This chapter is dedicated, with thanks, to Amanda, for hours of ICQ chat discussing characters, plots, subplots, consequences, dovetailing our respective stories and sparking off each other!

      My thanks also to Talon: the section about the children's reactions is due to her feedback!

Make sure you read Amanda's companion sequence, Exile, in conjuction with this sequence.


"…and you are not to make any trouble for the Ssii'iin." Leteetza frowned at the brats. "Kiraz!" The Saiyan prince looked up guiltily from where he'd been poking 'raadiin in the ribs. "That goes for you too. If I find you've misbehaved while we're away I'll make sure you take extra classroom lessons for fifty days after we return to Vejiitasei - and miss the training schedule Raditts'-san is arranging for you, and I'll separate you and Zha'raadiin until you've proved to me you've learned some obedience. Do I make myself clear?"
      Their faces comically dismayed, both young warriors nodded furiously. Leteetza scowled.
      "And I'll be checking up every day, so I'll hear straight away if you've misbehaved."
      "We'll be good. We promise."
      "Very well. Make sure you are." She sighed, gazing down at Ti'ani and Le'leen's woeful little faces. Both tails were wrapped tightly around her wrists. "You'll be good too, won't you? Do everything papa tells you?"
      "Yes, maazi." whispered Ti'ani, his eyes filling with tears. She wrapped her tail around his waist and lifted him to snuggle against her, holding him tightly as his tail unwound from her wrist only to wind around her neck, squeezing gently. Le'leen cuddled against her stomach, arms around her hips.
      "Wish you didn't have to go."
      She sighed.
      "I know, precious. But the time will pass quickly, you'll see. You'll still have your lessons, as normal, and I'll speak to you every day. I'll be back before you know it." She smiled encouragingly. *And I need you to look after papa, and dada Zhak, and Buahan for me while I'm away. Can you do that?*
      The hybrids glanced at each other, then nodded.
      *We will.*
      She hugged them tightly, her gaze flickering to Radittsu, deep in *conversation* with his bondmates. The shuttle was waiting, had been waiting for half an hour now, and they really had to go… Leteetza gathered the brats to her for one last hug, then moved into Ti'aasaan's embrace.
      "You'll let me know if they cause you any problems."
      The little zn'hre smiled. Of all of them he seemed to be least affected by the occasion and the thought of their separation.
      "Of course. And you will enjoy yourself, won't you?"
      She nuzzled his neck.
      "Oh yes. I'll have no choice in that. Once the moon takes over…"
      He kissed her mane.
      "I would prefer you to return undamaged."
      She chuckled.
      "I'll do my best…"

Leteetza and Radittsu were the last to leave. It was High Summer on Vejiitasei: the Saiyan forces on R'ren'nkh'ia had returned home twenty days ago, two days after Nappa's fleet (seven massive warships, ten slightly smaller destroyers, three carriers holding a total of ninety small, fast, deadly strikeships capable of operating both in space and in planetary atmospheres, four huge transports full of provisions, and of course the Commander's own flagship, which housed the recreation units as well as the fleet's primary command centre) had arrived in orbit around the desert world.
      The loss of their guardians, and the presence of the somehow ominous ships hanging in the sky above them, made many of the R'ren'nkh'ia-jin very nervous - so much so that Zha'haabron had to intervene to put his peoples' minds at rest. A series of hurried communications between the High King and the Saiya-jin-no-Ou, and between Vejiita and Nappa, resulted in a number of the female Saiyan warriors aboard the fleet ships shuttling down to the surface and taking up posts at the enclaves, effectively replacing their male colleagues, although there were of course far less of them. It served to ease the tension somewhat. Not to mention intrigue both species: Leteetza was the only female to have visited so far, and the R'ren'nkh'ia-jin were fascinated to find out that she was far from representative of Saiyan females.
      As it happened, Melocoto and Cendawan were allocated to the royal enclave. Radittsu had done a double take on first catching sight of the latter, and Zha'haabron had inclined his head enquiringly.
      The big Saiyan scowled.
      *It's a long story. I'll tell you sometime…*
      Radittsu watched the warriors' approach, keeping his expression firmly neutral as Cendawan twinkled impudently at him, dropping to one knee and bowing her head, then without raising her head bringing her clenched right fist over her heart in salute.
      "Your Majesty. Sir." She glanced sideways briefly and included Leteetza in her acknowledgment. "My Lady."
      Zha'haabron graciously extended a hand, and the Saiyans rose to their feet.
      "We thank you for your swiftness in responding to our request."
      "It's an honour, Sire." Grey-green eyes flickered to Radittsu then back to the king, fixing pointedly on his swollen belly. "I trust all is well with you?"
      Fully aware of the undercurrents to this strange conversation even while not knowing what they signified, and irritated that his bondmate was staying firmly *silent*, Zha'haabron had no real choice but to smile and nod his head.
      He was spared further annoyance when a ko'ish'n brood arrived to conduct the Saiyan warriors to their quarters. Leteetza moved closer, scowling.
      "Who the hell is she?"
      Radittsu sighed.
      "Cendawan. Jagung's sister. She's an efficient officer. But off-duty she's… devious. Sees 'attached' males as a challenge. And it doesn't seem to matter which species they are."
      Leteetza growled quietly.
      "She's gorgeous. I don't like her."
      Radittsu chuckled and ruffled the small female's hair.
      "You have good taste and a fine sense of discrimination!"
      Zha'haabron closed his eyes tiredly.
      "I really do not want to risk any disruption over the FullMoon season. Things are going to be difficult enough without additional interference."
      Radittsu smirked coldly, then wrapped his arms around the king.
      "Oh, don't worry beloved. I'll have words with her. And if you have any problems with her, you let me know immediately."

Jagung swung his arms wide and spun in a slow, graceful circle, eyes closed, lips slightly parted. Sighing as he came to a halt, he beamed at his bondmate sitting on the large, low bed.
      *This is wonderful!*
      Merica chuckled.
      *Best room in the place. Serendah likes you.* He smirked, deep golden eyes gleaming as he licked his lips. *He has good taste.*
      Jagung gazed at his lover for a moment, then joined him on the bed, snuggling into the strong outstretched arms and curling up against Merica's broad chest.
      *Mmmmm…I love you.*
      They lay quietly for a minute or two, Jagung stroking his mate's leather clad thigh - then beautiful grey-green eyes smiled up into the dark-golden face.
      *Make love to me?*
      Merica grinned and slid his tail across his bondmate's groin, stroking the rapidly-growing erection through the silk.
      *Thought you'd never ask…*

"Well, what if I plaited your mane?"
      Radittsu scowled. Leteetza was nothing if not persistent.
      "I don't like having it tied back."
      She grinned and tweaked him.
      "Aw, come on. Just this once."
      The King's Companion had decided she wanted to see what it was like making love in zero-gravity, and nothing the captain could say seemed able to dissuade her. He'd tried to explain what a disaster it had been when he and Zha'haabron had attempted it, but this did nothing to put her off. She was now trying to find ways around the associated problems - mainly that of getting thoroughly tangled in Radittsu's mane…
      He growled as one small hand wrapped around his erection, stroking firmly.
      "Oh, all right. If it'll shut you up…"
      It did. For an hour, at any rate. Afterwards, her legs entwined with his and her arms around his neck to stop herself from drifting away from him, she nuzzled his neck, sighing contentedly.
      "Can we do that again, on the way back?"
      He stretched and kissed the top of her head.
      "Can't see any reason why not."
      "Good." She was silent for a moment, then, "What are you going to do? Now that Hijau's partnering Zorun for the season? I mean, you do have prior claim, you could always insist…"
      He frowned at her.
      "Even if it wasn't painful to break the moon-bond, I care too much for Hijau to disrupt the season for him. And while I'm less than fond of Zorun, he's helping Hijau through it: I'll not cause him any problems. No -" he grinned, evilly, "- I'll just join the pair of them."
      Leteetza blinked.
      "A threesome?"
      "Why not?"
      "Will Zorun allow it?"
      "He won't have any choice. I outrank them both. And I'm stronger."
      He stroked her cheek.
      "You sound disappointed…"
      She scratched lightly at a nipple, making him shiver.
      "I was hoping you'd spend some time with us."
      It was Radittsu's turn to blink.
      "You think Vejiita will permit it?"
      "I'm not sure. Maybe not. But I'm going to insist I get you at least a few times, even if he has to make do with Kayusu while we're together. If you want me, that is."
      "Of course I want you!"
      "Then I'll ask him."
      Radittsu chuckled.
      "No harm, I suppose."
      She moved, slowly and deliberately, to lie on his chest.
      "Of course, you'll probably have no end of offers, even from those who've already made arrangements for the season."
      He smirked smugly.
      "No doubt."
      She bit his ear.
      "Modest, aren't you?"
      "Just honest…"

"My Ssii'iin, will you be able to cope?"
      The three zn'hre bondmates were in the small bathing pool, trying to relax before retiring for the night: Jeice and Zh'leet had already settled the children. Zha'haabron flinched as one of the hostlings kicked, then smiled at Ti'aasaan.
      "I believe, between ourselves and Jeice, we should all be relatively comfortable. Although I imagine Jeice is going to be exhausted by the time Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu returns."
      They'd decided that since the king was already pregnant, Zha'haarak should use his host-sib's body for release when Hijau was fucking, and have Jeice make love to him as needed: the same held true for Ti'aasaan, but since he wasn't bonded - in quite the same way, at any rate - to either of their Saiyans, the little zn'hre insisted that his needs had to take second place. And the little subo had already made it clear that he expected Zha'haabron to fuck him when his bondmate was fucking on Vejiitasei. (When the king had pointed out, with some concern, that the big Saiyan had immense stamina and a very high libido, Jeice had grinned and nodded.
      "I know, your Majesty. I'm looking forward to it!")
      Ti'aasaan sighed and stroked the king's belly.
      "That wasn't quite what I meant, my love. Won't the extra activity disturb your hostlings? What if it made you - um… go into labour early?"
      Zha'haabron frowned. It wasn't something he'd really considered.
      "We will have to have Vinas stay constantly alert. I will speak with him tomorrow. But I don't really foresee any problems. After all, you, Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu and I have been making love right the way through the hosting. It has proved beneficial rather than otherwise."
      "But Saiyan feelings run hot at FullMoon, heart-brother." Zha'haarak looked anxious. "It's very difficult to control."
      Zha'haabron stroked hair back from the delicate pale green face.
      "But I have had much more practise, more experience, than you. I believe I will be fine." He raised a hand to halt any further questions. "I promise I will take action immediately if anything concerns me. Now, I would like a few moments to myself, if you have no objections?"
      Smiling gently, Ti'aasaan and Zha'haarak made their way to the sleeping pit. Zha'haabron sank a little deeper into the tepid water and laid both hands on his distended abdomen.
      **Little ones…**
      A faint stirring inside, then,
      Zha'haabron smiled. The ensuing telepathic conversation was carried out more in images and emotions than actual words, and ended in the hostlings and their host agreeing to do everything in their joint power to delay the birth until Rhoi'i'dat'hzziu had returned from Vejiitasei…

Vejiita hadn't been exactly overjoyed by the notion, but he'd reluctantly agreed to Radittsu joining himself and Leteetza every other day…
      She'd caught the gleam in his eye and glared, hands planted on her hips.
      "And I don't want you injuring him! I know you're going to fight, but you just make sure you don't lose control. Because if he's hurt, I'll look after him, and you can find someone else to fuck. Clear?"
      The king snarled, but conceded. And, he was forced to confess, if only to himself, that it might be interesting to watch the captain with the little warrior. It might also be interesting to sample that big, powerful body himself, see if the rumours he'd heard were accurate. They were related, true, but only as first cousins: the degree of relationship wasn't close enough to make a physical intimacy abhorrent. And while Vejiita preferred females, he wasn't averse to experimentation, especially not at FullMoon…

Save for the king, Leteetza, Radittsu, Hijau, Zorun, and Kelapa, Chilek and Apyo (who'd been ordered to remain to act as guards for the palace complex) Vejiitamachi was practically deserted. The Saiya-jin had decamped into the wilderness: many, like Merica and Jagung, and Kyuri, Marul and Nasu, and Kakarotto, returning to their homelands, others to a favourite spot somewhere far removed from any urban area, still others forming a loose group on the most convenient open land, forest or jungle, depending on taste. Mothers with brats who'd not yet experienced their first FullMoon, like Tamata and Pasunippu, had already made their way to the island set aside for such an occasion. An expectant hush seemed to settle over the planet…

Everyone was outdoors to watch the moon rise, the first night of FullMoon. As the red-tinged orb cleared the horizon the ground below appeared to heave as several million Saiya-jin made the transformation to ouzaru.
      Then all hell broke loose.
      The first three days and nights were always the same - they fought until they dropped, exhausted, the air crackling as they dragged ki to themselves to recover, then pulled themselves upright and fought again, sleeping only when they could no longer stay awake. After the third or fourth day the first surge of destructive aggression was over, and they turned to more creative pursuits, fighting at night, when the moon triggered the transformation, but fucking during the day.
      Of course, there were exceptions. Merica and Jagung didn't fight - well, not each other, at any rate, though they both had to fight off interlopers seeking to intervene in their intimacy: they spent the season pleasuring each other, *loving* each other, drowning in sensual delight. Kyuri and Marul were old friends, and found their pleasure in hunting instead of fighting during the nights, coupling leisurely by day, with each other and the small groups near them. But in the main the nights were for fighting, the days for fucking - the heavy fur of the ouzaru form dulled physical sensation and made coupling much less satisfactory than the exquisite sensitivity the moon gave to the untransformed state…

Five days in…
      Hijau moaned almost silently, slamming into the pale body below him as Radittsu rammed into his own body, all three of them hot and trembling under the heavy ebony mane that swamped them.
      Zorun whimpered as he came for the fourth time, his clenching muscles pulling Hijau into his third climax. Radittsu's second in command collapsed panting onto the broad strong back below him - and was immediately pulled back as the captain dragged him upright. Firm lips pressed hotly against the side of his neck.
      *You all right? I can stop if you want.*
      Hijau shook his head, wincing as Radittsu began to thrust violently. But the big Saiyan was considerate, finishing quickly and gently lowering his shaking lover to the hard dry ground.
      Radittsu grinned.
      "Well, you two obviously need a rest. Get your breath back - I'm going hunting."
      Zorun watched, wide-eyed, as the captain took off, heading for the nearest forest, then swung his gaze to Hijau.
      "Does he never tire?"
      Hijau grinned faintly.
      "Not to my knowledge."
      Zorun collapsed back with a groan, and for a while there was silence between them. Then the King's Guard frowned at the younger officer.
      "Thank you."
      "What for?"
      Zorun waved a hand, weakly, vaguely.
      "This. For helping. I… It would have been…" He grunted, annoyed with himself for his lack of eloquence. Hijau smirked.
      "Works both ways. I'd never have picked you if we'd had any choice. But since we both know what it feels like…"
      Zorun closed his eyes, face tight and drawn.
      "I had never imagined what it would be like to… miss someone so much. Must be worse for you."
      Hijau growled softly, warningly: Zorun dropped the subject. They were both almost asleep when Radittsu returned, two still-twitching large wild pigs in his big hands.
      They ate. Then slept for a little, waking soon after midday, lust shivering through them again...
      And something quite extraordinary happened. As they fucked, Radittsu in the middle this time, face to face with Zorun, Hijau behind him growling deep in his throat as he bit into his captain's shoulders…
      Zha'haabron and Jeice and Zha'haarak were also coupling.
      And suddenly the bondmates were in each other's minds.
      The abrupt unification was wholly disorientating. For Radittsu, Zorun *became* Zha'haabron, as Jeice *became* the captain for the High King. For Hijau, Radittsu *became* Zha'haarak, while Zha'haabron *became* Hijau for the gentle zn'hre. And Zorun *held* a shimmering golden Mahrayne phantom, who smiled at him, eyes filled with love…
      And for long minutes they were exactly *there*, poised within and *within* each other. And it was glorious, uplifting and satisfying beyond words, beyond anything they'd felt before, and they *loved* and *fulfilled* each other in that timeless place, climaxing in stars.
      Slowly, reluctantly, they *pulled* gently apart, settling back into their own bodies, their own minds, contented, happy for the first time since they'd all been separated from their mates. Hijau and Zorun turned as one to the captain, who wrapped them both in strong arms as they wept very quietly against his broad chest.
      He wept too, silently, Zha'haabron's image sparkling in his mind.

Radittsu had to return to the palace that night, and for once Zorun and Hijau simply sat side by side, watching the moon with unblinking eyes...

Eight days in…
      Zha'haabron struggled not to move. Zha'haarak was behind him - he'd grown too big now for anyone to couple with him from the front - thrusting steadily into him: at the gentle zn'hre's back was Jeice, keeping pace. And Ti'aasaan knelt in front of the king, strong thin hands around his Ssii'iin's erection and desperately wishing his teeth weren't so sharp.
      Zha'haabron was exhausted. Radittsu's emotions roiled through him constantly: he'd almost grown used to the almost continual inner orgasms, distantly grateful that at least they provided the hostlings with high-quality protein - even if he himself was left weak and trembling, unable to eat or sleep. But the external climaxes were another matter altogether. He was guiltily aware that Jeice was completely exhausted, stumbling through the days and nights, servicing Zha'haabron and Zha'haarak as necessary, and often before they themselves realised they needed release.
      And he'd thought he had a measure of control! Hah!
      It was humbling to realise how little restraint he possessed.
      But at least the hostlings were happy, drifting in a state of dreamily sated happiness within.
      He gritted his teeth. Only twenty two - Vejiitasei - days to go…

Fifteen days in - the height of FullMoon…

'haabron wrapped his arms around Kobis, expression anxious. The young Saiyan was shivering as he gazed out at the desert, his hands clutched together.
      "What's wrong, koi? Are you ill?"
      Kobis stared at his friend for a moment, then clung to the zn'hre tightly.
      "I don't know what's happening to me…"
      He felt hot, much hotter than normal. And his tail, where it tremblingly wrapped around 'haabron's waist, was softer than usual, the fur fluffed up and tinged with dark red-gold where the sunlight caught it. The zn'hre frowned and shifted, pulling one hot arm across his shoulders so that he was supporting the Saiyan.
      "Come on - let's get you back to papa. Can you fly?"
      Kobis bit his lip.
      "Don't know. I feel wobbly."
      "I can get a guard to carry you…"
      "No!!" Kobis looked suddenly scared, then swallowed and shook his head.
      "I mean, I'd rather it was just you."
      'haabron regarded him quizzically. The Saiyan prince blushed and lowered his eyes, whispering,
      "I don't want anyone else to touch me…"
      Puzzled, but quietly pleased, 'haabron led his shivering friend back to the royal suite.

Ti'ani and Le'leen were huddled in their sire's arms, their tails wrapped tightly around his wrists, both looking miserable: Jeice was trying to comfort a weeping Buahan. As 'haabron settled Kobis down on a floor cushion, holding him tightly, Ye'vena hastened into the suite, Kiraz in his arms, 'raadiin running beside him, eyes wide with fright. Zha'haabron struggled upright, taking the semi-conscious Saiyan prince from the shr'en'an's arms, gazing down into his flushed face.
      "What happened?"
      "We… we were sparring…" 'raadiin bit his lip. "And I hit him. He didn't block it." His face threatened to crumple. "But I didn't hit him very hard, papa, honest I didn't!"
      Zha'haabron nodded, gently lowering the Saiyan to another cushion and glancing at Zh'leet.
      "Please ask Vinas to make his way here immediately."
      "Papa, do you know what's wrong?" 'haabron was stroking Kobis' shoulders, trying to calm the shuddering young Saiyan. Zha'haabron nodded.
      "Vejiitasei's full moon is affecting them."
      'raadiin blinked.
      "But… but that's light years away!"
      "Yes, Ssii'irin. But they still feel it." He stroked Kiraz' hot forehead, the coolness of his fingers soothing.
      "Will they be al lright?"
      "I believe so. I will have Vinas check them over, but as far as I know these effects are only temporary, and should be gone in a day or so. In the meantime, we should keep them cool and quiet."
      Ti'aasaan nodded thoughtfully. At least they now knew that the hybrids were also affected, although not to the same extent. He'd have to make sure Leteetza was told, the next time she contacted the family.

They crouched on the plain in ouzaru form, Hijau still deeply buried in Zorun, both watching the sky, waiting for the moon to set, trembling, afraid. Maybe it had something to do with that extraordinary experience when the bondmates had melded, or them both having aliens as mates, or the fact that they were so far from those they loved, or maybe simply because they were both desperately lonely - but after that experience their temporary bond as fuck-partners for the season had deepened into something unprecedented. Something that terrified them both. A deep, revealing telepathic link that both found increasingly difficult to control.
      As the moon slid over the horizon they shimmered and changed, reverting to their customary form - and Hijau gripped the larger Saiyan's hips as he rammed into Zorun yet again, forcing them both to yet another loveless climax.
      Only this time…
      Zorun's control failed. And Hijau's mind was *flooded* with things the King's Guard had kept secret all his life…

      He *felt* Zorun's screaming horror as the massive Saiyan came to him, shoving the young warrior down onto the bed in his quarters on board the troop transport, unable to resist as the far stronger male raped him. Viciously. Knowing that what he did was against all propriety and tradition and instinct and right-thinking…
      Hijau froze, his lust snuffed out, withdrawing from the warrior's powerful body with unwonted gentleness and laying a trembling hand on Zorun's shoulder. The King's Guard slowly turned to him, eyes vast with helplessness and a stark, hopeless fear.
      *Y… you… you *felt*. You *know*…*
      Hijau stared for a moment or two, *knowing* that Zorun was waiting for him to turn away, revolted, filled with repugnance.
      Swallowing hard and forcing back tears, Hijau reached forward and pulled the distraught warrior into his arms. For a moment Zorun resisted - then allowed himself the luxury of being held by someone who knew exactly what and who he was and didn't care…
      Hijau stroked his partner's mane, his shoulders, offering wordless comfort, wordless understanding.
      Nappa - massive, powerful, callous, quite-possibly-half-mad Nappa - was Zorun's brother.
      He was fully aware of the fact.
      And still he violated his kin. Forced him - not just once, but over and over again, taking out his anger, lust and frustration on and in the body of his younger brother.
      Hijau was shaking, with anger - no, with fury - with compassion, with helpless grief for the bigger Saiyan.
      There was often a fine line drawn between the fulfilment of lust and actual rape, and most times Saiyans walked it easily, delicately balanced between the acceptable and the abhorrent. But raping kin
      Kin-scent was damn near sacrosanct. It did not arouse - in fact, while often comforting, it mostly acted as a huge turn-off, automatically ensuring that bloodlines stayed discretely healthy and dynamic within a generation or two. There had been the odd occasion, of course, when it had failed and immediate kin had developed a passion for each other, but such events were so rare as to be almost legendary. To ignore the constraints of that automatic cut-off, to continue without shame…
      Filled with helpless, overwhelming self-loathing, Zorun was sobbing silently, fingers digging into Hijau's shoulders, nails breaking the skin. Hijau held him close, rocking slightly, comfortingly, hands gentle against the guard's head and back.
      *I'm so sorry…*
      Zorun's fingers dug deeper, the torrent of grief and misery overflowing, threatening to drown him.
      No wonder violence came easily to him. And no wonder he hated himself afterwards.
      Suddenly realising the enormity of what had been revealed to him, Hijau swiftly *communicated* the desire for silence to Zha'haarak, knowing that his bondmate wouldn't understand why he was asking it, but also knowing that he would do as requested. *Feeling* the zhn'hre's acquiescence, Hijau turned his attention back to Zorun, gently and carefully kissing the trembling warrior's forehead.
      *This changes nothing, my friend. Not for me, or for Radittsu, and certainly not for Mahrayne. You were not and are not at fault.*
      Zorun swallowed hard, forcing himself to stop weeping, and pulled himself upright.
      "I am sorry. I hadn't realised I was so weak."
      Hijau scowled, for a moment unsure as to whether to force the issue or to let the bigger Saiyan get away with ignoring what had just happened, allowing him at least this small measure of dignity…
      Memories of his own childhood, of his own experiences, of the salvation of Radittsu's rough compassion, rose behind his eyes. Dignity be damned…
      He caught Zorun's face between his hands, glowering.
      *You've suffered alone for long enough. We will talk about this again. Later, after FullMoon.*
      Zorun paled, eyes wide and panicked. Hijau smiled grimly.
      *Don't worry. This will be between us only, unless or until you choose otherwise.*

FullMoon continued. No-one died.

Twenty-nine days in, the last FullMoon night…

Leteetza came to on the beach, feeling as though she was being split in half from the groin up. Never had she felt such pain in the lower half of her body…
      Slow, confused seconds later she realised why.
      Radittsu was behind her, half awake, one broad strong hand cupping her breast, fingers rolling and pinching a nipple that she really wished was no longer a part of her, it hurt so much. She was overly sensitive, too, to the thick hair of his groin rubbing against her backside as he thrust smoothly in and out, buried deeply inside her aching cunt.
      Vejiita was in front of her, half awake, lips and tongue caressing her throat, one hand teasing the nipple Radittsu hadn't already claimed, his own substantial erection also buried deep within her. Thrusting smoothly in counterpoint to Radittsu's movements…
      And they slid against each other, rubbing, stroking, arousing each other far more than the aching female body between them, gasping as they came - yet again, the thought managed to filter through Leteetza's consciousness as she became aware of the stickiness that seemed to cover her entire body - Radittsu abandoning her breast and wrapping one arm tightly around the king's shoulders as Vejiita's hands slid down to the captain's buttocks, pulling him in even closer.
      Squashed tightly between them, unable to breath, and mightily pissed off, Leteetza grabbed for the twined tails wrapped around them all and squeezed.
      "Oi! Get off, both of you!"
      Wincing, the two males pulled back slightly - far enough for Leteetza to draw breath, at any rate.
      Which was a bad idea, right now.
      She scented herself.
      Oh fuck
      Before she could move, Radittsu had cuddled back in - one hand resting lazily on her abdomen.
      For just a moment. Then, eyes widening with delight, he jerked upright, grinning broadly as he pressed his palm more firmly to the little warrior's smooth, muscular stomach.
      "Heh. Mine…"
      Vejiita glowered at the captain of his Elite Guard, his own hand pressing firmly on his Companion's belly a little below Radittsu's.
      "No. Mine…"
      Radittsu snarled. Glowering, Vejiita gripped the big Saiyan's chin, ready to contest the issue. Leteetza, feeling the two shafts still within her hardening yet again, growled and shoved both of them backwards.
      "You have one each, all right? Now just shut the fuck up and let me get used to the fuckin' idea…"
      Taking advantage of the stunned silence that greeted this announcement, Leteetza wormed her way out of the tangle of bodies and limped her way angrily, disconsolately, down to the sea to wash.
      Wonderful. Just fucking wonderful.
      She was now carrying Vejiita's brat, and Radittsu's brat. Twins. Again. Why was it always twins?
      She sank down into the water at the shore's edge, her head in her hands. Why hadn't she realised she was in season? What was it with her biological system that she simply wasn't aware of when it did this to her?
      Groaning silently she imagined what life was going to be like for the next two hundred and forty days.
      And wondered if she could go back to R'ren'nkh'ia for the duration. At least then she wouldn't have to put up with Radittsu and Vejiita snarling and sniping at each other the whole time…
      She shuddered in horror as a really frightening thought hit her.
      Oh shit.
      Once she found out, Mahrayne wasn't going to give her Saiyan friend any peace whatsoever for the next gods' knew how many years….

© 2002 June 8th Joules Taylor

Third Alliance Chronicle Index

A young child's first FullMoon is an extremely dangerous thing, uncontrolled, violent, often resulting in injury. To prevent harm coming to others (or property), the mothers - always the mothers, since they have far more control than the males at this time - escort them, well in advance, to a relatively barren island where the youngsters can experience the event in relative safety.


Watching this pair fight others is quite remarkable. Merica is amazingly physically strong and adept, while Jagung, being smaller and much weaker, physically, has become a master of ki manipulation, especially the use of ki bands. He's also incredibly fast and agile. When they fight together they're almost unbeatable…