
Zha'haabron's cold hand between his own, Ti'aasaan gazed across at Radittsu. The big male had finally fallen asleep, his head resting beside Zha'haabron's on the pillow, his hand covering his bondmate's, his breathing slow and even. The little zn'hre watched him sleeping, awed and a little frightened by the depth of the Saiyan's love for the prince, and Zha'haabron's for his bondmate. In his experience, such things were unknown on R'ren'nkh'ia - and dangerous: to feel so much for another gave outsiders too much power, left you vulnerable, open to torture and betrayal. Yet he almost wished he could know it, know what it felt like to treasure another so, and be treasured in return...
       He shook his head, resigned. It was safer not to feel. That way no-one could be hurt.
       That he adored the prince with everything in him was a fact he kept fiercely hidden, even from himself.

Radittsu dreamed...
Nightmare        A storm of black sand, sweeping in silent curtains across a desolate grey deserted landscape: overhead, just visible through the haze, three suns pulsing at wavelengths that hurt the eyes. And in the distance, a pale blue flame, burning in the darkness, its tip an upswept flare of shimmering, wavering green. A flame with golden eyes.
       Radittsu opened his mouth to scream his beloved's name, but found he had no tongue, no voice. He began to run, sinking to his thighs in heavy, viscous, gritty mud that rasped the skin from his legs and from his hands where he clawed through drifts that turned to dunes that turned to sharp gravel as he fought his way forwards. Gaining no ground as the distant figure receded, the arms spread wide, hair swirling in vibrant luminescence against the barren sky.
       He looked down at himself, flayed and bloody, streaked with crimson against the black ground - then shut out the pain and closed his eyes, focussing on his love's *presence* and straining upwards, trying to fly.
       Trying again.
       Failing again.
       And - finally - succeeding.
       The blowing sand turned to razor-sharp shards in the air...

"Challenge Zha'geekaan..." Vejiita frowned. The council held its collective breath.
       "I trust you have researched the forms and consequences of issuing such a challenge?"
       Limau nodded. "Naturally, Sire. Lady Leteetza's essays on R'ren'nkh'ia-jin customs, propriety and protocol have been invaluable, especially her comparisons with our own customs. As King of Vejiitasei, no one could contest your assumption of the rulership of R'ren'nkh'ia.
       "If I won the challenge."
       "If," agreed Limau, slowly, reluctantly, "you won the challenge."
       "And have you confirmed Zha'geekaan's ki?"
       "It is comparable to yours, Sire."
       "So there is no guarantee that I would win."
       "... no, Sire."
       Vejiita nodded. "And there is no other alternative?"
       "None that we have been able to determine, Sire. And we have been most thorough in our scrutiny."
       The King frowned. "Much as I might find the idea personally appealing, challenging the High King - on the eve of his coronation - to a battle for control of his planet is not the best way to advance our plans. I would prefer to endear us to the natives, not incur their hostility." He sighed. "Nevertheless, if it must be so - so be it." He stood. "I require you to keep a close check on developments: if this situation can be avoided then I wish to know how. In the meantime, I must train. You will continue with the arrangements for the coronation."
       As he left the office, Anzu turned to Limau.
       "That was easier than I'd expected." he muttered. "His majesty is obviously in deadly earnest about this..."
       Limau nodded. "I could wish he were a little less single-minded, however. He does have a planet to run, after all..."

Radittsu's mane flared out behind him as he fought his way through the slashing air towards the remote blue flame. Forcing himself to ignore the pain of a myriad tiny knives biting into his flesh. Refusing to admit to weakness and exhaustion. Focussed solely on his prince.

Sheftali was thoroughly miserable. The twins were only sixty days into their pregnancies, but she was already looking a little on the plump side.
       "I hate this." she snarled at me as I hastened into their suite, as though it was my fault. "I'm fat and ugly."
       I came to a dead halt and blinked, bewildered. "Don't be silly. You're neither." I inclined my head. "And what would it matter if you were, anyway?"
       If looks could kill I'd have been a little pile of ki-scorched ash on the floor. Instead, she threw a cushion at me and stamped across the room to glare out of the window. Kayusu watched from the sidelines, wisely opting to stay out of the argument. I sighed.
       "Sheftali, you might as well face it, it's going to get worse. You aren't even a third of the way through, yet."
       Her lower lip began to tremble. "It's alright for you. You don't know what it's like to be - invaded like this, feel like your body isn't your own..."
       Tears began to roll down her cheeks. I held my breath and counted to twenty, slowly, then went to her, laying a hand on her shoulder. The fact that she didn't immediately shrug it off let me know that at least this little display was genuine rather than just an attempt to win sympathy. Oh well, a little flattery wouldn't do any harm, and if it kept her sweet we'd all be happy...
       "Lady Sheftali, you are beautiful. You will always be beautiful. And you are valued for more than your beauty. You are the King's prize, and will always be so. Surely that's worth a few day's inconvenience?"
       She pouted, but her tears lessened and what little ki she possessed brightened noticeably.
       "I suppose so..."
       I smiled. "Come now, is there anything you'd like to do? Anywhere you'd like to go? I'm at your disposal for the afternoon."
       And it will distract me from worrying about Radittsu and the prince, I thought. Zh'leet's reports were still the same. No change. I swung painfully backwards and forwards from the pessimistic fear that Zha'haabron would never waken to telling myself that he was at least still alive, and while he lived there was hope.
       At least my anxiety had quelled my yearning for Radittsu. For now, anyway. Although what I wouldn't give to be able to hold him, share his pain with him, try to comfort him... I swallowed hard and forced the thought down.
       Sheftali inclined her head pensively, then nodded. "I want to take a walk. In the countryside."
       I sighed silently, regretting my impulsive offer. That meant calling the Guard to arrange for three other warriors to join us - two to fly the twins, and myself and the other to act as guards while we were out. Ah well. I had offered. I nodded and moved to the comm screen...

Radittsu was gaining. The figure was a little larger every time he risked a glance from under the arms crossed protectively over his face, keeping the shards from damaging his eyes. He grinned mirthlessly and struggled on, leaving a blood soaked trail below him on the shifting inky sands.

With his High Kingship assured, Zha'geekaan had become more relaxed about allowing his warriors offworld - and the military barracks at Vejiitamachi had seen a sudden, almost alarming influx of shr'en'an and even the occasional va'ha'da. And not just from the court of the High King-to-be: a large number of his high ranking supporters had taken advantage of the situation and sent their best warriors to train on Vejiitasei.
       In the arena, Vejiita pitted himself against the best that R'ren'nkh'ia had to offer. And was finding it more of a struggle than he had anticipated. He gritted his teeth, boosted his ki, and fought grimly on.

Radittsu dropped to his knees at the feet of the figure he had pursued so long and so hard across the bitter sands. Pain had become a companion, the one constant thing in this shifting hellscape, familiar and thus disregarded. He looked up at Zha'haabron's back through the blood that trickled down his flensed face.
       *Beloved... Come back with me. I can't live without you. I don't want to live without you...*
       Slowly the pale blue figure turned to face him.
       A skeletal creature, the flesh dropping from its bones as tendrils of bright hair drifted down from the disintegrating scalp. Frozen in horror, Radittsu looked into the gold coins that sat in the empty eye-sockets.

*N oooooooooooo...... *

Something jerked me awake, wrenching my breath from my lungs: it had felt like someone, somewhere, was screaming in pain beyond words to describe. Beside me Vejiita stirred in his sleep, frowning, twitching as though he'd heard something too. I rose and stepped out onto the balcony, gazing at the stars, eyes wide and unblinking, holding my breath, *listening*...


I watched him dying.

Helplessly, I watched him lying in that bare and sterile room, far from home, his ki so low I couldn't *feel* it, the pulse of life through his body barely there, barely registering. I could feel him slipping away from me. And in that moment I almost hated him.

I'd never felt such pain. Not the echoed physical pain - I could cope with what had been done to his body, even though it was killing him. No. This was something else entirely.
       Inside, he was curled in on himself, trying to make himself as small as he could, as insignificant, as unimportant, even now trying not to let his true feelings be known. But he was dying, so close to death, and suddenly *open* as never before. Finally, he'd no defence - I could *see* everything...

Foreshadowed agonised grief at my loss, regardless of how far in the future that might be - mourning me already, before we'd even begun to live. Overwhelming guilt for interrupting the presumed 'normal' course of my life. Constant fear that I might be hurt, injured, even killed. That he might hurt me himself, if he was careless. As if that mattered! Fear that he wasn't enough for me, that I needed something more that he couldn't provide - and a deep, deep regret that he could never give me offspring. A shadowy anxiety that his people would object to me - though why that was important I couldn't fathom. But always fear, tightly reined fear and anxiety, always there, always hovering at the back of his mind. My poor beloved...
       But below the fear...
       Joy. Sheer joy, filling the deepest reaches of his being. A wondering, blissful sinking into my life, my self, becoming one with me. Fulfilment. Supreme contentment. A profound adoration, something so deep even he didn't have a way to describe it. A love to heal worlds - or split the soul in two.

The same love that filled and overfilled me, cascading outwards, ever reaching for him... The thought of losing him was agony. Oh gods. Would I ever be able to *tell* him how I feel?

And he was dying. He was leaving me...

       I will not let him go. With no idea of what I was doing, or how, or maybe even why, I reached for him, desperately, any part of him I could, anything to stop his leaving.
       .....Don't you understand I can't live without you...?
       He was still pulling away. I followed, trying to force back the tears, trying to be strong and failing. Finally I heard myself *cry out* in anguish.
       ...How can you be so selfish?!...

The fleeing soul stopped, and slowly turned to mine.
       I clenched my teeth, breathing hard. It wasn't until later I found I'd sunk my nails into my hands so hard they'd bled.
       You want to take the easy way out and leave me. Leave me entirely alone and lost and naked and suffering and hope-less... selfish... How can you be so cruel?
       In this strange inner limbo his eyes shone like golden suns, almost too bright to bear.
       What then? Do you want to leave me?
       Then why?
       He lowered his eyes. I... I don't think I can stop it...
       You can if you want to.
       He gazed at me sombrely. Do you believe that? Or is it simply what you desire?
       There's no difference. For me, there was no difference, not here, not when it meant his life.
       He looked into my eyes, his own agonised.
       I don't know how to fight this. Something is pulling me. I can't break free.
       Then I will follow you.
       No!! He raised his hands, as if to push me away. You must live!
       Without you, I don't want to.
       He buried his face in his hands, shoulders slumped and shaking, vulnerable in his anguish. I reached for him - but something came between us, some sort of barrier, and I couldn't touch him.
Click pic to see the full size version        He looked up, tears streaming down his face, and something clenched in my gut. He cries so rarely, and every time it's unbearable. And now I couldn't even take him in my arms and hold him... I flung myself at the barrier, hitting out with all my strength, but it held firm.
       On the other side my beloved wrapped his arms around himself and shook his head, expression despairing.
       It is out of my hands. You cannot help me now...

       I jerked back to awareness as Ti'aasaan gently shook my shoulder. He took one look at me and recoiled, paling.
       "Did I do something wrong?" It was whispered, frightened, and I forced myself to calm down and smile, even if only grimly.
       "It's alright, little one. I was - somewhere else. You startled me, that's all."
       He bit his lip. "I'm sorry."
       I took his hand, kissing the palm, then turned to look at Zha'haabron. He was still white, unmoving, my mind was still aching from the absence of his *warmth*...
       I frowned. He was no longer in my mind. So what had I just experienced?
       Ti'aasaan was watching me warily. "Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu?"
       "Ti'aasaan, can you *feel* him?"
       The little zn'hre inclined his head, puzzled. "Um, no, my Ssii'iir. Why? Do you?"
       "I'm not sure... I thought I was just speaking with him."
       Ti'aasaan blinked, then managed a trembling half-smile.
       "It might be that you were. Your bond with him is unlike any other..." There was an edge of desperation in his voice as he gripped my hand "Where is he?"
       "I don't know."
       Tears glinted in the pale gold eyes. "Can you bring him back?"
       I considered the question. If my prince couldn't fight his death himself, could I fight it for him? Could I break through that barrier and carry him back with me? What the hell was I thinking? How could such a thing be possible?
       I didn't care. I was going to try it anyway. I gazed down at Zha'haabron.
       I will follow you to death and beyond. I will not be parted from you, and I will never let you leave me.
       I turned to Ti'aasaan. "I don't know, but I'm going to try."
       He nodded and released my hands. "Then I will not interrupt."

He told me, later, that I'd looked as though I slept, my head beside my prince's on the pillow, and it had felt a little as though I was dreaming. But *inside*, I was fighting for my life, and his...

He looked up at Zha'haabron's back through the blood that trickled down his flensed face.
       *Beloved... Come back with me. I can't live without you. I don't want to live without you...*
       Slowly the pale blue figure turned to face him.
       A skeletal creature, the flesh dropping from its bones as tendrils of bright hair drifted down from the disintegrating scalp. Frozen in horror, Radittsu looked into the gold coins that sat in the empty eye-sockets.

I felt as though I were encased in ice. Everything froze - even my grief. Then rage ripped through me, rage raw-edged with pain, and I found myself upright, gripping the shoulders of the corpse-thing before me, its cold, papery flesh turning to dust as my fingers sank in.
       *You are not Zha'haabron.*
       The dead dry mouth moved, skin flaking off as the lips twisted in an ugly parody of my prince's smile. I closed my eyes to shut out the sight, focussing instead on my memory of the feel of my beloved's smooth, cool body, the leashed strength that lay curled beneath his skin, the perfect warmth of his *being*. My Zha'haabron is vibrant, powerful, in love with life - not this hideous dead thing...
       Arms slid hesitantly around me from behind. Shocked breathless, I glanced down - to see elegant, pale blue hands pressed against my chest, feeling his body pressed against my back. I twisted to face him, afraid to believe...
       I cupped his face in my hands, my thumbs wiping at the tears that trickled down his cheeks. He clung to me, hands buried in my mane, trembling, weak and vulnerable and disorientated and very afraid.
       **Are you dead too?**
       *No. And neither are you. You're coming back with me.*
       He glanced at the desolation surrounding us.
       I wrapped my tail around his waist and pulled his head to rest against the curve of my neck, not letting him see my face. Because I didn't know. I didn't have an answer for him.
       The desert stretched to the horizon around us, grey, grim, ourselves the only spots of colour in the darkness. We were lost.
       I swallowed hard - then realised my prince was shaking in my arms, his horrified gaze directed over my shoulder. I turned my head to see what was upsetting him. Behind us, the corpse-thing was laughing, soundlessly, pointing at us with one skeletal finger and shedding skin and bits of desiccated flesh.
       **Is that...**
       I hugged him closer. *Your death? Yes.*
MINE...        He cowered against me, eyes tightly shut, his head against my chest. I stroked his hair.
       *I won't let you go. I'll stand here between you and your death forever if I have to...*
       He pulled himself shakily upright and looked into my eyes, his own wide.
       **I would not ask it of you**
       I kissed his forehead.
       *Who said you have any say in the matter? This is my choice.*
       **If you let me go, you can return. Live your life as it was meant to be**
       I scowled at him.
       *And just who the hell are you to think you can tell me how my life was supposed to be?*
       He sighed. **Beloved...Listen to me for a moment...**
       I didn't let him get any further.
       *No - you listen to me. Do you really not understand how I feel? How - vital you are to me? I don't want to live without you. I don't think I could. Now, I know when we first met it was some weird, instant sort of half-bonding that would have been difficult to fight. I could have resisted if I'd really wanted to - but I didn't want to fight it. Don't you understand? You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You're the best thing that ever could happen to me. This was meant to be!*
       He shook his head, and opened his mouth to argue. The aggravating reptile was still trying to resist!
       *Zha'haabron! Will you do me the courtesy of allowing me to know my own heart and mind! I love you. You fill my soul and complete me. I will fight for you: I will die for you: and if you die first I will be close behind you. You are part of me. You always have been and you always will be. The rest we can sort out later - together. Now stop bloody arguing and come home!!*
       He stared at me, eyes wide, his lips slightly parted, then a slow, beautiful smile dawned on his face and he hugged me tightly.
       **As you wish, beloved**
       Good. That was settled. Now I just had to work out how we were going to get back... I frowned.
       *Can you reach Ti'aasaan?*
       **He is with you?**
       *At your side.*
       Zha'haabron frowned and glanced up at me, and I was suddenly very aware of how frail and weakened his form was, here. I held him a little tighter, trying to share my strength.
       **I will try...**

Ti'aasaan later said he was only aware of a gentle *tugging*, hardly enough to notice if he hadn't been so aware of what I was trying to do. He'd closed his eyes and focussed on it, lightly tugging back...

On the horizon a bright speck of brilliant gold flickered, beckoning to us from an infinite distance.
       Behind us, the corpse-thing screeched in fury. I held Zha'haabron tightly and raced for the light, flying as swiftly as I could in the teeth of a howling storm that came from nowhere and tried to fling us backwards.
       I couldn't be sure whether we were moving or not: the light seemed to stay the same distance away. And the flight seemed endless, and I was exhausted...
       But the corpse-thing was following us, unwilling to give up its prey, and Zha'haabron's eyes were closed as he clung to me, trying not to tremble, trying to make the flight as easy as possible for me. I kissed his hair and flew grimly on.
       And suddenly we shot out into silent, windless air. Zha'haabron glanced up at me, eyes frightened.
       **What now?**
       *I don't know. But at least I can fly faster here. And the light is closer.*
       It was, definitely, larger and brighter. It looked like an eye, pale gold and intently focussed. I silently blessed Ti'aasaan and flew on, and as we came closer I could *feel* him guiding us, pulling us to him and back to life somehow. We were so close, so close I could almost smell the sterile air of the recovery room...
       We would have made it easily if the sudden shrieking storm hadn't pulled us apart. Desperately I tried to grab Zha'haabron's hand, but the maelstrom ripped him from me and whirled him away into the darkness...

And as I was dragged up towards the light, fighting and screaming my beloved's name, I felt a hand grab my ankle, then another grip my tail agonisingly tightly. I cried out, though whether it was from pain or joy I could never be quite sure.

I stopped fighting and flew into the light.

I shot upright, my eyes wide, filled with tears. On the other side of the bed Ti'aasaan was staring at me with shock and dawning wonder. As one, we stared at Zha'haabron.
       Whose bright golden eyes were open, whose thin fingers pressed our hands, lightly, without strength, but with life. The ghost of a smile quirked his lips.
       **Thank you...**
       I pulled him carefully into my arms, the tears streaming down my face, while the little zn'hre crawled onto the bed and cuddled into his Ssii'irin on the other side, one small hand resting gently in his hair, the other on my shoulder, shedding his own tears.
       I kissed my beloved, softly, stroking his face.
       *Don't ever do that to me again.*
       He gazed up at me, his expression one of complete adoration. I could have drowned in his eyes.
       **I promise we will always be together**

Zha'haabron always keeps his promises...

Something moved.

Radittsu dragged himself back up to wakefulness to the sound of his own weeping. Then froze.
       Something was different...
       He shot upright, tearfilled eyes wide, lips parted. On the other side of the bed Ti'aasaan was staring at him with shock and dawning wonder. As one, they stared at Zha'haabron.

Whose bright golden eyes were open, whose thin fingers moved in their hands, lightly, without strength, but with life. The ghost of a smile quirked his lips.
       **Thank you...**

I almost burst into tears.
       "He's all right?"
       Zh'leet grinned, her own golden eyes unusually bright. "Oh, he's very far from all right. It will be quite a while before he's back to normal. But he's alive, and gaining strength with every moment. He's safe."
       I brushed a hand across my eyes, grinning madly. "I'll tell everyone here. How soon do you think you can come back?"
       "As soon as it's safe for him to travel." She chuckled. "If Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu has anything to do with it, that'll be tomorrow!" She sobered, her expression becoming serious. "They all want to return as soon as they can. I'll not try to delay it - as long as I'm sure he can cope with the stress I'll authorise the journey as soon as possible."
       I grinned, then frowned. "They all?"
       She nodded. "Both Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu and the Ssii'irin want Ti'aasaan to come back with them."
       I blinked at the screen. "Uh, but isn't he pregnant?"
       She nodded. "He's also very strong." She grinned self-mockingly. "All zn'hre are. We sometimes forget that, given how delicate so many of them appear to be. I think it will be the best thing for him. He's very lonely here - and he loves Zha'haabron with a passion I've never felt in one of my own race. He'd be safer on Vejiitasei. He can come back for the birth." She frowned slightly. "Will this cause any problems your end?"
       I decided to wait until they were all back here before asking her why she'd said safer. I grinned. "I'm sure everything will be just fine. In fact, I'll authorise everything myself. Not much point in having all this new power unless I get to use it every now and again! Send through any details we'll need to know about diet, general care - you know the sort of thing. I'll get it organised at this end."
       She smiled and nodded. "By the end of the day. I will see you soon."
       As her hand reached to break contact, I raised mine, and she paused.
       "Zh'leet.... Thank you."
       She lowered her eyes. "I did very little. His bondmates brought him back."
       I smiled. "For what you did, then. Thank you. It saved Radittsu too."
       She inclined her head, and the screen went blank.
       I let out a wild yell of joy and raced out of the suite to tell everyone who mattered...

"We need to examine you thoroughly to make sure you can travel. I suggest you two get some rest."
       Zh'leet was having trouble prising Radittsu and Ti'aasaan away from the prince's side. Most of their conversation was silent, but the smiles on all three faces were a joy to behold. Nevertheless, Zha'haabron needed to be checked over. She hoped that the mention of travel might do the trick. It did.
       Radittsu grinned. "Oh. Well, in that case..." he leaned over and kissed the prince's cheek. "...we'll see you in a little while."

A gn'ick'lehe ushered them to a spacious room with a wide, low sleeping platform. Radittsu dropped onto his back with a groan, stretching hugely - then startling slightly as Ti'aasaan snuggled up against his side, head resting on his shoulder. He automatically wrapped an arm around the little zn'hre, pulling him close, wondering for a moment, distantly, before he fell asleep, just what their sleeping arrangements would be once they were back on Vejiitasei...

He woke with a start to find Ti'aasaan straddling his hips, already impaled on his erection, internal muscles stroking his shaft.
       "What are you doing?!"
       The little zn'hre beamed down at him. "Celebrating life."
       A low *chuckle* sounded in his mind. **It is not unusual, beloved**
       *Zha'haabron? But...*
       **Indulge me. Enjoy yourself. Give Ti'aasaan the pleasure you have so often given to me**
       Eyes wide, disconcerted but feeling the heat already growing in his groin, he wrapped one hand around the zn'hre's erection, his thumb stroking the mound, while the other scratched lightly along a hip. Ti'aasaan's back arched, his head flung back and a low hiss escaping him, as Radittsu gently shifted inside him. He came quickly, dropping forward to rest his forearms on the Saiyan's chest, trembling, his swollen belly firm and cool against Radittsu's stomach... Radittsu frowned to himself: this could be tricky. He waited until the zn'hre had his breath back, then gently grasped his hips and began thrusting very carefully, smiling at the first startled, then wondering expression on Ti'aasaan's face. To his amazement, the little zn'hre climaxed, again, with him, gripping his arms with surprising strength, then collapsing onto his chest, gasping.
       **Oh, my Ssii'iir!!**
       Radittsu stared. It was not Zha'haabron's *voice*.
       The zn'hre bolted upright and stared at him, almost frightened.
       Radittsu sighed and rubbed a hand over his eyes. "Well, that answers that question. I always did wonder what sparked off mine and Zha'haabron's mindspeak..."
       Ti'aasaan bit his lip, expression distraught.
       "I am sorry. I did not know that would happen..."
       Radittsu pulled him back down and rolled carefully onto his side, cuddling the zn'hre close and kissing his forehead.
       "Don't worry about it. At least this way I can keep an *eye* on both of you..."

Zh'leet was very happy with Zha'haabron. He was healing well, although whether he'd ever be able to host offspring again she wouldn't be able tell for a while yet. His ki was already rising, faster than she'd expected, but having his bondmate and Ti'aasaan close was obviously speeding things up. He was certainly sufficiently recovered to travel, providing they took everything slowly. Radittsu had arranged the flight home for the following day.

**We still have to tell Gh'heegonan. He is not going to be happy**
       Radittsu growled under his breath, Zha'haabron cradled safely in his arms, Ti'aasaan at his side. "I really don't care. I just want both of you off this planet as soon as possible."
       The prince gazed up at his bondmate, frowning very slightly, *feeling* echoes of Zha'geekaan in Radittsu's mood. Well, on this occasion it would be useful...
       At which point the chief himself entered the chamber, smiling broadly.
       "I am delighted to see you so well! But are you sure you won't stay a little longer?"
       Zha'haabron inclined his head.
       "No - Radittsu is required back on Vejiitasei. However, I must thank you for your assistance. We are truly in your debt."
       Gh'heegonan waved a hand negligently. "It was nothing."
       Radittsu smirked, allowing Zha'geekaan's persona through, his eyes glittering dangerously. "Saving the heir of the High King from certain death is hardly to be dismissed as 'nothing'."
       Gh'heegonan paled and swallowed nervously. "Of course not. I did not mean..."
       The Saiyan cut him short. "We will excuse your less than perfect tact. However, the prince has a - request to make of you." He fixed the chief with a hard stare. "Ti'aasaan returns with us to Vejiitasei."
       Gh'heegonan took several steps backwards, shocked, and shook his head. "Not possible. The heavier gravity..."
       Zha'haabron looked up from Radittsu's embrace, pale face determined.
       "...will have no discernible effect. Ti'aasaan will return with us. He will come back to Rh'hen'kia in time for our offspring to be removed."
       In the face of both bondmates' opposition, Gh'heegonan faltered. He only had seconds to make up his mind - whether to anger the future High King (and even now he felt dim echoes of a very different future for R'ren'nkh'ia at Zha'haabron's hands) and resist the demand, keeping a millennia-old secret safe a little longer, or to surrender gracefully, thereby hoping to gain favour with the prince in advance of his accession to the throne. Thinking of his ancient, unspoken but bitter rivalry with Zha'geekaan, he came to a speedy decision. "Very well. But I insist you take Gh'veen with you, just in case. He is trained in methods of birthing."
       Zha'haabron inclined his head in thanks, smiling inwardly at the bubbling happiness he *felt* from the little zn'hre. Ti'aasaan could hardly believe his master had agreed. Not that they'd given him much choice in the matter...

Unable to stop grinning, I tapped on the door of the suite. Zh'leet opened it, her face lighting up in a beaming smile as she dragged me into a hug.
       "Little warrior, it's so good to see you!"
       Startled but anything but displeased I winked at her. "Hey - the feeling's mutual!"
       She caught my arm and pulled me into the suite. Zha'haabron was lying in the bed, flanked by Radittsu and a beautiful little creature who could only be Ti'aasaan. The prince looked bloody awful, pale, thin, exhausted - but alive. Vibrantly alive. I sat on the edge of the bed and took his hands, not caring about the tears streaming from my eyes.
       "Welcome back, my lord."
       His fingers closed around mine, and with a whisper of strength he pulled me into a close, gentle embrace, kissing my cheek and then lying back, exhausted but so very, very happy.
       "Little warrior, thank you. For all that you have done."
       I laid a hand on his cheek. "It has been my pleasure and my joy."
       Radittsu caught my other hand and raised it to his lips, kissing my palm. I glanced at him, smiling at his warm, loving gaze.
       "Thank you."
       I nodded, my smile fading. Now that the crisis was over, I still had to deal with my feelings...
       But I wasn't going to let that spoil things. Not now. Not now I had them back.

© 2001 (May 5th) Joules Taylor

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