Homecoming pt 4

"Maybe I should live somewhere else?"
       "You have as much right to be here as he does."
      Mahrayne sighed.
      "Hijau is part of the family, I'm not. No matter how much I'm liked I'm still only a friend."
      The females were in their room, it was deep night and Mahrayne couldn't sleep; Hijau still wouldn't talk to her, and she didn't know what to do. Kel snuggled into Mahrayne's back, her hand draped over the Hassinan's waist, absently - unconsciously - rubbing her lover's abdomen.
       "A loved and valued friend."
      Mahrayne sighed again. "'raadiin and 'tiisaan have been arguing, and some of the other children have been taking sides. This really needs to be sorted out, but how can I even begin to resolve it when he won't talk to me?" Mahrayne wiped the futile tears away.
      Kelapa hugged her tightly, giving wordless comfort and support.
       "If I had to leave here," Mahrayne said after a moment, "would you come with me?"
       "Fuck yes, you don't think I'd let you out there on your own?" Kel chuckled, kissing Mahrayne's neck. "But if it came to that, you could stay with Zorun, I'm sure he wouldn't object."
      Mahrayne heard the involuntary tremor in the female's voice; she knew how much it had cost Kel to make the suggestion, and she loved her for it.
       "I'd rather live with you and visit him." Mahrayne said candidly, then frowned when she felt, rather than heard, Kel snigger.
       "I know, I know," Kelapa said quickly, as Mahrayne drew breath to speak, "I won't tell him that, all right?"
       "Thank you." Mahrayne managed a smile.
       "'sides," Kel yawned, "I can't see 'teetza letting this go on for much longer. All she wants at the moment is peace and quiet and she'll raise merry hell until she gets it!"
      Mahrayne giggled: Kel was right - Leteetza could be very - determined about making others see sense.
       "Now try and get some sleep before he - " the warrior gently patted Mahrayne's rounded belly, " - wakes up."
      Mahrayne smiled and lifted Kel's hand to her lips, kissing the female's fingers.
       "Thank you, jha-tunovahn."
      All she got in reply was an indistinct grunt - Kelapa was already half-asleep.

It had been an interesting few days since Mahrayne and Kel had returned from Pankuzu. Kelapa had gone into heat the afternoon they'd got back and darted off to the infirmary for some 'contraceptives'. Mahrayne couldn't hide her disappointment when Leteetza told her what that meant. It wasn't just disappointment for herself - she'd love to help Kel raise a child - she was also disappointed for Lord Kurumi. The noble had confided to her how much he would like to have a male heir, but, he'd smiled sadly, he was unlikely to take a mate again and given his only child's preferences she wouldn't be breeding.
      Mahrayne had planned to spend that first afternoon back organising lessons, contacting Hassina and generally catching up with things before getting back to the normal routine, but instead, she'd spent it in the suite watching Kel being fucked first by Radittsu, then Ti'aasaan and Jeice. That had been an eye-opener and wonderfully arousing for Mahrayne. She enjoyed watching her lover with a male partner, especially when Kel was so enthusiastic about it, but Kel had been so pre-occupied with the males she hadn't been interested in Mahrayne. Fortunately Leteetza was on hand, so to speak, to help the Hassinan out.

Zorun had picked Mahrayne up after the evening meal, and flew her, not to the Guard quarters, but to another part of the palace.
       "I've been assigned new quarters." He'd smirked at her as they alighted on a small balcony, near - if her sense of direction was working properly – the Saiya-jin-no-Ou's private wing. Well, it made sense for the King's Guard to be close to the King. Mahrayne explored her mate's rooms. They were just as bare as his previous quarters, she noticed; she'd have to do something about that, some cushions maybe, a wall-hanging...
      Zorun had a little more space than she and Kel did – a small antechamber that led into the bedroom, for a start, and his bathroom was bigger. Mahrayne beamed at him when she saw the sunken bath – it was just big enough for the two of them. Zorun looked smugly pleased with himself at her evident pleasure.
       "I asked for quarters with a bath." The big male unclipped the metal bands around her hair, letting them drop to the floor of the bathroom. "You told me while we were on G'geckah how much you enjoy them."
       Mahrayne grinned and tugged at his armour.
       "Let's bathe now, yes?"

Mahrayne frowned, running her fingertips lightly over the bruises covering Zorun's ribs.
       "Where did these come from?"
      He hesitated, then shrugged, making the bath water ripple.
      Mahrayne blinked; Saiyans were tough, how hard had he been training to get bruises like these? They weren't new either; how much damage had there been originally?
       "Training?" she said doubtfully.
      Zorun grimaced. "With the King."
       "Oh." Mahrayne thought she understood – the Saiya-jin-no-Ou was extremely powerful, it would certainly hurt if he hit you…

For the next few days, during Kel's heat, Mahrayne spent very little time in the family's suite. She was in the classroom in the mornings, and either there again in the afternoons taking 'tiisaan for a dance lesson, or tutoring Pirum via the video-link - or she was in the library continuing the work on the Saiyan birth records. She ate the midday and evening meals with the family, but spent the nights with Zorun, which suited him down to the ground. There was no point in Mahrayne trying to spend time with Kelapa though, the warrior had made it plain she had no interest or desire for her at the moment. Mahrayne would have been hurt by Kel's rejection if she hadn't known it was a strictly temporary, biologically motivated state - and if she hadn't seen the guilt in her lover's eyes even as she turned away from her.

A couple of days after Mahrayne had returned, Zorun accompanied his mate to the medical centre for a routine check-up. They walked into the examination room and the Hassinan stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Vinas.
       "Where's Ayva?" she said frostily.
      The bio-tech smiled, slightly.
       "She's busy at the moment, so if you would - "
       "No." Mahrayne said firmly, shaking her head and backing away, "I want Ayva."
      Vinas tch-ed in irritation, but one look at the King's Guard - who was standing solidly beside his mate, growling, his tail lashing in reaction to Mahrayne's uneasiness - convinced him not to push the issue. With an audible sigh that clearly indicated his annoyance at this pointless display of contrariness, he called for the female medic. Mahrayne smiled in relief at Ayva when the female came into the room, then she looked pointedly at Vinas, who had made no effort to leave.
       "It will be better, sir," Ayva suppressed a smirk, "if you're not here."
      Vinas's lips compressed, but he left the examination room, his dignity wrapped around him like a cloak.
      Ayva chuckled as she helped Mahrayne up on to the couch.
       "Vinas didn't like being sent away."
      Mahrayne humphed. "He's a male, I'm not having him looking at me." She made herself as comfortable as she could. Besides - Mahrayne thought as Zorun settled in his customary place beside her - this is female business, Vinas being here just wouldn't be… proper.
       Later, Mahrayne sat with Zorun in the glade, cuddled securely in the big male's arms. Zorun rested one of his hands over her abdomen, grinning as he felt their child moving under his palm. Mahrayne was content; her baby was healthy and growing steadily, and it was good to be spending this time with her mate, but - she missed Kel. She missed Zorun, too, when he wasn't around; somehow, there had to be a happy compromise for the three of them.

Leteetza had told her that Kel's heat would last for about five days, so Mahrayne had gently insisted to Zorun that she be back in the suite on that last evening. He hadn't been impressed, but he wasn't going to argue, especially when Mahrayne promised she'd be back with him in a few nights.
      Kel was with Jeice in one of the side rooms when Mahrayne returned, the pair of them emerging briefly to eat before disappearing again. Mahrayne sighed, Kel had at least acknowledged her existence this time, even going so far as smiling at her.
       "Don't worry," Leteeza had quietly reassured her, "it'll be over soon."
      Mahrayne bathed with the family for the first time in days, much to 'tiisaan's delight: and Za'rayne and Ra'vahn splashed their way over to her to play in her hair, much to her delight. Hijau hadn't come into the bathroom while she was there, though, and 'raadiin and Kiraz had made a point of being in the other pool.
      'tiisaan insisted on staying up with Mahrayne for a little while before bedtime, sitting as close to her as he could get without being in her lap - which was just as well, she didn't have room for him there anymore - and they cuddled and chatted until the young zn'hre was yawning. Mahrayne kissed his cheek and sent him off to join his siblings on the sleeping platform, before heading towards her own bed.
       It was several hours before dawn when Mahrayne woke up to the sound of Kel in the shower. The Hassinan was a little nervous, to be honest; would Kelapa want to pick up where they left off, or would she need some time to readjust? Mahrayne was immensely relieved and gratified when the warrior came out of the shower and crawled straight into her arms.
       "I'm sorry." Kel'd murmured after kissing Mahrayne deeply.
       "For what?"
       "For ignoring you, for behaving so - "
      Mahrayne laughed and hugged her.
       "You were behaving in a way that's supposed to ensure the continuation of your race," she stroked Kel's cheek, "there's nothing to apologise for."
      Kel smiled weakly then yawned; the female was obviously exhausted but there was so much Mahrayne wanted to ask her…
       "One question, 'rayne," Kel groaned into her shoulder, "then let me sleep."
      Mahrayne asked the question that was foremost in her mind.
       "What was it like fucking Radittsu?"
      Kel grunted sleepily. "I don't know - he had a dick and that's all I was interested in."
       "But - "
       "I was hardly in a state of mind to assess his sexual technique." Kel mumbled in sleepy exasperation. "Can I pass out now?" she asked plaintively.
      Mahrayne smiled and kissed her forehead.
       "Of course, I'll interrogate you when you're awake."
      Kelapa was too tired to even groan.

It looked like life was settling back down - on the surface at least - and Mahrayne was glad to be back with the family, glad to put that unpleasantness on Hassina behind her.
      She should have known it wouldn't stay behind her.

"Outside!" Leteetza almost snarled at her early one morning after the little female had returned from spending the night in Vejiita's suite. The Hassinan swallowed nervously; whatever was bothering Leteetza she'd obviously shared with Kelapa - the warrior was scowling at her - and the look on Radittsu's face made Mahrayne quail. Fortunately the children weren't there, they'd gone to the classroom as normal and after a brief look from Leteetza, Ti'aasaan had gone with them. The little female had then asked Mahrayne, with a grating politeness, to stay behind. Jeice and Zha'haarak, who were minding the babies, watched wide-eyed from the floor as Leteetza stalked out onto the balcony, Kel and Radittsu following.
      Mahrayne resignedly trailed out after them. Now what had she done?

"His Majesty told me about what happened on Hassina." Leteetza said coldly. "Why the fuck didn't you tell us what your parents tried to do?!"
      Mahrayne blinked, taken by surprise - then she got angry.
       "And what would you have done about it? Precisely?" she snarled back, "Come thundering to my rescue?!"
       "We could have alerted the Korijin - "
      "Do you think I wasn't capable of doing that myself?!" Mahrayne's eyes flashed gold-fire. "But, oh! - that's right…" she continued with heavy sarcasm, "I'm not a fucking Saiyan, I'm not expected to have a fucking backbone!"
       "And how, precisely - " Leteetza sourly mimicked Mahrayne, " - would you have stopped them killing your child? Eh? You're not a fighter…"
       "There's other ways of dealing with a problem than just beating it to death!" Mahrayne said hotly.
      Leteetza sneered at her. "I don't think you would have tried to stop them anyway, your people murder your children!"
      Mahrayne stared at the little female, shocked into silence; how could Leteetza think that?
       "Don't presume to judge something you know nothing about."
      Leteetza's tail was snapping from side to side with her fury.
       "You've told me yourself you kill your children!"
       "What I said," Mahrayne grated, "is that sometimes a child of ours is too defective to live."
       "What?" Leteetza was caustic, "Are their eyes the wrong colour?"
      Mahrayne panted in air, trying to calm herself.
       "I was there when the last defective child was born," the Hassinan's voice trembled with emotion, "Sperata had no eyes…" all of the Saiyans froze, and stared at her, "…and her spine was so twisted she would never have been able to move, or stand, by herself." Mahrayne's eyes filled with tears, remembering the anguish the child's birth had caused. "She was in so much pain…" She glared accusingly at Leteetza. "Letting her live would have been unimaginably cruel!"
       "So she was killed?" the little female's voice was still harsh. Mahrayne nodded.
       "How?" Radittsu growled.
      Mahrayne wiped her eyes, then looked out over the gardens; she didn't want to look at the Saiyans.
       "Her mother took her into one of the baths - there were relatives and friends in there as well, myself included, for comfort and support." She glanced at Leteetza, "No one goes through this alone. Then Renita, that was the mother, gave the child some dilly." Mahrayne paused, and swallowed. "And when Sperata was sleeping peacefully in her arms, Renita cut her throat," Mahrayne stared into the distance, "and then she held her baby while she died."
       "Her mother killed her?" Leteetza sounded disturbed.
       "Of course," Mahrayne turned to her friend, "it's always the mothers that do the killing."
       "If your child had to die," Mahrayne said softly, "would you trust someone else to do it properly?"
      Leteetza frowned. "But that doesn't excuse what your parents…"
      Mahrayne made a curt gesture with one of her hands.
       "What my parents tried to do was abhorrent. It is not our way to kill a child in the womb."
      "Then why did they try?" Kel had stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Mahrayne.
       "I don't know." The Hassinan sighed. "They don't like me very much, but I can't believe that was the only reason."
       "So - what would you have done if the Lead Speaker hadn't intervened? I'm just asking - " Kel said quickly when Mahrayne glared at her, " - not accusing you of anything."
       "I would have run," Mahrayne said quietly, "and hid. I know the tunnels far better than anyone my parents could have sent after me. Then I would have made my way to the Korijin."
       "You still should have said something." Leteetza growled.
       "Please, susareh," Mahrayne said wearily, "it is past. I don't want to dwell on it anymore."
      Radittsu frowned thoughtfully. "Couldn't the G'geckans have cured the child? The one that was killed?"
      Mahrayne shook her head. "They can't fix genetic damage. They've tried."
      "I'm sorry I yelled at you," Leteetza stroked the Hassinan's tear-stained face, "I was disgusted by what your parents wanted to do - but at least Zorun did something about it."
      Mahrayne looked at her friend, uncomprehendingly.
       "Didn't you know?" Leteetza smirked: Mahrayne shook her head. "Your mate thumped your father and threatened to kill him if he tried to hurt you or your brat again!"
      Mahrayne grinned ferally and giggled. "He did?"
      Leteetza nodded, grinning wickedly. "And then Vejiita put Zorun through the wall for not killing the kusoyaro when he had a chance!"
       "Oh." Mahrayne stopped grinning - she remembered the bruises on Zorun's torso. "Oh."
      'Training with the king', was it? She might have to have a word with Zorun about the importance of honesty in a relationship…
       "I'll speak to Hijau," Leteetza said decisively, "this thing between the two of you needs to be cleared up."
      Mahrayne gave the little female a tiny smile.
       "Thank you. I'd appreciate that."
       "Will you be all right to get on with the lesson this morning?"
       "In a few minutes." Mahrayne smiled apologetically.
      Leteetza smiled, and kissed her on the cheek then went back inside, followed by Radittsu, leaving Kel alone with Mahrayne while the Hassinan regained her composure.

Leteetza had spoken to the Captain, if the change in his behaviour towards Mahrayne was anything to go by. Hijau wasn't friendly, exactly, but he was polite and he didn't ignore her anymore. The little female had also told Mahrayne something of Hijau's past, in the hopes of helping her understand why the male had reacted as he had. The Hassinan had been horrified, and more disturbed than she could have imagined, by what Leteetza had told her. The flame-haired Saiyan's twin - who had been perfectly healthy - had been killed by their mother in a fit of anger when he was just a child. Mahrayne's heart ached for Hijau, for the loneliness she imagined he'd feel with the loss of his twin. And later that day, when she was alone in the classroom, she'd given herself up to the confusing, keening grief she felt so surprisingly deeply…

      (Click here to read Hijau's story…)

With a peace of sorts existing between Hijau and herself, the children had in turn settled down a bit, and life carried on.

Mahrayne was having an artistic crisis over something she'd never in a million years have thought she'd ever need to consider.
      She'd decided to teach 'tiisaan bell-dancing naked; that's how the dances were performed, after all, and it was easier to learn the necessary muscle control without clothes getting in the way. 'tiisaan was all for it, but when Mahrayne suggested he might like to wear a pair of briefs or something, the little zn'hre had laughed at her.
       "Why should I cover my genitals?" he'd asked.
       "Because - " Mahrayne, face flaming, couldn't frame an answer, not one that sounded reasonable anyway. No matter how she tried to phrase it, her wanting 'tiisaan to cover himself while he danced because she was distracted by his penis flopping about just sounded prudish.
       "In fact," 'tiisaan enthused, his big, golden eyes shining, "I could wear bells down there too, couldn't I?"
      Mahrayne was speechless. She'd never before had to consider the specifics of 'male-equipped' dancers and she just didn't know how to respond. Jeice wasn't any help either. The hash'shavven had been listening to the discussion and now he leapt in, echoing 'tiisaan's enthusiasm for the idea. Mahrayne sat there, open-mouthed and blushing furiously, as the pair of them bounced ideas back and forth about the order the bells could be placed in, and how they could be fitted and what types of movements they might use in the dance. Jeice smirked at Mahrayne cheekily, enjoying her discomfort, and then tactfully suggested that maybe it would be best if he and 'tiisaan worked together on this area of bell-dancing. Mahrayne nodded, dazedly, she could cope with that; she'd teach them the traditional moves, and Jeice and 'tiisaan could deal with the, um, rest.
      She did, however, find the idea of Jeice dancing with bells attached to that leather harness he wore, more than a little arousing.
      'tiisaan had skipped off to fetch some paper and a stylus so he could begin jotting down ideas. Jeice grinned at Mahrayne, then uncurled from his cross-legged seat on the floor, and prowled on all fours, predator like, towards her. She froze, her heart racing as she was caught in the gaze from his hooded eyes. The hash'shavven leant in close and delicately licked along the outside of her ear. Mahrayne shivered and bit back a moan as the delicious flare of arousal left her feeling light-headed. She fought down the urge to just take him, then and there, and put a hand on his shoulder to push him away.
       "Jeice, please don't."
      He pulled back slightly and looked at her, puzzled.
       "But you want to."
      Mahrayne swallowed. "What I want, and what I'm allowed to have, aren't necessarily the same thing any more."
      Jeice stroked the back of his fingers over the claim mark on her shoulder.
       "Zorun's decision?"
      She nodded, and the hash'shavven smiled a little sadly.
       "Maybe he'll change his mind one day."
       "I hope so." Mahrayne said fervently.
      'tiisaan returned, plopping himself happily close to his teachers, then he and Jeice, watched by a bemused Hassinan, began to try out ideas for their version of bell-dancing.

Zha'haarak had been attacked by a female elite, someone from Nappa's off-world forces home for some down-time. Cendawan - Mahrayne heard the name spat out venomously - had dislocated the gentle zn'hre's injured hip, causing further damage, and broken bones in both of his hands. Hijau and the High King were murderously furious, and Radittsu wasn't far behind. Mahrayne, wisely, stayed out of the way and did her best to keep the children occupied and quiet. But it was a whole day before she fully understood what had happened, and that was only because she'd specifically asked Kel about it.

"Claims can be challenged?!" Mahrayne was aghast.
      Kelapa nodded. "Doesn't happen very often - "
       "You mean, someone could challenge Zorun for me, and if they beat him they could just take me?!"
       "'rayne - "
       "Is there anything else about this claiming business I should know that hasn't been mentioned?" the Hassinan demanded.
      Kelapa sighed. "I'm sorry you weren't told, but as I said, challenges don't happen often; and Zorun's very strong, there aren't many that'd be stupid enough to challenge him."
      Mahrayne folded her arms tightly across her breasts.
       "I'm not feeling reassured."
      The warrior grinned and hugged her lover.
       "Heh, even if someone did challenge Zorun for you, and did manage to beat him, they'd have to get through me – and probably 'teetza, and 'tiisaan – before we'd let you go."
       "Well, that makes me feel a whole lot better." Mahrayne grumbled into Kel's shoulder, but deep down in a private, secret place she was quietly pleased these people valued her enough to fight for.

Zha'haarak was in agony and there was little that Vinas could do about it, but help came from an unexpected quarter.
       To her annoyance, Mahrayne didn't actually get to see the ki-healers, Dari and Tane, working on Zha'haarak, but they'd clearly done the gentle zn'hre a great deal of good. And of course, that meant Hijau was happier and the atmosphere in the suite was generally more relaxed.
      Mahrayne was looking forward to meeting the females; they were twins, for one thing and she hadn't met a lot of Saiyan twins, but they were also, from Ti'aasaan's description, quite pretty - and there were so many questions she wanted to ask them...

It couldn't be said that Zorun's mind wasn't on his job; it was and he was as focused and watchful as ever, but there was a small part of his consciousness that was anticipating the coming evening – Mahrayne was going to be with him for the next few nights.
       "It's your turn with her, is it?"
      Zorun looked down to find Vejiita smirking at him from his chair behind the desk.
      For a brief moment the King's Guard almost felt humiliated by the King's comment - his mate should, after all, be with him all the time; he shouldn't be sharing her with a female, no matter how deeply Mahrayne cared for (he couldn't bring himself to say 'loved') Kelapa. Then Zorun remembered that Vejiita had a similar arrangement with his Companion and he didn't feel quite so bad.
      The Guard half-smiled and the Saiya-jin-no-Ou grunted.
       "Hn. Well you may as well go now then."
      "Thank you, Sire." Zorun smirked, and saluted crisply before leaving his post without a qualm.

Mid-afternoon. Zorun didn't think he'd have a problem finding his mate, she was likely to be in either the classroom, the suite or the library. He'd try the suite first...
      Zorun scented Mahrayne as he approached the balcony, and he growled - his mate had been fucking someone.
      Mahrayne and one of the lizards - the small one, Ti'aasaan? - were lying asleep together, stretched out naked on a sleeping fur in the full sunsshine. Mahrayne was lying on her side, her head on her arm with her ruffled hair spread out around her like a snowfall. The little lizard was cuddled in to her back, one of his arms draped over her chest, a slim pale-blue hand cupping one of the Hassinan's breasts, and one of his feet was caught comfortably between her calves.
      The Guard hovered near the balcony in secret confusion. Seeing the pair of them so intimately pressed together, he should want to kill the fucking little lizard for daring to touch his mate, but - Zorun wasn't sure what it was he wanted to do, but it didn't include killing the zn'hre. In fact he was having some vague, disturbing, thoughts about picking them both up and all three of them spending the afternoon together in his quarters…


The Saiyan blinked, jerked out of his distraction by Mahrayne's voice - at least, he thought it was her voice; his mate's people were non-telepathic, but sometimes it was almost as if he could *hear* her.

"Zorun?" Mahrayne had lifted her head and was looking at him: well, not looking, strictly speaking, her light-sensitive eyes were mostly closed against the glare of the sunslight, but she had her face towards him.
      "Yes." Zorun smiled and landed softly on the balcony next to her. Mahrayne beamed, and he felt that now familiar, almost painful contraction in his chest.
      "You're early." she said quietly, a small measure of guilt and defiance tingeing her scent.
      "His Majesty gave me the rest of the afternoon off."
      Mahrayne gently extricated herself from the still sleeping zn'hre, then accepted her mate's help in standing up. She smiled ruefully, and Zorun scented her mild exasperation.
       "If I can't help myself now," she murmured, stroking the swell of their child, "what is it going to be like later on?" Zorun chuckled and Mahrayne slid into his embrace, winding her arms around his neck.
      "I'm glad you're here." She kissed him.
      Zorun was intrigued - he was tasting something different in her mouth, something almost sweet… And Ti'aasaan's spicy scent was rising from Mahrayne's skin, twining and mingling with her own sweet muskiness, creating a fragrance that was going straight to his groin. Mahrayne giggled, that low, throaty little laugh she had when she was becoming aroused - not that he couldn't have picked that up from her scent - and she ran long, slim fingers teasingly over his erection.
       "We'll go now, yes?" she said reaching for her clothes.
      Zorun smirked and scooped her up before she could pick up the garment. He was too impatient now to wait for her to get dressed, and besides, his cupboards were stuffed full of her clothes anyway, she could find something to wear - later. Mahrayne squeaked and bit her lip, but didn't insist on getting dressed, just snuggled in closer to her mate's broad body.

"Have fun."
      Zorun looked down. Ti'aasaan was awake and watching them, his head propped up on his hand. The Guard half-smirked; the zn'hre was a skinny little thing, but he was well-endowed for all that. Ti'aasaan noticed the direction of Zorun's gaze and he grinned, rolling over onto his back and stretching slowly, making a show of his supple body. Zorun unconsciously licked his lips and his tail flicked from side to side, an indication of his interest, until he realised what it was doing and wound it securely around his mate's thigh.
       "I'll see you tomorrow, sinam." Mahrayne said to Ti'aasaan, having missed the zn'hre's unsubtle display, because of the glare, just as she was now missing the provocative, teasing look on Ti'aasaan's face as he watched the big male.

Zorun flew them directly, quickly, to his quarters, setting Mahrayne down inside the bed chamber. She opened her eyes with a sigh, grateful that she could see at last.
       "Shall we bathe?" she asked him, heading for the bathroom.
       "Not yet," Zorun caught her wrist lightly in one of his big hands.
       "But I'm all - sweaty!" she protested, and he could detect a trace of guilt in her scent again.
       "And sticky…" he rumbled in amusement, sliding a finger into her. Mahrayne's scent jumped from guilty to fearful, and she watched him apprehensively.
      Zorun withdrew his finger and held it up to her lips.
       "I don't mind you fucking the little lizard," he murmured, "I thought I would, but I don't."
      Mahrayne's lips curved into a smile, relief flooding her scent.
      Zorun frowned. "I should mind…"
      "Maybe - because he's not Saiyan?" Mahrayne offered tentatively.
      The Guard ran his finger gently over his mate's lower lip and she grinned and sucked the digit into her mouth; Zorun's eyes gleamed. He let Mahrayne steer him over to the sleeping platform, where he single-mindedly set about overlaying Ti'aasaan's scent with his own…

© 2002 June 6th Amanda Mullane

Business pt 2
Business pt 1
Third Alliance Chronicle Index