
"I'll never get it right!"
       "You simply need more practise. Try again." Zha'haarak and Kayusu were sitting behind Ti'aasaan on the sleeping platform as the gentle zn'hre tried to teach the Saiyan how to plait hair. Ti'aasaan, whose scalp was starting to sting from her inept tugging, was beginning to think an easier style might be less painful. He sighed.
       "My Ssii'irin, perhaps a single plait would be better. At least until she's less clumsy."
       "It's hurting?"
       "I'll do it, then."
       Kayusu was pouting. "I know you're talking about me. I wish you'd speak Common when I'm here."
       Zh'leet, who had been giving the children - all eight of them: since the king's bonding with Radittsu she'd made it her business to learn as much about Saiyan physiology as possible - a brief check-up, glanced over at the Saiyan and grinned.
       "Don't worry. They're not being rude."
       Zha'haarak laid a hand on her arm. "For now, watch me."
       Ten minutes later Ti'aasaan's fine pale hair was back in its usual dozens of tiny plaits and Kayusu was looking woeful.
       "You're so fast! I'll never be able to do that."
       Zha'haarak smiled. "You will, eventually." He swivelled slightly. "Try mine. A single plait will suffice."
       Nervously, she raised her hands and separated the silky mass into three more or less equal strands...

"You see? It's not that difficult, now, is it?" Zh'leet handed Buahan back to Kayusu with an encouraging smile: Zha'haarak's thigh-length hair lay over his shoulder in a smooth, tidy plait, and the Saiyan was looking quietly pleased with herself. "You'll be doing Ti'aasaan's in no time."
       Cuddling the gurgling baby close, Kayusu glanced at the little zn'hre and bit her lip, seriously doubting it. Zh'leet looked up as several servitors arrived with the mid-day meal - several platters piled with different meat and fruits - and the next half an hour passed quickly as seven hungry zn'hre and four hungry Saiyans demolished the food. As Kayusu and most of the babies snuggled down for a nap, Zh'leet smiled at Zha'haarak.
       "Bathtime. I'd like you to try some of those exercises..."
       Ti'aasaan helped the gentle zn'hre to the bathroom and settled into the water with him, supporting him as he stretched and twisted, building strength and flexibility back into his body. Both of them wondering how Zha'haabron's latest meeting was going...

"Our agreement was that you allocate guards to protect my zn'hre until I have been able to consolidate my rule and am sure they will be safe. I have provided you with the narcotics you require: you have already said these should be sufficient to overcome the Kinzoku-jin. Why do you now intend to remove your guards?"
       Zha'haabron was not happy. Vejiita frowned. "The guards you already have are elite warriors. I simply wish to replace them with lower class soldiers. The R'ren'nkh'ia-jin will never know the difference."
       "That does not explain why you wish to do so. If the conquest of Kinzoku is to be as easy as I've been led to believe, why do you need elite warriors?"
       The king stifled a sigh. He really didn't want to annoy Zha'haabron any further: the coldly furious castigation to which the R'ren'nkh'ian had subjected him on the subject of Ti'aasaan, babies, and shirking one's responsibilities had left him angry - mostly with himself - and anxious - that the high king would refuse to allow his people to continue assisting in the royal heirs' care. And that he definitely did not want, not while his Companion was still indisposed...
       He forced himself to focus on Zha'haabron, pushing his anxiety for the little warrior to the back of his mind.
       "The commander of the offworld militia anticipates resistance. The Kinzoku-jin will be easily overcome - but their ruling class employ Inu-jin warriors as guards and in their military, and they are not as easily defeated."
       Zha'haabron folded his arms across his chest and fixed Vejiita with a grim stare.
       "Perhaps I should speak with him. He is obviously unaware of our importance to your schemes."
       Gods forbid!! thought Vejiita to himself, imagining the commander's reaction. Nappa was a brute - and xenophobic at that. One of the reasons he was appointed to the post in the first place was his intense loathing of anything non-Saiyan. Big, ugly, powerful and as single-minded as a bighorn (and, Vejiita often suspected, possessing about the same level of intelligence), he was nevertheless a brilliant tactician. Why and how, no-one could ever quite work out. Perhaps it was linked to his sheer determination to prove Saiya-jin superiority to the rest of the galaxy. Vejiita didn't know and quite frankly didn't care: he simply used the male to best advantage.
       The king inclined his head.
       "I would suggest a compromise. Your zn'hre are now all ensconced in your enclave: I will leave the elite warriors already there to continue their duties, and only recall those in other areas of R'ren'nkh'ia. They may quite safely be replaced with lower class warriors."
       Zha'haabron considered the idea for a moment, then nodded. "It is not ideal, but I will agree to it."
       Vejiita hid his relief. "Thank you. Now," he gestured at a holographic representation of the local systems, "I would like to discuss our next target with you..."

Radittsu sat at Leteetza's bedside, holding one small hand in his large ones.
       *'teetza? Can you hear me, little warrior?*
       Not that he'd really expected it to work, but he had to try.
       It was so frustrating! She lay there, unresponsive, pale, a little underweight, but not looking ill, breathing normally and easily, her heart beating strongly if a little slowly - but she wouldn't wake up!
       He started slightly as a medic lay a hand on his shoulder, and glanced up.
       "Sir, we need to run another series of tests..."
       Radittsu nodded and rose. He really needed to get back to the suite anyway, and he wasn't doing any good here - indeed, he'd got the distinct impression he was in the way most of the time. And he didn't want to jeopardise any chance of Leteetza's recovery.
       "You'll call me if there's any change."
       The medic smiled and nodded. "Of course, sir. The moment it happens."
       Frowning, the big Saiyan left the medical facility.

He arrived back to find Kayusu and the royal heirs, for once, absent, and breathed a sigh of relief. Although he would, reluctantly, agree that she was gradually improving, and making the best of a difficult situation, he quite simply loathed the empty-headed little brat and did not enjoy having her in the suite. And while the cubs were - mostly anyway - well-behaved and quite winsome, in a way, they weren't his. He grinned to himself as he gazed at Ti'aasaan lying sprawled on his stomach on the bed, chin propped on his hands. And you're feeling territorial, too. Not to mention downright horny...
       The little zn'hre smiled up at him.
       **I've missed you too, my Ssii'iir...**
       *Where's Zha'haarak?*
       **I am in the bathing pool, my Ssii'iir, with the little ones and Zh'leet. And content to remain here for a good while longer. Please, pleasure Ti'aasaan. He is frustrated and aroused, and you know that I cannot.**
       Radittsu was out of uniform and into the little zn'hre's embrace almost before Zha'haarak had finished *speaking*. Ti'aasaan melted against him, sighing.
       "Sometimes it is good to lean on another's strength. I was not created to be in charge."
       The Saiyan cradled him close, kissing his hair. "We're proud of you, though. You've done a wonderful job under very difficult circumstances"
       Ti'aasaan looked up into his face from under lowered lashes.
       "I would prefer not to think about it just now. Will you make love to me?"
       Radittsu grinned and pulled the little zn'hre onto his lap, sliding into the cool small body with a heartfelt sigh. Ti'aasaan shivered and moaned quietly.
       "Oh, I have missed this too..."

Radittsu and Ti'aasaan were nestled together, dozing, surrounded by slumbering infants, when Zha'haabron returned - Zh'leet had taken Zha'haarak, to his great delight, down into the palace gardens for a gentle walk. The high king smiled at the sight before him, then slipped out of his bodysuit and joined them, lying behind the little zn'hre and stroking his jaw and neck. Ti'aasaan stirred sleepily, turning to face his Ssii'iin with a contented sigh. Zha'haabron brushed a kiss across his lips.
       **Happy little one...**
       **Oh yes, my love**
       Radittsu stirred and blinked at his bondmate, grinning lazily.
       "How did it all go?"
       Zha'haabron sighed and ran cool fingers down his face: Radittsu caught them between his lips, nipping gently before letting go. The king smiled wryly. "Argued compromise, as ever: I'll give you the minutiae later. But we are, gradually, finalising the details of the first part of the 'grand scheme'."
       "Anything we need to do?"
       "Vejiita wishes to send a number of his own medical experts back to R'ren'nkh'ia with us to collaborate with our chemists. He has certain specific requirements for the next phase of expansion."
       "But he needs no direct action on our part?"
       "Well that's a relief!"
       Zha'haabron nodded, then pulled himself upright to sit cross-legged beside Ti'aasaan.
       "How is Leteetza?"
       Radittsu shook his head. "No change."
       The king frowned. "Surely someone has some idea of what the problem could be?"
       "The problem is that Saiya-jin are very rarely sick. Oh, we're injured often enough - that goes with our love of fighting - but as for being ill... It just doesn't happen. So the medics have nothing to go on."
       "Difficult. And you can't *speak* to her?"
       "She doesn't answer in any way."
       Zha'haabron frowned. "If you wish to remain here with her when I leave, I will not gainsay it." He glanced down at the little zn'hre. "And Ti'aasaan would be happy, too."
       Radittsu took his bondmate's hand as Ti'aasaan shifted to rest his head in his Ssii'iin's lap. The Saiyan smiled.
       "Thank you. But my place is with you. Leteetza is being well cared for - I'd only get in the way."
       "And I have Zha'haarak." Ti'aasaan grinned mischeivously. Radittsu regarded him quizzically.
       "But... You two can't make love. Not without conceiving, anyway. Unless I've misunderstood something..."
       The little zn'hre twinkled at him. "We will be able to, soon."
       The captain stared. "Would you like to tell me how?"
       "Well, once a zn'hre is hosting, the reproductive system goes on a sort of standby. Then we can make love to each other without any further conception taking place."
       Radittsu's face was a picture as his gaze flashed from Zha'haabron to his host-sib to the little zn'hre. "So who's pregnant?"
       "None of us yet. But Zha'haarak wants to host the Ssii'iin's offspring, and the way he's recovering it should be quite safe for him to conceive before you two return to R'ren'nkh'ia. Then I'll be able to make love to him, even if not vice versa. Although," he gazed at Zha'haabron from under lowered lashes, expression wistful, "if I was to also be hosting..."
       The king ran a hand over Ti'aasaan's hair, his face pensive. "Isn't it a little too soon?"
       "Not really, my love. It has been - what? over a hundred days? - since the brood were born. I am ready to breed again, and so is my body."
       Zha'haabron gazed at Radittsu. The Saiyan was smiling - a little forcedly, but it was genuine all the same. The R'ren'nkh'ian privated.
       **The idea distresses you.**
       *No - not really. I just wish...*
       Zha'haabron gripped his hand more tightly.
       **I also, beloved.**
       Radittsu kissed the cool blue fingers.
       *They'll still feel like my cubs. They'll be part of you, as I am, as you're part of me, and I'll love them as my own.*
       **Oh, beloved...**
       **I will confirm Zha'haarak's state of health with Zh'leet. But it should be soon: much as I am happy to be here, I don't wish to be away from R'ren'nkh'ia for too long.**
       Ti'aasaan was sitting upright, watching his Ssii'iin's face hopefully. Zha'haabron smiled.
       "If you are certain you are ready, then far be it from me to refuse you. However, I want you to consider that they would be born during the cooler days, in the run up to the cold season. They would require extra care, unless you return to R'ren'nkh'ia for their birth and early days. And Zh'leet must confirm your fitness first."
       Ti'aasaan nodded his head eagerly, knowing there'd be no problem there. After all the tests and examinations he'd been through just recently he already knew he was in perfect health...
       "How will you cope with the heirs?"
       The little zn'hre inclined his head. "Well, we already have Gh'veen and Zh'leet, and surely Leteetza can't stay unconscious forever - but even if she can't cope with the heirs once she's recovered, all you need to do is insist to Vejiita that we have some additional help. I think he's already scared you might withdraw our aid!"
       Zha'haabron nodded. "Very well. Let me see what I can do."

Zh'leet was happy to agree to Zha'haarak hosting: most of his injuries had completely healed, and although his hip was still stiff and sore, she was sure it would be back to normal well before the strain of carrying a brood would even begin to tell on him. So Zha'haabron fixed on a night when neither he nor Radittsu had to be anywhere until the following afternoon and shooed Kayusu and the heirs out of the suite: she went with Zh'leet and Gh'veen - between them managing five squirming infant zn'hre (who, picking up on the anticipatory atmosphere, wanted to stay and see what it was all about) - to another capacious and luxurious chamber in a different wing of the palace. And the zn'hre and Radittsu ate, and bathed each other, and finally retired to the sleeping platform...
       Radittsu had held the gentle zn'hre cradled against his chest, both warm hands on the straining erection, as together they watched Zha'haabron pull Ti'aasaan onto his lap and slide into the small, quivering body: they were all startled when the little zn'hre climaxed almost immediately with a whimper.
       **Oh, my love! How I've missed you!**
       Zha'haabron hugged him tightly, then began to shift very slightly, arousing his little partner, triggering those strange changes within his body. Minutes later he froze and clutched Ti'aasaan to him as the little zn'hre wrapped arms and legs around his king, conscious of the life-giving coldness pulsing into him from his Ssii'iin. As Zha'haabron let out a long, shuddering breath Ti'aasaan came again, head flung back and fingers bruising the king's shoulders.
       Zha'haabron stroked his face, smiling, eyes slightly narrowed as the king *reached* to seek out the tiny, growing sparks of life that were their offspring. Then he smiled. Three. He hugged the little zn'hre.
       **I have missed you too**
       *Beloved?* The king glanced at his bondmate - who was struggling with a double armful of squirming pale green zn'hre. Zha'haarak was painfully aroused and desperate for fulfilment: Zha'haabron lifted the happily sighing Ti'aasaan from his lap and held out his arms to his host-sib...
       Zha'haarak flung himself forwards, impaling himself on Zha'haabron's erection and sinking onto his back on the bed, pulling his sibling on top of him. As the king licked at his throat he came, his back arching as he gasped. He cupped firm blue buttocks in thin green hands, kneading and pressing, and Zha'haabron gazed down at him in some surprise - then began to thrust, smiling as Zha'haarak's eyes closed, a rapturous expression on his face.
       Ti'aasaan squirmed into Radittsu's lap, hugging the big male hard - then glancing down. The Saiyan was trembling, his shaft quivering and weeping. The little zn'hre wrapped a hand around the rigid organ, but Radittsu gasped and gripped the slender wrist.
       "Please don't..."
       Ti'aasaan grinned and whispered in his ear, "You want to save it for the Ssii'iin?"
       The captain bit back a groan, watching over the little zn'hre's shoulder as Zha'haabron rammed one last time into Zha'haarak and climaxed, panting, his head resting on his sibling's shoulder. Moments later, still hard, he pulled out and stroked the gentle zn'hre's face. Zha'haarak smiled drowsily up at him.
       **Thank you, my zkai'da**
       Zha'haabron kissed him, one hand straying down to rest against his belly, Zha'haarak's joining it as they *reached* together. Four. Four new lives...
       Zha'haarak sighed, blissfully, then gently pushed his sibling in Radittsu's direction as Ti'aasaan took the king's place in his arms. The big male dragged his bondmate to him - then pushed with exquisite slowness into welcoming wetness, shifting forcefully, his mouth settling over the faint scar on the R'ren'nkh'ian's neck as he bit down once again. Zha'haabron cried out and came, bucking against his warm strong body, nails drawing blood as he gripped the Saiyan's shoulders. Radittsu grinned and began to pound, far too aroused to last for long.
       But they had the whole night before them. And Ti'aasaan and Zha'haarak were already exploring each other's bodies...

A couple of days later Gh'veen returned to the suite from Vinas' laboratory with an air of suppressed excitement about him. Ti'aasaan was in the bathing pool with Zha'haarak and a couple of the infant zn'hre, *talking* with the Ssii'irin, explaining what they were hoping to do for the bondmates (which, he thought, they might be able to do more successfully now the king's host-sib was with them: they now had a near perfect genetic match!). And, of course, swearing him to secrecy. *Catching* the tz'een's agitation he'd loped through to the main part of the suite to listen, and *relay* anything of importance to the gentle zn'hre in the pool.
       Twenty minutes later Ti'aasaan was playing with the wakeful Zha'raadiin, listening as best he could to the conversation between Zh'leet and Gh'veen. It wasn't easy. It had become technical and he'd first got lost, and then lost interest. But he forced himself to pay attention anyway.
       Zh'leet pursed her lips. "So - the male gamete of a R'ren'nkh'ian," she frowned, interrupting herself. "Any R'ren'nkh'ian? Or just specific types?"
       Gh'veen inclined his head. "We have only been dealing with zn'hre. I cannot speak for other types."
       Zh'leet nodded. "Very well. The zn'hre male gamete is, potentially, capable of fertilising a female Saiyan."
       "Under certain very specific circumstances. The production of the hormone chigesteron is essential. It is produced in quantity only when the female is in heat, and then only in certain females. We have not yet designed a computer model to project the potential problems associated with gestation, of course. Much depends on genetically-determined dimorphism."
       "But Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu is male! This would not apply to him."
       Ti'aasaan stopped playing with his hostling and looked up, frowning.
       "Indeed. But it's as well to be thorough. We believe the discovery represents something of a breakthrough - if nothing else it indicates that interbreeding is not impossible. Analysis of the results will give us more information. We may yet find a way for the Ssii'iin to breed with his Ssii'iir."
       "Um, Gh'veen?"
       The tz'een turned to regard the little zn'hre. Ti'aasaan swallowed, nervously.
       "What do you mean by 'certain females'?"
       "Saiyan females from the north, as far as we've been able to determine. Those from other parts of Vejiitasei do not seem to produce the hormone - or certainly not in anything like sufficient quantities."
       Zh'leet was staring at Ti'aasaan's huge eyes and paling face. "Why do you ask?"
       The little zn'hre's voice was faint. "Leteetza is from the north..."

© 2001 September 26th Joules Taylor

Second Alliance Chronicle