Hunger (pt 1)

There were six of them, all young, all eager, all trying to hide their pride at being deemed worthy of training for the Elite Guard. They stood in the front rank of the latest intake of recruits filling the hall. Commander Baadakku glowered at them all, and launched into a hard, blunt diatribe that was probably meant to be a welcoming speech but which only put the fear of hell - well, of the Commander, anyway - into those listening to it. Fortunately it was short...
       At the end, as the rest of the crowd were dismissed to their various companies, the Commander turned to face the six, beckoning to them to follow as he strode from the hall. Obediently they fell into step behind him, standing to attention as he paused before the entrance to their barracks and saluting Suwedo, who was to be their commanding officer until they'd finished their initial training. After a brief, low-voiced conversation with the ageing veteran, Baadakku turned to glare at the recruits, growled "You will not fail me..." and stalked off, oblivious to their salutes.
       Suwedo quick-marched them into the barracks, directing them to their allocated dormitory at the further end of the corridor that ran the length of the building.
       "Get yourselves settled. Orientation session in half an hour - be there."
       He acknowledged their snapped salutes with one of his own, then turned on his heel and headed for his office, leaving them to make their own way to what was to be their home for the next half-year.

"Not the most comfortable of quarters." Nasu wrinkled her nose, gazing round the eight-bedded room. Kyuri chuckled.
       "What did you expect? We're not officers. Yet."
       Nasu pressed down on the hard, narrow mattress and threw a thin, lumpy pillow at her twin sister, growling.
       "Just wait until you try getting comfortable on this after a hard training session!"
       Kyuri threw the pillow back. "Hey, you want a soft life, you can always quit..."
       "Oh sure..."
       "Oh, shut up you two." Marul rubbed at his aching head (shouldn't have celebrated so hard last night...) as he dumped his small bag on one of the cots and stared at the two extra beds - obviously claimed, going by the armour on the pillow of one of them and the bodysuit draped on the other. He glanced at Jeruk.
       "Wonder who our dorm-mates are?"
       "No doubt we'll find out soon enough..." Jeruk's voice was distant, face frowning as he tried to memorise a plan of the barracks and another of the military compound as a whole.
       Apyo had stationed himself at the window, watching the coming and going with interest. He grinned at Yonioni, a tall, gangling, taciturn northern youth who kept himself very much to himself.
       "This place is great!"
       Yonioni eyed him suspiciously, as though he suspected some kind of jest to be forthcoming, then grunted noncommittally. Before Apyo could reply, however, the door swung open and all six recruits pulled themselves swiftly upright, saluting as two slightly older warriors entered the room.
       Kyuri's eyes widened appreciatively - and she noticed her sister's similar reaction. The taller of the two was definitely - tasty. He regarded them all from slanted black eyes, then smirked.
       "At ease."
       As the group relaxed, standing wide-legged with their arms crossed over their chests, he introduced himself as Hijau, their immediate superior.
       "You want to know anything about our status and operation, or you have any problems with discipline or any aspect of military life, you come to me." He gestured to the other warrior. "This is Iiva. Any personal problems you can't deal with yourself, take them to her."
       The grim-faced female grinned, humourlessly. "I don't expect to have to speak to any of you."
       Hijau's eyes twinkled. "She means it, too. Now it's time for the orientation session. Follow me..."

The session left them feeling hungry - but then, most activities left a Saiyan feeling hungry. By mutual consent they all made their way to the mess hall. Carrying heaped platters to a large table they grabbed seats - then Nasu turned to her sister.
       "So, how d'you think I can get his attention?"
       Kyuri snorted inelegantly. "I saw him first!"
       "So..." her voice tailed off as her eyes grew absolutely huge. "Uh, you can have him. I renounce all claim..."
       Nasu's head snapped round to see what her twin was staring at, only to feel her own eyes widen as her jaw sagged. Hijau had entered the mess hall, accompanied by the most... gorgeous male she'd ever seen...
       To her dismay she realised that their male compatriots were also gaping. In fact, the whole damn hall was staring, hungrily - not that she was really surprised. The newcomer was... was... she couldn't find the words. A brief exchange later and the stranger headed for the serving hatch while Hijau joined his recruits. They started badgering him before he'd even had time to sit down...
       Kyuri's whisper was loudest. "Who is he?"
       Hijau smirked. "Raditts'-sama. Junior officer. He'll be your primary trainer while you're here."
       Kyuri inclined her head. "Is he attached?"
       Nasu nudged her very hard in the ribs as Hijau chuckled.
       "No, he's not... attached."
       "D'you think I stand a chance?"
       He opened his mouth to reply, then hesitated, thinking about it. He shrugged.
       "I doubt it. I suppose there's no harm in trying, though."
       "I suppose he must get a lot of... propositions." Jeruk's chin was propped on his fist, his eyes and voice wistful as he watched Radittsu turn from the hatch and head in their direction, a tray piled high with food in his hands. Hijau grinned.
       "A few."
       Silence fell as the Saiyan plunked the tray on the table and seated himself beside Hijau. He scowled around the table.
       "And you are...?"
       The recruits introduced themselves, in somewhat breathless voices, and Radittsu nodded.
       "I answer to Rad-san in training and off-duty, Raditts'-san at other times on-duty, and Raditts'-sama in disciplinary matters - not" he added, glaring at each recruit in turn, "that I expect to be involved in any of those. I do not answer to Radi-san, 'Oi you' or 'Darling', so don't try them, or you'll be addressing me as Raditts'-sama for a very long time. After you get out of the infirmary, that is. Clear?"
       Wide-eyed, all six nodded their understanding, and Radittsu smirked.
       Hijau chuckled.
       "He's not always this grim. Honestly."
       Radittsu fixed him with a hard stare - but there was a faint twinkle in his eyes.
       "Yes I am."
       Hijau raised his hands.
       "If you insist..."
       Radittsu ripped a hind leg from the steaming fowl on the tray and munched on seared flesh for a moment, then ran his gaze over the attentive faces before him.
       "I want you all in the small arena at first light tomorrow." He paused, infinitesimally, but no-one dared to groan. "I need to gauge your individual skills and potential - and stamina. If necessary I'll devise a personal routine for any of you that need it. Generally, though, you'll all train together. One thing to remember: I don't allow any alcohol while you're training or when you're on duty. If you want to indulge, you do it in your down-time. Don't over-indulge - you'll train hard, and there'll be no allowances made for those who can't keep up, for whatever reason. Other than that, what you do in your own time is your own business. Any questions?"
       There were none, but that was mostly because the recruits didn't dare to ask any...

With the prospect of a very early start and what sounded like a very heavy day ahead of them - and an unstated but potent desire on the part of each to show their trainer just how good they were - the recruits opted for an early night, with the exception of Jeruk, who had disappeared to find a cousin who'd joined the military a couple of years ago and was currently stationed here. Kyuri and Nasu sat side by side, staring out of the window, watching the light of ki-blasts above the various arenas and hoping they might catch another glimpse of Radittsu. Kyuri sighed.
       "Oh, he's just..."
       "Out of your reach?"
       Kyuri scowled.
       "We don't know that."
       "We'd better find out... Oooh, don't you just want to wrap that mane around yourself and snuggle up to him?"
       Kyuri stared, blinking.
       "And when did you become so feeble? I can think of a lot better things to do with him than that!"
       "Me too. I was talking about afterwards..."
       Kyuri felt her cheeks redden.
       "Wonder what he's like?"
       Nasu scowled.
       "Couldn't tell under that armour."
       "Must be well-built, though, mustn't he?"
       "I'd have thought so."
       Kyuri rubbed her thighs together, hot and breathless at the sudden vision of herself in the trainer's bed. Or his bath. Or bent over a chair as he pounded into her... She shook her head in a vain attempt to clear it, and Nasu grinned.
       "Yeah, me too."
       Apyo draped an arm over both females' shoulder and murmured, "Well, perhaps he'll join us in the showers. Then you can ogle to your hearts' content."
       "Oh yeah?" Nasu twisted her head to sneer at him. "We won't be the only ones doing the ogling, will we?"
       Apyo grinned. "Sure as hell not! Our Darling Radi-san is quite something. But he has a reputation for being choosy."
       "I'll tell him you called him that, shall I?"
       Apyo shrugged.
       "Not much point: I'll deny it. Though I'll bet he gets called a lot worse in private - especially by those he's turned down!"
       Kyuri frowned. "What else do you know about him?"
       Apyo dragged a chair nearer and seated himself.
       "Well, he's nineteen, joined when he was fifteen, though he'd been training for years before that. Most of his life, I think. But then, with Baadakku as his father..."
       "WHAT!!" came from both females. Nasu's face fell.
       "He's the Commander's son. Well that's just fuckin' typical..."
       "You didn't know?"
       "Obviously not." Kyuri's voice was dry. "Well, it was a nice idea while it lasted."
       Nasu inclined her head. "Hang on - why should that stop us from trying?"
       "You don't think papa might object?"
       "Would he have to know?"
       The twins turned to stare at Apyo, who shrugged.
       "Well, he doesn't make a big deal about the Commander being his father. In fact, he doesn't make any kind of a deal at all - usually keeps the whole thing very quiet."
       "You think he wants to make it on his own?"
       "Wouldn't you?"
       "Well, yes..."
       "There you are then." Apyo grinned. "No harm in trying! Just as long as you know the rest of the intake will be doing the same."
       Kyuri scowled.
       "Well, at least we're in the right place. If we keep him busy, there'll be no chance for any of the other companies to get their claws in."
       Apyo nodded. "Better remember the rest of us will be trying, too." He paused and frowned. "Except Yonioni. Don't think he's realised what sex is, yet!"
       Kyuri and Nasu stared at each other, eyes narrowed, smiles bloodthirsty.
       "Bet I get him first."
       Nasu snorted.
       "How much?"
       Kyuri laughed.
       "Five day's down-time."
       Nasu winced, but nodded.
       "You're on!"
       They all turned as the door slammed open and two strangers entered, conversing at speed in what the twins recognised as Kepitingo, one of the two languages spoken on Rumput, the large island chain to the east of their home isle of Pankuzu. The two stopped and stared, then smirked.
       "So you finally arrived!" The taller of the two crossed his arms. "I'm Merica, he's Jagung."
       Jagung wrapped an arm proprietarily around Merica's waist.
       "We're partners."
       It sounded almost like a warning, and Kyuri kicked her sister hard as she saw the light of challenge in Nasu's eyes.
       "Don't you dare..." she muttered as Apyo made the introductions. The newcomers nodded, then Merica glanced towards the beds.
       "Tomorrow's going to be hard. I suggest we all get some sleep."
       Jagung sighed and laid his head on his partner's shoulder, and for a moment Kyuri thought that maybe they slept together - feeling more than a little relieved when they went to separate, though adjoining, beds. She was more than ready for her own: it had been quite a day...

Kyuri woke first, some time before dawn, and slid into her bodysuit and boots, then stood at the door and called out - "Move now or we'll be late!"
       The seven sleepers groaned or grunted or buried their heads under their pillow, and she laughed.
       "Hey, you losers want me to have first crack at our luscious trainer, that's perfectly fine by me!"
       It did the trick: all of them dragged themselves up and started trying to waken. All except Apyo, who yawned, stretched and flung back the bedcover, treating Kyuri to the (admittedly appetising) sight of his substantial morning erection. She tossed a pillow at him.
       "For fuck's sake put that away!"
       He grinned at her.
       "Won't go away by itself. Want to give me a hand?"
       She snorted.
       "In your dreams..."
       He shrugged, muttering to Jeruk, who was rubbing at his half-closed eyes as he fumbled into his clothing, "Well, it was worth a try...", then pulled himself from the bed and headed for the bathroom. When he returned, several minutes later, he'd obviously taken care of the problem. Kyuri smirked.
       "That's better. Wouldn't want to offend Nasu's delicate sensibilities now, would we?"
       Nasu flashed her a furious scowl. Apyo grinned.
       "Y'know, it's very unfair. I bet you females get just as horny as we do - but there's no way to tell. Except from your scent, and even that can be wrong."
       Nasu chuckled and was about to respond, when Hijau stuck his head around the door. Seeing that they weren't quite ready, he frowned.
       "Two minutes, brats. You don't want to be late. Raditts'-san doesn't like lateness. It annoys him. And trust me, you don't want to annoy him..."
       They were out of the room and heading for the arena in less than a minute.

Kyuri flopped down beside her sister, panting heavily, wiping blood from her split lip.
       "Doesn't he ever get tired?" she gasped. Nasu, still rubbing at her wrenched shoulder, shook her head, expression wry.
       "Doesn't look like it, does it." She frowned as her stomach growled loudly. "When d'you think we stop for breakfast?"
       It was nearly mid-day, and the recruits were exhausted and hurting. And extremely hungry. But Yonioni was the last to face Radittsu: with a bit of luck they could get something to eat soon.
       "Soon, I hope." Kyuri was observing the unequal fight with interest, and not just because Radittsu was a joy to watch, fast, economical of movement, and surprisingly graceful. Mind you, having that mane whip around him ever time he moves helps... But Yonioni, for all his apparent lack of muscle, was actually putting up a decent fight. He still stood no chance of winning, of course, but he was lasting longer than any of them had thought possible. But finally a punch to the gut doubled him over, and a blow to the back of the neck tumbled him to the ground. Radittsu grabbed the back of his armour and hauled him to his feet, then pushed him in the direction of the others, sitting on the cool floor of the arena in various states of pain and breathlessness.
       The trainer crossed his arms over his chest and scowled.
       "Pathetic. Bloody pathetic. How you ever made it this far is beyond me. Fuck knows what the Commander was thinking..."
       "You're so encouraging..." The recruits' heads turned sharply at the sound of Hijau's voice from behind them: they started hauling themselves upright, but he waved them to stay in position as he strode to the front to join Radittsu. The trainer smirked.
       "Wouldn't want them to become complacent now, would we?"
       Hijau chuckled. "Have you finished torturing them?"
       "For the moment, yes. They're all yours - for half an hour. Then I want them back here."
       Hijau clapped his hands, once. And without thinking the recruits rose to their feet and saluted. Hijau raised an eyebrow.
       "Not too shabby. We'll make Guardsmen of you yet. OK brats, meal break. Get yourselves to the mess hall - I'll join you in a few minutes."

Merica hobbled over to the table, wincing at every other step.
       "He's a lot tougher than I thought..."
       Jagung smiled and ran a hand relatively discreetly down his partner's thigh.
       "He's rather - attractive, don't you think?"
       Merica scowled.
       "He's downright bloody gorgeous. So you keep your hands to yourself. Or to me."
       Jagung twinkled at him.
       "You're so cute when you're jealous..."
       Kyuri shook her head in mock despair, then smiled as Hijau joined them.
       "Well, brats," he announced, "you've not done too badly at all."
       Marul frowned.
       "But he said..."
       "Yes, but he always says that. He's reasonably satisfied that you all have the potential the Elite Guard requires. Though you" - he pointed at Jagung - "will need to work particularly hard."
       Jagung nodded, resigned and a touch sad, Kyuri thought, but had no time to dwell on it. Hijau had resumed speaking.
       "From now on, your schedule is as follows. You will train for four days, then spend one day studying other necessary Guard matters."
       They all groaned, and he grinned.
       "Yes, I was expecting that. Nevertheless, being a member of the Elite Guard involves more than just being a proficient warrior. And we all go through it, even Raditts'-san." he smirked.
       "Then another two days training, then one day down-time. Every twenty four days you get a four-day down-time period. And you start ki-attack training in forty days time. Any questions?"
       There were none. Hijau allowed them a few minutes to finish eating then ushered them back to the arena.

Although for the first ten nights they'd all dropped exhausted onto their beds and fallen asleep immediately, regardless of discomfort, they did, slowly, find themselves becoming stronger, fitter, faster and a lot more confident. And they all - with the possible exception of Merica, who still glowered at his partner every time Jagung spoke of Radittsu - thoroughly enjoyed their training, if only because it meant being close to the trainer, touching and being touched (even if it was in combat), breathing in his scent. The first time Kyuri managed to land a punch (which felt like it almost broke her knuckles), Radittsu had smirked and ruffled her hair with a quiet, "Good. Now let's see some more like that...", and she felt like crying with happiness, overjoyed that she'd pleased him even as she hated him - hated anyone - rumpling her hair as though she were some little brat.
       None of them had any time to even try to proposition their trainer, even on their down-time. That was usually spent trying to catch up on sleep or study...

Time sped past. They got to know each other well. Learned how Merica's father objected to his love for Jagung and had disowned him, leaving him little option but to train for the Guard - and Jagung, distraught at the thought of losing his lover, had trained with him, fighting to attain the same skills much against his natural inclinations. Learned that Apyo's family were all dead, that he'd had to care for himself since he was six years old. Learned that Marul had an embarrassing affinity with mechanical things. Learned nothing at all about Yonioni, who kept himself very much to himself. And little by little, Radittsu stopped being an object of lust and became someone they admired, respected and trusted with their lives.
       Though they still hankered after him. And he never had joined them in the showers.

"How are you enjoying yourselves?"
       Kyuri turned her head from watching her twin practise what were supposed to be precision ki-attacks and smiled at Hijau.
       "Well enough, sir."
       Hijau chuckled. He'd only recently been appointed to junior officer - "About bloody time!" had been Radittsu's scowled comment - and wasn't yet used to the extra respect his new rank afforded.
       Kyuri bit her lip, trying not to blush.
       "It's nothing, sir."
       "Obviously it is something. Tell me."
       In fact Kyuri - indeed, all of them - was missing the close personal contact they'd had, almost every day, with their trainer. Now they'd progressed to ki training, they only fought hand-to-hand every third or fourth day. But there was no way Kyuri was going to confess that to Hijau!
       "I'm finding it difficult to gauge my own progress, sir."
       Hijau nodded. Kyuri had made it clear, right from the beginning, that she wanted to become an officer in the Elite Guard, but she'd been finding some of the less physical training a real effort.
       "I don't think you have anything much to worry about, but if you let me know the areas where you're having difficulty I can arrange extra tuition for you."
       Kyuri grinned. That probably meant he'd coach her himself - which was the next best thing to having Radittsu tutor her.
       "Thank you, sir."
       There was silence for a moment or two as they watched Radittsu bully that last little extra surge of ki from Nasu, then, as the trainer dismissed her, Hijau called out to him.
       "You've not forgotten the game, have you."
       "Of course not."
       "Game?" Kyuri frowned at Hijau.
       "I've never heard of it..."
       "No, you wouldn't have. It's only played here, and only among the Elite Guard's younger warriors." He smirked and lowered his voice. "We think the oldsters are afraid of being shown up.
       Kyuri gazed at him. "Do you play?"
       "And do we get to watch?"
       Hijau regarded her for a moment, then inclined his head.
       "I don't see why not. You're almost Guard, after all."
       She grinned. "Great! So when and where? Sir."
       "Here, once we're all off duty this afternoon."
       "Can I invite the others?"
       "Of course! Bring something to drink, if you like."
       Kyuri smirked. Their four-day down-time started as soon as they were off-duty. Maybe it was time to let loose a little...

"So do we know how the game is played?"
       They'd assembled in the small arena, seating themselves at the front, gazing around at the others already there. Whatever Sawagi was, it seemed to be popular: the arena was nearly full, with many more non-Guard warriors than Elite Guard. And an awful lot of females - far more than were actually in the military. Still, they all seemed to be accompanied by legitimate military personnel...
       Kyuri shook her head. "I asked him, but he wouldn't tell me - said we'd enjoy it more if we weren't forewarned."
       Apyo raised an eyebrow.
       "Forewarned? That sounds ominous!"
       "I think we're about to find out..." Marul settled back as an expectant hush filled the arena - then a tumult of cheers and whistles broke out as the players, sixteen of them, entered the arena.
       Kyuri - and her twin, and their colleagues, and indeed everyone who'd never seen a Sawagi game before - froze in their seats, gaping.
Saiyan high-5. Click the pic for info...

The players were - naked? No, not quite, but they might as well have been! They wore only the briefest... she wasn't sure what to call them. They looked like the lower halves of brief bodysuits, but were cut high on the hips and left most of the backside bare. And they were very very tight. Kyuri gulped as she ran her gaze over Radittsu's form, eyes wide with appreciation. Yes, he was well-built. Extremely well-built...
       She frowned. He'd also tied back his mane, the thick black mass tightly wrapped around from neck to mid-back in some dark fabric. It looked odd, but, she decided, kind of cute...
       "I wonder why he's done that?" Nasu frowned. Kyuri dragged her eyes from the trainer and glanced quickly at her twin.
       "As Apyo said, I think we're about to find out."
       The players were moving to space themselves out around the arena, in pairs: Hijau and Radittsu positioned themselves almost in front of their cadets, facing inwards. Nasu leaned forwards, a wide grin on her face.
       "Oh, nice ass!"
       "Well, yes, him too - but I was looking at Hijau!"
       Kyuri was about to make a pointed comment on the subject of taste or lack of it, but at that point two armoured warriors entered the arena, carrying a large box each. They halted in the centre and laid the boxes on the ground, opening them - and gingerly lifting what looked like flanged metal discs into view.
       "What the...?" Apyo was frowning, but seconds later the warriors had tossed the discs - all sixteen of them - into the air and retreated from the arena in great haste.
       And the arena erupted.
       "Yeek!!" Nasu yelped and pulled her head down as a ki blast from one of the other teams sent a disc spinning at dizzying speed towards them - only to be stopped and returned as Hijau leapt effortlessly, twisted in mid-air and blasted it off at a tangent, where another team member tackled and diverted it...
       The next receiver was slightly off: his ki blast only grazed the disc - which sheared through the flesh of his shoulder in a spray of blood.
       "Fuckin' hell!" Marul was hunkered down on his seat, eyes wide as the rest of the spectators leapt to their feet, chanting 'First Blood! First Blood!'. "He might have warned us it was dangerous!"
       'Dangerous' was putting it mildly. The injured team member, shaking his head dazedly and gritting his teeth, resumed play - though now, of course, the team was weaker.
       "But... surely he can't carry on like that!" Apyo was gaping. An older warrior (they later found out his name was Muz) in one of the seats behind them leaned forwards, speaking loudly above the howls and cheers of his fellow spectators.
       "Team members are permitted to take three hits before they have to leave the arena - they can leave before then, but to do so is such a disgrace that no-one ever has. The winning team is the last one left in the arena."
       "Thanks." Apyo nodded, nervously.
       Play had moved up into the air: discs were flying in all directions. Three more team members had taken hits, and a double blast from two different teams had destroyed one of the discs - which had led to the two guilty parties being removed from the game. Kyuri swallowed hard. That meant one more disc than actual players. And as far as she could see, the audience's safety depended on the skill of those playing the game...
       She frowned. The first-injured team member seemed to be being targeted by the other players, who were flicking discs in his direction far too fast for him to deflect them all. Within seconds he'd been hit twice more, once on the upper arm and once across the calf: bleeding heavily, he landed and limped from the arena to the catcalls of the audience. His team mate swallowed nervously and resumed play, only to be the subject of sustained attack by the other players. Within two minutes he too was forced out of the game.
       Kyuri nudged Apyo.
       "Don't they take discs out of play, too? How are the remaining players supposed to cope?"
       "I have no idea..." Apyo was watching the play with a horrified fascination. Kyuri swallowed and returned her gaze to the arena. Well, specifically to Hijau and Radittsu...

Who moved as though they could read each other's thoughts, twisting and turning in mid air, deflecting discs with perfect accuracy and dodging the missiles with consummate grace. She understood, now, the reasoning behind the brief, tight clothing, the tails wrapped almost painfully tightly around each waist, and Radittsu's tied-back mane: the speed of the discs, and the sometimes hair-fine margin between skin and missile made it essential to have appendages as tightly pulled to the body as possible. And having loose hair in this game was asking for disaster...
       They all gasped as Radittsu took a hit, a disc sliding across his hip, cutting deeply into his flesh. Hijau flashed him an anxious look, but the trainer shook his head quickly, and they resumed play. Kyuri gripped her hands together as tightly as she could, willing them to win.
       Although that was actually quite likely. All of the other players were injured, most of them twice, several had been forced to retire, and it seemed likely that the game wouldn't last too much longer. She winced as Hijau twisted sideways just a little too slowly, a disc cutting a gash across his chest - the missile then deflected downwards by Radittsu and hitting the ground in a spray of blood-flecked sand.
       "Huh?" Apyo twisted to glance at Muz, who smirked.
       "Everyone has taken at least one hit. It's now permissible to reduce the number of discs to be equal to the number of players left."
       "Oh." Well, that was a sort of relief. There were only nine players left, and nine against fourteen discs was a little unfair...

Hijau and Radittsu seemed to move into overdrive. Their cadets leaned forwards, hands gripping the arena wall so hard their knuckles went white, gaping, their eyes huge as they watched the two junior officers decimate the rest of the field.
       As the last team member took his third hit the arena once again erupted, the spectators leaping to their feet and cheering loudly enough to shake the structure. Hijau and Radittsu slammed the last two discs to the ground and landed, wearily, both streaked with sweat and blood and panting hard. Kyuri's eyes narrowed - it had been closer than she'd thought: both males had taken second hits, Radittsu's over one shoulder and down his back, Hijau diagonally across a thigh.
       But the main thing was they'd won...

"Oh sirs, that was wonderful!" Apyo's eyes shone with something approaching hero worship.
       They'd waited at the exit for Hijau and their trainer to emerge, talking excitedly about the game. Nasu was quieter than usual, and Kyuri smiled: her sister never could refuse a challenge. She had visions of her twin becoming the next champion...
       Hijau smiled tiredly.
       "It was - tough." He glanced at his team mate, who nodded. "The other teams have improved."
       "Are you all right, sir?" Kyuri touched Radittsu's arm lightly. He and Hijau had both showered and had their wounds dressed, and, to everyone's delight, had dressed in a slightly - very slightly - more modest version of the attire they'd worn during the game, although now they'd added boots.
       The trainer inclined his head, water droplets still shimmering in his hair, red in the light of the setting suns.
       "Of course."
       She grinned. "Can we persuade you to have a drink with us?"
       He chuckled. "We have a certain ritual we perform after a game."
       The rest were immediately all wide-eyed attention, and Hijau laughed outright.
       "No, not that, you lecherous little brats! We spend a day or two at the ocean, hunting, sparring, generally relaxing. Like to join us?"
       Would they? Would they hell! Hijau smirked.
       "Go grab whatever you need. Meet us back here in twenty minutes..."

Kyuri sighed, gazing up at the stars, not wanting the night to end.
       They'd feasted on the blackfish that Radittsu had caught, and a spitful of wild fowl Hijau had ki-speared on the way here, all roasted over an open fire on the warm pale sand. Much ale had been drunk, much laughter had been heard, and some secrets had been shared. But now the rest of the cadets were sleeping peacefully, covered by blankets - in Jagung and Merica's case, cuddled together wrapped around each other, at a slight distance from the rest - Hijau had volunteered for first watch, and she and Radittsu were sitting at peace, relaxed, the only sound the slow breathing of the others and the gentle hiss of the surf.
       "Something wrong?"
       She lowered her head, gazing into big ebony eyes.
       "No, Rad-san. I'm just - happy."
       He inclined his head - and smiled gently.
       For a moment she debated moving a little closer, seeing if that rare smile meant anything - but somehow it didn't seem the right thing to do. Not yet, anyway...
       She lay back, hands behind her head, watching the trainer from the corner of her eye. His profile, his heavy black mane - Nasu's right, y'know, it would be sheer bliss to wrap that around you and cuddle close - the last things she saw before slipping into a deep contented sleep.

© 2002 January 12th Joules Taylor

Hunger pt 2
Eighth Alliance Chronicle Index - the Side Stories

At this stage in their careers, Radittsu is 19, Hijau is 16. Radittsu has reached his full height of 6' 8", but Hijau is still growing: he's about 5' 6" or 7" here - hence the size difference!
