Make sure you read Amanda's companion sequence, Exile, in conjuction with this sequence.


Hijau was pacing. It was beginning to get on Radittsu's nerves.
      "Will you sit down? We won't get there any quicker by you wearing a hole in the hull."

Leteetza had been very subdued on her return to the capital. She'd dropped into the family's suite, but neither Kelapa nor Hijau was in evidence, and Radittsu had disappeared to Guard Headquarters - to check everything was in order and, no doubt, to announce his impending Saiyan fatherhood to the warriors, who'd already started trickling back, battered, enervated but mostly happy - so she made her way to the royal wing. To find Hijau already there, in the king's private office, on one knee before a smirking Saiya-jin-no-Ou.
      Leteetza was just in time to hear Vejiita dismiss the young officer. Hijau rose, bowed, and turned to leave, grinning widely. He inclined his head to the small female, eyes twinkling, murmured, "See you later" and exited the office. Vejiita beckoned his Companion closer.
      "Hijau is taking over as Captain of the Elite Guard." he began without preamble. "I'm putting Radittsu in charge of your safety - and that of the prince once he's born."
      She frowned. Radittsu wasn't going to like that…
      "Sire, is that really necessary? Raditts'-san worked hard for that position…"
      "It's a promotion, not a demotion. And he will still have a post in the Guard - as advisor, and occasional trainer. It will be a much less active role."
      "I don't think he's going to like it…"
      "He has no choice in the matter." Vejiita scowled. "There is no way he can handle his relationship with the High King, his domestic affairs, guarding you and the brats, training the older ones, and retain control of the Guard. Certainly not when he's spending half his time on R'ren'nkh'ia."
      "Have you spoken to him yet?"
      "Not yet."
      "Wouldn't it have been more diplomatic to tell him first?"
      "Probably. But things are a little - strained between us at the moment." He stared pointedly at her abdomen, and she growled, tail wrapping protectively around her belly.
      "I can't help my biology!"
      He smirked.
      "Oh, don't get me wrong, we're both delighted - although he is a little concerned as to what Zha'haabron will say. And my child will be super-Elite, that much is obvious already."
      Leteetza stared at him, then sighed.
      "I see. So this one will be your heir."
      "Of course. The others simply do not have sufficiently high ki."
      "You should have thought of that before you took two low-ki mates, shouldn't you?"
      He scowled.
      "And you, of course, never make mistakes either…"
      She raised her hands.
      "I'm not going to argue about this. I do want to know what you have planned for the others, though."
      "It can wait."
      "It can wait until you all return from R'ren'nkh'ia. You leave tomorrow."
      "Huh? So soon?"
      "Radittsu and Hijau are both eager to return to their bondmates."
      She grinned.
      "You're letting Hijau come with us? No wonder he's so cheerful!"
      "Kyuri and Apyo are more than capable of deputising for a short while. I've given Zorun permission to visit Hassina, as well. I'm happy, I see no reason why I should deny key members of my staff their happiness."
      "Heh. Just as long as I don't have to get pregnant for you to be nice to everyone…"
      He pulled her close, tail wrapping her waist.
      "Go and pack. Then return here: I will have one more night with you before you leave…"

Leteetza arrived back at the suite - to be swept into an enthusiastic hug by a grinning Hijau.
      She sighed. Of course, the first thing Vejiita would have done would be to announce the forthcoming prince's existence to the world. He could be so bloody impulsive sometimes…
      "Thanks. I guess."
      He pushed her back, frowning enquiringly into her face.
      "You're not happy?"
      She scowled at him.
      "What do you think? I never wanted brats in the first place!"
      "Ah. I see."
      She gave him a lop-sided smile.
      "Congratulations yourself, too."
      He inclined his head in thanks, expression a little apprehensive.
      "I could wish it had happened a different way. It seems somehow - underhanded."
      "Don't be stupid. If anyone's being devious it's Vejiita. And you know how tired the captain's been just recently, it really isn't easy for him, trying to keep everyone happy."
      Hijau chuckled, ushering Leteetza to the balcony. Early afternoon, and the city was already beginning to come back to life, Saiya-jin returning from all directions: the resident Feeodoreeans were shuttling down from the massive interstellar transport that had remained in orbit over FullMoon. They at least had no intention of allowing the season to interfere with their work a moment longer than necessary…
      "That's true." Hijau was quiet for a moment, then glanced at Leteetza sideways. "Will you carry on teaching the brats?"
      She snorted. "They've gone way beyond anything I can teach them. Mahrayne and the Thinkers took over some time ago: I'm only there to help out. And learn a bit myself." She brightened. "Maybe I can help with the zhaneer project. I know our database probably better than anyone. I ought to have a word with the Ssii'iin about those old documents in the libraries, in any case. They're crumbling - all the information's going to be lost unless we do something about it very soon. I wonder if we can bring them here, translate them, add everything to the database and then somehow preserve them." That would get Mahrayne involved, at least.
      Hijau nodded pensively. Leteetza nudged him gently.
      "You all right?"
      He smiled.
      "Just tired. It was - fraught."
      Which was putting it mildly. That first *sharing* with the King's Guard had resulted in a flood of memories, feelings, ancient pain, old hurts. Hijau was still trying to sift through it all. He was somewhat alarmed that he seemed to still have some sort of shadowy bond with the big Guard, and was vaguely aware of Zorun's feelings, his emotions…
      "But Zorun didn't hurt you?"
      "No, nothing like that… He's not too bad, you know, once you get to know him."
      The small female raised a disbelieving eyebrow, and Hijau grinned and changed the subject.
      "It'll be good to see Zha'haarak again."
      Understatement of the season! Leteetza smiled to herself, watching the deep green eyes light up at the thought of being reunited with the gentle zn'hre.
      "Does he know?"
      The young officer nodded.
      "I could hardly *keep* that from him, could I?"
      Leteetza grinned, then waved as Kelapa approached from the direction of Guard Headquarters. Moments later the warrior had landed on the balcony and grabbed the King's Companion into a rib-creaking hug.
      "You do know Mahrayne isn't going to give you a moment's peace, don't you?"
      Leteetza sighed.
      "Who told you?"
      "Radittsu. Before the king summoned him."
      "Do me a favour and don't tell Mahrayne, right?"
      "She'll have to know some time."
      "I know. I'd just rather it was later…"
      Hijau hugged them both.
      "Don't know about you two, but I'm hungry."
      On cue, two stomachs rumbled, and he laughed aloud.
      "I'll go gather provisions…"

"Seen Zorun?"
      Kel nodded, splashing idly and sighing with pleasure. The two females had taken advantage of Hijau's errand to bathe, and were luxuriating in hot water for the first time in thirty days.
      "Manzano contacted me while the kusoyaro was on the link to Mahrayne. Thought it might be a good idea for someone to pack some spare clothes for him, since he was in no fit state to do it for himself. So I threw a few things into a bag and shoved it into his hands as he was leaving the corps HQ. Baka didn't even realise what it was, I don't think." She shook her head. "FullMoon hit him hard. I almost feel sorry for him." She scowled. "I would feel sorry for him if I was going too."
      Leteetza laid a hand against her face.
      "You missed her. How did you manage?"
      The taller female shrugged.
      "Chilek and Apyo. It was all right. And they were grateful."
      Leteetza sighed, then sniffed.
      "Ah - food!"
      A couple of minutes later Hijau and Radittsu entered the chamber, heaped platters of hot seared meat in their hands. Placing them beside the pool, both males stripped and slid into the water, relaxing back with matching sighs. Leteetza stroked Radittsu's shoulder.
      "All right?"
      He nodded, then frowned.
      "He's created a new post for me - Royal Liaison to R'ren'nkh'ia. Sounds more like something the diplomatic corps should handle…"
      Kel grinned.
      "Sounds good to me, sir. Royal Liaison and Royal Consort. And at least you won't need to feel guilty about the amount of time you have to spend with the family."
      "I suppose not…"
      He looked worried. Leteetza inclined her head.
      "Is something wrong?"
      "The hostlings are overdue."
      "What? But surely… Vinas was going to remove them - what, sixteen? - days ago!"
      Radittsu shoved a hand through his mane. (Tried to, anyway: it was going to take a concerted effort to untangle it after the exigencies of FullMoon…)
      "Zha'haabron won't let him. He says they're waiting for my return."
      Kel and Leteetza exchanged worried looks.
      "Can he do that? Have you spoken to him?"
      The big Saiyan nodded.
      "He sits there, serene as you like, insisting they'll wait."
      "Can you *feel* him? And the hostlings? Does everything *feel* all right?"
      "Yes, it does. If it didn't I'd have insisted."
      Leteetza laughed.
      "And you think he'd listen?"
      Radittsu smiled grimly.
      "When it comes to our hostlings, he'd listen."

"What's it feel like?"
      It was nearly midnight. Leteetza was in the royal wing, in Vejiita's suite. Kelapa was on night duty. Radittsu and Hijau had made love on the vast sleeping platform, slowly and gently for once, the soft pleasure a relief after the violence of FullMoon. The smaller male swivelled to gaze at his lover.
      "What's it feel like, knowing you're going to be a father? Twice over?"
      The captain trailed warm fingers down his lover's back, frowning.
      "I haven't really thought about it. I mean, the early stages were so difficult with the hostlings, those first two attempts failing, and I've been worried about him all the way through… I haven't really had time to think about what it's like. What it's going to be like. I've been dadda to the others all their lives - is it going to feel different, being papa? And now with Leteetza's brat…" He sighed, then chuckled. "I think I'm looking forward to it all. Why do you ask? You wondering about you and Zha'haarak?"
      Hijau shifted slightly.
      "I don't know. Seeing how difficult it was for you and the Ssii'iin, I don't know if I could bear putting Zha'haarak through that…"
      "Why don't you wait and see if he brings the subject up himself and discuss it then?"
      The younger Saiyan nodded, then yawned, nestling closer to the big, powerful body at his side.
      "We'd better get some sleep. The transport leaves early in the morning."

Hijau stopped pacing for a moment and swung to face his colleagues, sheepishly.
      Leteetza laughed.
      "Right - we've combed Rad-san's mane," (it had taken three painful hours to get it smooth. His scalp still ached.) "Why don't we all apply the sunscreen and get into cooler clothes? Only one more hour…"
      It was quite possibly the longest hour of Hijau's life.
      But the family were there, waiting for them, as the shuttle dropped from the sky. And before Hijau could take more than two steps he found himself with a double armful of trembling, sweet-scented zn'hre. Zha'haarak was weeping with joy.
      Seconds later 'raadiin and Kiraz wrapped themselves around the young officer and the prince, hugging tightly. Leteetza looked up from her position on the ground, swamped by brats, grinning at the king nestled in Radittsu's arms.
      "Should we go inside, my Ssii'iin?"
      Hijau swept Zha'haarak into his arms and followed 'haabron and Kobis into the enclave.

The family had left them alone in one of the side rooms, Leteetza dragging the young warriors to her side to talk about everything they'd been doing while she'd been away. Zha'haarak had been nearly insatiable, wanting Hijau again and again, his cool body welcoming, almost worshipping the warm golden body of his beloved, tongue and fingers arousing, stimulating. Hijau had never felt so loved, so content…
      Several hours later, Zha'haarak cuddled in close with his head on his bondmate's shoulder, Hijau's fingers running through soft green hair, their passion sated for the moment, the zn'hre sighed deeply.
      **I have missed you so much…**
      Hijau chuckled.
      *Really? I'd never have guessed…*
      Zha'haarak pressed a kiss to a dark-golden nipple.
      **What happened between you and Zorun?**
      Hijau froze momentarily, then sighed.
      *I suppose I'll have to tell you - before you read it in my mind…*

Meanwhile Radittsu had gathered Zha'haabron to him, his gut churning with anxiety. He'd managed to keep the news of his and Leteetza's brat from his bondmate so far, wanting to tell him in person... The zn'hre frowned.
      **What's wrong, zk'vissin?**
      The Saiyan swallowed hard - and confessed. Zha'haabron blinked, startled.
      **But Leteetza didn't want hostlings. And now she's having yours and Vejiita's?**
      Radittsu nodded shame-facedly.
      *She came into season at exactly the wrong time.* He glanced into cool golden eyes. The king inclined his head.
      **How is she?**
      *Resigned. Not unhappy, I don't think.*
      Zha'haabron glanced at the little Saiyan, sitting chatting happily with Jeice and Ti'aasaan and the children. She certainly didn't look unhappy. In fact, she was almost glowing with contentment…
      *Can you forgive me?*
      **For what?**
      *Ours haven't even been born yet and I've managed to start another…*
      Zha'haabron laughed, a low, musical sound, and kissed the big Saiyan's cheek.
      **There is nothing to forgive. It just means the family will be a little larger, that's all** His eyes twinkled. **I wonder if we could find a mate for Jeice…?**

Zha'haarak looked bewildered.
      **I don't understand. I mean, I understand the rapes would be devastating - but why is it so much worse because Nappa is Zorun's brother?**
      Hijau paused, not entirely certain how to explain it. Zha'haarak's brow furrowed.
      **Is it like the Hassinan? A way to avoid genetic mishaps?**
      Hijau shook his head.
      *No… As far as I know, there've never been any 'genetic mishaps' amongst Saiya-jin. In fact, I've never even heard of a pregnancy that wasn't successful.* He shrugged. *Perhaps we're just… healthier than most species. Maybe we have to be - our females only come into season twice every year, and there aren't that many of them, so brats have to be healthy to make sure we don't die out.*
      He shook his head.*I don't know - I'm a warrior, not a scientist. No, with regard to scent, it's more…* He frowned. *It's an instinctive thing, mostly. We can recognise kin - close kin - by scent, even if we've never met. It's a… a… familiar, comforting thing rather than arousing, and since scent plays such a large part in everything for us, it makes us - not desire the other, as a partner, I mean. It's the scent of family and friendship. Not excitement. It makes you not want to have sex with close kin.*
      Zha'haarak inclined his head.
      **An intriguing notion. But that doesn't explain why it should be considered abhorrent**
      Hijau frowned.
      *It just seemed to happen that way. I mean, my twin was killed a long time ago, but I can remember his scent even now, and the thought of ever having had sex with him makes me feel slightly sick.*
      Zha'haarak drew back slightly.
      **Then how do you feel about us?**
      Hijau pulled him close.
      *The zn'hre? The way R'ren'nkh'ia-jin society works? Doesn't bother me in the slightest, though I imagine some of the oldsters might not like it. Some of the more traditional families too. We're not so narrow-minded in the military.*
      Zha'haarak lay quietly for a minute or two, fingers teasing a lock of flame-bright hair.
      **You're sure?**
      The Saiyan brushed a kiss across his lips.
      *I've never been so sure of anything in my life.*
      A long cool tongue licked his throat.
      **Poor Zorun**
      Hijau sighed.
      *Yes. It's left him with some big problems. He feels very unsure of himself, ashamed, frightened of anyone finding out. He used to take those feelings out on aliens - abusing them was a way to make himself feel more powerful, less of a weakling for submitting to Nappa…*
      **But from what you've said, Nappa is far stronger than Zorun. It was not his fault**
      *I know that, but he seems to have convinced himself - or been convinced by Nappa - that it was. Now, of course, he's claimed an alien. Somewhere deep inside he's very very confused.*
      **How can we help him?**
      *'We' can't. He's horrified that I know - he'd be furious if he thought you knew as well. Keep silent, and wait until I've had a chance to talk with him some more.*
      **He won't hurt Mahrayne, will he?**
      Hijau shook his head emphatically.
      There was another relaxed silence, then a light tap at the entrance. At Hijau's "Enter" Leteetza stuck her head around the door.
      "Food's here, and the brats are all hungry. You ready to join us for a bit?"
      Hijau nodded, rising and pulling his zn'hre to his feet. One hand over the damaged hip, the other buried in soft hair, his tail around the slim waist, the Saiyan gazed for long moments, drinking in his bondmate's beauty - then pulling him into a close embrace.
      *I want you with me, always…*

Kobis and Buahan - and Ti'ani and Le'leen - were watching Leteetza, their faces puzzled. Finally Ti'ani took her hand.
      "Maazi? Why do you smell different?"
      She glanced at Radittsu.
      "Um… I'm going to have two babies."
      There was a sudden silence.
      "Yes. Siblings for you, and for the Saiya-jin-no-Ou's children."
      There was an excited murmur. The news seemed to be the cause of considerable happiness - or at least interest - amongst all the brats. Jeice was grinning fit to burst.
      'leesaan patted her flat belly gently.
      "King Vejiita's the papa?"
      "Of one of them, yes."
      Blinking, 'leesaan gazed up at her.
      "One of them?"
      "The other one's papa is Radittsu."
      'haabron flung himself at his dadda, hissing happily. Buahan beamed at the little warrior, then asked, hopefully,
      "Are they girls?"
      Leteetza stroked her hair regretfully.
      "Sorry precious. Both boys."
      The little princess humphed and pouted.
      "Not fair. Why can't I have a sister?"
      Ti'ani and Le'leen cuddled up to her consolingly.
      "Maybe 'rayne's baby will be a girl…"

It took a little while to calm the children enough to have them fall asleep, but they managed it. Leteetza glanced at the king's heavily swollen belly, expression concerned.
      "Are they all right, my Ssii'iin? Are you?"
      He nodded, then raised a hand as Radittsu opened his mouth.
      "I have already arranged to go to Vinas tomorrow. Everything is prepared."
      The Saiyan sighed with relief and wrapped his arms around his bondmate from behind, kissing his neck. And found himself wakeful as the rest of the family slept, gazing down at his beloved, anticipation bubbling within him.

Vinas had everything ready when Radittsu and Zha'haabron reached his spotless lab. His eyes had widened in horror when the whole family had tried to come in with the parents-to-be, and he stood in the doorway glowering.
      "Your Majesty, I can't have everyone in here. Not only will it be distressing for the younger children, but there simply isn't enough room!"
      Leteetza stepped in as the crowd began to object.
      "Vinas is quite right. I know you want to see them, but why don't we wait out here? Then papa and dadda can have peace and quiet."
      "I promise I'll bring them out for you all to see - as soon as Vinas says I can…" Radittsu finished somewhat lamely as the biotech scowled at him.
      The family didn't have long to wait. Less than an hour after they'd entered the lab, Radittsu appeared at the door, two small bodies wrapped in hanks of his mane.
      Everyone clustered close.
      "Ohhh…" Hijau grinned at the expression on Zha'haarak's face, then smiled at his captain. The big Saiyan was huge-eyed, gazing down in wonder…
      They both had their host's golden eyes, ringed around with black like Ti'ani and Le'leen. They were both hermaphrodites: both had long, thick Saiyan-type manes of heavy, silky hair, and long strong little Saiyan tails. But there the similarities ended.
      It was almost as though, when the zygote had divided, one half had gathered mostly Saiya-jin characteristics to it, and the other R'ren'nkh'ia-jin. One had pale amethyst skin, paler than the first hybrids, almost pink, and his mane and tail were black. The other - the other's skin was a delicate shade of pale blue, his mane and tail a rich emerald green.
      "They're beautiful…"
      'haabron had reached out gently, letting one tiny fist grip his finger. He smiled up at Radittsu, eyes gleaming.
      "What are their names, dadda?"
      The wholly smitten father gently stroked the head of the black maned one with his tail.
      "This is Ra'vahn, and this - " he repeated the action with the other baby, "is Za'rayne."

As the host of the first hybrids, it was generally agreed that Leteetza, being most experienced in these matters, should be allowed to see Zha'haabron right away, while Vinas was repairing the damage to his body: Radittsu had knelt on the floor with the babies, letting the rest of the family get to meet them, and carefully introducing each individual to the newborns, while the small female slipped into the room.
      Zha'haabron looked exhausted. She took his hand, a little worried.
      "Are you all right, my Ssii'iin?"
      He nodded, swallowing hard and gripping her hand tightly as Vinas sealed the edges of the deep, long cut low on his abdomen. Leteetza grimaced.
      "Now tell me the truth."
      Vinas answered, face grim.
      "The anaesthetic didn't work. Not for this."
      Oh gods… The female bit her lip.
      "I'm so sorry…"
      "Doesn't matter." She could barely hear the whisper. "This was quick. I will be fine shortly."
      "You will if you stay very still for at least thirty hours, your Majesty. Even with me trying to cause as little trauma as possible, those incisions are quite extensive."
      Leteetza frowned, a sudden thought occurring.
      "Shall I get Jeice?"
      Vinas blinked.
      She shrugged.
      "Well, he's empathic. D'you think he might be able to take away some of the pain?"
      The xenobiologist inclined his head, glancing at the king.
      "No harm in trying, if he's willing."
      As she grinned and turned to leave, Zha'haabron caught her wrist, his face contorted.
      "Don't tell Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu. He doesn't know."
      "About the anaesthetic?"
      He nodded painfully, and she stroked his face.
      "Of course not, my Ssii'iin."
      At the door she beckoned to the little subo, who joined her, expression anxious. She explained what had happened and he smiled.
      "But of course I'll try to help his majesty!"
      And, standing at the head of the bed, his hands resting against Zha'haabron's temples, he concentrated
      And it worked, to some extent. While he wasn't able to take much of the pain away, he was able to overlay it with gentle warmth, happiness and a sense of satisfaction. By the time Radittsu came back in, his bondmate was comfortable enough that he could hide his pain. Which was just as well, Leteetza later thought, because Radittsu would put himself through hell if he knew…

"When can we tell 'rayne?" 'tiisaan asked once the family was back in the suite, leaving the new parents with their offspring for the time being. Leteetza thought about it for a moment, then sighed.
      "I'll ask dadda."
      "Can I tell her?"
      "Well, it really should be their maazi or their papa."
      The big golden eyes got even bigger.
      "… please…?"
      She laughed.
      "We'll see…"

The following day the transports arrived with the returning Saiyan warriors, and Nappa's force prepared itself for departure. No-one on R'ren'nkh'ia wanted to know where they were bound: the R'ren'nkh'ia-jin were simply glad to have their 'own' guardians back and to see the menacing fleet leave.
      Zha'haabron was still under strict instructions to remain in bed, so Radittsu, Hijau and Zha'haarak, as the king's deputy, were in council to bid thanks and farewell to Melocoto, who was clearly anxious to get back to Nappa.
      Radittsu had forgotten to tell Hijau that Cendawan was in the enclave too…

The two Elite Guardsmen had saluted the big female, then Radittsu hastened back to be with Zha'haabron and the newborns, and Hijau and Zha'haarak exited together to return to the suite. A voice behind them stopped the Saiyan dead.
      "Well well. So you and the big one did get back together after I'd left…"
      Hijau froze at the sound of the well-remembered voice, and turned slowly, schooling his face into impassivity.
      She smirked at him.
      "How nice to be remembered. Even if only with loathing."
      Zha'haarak was switching his gaze anxiously back and forth between his bondmate and the Saiyan female. Cendawan spared him a brief, contemptuous glance, her attention fixed on the young officer. She stroked one finger down his cheek, her eyes narrowing.
      "I'm due some down-time. I'll have to visit you, next time I'm on Vejiitasei…"
      Leaning forwards, kissing his tightly closed mouth, she ran a hand through his mane.
      "Take care of yourself, pretty thing."
      Long, slender red-gold tail swaying mesmerisingly behind her, she made her way leisurely from the enclave and Hijau stared after her, only gradually becoming aware of Zha'haarak at his side, *asking* anxiously what was wrong.
      As he pulled his zn'hre tightly into his arms, stroking his hair, soothing and reassuring him, he silently cursed the female.
      Damn her!! She'd almost managed to ruin his life once - he'd not let her do it a second time…

© 2002 th Joules Taylor

Third Alliance Chronicle Index