always go elsewhere. But… How often? Would it be a daily occurrence? Lutra squeezed her eyes shut, she didn't think she could bear having her failure thrown back at her like that. Maybe this bonding wasn't a good idea.
      "I – I understand, Alestrel," Lutra murmured, eyes downcast, hands clasped tightly in her lap to stop her reaching for her mate. "Your happiness is mine, you do what you must." And I'll wait in silence, smiling, until you need me...
      He shoved a hand through his mane, exasperated and guilty.
      "No you don't understand!" He sighed, shoulders slumping. "It's… it's a physical thing… Lutra, I've been fucking and being fucked since I was…" He paused, trying to remember. "Since I was a child… We all need it, but some more than others. It… feels good, it… scratches an itch, if you like, but it doesn't mean anything…"
      He stood abruptly and began to pace, tail lashing.
      "I don't think I can stop needing it. I mean, I can try, if you really want me to, but…" He stood in the middle of the small room, arms raised in a helpless shrug. "I can't change what I am. I don't want to change… Fuck, we should have sorted all this out before things went this far…"
      He dropped down onto the bed and sank his head into his hands, tail draped limply behind him.
      Lutra stared at her mate, biting her lip as she tentatively reached out to lay a gentle hand on his shoulderblade.
      "We didn't have time, hab'lan," she said softly, "it all happened so quickly."
      She moved to cuddle the despondent Zasshu, wrapping an arm around his waist and lying her head on his shoulder.
      "I do understand, 'lestrel, about – about it only being physical, not meaning anything." Lutra nuzzled a cool neck, her arousal stirring being this close to her mate despite everything else. "I haven't had anywhere near the - er - experience you have, but even I can see now that what I feel for you makes dust of my... previous... partners." She put her hand under his chin, gently forcing him to look at her. "I do want you to stop needing others," she placed a finger over his lips, forestalling his comment, "but that will make you unhappy and I want that less." Lutra kissed him, subtly but forcefully pushing at him until he was sitting upright and she could straddle his lap. She cupped his face in her hands and smiled down into wide, golden eyes. "Be happy however you need to, aijin – " Lutra had picked up that word on Vejiitasei, "just not every day if you can help it, and – and if I could be there too, sometimes..." she trailed off diffidently, blushing.

He gazed up at her, startled, lips parted. That was… generous. Very, very generous, given her own needs, her own… *mores*. He touched a finger to her cheek.
      "Zk'vissin… Thank you. I'll…" He sighed. "I don't need to - indulge - every day. Just every now and again. And that's most often with family, these days." He winced inwardly, remembering some of his past behaviour… "And only when I need to be fucked." He frowned at her, startled, suddenly *knowing* the truth of his words. "I don't need anyone but you for anything else. Well, mostly. Except at shizun…"
      "Glad that's sorted out," Lutra nipped at his bottom lip while wriggling slowly in his lap, beyond happy to feel his inkei hardening between her thighs. "can we make love now, hab'lan? Please?" The tenshi wasn't going to try and make sense of it right at this moment, but as confused and unhappy as she'd been to find out 'lestrel had been fucked by Ry, the very idea was still powerfully arousing.
      "Oh, I think so," Alestrel smirked.

Lutra knew bumping into Ry was unavoidable – the cruiser was small and she couldn't keep to the stateroom for the remainder of the trip – but still she wasn't fully prepared for the surge of possessive fury that gripped her when she did see him. The Saiyan wandered into the galley as she was heating a meal for herself and 'lestrel, stopping short at the entrance to the small space. Lutra stared at him, a hunter's level, unblinking gaze. Ry had the good grace to look uncomfortable, which was just as well because, elite warrior or no if he'd smirked at her she would have gone for his throat.
      In silence, she finished what she was doing, ignoring the big male as she focused on the task. Lutra hefted the full tray and made to leave the galley only to find Ry still standing in the doorway.
      "Excuse me, please." The tenshi looked up at the warrior, keeping her voice and expression as neutral as possible even though she was still seething quietly. Ry regarded her – curiously? - for a few seconds, nostrils twitching before finally stepping aside to let her pass. Lutra was aware of his scrutiny following her along the short corridor as she headed back to the state-room.

The rest of the trip was uneventful. Alestrel was mindful of his bondmate's feelings and stayed away from Ry – not that he seemed to find that difficult, Lutra thought happily – and three days out from Vejiitasei the cruiser was given permission to land at Cepa's starport.

Veran greeted the trio as they approached the palace, ignoring Lutra and heading straight for Alestrel, a soft, welcoming smile on her beautiful face.
      "Welcome back, Ssii'irin A'lestrel!"
      Before the female could get within ten paces, however, Lutra unsubtly stepped in front of her mate, wings rising in warning.
      The tenshi glared at each other, or rather, Veran glared, Lutra merely watched but didn't budge from her guarding stance in front of Alestrel.
      "You still couldn't beat me." Veran hissed in a low voice, completely unaware of the Saiyans' exceptional hearing.
      "Is that a challenge, cousin?" Lutra countered with deceptive mildness – she caught Ry's snort of amusement behind her. Alestrel's tail snaked visibly around her waist and the Zasshu stepped close, draping a possessive arm over her shoulder, the other around her midriff above the shining emerald of his tail.
      "That won't be necessary." Alestrel said, effectively ignoring Veran as he nuzzled his mate's cheek, then he turned indifferent, golden eyes on the tenshi. "We would like to see Turlan..."

They followed the tenshi into the palace, her fury starkly evident in the stiff lines of her wings and back. The Suzerain's sister, however, was genuinely pleased to see them.
      "You found each other!" she exclaimed, beaming widely at the lovers. Turlan observed them closely, noting how close they stood to each other, how they always seemed to be touching. "This has become a formal pairing?"
      Lutra smiled and ducked her head, blushing.
      "Yes, your Highness."
      "I'm very pleased for you, child, and for you Ssii'irin Alestrel," Turlan said graciously, "though your family might have wanted a say in it, Lutra."
      The young female laughed, glancing back lovingly over her shoulder at her mate.
      "We didn't get a say in it, Highness, I don't see how my family could have made any difference!"
      Turlan smiled indulgently at them – it was past time Lutra had something go her way for a change, she was a sweet child and deserved better than she'd been given. The older female's smile turned wry; no doubt the Suzerain would sulk for a while that it wasn't one of his children who had bonded to a member of the Saiya-jin Empire's Royal Family, but he'd manage to turn it to his advantage somehow.

A'lestrel had expected them to leave for Lutra's holding straight away and was surprised when she took him by the hand and led him through the palace to a comfortably cluttered room on an upper floor. There were eight individual sleeping areas in here, and the large window set into the thick stone wall was open letting in a brisk breeze.
      Curious, he scented the room. Several females shared this space, including his tenshi – and Veran.
      "Unpaired tenshi sleep communally, within their family groups, males and females in separate dormitories," Lutra explained as she gathered up a bundle of belongings. She stood up and looked around a little wistfully. "It's not that I'm going to miss being here, but…" she sighed, "…it's a part of my life that's over now." Lutra stood on tiptoes and kissed her mate. "Shall we go? There'll be enough daylight left for a hunt..."

But before they left, there was one thing the prince had to do…
      Ry halted at A'lestrel's hand on his arm. The hybrid's voice was pitched too low for anyone else to hear.
      "Enjoy yourself - but don't spend long with any one of them. That's how their bonds form, when they're alone together."
      Ry blinked.
      "You mean that's how you and she…? It wasn't… by choice?"
      'lestrel shrugged, expression wry.
      "How many of our own bonds are from choice?" He sighed. "No, I didn't know that's how it works. In all fairness, neither did she."
      Ry digested this for a moment, face worried.
      "Do you want this bond?"
      "Do I want maazi to break it, you mean?"
      The Saiyan nodded. A'lestrel sighed.
      "No. I'm happy. Though I know there'll be problems." He shook his head slightly. "We'll just have to deal with them as they arise." He eyed his old friend and lover. "Main thing is, if you don't want a tenshi as a bondmate, make sure you don't bond accidentally!"
      Ry chuckled dryly.
      "Thanks for the warning."

The bondmates sat close together atop a rocky outcrop, waiting for the moons to rise. They'd brought a mini-feast of food, and while it was chilly up here, Alestrel was warmly dressed in a fur bodysuit, snuggled into Lutra's side, one of his mate's beautiful wings wrapped snugly around him. Though it wasn't quite time for the Moon Celebration to start - there were a couple of days left before both moons were full – Lutra promised that seeing both moons in the sky was still an inspiring sight.
      She wasn't wrong.
      The pair were mesmerised, watching the huge, golden and gently glowing orbs slide gracefully over the horizon one after the other. It was a compelling sight and Alestrel and Lutra spent several hours cuddling together on the mountainside, content to simply be with each other.

Over the next couple of days the bondmates stayed up late into the night to watch the moons, sleeping well into the afternoon the next day. There was an added advantage to sleeping during the day: the twin moons celebration signalled the beginning of the short, but vicious, Maurillan winter and Alestrel found it easier to sleep when it was warmer. With a piece of heavy, dark leather covering the doorway of Lutra's small shelter, it was dim and quiet inside, cosy and intimate, which suited the pair just fine.
      "Are all tenshi-jin buildings like this on the holdings?" Alestrel had asked when they awoke their second day there, the afternoon light muted and dappled through the leafy walls.
      "No, this is a temporary structure," Lutra slid over her Zasshu's hips, comfortably straddling his groin, "the permanent buildings are made of wood and covered with mud. They're very solid."
      "I like this, though," Alestrel glanced around.
      "Gets very cold during winter." Lutra laughed, her eyes darkening as her mate's tail stroked between her thighs.
      "How cold?"
      "Freezing," Lutra leant down to nibble a cool, smooth neck, "heavy snowfalls, blizzards..."
      Alestrel shivered.
      "We're not planning on staying that long are we?"
      "No," Lutra reached between their bodies to scratch lightly along his inkei, making him shudder. "It'll be best if we leave soon after the Celebration, before I start to moult."
      "Moult?" Alestrel asked absently: what his mate was doing with her hands was very distracting.
      "Uhuh, every year during the winter, we lose some of our feathers," Lutra was brushing light, lingering kisses over his face, "they've grown back by the time the winter is finished, but for a while we're earthbound."
      "You love flying," Alestrel murmured. "How do you cope?"
      "We... play, over winter – feasting and celebrating. The time passes quickly."
      The Zasshu smirked up at his mate.
      "If you can't fly, does that mean I'll have to carry you?"
      Lutra giggled, wriggling herself into position over his inkei, grinning broadly at Alestrel's indrawn hiss as she slid onto him.
      "I guess it does, hab'lan..."

A'lestrel discovered just how varied the tenshi-jin diet was when Lutra dragged him out of the nice, warm nest of furs they'd made and took him on a foraging trip through the forest.
      "We need to get some supplies in before the Celebration begins," Lutra explained to the scowling Zasshu.
      "Why? We can just hunt as we need to, can't we?" Alestrel grumbled as he shrugged into a furred bodysuit. It was relatively early in the day and it hadn't warmed up outside yet; he could feel the frosty air filtering in and he'd much rather have stayed snuggling with his mate.
      "Might not have the energy," Lutra smirked enigmatically at him, holding open the leather flap that covered the entrance.
      Alestrel stepped outside and shivered conspicuously, turning wide, golden and pathetic eyes on his mate.
      "It's not that cold," Lutra grinned, stepping close to fondle him through the bodysuit, "and when we're done I'll show you the hot springs."

Lutra moved easily through the sparse undergrowth, keeping her wings close to her body; Alestrel trailed along behind her. She ignored the Zasshu's wounded pouts – she knew more about her mate than he probably realised, and she knew that soon enough his curiosity would kick in and he'd forget how terribly hard done by he'd been.
      They'd collected a wide variety of foodstuffs in a remarkably short time, and without having to travel far from Lutra's shelter. Lutra had shown her mate how to find the tubers that grew beneath a certain type of tree and which of the many fungi growing on that same tree were edible. They'd collected several different types of leafy plants and handfuls of light and tangy smelling herbs. These, combined with the few tree-dwelling mammals Alestrel had brought down with an accurate blast of his ki – that was something else Lutra had been intrigued to learn about – the tenshi figured they'd have enough food for a couple of days at least.
       Lutra sprinkled the tubers with some of the herbs then wrapped them in thick leaves, setting them in the embers of the fire to cook. She smirked at her mate, who interestingly enough had stopped shivering soon after he'd brought down the first of the mammals.
       "Let's bathe."

The hot-springs were only a short distance from the clearing, bubbling up from somewhere beneath the mountain to fill a small, roughly circular pool hidden in a fold of the rock. The bondmates sat cuddled together, kissing and fondling, up to their necks in the hot, soothing water. Lutra's eyes gleamed when Alestrel tugged her onto his lap, pushing her down onto his erection. The tenshi locked her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck, kissing and nibbling her hab'lan's lips as he languidly thrust up into her...
       The pool was in a well-sheltered spot so Alestrel didn't have to worry too much about getting cold as he quickly ki-dried them both. They dressed again then flew speedily back to the shelter. Grinning, Lutra hustled Alestrel back under the furs while she prepared a small mountain of food for them. The cooked tubers were sweet and meltingly soft, a wonderful accompaniment to the seared meat strips and delicately flavoured fungi Lutra had cooked up. The pair ate their meal snuggled under the furs, then made love again before falling asleep contentedly wrapped around each other.

The next day heralded the beginning of the Moon Celebration. Lutra waited beside Alestrel on the ridge for the moons to rise, and fidgeted, unable to keep still.
      "What's the matter, aijin?" Alestrel nuzzled the distracted tenshi's neck.
      "It's..." Lutra frowned, then grinned, "you'll see."

Over the past couple of nights the moons had shed a gentle golden light over the mountains and water, but tonight as they ascended from behind a distant mountain range they were transformed into a startling silver-blue, their light flooding the landscape like a spill of bright metal. Lutra held herself still with an effort, eyes locked on the moons and as soon as the second one had cleared the horizon she launched herself into the air heading up as high and as fast as she could, grinning with a fierce, primal glee. Alestrel streaked up to join her, the faint scent of other tenshi wafting through on the winds.
      Lutra hovered in mid-air, waiting for him, her eyes enormous, the vibrant blue made silver-grey by the moons' light.
      "Can you feel it, hab'lan?" she whispered ecstatically, "Can you feel the light in your veins?"
      Alestrel blinked, then frowned – there was something... thrilling quietly through him, though whether he was actually experiencing it, or feeling it through his mate he couldn't tell. Then Lutra laughed and took off again, unable to contain the joy.
      And so the night went, Lutra looping and wheeling in the moons' light, staying aloft for hours until the huge silver orbs had dropped out of sight behind yet another series of mountains on the opposite horizon.
      It was as if a switch had been thrown and suddenly Lutra wilted, smiling lovingly but wearily at the Zasshu as her wings beat tiredly, only just holding her in the air.
      "See why we needed to have some food in already, hab'lan?"
      Alestrel smirked, slipping one arm beneath her wing roots, the other under her thighs. Lutra sighed happily and cuddled close, her wings stilling as she surrendered control of her flight to her mate. The Zasshu kissed her forehead then carried them both back to the shelter. Lutra giggled sleepily as he helped her out of her clothes and was deeply asleep under the furs before Alestrel had got himself settled beside her.
      He lay beside her for a while, gazing down at her sleeping face. She had one delicate hand tucked under her cheek; the other had moved, in her sleep, to very gently hold his tail…
      She had been so beautiful tonight! He'd held back, watching, dazzled: she shimmered in the moonslight, her hair a scintillant cloud about her head, streaming on the wind, great snowy wings beating the air with an audible throb like a second heartbeat, arousing, exciting… He stroked her face very gently, the full moons thrumming in his own blood, tingling down through his spine to his tail. He wanted to love her, but she was exhausted: he'd wait until tomorrow.
      Cuddling close, he pulled her head to rest on his shoulder before slipping into his own dream-haunted sleep.

They slept through most of the next day, waking a little before sunset, eating and loving gently before flying back to the ridge to await the moons' rise and another euphoric night where neither of them touched the ground.

Alestrel awoke the following day to find his tenshi nuzzling his neck and stroking his inkei in her sleep. The Zasshu smirked and carefully – so as not to wake her - pushed her onto her back, parting her thighs... stopping with a frown at the thick, slippery and oddly aromatic substance he found between her labia. Lutra stirred awake, wriggling against his fingers.
      "Are you all right, aijin?" he asked her, concerned. Lutra stretched out temptingly, arms above her head and smirked at him.
      "Yes, thank you, hab'lan, I – oh," she sniffed, wrinkled her nose and grinned at him. "Ah, I'm starting a breeding cycle."
      Alestrel's tail wound round a creamy thigh and he lowered his head to brush a kiss between her breasts.
      "Will we have to stop fucking?"
      "I don't think so," Lutra stroked long fingers through his mane. "I don't know that we're compatible, but I'll take the contraceptive anyway, just in case." She frowned, suddenly unsure. "Unless – you want to try breeding?"
      The Zasshu arched a fine eyebrow.
      "Do you?"
      "I asked you first!" the tenshi giggled, then gazed seriously at her mate, stroking his face. "I've no desire for children yet, I'm not that much past being a fledgling myself. I can wait."
      "So can I," Alestrel smirked, flicking his long tongue out to curl around a nipple. "What can I expect while you're in this cycle?"
      The tenshi laughed.
      "Nothing like your shizun, that's for sure!" she smiled lovingly at her mate. "In a day or so I'll become a little... aggressive. That'll last for about three days."
      "That's it?" Alestrel smirked. "Doesn't sound too bad."
      "It's not, but –" Lutra fondled his tail "– during that time my attention will be focused solely on you."

Lutra soared over the mountain, still thrumming with the exhilaration of Celebration, but now there was a heated, sensual undercurrent pulsing through her, centred deep in her belly and spreading out along her nerves until it felt like her skin was alive with a molten energy. It was glorious and the tenshi revelled in the new, powerful sensations. None of her previous breeding cycles had come close to this intensity, she guessed it was because she'd bonded, and she noted with a thrill of lust that Alestrel seemed to be affected by it as well. Lutra wondered what she smelt like to him.
      Green, deep green, the fragrance of life… A'lestrel *knew* he could have picked out that scent from thousands… could have followed it forever… It filled his senses…
      She hovered in mid-air silhouetted against the moons, individual feathers in her wings picked out in vivid silver. Eyes wide and lips parted, Lutra watched Alestrel soar upwards towards her. The moons' light gave him the appearance of an exquisite piece of living metal statuary and she thought her heart would burst with love for him.
      Rising to catch her, to hold her, to pull her into his embrace, trembling, licking at her throat, teeth hovering over the juncture of shoulder and neck - too soon! too soon! - ripping away the fine suede covering her body, wrenching off his own clothing… Gleaming naked in the blinding moonslight he plunged into her, holding her tightly to him, keeping them both aloft, arms and tail wrapping her…
      Silhouetted against the moons they became each other. And as he climaxed, and she joined with him, ki-light spilling and sparkling over and from them…
      she *heard* him say,


A'lestrel woke suddenly the next day, the transition from sleep to wakefulness immediate and dizzying. He blinked, rubbing at his forehead, then gazed down at his tenshi.
      Lutra slept, a small smile on her mouth, hand tucked under her cheek. And 'lestrel melted, biting his lip. His mate. Unexpected, unasked for, and there'd be problems galore ahead for them.
      He stroked a finger very gently down her cheek.
      And from the depths of her sleeping mind came the answer -
      He blinked.
      Tenshi-jin were not 'pathic…
      … but he was, and he was a hybrid, and no-one had yet been able to work out the deeper effects of hybridisation - despite Vinas' team's best efforts.
      Had he somehow… effected a latent tenshi-jin ability?
      He sighed, rubbing at his eyes, jumping as Lutra touched his hand.
      *…what's wrong… have I done something… gods you are so precious to me…*
      He winced and pressed a hand to her face.
      *Gently, aijin. Calm your thoughts…*
      *My... thoughts?* Lutra stared, suddenly realising she hadn't been using her voice. *You can hear me? I can hear you?* the tenshi *whispered*, awe-struck.
      A'lestrel smiled.
      *Do you like it?*
      He hadn't known eyes could open so widely.
      *Hab… hab'lan? I can speak to you like this?*
      The hybrid nodded.
      *It's how we normally speak to those close to us.*
      She stared - then her eyes filled with tears and she grabbed herself tightly to him.
      *I can *SPEAK* to you! Ohhhhhhh…*
      The tenshi was thrilled and overwhelmed and - and so filled with her hab'lan she felt she really was going to burst this time. She *babbled* instead.
      He chuckled, pulling her into a hug, refusing to wince.
      *Good, ne? It shouldn't take long to sort out your… uh… control.* He sighed and pulled her to him, nuzzling her hair.
      *You are… precious to me. *Mine*. MY bondmate.*
      And then he shivered in her arms, from cold, not desire and Lutra became aware of the frigid breeze stealing in through the porous walls of the shelter. There was snow on the way, no wonder 'lestrel was shivering! Lutra smoothed his mane back from his face.
      *It's the last night of Celebration, hab'lan,* she carefully modulated her *voice*, trying to *whisper**Let's go back to the palace.* Lutra kissed her mate, *we're almost out of food anyway.* The tenshi grinned delightedly at the Zasshu. *Hey, I can kiss you and still talk!*
      Alestrel chuckled, then shivered again, reaching for a heavy bodysuit.
      *Just one of the advantages, aijin.* He pulled her into another tight hug, eyes sombre. *This has been…* He frowned. *I have learned a great deal…*
      *Oh yes, me too,* Lutra cuddled her mate, wrapping soft wings around him. *Can we do this again, sometime? Get away by ourselves?*
      He blinked, then chuckled. *Hopefully.* He nipped her neck lightly, smirking, then shivered even harder. Lutra grinned.
      *Get dressed, hab'lan, and we'll go.*

Snow was falling as they arrived at the palace, large, soft, silent flakes like cold feathers drifting on the breeze. A'lestrel was shivering as they landed, arms wrapped around himself and hands tucked into his armpits: Lutra hugged him tightly, wings enfolding him to protect him from the rising wind.
      *Come, hab'lan. Let's get you into the warm.*
      She led him to the main entrance, pushing open the heavy doors and hustling him through. Inside it was a lot warmer; A'lestrel relaxed a little, though he was still pale and shivering. Lutra stroked his face.
      *Are you all right?*
      He nodded.
      *Just need to get somewhere warm.*
      She glanced around, smiling in greeting as a young, fair and very pretty male tenshi came forward and bowed his head.
      "Your highness…" he paused, colouring, not sure how to address the female. She smiled.
      "Just Lutra, Bershuma."
      He smiled, gratitude in his spring green eyes.
      "… Lutra, if you would both follow me please…"

Lutra found Bershuma's little glances at her mate amusing: the fledgling was very curious. She found A'lestrel's… interest… in the youngster far less so. He caught her scent, and smirked.
       *Heh, I like beautiful things.*
      She glowered.
      *Just as long as you stick to admiring - from a distance…*
      Startled, he blinked at her. That had sounded almost threatening

Their room was small, as tenshi-jin rooms went, with only enough room for Lutra to stretch her wings to their fullest extent, and cosy, with a steady fire burning in the hearth, heavy drapes to pull across the large window, and furs everywhere, on the floor, piled on the large low bed, on the stools… A'lestrel gazed around, nodding his satisfaction, then turned to the two tenshi.
      "This is excellent." *And wonderfully warm…*
      He moved to the window, looking out at the falling snow: Lutra joined him after dismissing the fledgling, wrapping an arm around his waist as she rested her head on his shoulder. He kissed her hair.
      *Yes, but cold!*
      He smirked.
      *I meant you. But yes, the snow is beautiful too.*
      She shivered, moving to pull him into a tight embrace, wings wrapped around his cool body.
      *Let's warm up, shall we, hab'lan?* She gestured towards the fire. *There's mulled wine, and seared meats…*
      He nuzzled her ear.
      *Like the sound of that.*
      Pulling the drapes to shut out the chill, she pulled him over to the fire and down onto the deep, thick fur…

But it was a while before they managed to eat or drink anything, Lutra saw to that. There was an added edge to her lovemaking, a certain wildness, a lack of restraint that was exciting. She'd dragged off his bodysuit and shoved him onto his back on the fur, biting at his throat, sharp nails scratching down his ribs and hips as she impaled herself, fast and hard, on his inkei. Eyes wide and dark with lust, she rode him, slamming down against his groin, fondling his tail as he groaned, meeting her thrusts, eyes closing as she clenched around him in orgasm…
      She grinned, then growled low in her throat, gripping his shoulders and pulling him upright so she was sitting in his lap. Legs wrapped tightly around his hips, arms around his shoulders, she rubbed her breasts against his chest and twisted to bite his neck - hard: that would probably bruise. He sighed and slid his hands into the feathers at the root of her wings, kneading gently.
      She grabbed his plait and yanked it downwards, exposing his throat to her teeth while pulling one of his hands around to cup a breast.
      *… want you…*
      Startled, he pulled out of her grip and lowered his head to lick at a nipple, grinning when she groaned and began to rock her hips back and forth. Snaking his tail around her waist, he thrust into her forcefully, the tip of his tail teasing her nub.
      Back arching, whimpering, nails sinking into his shoulders, she came again, dragging him with her…
      Long moments later she slumped against him, wriggling against the hardness still buried in her, and kissing his chest. He smirked and stroked her hair - then reached for a mug of the mulled wine, pressing it to her lips.
      *I like you like this.*
      Her eyes twinkled at him over the rim of the beaker as she sipped, then licked at his lips, leaving a fine trail of the warm spiced wine.
      *Drink, hab'lan. It's good.*
      He ran his tongue along his lips, then along hers.
      *Very good.*
      She grinned and lifted herself from his lap, easing him out of her body - then swivelled onto her hands and knees, wings flat and slightly to the sides, smouldering at him over her shoulder, cunt open and shimmering with his semen. He groaned, their mingled scents unbearably arousing, and slammed into her, tail tightly around her waist, hands gripping her breasts as she whimpered, his thrusts pushing her forwards onto the fur…
      Impatiently shoving her hair over her shoulder, he nipped lightly at the nape of her neck, one hand sliding down to her groin, fondling her nub, as she cried out, pushing back against his thrusts, lost in sensation… Long moments later they came again, 'lestrel freezing, hips moving back and forth in small jerks as his tenshi's cunt gripped his inkei fiercely. Lutra collapsed forwards with a strangled sob, pulling him with her.

      Lutra sighed and snuggled back into the hybrid's embrace, stroking his tail where it circled her waist. He was still hard, still inside her: his stamina amazed and delighted her all over again. She covered his hand with her own where he cupped her breast.
      He nuzzled her neck and reached a hand to the plate of seared meats, taking a hot titbit between his nails and holding it to her lips: she giggled and pulled it into her mouth with her tongue.
      He licked her earlobe, twitching gently inside her.
      *… good… happy?*
      *Oh gods yes…*
      He smirked - and began to thrust again…

Ry was deliriously happy. He was warm, well-fed - pampered, these tenshi-jin were falling over themselves to look after him - and there were females everywhere. Warm, willing, aroused females, brushing against him, touching him, their eyes inviting…
      Eight days of bliss. And when he fancied a change, there were plenty of males eager to taste alien flesh.
      He'd been very careful not to spend much time with any one of them. He smirked to himself: it wasn't often official advice dovetailed with his own inclinations, but when it did…!
      He lay back with a contented sigh, the latest tenshi curled up against his chest, gently stroking his tail. They were all fascinated by his tail…
      He just hoped the Ssii'irin was having as good a time.

A'lestrel whimpered as Lutra, impaled on his inkei and facing away from him, scratched firmly at the softened barbs lining his chitsu, other hand fingering his swollen, overly-sensitive nub. Much as he hated to admit it, even to himself, he was beginning to feel a little tired.
      Then again, he'd only snatched a couple of hours sleep in the last two days. Lutra was insatiable…
      He grabbed her waist and gasped as she nipped at the end of his tail, running her fingers through the long soft fur, and bucked his hips, coming hard, his orgasm sparking her own. She swivelled to lie on top of him, panting, body lax, and he kissed her forehead, wrapping his arms around her.
      Someone knocked on the door.

Ry had been deeply buried in warm flesh when the hand came to rest on his back. He glared over his shoulder: it was one of the female tenshis, very pretty, grey wings and purple eyes. She smiled tightly at him.
      "I am so sorry to interrupt, Ry-prea'sihn, but there is a call for the Ssii'irin. From Vejiitasei."
      He sighed.
      "Fine. Give me a minute…"
      Growling, he turned back to the pretty little thing he was fucking, thrust hard and fast, tail fondling her nub, and came quickly, pulling her with him. Easing out, he kissed her cheek swiftly, readjusted his bodysuit, and gestured to the other to lead on…

Zyelenyi smirked at him from the comm unit screen.
      "Well, you look as though you're having a good time! How's the prince?"
      Ry shoved a hand through his even-more-disordered-than-usual mane and grinned.
      "Fine as far as I know. Haven't seen him for days."
      Zyelenyi nodded, then sighed.
      "I'm afraid you'll need to cut short the holiday. He's needed here: we have a delegation of Vwrn arriving in six days time."
      Ry closed his eyes resignedly.
      "He won't like it."
      "I know. Can't be helped."
      "All right. I'll go track him down, give him the bad news."
      The head of the diplomatic corps nodded.
      "Have him report here as soon as possible."
      Ry turned to the tenshi as the screen blanked, smiling engagingly.
      "You'd better show me where the Ssii'irin and his torii are staying…"

Veran was a mix of emotions as she led the big Saiyan through the palace. Jealousy was a part of it. And resentment. Spiteful pleasure that she'd be interrupting whatever her cousin and the beautiful alien were doing was another - along with both fascination and reluctance to see what they were up to. She still hadn't decided what she felt most when they arrived at the door.
      It was the Ssii'irin's voice. She swallowed and opened the door, stepping into the room…
      Blushing furiously and trying to step back out again at the sight that met her eyes. But Ry was close behind her, blocking her escape: he folded his arms and smirked at the mates.
      A'lestrel smirked up at Ry from his sprawl on the fur in front of the fire, still hard and inside Lutra: the tenshi buried her flaming face in his neck, covering as much of herself as she could with her wings. 'lestrel's tail disappeared under the feathers at the level of her backside, tickling, and she wriggled.
      "Yes, thank you…" The Saiyan could almost hear the bitten back 'would you like to join us?' in the hybrid's voice, and grinned broadly.
      "Sorry to have to interrupt like this… Zyelenyi wants you back."
      A'lestrel growled and *pushed* himself up to sit crosslegged and sideways on to the Saiyan, Lutra in his lap, her legs around his waist.
      "What, now?"
      "'fraid so…"
      The hybrid sighed and cupped Lutra's face in his hands.
      *Sorry, aijin. Duty calls.*
      She blinked, embarrassment - and Ry and Veran - forgotten in her dismay.
      *The corps wouldn't recall me if it wasn't necessary. Do you want to stay here for the rest of the celebration? I won't mind.* He ducked his head to briefly suckle a nipple, ignoring Veran's indignant squeak, then gazed into his mate's eyes. *Too much.*
      *You'd go home without me?!*
      *If you wanted it.*
      She growled.
      *I don't.*
      He kissed her gently, then wrapped his arms around her, cradling her close.
      She nuzzled his neck - then peered up at Veran, smiling very slightly. Her cousin was transfixed, her face flaming, consumed with jealousy and lust - and Lutra felt a warm surge of satisfaction. And the tiniest twinge of revenge…
      A'lestrel twisted to gaze up at Ry.
      "We'll meet you at the starport in a little while."
      The Saiyan eyed the two faces, side by side, golden-eyed pale blue pressed to azure-eyed pale cream, and smiled. They made an exquisite pair.
      "Sure. Couple of local hours won't make any difference. I'll go run the preflight checks." Impulsively he crouched down, brushing a gentle kiss over Lutra's lips and a rather harder one against the prince's mouth, then smiled wryly at the tenshi. "Sorry about this, torii-chan."
      Ushering Veran from the room, he smirked back over his shoulder.
      "Don't be too long - love-birds."

From the entrance to the small cockpit Lutra watched her Zasshu and the Saiyan ease the cruiser from its orbital dock, working in tandem with an admirable economy of effort - and in silence, obviously communicating telepathically. Finally Ry flicked one large, bulky switch with his tail and the stars outside dissolved as they raced for Vejiitasei.
      A'lestrel leaned back in his seat, stretching as best he could in the cramped confines and smirking at his co-pilot.
      "You want me to take first shift?"
      Ry yawned.
      "You all right with that?"
      "I'll cope."
      The Saiyan laughed and hauled his big frame from the seat, grinning at Lutra as she stood aside to let him pass.
      "Don't let him fall asleep!"
      She smiled, most of her previous antagonism gone, and squeezed herself into the co-pilot's seat, twisting sideways to make room for her wings. A'lestrel took her hand.
      *You all right?*
      She sighed, a little sadly. It would have been fun to have stayed for the winter celebrations - but she had nevertheless thoroughly enjoyed the time they'd had. And the sheer joy she knew at being able to *speak* with her mate made up for far more than the lost time.
      *Oh yes.*
      He smirked.
      There was a silence for a while, then she inclined her head, frowning slightly.
      *Hab'lan - why do you have to go home? Couldn't someone else have been there to meet this delegation?*
      He shook his head, gaze darting to check the readings on a couple of instrument panels and making a small adjustment to their course.
      *The Empire has wanted the Vwrn as members for some time. But they're not known for their… shall we say open and honest natures? Zyelenyi wants me there to *read* them.*
      She blinked.
      *I don't understand.*
      He glanced at her, then grinned wryly.
      *Ah. Right - how can I put this? Hybridisation has thrown up a number of different… 'talents' I suppose is the best way to describe it.*
      *And you have one of these 'talents'?*
      *Yeah. I *read* the unreadable…*

© 2003 March 29th Amanda and Joules

Seventh Alliance Chronicle Index