
      Radittsu and Hijau winced at the hissing scream. 'raadiin stared for a couple of seconds, then launched himself at the flame-haired warrior, fists flailing as he tried to bite his ma'issin.
      Hijau caught his wrists as tightly as he dared, trying to keep the blindly enraged hostling at arm's length and getting a chunk bitten out of his forearm for his trouble before Zha'haabron managed to grab his offspring by the scruff of the neck and pull him away from the warrior. 'raadiin went limp, expression still furious - then his face screwed up as he burst into tears.
      They'd debated when they should tell 'raadiin that Hijau was remaining on Vejiitasei - and who would be the best person to tell him. Unfortunately they'd been pre-empted: Kiraz had somehow found out that the warrior wouldn't be going with the family and, with a certain malicious glee, had told the hostling. Who'd immediately rounded on the Saiyans and his sire and demanded to know if it was true…
      The king pulled the distraught infant into his arms, nuzzling his hair.
      "Come, little one. It's not for very long."
      'raadiin sobbed, heartbrokenly.
      "'s forever…"
      Zha'haabron smiled and hugged him.
      "Less than three hundred days, little ssii'irin."
      "But papa…"
      "Warriors have to endure many different sorts of trials. Separation is one of them. He will miss you - and Zha'haarak - too."
      Tear-filled eyes gazed woefully up at the king.
      "Then why can't he come with us? It's not fair…"
      "Many things in life are not fair, little one. Sometimes we must simply accept that such is fate, and learn to cope as best we may."
      'raadiin obviously didn't think much of the idea, but the child's sobs were lessening. Zha'haabron stroked his hair.
      "I think you ought to say sorry."
      The little zn'hre pouted.
      "'m not sorry."
      "But you hurt Hi'ijaa."
      'raadiin looked back over his shoulder to where Zha'haarak was wrapping a soft dressing around his bondmate's heavily bleeding arm. The child's eyes widened as he turned back to his sire.
      "Did I do that?"
      The king nodded gravely.
      "We obviously need to work on your self-control…"
      Biting his lip, 'raadiin pushed gently at the king's chest.
      "Please may I go now, papa?"
      Zha'haabron released him, and the little warrior immediately flew to Hijau - dropping down to kneel at his feet, head bowed.
      "Ma'issin - I am sorry. What can I do to make it better?"
      Hijau regarded him sombrely for a long, long moment, then crouched down in front of him, warm fingers under the cold little chin as he raised the child's face to his own.
      "You can take care of Zha'haarak while we are apart."
      'raadiin glanced uncertainly between the bondmates for a moment or two, then regarded the Saiyan solemnly.
      "I promise, ma'issin. I'll look after him for you…" He bit his lip as the tears started again. "… but I'll miss you…"
      Hijau pulled the weeping child into his arms, nuzzling his neck.
      "I'll miss you too, little one. But the time will pass quickly, you'll see. You have a new planet to explore, your homeworld, and lots of new people to meet. And the R'ren'nkh'ian warriors fight differently to us - you'll be able to learn new combat styles. And we'll be able to talk on the comm link."
      "… won't be the same…" But the thought of learning new ways to fight took some of the sting out of the separation - for 'raadiin, at any rate.
      "But it's better than nothing." Hijau's eyes sought Zha'haarak's: the gentle zn'hre was forcing back his own tears. "And when you come back you'll have so much to show me. Perhaps you can teach me for a change!"
      'raadiin nodded thoughtfully.
      "Maybe… And I promise I'll look after Zha'haarak for you."
      Hijau kissed his forehead.
      "Thank you…"

"Do you need anything, papa?"
      Zha'haabron shook his head, trying to force a smile as 'fallon knelt beside him, deep golden eyes grave as he scrutinised his sire. And then 'selaan knelt slowly at the king's other side, eyes intent on the large beaker of fruity glop he'd carried oh-so-carefully from Zh'leet, not spilling a drop. With a small proud smile he handed it to his sire.
      "For you, papa."
      Zha'haabron gazed at the drink, gazed at the two hostlings, then raised his head to frown at Radittsu - who was biting back laughter.
      It had only been seven days, but Zha'haabron's belly was now noticeably swollen in comparison to its previous muscular flatness - and it was almost as if, now that they could all see that the king was pregnant, the hostlings suddenly realised that they were to have rather special host-sibs. They'd all - with the exception of this morning's tantrum even 'raadiin - become extremely solicitous and attentive, so much so that Zha'haabron was almost ready to scream. He'd expected it from Zh'leet, and from Mahrayne, knowing how 'maternal' she could be, and a measure of it from Radittsu, but to have twelve children also dancing attendance was, while very cute, almost unbearable. The fact that they were also excited about their first trip to R'ren'nkh'ia didn't help, either...
      The big Saiyan chuckled.
      *Want me to take them out for a while? Let you get some peace?*
      Zha'haabron sighed silently and closed his eyes.
      **Oh, please …**
      Radittsu clapped his hands, twice, and the hostlings obediently turned to face him.
      "We're all going out for the afternoon. Boots on, everyone."
      Not without a few anxiously concerned glances at their sire, the hostlings obeyed, and ten minutes later the suite was filled with a blissful quiet.
      Zha'haabron sighed and lay back on the sleeping platform, eyes closing. Only to open them as an anxious Zh'leet touched his arm.
      "Is something wrong, my Ssii'iin?"
      He frowned at her.
      "Zh'leet, I know I gave permission for you to cosset me, but having everyone do so is simply exhausting. Will you please just leave me in peace for a few hours? Take Gh'veen and ensure that Vinas has everything he needs. Or check that the water quota is being fulfilled. Or go for a walk. Do anything you like, but let me have some time to myself…"
      Zh'leet stared. The Ssii'iin was annoyed? That was hardly typical behaviour for a hosting zn'hre! Then again, this wasn't a typical zn'hre hosting. And she'd researched enough about Saiyan pregnancies to be aware of the mood swings they could cause. And the Ssii'iin's hostlings were part Saiyan, after all…
      She patted his hand in an infuriatingly patronising manner and nodded.
      "Of course, my Ssii'iin. We'll return later…"

Zha'haabron sighed with relief as the tz'een and the ko'ish'n left the suite, and Ti'aasaan chuckled.
      The king smiled wryly.
      "Would you like me to go too, your Majesty?"
      Zha'haabron rolled his head to gaze at Jeice.
      "Only if you wish to."
      "Then may I stay?"
      The zn'hre smiled.
      "Of course."
      Struck by a sudden thought, Zha'haabron gracefully pulled himself upright - Zha'haarak moved to sit behind him, supporting his host-sib, aware, as Ti'aasaan was not, of the fatigue throbbing through the strong blue body.
      "Jeice - would you dance for us? If you're not too tired?"
      The subo beamed.
      "Sire, I'm never too tired to dance!" He frowned momentarily, then smiled and rose, heading for his room. The zn'hre made themselves comfortable, quietly eager: they never knew what Jeice was going to dance until he started, but it was never less than wondrous.
      He reappeared - dressed in a pale blue, brief, close-fitting vest and a pale, sandy yellow coloured loincloth, rather less tight and revealing than his usual costume. He'd plaited his hair, securing it with a jewelled clasp - and outlined his eyes with a smoky, smudgy black cosmetic so that they appeared even larger than normal. And he'd chosen a R'ren'nkh'ian audio chip, one of Bri'seiyis' lesser known works, breathy and fluting with only one sweet high vocal part…

Jeice danced the desert for them. The desert he'd never seen, but somehow made alive, living, a place of mystery and delight, winds shirring the sand against rock, the silken sound a sensual shiver deep within them, touching parts of themselves they hadn't known existed…
      And as the dance ended, as Jeice rose slightly from the floor and hovered, arms outstretched and head flung back, using his own ki to gust his plait backwards as though soaring in a desert wind, Ti'aasaan wrapped his arms around himself, biting his lip to stop himself whimpering, weeping, as something deep within him ached, yearning for something, something he couldn't identify…
      Zha'haabron gazed at the little alien, his lips parted, tears rolling freely down his face. Jeice lowered himself to the floor, slowly opened his eyes - and suddenly realised the effect his dance had had on his audience. He darted forward, his own eyes filling, and knelt before the king, his head lowered.
      "Sire… forgive me… I… I didn't mean…"
      He swallowed, trying very hard not to flinch. Zha'haabron very gently cupped his chin, raising the little face to his own, smiling through his tears.
      "Jeice, that was beautiful. Thank you."
      The subo swallowed.
      "Y… you're not angry?"
      "Why should I be angry?"
      Zha'haabron pulled the little alien into a comforting embrace. Too startled to resist, it took Jeice all of two seconds to melt into the coolness of the king's affectionate clasp. He peered up into big, somehow defenceless golden eyes and smiled tremulously. The zn'hre pressed a very gentle kiss to his forehead.
      "Have you ever seen a desert?"
      "No, your Majesty."
      Ti'aasaan inclined his head.
      "Then how…?"
Jeice pulled back a little, and the king let him go. The little alien seated himself cross-legged on the platform and smiled.
      "I felt it. In you."
      Zha'haabron frowned pensively.
      "Can you mind-speak?"
      The subo shook his head.
      "No… It's… I feel what other people are feeling. And their emotions."
      "You're empathic."
      Jeice's eyes widened.
      "Is that what it's called? I never knew."
      Ti'aasaan smiled.
      "Can all of your people do it?"
      The subo nodded.
      "On our own world, we used it to stay in contact with each other. It was useful when great distances separated us one from another - on hunts, or when joining distant kin for a celebration-dance."
      "You remember your homeworld?"
      He shook his head, sadly.
      "I was born on Omani."
      Zha'haarak frowned.
      "But… If I've understood correctly, you had no real contact with any others of your people while in Bataa's service?"
      Jeice nodded.
      "But you know what your homeworld was like?"
      He nodded again. Zha'haarak inclined his head.
      "How is that?"
      "We remember."
      The zn'hre all waited, but Jeice said nothing more. After a few moments Ti'aasaan, puzzlement in his voice, said,
      "Remember what?"
      Jeice's hands made graceful patterns in the air as he struggled to explain.
      "We all know what our home is like from those of us who lived there. If I was taken there today I would know my world, the trails that lead to the bathing pools in the floating forest, the lookout rocks, the dancing grounds, the places where the animals gather…"
      Zha'haarak glanced at his kin.
      **Race memory?**
      **Sounds like it, doesn't it?** Zha'haabron regarded the little subo appraisingly, then frowned and touched the alien's arm. Jeice's eyes were brimming.
      "Jeice? What's wrong?"
      A small red hand brushed tears away. The subo gazed at them, expression woebegone.
      "I try not to think about it."
      Zha'haarak sighed.
      "I'm sorry. I did not mean to distress you."
      Jeice tried to smile.
      "Oh, you didn't, your highness…"
      Determinedly changing the subject, Jeice moved a little closer, one small hand hovering over the king's abdomen, deep red-flecked eyes meeting golden.
      "May I?"
      Zha'haabron nodded, and the little subo lowered his hand, closing his eyes as a slow, delighted smile bloomed on his face. He opened his eyes, his expression soft.
      "So beautiful… They feel themselves cocooned in love…"
      Ti'aasaan gently stroked the subo's hair.
      "Very different to what you knew, neh?"
       Jeice nodded sadly, and the little zn'hre hugged him.
      "But you're with us now. Part of the family."
      The joy that shone from the little alien's face at the thought was worth far more than the gold he'd cost…

Radittsu, Hijau, Kelapa and Mahrayne arrived back four hours later with a group of exhausted children in tow, to find the zn'hre already in the pool: within minutes the family joined them. Zha'haabron looked weary, and the captain pulled him into warm strong arms, frowning a little anxiously.
      *You all right?*
      The king nodded.
      **Just tired. Vinas said that might happen - they're demanding more of me than R'ren'nkh'ian hostlings would**
      *Then you must rest.*
      The king smiled and stroked his face.
      **Be assured that I will, when I need to**
      A stir went through the hostlings, their eyes wide as they stared at the door. Hovering nervously just inside the chamber was Jeice, already wet from his own shower and wearing a brief loincloth. Zha'haabron smiled and held out a hand.
      "Please, join us if you would like to."
      The subo smiled.
      "I would rather not, your Majesty. Not yet."
      But he sat on the edge of the bath, with his legs in the water, and splashed the tired children as they giggled and hissed at him. And later, after the children had all snuggled down and were mostly asleep, he stripped before settling down, cuddling close behind Ti'aasaan, slim arms around the zn'hre's chest and genitals nestled against his friend's buttocks.
      Ti'aasaan didn't sleep very well that night, his rest broken by erotic dreams and wondering if it was too soon to ask Jeice to make love…

Zha'haabron had expected the family's departure to be accomplished with the minimum of fuss - but Manzano had other ideas.
      "Your Majesty, you are an important part of the Empire, and you and the family are a source of fascination to many people. It would be unkind not to allow them the opportunity to wish you well."
      Zha'haabron blinked, then frowned.
      "What do you have in mind…?"

The idea of the open-air reception was very favourably received. The children needed somewhere expansive to let loose their energy and excitement, and the king - and Ti'aasaan and Zha'haarak - already knew they were going to miss Vejiitasei: dampness and coolness aside, the world was rich with a fertile beauty, quite different to the dry barren heat of R'ren'nkh'ia. Zha'haabron was quietly worried the hostlings were going to hate their sojourn on the homeworld - strictly speaking, Vejiitasei was their home - so one last chance to soak in the green lushness would be much appreciated.
      The day dawned bright and warm and the children woke far too early. Mahrayne had days ago given up on the idea of accomplishing anything in the way of lessons: this morning she, Ti'aasaan, Jeice and Kelapa simply tried to keep them all from making too much noise so the king could sleep a little longer, cradled in his bondmate's arms. Radittsu was awake and smiling happily, hands curved protectively over Zha'haabron's abdomen, making quiet shushing noises when the volume in the suite increased too much. Not surprisingly, 'raadiin was the worst - but then, he'd been deprived of Hijau's company for the past two nights, as the warrior had gathered Zha'haarak into his arms each evening and closed the door of 'their' room on the rest of the world…
      The little zn'hre warrior stood glaring at the closed door, then crawled onto the bed and snuggled up to Radittsu.
      "Dadda, what are they doing in there?"
      The big Saiyan turned slightly, pulling 'raadiin against his chest, the king blinking drowsily at his other side.
      "They're making memories."
      'raadiin frowned.
      "Making memories? What does that mean?"
      "Hi'ijaa is going to be terribly lonely without his bondmate." Zha'haabron's low voice answered his hostling, and Radittsu instinctively tightened his grasp on the cool blue body. "We'll have Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu with us, and you'll have your sibs and Ti'ani and Le'leen, and the heirs later, too. Hi'ijaa won't have anybody. So he wants to spend as much time as he can with Zha'haarak, making memories to last him until they can be together again."
      "Oh." 'raadiin chewed his lip. "Like making love?"
      "That's a part of it." his sire agreed. "But they'll *learn* each other, too."
      "Will that ever happen to me?"
      The king smiled.
      "If you bond with someone, yes."
      'raadiin scowled.
      "Never want to, then."
      Radittsu chuckled and stroked the hostling's hair, his tail snaking around Zha'haabron's hips and caressing the slowly-swelling belly.
      "You might change your mind when you're older…."

Hijau and Zha'haarak surfaced soon after, tense and contented at the same time…
      It took a while to get all the children ready, but they were finally able to head down to the palace grounds, to the little natural amphitheatre with gently-sloping sides that Manzano had decided would be perfect for the reception. A small stream tumbled in a series of tiny waterfalls and broad pools down the slope from the wooded area to the north and meandered along the bottom of the shallow valley. Rugs, mats, cushions and low seats had been placed on a mossy platform about half way down, and the family headed there, Radittsu settling Zha'haabron in the sun before flying over to the cooking area to pile platters full of a second breakfast.
      Zha'haabron turned to Zha'haarak, sitting next to him, golden eyes glued to Hijau, who'd accompanied his superior officer.
      **Dear one… how can I alleviate your suffering?**
      The gentle zn'hre glanced at his host-sib, tears simmering just below the surface.
      **I don't think anyone can… Oh heart-brother, it hurts so much…**
      The king pulled his sibling to him, holding the slim green body comfortingly.
      **We will do what we can to make it as easy as possible. For both of you**
      Zha'haarak nodded his thanks.
      **I… we must just endure it. It is at least something that only happens infrequently** He bit his lip and shuddered. **Imagine if it happened every year…**
      Ti'aasaan stroked his hair and glanced at the king, privating.
      **Can't you speak to Vejiita? This is so painful for them both…**
      Zha'haabron's eyes closed briefly.
      **I have already tried, to no avail**
      The little zn'hre sighed and nodded.
      **Then we will have to do the best we can…**
      "This should keep us going." Radittsu laid two heaped platters of seared meat on the rug: Hijau added a large bowl of fruit - and a platter of something they'd never seen before. Ti'aasaan frowned.
      "What's that?"
      Hijau picked up one of the small, round, golden-yellow flat objects and poured a thick, golden-coloured syrup onto it - then handed it to Zha'haarak. The gentle zn'hre examined it curiously - then bit into it. His eyes widened enormously as he stared at his bondmate, swallowing the mouthful and taking another, and another, until he'd finished the whole thing.
      "That is… That's wonderful…"
      Hijau smiled, a little proudly.
      "I thought you'd like it. It's an alien recipe - warmed honeycake with yardle syrup. That comes from trees." he added, offering the platter to the king.
      The delicacy immediately became a firm favourite with them all.

Mahrayne sat at a little distance from the family core, Kelapa and Jeice with her as they kept an eye on the children, the elder hostlings, heirs and hybrids playing aerial tag and gently teasing their younger siblings. 'haavok and 'honee, much as she'd expected, had splashed into the stream at the earliest opportunity: Kelapa had retrieved them before they got too cold and the little monsters were now lying in the sun, drying out and showering each other with flower petals…
      Manzano and Zyelenyi arrived very soon after the family and ended up staying for the whole of the function, greeting visitors and making introductions. Ubi and two of her fellow Thinkers, occasional tutors to the children, dropped in for a while, laughing as they were inundated with happy brats. Other members of the diplomatic corps turned up - as did a surprisingly large number of Saiyans Mahrayne had never seen before. Limau arrived, accompanied by several members of the council, and took time to speak privately to his son after greeting Zha'haabron: Mahrayne never knew what was said but Hijau seemed a little happier afterwards. And then Vejiita arrived, Zorun in attendance…
      He and Zha'haabron greeted each other with respectful half-bows, then the Saiya-jin-no-Ou settled himself next to his Companion as Radittsu and Hijau went for more food.

Buahan had thrown herself into her papa's arms, cuddling into his strong embrace happily: Kobis and Kiraz had hugged their father briefly before returning to their games with their zn'hre friends. Vejiita helped Buahan to a strip of devilled bighorn flank, then popped one into his own mouth, chewing appreciatively.
      "I understand more congratulations are in order." The King glanced at Zha'haabron's abdomen, smirking, his eyes twinkling. The High King smiled.
      "Indeed. Due at the height of FullMoon too, I am told."
      "Auspicious." Vejiita commented dryly, picking another piece of choice meat. "Do you have plans for them?"
      "Not yet."
      Vejiita watched Kiraz and 'raadiin tussling together down by the stream, nodding his satisfaction.
      "Radittsu's been training them?"
      The High King inclined his head.
      "A little. They have not yet started training in earnest."
      "Perhaps they should, once you return. They both show promise…"

I lay back and enjoyed the sunsshine, good food and warm company, in the main only taking in what was being said around me with half an ear. The day meandered lazily on: dignitaries and warriors came, stayed for a little while then left again. Shortly after midday Kayusu arrived, greeted her mate respectfully - if a little nervously - and seated herself nearby, smiling as Buahan chattered excitedly. I inclined my head, ignoring Vejiita's tail coiling proprietarily around my own.
      "Lady Kayusu… How are things with you?"
      Her smile faltered.
      "A little… lonely, Lady Leteetza. I was wondering - after FullMoon, might it be possible for me to join you and the children, maybe help out with the lessons? If you think I would be of use, of course."
      I nodded, frowning to myself. She'd always been a little on the shy side, but this apprehensiveness was not normal.
      "I don't see why not. I'll arrange it with Mahrayne and the tutors."
      She thanked me, tremulously, and for a while we sat in an uneasy silence, me not knowing what to say, Kayusu too - ill at ease, I thought - to be able to converse with any confidence…
      A little later the entire gathering was treated to a delightful distraction. I'd watched Mahrayne giving 'tiisaan his first set of bells - I could almost hear Radittsu groan, inwardly, at the realisation that the little dancer wasn't going to want to take them off - and minutes later the hostling had dragged his teacher upright and over to the nearest flat space. I grinned and settled myself to watch…
      It was a lovely sight. At first just Mahrayne and 'tiisaan danced, but in a very little while Jeice joined them, then Ti'ani, 'haabron and Kobis: it looked almost like a rainbow was dancing on the grass. Then one by one the other hostlings (except for 'raadiin, of course, who continued his 'battle' with Kiraz) and Le'leen and Buahan, all joined in a dance I hadn't seen yet, in a circle, swaying and skipping and clapping in rhythm with each other. As the entire gathering watched, wide eyed and intrigued, the dancers started moving faster and faster, hands and feet a blur as they circled - until everything got too fast for them to keep up and they all collapsed in a laughing, squealing, hissing happy heap. Vejiita stared, then turned to me with a wry smile.
      "And this is what she's been teaching them? What, precisely, was the purpose of that?"
      I regarded him mock-solemnly.
      "Well, sire, it teaches discipline, and rhythm, and how not to kick your dance partners."
      He swallowed a grin.
      "And why should you not wish to kick your dance partners?"
      "Because they might kick back?"
      "Then you kick them again - harder."
      I frowned at him.
      "It's called having fun. You remember what that is?"
      He gazed at me from under lowered eyelids and my breath caught in my throat at the promise in his eyes.
      *Oh yes - I remember what it is. And after tomorrow, I'll prove it to you.*
      I couldn't wait…

Vejiita, very aware of his guard's arousal, gave Zorun permission to leave his post for a while: the big Saiyan disappeared with Mahrayne, following the course of the stream, and they weren't seen for well over an hour. By the time they returned the party was winding down, the children had exhausted themselves and were sprawled on the ground near the adults, and Zha'haabron was feeling - and looking - tired again. Radittsu dropped to one knee before Vejiita.
      "Might I have your permission to return to the suite, Sire? The family need to rest - and it's getting a little cool for them."
      The king nodded.
      "Permission granted. And you have my best wishes for a good journey, a peaceful stay on R'ren'nkh'ia, and a painless and trouble-free birth. And we'll see you at FullMoon."
      The captain smirked at the king - who suddenly smiled back, a warm, genuine smile.
      "Thank you for your services to us. We appreciate them. You are an exemplary warrior."
      Blinking with shock, Radittsu nevertheless managed a respectful bow - then rose and pulled his beloved up into his arms. Taking their cue from the big Saiyan, the rest of the adults gathered together the sleepy hostlings, hybrids and heirs and, pausing just long enough to offer the Saiya-jin-no-Ou their respects, made their way back to the suite, a warm, soothing bath, and a good sound sleep.

Ti'aasaan leaned back against the side of the bathing pool, eyes sad.
      "I'm going to miss this so much…"
      The children's evening bath had been a little cursory tonight: they were all too tired to spend too long in the water, and Jeice, Kelapa, Zh'leet and Gh'veen had hustled them off to bed half an hour ago. The adults now relaxed in the pool, enjoying the peace after what had been a surprisingly trying and tiring day.
      Zha'haabron stroked the little zn'hre's cheek.
      "We all will, sweetheart. But it's not for long. Think how joyful our return will be."
      Zha'haarak stifled a sob and turned to Hijau, who cradled him close. The king gazed at them compassionately.
      "We will not mind if you wish to retire…"
      They both shook their heads, and Hijau forced a smile.
      "We want… we want to spend the last night as a family."
      Mahrayne stirred uneasily from her seat beside Ti'aasaan.
      "Perhaps I should leave…"
      The little zn'hre laid a hand on her hip.
      "I would rather you did not…"
      And the next hour passed in a warm, affectionate, gently-loving haze as bonds were reinforced and love reaffirmed, and promises made for the future.

Jeice cradled Ti'ani and Le'leen as they sobbed silently against his shoulders, his own eyes tearing as their grief tugged at him.
      Not to mention the others' feelings. They'd done their best to keep the goodbyes as short and painless as possible, the following morning, but it was still an almighty wrench for all concerned. The subo knew that 'raadiin and 'tiisaan would be fine in a little while: though still feeling the pain of separation from their mentors, they were - despite themselves - looking forward to the excitement of the coming adventure. Even the little hybrids miserably cuddled against him would be all right once they'd got over this first shock. It was Zha'haarak who worried him.
      The gentle zn'hre was hiding it as fiercely as he knew how but his misery was a soul-deep ache within him - and within Jeice, who for once didn't use those shielding techniques he'd learnt with such difficulty all those years ago. He wanted to feel the prince's anguish. Wanted to feel what it was like to adore someone so deeply, so completely.
      He needed to know, if he was to help. He couldn't be Hijau - but he might be able to dance him, enough to be of some small comfort to Zha'haarak…

The convoy moved through space, the heavily shielded transport carrying its precious living cargo, a second equally defended ship with Vinas, his team and their equipment, a small, fast and heavily armed cruiser for protection, and three massive freighters filled with frozen provisions and huge tanks of purified water.
      All heading for R'ren'nkh'ia and the future…

© 2002 April 25th Joules Taylor

Life Among the Savages pt 5
Preparations pr 2
Third Alliance Chronicle Index