Haunted Swindon

edited by

Dave Wood & Nickey Sewell

with foreword and incorporating research by history consultant

Ken Taylor

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Published by Breedon Books
Publication date April 2008
Hardback 23.8 x 15.8 x 2.4 cm
Illustrated (b&w)
190 pages

True ghost stories from the borough of Swindon, Wiltshire

Described as a Census of Hauntings, this book is a comprehensive guide to the town and borough of Swindon, telling the stories of many allegedly haunted sites.

With a preface by veteran researcher of the paranomal, Peter Underwood, patron of the Paranormal Site Investigators (PSI) who set up the Haunted Swindon project, this book not only tells traditional ghost stories, but details investigations by a leading-edge fieldwork group.

Published the year after the DVD Haunted Swindon, this book is certainly a valuable companion to it, as many sites feature in both.

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Swindon hauntings include...

Wyvern Theatre
Central Fire Station
Health Hydro, Milton Road
Pinehurst Community Centre
The Planks, Old Town
Arts Centre, Old Town
Lawn Park, Old Town
Sally's Cafe, Highworth
The Jolly Tar, Hannington
Stanton Park Farmhouse

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