
Tears streamed down Ti'aasaan's face.
       **How are we going to explain it to them?**

"Leteetza is from the north..."
       The tz'een and the ko'ish'n stared blankly at the little zn'hre for several moments before Zh'leet made sense of what he was trying to say. Her eyes widened in horror as she swore fluently in zhlikn dialect.
       "And you two..."
       "Have been copulating. Every night while Vejiita and the Ssii'iin and Ssii'iir were offworld. And she has been in heat."
       Zh'leet closed her eyes with a groan, then grabbed her medical pack and monitor and stared at Gh'veen, her face grim.
       "Let's go examine the little warrior..."

The lighting was subdued as the two R'ren'nkh'ia-jin entered Leteetza's room. Kkoglog was hovering over the array of equipment hooked up to the little Saiyan, and a female - a tall, gangly creature with an untidy shock of auburn hair - was sitting at the Companion's bedside: as she turned to look at them they saw that she was pregnant. And that she'd been crying. She rubbed at her nose with the back of her hand.
       "Who're you?"
       Zh'leet smiled and patted her shoulder. "Zha'haabron's biotechs."
       "Why... why are you here?"
       "We think we know what is wrong with the little warrior."
       The Saiyan's eyes widened hugely and she gripped the ko'ish'n's hand hard.
       "Please! Please help her!"
       The Turvinian had jerked upright and around to face the R'ren'nkh'ia-jin, the misery in its face overlaid by desperate hope. It hastened to Zh'leet's side.
       "If you know anything - anything at all - that might help, please, tell us..."

They'd hustled the female - Tamata - gently out of the room and had run their own series of tests. Now Gh'veen looked up from the screen and glanced over at Zh'leet, who stood with both hands resting on Leteetza's abdomen, frowning in concentration. Catching her comrade's gaze she nodded and pulled her hands away, turning to Kkoglog.
       "Do you have any kind of ultrasonic medical equipment here?"
       The Turvinian stared at her blankly, and she sighed.
       "I see. Very well, we'll requisition some from R'ren'nkh'ia. In the meantime, it is my - duty? pleasure?" She smiled humourlessly. "I'm not overly sure how the news will be received - which is why I would prefer it to remain very... restricted, until we can confirm our findings. Or at least until the king has been informed."
       Kkoglog was twitching with anxiety and impatience.
       "What is wrong with her!?"
       Zh'leet watched it for a moment or two more, then sighed.
       "She's pregnant. With two Saiyan-R'ren'nkh'ian hybrid offspring."
       Kkoglog fainted.

They couldn't tell whether Vinas was excited, furious, or simply coldly fascinated by the whole affair - but at least he'd agreed to take Leteetza into his care for the time being. At least until they'd managed to bring the little Saiyan out of the pseudo-coma she'd slipped into and could ask her her own opinion on the situation. It had only taken twenty minutes to move the Companion from the medical facility to Vinas' own department and hook her up to an entirely different set of monitors and intravenous drips.
       Vinas was frowning. "Our studies are not yet sufficiently advanced to even attempt to integrate two such different biological systems."
       Zh'leet shook her head. "At this point we don't need to. Her body is coping adequately - not well, which is hardly surprising, but adequately. She is in no danger, and I can detect no hostling distress, so for now we will assume the offspring are also safe. We will be able to check further once our own medical equipment arrives."
       "Saiya-jin and R'ren'nkh'ia-jin blood is completely different, at the cellular level. As are their reproductive systems. Not to mention their whole physiology." The Feeodoreean drummed his digits against a nearby monitor. "We've only just begun to chart the differences, far less find ways of resolving conflicts between the divergent physiological systems."
       "Then look on this as - a crash course in field medicine."
       Vinas stared at the ko'ish'n with mixed horror and disdain.
       "Firstly, I am a research xenobiologist, not a... military butcher. Secondly - we are dealing with the King's Companion here, not an ordinary patient. Our lives are at stake if anything goes wrong." He glanced down at the pale, sleeping form almost obscured by medical apparatus, muttering. "And quite what the king's reaction will be when he finds out..."

Ti'aasaan was huddled on the platform, cuddled in Zha'haarak's arms, when the biotechs returned. He leapt up at their entry, eyes almost frantic. Zh'leet moved to hug him.
       "Well, little one, you have the somewhat questionable honour of being the sire of the first hybrids."
       Ti'aasaan bit back a sob, his eyes huge and brimming.
       "She will never forgive me."
       Zh'leet frowned as she held the trembling zn'hre close.
       "I don't understand."
       Ti'aasaan gulped. "She does not want offspring. She has never wanted them. Certainly not alien offspring!"
       Zh'leet stroked his hair. "Little one, it wasn't your fault. No-one could even guess this could happen."
       Ti'aasaan buried his head in her neck and wept, his distress gathering strength by the second. Zha'haarak limped to the pair and gently took the little zn'hre into his arms.
       **Sweetheart... Please, be calm**
       Shaking, sobbing wildly, Ti'aasaan clung tightly to the gentle zn'hre. Zha'haarak carefully carried him through to the bathroom, ignoring Zh'leet's furious glare as the added weight put excruciating pressure on his hip. Biting his lip, disregarding the blinding pain shooting through his lower body and the trembling, still-weak muscles in his arms, he lowered himself into the warm water before his willpower and strength gave out and cradled the distraught zn'hre close. Ti'aasaan's entire body shook with the force of his anguish, and there was nothing Zha'haarak could do except hold him, reassuringly, until the storm had quietened.
       Finally, exhausted, his body limp, eyes and throat and chest aching, and embarrassed at having so entirely lost control, the little zn'hre glanced up at Zha'haarak from under long lashes. And very nearly burst into tears again at the sight of the loving, compassionate gaze that met his own. The gentle zn'hre kissed his forehead.
       **Perhaps we should rest now**
       Ti'aasaan huddled against him, faint tremors still shuddering through his body.
       **What am I to do? What if I have endangered her life?**
       **Neither Zh'leet nor Gh'veen seem concerned that that might be the case. Let us be guided by them. Their knowledge far exceeds ours**
       **But I feel so helpless!** He gazed up at his companion, fresh tears streaming down his face. **And it's so unfair! Our Ssii'iin and his zk'vissin want offspring so desperately - and now I've... she... we've... How are we going to explain it to them?**
       Zha'haarak held him close, privately wondering the same thing.

Zh'leet's sigh was part exasperation, part anxiety, and part delight. And she made no apology, even to herself, for the various elements of her state of mind. Gh'veen frowned.
       "And what are we to do now?"
       For a moment the ko'ish'n considered suggesting they find somewhere to celebrate. Unfortunately - given where they were and the people they were dealing with - whilst tempting, such a suggestion was really not helpful... She sighed.
       "Unless you have any suggestions as to how we can avoid it, I can't see any option but to tell the Ssii'iin and Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu what has happened. And Zha'haabron, at least, will want to know how we know so much. Which will necessitate telling them of our project." She inclined her head to Gh'veen. "Unless you can think of a way we might dissemble?"
       Gh'veen shook his head.
       "Offhand, I can think of nothing. I do, however, want to ensure Ti'aasaan's safety."
       Zh'leet frowned. "What do you mean?"
       "Disregarding the Ssii'iin's reaction, we should bear in mind that Vejiita is not going to be happy about this."
       Zh'leet sighed and nodded. "True. I keep forgetting about him..."
       "That would not be wise."
       The ko'ish'n grinned, briefly, without humour. "Thank you for reminding me."
       Gh'veen frowned. "It might be wisest to have Zha'haabron tell him."

Zha'haabron, meanwhile, was paying Sheftali a visit...
       He'd arrived at the door to the Consorts' suite to find Zh'anah outside, as stoic as ever - although he could detect a certain weariness in her eyes. She bowed her head respectfully.
       "My Ssii'iin. It is good to see you."
       The king nodded, frowning at the door. The furious screams emanating from within could be heard almost through the whole wing of the palace.
       "For how long has this been happening?"
       "Since the heirs were born."
       "Without respite?"
       "More or less. Although she is at least quiet when she sleeps."
       Zha'haabron nodded and slid the door open. Inside, three assistants were trying to stay out of reach of the various objects the screeching Sheftali was throwing at them. With considerable accuracy. She paused for a moment on catching sight of the R'ren'nkh'ian - then hurled a heavy metal platter at him.
       Unhurriedly, one graceful blue hand rose, a small ki blast disintegrating the platter before it had travelled more than a few feet. The assistants gazed up at the king, blanching fearfully at the expression on his face. His attention still fixed on Sheftali, he gestured them towards the door.
       "But, Majesty..."
       The almost subliminally fast flicker into his defensive form and back again persuaded them to leave, swiftly, closing the door behind them. Zha'haabron faced Sheftali in a suddenly silent room.
       "Wh... what do you want?" The female was trembling.
       "You were warned. Your behaviour is unacceptable. Nor will I countenance you injuring anyone, in any way, while you are under this roof."
       "Haven't hurt anyone!" Her voice shook.
       "You have caused Ti'aasaan a great deal of distress."
       "I haven't touched him!"
       "Your refusal to accept your responsibilities has led to his being unnecessarily stressed and exhausted."
       Sheftali wrapped her arms around herself, terrified, remembering the last time Zha'haabron had 'visited'.
       "I didn't... didn't mean it..."
       Faster than she could follow the king was before her - then a resounding slap to the face sent her flying backwards into the edge of a chair. Clutching at her red and stinging cheek she slid down to the floor: seconds later Zha'haabron had hauled her up to balance on the tips of her toes, one hand gripping the hair on the top of her head, while the other's sharp nails sliced open her robe, strong fingers ripping it from her. Too afraid to move, she watched helplessly as he ran his gaze over her body, then looked into her face, his smile cold.
       "Which part would you least like to lose? This?" He stroked gently around the edge of her ear. "Or this?" He ran a nail across her nipple, drawing blood. "This, perhaps?" His finger continued downwards to her groin, leaving a thin bloody scratch behind it, then stopped, pressing threateningly against the small hidden nub.
       Sheftali was shivering, tears streaming down her face.
       "...p... pl... please! Forgive me! I'll never do it again, I promise!..."
       "Never do what?"
       "Upset anybody! Hurt anybody! I'll behave!!" she wailed.
       He lowered his hands a little, allowing her to stand more comfortably but not letting go of her hair.
       "You will resume the responsibility for your infants. You will assist your sister in the care of all three heirs - and you will give Ti'aasaan any help he might require of you."
       She nodded as best she could, biting her lip. "Furthermore, you will apologise to the assistants you were abusing when I arrived, and tomorrow I expect to see you in my suite, with an apology for Ti'aasaan. We will discuss your duties then."
       Snuffling, she wiped at her eyes. "Yes, sire. When should I arrive?"
       "Mid morning." He smiled, a little more kindly. "You are already learning. That pleases me. Be advised, however, that Zh'anah has orders to report the slightest infringement to me. Should I have to return, I will not hesitate to carry out the promised discipline." He raised her left hand to his face. "I shall start with the smallest finger. Do I make myself clear?"
       She swallowed hard, nodding furiously, disregarding the pain from her scalp. He released her and stepped back a pace.
       "Good. I will leave you to tidy up the mess you have made here. By yourself." he added. "You are not to request any help."
       "Very well, sire."
       As he left, she started gathering up broken pieces of ceramic and shredded cushions...

"You heard?"
       "Everything, my Ssii'iin. I will do as you ask." Zh'anah's grin threatened to split her face. Zha'haabron smiled.
       "It should keep her under control for a while."
       The shr'en'an nodded, then inclined her head. "Will you really punish her if she doesn't behave?"
       Zha'haabron looked surprised. "Of course. An empty threat is worse than useless. I can't imagine I'd need to remove more than two fingers to convince her I am in earnest."
       Zh'anah chuckled. "Very well, my Ssii'iin. I'll make sure she doesn't arrive too early tomorrow..."

Zha'haabron fell into step with a somewhat battered Radittsu on the way back to the suite. The R'ren'nkh'ian frowned, gentle fingers tracing the heavy bruising on his bondmate's arms. The captain grinned tiredly.
       *Just a training session. I'm disgustingly out of condition. Three new recruits and it took me half an hour to beat them!*
       Zha'haabron smiled. **Oh, I agree. That's really not good enough. Perhaps you should train with Vejiita for a while. Or myself**
       *Uh, thanks, but I think I'll stay with the guard. It'll be less painful!*
       **Then I will have to see if I can devise some stamina building exercises for you. Ones that I also can enjoy...**
       Radittsu swivelled and pulled the king to him, tail wrapping around his waist, hugging as hard as he could, then kissed his neck.
       *I like the sound of that...*
       Zha'haabron kissed his cheek - then turned, frowning slightly. They'd nearly reached the suite, and there was something... wrong. Radittsu felt it as well. They raced the last few yards.
       In the main chamber they found Ti'aasaan curled up in Zha'haarak's arms, the occasional tear still trickling down his face. The bondmates hastened to the two zn'hre, wrapping their arms around both cool bodies, alarmed.
       "What has happened?"
       "It's a bit of a long story." Zh'leet's dry voice distracted them. "I think you'd both better sit down."
       Puzzled, the king and Radittsu seated themselves: Zh'leet and Gh'veen stood before them. Zh'leet sighed.
       "A long story, but I'm going to cut it short. While you've been offworld, we've been trying to find a way for you two to breed."
       Zha'haabron twisted to stare at Radittsu, his eyes wide.
       **Did you know anything about this?**
       *No!! Although...* He smiled at the little zn'hre. "Is this that 'surprise present' you were keeping a secret?"
       Ti'aasaan nodded tearfully. The Saiyan turned back to Zh'leet, expression anxiously hopeful.
       "Have you had any success?"
       "Of a sort. And that brings us to the less generally pleasing news." She took a deep breath. "Leteetza is pregnant. And Ti'aasaan's the sire."
       For a moment Radittsu thought his bondmate was going to faint.
       "Some Northern females can breed with zn'hre. Leteetza was in heat, and although she was of course using that crude Saiyan contraceptive drug, it appears it's not effective against R'ren'nkh'ia-jin. Well, zn'hre, anyway."
       Radittsu stared, aghast. "But Leteetza doesn't want children."
       "She may not be able to carry them to term, anyway. Our biological systems are very different. But we'll know more once our equipment arrives."
       Zha'haabron had regained a little colour and was holding his bondmate's hand very hard. Radittsu pulled him closer, kissing his hair.
       *Oh, beloved... So unfair...*
       The king buried his face in the strong warm neck. Radittsu felt the dampness of tears as his bondmate struggled for control, and hugged him tightly.
       "There's a further problem, however, my Ssii'iin." Zh'leet spoke reluctantly. Zha'haabron sighed and turned to face her.
       "Isn't there always? What it is?"
       "Vejiita. He is going to be furious. I hate to ask it of you, but you're the only person who could tell him and hope to come out alive."
       Zha'haabron nodded tiredly. "Of course."
       *I'll come with you.*
       **No, zk'vissin. That would only make the situation worse. Don't worry - he can't hurt me**
       Zha'haabron sighed and wiped a hand across his face. **Please don't argue. This is difficult enough as it is. And I need you to comfort Ti'aasaan**
       Glancing at the picture of utter misery that was the little zn'hre, Radittsu nodded. *Very well. But you *call* if you need help, all right?*

                   "I'll kill him!!"

Zha'haabron grabbed the enraged king by the neck and slammed him into the nearest wall.
       "No, you will not."
       "Let go of me, bastard lizard!"
Vejiita struggled uselessly, spluttering, too furious to speak coherently, until he realised that his exertions were getting him nowhere and making him look anything but dignified. He froze, glaring at the high king.
       "Put me down. Now."
       Zha'haabron was tired, unsettled, distressed and still in a state of shock. He certainly was not prepared to stomach Vejiita throwing a temper tantrum and threatening to kill one of his bondmates. He brought his face close to the Saiyan's, teeth gritted and eyes narrowed.
       "This is no-one's fault. We did not know such a thing was possible. If we had, we would have taken all possible steps to prevent it happening."
       "What was she doing fucking that little snake, anyway? I didn't know! Why didn't anyone tell me?"
       "Why should they?" Zha'haabron hissed, his control of his own temper now precariously close to snapping. "It was no-one's business but hers. They comforted each other while we were offworld. They both needed it - Leteetza in particular since she'd been left to try to handle your obnoxious little consorts and your heirs by herself. Be thankful it was discovered now, while we still have a chance to resolve any problems."
       "They'll have to be aborted."
       Zha'haabron slammed the king against the wall again.
       "That is not your decision to make." he hissed. "They are not your hostlings."
       "She belongs to me and I will not allow any other... creature to contaminate her."
       The high king punched the Saiya-jin-no-Ou hard in the face. Spitting blood, Vejiita stared at the R'ren'nkh'ian, disbelievingly. Zha'haabron smiled coldly.
       "She is her own person. I will not allow you to treat her like a slave."
       "YOU will not...? Who the fuck do you think you are?"
       "Your access to what you need to bring about your dream of empire. Or had you forgotten the Alliance?"
       Vejiita gripped the high king's wrist. "I should never have let you persuade me to release her in the first place."
       "I gave you no choice in the matter." Zha'haabron sighed, suddenly very weary. "Our concern should be Leteetza's health, not this petty squabbling."
       "Put me down."
       "Not until I have your word you will leave my people alone. And not hurt Leteetza."
       "And how long do you think you can hold me here if I don't give it?"
       Zha'haabron inclined his head. "I will snap your neck, here and now, and take over your kingdom rather than allow any harm to come to any of my family."
       Vejiita stared. "You wouldn't... You couldn't..."
       "I would. And I could - we have developed several narcotic mixes, extremely effective against Saiya-jin, for just such a contingency." He smiled. "We may be allies - but that does not necessarily mean I trust you."
       " bastard..." Vejiita breathed the words, his expression a mix of fury and admiration.
       "I am sure you have taken similar precautions. However, I would prefer not to have to resort to such measures - I have enough to do running my own world without trying to change yours as well. Do I have your word?"
       Vejiita nodded as best he could. "You have my word."
       Zha'haabron lowered him to his feet.
       "Thank you. I will hold you to it."
       "Of course you will." growled the king. "Very well. What happens now?"
       "Zh'leet and Gh'veen are awaiting the arrival of specialised medical equipment. Until that arrives, there's nothing we can do except make sure Leteetza is comfortable and not in any distress. Afterwards - that will depend on what is discovered. Do you wish to be kept advised?"
       "Of course!"
       "Do you wish to be involved?"
       Vejiita frowned, pensively, then nodded. "Yes. Though don't expect me to enjoy it."
       Zha'haabron smiled tiredly. "I think we all know better than that..."

Radittsu cradled his bondmate, kneading at the painfully tense back and shoulders and pressing kisses to his neck.
       *How do you feel?*
       They were resting on one of the balconies, the night warm and fragrant around them. Inside the suite Ti'aasaan was asleep in Zha'haarak's embrace, resting quietly, exhausted, after finally being almost convinced it really wasn't his fault, that his Ssii'iin and Ssii'iir weren't angry with him, and that they would all do everything in their power to make sure Leteetza would be fine: the gentle zn'hre held him close, protectively, *sharing* pleasant dreams with him as best he could. Zh'leet was playing with two wakeful babies in the bathing pool: the others had snuggled down and fallen asleep some hours ago. And Radittsu actually had his beloved all to himself for a while...
       Not that either of them was in any fit state to enjoy it. The Saiyan alternated between fear for the little warrior (and, if he were completely honest with himself, just the tiniest hint of resentment that her unborn offspring weren't also his), concern for the little zn'hre's state of mind - his shock was almost *palpable*, and the Saiyan had never felt such guilt in anyone - and anxiety for Zha'haabron. The king was a raw mass of exhaustion, tormented hope, and pain.
       **I feel... so honoured that they love us enough to try to make our dreams a reality**
       Radittsu sighed. *It's wonderful, isn't it? And I really think they'll succeed.*
       Zha'haabron twisted slightly to glance into his bondmate's face.
       **I want your hostlings. So much it hurts**
       Stunned by the outright admission, the Saiyan bit his lip, feeling tears threaten. He pulled himself slowly upright, lifting Zha'haabron with him.
       *Come with me, beloved.*
       Without waiting for a response he settled the king in his arms and took off, heading for the lake in the forest on the outskirts of Vejiitamachi...
       ... landing at the spot where he'd found Zha'haabron weeping, what felt like an eternity ago. He lowered his bondmate to his feet and drew him into a close embrace, tail wrapped around his hips, hands gentle across his chest. Zha'haabron frowned slightly, not recognising the place in the darkness.
       **Zk'vissin, why are we here?**
       *This place - is special. Look...*
       The lake shimmered, reflected starlight hazing the surroundings with a silver mist. Below them the ground was soft and mossy: around them the trees filled the air with a subtle green fragrance. It was peaceful - not the ages-old peace of the forests to the North, but a gentler, younger serenity, one that seemed more willing to share its secrets...
       Zha'haabron smiled, his eyes brimming with tears as he suddenly realised where he was. Radittsu felt the tension leave his body in waves as he leaned back into the Saiyan's embrace. ** "You're part of me. I love you. The rest we'll work out as we go along." **
       Letting his own tears fall, the big Saiyan nipped gently at the faint scar on his beloved's neck.
       *We've come a long way since then. And one day I'll find a way to tell you what you mean to me...*
       Zha'haabron twisted to kiss him, very carefully, long, prehensile tongue gently stroking his lips apart and sliding inside to taste the smoky heat of his mouth. Radittsu responded, pressing his own tongue to the cool smoothness of his beloved's, revelling in the long awaited intimacy, overjoyed that Zha'haabron had taken the step but careful not to push too far - fully aware of what those razor teeth could do, even accidentally. He choked back a sob of happiness, then pulled back a little, cupping the king's face.
       *I love you. No, I adore you. You are my world, my life. Everything.*
       Zha'haabron's eyes were vast in the starlight.
       As one they sank to the soft, sweet-smelling moss. And later, sated and content, they lay in each other's arms, watching the bright stars wheel above them, speechlessly happy, sleepless through the long warm summer night.

© 2001 September 30th Joules Taylor

Second Alliance Chronicle