Life Among the Savages - Part 5

Mahrayne drowsed, warm and happy in Kel's arms. She'd come within a breath of losing the female's love and friendship, and it had all been her own fault…

It had started days ago, before the family had left for R'ren'nkh'ia. One lazy warm afternoon, she and Kel had been sitting on the balcony, contentedly cuddled together in the sunshine, when she'd felt the warrior tense, and growl, tightening her arms around her. Mahrayne's heart sank; even with her eyes closed against the bright sunshine she knew what was happening. The Hassinan had arranged for Zorun to come by and pick her up - she was staying overnight with him - and had completely forgotten to let Kelapa know. And now, as far as Kel was concerned, her rival was here without warning. Mahrayne reluctantly opened her eyes to see the big male standing stony faced and solid on the balcony, arms folded across his chest. His dark eyes glittered and he jerked his chin peremptorily at Kel - wordlessly, arrogantly, ordering her to leave. Kelapa had snarled at him, her grip on Mahrayne tightening even more and Zorun had sneered, making it obvious from his posture that she was no threat to him. Mahrayne's irritation at being fought over - fuelled by the guilty knowledge that the situation was all her doing - exploded into a towering anger. She struggled out of Kelapa's grip and faced her lovers.

"That-is-fucking- it"
      Both Saiyans gaped at her - more surprised at the swearing than the shouting.
      "I'm going to say this sloow-ly so your simple Saiyan brains can understand." Mahrayne turned to Kelapa.
      "Kel - I like Zorun... Zorun!" she barked and the big male instantly dropped his look of smug satisfaction. "Zorun - I like Kelapa." Mahrayne lowered her voice to a honeyed purr, warm with a sensuality the Saiyans couldn't help reacting to. "Ideally I'd like you both at the same time - " she gave them a moment for that to sink in before continuing in a barbed tone, " - but that's obviously not going to happen so I'll settle for you being civil to each other!" Still in a high temper, she stalked over to the door, then whirled around to face them again.
      "Sort this out or I will never speak to either of you again!"

Mahrayne had slammed the balcony door on the two astonished Saiyans, then slammed her bedroom door for good measure - and promptly burst into tears. Ti'aasaan had tried to comfort her, the little zn'hre cuddling her on the sleeping platform until she'd stopped crying and was merely feeling sorry for herself.
      Mahrayne spent that night with Zorun, as planned, and while he made no mention of the incident, he treated her with a certain amount of cautious deference. Mahrayne would have said he seemed a little fearful of her - if the very notion wasn't laughable. Seriously, what did the big, powerful male have to fear from her?
      Mahrayne had hoped, with a naive idealism, that everything had been sorted out. But of course, it wasn’t.
      Kelapa had had hours to fume, and when Mahrayne got back to the suite the next morning, the warrior had a few choice words to say. They'd argued, really argued - hot, angry words that made Mahrayne cringe to think of now. She thought Kel was going to hit her at one stage and had wordlessly dared her to - her own livid anger making her want to push the female. That was when Kel had left, and Mahrayne hadn't seen her for two days.
      Leteetza had offered to listen if Mahrayne had anything she wanted to say - but Mahrayne couldn't articulate the jumble of emotions she was feeling, so she stayed quiet, and fretted, her argument with Kel circling over and over in her head until she wanted to scream. She needed a release - and Jeice had provided it.

When she'd asked the little subo to dance with her, it hadn't been with the conscious intention of getting him into bed, but that was where it had ended up. Oh it was a release of tension all right, and a glorious, exhilarating experience - but it created more problems for her than it solved. Kel had come back soon afterwards, willing to work their argument out, and naturally, had scented Jeice on her. The warrior had been disbelieving, then angry at what Mahrayne knew she considered to be a betrayal. Kel's tears more than anything else had shocked Mahrayne out of her self-righteous anger - she'd never seen a Saiyan cry before…
      Mahrayne had stayed in her room that evening, too heart-sick and ashamed to face the family, and the condemnation she was sure she'd see on their faces. Ti'aasaan had peeped in a while later to see if she was hungry, and she'd thanked him, but refused - she was so tense even the thought of food turned her stomach. Mahrayne'd showered thoroughly, compulsively trying to eradicate all traces of Jeice's scent from her skin - not that she expected Kel to come back tonight, but just in case she did… Then she crept into the empty bed and tried to sleep - wondering how she was going to face the family, or herself, in the morning. She hadn't been alone in her room for long though; 'tiisaan, Buahan, and the 'terrible two', 'honee and 'haavok, had snuck in during the night, and Mahrayne had cuddled them to her, pathetically grateful for the comfort they provided.
      Nothing was said the next morning, save for Ti'aasaan's brief touch on her elbow, and the concern in his large golden eyes. The day had progressed as normal and Mahrayne roused herself, making the effort to pretend everything was as it should be. She wasn't entirely successful - she felt as if the slightest knock would send her outward composure shattering into a thousand brittle shards, and the hollowness she carried inside bled out of her eyes, making a lie of her smiles. Two days, and two more long nights passed and still things were no better.

She chewed over what Kelapa had said to her - 'no thought for anyone but herself' - or words to that effect, and Mahrayne realised, with a deep, miserable remorse, that the female was right. Since being on Vejiitasei, she'd been like a child let loose in a store-room, sticking her hand into the containers and greedily grabbing at any tasty treat she fancied. A lifetime of consideration for others - and the basic lesson of there always being consequences to actions - had gone out the window with the perceived freedom and acceptance she'd found with the family. Mahrayne was deeply ashamed of her behaviour.

On the third day after Kel had left, Leteetza had spoken sharply to Mahrayne, making no bones of her annoyance. The little female pointed out, in no uncertain terms, that Mahrayne's unhappiness was unfairly affecting those around her, and she should sort things out with Kel now. Mahrayne was appalled all over again at her selfishness. She immediately apologised to her friend, and planned to apologise formally to the family later, but there was something she had to do first.

The walk through the fragrant gardens couldn't help but soothe her, and it gave her a chance to think about what she was going to say to Kelapa. The Hassinan was given a few curious looks, along with the acknowledging nods, as she entered into the Guard quarters. She stopped outside Kel's door, and hesitated.
      What if Kelapa wasn't in?
      She'd wait for her.
      What if Kel wouldn't see her?
      … Then she'd wait until she would see her.
      Mahrayne rapped quietly on the door.

Kelapa's face registered no expression at all, save for a coldness in her eyes that froze Mahrayne's heart.
      "May I come in, please?"
      Kelapa stared at her for a moment, then turned and walked back into her room, leaving the door open. Mahrayne stepped in and carefully closed the door behind her. The warrior had her back to her, refusing to even look at Mahrayne. The Hassinan sank to her knees, lowering her forehead to the ground in what was becoming an uncomfortably familiar posture of apology. Mahrayne took a few breaths, working up the courage to speak, but suddenly genuine tears of regret and loss welled up in her eyes and her carefully worded speech evaporated.
      "I am so, so sorry, Kel." she whispered brokenly.
      Kelapa spoke to the blank wall, still not looking at Mahrayne.
      "Why did you do it?"
      Mahrayne had spent hours worrying that question. It would be so easy to blame Jeice, blame him for making her lose her usual control. But that wasn't the truth, and she knew it. The truth was she'd wanted to have sex with Jeice since she'd first laid eyes on him - the little subo had merely obliged her. Mahrayne swallowed nervously; she couldn't lie, not for such a base reason as dodging the responsibility for her actions.
      "I - I wanted to."
      Kelapa turned on her.
      "Did you fucking think about me at all?"
      Mahrayne's body shook as Kelapa's question speared through her. While she'd been with Jeice, she hadn't thought about her lover, not once. Mahrayne had been so caught up in the sensual maelstrom that Jeice had danced she'd barely been able to think, let alone consider ramifications; but trying to explain that would only sound like the most pathetic of excuses.
      "Give me one good reason why I should forgive you!" Kelapa snarled.
      Mahrayne froze as realisation crept over her; she didn't deserve Kel's forgiveness, but - but if the warrior left her for good, the emptiness inside would consume her, and she'd be worse than dead. Mahrayne collapsed into a huddle of misery on the hard floor, unable to put into words what she was feeling, not sure if Kel would believe her anyway. She heard the warrior turn and approach her, and she quivered, terrified more of Kel's rejection than any physical pain the Saiyan could inflict. For a long moment there was only silence.
      "Baka…" Kel was saying softly, lifting her up and into a warm, painfully gentle embrace. Mahrayne clung to her, tears rolling down her face, struggling for calm enough to speak.
      "We're a fine pair, aren't we?" Kelapa kissed her forehead. "I'm overly possessive, and you - an over-sexed, terminally curious little ama - give me every reason to be."
      Mahrayne choked out a laugh.
      "I'm sorry, Kel." she whispered against the warrior's neck.
      "So am I."
      "I can't promise something like this won't happen again…"
      Kelapa sighed. "I know. It'd be unrealistic of me to expect you to keep your hands entirely to yourself." She smiled wryly. "But could you at least ask me next time?"
      Mahrayne simply nodded, unable to speak - the upwelling of emotion closing her throat. So she'd kissed Kelapa instead, putting all her love, and gratitude into it, hoping the female would understand what she was trying to say.

"So, what was he like?"
      Mahrayne was on the edge of sleep. Her and Kel's sweet, and protracted, reunion combined with the release of the past few days tension had left her feeling relaxed and sleepy.
      "Jeice - what was he like?" Kel said. "Even though I was completely pissed with you I could see you were satisfied."
      Mahrayne lifted her head from Kel's breast and looked down at her lover. Did she really want to know?
      "He was extraordinary - but then he's been trained to be." Mahrayne frowned as a thought occurred. "It was a little like using dilly, though… You know, physically it was sensational, but there was no - emotional connection, like I have with you, and 'teetza and Zorun." She grinned as she remembered something else.
      "He did have something that was quite, quite interesting though."
      Kelapa gave her guardedly curious look. "Which was?"
      "He has studs, little balls of metal, in his tongue." Mahrayne's pupils dilated as she remembered the effects - and the potential.
      "I think I'd like to get some."
      Kel stared at her.
       "You want to put bits of metal put through your tongue?" She shook her head disbelievingly. "You Hassinan are crazy!"
      Mahrayne laughed and teased one of her lover's nipples up into a hard peak. "It was a truly stimulating sensation. I'd like to try it on you."
      Kelapa was unconvinced and even Mahrayne's detailed demonstration of where the studs could be used most effectively couldn't change her opinion that mutilating your tongue - even for someone else's pleasure - was a good thing.

"I'll talk to Zorun today." Kel offered as they showered together early the following morning.
      "Thank you," Mahrayne kissed along the Saiyan's shoulder affectionately. "Will you be coming back?" she asked hopefully.
      "If I'm still welcome."
      "You are, jha-tunovahn, you always will be."
      Mahrayne came back to the family's suite feeling more calm and settled than she had for a long time - more like her old self. In fact, she was amazed at how positive, and energized she felt, and she ate heartily that morning.

The time for the family's departure was getting closer, and things were getting more chaotic in the suite. The packing had already begun and there were half-full boxes of things strewn about the place. The children were too distracted and excitable for their regular sit-down lessons, but they still enjoyed the physical lessons, finding them an excellent opportunity to run off some of their nervous energy.
      Mahrayne sat with the children, listening enraptured to Ti'aasaan's and Zha'haarak's descriptions of R'ren'nkh'ia. And as she listened, she had an idea, quizzing the zn'hre about it later when the children were outside.
      "I'd like to set the children some work to do while they're on R'ren'nkh'ia."
      Ti'aasaan was surprised. "You'll be taking the lessons as usual, won't you?"
      "Of course, but there will be times when I can't, or it's not convenient for you. Also, I think it would be good for the monsters to have something to do more or less independently."
      Ti'aasaan nodded. "What sort of work?"
      Mahrayne outlined her ideas for the children to do 'projects' on different aspects of R'ren'nkh'ia. She briefly laid slim fingers on Ti'aasaan's forearm.
      "I know you have had a troubled history - I need some guidance on which areas you think would be suitable for the children to research."
      Within a couple of hours, the three of them had thrashed out a series of basic projects for the children to work on during their time on the planet. Mahrayne looked at the list of things they would be investigating - R'ren'nkh'ia's plants and animals, weather, geography, history, culture and arts - and wished she could do some first hand research herself. Later, while she was finalizing the projects, she had the idea of setting similar, though simpler versions for the younger children to do as well. The little ones - they couldn't really be called babies any more - were growing fast, and Mahrayne believed they were ready to begin a more formal process of learning. She smiled to herself; as well as letting the infants feel more grown up, it would help keep them occupied, something that was getting harder and harder to do.

The family, including Radittsu and Jeice, would be leaving in a few days time, but Mahrayne was staying for a while longer. She and Leteetza had conferred and agreed they couldn't see any reason why Mahrayne shouldn't stay on Vejiitasei until the heirs left for R'ren'nkh'ia. Mahrayne was very glad to hear this - the thought of going back to Hassina was leaving her with an acid, gnawing anxiety in the pit of her stomach. The Hassinan as a rule didn't believe in presentience, but Mahrayne had a niggling, bad feeling about going home, and she was willing to delay that for as long as possible.
      Zorun, when he found out she'd be staying longer, had been happier, the lines of tension in his face easing somewhat, but Kel had been less enthusiastic, passing a grumbling comment on her way out to some Guard business that it didn't matter to her if Mahrayne stayed longer because she'd hardly get to see her anyway.
      "Kel's trying to say that Zorun is going to want - no, need to spend more time with you as Moonyear progresses." Leteetza had explained, seeing Mahrayne's confusion.
      "Remember I told you the effect the moon has on the males?"
      Mahrayne nodded.
      "Part of that is they become very - intense - sexually, and if they've got mates, they need to be with them. Zorun hasn't claimed you, but I think he'd count you as his mate." She tilted her head and looked at Mahrayne. "Once you've left he's going to have to find someone else to fuck. How do you feel about that?"
      Mahrayne shrugged noncommittally.
      "Doesn't bother me."
      "Not even if he took another female?"
      Mahrayne shrugged again, and Leteetza sat back, eyes narrowed speculatively.
      "How would you feel if Kel fucked someone else?"
      "Fine." Mahrayne smiled, puzzled by the - to her- pointless questions.
      "Is that just your point of view or is it a racial thing?"
      "It's a common attitude amongst Hassinan."
      Leteetza nodded thoughtfully.
      "I think I'm beginning to see why you and Kel had problems." she murmured, then came back to the topic. "You'll have to be careful with Zorun though. Sometimes the males, even if they've been trained to resist the moon's effects, can lose control - he might accidentally hurt you."
      Mahrayne paled. "Hurt me? How?"
      "By not being able to stop fucking you, even if it's painful for you, or forgetting how strong he is compared to you. If it gets to be a real concern we can get you off planet earlier than we'd planned."
      "But the longer I stay, the better for him?"
      Leteetza nodded.
      "Then I'll stay for as long as I can." Mahrayne said firmly.

Kelapa and Zorun had come to some sort of arrangement about their mutual lover, and a tentative peace settled over the three of them. Her Saiyans tried not to begrudge Mahrayne time spent with the other, and Mahrayne, for her part, tried not to do anything that could provoke them. She kept her distance from Jeice, realising now just how accurate she'd been in comparing the little subo to dilly. He was a constant, shimmering temptation for her, especially when they danced. There was an element of potential addiction about Jeice for Mahrayne, and she knew it wouldn't take much at all for her to move back towards him. So she focused her sexual energy on Zorun, Kelapa and sometimes Leteetza, finding that between the three Saiyans, she was approaching sated.
      But Mahrayne did have a moment of weakness one night, shortly before the family left.

There was a warmth about Ti'aasaan, a relaxed, loving affection that was soothing in that it placed no demands on her. Mahrayne had been fascinated by the zn'hre since she'd first met him and the chance to have sex with him was almost irresistible. But, to her credit, she'd hesitated before taking up Ti'aasaan's offer - thinking of Kel and how she might react, concluding - hoping - that the female wouldn't be that concerned. Mahrayne hadn't promised not to have sex with anyone else, after all, and it looked as if Ti'aasaan, persistent little thing that he was, wasn't going to let her say no… So - she only felt a little guilty when she turned to him.
      Mahrayne slept well that night, snuggled up with Ti'aasaan on one side, and 'tiisaan on the other. Waking early, as usual, she'd wondered what she was going to say to Kel.
      Because - she was going to tell Kel about Ti'aasaan, there could be no room for deceit in their relationship.
      Kelapa had been on night-watch and she came home tired, and ready for a shower and bed, soon after Mahrayne had woken up. Mahrayne helped the warrior off with her armour, then fetched her something to eat while Kel showered. They ate together, then snuggled in bed while Kel settled down to sleep.
      "Kel," Mahrayne screwed up her courage.
      "Yeah?" Kelapa yawned hugely.
      T'aasaan and I - we..." Mahrayne faltered, not feeling very brave.
      Kelapa slitted her eyes open.
      "I know." She smirked and Mahrayne looked at her uneasily.
      "I had a few minutes spare last night so I came back to say goodnight to you. You weren't in here, or on the family's platform - and there were some very interesting scents, and sounds, coming from the bathroom…"
      Mahrayne bit her lip, not knowing what to say, if anything, and waited for Kel's reaction. The warrior smiled lop-sidedly and stroked Mahrayne's arm.
      "I don't mind."
      "Really?" Mahrayne let out the breath she'd been holding.
      "Really." Kelapa smirked at her. "Besides, you and the little one are both as bad as each other - it was bound to happen sometime." She stroked Mahrayne's face, her expression soft. "But thank you for telling me."
      "Would you mind if it happened again?" Mahrayne asked cautiously and Kelapa burst out laughing.
      "No, I wouldn't mind," she pulled Mahrayne down to lie beside her, "as long as I at least get to watch."
      Mahrayne smiled and hugged her, then set about loving the warrior to sleep.

The family's last day on Vejiitasei was fine and warm and bright. A picnic of sorts had been arranged for their farewell, starting mid-morning and expected to go on for most of the day. Mahrayne smiled fondly at the gaggle of terribly excited children as they struggled into their bodysuits.
      "Can we go now?" 'fallon asked, bright eyes wide.
      Zha'haarak stroked his hair. "In a little while, sweetheart."
      The question was asked at least fifty more times before the family finally headed down into the gardens.

It was a beautiful spot; an open area of lush, green lawns, surrounded by shady trees and flowerbeds. A shallow stream ran sparkling nearby, and Mahrayne laughed to herself; just perfect for the children to fall into! As they arrived, servitors were spreading soft furs and rugs out on the grass, and scattering comfortable cushions over them. What looked like a small kitchen had been set up in one area, and the delicious smell of roasting meat wafted over, making Mahrayne's mouth water; even though she'd eaten a good breakfast, she was hungry again. The children ran - and flew - about, shrieking and hissing with high spirits, chasing each other and tussling on the grass. They'd be sleeping soundly tonight. Kelapa had filched some barely cooked meat, and brought it over to Mahrayne, the females sitting close together, with Jeice, on a colourful rug.
      People came and went over the course of the day, coming to pay their respects and bid farewell to the family. Zha'haabron, with his bondmate by his side, graciously accepted their good wishes, all the time radiating that something, that deep contentment that had Mahrayne feeling all wistful again.
      The Saiya-jin-no-Ou turned up after an hour, sitting comfortably with Zha'haabron and Radittsu. Buahan squealed and flung herself into her father's embrace. Vejiita laughed and hugged her and his sons, then settled back to relax and eat. Seeing the King, Mahrayne was reminded, uncomfortably, of how - attractive - he was.
      Kelapa was smirking at her, and she flushed.
      "I'm not that stupid." she muttered.

Zorun was there, standing watchfully near the King, but his gaze kept coming back to linger over Mahrayne. The Hassinan flashed him small, acknowledging smiles, but didn't approach - he was on duty after all. Kiraz and Kobis had given their father a distracted hug each before dashing off to join their zn'hre playmates again. Leteetza, with 'ani and 'leen, went to sit with the Royal group, and for a little while, a beautiful, petite Saiyan female joined them, Buahan talking animatedly at her.
      "Who's that?" Mahrayne asked Kel.
      "Lady Kayusu - Buahan's mother."
      That's right - Mahrayne remembered now, it was her twin, Sheftali, the one who'd killed herself, who was the boys' mother. Mahrayne watched the group from a distance, fascinated by the interactions. Kayusu may be Vejiita's official mate, but there was no mistaking where his true affections lay. Kayusu unobtrusively sat to one side, Buahan next to her, but the King and Leteetza sat closely together, and - Mahrayne couldn't be sure, the suns' light was too bright for details - but she thought their tails were twined together.

'tiisaan ran over to Mahrayne and grabbed her hand, trying to tug her up from her comfortable spot.
      "Let's dance, 'rayne!"
      "Oh, that reminds me - " she pulled the young zn'hre down into her lap. "I have something for you."
      'tiisaan went round-eyed with anticipation as Mahrayne produced a small metal box from the cloth bag she'd brought with her: his eyes grew impossibly bigger when he opened the box and pulled out two strands of mid-toned silver bells. He flung his arms around her neck, almost pushing her over, and hugged her 'til her neck hurt.
      "Thank you!" he breathed, sniffling.
      Mahrayne, a bit sniffly herself, fastened the strands around his slim wrists - they were long enough to wind twice around his arms and still be loose.
      "These were given to me by my dance teacher, and before that, to her by her teacher."
      "I'll look after them, I promise." he vowed solemnly, then began to cry. "I want you to come with me."
      Mahrayne cuddled him close. "I want to go with you as well, but I can't." she said sadly. She put a golden finger under the young dancer's chin and lifted his face up.
      "Wear the bells when you dance, jhatiludas, and think of me, yes?"
      He nodded, sniffing back tears - then he sprang out of her lap and tugged insistently on her arm. "Dance with me!"
      Mahrayne kissed Kel on the cheek, then went to dance with her student.
      It started off with just Mahrayne and 'tiisaan dancing together, but soon Jeice was welcomed into the dance, and gradually the group grew as the hostlings - except 'raadiin - and the heirs - except Kiraz - joined in. Mahrayne guided them into some of the celebratory Hassinan circle dances she'd been teaching. These dances were fun and the children enthusiastically took up the rhythm Mahrayne set for them. They started simply, the dancers clapping their rhythm, but got faster and faster as the dance progressed until they'd all collapsed in a panting, giggling, hissing heap. Mahrayne laughed, pinned under the weight of several cool bodies; life just didn't get better than this.

The day had passed the midday mark and was beginning the long, slow slide into afternoon. Mahrayne - stretched out on her stomach next to Kel - was dozing, half-drugged by the warmth seeping through her light robe. Kelapa stirred, making a sound of wry amusement.
       "Hn. Looks like Zorun's been let loose to play."
      Mahrayne lifted her head off of her arms and squinted into the light, trying to sight where Kel had indicated. She spotted the big male: he was hard to miss, leaning against a tree and watching her with a half-smile on his angled, handsome face. Mahrayne smiled back, welcoming the warmth curling through her groin.
      Kelapa poked her in the ribs.
      "For fuck's sake, will you go with him!" she smirked. "I can scent him from here - it's putting me of my food."
      Mahrayne kissed Kel, then wandered over to Zorun.
      They walked silently, side by side through the trees, their only point of contact being Zorun's tail stroking slowly up and down her back. A short way in was a shallow, narrow valley through which the stream from the picnic ground ran. Zorun jumped down the deep embankment, carrying Mahrayne with him, onto the narrow, grassed strip of earth that bordered the stream. It was cool and dim here, a green and moist little pocket of solitude from a different world. Mahrayne breathed in deeply - dimly, subliminally aware of the vibrancy of the place - then let out her breath and felt herself truly relax.
      Zorun sat with his back against a mossy boulder, and pulled her down to straddle his lap. For a long while they did nothing but kiss; softly and deeply, leisurely enjoying the sensuous exploration. Zorun lifted her robe out of the way, enough for him to glide a big hand over her buttocks and stroke between her legs. Mahrayne lifted herself up on her knees enough for him to free his erection, then she slid down onto him with a sigh. Their joining was as gentle and languid as their kisses had been, leaving them both relaxed and content. They stayed for a little longer, at ease with each other, before washing off in the cool stream and drifting back to the picnic ground. They parted company at the edge of the trees, Zorun heading back to his post with the King, Mahrayne back to Kelapa.

The day had been wonderful, and the children had completely worn themselves out. Not surprisingly, 'tiisaan didn't want to take his bells off at all and he was only persuaded to remove them while he had a bath with the promise that he could put them straight back on the moment he was dry. Mahrayne grinned reminiscently; she'd been exactly the same when she'd been given her first set of bells.
      Bath-time was an easy-going affair, both children and adults simply enjoying the time together before Zh'leet, Gh'veen and Kelapa herded the sleepy little ones off to bed. Mahrayne hesitated, unsure if she should stay for what was undoubtedly going to be the adults' private farewells to each other. Then Ti'aasaan placed a cool, slim hand on the swell of her hip and smiled that winsome smile of his, and she stayed - touched and pleased beyond words at being accepted into such a private family moment.

Breakfast the next morning was subdued, intermittent tears starting even before they'd finished eating. 'ani and 'leen had been glued to their mother all night - as had 'tiisaan to Mahrayne, and 'raadiin - with Kiraz wrapped tightly around him - to Hijau.
      There was very little talk - words were superfluous anyway, everyone knew how everyone else was feeling: even Zh'leet was quiet.
      The hostlings and hybrids were a little more animated on the way to the spaceport, becoming excited, despite the sadness of leaving, about their first trip off-world. Mahrayne's heart went out to the heirs, who were morose but doing their best to be cheerful for their friends' sake.
      They had a few minutes before boarding the transport. Leteeza had a twin in each arm, comforting them, obviously *talking* with them. Kobis had his arms and tail around 'haabron, and 'raadiin was torn between his need to be close to Hijau and to Kiraz. The red-haired Guard solved the problem by picking them both up and holding them together. Of course this meant he couldn't hold Zha'haarak, but the gentle zn'hre stood behind his bondmate, wrapping slim green arms around the three of them, his cheek pressed against Hijau's. It was heartbreaking to see the look of loss on the bondmates' faces; Mahrayne was half-convinced she could almost see the shimmering filaments of love binding them to each other, and she chuckled a little sadly at herself - she'd always been accused of having an overactive imagination. 'tiisaan tightly wrapped his legs and arms around her, laying his head on her shoulder as Mahrayne rocked him gently, in silence.
      And then it was time for the family to leave. Amongst the last minute flurry of tearful embraces, Mahrayne managed to hug Zha'haarak, and Jeice - handing 'tiisaan over to the little subo as she did - a lingering hug for Ti'aasaan and tight squeezes for armfuls of hostlings.
      And then they were gone. The few members of the diplomatic corps that had turned up to farewell the family were the first to leave the departure area; but the rest of them - Hijau, and Kelapa, who stood between Leteetza and Mahrayne, a comforting arm around them both - stayed and watched until the transport was out of sight. Mahrayne swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to ignore the feeling that she was watching half of her life head off into the atmosphere, not wanting to imagine what it must be like for Hijau.

The family had been gone for a couple of days and the suite seemed to echo with the silence. Leteetza and the heirs had spent the past couple of nights with the King; Hijau had tried to go back to his own quarters, but within hours he'd returned to the suite, and moved back into his and Zha'haarak's room, finding some comfort no doubt in having the gentle zn'hre's scent around him. Kelapa and Mahrayne kept to themselves in their room, and no one went near the enormous, empty, sleeping platform.

Late afternoon of the second day, Mahrayne noticed Hijau standing alone on the suite's balcony - the Saiyan had been out there for some time now. On an impulse, Mahrayne filled an earthen jug with a light, fragrant ale - then carried that, and two beakers, out onto the balcony.
      "Would you like a drink, Hijau-sama?"
      The bright-haired male started at the sound of her voice, his dark, slanted eyes focusing on her slowly. He nodded, and Mahrayne filled one of the beakers.
      "It's quiet without them, yes?" she said softly, handing him the drink.
      "It is."
      Mahrayne poured herself a drink. She leant on the balcony rail, and looked out over the gardens.
      "I miss them all dreadfully - I can't think what it's like for you."
      She could've kicked herself… Hijau closed his eyes as a look of pain flashed across his angled - and attractive, Mahrayne noticed for the first time - face.
      "I'm sorry, Hijau-sama, I didn't mean to…"
      He smiled at her, a little ruefully.
      "Maybe you'll have an inkling of what it's like when you have to leave Zorun and Kel behind."
      "Possibly, but I don't have that depth of communion with them that you have with Zha'haarak." She watched his face closely. "What's it like - having a bondmate?"
      Hijau's liquid dark eyes softened and he smiled gently.
      "It's like losing part of yourself - but what you gain is greater than what you've lost."
      Mahrayne absorbed the information, acknowledging, but refusing to give any importance to, the jealous pang she felt. Hijau's small smile faded, the Saiyan looking lost again. Mahrayne reacted impulsively, instinctively.
      She lightly touched his elbow. "If I can help in any way…"
      He half-smirked at her, eyes alight with amusement.
      "Thanks, but I think Zorun would kill me."
      Mahrayne frowned at him, puzzled, then she blushed extensively, flustered when she realised how he'd interpreted her words.
      "Oh no, I didn't mean anything like that…" she said quickly, "I wouldn't presume…"
      Hijau was grinning at her openly - the first grin she'd seen on the normally cheerful Saiyan's face since the family had left - and realised he was teasing her. She scowled at him.
      "You Saiyans can be real shits sometimes, did you know that?"
      He smirked. "It's all part of our charm."
      They leaned together on the balcony rail, sipping their drinks and watching the suns set.
      Mahrayne wanted to ask Hijau a question but wasn't sure if she should...
       "Just ask me." he said with amused resignation. Mahrayne twitched, discomforted that it wasn't just Kelapa and Leteetza who could read her so clearly.
      "Why did Zorun attack you?" she said finally.
      Hijau looked into the middle distance, and shrugged.
       "I don’t know, I don't think he really knows either." He turned towards her and Mahrayne saw that his eyes, illuminated now by a slanting ray of sunlight, were actually a deep, dark green.
       "My turn," he said, "what do you see in Zorun?"
      Mahrayne paused before answering, annoyed with - but unable to do anything about - the dopey grin spreading over her face.
      "Well, he's attractive, and very different from a Hassinan male, broader - stronger…" she trailed off, momentarily distracted by the tactile memory of that strength effortlessly holding her in place for their mutual pleasure. Mahrayne blushed at Hijau's wicked chuckle, and she stumbled on. "But he's also gentle, and considerate. I feel - safe when I'm with him, and special, like I really matter." She glanced up at Hijau mischievously. "Of course, it doesn't hurt that he's a skilled bed-partner."
      "Is he?" Hijau's voice was quiet but there was a shadow of something harsh tingeing his voice.
      "I have no complaints." Mahrayne said softly.

The morning of the next day was the test transmission to R'ren'nkh'ia for the video communications hook-up. Leteetza, Hijau, Mahrayne and the heirs waited impatiently in the classroom for the techs to finish whatever it was they were doing.
      The large screen blinked into life.
      The entire family was there, and the children - from both sides of the connection - squealed happily. It was chaos, with everyone wanting to talk at once and Mahrayne stepped back and watched.
      The adult zn'hre were all wearing versions of the abbreviated clothing she'd seen before. Mahrayne tried not to stare but they were all just so beautiful and alluring. The elder children were wearing similar outfits, and the infants wore simple briefs. But attractive as she found the zn'hre, however, was nothing compared to her reaction to Radittsu. The Captain was nearly naked, wearing only the briefest of garments that made a mockery of modesty. The tight triangle of leather appeared to have been designed purely to define and enhance his genitals - it certainly made no attempt at concealing them! Mahrayne unconsciously licked her lips; Radittsu's clothing was unnervingly similar to what Jeice had worn when he'd danced for her. The male's glorious mane was highlighted by the lack of clothing, cascading over his shoulders and down his back, contrasting with his pale skin, and Mahrayne had an overwhelming urge to bury herself in it. She took a deep breath, and ignored Leteetza's sly smirk, obscurely glad the Captain was so far away - with him dressed like that she'd probably embarrass herself more than usual.
      They all seemed quite happy; Mahrayne caught snippets of the conversations - how hot it was, how much they missed each other. Hijau and Zha'haarak said nothing, simply looking at each other longingly. When things had settled down somewhat, she had a chance to speak to 'tiisaan. The little dancer was bouncing up and down, the bells around his wrists jingling madly. He told her breathlessly about one of the zn'hre - Mahrayne didn't catch the name - and how he was going to write music especially for 'tiisaan to dance to. 'tiisaan was thrilled to bits, and Mahrayne was suitably impressed for him.
      Ti'aasaan tactfully suggested that they say goodbye and leave Hijau and Zha'haarak alone. Mahrayne made sure the chronometer she had was set to the correct R'ren'nkh'ian time, and confirmed when the lessons would begin tomorrow. Knowing that the other half of the family was only a flick of a switch away - visually at least - was very comforting and it was a much more cheerful goodbye this time. They filed out of the classroom and Leteetza firmly shut the door on the separated bondmates.

Kelapa kissed Mahrayne goodbye after the midday meal and headed out on Guard business. Shortly after, Zorun flew by the suite to pick Mahrayne up, and took her directly to his quarters. No side-trips to the alien quarter this time - the area was almost deserted anyway - but Mahrayne wasn't complaining, looking forward as she was to making love with him.
...he's sooo masterful...       'Making love'? More like fucking him through the floor… seeing Radittsu and the adult zn'hre in their various 'costumes' had left her more than ready for Zorun.
      With the initial burst of passion dealt with, Zorun and Mahrayne settled down to a lazy afternoon of sublime sex.
      Mahrayne lay back on Zorun's bed, thighs spread wide, one hand tangled in the light sheet, the other cupping the back of the male's head. Her body quivered with every stroke of his broad tongue over her sensitive nub, and her eyes blissfully drifted closed as she anticipated the climax she could feel building deliciously in her groin. Brimful of sensation, it was a couple of seconds before she realised that Zorun had stopped his movements. Panting lightly, fuzzily wondering what he was doing, she looked up, straight into wide, dark, shocked eyes.
      The Saiyan's growl carried an element of accusation.

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"

© 2002 April 26th Amanda Mullane

Third Alliance Chronicle Index

Hassinan - 'heart's warmth' - strong endearment.


Hassinan - 'my heart'.
