This came about purely because I miss writing Zorun. Thanks for the suggestion, Joules!
                   - Lutra


This story takes place at some point during the Songs Sequence, in the Fifth Alliance Chronicle - so please make sure you've read the Chronicles first!

An Honourable Request

"We - the family - need an heir, papa." It was late in the day, Teebra sat at ease with her mother and father in the family's dining room.
      "There would have been an heir years ago if you'd accepted an offer." Grappi arched an eyebrow at her daughter. Teebra sniffed.
       "I cared for none of them,"
       "And you cared less for someone else taking control of the estate, ne?" Orboshin smirked and his dark eyes gleamed with amusement.
       "There is that..." Teebra chuckled, turning to gaze out at the mountainous view that never failed to stir her heart.
       "I'm not sure about your choice though," the middle-aged male frowned. "There have been some questions about his conduct off-world."
       "He has proved his worth, and his honour, time and again since then." Teebra countered.
       "And there is the matter of his alien connections..."
       "I have thought long and hard about this, papa." the ebony-haired female scowled at her father. "His bloodline is impeccable, his family are old, old friends and allies of ours. I think he's a perfect choice."
       Orboshin and Grappi exchanged a look and Teebra sighed exasperatedly.
      "You agree it would be advantageous to strengthen our ties with his family, ne?" Her parents nodded, albeit reluctantly, "Then, realistically, he is my only choice. Ry is too young, Weatsu's mate would never agree, and Nappa... well..." Teebra shuddered. "I wouldn't voluntarily pass on his genes."
       "Zorun also has a mate, remember?" Grappi pointed out.
       "His mate is one of the lizards – they don't think the same way we do." Teebra smirked. "But I'll put my request to him first, just to be sure..."

Ti'aasaan smiled at the serenely elegant female lounging opposite him on the balcony. Her note had been delivered that morning by a servant, after firstmeal when there was only himself, Zha'haarak and Jagung left in the suite. Ti'aasaan hadn't been sure how to respond to the noble female's polite, formal request to speak with him - at his earliest convenience. He had no idea who she was or what she could possibly want! Jagung had frowned pensively, then cleared the meeting. He knew of the Lady Teebra's family, they were staunchly loyal to the king, and with him there on guard there shouldn't be any threat.
      The Elite hovered now - not so discreetly - in the background while the little zn'hre and his guest shared a jug of chilled fruit juice.
       "Thank you for taking the time to see me, Ssii'iir Ti'aasaan," Teebra inclined her head politely. The sunslight created deep, almost purple highlights that rippled through the female's waist-length, ebony mane, and on the fur of the long tail looped casually over her hip. "I'll come straight to the point, if I may?"
       Ti'aasaan's smile widened – he was admittedly very curious about what she had to say.
      Teebra paused for a moment, deliberating, then looked directly at the zn'hre.
       "I would like to have a child – I would like Zorun to be the sire."
       Ti'aasaan blinked.
       "Why? I mean - " he frowned, "why ask me?"
       It was Teebra's turn to frown.
       "Because you are his mate and I thought it would be... polite to put the suggestion to you first, to see if you had any objections. Do you have any objections?"
      The little zn'hre smirked, absently running a cool hand over the prominent bulge of his hosting.
       "No, I don't. But I'm curious as to why you've chosen my bondmate."
       Teebra explained the situation and Ti'aasaan nodded thoughtfully.
       "All valid reasons." He tilted his head enquiringly. "What would you do if I said no?"
      "I wouldn't pursue the matter, of course," the Elite female shrugged.
       "But what about needing an heir?"
       "Oh there are plenty more males to choose from," Teebra smirked at the little zn'hre over the rim of her beaker, "Just not many I'd give preference to. I've known Zorun for most of his life, I – like him."
       Her last statement more than anything decided the matter for Ti'aasaan. In all the time he'd spent with the Saiya-jin he'd never heard any of them admit to liking another! It was refreshing, and rather sweet.
       "Well I have no objection but ultimately it's Zo'oruun's decision." Ti'aasaan grinned at her. "Will you stay for the midday meal? Zo'oruun will be here - so will his other children – you can ask him then."

It had been a long time since there'd been brats on the Estate. Teebra took in the happy noises, the colour and enthusiasm of the youngsters – not just Zorun's but all that turned up for the meal – and thought wistfully it would be nice to have a child around to brighten her family's home.
      It had also been a long time since she'd seen Zorun.
       Teebra's tail twitched appreciatively when he landed on the balcony. He was stronger than she remembered, broader, more powerful, more... attractive. Privately she added extra, purely selfish, reasons for him to agree to her request. He didn't notice her immediately though, he wasn't given the chance! The king's Guard was swamped by children almost before he set foot in the suite. Teebra knew Zorun had sired three already - not including the one Ti'aasaan was so obviously carrying. She could see the look of him in the little silver-maned male, the shaggy maned infant warrior and the exotic little female, but who was the fourth brat? The fiery, slender one with the green and flame-striped mane and tail?
       "Teebra?" There was surprise and – she hoped – some pleasure in his voice when he spotted her.
       "Greetings, Zorun." she half-smiled at him.
       "Why are you here?"
       Teebra smirked – he'd never been one for subtle questioning.
      "The Lady Teebra has a request," Ti'aasaan grinned up at his mate. "Why don't we go outside and discuss it in private?"

Zorun had listened to her in silence, a small frown creasing his heavy brows.
       "I - don't know." Teebra could scent his reluctance. "I already have four brats!" he growled, the tip of his tail twitching in agitation where it rested over his bondmate's belly.
       "Once my child is conceived you need have nothing more to do with it, if that is your wish." Teebra said evenly.
       "And what if that is not my wish?" he rumbled dangerously. "I will not abandon any of my brats!"
       "Then by all means you can see it!" Teebra was beginning to get annoyed with his obduracy – all she wanted was a simple yes or no!
       "Hn." Zorun was scowling, an expression she remembered vividly.
      The little zn'hre stepped in with a winsome smile.
       "Zo'oruun and I will discuss this, Lady Teebra. How long are you staying in Vejiitamachi?"
       "No more than twenty days, Ssii'iir Ti'aasaan, I have to return to the estate." And my heat will be well and truly over by then, she thought sourly to herself.
      "Very well, we'll contact you soon."
       "Thank you," Teebra exhaled then inclined her head to the zn'hre. "I am honoured to have met you, Ssii'iir Ti'aasaan." She smirked at the big male. "Goodbye, Zorun, I hope I'll be seeing you soon." And with that she sprung into the air and flew back to her rooms on the other side of the palace.

**Well?** Ti'aasaan grinned up at his still scowling mate.
      *Well what?* Zorun responded cautiously.
      **Are you going to impregnate her or not?**
      *I don't know!* he shoved a hand through his mane then reached out and pulled the little zn'hre close, nuzzling his neck as he stroked his tail over the bulge of his sireling. *I feel I've done quite enough of that already.*
      **One more isn't going to make any difference** Ti'aasaan nestled against the big male with a contented sigh. **And I'm not concerned about it**
      Zorun frowned.
      *You're not?*
      **No. Why should I be?**
      The frown deepened and Ti'aasaan smirked suggestively.
      **Lady Teebra's very beautiful**
      Zorun blinked, scenting his bondmate.
      *You find her attractive?*
      **Of course, don't you?**
      The Saiyan gave the little zn'hre a lop-sided smirk and kissed his forehead.
      *Would you like to... be part of this?*
      **After what happened with 'teetza I'm not sure that's a good idea!** Ti'aasaan chuckled. **Lady Teebra wants a full-blood Saiyan for an heir**
      *Heh, I don't mean while she's on heat, baka – beforehand.*
      **Would she be interested?**
      *How could she not be?* Zorun smirked, leaning down to nuzzle the zn'hre's cool neck. *You are exquisite.* Ti'aasaan slid a small hand over the Guard's hip to stroke his strong tail, grinning when the Saiyan responded with a muffled groan and a sharp nip.
      **If Lady Teebra is interested then so am I** the zn'hre twisted to straddle his bondmate's lap. **And how soon do you have to return to duty...?**

Teebra refused to pace.
      'I will do as you ask' – Zorun had *said* earlier – 'but I... we have a request of our own...'
      The little lizard wanted to fuck her -Teebra wasn't sure how she felt about that.
       Yes, he was a tempting package and she'd heard some intriguing things about this alien race, but that was just it – he was an alien. It wasn't a situation she ever expected to find herself in. But, if fucking his lizard bondmate was the way to Zorun's cooperation then so be it.
       Peesu - the older female servant Orboshin had insisted accompany his daughter to the capital – cleared her throat softly.
       "Is there anything else, my Lady?"
       "No, thank you, Peesu," Teebra smiled at the trusted family retainer, "I won't be needing you any more tonight."
       "Very well, my Lady." she was doing a poor job of not smirking. "I trust you will enjoy your evening." Teebra narrowed her beautiful dark eyes and the servant bowed deeply, respectfully, but didn't stop smirking.
       "Oh go and visit your sister!" the noble female laughed and dismissed Peesu with a wave of her hand.
       "As you wish, my Lady," Peesu turned to leave then grinned back over her shoulder. "I'll be back in the morning to clean up." And she was gone, ducking out of the suite before the noble female could think of a reply.

It was perfectly true that Teebra had known Zorun for most of his life. Even though she'd been in her thirties when Suwedo and Bahley's second son was born she would've considered Zorun as a mate - if he hadn't taken himself off into the military almost as soon as he was grown. Ah well, she'd missed her chance obviously, he seemed content enough with his little lizard...

There was a quiet knock at the door. They were here, and Teebra fancied she could scent their anticipation. She quickly smoothed her hand down the front of the simple, flowing robe she'd chosen to wear then prowled over to let her guests in.
      "Good evening, Lady Teebra." Ti'aasaan beamed at her from his place beside his Saiyan. The female chuckled.
       "Please call me Teebra. I think, in the circumstances, we could dispense with the formalities?"
       "An excellent idea!" the zn'hre enthused.
       "Zorun." She greeted the male almost shyly.
       "Teebra." His voice was a smooth rumble that caused a delicious shivering in her groin.
       "Please, come inside and have something to eat..."

Teebra growled and came, hard - the second time so far that evening – slumping forwards over Zorun's broad chest, her rich black mane a tangled curtain around her shoulders. Behind, Ti'aasaan gripped her hips tightly as he thrust one last time then pulsed coolly deep inside, sparking his bondmate's own climax within him. Teebra smirked, nipping at the Saiyan's sweat-sheened skin – those extraordinary rumours she'd heard about the zn'hre were true.
      Zorun twisted his fingers in her mane and dragged her up his body, savagely kissing her as he replaced Ti'aasaan's cool inkei with his own still-hard heat, driving sharply up into her cunt. Teebra moaned lushly against his mouth then froze, wide-eyed, as a slim finger probed gently, finding and stroking over something that sent searing jolts of sensation up her spine and straight into her skull. Teebra squeezed her eyes shut and without realising what she was doing, wound her tail tightly around the zn'hre's forearm. Zorun smirked and increased the strength and speed of his thrusts until the female was almost mindless with pleasure...
      When she came back to herself – dry-throated, limp and enervated – it was to find the bondmates snuggled closely either side of her.
      "Wh-what the fuck was that?" Teebra grated hoarsely.
      "The base of your tail," Ti'aasaan smirked, "on the inside."
      The female chuckled weakly.
      "No wonder then that the males will happily fuck each other."
      Zorun stroked a broad hand down her back, and planted a kiss between her shoulder-blades.
      "We should let you rest."
      Teebra stirred, blinking sleepily at him.
      "I can rest with you both here," she mumbled, eyes drifting closed, "feel free to stay the night."
      "Thank you." she felt the brush of the zn'hre's cool lips against her neck as she dropped into sleep...

Teebra awoke before first sunsrise. Zorun was beginning to stir as well but Ti'aasaan was still sleeping, cuddled contentedly between them.
      The Guard's eyes flickered open and he smirked as he involved the whole of his powerful body in a bone-creaking stretch.
      *Thank you for indulging my bondmate.* His tail slid over the little zn'hre's distended belly and in his sleep Ti'aasaan nestled closer to the big male.
      *It was – quite literally – my pleasure, Zorun.* Teebra grinned.
      *How soon 'til your next heat?*
      *Within ten days, I think.*
      Zorun frowned.
      *How long have you had this planned?*
      *To have a child? At least two years. To have you father it? Since my last heat.* Teebra confessed.
      *You always did like to plan ahead.* The Guard *chuckled*, reaching across the zn'hre to stroke her cheek with the tip of his fingers. *I am honoured you considered me.*
      Teebra smirked, turning her head to nibble at the palm of his hand.
      *I am honoured you accepted, my Lord.*

The next few days passed quickly enough for the noble female. She spent time with Ti'aasaan and Zorun, not simply fucking but re-acquainting herself with the male and getting to know his bondmate and children. The brats were certainly a lively bunch, all three of them bright, intelligent and affectionate. Would her cub take after his, or her, siblings?
      Teebra discovered the identity of the fourth brat, the one with the green and red mane who swamped Zorun as enthusiastically as his own children did. Za'jau was the child of Captain Hijau and his zn'hre bondmate, and he and Kinu had bonded before 'jau was born. She was frankly astonished at that but as Ti'aasaan pointed out there was a lot to be discovered yet about the hybrids and their peculiarities.

Teebra woke with a simmering anticipation coiling in her groin and knew she'd be in full heat by the end of the day. She'd previously arranged with Zorun that she'd *call* him when she was ready but was loathe to do that too early. Calling him now would take him away from his duty to the king and also... Teebra knew that forcing herself to wait could sharpen the experience for her.
      She made it through the day, restlessly pacing the suite while Peesu kept a wary eye on her, but by the time the second sun had begun its descent past the horizon Teebra couldn't – didn't want to – restrain herself any longer. Not bothering to dress – clothes would have been too irritating against her sensitised skin anyway - Teebra flew around the palace to hover outside the R'ren'nkh'ian suite. There was no need to *call* Zorun, he knew she was there, as did all the other males inside. Teebra's eyes flared wide and dark and her gold-streaked tail fluffed out to twice its size – how glorious would it be to have them all? She gritted her teeth and pulled her lustful thoughts back into line. She was here for Zorun, that was who she would have! Though if he didn't get a move on she'd go in there after him...
      Teebra grinned ferally when he loped out onto the balcony, his scent indicating his ready arousal.
      Oh no – it wasn't going to be that easy for him!
      With a wordless growl the noble female streaked away from the palace and out to the flat plains, her ki-trail glowing faintly red in her wake.

She flew, hard and fast, pushing herself to the edges of her power, exulting in the primal joy of being alive and ready to breed. Zorun kept pace with her - she could scent him, *sense* his strength behind her. Ah, what a mate he would've made for her! And then he was flying alongside, his strong broad body angled to push her downwards to the grassy savannah. Caught in the instinctive imperative to only submit to the strongest, the one that could overcome her, Teebra snarled and tried to escape. She found herself trapped in an unbreakable hold as Zorun locked his arms around her and rapidly forced her to the ground. The female fought against the heavy body covering her, resisting every inch of the way but he was too powerful and she howled in mingled anger and savage delight when he shoved into her.
      Their coupling was raw and brutal, both of them drawing blood and revelling in the ferocity until Teebra climaxed with a hoarse cry, sinking her teeth deeply into Zorun's shoulder. The male snarled silently as he came, his tail twined so tightly around hers it would probably bruise. Panting, still joined, they subsided together onto the night-chilled ground.
      Zorun lifted his head and smirked down at Teebra.
      *All right?*
      She laughed and tugged him back down to her.
      *Fuck, yes!*
      He nipped at her neck and breasts, a broad hand sliding down to rest low over her abdomen.
      *Not yet.* Teebra grabbed his wrist.
      *Don't you want to know?* Zorun frowned at the uncertainty in her scent.
      *Later.* the female wriggled beneath him, pushing her hips up against his. *My line doesn't breed easily – I want to make the most of this opportunity...*

Much, much later she allowed Zorun to spread his fingers over her belly, almost holding her breath as he *concentrated*. He smirked triumphantly into her eyes and only then did Teebra *search* inside her body for the small, but strong, flare of ki...

"Do you have to leave so soon?" Ti'aasaan was wistful.
      The bondmates had accompanied Teebra to the spaceport the next day, waiting with her for the shuttle north.
      "I want to go home." The female smiled softly at the little alien. "I miss the trees." She turned to Zorun and inclined her head.
      "Thank you," Teebra smiled warmly but made no attempt to touch him. There was no such restraint from Ti'aasaan. The little lizard gave her a tight hug and brushed a kiss over her cheek.
      "Visit us whenever you like," he briefly placed a gentle, cool hand over her stomach, "it would be nice if all of Zo'oruun's sirelings knew each other."
      "It would, yes." Teebra smirked at him, then included Zorun in the glance. "And you are all welcome at anytime to stay with us." She looked over her shoulder – the shuttle was boarding now. "I'll contact you soon, ne?"
      At the base of the ramp Teebra turned and *spoke* privately with Zorun.
      *May I call the brat Coll, if it's a male?*
      The Guard nodded solemnly – Coll was Teebra's younger brother, he'd been killed in the off-world military some years ago.
      *I have no objections.*
      The female grinned at the bondmates then headed up the ramp and into the shuttle.

The look on Grappi's face said it all: pride – love – exasperation with her headstrong daughter.
      "You've done it then?" the older female scowled unconvincingly. "What did Zorun's mate think of it all?"
      "He was entirely unconcerned." Teebra smirked. "No, actually he was quite enthusiastic."
      Grappi's eyes narrowed as she caught the surge of reminiscent lust in her daughter's scent.
      "Just what precisely did you get up to while you were there?"
      Teebra laughed.
      "That – " she kissed her mother's cheek " - is my business, mama."

Teebra, naked, lay on her back beside the icy mountain stream and stared at the treetops silhouetted against the clear sky. It was odd – she felt profoundly different, but at the same time she felt no different at all. She placed a hand over her abdomen, smiling at the tiny change she could sense within. So much potential in this small spark – how would it manifest? Would the brat be more like herself or its sire? Teebra shook her head at the fanciful thoughts; the brat would be who it was and that was that.
      The female breathed in the loamy, secretive scents of the forest and sighed happily – the least she could hope for though was that her child would love this rugged domain as much as she did...

© 2003 October 12th Lutra

Catch of the Day
Eighth Alliance Chronicle Index - the Side Stories