
Something was tickling him.
      No, not something. Somethings. Quite a lot of somethings, all over him.
      And that included his nose. He sneezed, then sneezed again, harder, pushing himself upright and brushing at whatever was tickling his face. Then he thought to open his eyes.
      Feathers. Their sleeping area was full of feathers.
      Alarmed, he glanced at Lutra, dozing beside him - and looking decidedly… ragged.
      "Zk'vissin?" He stroked carefully between her wings, dislodging more feathers. The tenshi stirred, and flexed her wings, then groaned quietly, opening one eye.
      "Oh damn…"
      A'lestrel was trying to brush feathers from his skin, and mane, and tail, not terribly successfully - stifling sneezes as he did so.
      "Lutra, is this normal?"
      She shook her head.
      "No, it's normally much slower than this." She plucked ruefully at a wing. "Oh, this looks dreadful!" She grimaced and wriggled. "And it itches…"
      She pulled herself from the bed and hurried to the balcony, trailing feathers behind her, then stood and shook her wings furiously, feathers showering in all directions…
      Someone tapped on their door: A'lestrel's reply came out as a sneeze. Jemiin stuck his head around the door.
      He halted, mouth open and eyes huge.
      "Ooooh! Warm snow!!"
      The next thing A'lestrel knew Jemiin and his twin, Maaren, were both on the bed, bouncing to make the feathers drift…

Lutra giggled.
      "Oh, don't be so grouchy! They were having fun…"
      "I'm sure they were." growled the Zasshu. "And now they won't give us any peace until after your moult."
      Jemiin had *called* the other hostlings in to play, and Lutra had walked back into their suite to find seven multi-coloured, feather-covered little bodies swarming all over their bed, flinging handfuls of feathers around with great delight, 'lestrel sitting in the middle of the chaos glaring at all and sundry. Lutra had quickly got the hostlings busy collecting up the feathers: she was sure Zha'haarak would find something to do with them.
      And now she was trying to soothe her disgruntled - and still occasionally sneezing - bondmate.
      "How long does this last?"
      She pursed her lips, calculating.
      "At this rate I'll have finished losing feathers in a couple of days - three at most. The new ones start growing back about ten days later, and I can fly again twenty days after that. That's Vejiitasei days." she added helpfully.
      A'lestrel blinked.
      "Thirty three days?"
      She nodded ruefully.
      "I'm sorry - I know it's a nuisance…"
      He shook his head.
      "It's not that. It's the thought of you being earthbound for that long."
      She stared at him for a moment, then hugged him tightly.
      "You are so… so... pasitouh…"
      He sighed - then sneezed again.
      "Heh - better get something to eat while the room airs out. And I have to get over to corps HQ."
      She nodded, biting her lip and remembering yesterday.
      "How long do you think you'll be?"
      He shrugged, rising and pulling her to her feet.
      "No telling. Zyelenyi is very thorough. Could be all day. Could take several days - though I doubt that." He eyed her pensively. "If you'd like to get out of the palace for a while, we could meet for midday meal. The corps has a fine eatery, and I can have Jahonda escort you."
      She nodded as they exited the room, A'lestrel still vainly trying to brush feathers out of his tail. Ka'reysu stared, then chuckled.
      "Energetic night, was it?"
      Lutra felt her face blaze, and lowered her head to hide behind her hair. Zh'leet handed her a platter of seared meats.
      "Ah, ignore him. No manners, some of these brats…"
      She beckoned to Br'yaan, and the pair of them disappeared into the room. Moments later they caught the sound of furs being vigorously shaken and the small dust-removing device Br'yaan habitually carried clipped to his belt.
      Ka'reysu smirked at his twin.
      "Going to see Zyelenyi?"
      A'lestrel nodded, grimacing. Ka'reysu's eyes twinkled.
      "Better get dressed then."
      A'lestrel hissed.
      "Yes, thank you, I have every intention of dressing - once I've washed these feathers out of my mane…"

Lutra spent a wonderfully happy morning helping Zha'haarak with the children while he kept an eye on the babies…
      She still couldn't get used to the amazing colours! Jemiin and Maaren were twins, and physically identical - but there was no danger of getting them confused. Jemiin's golden skin, silver mane and tail and bright turquoise eyes were completely different to his sibling's olive-green skin, flame red mane and tail and shimmering silver eyes… There was another set of twins too, somewhat older - Hi'kaaran and Hi'raiya, the former's deep golden skin a contrast to his sibling's much lighter golden-green, while 'kaaran's mane and tail were deep green with each hair tipped with a splash of bright red, and 'raiya's brilliant orange-red, each hair tipped with emerald green. They had identical bright golden eyes, with black rims, very beautiful. Then there was sturdy, impudent Cicer, with his dark golden skin, spiky silver mane and long supple tail, his big black eyes splashed with silver. And Ti'vaani, delicate and shy, with soft turquoise skin and black mane and tail that gleamed with green where the suns caught it, and huge, dreaming golden eyes. And lastly Ti'lida, the one with no tail, who looked like the sunslight on snow, silvery-blue skin and blazing silver hair, eyes the colour of winter sunsshine… Beautiful, all of them, and so full of life. It was a joy spending time with them.
      Zha'haarak had gathered them all together and asked them to think about what they could do with Lutra's feathers, what they could make. The suggestions were as unique as the children making them, from 'raiya's 'invisibility cloak' to keep the wearer hidden in the snow, to Maaren's ideas for body adornments, to 'vaani's idea of making them back into wings for soaring over the sea. The prince had smiled - then suggested maybe using them in pictures, or mobiles, or special jewellery…
       Lutra had completely lost track of time, helping pressure-seal feather to metal to make jewellery, guiding hesitant small hands in the placing of soft fluffiness to make lovely images sealed in silicate, balancing feather-wrapped crystals to make sparkling, chiming, swirling creations that reflected sunslight around the suite… Jahonda's entrance startled her.
      The big Saiyan grinned disarmingly.
      "You ready, Lutra-sama, or should I wait?"
      Lutra petted 'vaani's mane, smiled at the children - who waved back - and stood.
      "I'm ready, thank you."
      Jahonda bowed his head, and ushered her to the door.

It had been an arduous morning. A'lestrel had arrived at corps HQ in a full, warm bodysuit (after yesterday, and despite his twin's teasing, he really wanted to be covered: it felt - safer, somehow…) He knew the first few hours would be uncomfortable: they usually were anyway, since he had to relate full details of the species' reactions to him personally. And full meant full: Zyelenyi insisted on knowing everything. It gave the corps a deep insight into the basics of the mental template of the race under investigation, essential to prevent misunderstandings in the future.
      By midday A'lestrel needed a break. He was shaking, his head was pounding, and he felt nauseous: the Vwrn really were, privately, a thoroughly unpleasant bunch. Zyelenyi had stroked his mane where he lay on the form-fitting couch, various recording devices trained on and hooked up to his body, and thanked him for his patience and forbearance.
      "I know it's hard, A'lestrel-sama. But your performance of your duty is never less than exemplary."
      'lestrel rolled his head to face the head of the diplomatic service, smiling wanly.
      "Wish I didn't have this fucking so-called 'gift'…"
      Zyelenyi wished so too, for all that it made the Empire that much more secure. It was more a curse than a gift… he very gently kissed the prince's forehead.
      "Do you want to take a break? Come back tomorrow?"
      'lestrel rubbed a hand over his eyes and shook his head.
      "No. Worst of it's over now. The rest will be easier."
      Zyelenyi frowned.
      "Are you absolutely sure? I won't have you suffer a moment longer than necessary…"
      Long cool blue fingers brushed across his lips.
      "I'm sure, taishi. I'd rather get this finished."
      Zyelenyi nodded.
      "Very well. We will resume in two hours…"

Lutra was waiting when her bondmate exited the room, walking slowly, head lowered. She moved to his side, one wing enfolding him.
      *Hab'lan? Are you all right?*
      He sighed and nodded, smiling wanly.
      "I'm fine. Well, I will be soon." He brushed her cheek gently. "Let's get something to eat."

The eatery at diplomatic corps HQ was quiet, comfortable and very relaxing - but then again, given the sorts of events that usually happened here, it needed to be.
      'lestrel had ordered for them both, mixed platters and a mild ale, and slumped back in his seat while they waited for the meal to be brought to their table. Lutra took his hand.
      He sighed and smiled at his mate.
      "Zk'vissin… Did you have a good morning?"
      She nodded distractedly and cupped his face in one hand.
      "What's wrong?"
      He shifted irritably, moving away from her hand.
      "Please don't… I'm having to revive yesterday's memories, and I'd rather not associate you with any part of them. Other than their end."
      She stared at him, startled. He shook his head, frowning at himself, and kissed her fingers.
      "I'm sorry. This is the downside of things, having to relive it all." He forced a smile. "Bear with me."
      "Can I help?"
      He leaned forwards, resting an elbow on the table and his chin on his fist.
      "You can tell me about your morning. Distract me."
      She smiled, a little hesitantly.
      "Well, you have a pair of long feathery earrings waiting for you when you get back…"

The prince relaxed as Lutra talked, and by the time they'd finished their - very tasty - meal he'd pulled her close, stroking her hair. She risked wrapping her arms around his waist, relieved and happy when he didn't pull away, and cuddled into him for a moment. He sighed and nuzzled her hair.
      "Thank you. That has helped." He glanced at the chronometer on the wall and regretfully pushed her away a little. "I have to get back."
      She bit her lip.
      "Do you know when you'll be back?"
      "No. But I think I'll try to finish this in one session. It may mean staying late, but it would also mean closure." He stroked her face gently. "And I'd prefer that…"

Ti'aasaan greeted her with a smile as Jahonda bowed and ushered her into the suite.
      "It would be good if we could take the hostlings outside for a while." The little zn'hre - she'd managed to get Zh'leet alone for few minutes and had the brood explain the various species comprising the family - glanced over his shoulder to the platform, where two very pretty Saiyan females were doing… something… to Zha'haarak. Lutra nodded, frowning.
      "I'd like that - but I can't fly well at the moment, Ti'aasaan-sama…"
      Ti'aasaan grinned: the hostlings had told him about the morning's fun in great detail.
      "No problem, torii-chan. We'll take Sasa with us - and perhaps you could tend to Le'ska and Ka'rayne?"
      Lutra's eyes lit up: the pretty little babies had started crawling, but couldn't fly yet: she could handle them easily.
      "Yes please!"

Sasa was slight, and very pretty, with laughing golden-brown eyes and a pale golden tail, and a matching mane that spiked around her head. The children obviously liked her, and she seemed fond of them too. They clustered around her as Ti'aasaan led the happy group down to a part of the palace's extensive grounds that had been set up as a sort of playground, with a shallow pool and many-branched trees for climbing. As the hostlings hissed and raced off to play, Sasa hovering attentively, the little zn'hre seated himself beside Lutra, teasing Le'ska with one of his long plaits.
      She smiled at him.
      "Oh, yes, very happy."
      They sat in silence for a few minutes, then Lutra gathered her courage and turned to the little zn'hre.
      "Ti'aasaan-sama, what 'lestrel's doing at the moment… has it happened before?"
      "Has he *read* another species that has affected him this way?"
      "Well… yes…"
      Ti'aasaan grinned.
      "Almost all of them. Some are less - nasty - than others of course, but they still wanted him. Except the Jargals. They find our physical form repulsive. Which meant 'lestrel having to put up with a whole different load of thought/images…"
      Lutra considered this, and sighed.
      "Not an easy thing to have to do, then."
      "No. But invaluable."
      She nodded, then brightened.
      "But at least it's not too often. After all, you don't get races asking to join the Empire every day, do you?"
      He regarded her quizzically.
      "He didn't tell you, then?"
      She blinked, feeling suddenly cold.
      "Tell me what?"
      "The Saiya-jin-no-Ou has him sit in on Council meetings and conferences too."
      "Oh…" Well, that didn't sound too bad… "How often?"
      "Every two days or so."
      Fine, she could cope with that…
      "Then there're strategy meetings at Guard HQ…"
      "And they're…?"
      "Every third day. And he's generally part of delegations to member worlds we… shall we say, have misgivings?... about, as well as newly-applying worlds. And if he has no other commitments, the corps sometimes requests he oversee receptions as well."
      Lutra sighed, heart sinking. Was she ever going to get to spend time with her bondmate?
      "How often?"
      "Oh, they're not too bad. Four or five times a year…" The little zn'hre grinned. "Maurilla was a holiday for him."
      She sat, wings slumped and head bowed, for long moments, until Ti'aasaan touched her wrist gently, chuckling.
      "It's not as dark as I've made it sound. There are meal breaks during the onworld meetings - you'll be able to join him for those - and he'll normally return to the palace at night. And bondmates aren't separated, except in exceptional circumstances. You'll go with him when he needs to be offworld." He twinkled at her. "Unless you're hosting and Vinas wants to monitor you."
      Lutra stared, lips parted, and Ti'aasaan laughed.
      "What did you expect?"
      "I… I don't really know…"
      The zn'hre grinned.
      "You managed to bond with a prince of the Empire without knowing what to expect?"
      Lutra shrugged helplessly.
      "I didn't know he was a prince!"
      Ti'aasaan nodded, sighing.
      "Makes sense. He doesn't exactly boast about it. I suppose he hasn't told you very much then?"
      The tenshi shook her head.
      "Not really - and I haven't really asked." She blushed, mumbling "haven't really had time to…"
      The zn'hre chuckled.
      "Yes, we'd noticed you've been - busy…"
      Her blush deepened, and he smiled.
      "Don't worry - we're all the same. Well, 'lestrel has more… stamina… than some - but then again, his work is more stressful than most, he's allowed more leeway." He touched her cheek lightly. "You're good for him. He's needed someone special - someone permanent - for a while. Someone - other than family - who'll just love him for who he is, not what he is or what they can get from him." He sighed ruefully. "Though it's unlikely he'd see it that way."
      Lutra gazed into pale golden eyes, her own wide. Ti'aasaan took her hands.
      "Word of advice?"
      The tenshi nodded wordlessly.
      "He's very young, and everyone asks a lot of him - too much sometimes. He pushes himself too hard, as well - he has a strong sense of duty and hates letting anyone down. He needs… he needs you to let him be himself, sometimes. There've been times when it all gets too much and he disappears for a day or two - oh, never when he's supposed to be working, of course. Don't worry if it happens, and don't try to find him. He'll come back as soon as he's ready."
      Lutra's mouth was dry.
      "Where does he go?" It was barely whispered. Ti'aasaan shrugged.
      "It depends. Out to one of the islands to ki-blast everything in sight for a day, maybe. Or north to the mountains - or to the coast, to hunt sea-gliders." He sighed. "And yes, occasionally he has been known to visit the barracks. Though that had all but stopped before he met you." He frowned. "Has anyone told you about Zasshu physical needs?"
      "I know about shizun… And 'lestrel said something about needing to be… fucked… even outside it…"
      Ti'aasaan nodded.
      "I'd better explain then…"

Lutra was pensive on the way back, herding weary children home as the afternoon drew to a close. She didn't like much of what Ti'aasaan had to say, but at least she now understood why her hab'lan needed males at other times than shizun. And some of what he'd explained - particularly the effects 'abstinence' had on Zasshu health - gave her the determination to grit her teeth and bear it. It wasn't going to go away…
      Each Zasshu had their own individual requirements. Those who were already mated didn't have a problem, of course, but the others... Ti'aasaan thought that 'lestrel needed - as opposed to simply wanted - to be fucked roughly every eight days, which was quite frequent compared to most of the hybrids. But she could cope, she told herself. Of course she could cope. It was necessary for her hab'lan's health…
      Everyone turned up for the evening meals: it was a ritual she'd found alarming at first, then heart-warming and enjoyable as she grew accustomed to being surrounded by the family. A'lestrel wasn't back for early evening meal, and half way through last meal a message arrived from diplomatic corps HQ proffering his apologies: he wouldn't be home for several hours yet. Zha'haabron had frowned and glanced at his bondmate.
      "What does he have scheduled for tomorrow?"
      Radittsu thought for a moment.
      "Full Council meeting, due to last all day."
      "Cancel his attendance. He will rest tomorrow. If the Saiya-jin-no-Ou objects, refer him to me." He smiled at Lutra. "Perhaps you could ask your bondmate to take you… 'sight-seeing'? There is some very beautiful countryside outwith the city, and you have not yet had time to appreciate it."
      Lutra nodded happily: Zha'haabron always managed to make orders sound like requests. Then her face fell.
      "Um… I'm in moult, your majesty. I can't fly very well at the moment."
      The king inclined his head.
      "Even better, Lutra-chan. My hostling will enjoy the physical exercise involved in carrying you after the mental and emotional efforts of the last two days…"

Lutra was still awake and star-watching from their balcony when her bondmate returned, dropping wearily to land beside her. It was well past mid night, and he looked pale and exhausted. She slid her arms cautiously around him, encouraged when he nestled into the embrace and nuzzled her hair.
      "Come inside, hab'lan. You need to rest."
      He nodded, allowing her to lead him into the sweet-smelling warmth of their room, standing more or less upright as she peeled the bodysuit from his lean, cool body. He cupped a hand over her breast, rubbing his thumb over the nipple and smiling tiredly.
      "It's finished."
      She sighed with relief and kissed him.
      "I'm so glad." Reaching a hand to the base of his tail she teased her fingers into the thick fur, smiling as he shivered. "Hab'lan, would you take me flying tomorrow?"
      He shook his head regretfully.
      "I'm due in Council tomorrow - early too. We had better get some sleep."
      She blinked.
      "Oh, the message didn't reach you then. His majesty cancelled it."
      'lestrel frowned.
      "Neither of them simply cancel Council meetings…"
      She blushed.
      "Sorry - I mean, he's cancelled you having to attend. Says you're to have a rest."
      A'lestrel scowled, about to object, pausing as Zh'leet knocked on the door and entered without waiting for a response, a large platter of seared meats in her hands. She smirked at the prince.
      "Better do as your maazi says, bratling! Here, you must be hungry. I know you, I'll wager you haven't eaten since midday…"
      Which was quite true. Lutra shooed him under the sleeping fur and sat crosslegged as he lay back on a pile of pillows, feeding him pieces of the meat. He sighed and smiled tiredly at her.
      "Thank you."
      Lutra leaned forwards and kissed him, settling herself on her side beside him.
      "I… had a talk with Ti'aasaan today… he told me lots about the Zasshu."
      A'lestrel eyed her warily.
      "And I understand why you need to be fucked. I still don't like it much, and I'd still like to be there, but you must… find a male whenever you need to, aijin. I don't want you to suffer."
      He reached to pull her close, kissing her forehead.
      "Thank you for understanding."
      She laid her head on his shoulder, hand stroking his flat belly under the fur.
      *Love you so much…*
      He sighed and pulled her face up to his, brushing a kiss over her lips.
      *Precious one… zk'aida…*
      And she slid beneath the fur, making gentle love to him, caressing and kissing and finally sliding onto him, riding him as he wrapped tail around her waist and hands over her hips, eyes closed, lips parted, reaching a sweet, slow climax together, afterwards holding him close as he slept, deeply and dreamlessly, her thoughts filled with him…
      Tomorrow she'd have to find out what zk'aida meant.

© 2003 April 15th Joules Taylor

Seventh Alliance Chronicle Index

sweet, adorable.
