
A day out from Vejiitasei and Lutra was moping, quietly, in her stateroom, but moping none the less. She missed her hab'lan; it hurt to think of him, it hurt not to think of him… and her wings were itching.
       "Can I help?"
       Mikan had knocked, waiting for Lutra's consent before coming in, and now the striking, red-maned female Elite stood watching the tenshi contort herself trying to reach the bits that itched the most.
       Lutra didn't hesitate.
       "Oh, could you?" She turned and presented her wings to the Saiyan, who smiled and began scratching strong nails along the wing ribs, just as Ssii'irin A'lestrel had described to her.
       "That is so good, thank you, Mikan." Lutra sighed blissfully.
       "Better?" the Saiyan asked with a smirk several minutes later.
       "Much." Lutra was sweetly grateful.
       "How are you doing?" Mikan asked softly; she'd been ordered to stay close to Ssii'irin A'lestrel's bondmate and she would have had to have been blind, stupid and have no sense of smell not to realise the tenshi was hurting being separated from her mate.
       "I miss him," Lutra sighed, "but every minute apart is a minute closer to when we can be together again."
       "True enough," Mikan brushed a stray lock of thick, blonde hair out of Lutra's eyes. "Come and have something to eat and then I'll teach you how to play ciser-nah."
       "What's that?"
       "A game of chance the Ellim play using small, coloured discs."
       The sudden upsweep of Lutra's wings indicated her interest - very expressive, these tenshi wings, Mikan noted with a smirk.
       "Can you wager on it?"
       Mikan chuckled.
       "That's the whole point."
      "Excellent!" Lutra grinned, then frowned, "Though I don't have anything to wager with…"
       "We'll play for points - this time." Mikan smirked.

Lutra wasn’t given much of a chance to become morose during the three day journey to her homeworld; Mikan, smiling, always seemed to be there to cheer the tenshi's mood. Lutra appreciated the Saiyan's efforts: being without her hab'lan, and the enforced idleness, would have otherwise sent her into a depression. Soon enough though, the cruiser was in orbit around Maurilla, waiting for clearance to land.
       "I'd like to contact Vejiitasei," Lutra stated diffidently to Jahonda, ostensibly the head of her Guard, "I'd like to let 'lestrel know we've arrived safely."
       Her mate wasn't in the suite when she called, unfortunately, but Lutra left a message with Zha'haarak, knowing the gentle zn'hre would pass it on as soon as he saw the Zasshu.
       "Good luck, torii-chan," Zha'haarak smiled at her, "We'll want to hear all about it when you return…"
       "I'm sure there'll be lots to tell," Lutra laughed.

The Suzerain's sister herself, flanked by two pretty female tenshi who eyed the Saiyans with interest, met them at the palace door.
       "Welcome home, Lutra." Turlan beamed, "It's good to see you, child."
       "Thank you, highness," Lutra knelt before her and the older female laughed.
       "You'll have to get out of that habit, sweet one, once you're part of the Suzerain's family you'll kneel to no one but him." She held out her hand to the young female, hiding her surprise when the Saiyans scowled en masse. "Come, I'll show you to your rooms."

Rooms, not room.
       Lutra gazed about the high-ceilinged chamber with a feeling, almost, of trespass; she'd never set foot in a room like this save to clean it! Turlan had led them to the uppermost level of the palace, where the nobles had their residences, ushering the tenshi and her Guard through a wide, arched doorway.
       "This is yours now, Lutra, yours and Ssii'irin A'lestrel's when you come to visit." Turlan smiled gently at the bemused young female. "I hope you will visit often."
       "Th-thank you, Highness," Lutra managed to stammer.
       "I'll leave you to get settled in," Turlan briefly touched her fingertips to the younger female's wrist, "and then I'll need to talk to you about the details of your adoption. I'll return in a little while with something to eat."

Lutra prowled about, exploring the apartment. It wasn't large, compared to 'lestrel's family suite, but it was the grandest space she'd ever occupied. Beyond the antechamber was an open room with a large fireplace in the centre of one wall. The room was big enough to house a wide bed - discreetly set on a raised platform behind embroidered curtains - and still leave space enough for a round table that could seat six on the comfortably padded stools. There were two small siderooms, for storage or extra sleeping space, and wonder of wonders, a private bathing room.
       "Not bad," Mikan smirked, hands on hips, tail twitching in amusement.
       "We have very firm orders, Lutra," Jahonda spoke seriously, "regarding our duty to you while we're here."
       The tenshi nodded, a little apprehensively.
      "We are not to leave you alone. Mikan will sleep in here with you, and there will always be one of us on guard outside in the corridor, and another outside the window." He nodded towards the enormous, decoratively paned window that looked out over the inevitable range of mountains.
       "I don't suppose I have a say in this arrangement?" Lutra grinned up at the big male.
       "None at all." One corner of Jahonda's mouth almost twitched up into a smirk, belying his grim and dour exterior.
       "In that case, carry on, Guardsmen." Lutra couldn't suppress her giggle.

Lutra spent the rest of the rest of the day seated at the table with Turlan - along with Mikan, much to the noble's unspoken disquiet - listening intently as the older female went over the details of the formalities. Lutra felt she had a good grasp of what was expected of her, and what she could expect of the others involved in this game of family politics. There was one issue though - she was expected to give her original family a parting gift, something of value. The only thing Lutra possessed that could qualify was her holding in the mountain.
       "I'm sorry, highness, they are not getting my land."
      "I understand how much it means to you, Lutra," Turlan was striving to be reasonable, "but…"
       "No." The young female shook her head decisively. "Besides, I've brought other... things that should more than suffice."
       "Like what?" the noble female was both sceptical and curious. Lutra grinned and delved into the small side room where her luggage had been stored. She pulled out a fragrant wooden box, beautifully carved by a skilled Hassinan artisan, and opened it up before Turlan's astonished eyes. The older female picked up an exquisitely wrought R'ren'nkh'ian brooch that sat coiled in her palm like a living spiral; it was only one of several pieces in the box.
       "This is - " Turlan was lost for words.
       "They're not getting my land." Lutra stated quietly.
       "I think this should more than make up for it." Turlan smiled, and reluctantly returned the brooch to its place.
       "Naturally, I have an even better selection for the Suzerain," Lutra's smile was tinged somewhat with awe, "A'lestrel's family has been very generous."
      "You've done well for yourself, child." Turlan dragged her gaze away from the contents of the box to smile at Lutra.
       "I love 'lestrel, highness," Lutra said softly, "for himself, not for his wealth or position."
       "I know," Turlan replied seriously, "I didn't mean to imply anything else."
       Lutra relaxed, then she peeked through her lashes at the older female.
       "There's something else..."
       The young tenshi darted back to the storage room and returned to stand in front of Turlan, her hands clasped behind her back.
       "It would do me great honour, highness, if you would accept this gift." Blushing, she held out a silk-wrapped package to the noble. "I can't begin to express my gratitude for your help, and friendship."
       "Thank you, child," Turlan beamed, then caught her breath as she unwrapped the fine material to see what it concealed. "Lutra, this is beautiful!" She grinned like a child. "Help me put it on!"
      Beaming, pleased with Turlan's reaction, Lutra carefully fastened the delicately jewelled circlet over the female's lustrous golden brown hair.
      "How does it look?" Turlan asked.
       "Beautiful, highness!" Lutra grinned, "It really suits you."
       "Excuse me," Turlan actually giggled as she hurried into the bathing room to look in the mirror. "I have to see what this looks like..."
       "This 'adoption' thing seems needlessly complicated." Mikan murmured to Lutra while Turlan was out of the room.
       "It's all about appearances," the tenshi sighed, wriggling her shoulders to relieve the tension. "I'll be glad when it's over and I can go home."
       Mikan nodded agreement as Turlan emerged from the bathing room.
       "Thank you so much, Lutra," she inclined her head gracefully, though unable to master her beaming grin, "It's lovely!"
       "I'm glad you like it, highness."
       "And now I must go and get ready for the feast," Turlan smiled at the young tenshi, "I trust you won't object if I wear my gift tonight?"
       "Of course not," Lutra smiled back, walking with Turlan to the door.
       "I'll see you there." Turlan arched an amused eyebrow at the two Saiyans in the room. "All of you, no doubt..."

As tenshi feasts went, that night's repast was fairly quiet. Only senior courtiers and members of Lutra's past and future family were in attendance. There was no revelry as such, that was being saved for the main feast in two nights' time, but it was still an enjoyable evening.
       Lutra's guard didn't eat, the four of them standing in silent, scowling attendance behind her. The tenshi quietly organised for a small mountain of food to be delivered to her rooms after she left the hall; the Saiyans may be on duty but it wouldn't be fair for them to miss out on the sumptuous meal.
       The first moon was a slim sliver hanging high in the night sky by the time Lutra was able to return to her rooms. The tenshi couldn't help yawning as they made their way through the dimly lit corridors.
       "Tired, Lutra-chan?" Mikan smirked at her.
       Lutra nodded, yawning again behind her hand.
      "I feel like I haven't slept in an age…"
       The tenshi froze as a disembodied voice seemingly floated out of the darkness between the small lights set into the stone walls. A tall, heavy set male tenshi with shoulder length white-blonde hair emerged from the shadows, a predatory, condescending smile on his strong face. The four Saiyan Elite stepped closer to their charge, in response to the sudden dismay and fear colouring her scent.
       "Friend of yours, highness?" Jahonda, arms folded across his massive chest, watched the newcomer unblinkingly.
       "No." Lutra's breath hitched but her voice didn't waver.
      "Highness - that's right." The male's smile changed to what could be considered charming, but only served to make Lutra's stomach clench. "Congratulations on your adoption, Lutra." He bowed from the waist but his dark green eyes never left hers, "You would make a more than suitable mate for me now."
       "I'm already bonded, Rephan."
       "To an alien?" Rephan dismissed the notion, "It won't last, and -" he took another step closer, his voice dropping to a husky purr, "- I'm sure there are things I could give you that he couldn't."
       "What? Bruises?" Lutra's eyes glittered dangerously, spots of high colour staining her cheeks. "I've had quite enough of those from you already. Leave me alone, Rephan, you have no claim on me."
      Rephan's insolent smirk didn't waver as Jahonda stepped in front of Lutra.
       "Her highness has requested you leave her alone."
       The tenshi settled his glistening white wings close to his body, and sketched another bow.
       "I'll… talk to you later, Lutra. We have much catching up to do."
       "Not if I rip out your throat first," Jahonda snarled under his breath as the tenshi strode away.

"Lutra-chan, are you all right?" There was concern in Mikan's voice and her hand on Lutra's shoulder was gentle.
       "I wish 'lestrel was here," for a moment the tenshi's voice was high and childlike, then she swallowed, smiling tremulously at the Guard before continuing in a more normal tone. "No, I'm fine, Mikan, thank you." Merely overcome with looking an old horror in the face. "But I think I'd better go to bed now, it's going to be a long day tomorrow." She shivered, casting an involuntary glance back over her shoulder in the direction Rephan had taken.
       "We're not going to leave you alone," Jahonda rumbled quietly and Lutra drew in a shuddering breath - the relief flooding her scent raising grim smiles on the Saiyans.
       "Thank you."

Not surprisingly, Lutra was having difficulty sleeping. What she wanted to do more than anything, next to having her mate there of course, was go flying. That wasn't possible, her feathers hadn't fully regrown yet, and with Mikan sleeping in the room with her - Yamaimo was asleep in the antechamber, Kirec and Jahonda were at their posts outside - she didn't want to pace in case she woke the female.
       Lutra closed her eyes with a sigh, so many memories she'd thought she'd put aside…

At sixteen, she'd been sent to the capitol as part of her family's tithe to the Suzerain, to work as a servant in the palace. It wasn't an especially hard life, she helped prepare food in the massive kitchens, and served at the nobles' table. She'd made friends too, finding an ease amongst the palace servants that just wasn't there for her amongst her mother's kin.
       Lutra was still new to the palace, still finding her way around when one crisp clear morning - humming cheerfully to herself as she hurried back from an errand - a smooth, forceful voice stopped her in her tracks.
       "You, child. What's your name?" A tall male, handsome in a blunt sort of way, emerged from the shadows to tower over her.
       "Lutra, sir," the tenshi kept her eyes lowered as was proper; she wasn't sure who he was but his status was indicated by his seat at the Suzerain's table last night.
      "Pretty." Large fingers under her chin forced her to meet his eyes. "Very pretty. I saw you serving in the hall."
       Lutra blushed, could think of nothing to say but the angle the lord was forcing her chin to was beginning to strain her neck. He brought his face close to hers, so close she could feel his warm, damp breath gusting over her face as he spoke.
       "Now you, Lutra, will have the honour of releasing my… stress."
       And with that he pushed her back against the chill stone wall, lifting her simple servant's robe and groping roughly between her legs. Stunned, Lutra didn't think to struggle or cry out as he forced two fingers into her, perfunctorily opening her for the thick, rigid cock that soon followed.
       When he was done he took a few moments to compose himself, slumped forwards against the wall, Lutra caught beneath him, the front of her skirts still hiked up around her waist. She flinched when he moved, grimacing as he pulled out of her, and stared stonily at the floor. He chuckled wearily, straightening his clothes as he stood back from her.
       "I may have need of your services again."
       Then he left, leaving her to creep away, trembling, to wash all traces of him from herself before she got back to work.

It happened again several days later, Rephan - he told her his name this time - pulling the girl into an alcove and fucking her while Lutra gritted her teeth against the painful, dry penetration, desperately trying not to make a sound that would attract the attention of the other courtiers strolling past.
      And it kept happening, for the better part of a year with Lutra terrified that he'd take her during one of her, then, irregular and ill-defined breeding cycles – the cycles didn't become regular until a female had bonded – and sire a child on her. Lutra certainly didn't want his attention, and he almost always left her bruised and aching, but she never thought to protest - his status was greater than hers and she had no choice but to submit. Needing to talk about it though, Lutra had confided in her cousin. Veran was no comfort, saying, nastily, that because she hadn't complained, not once, it could only be seen as consensual, couldn't it? And her word against a noble's? The beautiful tenshi had shrugged eloquently and Lutra never raised the subject with anyone again.
       Rephan changed too, over the year, going from contempt, telling her bluntly she was only there to for him to relieve himself with, to eventually attempting a rough but still painful sort of affection and speaking of bonding! That was harder for her to deal with than when he had just used her and walked away. Lutra spent a lot of energy that year trying to avoid the noble. He always found her though, and sometimes, even with no definite proof, Lutra was certain Veran had told him where to look. The situation had culminated during the winter celebrations with a very drunk Rephan locking them both in a small room, slurring, as he fumbled about beneath her skirts, that she was going to be his mate whether she liked it or not...
       Turlan, alerted by a friend of Lutra's, had had the room forced open and Rephan pulled off of the girl. Rephan had been sent to one of the colony worlds the next day and Turlan officially took Lutra into her service, and under her protection. Lutra hadn't seen, or heard of, the male for more than two years, until now. The tenshi was grimly pleased with herself though: after the initial shock of meeting her abuser again, her tumultuous emotions had rapidly cooled into a simmering rage. She wasn't the frightened, helpless girl she'd been. In the intervening years, by her own hard work and Turlan's patronage, she'd increased her status sufficiently to be counted as a courtier and had a small measure of influence at court; she couldn't, wouldn't let Rephan hurt her any more. Or anyone else if she could help it.

"Like to talk about it?" Mikan murmured from her nest of furs in front of the fire.
       "I'm sorry," Lutra whispered, "am I keeping you awake?"
       "A little," Mikan chuckled, "would you like to talk?"
       Actually, yes, Lutra did want to talk but… she couldn't share the shame with anyone, not yet.
       "No, thank you, Mikan," Lutra sighed, snuggling down under the furs again. "It's in the past now."
       "Very well," there were similar settling down noises from Mikan's side of the room, "wake me if you need anything."
       "Thank you," Lutra whispered, then deliberately shut her eyes and concentrated on conjuring images of Alestrel in her mind.
       *I miss you, hab'lan.* She sent the thought out not knowing if her mate could *read* it this far away, but needing to try at least.
       The tenshi fell asleep, eventually, under the loving, imaginary gaze of her beloved's wide golden eyes…

Lutra woke early the next day, earlier than she'd intended, which was annoying because today, as was the custom with adoptions, she was supposed to spend the day in the company of the family she was soon to leave. Lutra could think of better things to do with her time…
       Maxia - Lutra's mother's brother's mate - made an effort at least to be pleasant, but Elbahn, her mate, simply ignored his sister's child, preferring instead to work through the family accounts with his estate chatelaine and speculate avariciously on what sort of gifts the Suzerain would give them in exchange for Lutra. The old male did look up from his accounts occasionally to glower at the Saiyans who'd not given him a choice about staying with Lutra. Of Maxia and Elbahn's four children, only Veran was there with them, and of course she made no attempt to be friendly. She kept her distance, though after 'accidentally' knocking her cousin's drink into her lap. Veran didn't get an opportunity to enjoy her petty victory of spoiling Lutra's dress - the remorseless, threatening stares of the four Saiyans had wiped the snide little smile from her face and rattled her enough that she kept to her room for most of the day.
       Lutra left as early as was expedient, well before sundown, and spent the evening playing ciser-nah with Mikan before going to bed. Missing her hab'lan was an everpresent ache and all Lutra could do to ease it a fraction was pleasure herself quietly; only then could she sleep.

The next morning, the tenshi lay on her back and stared up at the ceiling. She sighed, today she would officially, publicly, be taken into the Suzerain's family. It was going to be another long day…

Lutra was more than ready to go to bed. She yawned sleepily as she and her Guard made their way back to her rooms. It was late, she was tired and a little light-headed from the sweetly spiced wines; she breathed a huge sigh of relief - finally, with the extravagant feast tonight, the worst of the adoption was over and she could relax. But, Lutra reflected, on the whole it had gone well. The court had been suitably awed by the richness of the gifts exchanged, and by the opulence of what she'd worn - Lutra made a mental note to thank Zh'leet for providing the clothes at such short notice - and there'd been a great cheer when, after the documents had been signed, the Suzerain had stepped forward to embrace her as his kin. Lutra almost giggled - luckily she'd had the foresight to warn her Guards this would be happening so they didn't leap on the Suzerain and pummel him into the dais!
       "Something funny?" Mikan, walking sedately beside her, cocked an eyebrow at the tenshi.
       "Not really." The tenshi smiled up at her companion. "Only another couple of days then we can leave."
      There was a rustle of silk behind them.
       "Lutra!" It was Veran, running lightly over the stone floor, hurrying to catch up with them. Lutra eyed her cousin warily.
      "Yes, Veran?"
       "Turlan would like to see you, in private, if you don't mind," beautiful purple eyes were wide and friendly. That in itself should have made Lutra suspicious, but – she was tired.
       "Of course," she replied automatically, smiling apologetically at Jahonda when he growled a protest.
       "She only wants to speak with you briefly." Veran assured.
       "It will be all right," Lutra said, "you've met Turlan. I trust her and I'm part of her family now. No one would dare to hurt me."
       "I can't allow it."
       "I have to insist, Guardsman," Lutra's mouth was set in a firm line. "If her highness wishes to speak to me in private then I must obey."
      Jahonda's eyes narrowed, but he nodded curtly.
       "Very well, but we'll be outside the room."
       Veran led them a little way along an adjoining corridor, stopping before a heavy wooden door.
       "Highness?" She tapped lightly on the door. "Lutra is here to see you." She turned to her cousin, eyes glittering oddly in the half-light. "Go right in."

"Highness?" Lutra closed the door behind her, peering into the darkened room with the first pricklings of unease. "Highness?"
       Something slammed into her from behind, sending her sprawling forwards. Lutra tried to cry out but something, someone, grabbed a handful of hair and smashed her face into the carpeted floor. Stunned, the tenshi could do nothing but mumble a feeble 'no' as her costly gown was unceremoniously shoved up past her buttocks and clammy hands roughly forced her thighs apart…
       The heavy door exploded inwards in a shower of ki-blasted splinters and Lutra heard a satisfying squawk of fear. The next few moments were a jumble of unrelated sounds for the shaken tenshi, but then she felt hands again, gentle this time, pulling her gown back down.
       "Lutra-chan, are you hurt?" Mikan's warm voice was threaded with concern and anger as she helped her sit up. Lutra's head spun for a moment and she touched fingertips to her forehead. They came away unbloodied, the carpet had spared her some damage, but there'd be a decent lump and a bruise.
      "I'm all right." The tenshi bared her teeth, she had a good idea what had happened. "Where is he?"
       Mikan, mouth set in a grim line, jerked her head over Lutra's shoulder.
       Rephan was being held up against the wall by Jahonda and Kirec. The Saiyans hadn't been gentle getting him there by the look of it, the tenshi was distinctly the worse for wear.
       "You!" Lutra snarled, staggering to her feet.
       "I - I love you..." Rephan rasped through broken teeth and bleeding lips.
       Lutra gaped – and then she flew at him.
       "Love!" The outraged tenshi screamed, slapping his face so hard his head rocked back, "Don't speak to me of love!" Another stinging slap. "You are incapable of love! You used me – " she stepped close to him, azure eyes blazing, " – for a year. Not once did think to see if it was what I wanted, or if you were hurting me, or – " her voice broke, " – do you even know how to fuck someone without causing them pain?"
       There is a small protrusion of bone in the male tenshi-jin pelvis that serves as an anchor point for the muscles of the penis when it's erect. It's an excruciatingly sensitive spot and Lutra slammed her fist into Rephan's, grinning with feral satisfaction when he went white, unable to make a sound or even breathe as agony ripped through him.
       At that point, Yamaimo dragged a struggling, terrified Veran into the room.
       "Got her." The Guard had the tenshi's wrists caught securely behind her back in one big hand, his brawny forearm clamped securely across her throat.
       Lutra's eyes went wide, then she snarled, advancing menacingly on her cousin.
       Veran shook her head frantically, too scared, or maybe too cunning, to commit herself to speech. Lutra growled inarticulately and slapped Veran, hard, across the face, with her fingers curled under slightly so the nails tore into her cousin's flawless skin raising bloody welts. Veran shrieked and sobbed, struggling ineffectually in the Saiyan's grip.
       "She's jealous of you." Yamaimo smirked unpleasantly but before Lutra could assimilate that statement through the red rage coursing through her, a regal voice thundered from the shattered doorway.
       "What has happened here?!"
       Lutra automatically dropped to one knee before the Suzerain.
      "Your Majesty – " she begun shakily, then Jahonda stepped forward, curtly inclining his head towards the ruler of the tenshi-jin.
       "Lutra-sama was attacked, by him," Jahonda indicated Rephan hanging limply in Kirec's grasp, "and she – " he spat contemptuously at Veran, " – led Lutra to him." The Elite male glowered. "Fortunately we were able to intervene before any real damage was done to Ssii'irin A'lestrel's bondmate."
       The Suzerain's lips compressed as he took in the rising lump on his adopted kin's forehead. He prowled to stand before Rephan.
       "Fool!" Natil hissed, "It's one thing to force yourself on those who can't refuse you, but this… One of my kin? The bonded mate of a Prince? You have offered Ssii'irin A'lestrel a mortal insult."
       "D'sn't matter," Rephan slurred, "'s an alien."
       "His family are our allies!" The Suzerain bellowed and Rephan flinched. Natil took a deep breath and stepped away from Rephan, physically and symbolically distancing himself.
      "I cannot interfere."
       Rephan's head swung up, panicked.
       "But c'sin – "
       Rephan yelped as a strong hand shot out to painfully grip his cracked chin.
       "I will not intervene this time, cousin," Natil growled, "This is a private matter between you and those you have wronged." The Suzerain turned his back on his kinsman to speak to Jahonda.
       "Ssii'irin A'lestrel will be informed?"
       The Saiyan nodded.
       "Yes, he will deal with – " he shot a malevolent glare at the tenshi, " – that."

Seething with rage, Jahonda put in a call to Vejiitasei, insisting on speaking to A'lestrel, much to diplomat-in-training Mamemoyashi's dismay. The young Saiyan disappeared, leaving the Guard to pace tightly, and came back moments later with Zyelenyi, who was obviously not happy about being dragged away from whatever it was he'd been doing. His expression changed to one of alarm at the sight of Jahonda's face.
      "What's happened?"
      "Lutra was attacked."
      Zyelenyi blanched.
      "Oh gods…. Is she hurt? And why weren't you there?"
      "She's fine. It was that…" Saiya-go failed him. "… kfick cousin of hers, that Veran. Told Lutra-sama the Suzerain's sister wanted a private word, Lutra went alone, it wasn't Turlan but a male tenshi… Lutra knows him. There's some history between them… We were right outside the door, taishi. As soon as we scented what was happening we entered…"
      Zyelenyi's face was still pale, but now stony.
      "I trust he still lives?"
      Jahonda snarled silently.
      "We assumed his highness would want to deal with the matter - and with us, since we failed in our duty."
      "As is his right… Very well. A'lestrel-sama will be with you as soon as we can get him there. In the meantime - I don't care what she says, you are not to let Lutra out of your sight. Understand?"
      Jahonda saluted and turned from the screen as it blanked, almost as furious with himself as with Rephan. How could he have been so negligent!? He deserved anything A'lestrel-sama chose to deal out as punishment…

Lutra paced the central chamber of her rooms, too agitated to rest. Turlan sat at the table, fine golden brows creased with worry as she watched the younger female walk back and forth, back and forth. Mikan emerged from the bathing room.
      "I've run you a bath, Lutra-chan."
       "Thank you," Lutra replied absently.
       "It'll help you relax," Mikan gave her a small smile, "and you don't have to worry, Yamaimo is guarding the... prisoners; Jahonda and Kirec are on guard outside your rooms."
       "I'm not worried, Mikan," Lutra stopped pacing to gaze levelly at the female, "I'm so angry I'm scaring myself. I want to kill them."
       Mikan nodded grimly.
       "A'lestrel-sama will make sure they get what they deserve."
       "No, I want to kill them. Myself." Lutra murmured looking down at fingernails that were still crusted with her cousin's blood. She sighed, suddenly tired. "I'll bathe, then sleep; things will be clearer in the morning."
       "I'll take my leave then, child," Turlan smiled softly.
       "Thank you for everything, highness," Lutra almost knelt, but remembered her new status and simply bowed her head to the noble female instead. Turlan took a step towards Lutra, then hesitated, glancing at Mikan for permission to approach the young female. The Saiyan scowled but nodded, watching her closely as Turlan gently touched Lutra's cheek.
       "Sleep well, Lutra."

Mikan had been right, the bath had soothed the tenshi, relaxing her almost to the point of being able to sleep. Almost. Lutra lay alone in the big bed, curled onto her side staring at the curtains, missing A'lestrel desperately. She'd see him in a couple of days though. Jahonda had returned from contacting Vejiitasei with the news that the Ssii'irin was on his way. What would her mate think of her? She'd been so stupid, had almost let Rephan take her again – if it hadn't been for her guards...
       "Lutra-chan," Mikan spoke softly from the other side of the curtain, "can I help?"
       "No, thank you…" The tenshi gusted a tremulous sigh as tears welled up over her lashes. "Yes. Please, Mikan," Lutra whispered. The female climbed onto the bed to sit cross-legged beside her, close but not touching.
       "He's not going to be angry with you." Mikan was able to discern Lutra's main concern through her scent.
       "He should be," Lutra was tearful, "I am so stupid."
      "Not stupid, just trusting." Mikan gently stroked the tenshi's hair. "If the prince is going to be angry with anyone - other than that kusoyaro - it'll be us for not protecting you."
       "But you did, if you hadn't been there it could've been much worse."
       "We shouldn't have let you go into the room alone." Mikan's disgust with herself was evident.
       "I think though," Lutra was thoughtful, "Rephan would have found a way to me one way or another. There's something… not right about him."
       "There's going to be a fucking sight more 'not right' with him by the time A'lestrel's finished!" Mikan growled, her eyes glittering in the dark.
       "Will 'lestrel kill him?"
       "Oh yes, eventually."
       Lutra was quiet for a moment, then:
       The tenshi lapsed into silence, and after a few minutes Mikan made to go back to her own bed, sure that Lutra had fallen asleep.
      "Mikan, could you stay here?"
      "Sure," the Saiyan smiled and climbed under the furs to lie close to, but again not touching, the tenshi.
      "Thank you." Lutra was barely audible and soon she was asleep.
      Mikan sighed minutely, gently stroking the tenshi's hair; in her sleep Lutra nestled closer to the Saiyan's comforting warmth.

As he ended the communication with Jahonda, Zyelenyi rubbed a hand over his eyes. This wasn't going to be pleasant: he'd seen A'lestrel angry once before, and once was quite enough for one lifetime…
      Best to minimise the damage. A quick, urgent call to the spaceport had the corps' fastest cruiser fuelling up and crewed, ready to launch in less than an hour. Another call to the Ssii'iin to explain what had happened and why the prince would be offworld for the next few days - no hesitation or objection: regardless of A'lestrel's personal feelings and the Saiyan possessiveness that was even more pronounced in the Zasshu, this was a matter of honour. That anyone had dared to assault the bondmate of a prince of the Empire? Unthinkable!
      Zha'haabron had been coldly furious, no doubt remembering the last time it had happened, and nodded his acceptance: he would inform those who needed to know.
      Then Zyelenyi took a deep breath and called A'lestrel out of the meeting he was currently overseeing…

It was an unpleasant trip for the others on the cruiser, constantly aware of the simmering violence in the grim-faced prince. They kept their distance, and their silence - even Ry: some things transcended old friendships - performing their allotted duties with tense efficiency, and got A'lestrel to Maurilla in just under two days. There was a deep sigh of relief once he'd left the vessel, accompanied by an honour guard of Ry and Ichigo - along with an unspoken sympathy for whoever it was that had angered the Ssii'irin, and a profound gratitude it wasn't any of them.

The Suzerain, his most senior advisors and the tenshi guards waited with varying degrees of nervousness in the chilly pre-dawn; Ssii'irin A'lestrel's vessel was due to land at any minute and the tenshi were assembled to hopefully prevent a bloodbath.

On one of the upper floors of the palace, Lutra snapped awake with a gasp.
       "What is it?" Mikan was instantly alert, already pulling on her bodysuit as the tenshi scrambled out of the bed.
       "'lestrel's here." Lutra's eyes were very bright, but she tingled with tension; she *knew* her hab'lan was angry. "I have to meet him." She grabbed the first piece of clothing to hand, a plain, soft gold woollen robe and was out of the door before she'd fully settled it over her body.
       Barefoot, Lutra ran down the several flights of wide steps leading to the ground floor, silently cursing her wings for not being functional yet, her Guard loping easily along at her side. With her heart in her mouth, she pounded out of the palace and along the massive stone concourse that led to the spaceport.

A'lestrel paused at the top of the cruiser's ramp, eyes ice-cold as he stared at the reception committee, thinking sourly that they were obviously very worried indeed, for themselves and their standing in the Empire. As he prowled down to meet them the Suzerain stepped forwards, open hands extended, quailing under the prince's obvious fury and opting for brevity over his usual convoluted mode of speech.
      "Ssii'irin A'lestrel, please understand that this… sorparnat … was acting entirely on his own cognisance. We did not know what he planned. We have him in custody, pending your arrival and decision as to his fate…"

… which was the truth, A'lestrel *read* from the Suzerain's mind - along with the fact that this was not the first time this tenshi, Rephan, had been involved in such an assault…
      But his zk'aida was approaching - he could *feel* her warm, shining *presence* coming closer, and moments later she'd shoved through the assembled courtiers and A'lestrel found himself with a double-armful of trembling tenshi. Shaking, he buried his face in her sweet-smelling hair and closed his eyes, breathing in her living scent. Her scent: the kfick had not had his hands on Lutra for long enough to even leave a trace of his own. Which would, he decided, raising his eyes to glower at the Saiyan Guard - in a semi-circle behind his bondmate, on one knee, heads bowed, right hands clenched over their hearts and scent ashamed and remorseful - be enough to mitigate their punishment to something less than physical injury.
      *'lestrel, 'lestrel – hab'lan…* Lutra *whispered*, clinging to her mate. Even 'pathically she couldn't give form to her feelings so she did the only thing she could, *inundating* her Zasshu with an outpouring of love and her happiness at being with him again, and the residue of anger, fear and shame. He held her tightly, reassuringly, nuzzling her neck.
      *I am here, zk'vissin. As I should have been all along…*
      He took a deep, calming breath. She was safe. Unharmed, apart from the bruised swelling on her forehead. Her attacker was secured. Time to keep his anger under control until he met the tenshi responsible… His corps training - and the basic rationality of his temperament, maazi's legacy - kicked in. Still holding his bondmate, he eyed the Suzerain coldly.
      "We accept that this outrage was not of your doing. We do not hold you to blame. We expect, however, to have sole jurisdiction over the traitor's sentence and punishment."
      He could *feel* the wave of utter relief that swept through the assembled tenshi. The Suzerain bowed his head briefly.
      "But certainly, your Highness. We can conduct you to him at your convenience…"
      "I wish to spend some time with my bondmate first."
      Natil raised his hands.
      "Of course, sire. Of course…"

*Now,* A'lestrel held Lutra's shoulders and gazed into her face sombrely, *I want to know why you should feel shame. It was not your fault that you were attacked.*
      Lutra stared at him, wide-eyed. There were times she forgot her hab'lan's *abilities*
      "It was… was a long time ago, 'lestrel. It doesn't matter now."
      He frowned.
      "Obviously it does, you are still troubled… Lutra, I want to *scan* you."
      She swallowed nervously. If he *scanned*, he'd learn all about her. All.
      He took her hand, gazing at her intently.
      "We all have secrets, zk'aida, things we aren't proud of doing or being. Gods' know I have enough, myself. Whatever I find, it will make no difference to us, to our bond."
      She drew a shuddering breath.
      *Zk'vissin… you are my bonded mate, an irreplaceable part of me. Your pains are mine, I share your sorrows, your griefs. Your joys, also.*
      Lutra stared, tears welling in rich blue eyes. He stroked her face.
      "I won't hurt you."
      She nodded, her *yes…* the quietest murmur.
      He smiled and stroked her face gently, *focussing* intently for a few seconds, eyes half closing… she felt nothing - or was there just the very faintest sensation of something *touching* her mind?... His eyes opening again, he scowled.
      "Death is too good for him…"
      Lutra wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight. He kissed her hair.
      "And what shall we do with Veran?"
      "She's mine." Lutra growled quietly. "Let me have her."
      A'lestrel hesitated for a moment, then nodded guardedly.
      "As long as it does not place you in any danger." And after this, you and I will discuss my claiming you…

The cells were underground - antipathy to a winged and sky-loving race. Rephan's was cramped and very basic: he'd not been comfortable, Jahonda noted with satisfaction as he oversaw the tenshi's removal to one of the smaller reception chambers. The court, A'lestrel and Lutra - guarded as ever - stood waiting as he was brought in, hands and wings manacled.
      To the Saiyans' amazement the tenshi didn't seem to realise the seriousness of his crime. His head was high, his eyes disdainful in his swollen face as he gazed around the assembly - and when he caught sight of A'lestrel he burst into a disbelieving laugh.
      "That… that is what's bonded with Lutra? That's what I'm supposed to be afraid of? It's not even a proper male!"
      Jahonda blanched, waiting for the explosion - but the prince simply inclined his head.
      "Remove the bonds."
      The tenshi guard glanced uneasily at the Suzerain, who nodded. Moments later, rubbing at his wrists, Rephan was free.
      He smirked at A'lestrel.
      "So, little thing, you're challenging me?"
      The prince shook his head.
      "There is nothing to challenge. Lutra is my bondmate."
      "Heh. Prove it!"
      Smiling coldly, A'lestrel stepped forward, caught the tenshi's fists in slender hands - and forced Rephan inexorably to his knees. It took a moment for the pain to register as one by one the bones in the tenshi's hands fractured and broke under the Zasshu's strength.
      Rephan whimpered. A'lestrel regarded him impassively.
      "I understand from Lutra that flight is all-important to the tenshi-jin. Therefore I will deprive you of the ability." He frowned. "Unfortunately there are fewer bones in your wings than the number of times you… assaulted… my bondmate. Nevertheless, I'm sure I can think of a solution to that minor inconvenience…"
      Moving to stand behind Rephan, A'lestrel gripped a wing and, starting at the tips, slowly and precisely broke every bone - twice. Stopping to allow Mikan to throw cold water over the tenshi to revive him every time he fainted. As he snapped the last bone of the pallid, shaking tenshi's second wing, the prince glanced at Lutra.
      "I understand that if certain feathers are removed, flight is impossible?"
      Lutra nodded.
      "The first seven flight feathers - the long ones on the outside of our wings. But they grow again, after moulting…"
      The prince nodded. Pulling the lower part of Rephan's shattered wing outstretched, he prodded at the newly grown primaries, ignoring the tenshi's gasping pleas for mercy.
      Lutra nodded, eyes huge. A'lestrel smiled humourlessly - then focussed tightly, gathering a tiny spear of ki between his thumb and index finger. Wielding the blindingly bright energies deftly, he burned out the primary feather follicles, one by one, destroying the flight muscle behind each as Rephan screamed and writhed helplessly on the ground…
      Lutra's gaze wandered over the large number of tenshi witnessing Rephan's punishment. Their expressions mostly ranged from uneasy to horrified but here and there, among the lower ranked females, were expressions that mirrored her own - satisfaction and a fierce, almost lustful joy. It wasn't simply her own pain being avenged.
      A'lestrel was efficient, finishing the task quickly then watching impassively as tenshi guards dragged the moaning, semi-conscious lord from the chamber. Mutilated and in great pain, Rephan would never fly again. The prince considered it sufficient punishment - for now.

It was Veran's turn. The beautiful tenshi stood apprehensively in the centre of the chamber, facing the Suzerain.
      "You deliberately led Lutra che'Porifahn - " the Suzerain placed heavy emphasis on Lutra's new name, " - into danger. Maliciously and willfully. Do you deny this?"
      "Majesty, I - "
      "Do you deny this?"
      Veran subsided, wings trembling, but couldn't bring herself to admit or deny her guilt. Natil sighed and turned to her ashen-faced father.
      "You would speak in your daughter's defence, Elbahn?"
       The old male shook his head briefly.
       "Father!" Veran was stricken. "You must!"
       "I can't." he whispered hoarsely, fixing her with a flat glare. "You do not betray your blood."
       "We're not her family anymore!" Veran was becoming desperate.
      "And that mitigates what you did?" Elbahn shouted. "Despite her adoption, Lutra is still the only surviving child of my sister, she is still of my - your blood!" He swallowed, and straightened up. "There is only one punishment for treachery against your family."
       "No!" Veran sobbed.
       "Outcast." Elbahn's shoulders slumped. "I have no daughter."
       "Outcast." Maxia hollowly echoed her mate's words. "I have no daughter."
       Lutra didn't smile, she felt none of the soaring sense of triumph she'd fantasised about when Veran finally got what she deserved. To be outcast from your family was to become the lowest of the low; without the shelter and protection of family, an outcast was entirely at the mercy of whoever they came into contact with. In some ways, death would have been easier for Veran.
       "Lutra, are you content with this?" the Suzerain asked; he sounded weary.
      Lutra locked eyes with her cousin.
      "I want to challenge her."
      Alestrel frowned at his bondmate.
       *A one to one fight.* Lutra elucidated to her mate without looking away from Veran. *A way of settling scores.*
       The Zasshu's frown deepened.
       *I can't allow it, aijin, I will not let you risk yourself - and you're still recovering from your illness.*
       Lutra scowled, ready to protest, and her mate cupped her cheek in a graceful hand.
       *No, Lutra.*
       The tenshi quivered under his palm, her scent full of anger and outrage and old, old hate. Then she shivered and relaxed, nodding her head minutely.
       "I won't challenge her, then," Lutra spoke out loud, smiling grimly as Veran slumped in relief. There was a fierce undertone to her voice as she half-smirked at Alestrel. "Break her wings instead. Just one. At the base where it's difficult to splint…"
      Inclining his head, ignoring Veran's terrified whimpering, A'lestrel took hold of a wing root, gripping firmly and snapping the bone as the tenshi shrieked and fainted. He let her fall, then sighed and moved to stand at Lutra's side.
      *Are we done?*
      Lutra nodded silently. The Zasshu turned to the Suzerain.
      "We are satisfied."
      Wings quivering with the release of nervous tension, Natil raised his hands to the court.
      "Be it known that justice has been served. Be it noted that such behaviour as provoked the judgment will not be countenanced."
      A low murmur went through the assembled tenshi, and Lutra tugged inconspicuously at A'lestrel's hand.
      *I'd like to show you our rooms…*

Lutra's Saiyan Guard were very quiet, very attentive, and very uneasy, uncertain as to how they were to be punished for their negligence - but A'lestrel had more important things to worry about right now. Such as reaffirming his bond with his mate. He glowered at the four, then dismissed them to their posts, outside the suite…
      Lutra was flushed and bright-eyed, quivering, partly from reaction at the events in the reception chamber, but mostly from having the prince with her again. She gestured vaguely around the main room - then pointed at the bed, half-hidden behind the heavily embroidered curtain.
      "It's very comfortable. But very big. Very lonely, just for one person…"
      A'lestrel quirked an eyebrow, touching the soft new growth along a wing.
      "Even for one with such expansive wings?"
      She smiled up at him, shyly, from under lowered lashes.
      "Oh yes. Let me show you…"

Several hours later Mikan knocked timidly on the inner door.
      "Heika? May I enter?"
      Lutra's clear, happy voice called out "Come in", and the Saiyan nervously entered the chamber, smiling to herself at the sight of the prince sprawled languidly across the bed, mane unplaited and dishevelled, while the tenshi - straddling his lower back - fondled the tip of the tail wrapped around her waist. The air was sweet with the scent of their lovemaking, and A'lestrel looked - well, not at all annoyed, at any rate…
      Mikan dropped to one knee, head bowed.
      "Forgive the intrusion, my Ssii'irin, but the Suzerain has announced a banquet in your honour…"
      The prince groaned and closed his eyes with a shudder.
      "Will you tell… ask him not to have any high-pitched instruments there, this time?"
      Chuckling quietly, Mikan nodded.
      "Of course, your highness. May I tell him you will be there shortly?"
      A'lestrel glanced over his shoulder at his mate, who leaned forwards to kiss him, then returned his gaze to the Saiyan.
      "It would be discourteous to refuse… Leave us to get ready."
      Rising and bowing, Mikan left the room, feeling a little less worried about her immediate future.

The feast was extravagant, as expected: the ingratiating deference shown to her mate and herself was also expected, but Lutra was well aware of the undercurrent of awe and - yes - fear focused on the Saiyans, and on Alestrel in particular. Oddly enough, it made her feel safe, protected, cuddled into her mate's side, his tail wrapped tightly around her waist – Lutra knew no one could hurt her anymore, her hab'lan wouldn't allow it.
      Towards the end of the banquet A'lestrel gently stroked her wing.
      *Is there any reason why we cannot return home at first light?*
      Lutra shook her head.
      *The formalities are over now, and your presence here tonight has reassured everyone they won't suffer because of what happened. They know they're still part of the Empire - and you've forgiven them.*
      The prince smirked wryly.
      *I am not entirely unreasonable… Of course, being able to *know* the truth of the matter does give me an advantage.*
      She laughed quietly.
      *And Saiyans don't bear grudges.*
      He blinked.
      *Where did you hear that?*
      She shrugged lightly.
      *Tia-chan said it, I think. Isn't it true?*
      *Yes, in the main. However, I'm not pure Saiyan.*
      She inclined her head.
      *Does that mean you do bear grudges?*
      He kissed her, gently.
      *Only when they are deserved…*

It was late when the ostentatious banquet finished, and Lutra was having difficulty keeping her eyes open - she hadn't slept at all well or for long over the past couple of nights. Mercifully the closing rituals and farewells did not take long, then she was free to leave, pacing sedately beside the prince and flanked by the six Saiyans. But before they'd walked far Turlan called quietly after them. As a group they halted, the Guard eyeing the Suzerain's sister suspiciously: Lutra stepped forwards, A'lestrel at her side.
      Her two handmaids beside her, Turlan halted a pace or two away and smiled at the bondmates, extending her hands to them both.
      "I have not yet had the opportunity to tell you both how happy I am for you. Ssii'irin A'lestrel, I know how much Lutra feels for you, and how loyal and loving she is. It is my delight that she has found such a strong and loving protector and mate. Please know that you are always welcome here, at any time, you and your family."
      The prince inclined his head graciously.
      "You have our thanks, highness. Be assured that I will convey your welcome to their majesties." He smiled. "And I thank you on my own behalf for your kindness, past, present and to come, to my bondmate."
      Turlan chuckled and, glancing first at the Saiyans, touched Lutra's cheek gently, eyes on A'lestrel's face.
      "Kindness to one so deserving requires no thanks, your highness." She smiled, withdrew her hand, and stepped back. "May your lives together be long and filled with brightness."

Lutra woke before dawn, rested, soothed and happy in her sleeping hab'lan's embrace, and peered around the room. They'd left the bedcurtains open at A'lestrel's request - he wasn't overly fond of the dark - and now, in the glow from the banked fire and the first haze of sunrise outlining the window, the whole place looked… warm, and familiar, and comforting. It could, she decided, feel like home - as long as 'lestrel was with her.
      She nuzzled her Zasshu, lightly stroking along his tail, her arousal mounting as she felt him grow hard against her belly. Sleepily he pulled her more tightly to him.
      *… zk'vissin…?*
      She kissed him, one hand sliding between their bodies to fondle his inkei and the nub below it, gasping as his tail slipped from her grasp and eased into her body, the supple cool silkiness making her shiver with delight. A'lestrel rippled his tail, and she very nearly came, clutching his shoulders and whimpering. He smiled lazily at her from half-closed golden eyes under a dark emerald fringe.
      *What would you like me to do?*
      Oh, so many different things… But right now…
      She gently, slowly, pulled his tail from her body and straddled his hips, lowered herself swiftly onto his erection and began to ride, wings quivering, his hands cupping her breasts, playing with her nipples, his tail teasing her mound…
      She bit back a cry as she climaxed, feeling the coolness as he pulsed and came deep within her, then collapsing forwards to cuddle panting against his chest.
      *Missed you, hab'lan…*
      A long, contented sigh, then,
      *As I missed you, zk'aida.*
      For long moments they lay peacefully, breathing in each other's scent, then A'lestrel sighed and nuzzled her hair.
      *We must rise. We need to leave as soon as is politely possible.*
      Lutra pouted.
      *Must we?*
      He kissed her.
      *Yes, we must. I'm needed.*
      She bit her lip. She hadn't thought about it until now, but he'd have been in the middle of a series of meetings with whoever was next on the corps' agenda for annexation or membership or whatever… She sighed.
      *I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause any problems…*
      *You did not.*
      *All the same…*
      He sat up, pulling her with him, and gazed into her face.
      *Zk'aida, when a bondmate is endangered, all else is put aside. There is nothing more important.* He half-smirked ruefully. *When the danger is over, however… We will take my cruiser - it's faster.*
      She nodded sadly. It would have been nice to have used the slower vessel, but he was quite right. He was needed. They'd still have nearly two days to enjoy each other before Vejiitasei and duty claimed him once more. He brushed a kiss over her lips.
      *And on the way, I wish to speak with you about 'claiming'…*

© 2003 May 9th Amanda and Joules

Seventh Alliance Chronicle Index

            criminal - has the sense of traitor, despoiler.