Don't forget to check out Joules' companion FullMoon sequence!

Exile pt 2

"Goodbye, sinameh, I'll talk to you tomorrow!"

As soon as the large screen went blank, the cheery smile dropped from Mahrayne's face, and she sighed heavily. It had been thirty (not that she was counting) long, lonely days since Kel had left her on Hassina. Thirty Vejiitasei days, that was: Mahrayne was keeping Vejiitasei time as far as possible. She sighed again, turning resolutely away from the screen; there was work to do, she didn't have time to wallow in self pity.
      Minutes later she dropped the stylus and brushed away a few annoying tears. It was no use, she couldn't concentrate. The children looked so happy, so did 'teetza - and Ti'aasaan - and Jeice. Mahrayne sniffled; the family was together again - apart from poor Hijau and Zha'haarak - they didn't need her, she could keep teaching them remotely and it wouldn't make any difference to their happiness. Seeing 'tiisaan cuddled in Jeice's lap had made her feel especially wretched. Mahrayne half-heartedly chided herself for being stupid but still ended up crying into her hands. It was stupid! She knew her miserableness was at least due in part to her still erratic moods - any minute now she'd be skipping all over the place bursting with a trilling happiness - but that didn't mean it hurt any less right now. With another sigh, she wiped her eyes and picked up the stylus again. She'd just have to endure it. Alone.
      That was a big part of the problem for her, there was no one here she could talk to, especially not about her baby, not yet. Mahrayne was still anticipating/dreading the secret being revealed. She knew, with a bone deep certainty, that there were going to be problems, but it would be such a relief not having to squash everything down inside so she could outwardly appear her usual calm, cheerful self. Mahrayne stroked her ever so slightly swollen belly, and smiled sadly.
      'Won't be able to hide you for much longer, little one.'
      She'd taken to talking to her baby in her mind. Though she doubted the child could 'hear' her, it was comforting, and at least she wouldn't get any odd looks for talking out loud to herself, that was just asking for trouble; she'd already caught Nonnia looking at her once or twice.
      The knowledge that she was going to be a mother made her heart sing with wonder and happiness - that such a thing could happen to her still seemed like a miracle. Mahrayne giggled into the chill room; maybe it was a good thing she couldn't talk to anybody about her child – she'd probably bore them senseless with non-stop baby-related chatter.
      She was certain she could feel the baby moving sometimes. Nothing dramatic, just a sensation of bubbles deep inside when she was calm and still, usually just as she was drifting off to sleep. Mahrayne quieted herself now, breathing deeply and evenly, her attention focused inwards, waiting to see if she could feel anything. After a few minutes of nothing she smiled ruefully; she shouldn't be encouraging the child, if she was feeling movement this early on, it didn't bode well for her comfort later in the pregnancy.
      Mahrayne's lips trembled as another wave of self-pity washed over her. This was the most important thing that had ever happened to her, and she couldn't share it with anyone. Pirum would be thrilled to know, no doubt, but the child couldn't keep a secret to save herself. Nonnia would probably be happy for her, but Tella or Astolan… Mahrayne had only been half-joking when she told Kel she thought her family wouldn't kill her. Her parents were pathologically conservative – Mahrayne thought – both of them clinging desperately to the traditional ways of life, trying to preserve the 'old ways' even when these 'old ways' were not helpful. Mahrayne was uneasily sure her parents would react badly to the news that their daughter had not only had sex with an alien male, but was pregnant by him as well.

Having to keep such a secret to herself made Mahrayne feel isolated, and not being able to discuss the situation with people who did know what was going on only deepened her sense of loneliness. There was precious little privacy in the female quarters, and Mahrayne felt she had to be circumspect when she spoke to Leteetza, or Kel, or Ti'aasaan over the vid-link - even though the room she'd been assigned was well away from the main living area - and cold because of it - there was no guarantee that she could talk confidentially.
      'I shouldn't go looking for the cracks in the walls, should I, little one? Soon everyone will know about you and all this worry will have been pointless.'
      Mahrayne smiled, her mood lightening as she'd expected it to, patted her tummy again, and got down to work.

Her first few days back on Hassina had been quite busy. Mahrayne'd visited the artificers and spent some enjoyable time haggling with them over the cost of the zn'hre's toys. Then she'd visited the leather workers and arranged, at her own expense, for some of the near-transparent Ontibu leather to be sent to the family on R'ren'nkh'ia as a gift. She'd distributed the gifts she'd brought with her, visited people all over the settlement, and got herself up to date on the data transferral project in the archives, promising to step in to help again once she was settled. As well as all that, she was expected to make her usual contribution to the constant, day to day chores that kept the household running smoothly.
      She was busy, but she wasn't happy.
      Pirum insisted on accompanying her everywhere, and Chumie, and Testa to a lesser degree, insisted on monopolizing her when she was at home. By the fifth (Vejiitasei equivalent) day Mahrayne thought she was going to strangle someone if she didn't get some time to herself.

She slid out from between her sisters and dressed warmly.
       "Where are you going?" Chumie asked sleepily.
       "Up to the Ember Caves, want to come?"
      Chumie snorted. "No thank you! Why do you want to go there, where it's cold, when you can stay here, where it's warm - " her voice dropped to a seductive purr, and she teased fingertips over Testa's stomach beads, " - with us?"
      Mahrayne smirked. "I’m going to need warming up when I get back."
      Her younger sisters looked at her, then at each other.
       "You can be so odd sometimes, 'rayne." Chumie grumbled as she snuggled back down under the furs.
      Mahrayne smiled; she'd been counting on them not wanting to go with her, and Pirum should still be asleep in her mother's alcove, so with luck she could sneak out of the household on her own.
       The heavy clothing was making her sweat by the time she left the females' quarters, but she knew she'd need every fibre of it in the upper levels - especially as there wasn't a warm Saiyan to cuddle with this time. The higher Mahrayne climbed through the galleries, the colder it got, but, oh the blessed silence… She hadn't realised how difficult it would be re-adapting to the crowded, stifling, never quiet female's quarters.
       It was freezing here, as usual, and Mahrayne pulled the hood closer around her face as she wandered into the caves. The red-orange crystal formations glowed and twinkled - it was beautiful and soothing, and Mahrayne stood in the middle of the biggest chamber and breathed out, consciously letting go of the tension she'd had with her since returning to Hassina.
      It was so quiet.
      No sound, except her breathing, disturbed the peace of the rooms. Mahrayne closed her eyes and felt the glorious silence. She wouldn't be able to stay here long, but gods, she needed the solitude. Not always having someone within speaking distance was a luxury she'd grown accustomed to on Vejiitasei, and she missed it - amongst other things.
      Soon though, Mahrayne had to regretfully acknowledge the numbing in her extremities; she had to leave now, or die there.
      Mahrayne lightly stroked her abdomen through the layers of felt and fur.
      'Worse places to die, yes? At least it's pretty here.'
      She smiled with macabre good humour, then silently thanked the twinned serpents for the respite the caves had given her, and made her way back down to her sisters' warmth.

Chumie and Testa were only able to stay about ten days before they had to return to Daris. Much as Mahrayne loved her sisters she'd found her time with them - trying. Testa was her normal loving and supportive self but Chumie's behaviour seemed to have gotten worse since she'd been 'gifted'. The tall female pouted, and whined - Mahrayne had never noticed that before - when things didn't go her way. All her life it had been 'what Chumie wanted, Chumie got' and what Chumie wanted now was Mahrayne's undivided attention. She was most put out when it wasn't forthcoming, and no amount of reasoning could convince her that her sister's responsibilities to an alien family could be as important as her.
      "You're going to speak to them again? You only spoke to them a few hours ago."
      Mahrayne gritted her teeth.
       "It wasn't 'a few hours ago', it was the equivalent of one of their days - "
       "What about me? Testa and I are only here for a little while, you should be paying attention to us while we're here! You can talk to them all you want when we're gone."
       "Did it ever occur to you, Chumie, that I might not have been born specifically to keep you entertained?!"
      Mahrayne stalked off with a grim smile; she could almost hear her sister's mouth flapping in astonishment.
      But - as Mahrayne reflected a while later when she'd calmed down - maybe it wasn't so much that Chumie had gotten worse, just that she, Mahrayne, wasn't as likely to put up with her nonsense any more.

Mahrayne suspected that Chumie felt threatened by her off-planet relationships; with good reason, it was those relationships that would take Mahrayne away again.
       "This is lovely, where did you get it?" Testa had asked, gently examining the flower pendant Mahrayne never took off.
       "From a friend." Mahrayne couldn't help smiling at the remembered look on Zorun's face when he realised she was pleased with his gift.
      "The same sort of friend as that Saiyan female you were showing off?" There was an ugly edge to Chumie's voice. "Just how many aliens did you have sex with while you were there?"
       "Chumie - " Testa started.
      Her sister shook her off.
       "No. Come on, 'rayne, tell me about it. You didn't miss us at all, did you? And you're going back because of that female, aren't you?"
       "It's none of your business, Chumie."
       "It's every bit my business!"
       "No it isn't! What I do with my life is my own choice!"
      Chumie glared at her.
       "We'll see about that." she hissed.
      Mahrayne's heart sank as she watched her sister walk stiffly away.
       "I'll talk to her." Testa said softly, stroking Mahrayne's hair.
       "Is there any point?"
      Testa grinned. "You never know, a rock may fall on her head and make her come to her senses."
      Mahrayne had to laugh at that. She hugged her sister.
       "Thank you. I'm sorry your visit hasn't been more pleasant."
      Testa smoothed a lock of Mahrayne's hair back from her forehead.
       "Don't worry, 'rayne. I think Chumie's more unsettled from being 'gifted' than she admits to. She's had to do some growing up and she's not enjoying it."
      Mahrayne chuckled, and rested her head comfortably on her younger sister's shoulder - she was about the same height as Kel, Mahrayne realised. Testa spoke, distracting Mahrayne from the pang of missing the warrior.
       "Chumie's also disappointed that she's not already pregnant."
       "Why? The chances of that happening on her first time with her male aren't good."
      Testa smiled and kissed the top of Mahrayne's head.
       "True, but things have always happened quickly and easily for her; she was expecting this to be the same."
      Mahrayne stepped out of the comfort of her sister's arms and eyed her critically.
       "How did you grow up to be so calm and reasonable about everything?"
      Testa laughed.
       "By watching you of course!"

Chumie had frostily ignored Mahrayne for the rest of the day, relenting only when Testa had pulled them both into the alcove and suggested they apologise to each other; and when they did, the golden-haired female rewarded them in a very pleasing, and satisfying, manner.

Mahrayne had been helping her sisters pack when they heard the high-pitched ululating call travel through the settlement. Nonnia grinned hugely.
       "Rimae's baby has arrived. Safe and healthy."
      The sound of rhythmical music and clapping filtered through from the main meeting space in the female's quarters. A celebration dance was beginning.
      Mahrayne beamed and began stripping off; Chumie eyed her.
       "You're going to dance?"
       "Of course - I haven't had much opportunity since getting back."
      The beautiful Hassinan looked mutinous.
       "Testa and I are leaving soon, don't you want to spend the time with us?"
      Mahrayne bit back her retort, then tried coaxing her sister instead.
      "Come and dance with me, Chumie, we haven't danced together for a long time." Chumie thought about it, then grinned and nodded, as Mahrayne knew she would.
      The two dancers stripped, unbound their hair, then helped each other into the fiddly strands of bells. Laughing, they dashed hand in hand down the chill corridor to the enormous cavern at the centre of the female's quarters. The space was already filling up with females and children from all the various households within Marldus's settlement; Chumie and Mahrayne happily joined the throng.
      Everyone was dancing and clapping and singing, and there was a stomach bursting amount of food and drink being brought out; it looked like it was going to be a good, long celebration. Chumie and Mahrayne wormed their way through to the centre of the dance to join the other twenty or so bell-dancers in their traditional space. The females greeted each other happily, easily falling into rhythm with each other, forming the chiming, tinkling nucleus around which the rest of the celebration circled and swirled. Mahrayne laughed with delight as she danced, feeling herself expand, becoming diffuse as she imagined seeing fine, bright golden threads of herself reach out to and twine tightly around the threads extending from everyone else until it seemed all the souls in the settlement were bound together within a web of glowing kinship bonds.
      Mahrayne happily sank into the warm and welcome trance state, feeling at peace and connected with her people; but she wondered - would they celebrate the birth of her child?

Mahrayne was sad, but relieved, when her sisters went back to their household, but if she'd thought she was going to get more time to herself, she was greatly mistaken. Pirum had made herself a fixture in Mahrayne's alcove, and happily followed her sister around for as long as she'd let her. And, once her sisters had gone, there were numerous offers from past and potential lovers. Mahrayne smiled and thanked them all, but declined, excusing herself with being overly busy, while secretly being amused by the females' surprise. She had something of a reputation, she knew, and if the circumstances had been different she might very well have taken up some or all of the offers, but the truth was she wanted none of them. Yes, it would have been fun and light and friendly, but Mahrayne wanted more than that now, she wanted the depth of emotion she'd discovered with her partners on Vejiitasei. She wanted Kel and Leteetza… and Zorun.

"Why aren't you having sex with anyone, 'rayne?"
      Mahrayne smiled gently; trust Pirum to notice.
       "I don't really want to."
       "You miss Kelapa, don't you?"
      Mahrayne nodded.
       "Do you miss her as much as you missed us?"
      Not the whole truth - Mahrayne was missing her Saiyans far more than she'd missed her sisters, but it wouldn't be politic to mention it.
       "I like her." Pirum stated. "She's a bit scary, but I still like her."
      Mahrayne laughed and hugged her sister.
       "All Saiyans are a bit scary, precious, but they're not that much different from us."

Mahrayne was very glad of her youngest sister's company. Pirum was intelligent and eager and her presence went some way towards filling the holes in Mahrayne's heart.
      Spolio, Pirum's tutor, was more than happy for Mahrayne to reclaim her sister as her student; the old female found the precocious child a handful, and a disruptive influence on her class-mates. Mahrayne didn't blame the tutor for wanting to relinquish Pirum: it wasn't her fault she couldn't keep up with the demanding child, and Pirum would benefit from some one-on-one tutoring.
      Pirum had been with Mahrayne when the video link with R'ren'nkh'ia was tested. The children on both sides of the link had been fascinated with each other, managing to communicate quite happily despite the young Hassinan's limited amount of Common. After that initial introduction, Pirum had insisted on learning Saiyago, as well as Common, and Mahrayne had been happy to oblige. Pirum didn't quite have Mahrayne's facility for languages, but she was persistent, and worked hard - and there was the added attraction, for her, of being able to talk to her older sister in 'secret' languages that no one else in the household could understand. Pirum occasionally joined in with the lessons and struck up a friendship with Buahan. It was very sweet watching the two young females chatting with each other and they seemed to get on well. Mahrayne was pleased for both of them; Buahan didn't have any females close to her own age to play with - and Pirum had managed to alienate nearly all her companions with her sharp wit.
      Mahrayne got another glimpse of her little sister's perverse nature when they visited the Korijin. Ztegh had been delighted to see them, effusively welcoming the females into the Korijin enclave. Pirum was utterly fearless of the massive aliens, to Mahrayne's bemusement, and made herself at home very quickly.
       The Korijin played strategy games on bits of leather, marked out into sections. The object of nearly all the games, was to outmanoeuvre and capture/hunt your prey/enemy. Pirum took to these games with a passionate delight, the young female displaying a ruthlessness that enchanted the Korijin but made Mahrayne quite nervous. Mahrayne had held her breath, waiting for the tantrum when Pirum was soundly beaten in her first real match. To her surprise, her sister didn't pout and carry on, but had grinned fiercely at her opponent and challenged the enormous, ice-grey male to another game! Which she won!
       Mahrayne watched her little sister grow and blossom with the extra attention and mental stimulation she was getting and thought sadly that Pirum was most likely going to be as unhappy with the restrictions of Hassinan society as she was herself.

Mahrayne made a point of having as little contact with her mother as possible. This wasn't unusual, merely the continuation of a life-long pattern. Mahrayne had realised early on that her mother disliked her. She didn't know why, but assumed the fault must be hers. The young Hassinan had tried to make amends; she'd been a good and dutiful daughter, courteous and deferential, but no matter what how hard she tried, her mother could never look at her with anything less than distaste. Traditionally – and Tella was nothing if not traditional – a female child stayed in their mother's alcove until she was officially an adult. There were exceptions of course, it wasn't unusual for children to bed down with other members of their family, or friends. But Tella had insisted on doing the 'right' thing and Mahrayne had to stay with her until she was grown. As soon as Mahrayne was weaned, however, Nonnia had taken charge of her, and when she'd reached fifteen - even before the newly set beads in her face had healed - Mahrayne had started her adult life with Genesia.
      Tella's irrationally blaming her for something that wasn't her fault still rankled, but Mahrayne'd learnt a long time ago not to voice her opinion on the matter. It didn't matter what Mahrayne did or said, Tella still held her responsible for ruining her life.
      So, once again, Mahrayne kept her distance from the female who had birthed her, not easy to do in the crowded quarters, but both of them employed the ages old technique of just not seeing the other. Even though Mahrayne was careful to not see Tella, she couldn't help notice worrying changes in the older woman. What was more worrying was the thought that the changes had been happening for a long time, and she was only noticing them now because she'd been away. Mahrayne waited for a time when Nonnia was away from Tella before voicing her concerns.

"Nonnia," Mahrayne asked when they were alone in the bath room, "is there something... wrong with my mother?"
      Nonnia started, then smiled sunnily.
       "No, precious, why do you ask?"
      Mahrayne looked steadily at the female, then lowered her voice.
       "She's ill, isn't she? She's lost weight, she's - " Mahrayne floundered for the right words, "it's like she's becoming transparent."
      Nonnia sighed, her lip trembling, and Mahrayne immediately enfolded the older female in a gentle hug.
       "She's not well, but she won't admit it. You know what she's like."
      Mahrayne hugged her tertera to her, cushioning the female's distress. Nonnia and Tella had been lovers, and exclusive, since Tella had first been 'gifted' to Astolan, over thirty-five years ago. Mahrayne could see that Nonnia was terrified of losing Tella.
       "Everything will be as it should." Nonnia said shakily, pulling away from her.
       "I know," Mahrayne said with heart-felt sympathy; she may not like her mother, but she loved this female, who had been more of a mother to her than Tella had ever deigned to be.
       "The Saiyan thinks you're beautiful."
      Mahrayne blinked; you had to give Nonnia credit for her skill in changing a subject.
       "She does?" Mahrayne queried with a dopey grin, then shook her head, "why did you mention that?"
       "I was just thinking, before you asked me about Tella, how good it is that you have Kelapa waiting for you when you go back to Vejiitasei."
       "It is." Mahrayne couldn't help her soft smile, or the blush.
      "Is she the reason you'll be returning to Vejiitasei?"
      "One of the reasons."
      Nonnia raised her eyebrows, obviously waiting to hear the rest. Mahrayne hesitated; the temptation to tell her about Zorun, and their child, was acute.
       "I'm needed there, I'm not needed here." she said finally.
      Nonnia went to protest but Mahrayne forestalled her.
       "I'm not. Non-breeding females are surplus anyway and everything I can do, someone else can do just as well."
       "I disagree. Iacorta is a competent dance teacher but she lacks your enthusiasm…"
       "A dancer finds their own enthusiasm." Mahrayne laughed, "Despite their teacher."
      The two females grinned at each other, relaxing side by side in the hot water.
       "I've been meaning to ask you – " Nonnia reached up and gently touched the scar on Mahrayne's neck, " – what this is?"
       "An accident." Mahrayne said with a sigh, willing herself not to tense.
       "An accident? It looks like teeth marks."
       "It's not important." Mahrayne smiled at her and made to get out of the bath. "Much as I would like to stay here 'til I look like a pickled pateth, I have a class in a little while."
      Nonnia wasn't the only one who could neatly change the subject.

Time passed and Mahrayne managed to keep herself busy. She discovered she had a ready audience if she ever cared to talk about her 'adventures' off-world, and would often find herself surrounded by interested females and children lapping up her descriptions of space travel, and Vejiitasei, and Saiyans and R'ren'nkh'ians. Everything she said was highly edited of course, she was careful not to include anything overtly personal or politically sensitive.
      There were a pair of young, non-breeding females from a neighbouring household who were particularly fascinated with her stories, so much so that they diffidently asked Mahrayne if she could teach them to speak Common. Mahrayne had beamed delightedly at them, always happy to share knowledge; but she was curious, why did they want to learn Common? After a little time, and some gentle probing, Peruro and Dignusia shyly confessed to her their desire to see the beautiful planet Vejiitasei for themselves.
      Right at the back of Mahrayne's mind - in a quiet spot not occupied with fretting over her problems – a tiny seed of an idea began to sprout...

Mahrayne did manage to keep herself occupied, but no matter how busy she was, she still had too much time to think, and worry, and brood. Predominantly, she brooded over her conversation with Leteetza about Zorun claiming her.

She was lucky, the little female had said.
      What was lucky about being owned by a Saiyan? Even if he was one who was considered to be something of a prize by every Saiyan female under the suns - excepting Leteetza and Kelapa, who had obviously forgotten how much Mahrayne valued their opinions.
      'Old, aristocratic bloodline'? – Mahrayne sniffed - well, if such things were thought to be important then her lineage was not to be sneered at either.
       Mahrayne desperately wanted to talk to someone, but didn't fancy speaking to Leteetza about it again. The Hassinan was honest enough with herself to know she wanted to talk to someone who would listen to her and agree that she'd been badly treated, not someone who thought she was being stupid and unreasonable. Mahrayne really wanted to talk to Zorun, but Kelapa – who she spoke to at least every other day – had told her quite bluntly it wasn't a good idea. Zorun apparently, was only just coping with her not being there and if he saw her it would only make things worse for him – and those around him. Mahrayne was disturbed... and annoyed. Dammit, you'd think he'd have more sense than to go and claim a fragile alien who couldn't be with him during the moon season!


Mahrayne sighed. She needed to resolve this.
      The Hassinan believed that when you died you went to the afterlife to be with your ancestors. A nice thought, but you didn't want to spend forever with someone you didn't get on with. So arguments and disagreements weren't allowed to fester, problems were dealt with swiftly, apologies made and everything was fine. Mahrayne couldn't resolve anything at the moment, and it was driving her insane! What if she died before it was sorted out? It was bad enough she and her mother weren't going to be on speaking terms for eternity, she didn't want the same sort of problem with her mate.

But still, under all the righteous indignation, a sneaking thought was nibbling away that maybe Leteetza was right? How different was being 'claimed' to being 'gifted'?
      At least she'd been able to freely choose her mate, which was more choice than your average Hassinan breeding female got.
       The way Leteetza had talked, it sounded like the sexual freedom Mahrayne had found on Vejiitasei would continue, more or less, as long as she didn't pick a partner that Zorun would object to. It was a relief to know that having Kel was still an option. That had been Mahrayne's primary concern, and if the males didn't consider females a threat then she could still, theoretically, play with Leteetza – which was good. The little female thought Zorun might not have a problem with the zn'hre, which was good too. Mahrayne found them nigh irresistible, the couple of times she'd made love with Ti'aasaan only making them more attractive.
      And Jeice? It was probably for the best if he wasn't available to her; the little subo was still an unholy temptation. When Mahrayne let herself think of him – or of that afternoon with him – she found herself consumed with the desire, the need to take him somewhere and see how high he could take her...

Mahrayne was still aggravated at the very idea that she now needed Zorun's permission to follow her inclinations.
      What gave him the right...?
      He'd protect her from the attentions of other males, would he? Well - what if she wanted the attention of other males? Mahrayne knew she was being perverse, the only other males she was interested in were way off limits, and since taking up with Zorun she hadn't even seriously considered the thought of pursuing any others, but it was so fucking irritating being summarily restricted like that...
      But – Mahrayne was forced to agree through gritted teeth - having to stop and think about having sex with someone rather than just leaping in as she usually did, might not be a bad thing given her recent mistakes. And - while she was being brutally honest with herself – she'd already adapted to idea of checking to see if it was all right to fuck someone. After that distressing unpleasantness with Kel, Mahrayne was very conscious of considering the female's feelings. It wasn't that much of a stretch, was it, between giving consideration to Kel and checking with Zorun?
      And, as long as she was being honest with herself, Mahrayne had to admit that the thought of having Zorun's promise to protect and provide for her and her children made her feel decidedly tender towards him.
      Leteetza had said that he loved her...
      That had brought her up short. Being loved by a male was a completely alien concept to Mahrayne. In Hassinan society, a female formed love relationships with other females; the males were tolerated as a necessary evil, at worst, or at best, there could be a friendly affection. Mahrayne knew lots of females who enjoyed their male's company, and she was friendly with her youngest brother, but love...? Mahrayne hadn't given much thought to her feelings for Zorun, but now, she realised with a peculiar lurch in her guts, there wasn't that much difference to how she felt for either of her Saiyans.
      Then she was jolted by another nasty thought; she loved Kel, deeply – but did Kel know? Mahrayne had just assumed she did, but Saiyans were so different to Hassinan in some respects... Maybe Kel was so threatened by Zorun, because she didn't know how much she was loved?
      Mahrayne sighed again, something else she'd have to resolve.

Mahrayne smiled fondly at the sight of Pirum curled up asleep in the middle of the bed like a little motaceh, her fine, silver hair framing her face against the dark red furs. Mahrayne closed the alcove curtains and climbed in next to her sister; another 'day' finished, another 'day' closer to going home. Mahrayne settled herself down to sleep, pulling Pirum to her gently so as not to wake her. She smiled softly when she felt the tiny movement deep in her belly. Typical - the child would be waking up just as she was going to sleep, it had to be a male...

© 2002 May 23rd Amanda Mullane

Exile pt 3
Exile pt 1
Third Alliance Chronicle Index