Life Among the Savages - Part 6

"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"

Zorun's words crashed around in her head as Mahrayne felt the universe momentarily grind to a halt.
      "Wh-why do you say that?"
      The male laid his hand gently over her abdomen, and frowned at her with exasperated patience.
      "Because that's my brat in there."
      Mahrayne stared at him. "I don't understand - how can you tell?"
      Zorun didn't - quite - look at her as if she was stupid.
      "Only a brat's parents can sense its ki before it's born."
      "…oh…" Mahrayne said in a small voice, while the part of her brain that wasn't numbing over gleefully pointed out the little hints that - if she'd observed them in someone else - would have firmly indicated a pregnancy.
      How could she not have known?
      Zorun had his hand on her belly, and a sort of distracted, almost soft aspect to his face. The male looked like he couldn't quite believe what he was sensing while still managing to seem very pleased with himself.
      "What can you feel?" Mahrayne whispered, an almost desperate need for confirmation building in her.
      He smiled at her, full of warmth. "Healthy. Bright." Something on her face, or in her scent, must have worried him because he frowned suddenly. "What's the matter?"
      Mahrayne's nails dug into his arm. "I have to be sure."
      "Don't you believe me?"
      She looked at him pleadingly and he sat back, then reached over the edge of the bed and picked up the robe she'd hastily discarded earlier. He handed her the garment.
      I'll take you to the medical centre."

Mahrayne lay on an examination couch, wondering why she couldn't stop shivering. Zorun sat beside her on a stool, letting her clutch his hand while his tail stroked soothingly over her belly. The Saiyan female medic - it had originally been a male, but when he'd stepped towards Mahrayne, and Zorun had bristled and growled, he'd called for a female - attending Mahrayne exuded efficiency as she readied some sort of scanning equipment. R'ren'nkh'ian technology, Ayva cheerfully informed Mahrayne, who let that piece of irrelevancy slide away from her along with a good two-thirds of everything else the female was saying.
      "Right, let's see what we can find." the medic said, helping Mahrayne lift her robe up past her navel, then stopped and frowned at the Hassinan.
      "I assume your womb is in the same place as ours?"
      Mahrayne's memory flicked quickly through, and compared, the information she'd gathered on both Hassinan and Saiyan physiology.
      "Yes." she confirmed after a moment.
      "Ah, good, that should make things a little easier." The medic placed the probe on Mahrayne's abdomen and smiled. "Watch the monitor."
      The female slowly passed the mechanism experimentally back and forth over Mahrayne's belly, finally stopping in one spot.
      "There we are." she said with some satisfaction.
      Zorun was squinting at the screen, unable to make much sense of the image, but Mahrayne, who could see patterns in chaos, almost instantly knew what she was looking at.
      "It's real…" she quavered, her nails digging into Zorun's forearm.
      "Where?" he growled, frustrated. The medic pointed out the pale splodge on the screen. The male's eyes went very wide and he grinned lop-sidedly.
      "Heh." he said again.
      Mahrayne studied the image of the child - her child - with a detached, almost clinical numbness. It was very early in its development, but it was recognizable by its almost formed limbs and… she drew in a shuddering breath.
      "Is that a tail?"
      Ayva tapped some keys on the attached console, isolating and magnifying the image enough to clearly show the still short appendage curving up between the embryo's legs.
      "Sure is." she grinned.
      Zorun smirked at Mahrayne - an infuriatingly superior 'I told you so' smirk.
      The medic was scrutinizing the bursts of information being thrown up in the corner of the screen.
      "Everything seems to be fine," she said, "there's nothing to indicate the foetus isn't viable…" the medic glanced at Mahrayne as the Hassinan bit back a sob.
      "Are you sure?"
      "Almost completely, but I'll run some tests." Ayva made a note on a scriber. "If this was a standard Saiyan pregnancy I'd say you were about twenty days in. Can you give me an idea of how far along this would be in a Hassinan pregnancy?"
      Mahrayne studied the image again. Over the years she'd read a lot of the G'geckan texts on Hassinan pregnancy, and been witness to numerous miscarriages - she figured she could make a very accurate guess.
      "Only about one hundred days. But it couldn't be that long," Mahrayne added, looking at Zorun for confirmation, "at the most the baby is thirty-five days old."
      The medic stared at her. "Only a hundred days? How long do your people's pregnancies go on for?"
      "About two of your years."
      Ayva blinked - so did Zorun - then the female frowned and turned back to the monitor.
      "It seems to be developing faster than a Hassinan foetus, but slower than a Saiyan." She grinned again. "At this stage I couldn't even guess about a due date. Maybe if I contact your people for more information - "
      "No!" Mahrayne said quickly.
      The medic's frown deepened as she regarded the Hassinan.
      "I - I don't want them to know."
      Mahrayne fought down her panic, aware of Zorun growling in reaction at her side. "Contact the G'geckans, they'll be more help anyway; they know more about us than we do ourselves."
      The female nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, Vinas contacted them about the High King's mate - they were very knowledgeable…"
      "If you do, please be discreet," Mahrayne almost pleaded with the medic, "I really don't want anyone on Hassina to know about this yet."
      Ayva smiled a little condescendingly. "If you insist. But in the meantime I'll need to get blood and tissue samples from you both…"

Zorun carried a still shivering Mahrayne out of the medical centre, a look of concern in his dark eyes.
      "Are you all right?"
      She smiled tremulously at him. "I will be - once this has really sunk in…"
      Mahrayne continued to be numb, a large part of her simply unable to comprehend that something she'd wanted so desperately for most of her life, was actually happening. She'd seen the baby, intellectually she knew it was real, but emotionally… Mahrayne felt like she'd been shoved, hard, off balance.
      He looked down at her.
      "Could we go to the glade, please? I need to dance."
      Actually, what she needed was to trance - but Mahrayne wasn't quite sure how to explain that to the Saiyan.
      Zorun flew them to the gardens, and for the first time Mahrayne barely noticed the flight. He set her down in the centre of her favourite spot - letting her feet touch the ground without taking his arms from around her - and waited for her to speak. Mahrayne shook herself out of her distraction, reached up and pulled his face down for a deep kiss.
       "I'm going to trance."
      He frowned at her uncomprehendingly. Mahrayne tried to explain.
       "It's like my body will be here, but my mind won't be."
      The big male scowled, uncertain.
      "I've heard of this sort of thing." he rumbled quietly, "is it dangerous for you?"
      Mahrayne shook her head, looking up at him through her long, pale eyelashes.
      "No, but I will feel safer if you're here to guard me."
      She watched Zorun almost swell with determination as the big male's protective instincts leapt to the fore, and he nodded and released her. Mahrayne didn't smile; she really didn't like manipulating him like that, but she needed this and if it was the only way to get his co-operation...
      "Thank you." She kissed him again and stepped away from him. "Can you wake me if I'm not back to myself before first sun's rise? Just call my name a few times." she added, anticipating his question.
      Zorun made himself comfortable, sitting cross-legged, watchfully, against a tree. He held out a hand for Mahrayne's robe as she stripped, folding the bright garment neatly and placing it on the ground beside him as she began to dance.
      The tantalising lure of trancing was always there when Mahrayne danced. Most times she looked away, but now she turned towards it, embracing the dark warmth, happily submerging herself in it.

When she was awake, Mahrayne could never remember what happened while she tranced; the opposite was true when she was trancing. As she sank further in, the memories of all her past trances awoke while her awareness and memories of the physical world retreated.
      She joyfully greeted the golden presence that always awaited her when she tranced, melding her own bright goldeness with its own, both of their hearts singing their mutual love and contentment - that wonderful sense of perfect completeness. Only when they were fully entwined did the combined consciousness become aware of the other, fainter presence hovering close by. They moved towards it, sensing a newness and a wonder about the silvery glow. Their joined golden presences radiated welcome, gently enfolding the silver, uniting its brightness with their own.
      They looked up from their rapt communion into the shadowy, barely distinguishable veil of the physical world, only just able to discern the features of the place where Mahrayne's body danced. But there was no significance in the solid otherworld, not compared to the other presences they could sense nearby. Right now, very close to them, was a steady red glow. 'Zorun' - not so much a word as a concept - drifted through them, provoking feelings of happiness and love. They travelled - pausing to briefly caress themselves through that first red glow - towards another, similar glow that called to them. 'Kelapa' - the timbre of the feelings this one aroused where a little different… deeper. They mingled lovingly with that presence before an echoey throb of pain shivered through them, tugging their attention away from the warm glow towards a hurting.
      They regarded the dull red presence sadly, aware of, but unable to do anything about the pain that pulsed through it in time with the contraction of the thin thread that joined it to an equally tormented presence an eternity away. They did what they could, though, gently enfolding the suffering being, offering warm, bright comfort before leaving that presence to travel along the taut thread to the wan, green presence at the other end. They lingered there, offering similar comfort, before being pulled to a bright emerald glow nearby.
      Zha'tiisaan - there was a deep delight associated with this word, and they joyfully reached out to the presence, embracing it, their colours mingling and swirling into patterns of joy as they soared and whirled in an ecstatic dance of exultation…
      But it was time to return. They regretfully pulled back from the emerald presence, leaving it behind before even more regretfully separating into their original three entities.

Mahrayne slipped back into her body…

… and raised her hands to the sky, stretching up to the stars. For a few minutes she simply swayed, savouring the dowon, the deep contentment trancing always left her with.
      "'rayne?" Zorun queried softly.
      She turned gracefully to him and grinned.
      "There's some food left in your quarters, yes?"
      He nodded.
      "Can we go there, please? I'm very hungry."

Mahrayne wolfed down the remains of the meat under Zorun's watchfully amused gaze, then dragged him back to bed wanting nothing more than to feel the solid warmth of him surrounding her, and in her. She fell asleep with Zorun holding her close, one of his large hands resting lightly on her belly.

It was full daylight when she woke. Mahrayne stretched luxuriously in the empty bed, arching against the soft sheets, her dark golden eyes closed as she blissfully worked out the stiffness left over from her deep sleep. Her eyes flashed open and she sat up quickly, realising suddenly she was alone.
      Where was Zorun?
      Mahrayne was about to get up when the door to the quarters slid open and Zorun walked in.
      "Good. You're awake."
      He dumped the food on a ledge and advanced on her, stripping off his bodysuit, his tail swaying leisurely behind him. Before Mahrayne could properly greet him, though, she found herself pinned gently but securely on the bed by Zorun's heavy frame. She giggled and relaxed underneath him, smiling up at the handsome male - who was producing some sort of soft, rhythmic rumble from his chest, the vibrations from which were tickling through her body, relaxing her even more. Mahrayne was quietly delighted; she'd heard Radittsu make a similar noise when he was - she assumed - particularly content. Zorun, still making that oddly soothing sound, kissed softly down her neck, over her throat and along her shoulders, lingering over the places he knew were particularly susceptible to his touch. Mahrayne gasped and wriggled against him as much as she could, her arousal blossoming from deep within her…
      She wasn't sure how it happened - and was by then too busy drowning in sensation to care - but found herself on her side with Zorun behind her, one arm over her waist, the other over her shoulder holding her tightly against his strong body. He wrapped his tail around her thigh and gently pulled her legs apart before sliding with delicious slowness into her. Mahrayne gasped and moaned as Zorun set his own, teasing, pace; held immobile as she was she had no choice but to let him take control. She came first, her climax seemingly more intense as she couldn't move with it, and shortly after the breath was squeezed from her body when Zorun's grip on her tightened during his own orgasm.
      Mahrayne drowsed, happily relaxed against Zorun, idly contemplating the food she could smell. She'd eat later, she wasn't hungry enough to be bothered with stirring herself out of the comfort of Zorun's embrace just yet. The male had resumed his kissing and licking of her neck and shoulders and Mahrayne sighed - she knew she'd have to get up soon for the lessons, but this was so nice. She drifted, giving herself up to the wonderful sensations, thinking a little fuzzily that Zorun was very good with his mouth… his lips… his tongue… his teeth…
      Wait a minute. His teeth?
      The sharpness bearing down on her tender neck jolted Mahrayne out of her sensual haze.
      "Zorun! Wait!"
      She struggled against his grip - her elbow in his ribs surprising him enough to release her - and she scooted away from him, flipping herself over to face the confused male.
      "What were you doing?"
      "I - "
      "You were going to claim me, weren't you?!"
      Zorun looked uncomfortable but said nothing.
      "You weren't even going to ask?!" Mahrayne was incensed.
      The male ran a hand through his dark, spiky mane in frustration.
      "What's to ask?" he demanded. "You're carrying my brat, that gives me the right!"
      He made it sound like the most obvious thing in the world and Mahrayne was speechless.
      "I'm going now." Her voice was deceptively calm, all thoughts of a lazy breakfast vanished. Zorun sighed and climbed off the bed.
      "I'll take you back to the suite."
      "No need." Mahrayne snapped, struggling into her robe. "I'll walk."
      Zorun growled and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. A silent battle of wills ensued until finally Mahrayne grimaced and looked away from his darkly intense gaze, folding her arms petulantly over her chest. Zorun made an exasperated sound and his tail twitched irritably as he pulled on his uniform.
       Neither of them said a word during the short flight - both of them believing themselves grievously wronged. Zorun landed on the balcony, setting Mahrayne on her feet, then turned to leave. She gripped his forearm before he could launch himself into the air.
      "We'll talk about this later, yes?"
      Zorun grunted, dark eyes flashing - then he bent down and swiftly kissed her with a breath-taking gentleness before leaping into the air.
      Mahrayne, confused, watched him go.
      Had he just said 'sorry'?

Mahrayne stepped into the suite to find herself scrutinized by six pairs of bright Saiyan eyes.
      "What?" she said, unnerved.
      "You're going to have a baby!" Buahan squealed and flung herself at her tutor.
      Mahrayne laughed and hugged the child, deliberately putting her vexation behind her.
      "I am, sinam, but how did you know?"
      "It's all over Guard Headquarters." Hijau was smiling.
      Leteetza smirked at the look on Mahrayne's face.
      "No secrets, remember. The news has probably filtered down to the lower ranks already." The little female hugged her, then frowned, her nostrils twitching.
      "What's the matter?" she asked quietly.
      Mahrayne shrugged, and for a second her brittle control slipped, making her voice waver.
       "It's nothing, really…"
      Leteetza didn't look convinced but she didn't push either.
      Mahrayne sat down next to Kelapa, Buahan immediately arranging herself comfortably in the Hassinan's lap. The warrior gave Mahrayne a half-smile, handing her a platter of seared meat.
      "Hungry? You've got time to eat before the lesson starts."
      Mahrayne gratefully accepted the food and kissed the oddly quiet female; she got the strangest feeling that Kelapa was being - brave? - about something. The feeling disappeared when Kel smiled at her, the warrior's rich brown eyes warm with love.
      "I'm very happy for you. About the brat, I mean." She wound her tail around Mahrayne's waist. "How are you feeling?"
      "A bit odd, to be honest," Mahrayne leant in to her lover's warmth, "I don’t think it's sunk in yet."
      "It'll be all too real when it starts bouncing on your bladder!" Leteetza snorted, making Mahrayne laugh around her mouthful of meat.

The large screen in the classroom winked on showing Ti'aasaan standing alone and smiling.
      "Good morning! They're just on their way - "
      "'rayne's going to have a baby!" Buahan blurted out. Ti'aasaan's eyes lit up and he looked at the Hassinan, who nodded, grinning with self-conscious delight.
      "That's wonderful!" the little zn'hre clapped his hands together. "How did you find out?"
      "Zorun sensed the child's ki, then I had it confirmed at the medical centre."
      Ti'aasaan's large golden eyes were so bright it looked as if he was going to cry.
      "I knew there was something more to your moods than just being tired."
      Mahrayne's face fell. "I'm really sorry, Ti'aasaan, if I'd realised I could have warned you what to expect - "
      "It's not important now." the little zn'hre interrupted, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand and beaming at her. "When is the baby due?"
      Mahrayne shook her head ruefully. "No idea. Somewhere between a Saiyan and a Hassinan pregnancy, I guess."
      Ti'aasaan glanced to the side, then turned back to her, grinning broadly.
      "They're here." he said redundantly as the hostlings tumbled into the room, followed by Zha'haarak. The gentle zn'hre smiled at her warmly, even though his eyes were shadowed.
      "Congratulations, Mahrayne…"
      "Thank you." she said shyly.
      'tiisaan bounced into view.
      "'rayne! I had a dream about you last night!"
      "Did you, sinam?"
      'tiisaan was almost painfully animated, speaking quickly, his words tumbling out like a waterfall over a high ledge.
      "It was wonderful. We were dancing, only it was like we were flying - and 'miiron said he saw you too!" The young dancer frowned. "Though, he said it was like there was more of you but I don't understand what he meant. Dadda Zh'ak says you're going to have a baby?"
      Mahrayne blinked at sudden change of topic. "Yes, I am."
      He frowned in concern. "Are you still going to be able to dance?"
      "I hope so!" she laughed, "but that's a consideration for the future. In the meantime, let's get to work, yes?"

Mahrayne had been surreptitiously watching Hijau since the family had left. She was concerned; the Guard was losing weight, she was sure of it, and the dark circles under his eyes could only mean he wasn't sleeping well either. Mahrayne knew Kelapa was also worried about the grieving Saiyan, and she'd had an idea.
      "Kel, I'd like to ask Hijau to share our bed."
      The female leered at her. "I don’t mind but I don't think Zorun would approve."
      Mahrayne frowned slightly at her lover, not rising to Kel's joking tone.
      "Not for sex, for companionship."
      "You're serious?"
      "Yes. Hijau must be terribly lonely without Zha'haarak, and sleeping by yourself when you're not used to it is awful."
      Mahrayne was remembering her first few days on Vejiitasei, when, as the only female in her people's delegation she'd had a room to herself. She'd hated it, feeling unprotected, naked somehow without other people around her while she slept. Truth be told she'd been so miserable with the situation she'd have gladly gone back to sharing with her mother rather than be alone any more.
      "I don't know if he'll agree," Kel said thoughtfully, "but it won't hurt to ask."

It was early evening, and Hijau was standing on the balcony, staring at nothing - again.
      "Hijau-sama?" Mahrayne called gently to him. The male politely turned to face her.
      "Kelapa and I - " Mahrayne paused - how to make the offer without it sounding like a proposition? She took a deep breath and plunged on. "We want you to know that you are welcome - more than welcome - to share our bed… if you like."
      Hijau gave her a ghost of a smirk, opening his mouth to speak. Then obviously thinking better of what he'd been going to say, he closed his mouth and inclined his head politely.
      "Thank you." he said simply.

It wasn't that night, or the night after, but the following night, before Hijau took up the females' offer. Standing a little awkwardly in their doorway, the red-haired male waited until Mahrayne pulled the bed covers back in silent invitation, making room for him between herself and Kelapa. Hijau climbed into the bed with an understated gratefulness that made Mahrayne's heart ache, and she snuggled into his side, aware that there was very little she or Kel could do to ease the male's pain.
      That set the pattern, for a little while at least. Leteetza and the heirs would go to Vejiita's rooms in the evening, and every few days Mahrayne and Kelapa would welcome Hijau into their bed when his need to simply be held got too much for him.
      But as FullMoon approached, being held wasn't all that Hijau needed.
      Mahrayne woke with a start one night to the sounds of Kelapa and Hijau having sex. The Hassinan grinned into the near dark and lazily rolled onto her side to watch.
      Kel was on all fours, her head thrown back as she angled her pelvis up for him while Hijau, his eyes closed tightly, was thrusting strongly into her from behind, holding her hips tight enough to bruise. To be honest, neither of the Saiyans looked particularly comfortable with the situation - both of them were keeping their tails away from the other - but it was very erotic for Mahrayne to watch Kel being fucked like that. Mahrayne smirked as she moved closer to them, reaching up to fondle the base of the female's tail - if Kel thought she'd be able to go to sleep when she'd finished with Hijau, she'd better think again…

As Moonyear progressed, Mahrayne found Zorun's attitude towards her was changing, as Leteetza had predicted. The big male was more intense, more focused on her, frequently turning up late at night on the suite's balcony when he couldn't sleep for wanting her. Mahrayne was never sure how, but she always knew when he was there and she'd slip out of bed and go to him, no more able to ignore the summons than he could stop himself from issuing it.
      Zorun would carry her to the glade and they'd make love urgently until he was relaxed – or exhausted – enough to sleep. Sometimes he took her back to the suite, and sometimes they slept in the glade, the big male curled protectively, possessively, around her. While Mahrayne found the intensity of Zorun's attention a little scary, it was also exhilarating and satisfying in a peculiar sort of way.
      Kelapa wasn't at all happy about it, but being Saiyan she understood more than Mahrayne ever could the needs and desires driving the big male. It didn't help that Mahrayne was pregnant. Even though Zorun, as one of the Elite Guard, had been trained to resist the moon's effects, the knowledge that Mahrayne was carrying his cub made it all the more imperative for him to be with, and protect, his mate. Kelapa kept her misery to herself, knowing – hoping – that things would settle down after FullMoon.
      But in the meantime it meant no one was getting much sleep.
      "'rayne, I think it'd be easier for us all if you stayed with Zorun every night."
      "But - what about you?"
      "I'll see you during the day," the warrior smiled ruefully, "besides, it's not a good idea for you to be in the bed while Hijau and I are fucking."
      Mahrayne nodded unhappily; even though neither Hijau or herself had made a move towards the other - attractive as the flame-haired male was, she felt no desire for him, and Hijau wasn’t about to risk having Zorun tear out his throat - it was just tempting fate for her to go near Zorun with even a trace of the smaller male's sex scent on her.
      "Are you sure?"
      Kel hugged her tightly. "I'm sure. 'm gonna miss you though."
      "I'll miss you too."
      It was true, much as Mahrayne loved waking up with Zorun, she missed having Kel beside her, and especially missed those quiet, still mornings when she would wake the female up early and make love to her until she didn't have the breath to complain about missing out on sleep.
      So Mahrayne went to Zorun every night - which helped him stay calm enough to function - and things sort of settled down again. There was one problem that kept cropping up, though; Zorun wanted to claim her, badly, and Mahrayne had refused him every time. She told him, in all seriousness, that if he was going to claim her, then it was only fair that Kel could too. Zorun's lip invariably curled at that suggestion, but it shut him up. Mahrayne's reasons for refusing were a little more complex though than simply making sure her lovers got an equal share of her. Mahrayne knew, in her heart of hearts, that no matter how deeply she cared for the male, if she was going to be restricted to one partner she wanted that to be Kelapa. Add to that her being scared silly by the thought of being bitten by a Saiyan, and Mahrayne felt quite justified in her decision.
      But even though she'd said no, and Zorun tacitly complied, Mahrayne felt she couldn't ever really relax her vigilance with the big male because, every now and then while they were making love, she'd experience the barest grazing of his teeth over her neck.

Mahrayne had taken to spending a lot of time in the library, finding it a refuge of sorts from the undercurrents of tension swirling around the Saiyans. Her curiosity prompted her to dip into the Saiyan birth records - genealogy was a national obsession on Hassina – and she was appalled by the haphazard organisation of the records. Mahrayne found a lot of the older parchments had deteriorated through careless storage, and took it upon herself – with Ubi's willing consent – to put the Saiya-jin records in some sort of order. She delighted in the time-consuming task; not only did the concentration needed to make sense of the jumble help her to forget her own niggling worries, but she was picking up some fascinating tidbits of Saiyan sexual goings-on.
      She shared a particularly juicy piece of archaic gossip with Leteetza, Kelapa and Hijau one afternoon in the gardens while the heirs chased each other around the trees.
      "Did you know – " she began, grinning mischievously at the three Saiyans, " – that King Vejiita and Radittsu are related?"
      That got their attention.
      "Their grandmothers were half-sisters, apparently." Mahrayne continued. "Vejiita's grandmother was the 'legitimate' line; her half-sister's mother wasn't claimed so her offspring wasn't officially recognised. Fascinating, yes?"
      Leteetza frowned in thought.
      "There are similarities between Vejiita's and Radittsu's features..."
      "And there's Kobis; his mane is a little like Rad-san's." Hijau added pensively.
      "And just think," Mahrayne said, "if Fate had dropped the stones another way, it would be Radittsu on the throne."
      That statement caused some raised eyebrows and involuntary tail twitches.
      Kelapa grinned at Mahrayne.
      "So what other skeletons have you found rattling around under people's beds?"
      "I'm probably missing lots, not being familiar with your people or history." She beamed winningly at Kel. "You could always come and help me in the library - give me the proper perspective?"
      A look of barely concealed horror crossed the warrior's face, and she shook her head vehemently.
      "Why not?" Mahrayne teased. "Rummaging around in dusty old parchments is fun."
       "Your idea of fun, maybe, not mine!" Kelapa snorted. "My type of fun is hunting, or fighting – " she fixed Mahrayne with a sultry look, " – or fucking."
      "Well, then," Mahrayne coaxed, "come down to the library and help me with my fun, then later we'll see what we can do about your fun."

A couple of days later - and still not having been able to convince Kelapa to so much as put a tail tip inside the library - Mahrayne unearthed another piece of intriguing information. She shared it with Hijau after the acting-Captain had arrived back from his daily conversation with Zha'haarak.
      "Hijau-sama," she asked him as he was preparing to go back to Guard Headquarters. "Your father is councillor Limau, yes?"
      The red-haired Guard nodded, distracted.
      "Did you know you have a sister?"
      He stared at her, dumbfounded. "A sister? Who?"
      "Don't know, the record is unreadable. The only information Ubi and I could decipher is that your sister's mother is high status and her name begins with a 'K'." Mahrayne frowned, "… or maybe an 'F'."
      "Well, that narrows it down." Hijau said with mild sarcasm.
      "Maybe you could ask your father?" Mahrayne suggested hopefully. Hijau shrugged, implying he wasn't that worried about it, then headed out of the suite. Mahrayne pouted a little, swallowing her thwarted curiosity. Maybe when Zha'haarak came back and Hijau wasn't so - pre-occupied, he'd be more interested in finding out about his mysterious sibling.

The times for the children's lessons had to be adjusted occasionally - R'ren'nkh'ian days were shorter than Vejiitasei ones - otherwise they would have found themselves needing to be in the classroom before sunsrise on Vejiitasei, or well into the night on R'ren'nkh'ia - and every so often lessons were suspended for a little while until the days were more favorably matched again. The hostlings and heirs adapted easily to the altered study routines, however, and for the most part seemed quite happy. Both parts of the family spoke together daily over the comm-link, and while it wasn't the same as them being together, it was better than nothing.
      'tiisaan took every opportunity to show Mahrayne what he'd been learning from Jeice, and the results of his collaboration with Bri'seiyis. Mahrayne was pleased and proud of his progress; even at this young age he showed great potential and dedication to his art. Mahrayne missed dancing with the little zn'hre, and while Kelapa was happy to watch her dance - especially when Mahrayne practiced the forms that Jeice had taught her - she just couldn't tempt the Saiyan to try them for herself.
      The High King's pregnancy was progressing without drama, it seemed; Zha'haabron looked happy and content, if a little tired at times. To Mahrayne, who was used to long, drawn out pregnancies, the High King's belly appeared to be swelling at an alarming rate, his body racing towards the birth of his and his bondmate's hybrids.
      Mahrayne had no idea when she would start to show, but she was looking forward to the event with mingled eagerness and dread. On one side, it would be wonderful to have tangible evidence of the child to point to and say 'Look! See? It's real!'; but on the other side, the longer she could hide her condition, the longer she could put off the inevitable confrontation with her family. Ayva had conferred with her G'geckan counterpart, and after more scans and tests the medics were able to narrow down the due date for Mahrayne's baby.
      "Somewhere between five-hundred and six-hundred and fifty days. Sorry we can't be more specific yet."
      Zorun, who made a point of being with Mahrayne every time she went to the medical centre, frowned at his mate.
      "That's a long time."
      Mahrayne squeezed his hand and smiled. "It's a very short time from my perspective."
      Mahrayne's biggest concern for her child was addressed early on. As a female barred from breeding because of the genetic abnormalities in her chart, she'd been anxious about passing on these faults to her baby. Another test - involving a large needle that Mahrayne just couldn't bring herself to look at - was carried out, and after the results had been closely scrutinized by the medics, the Saiyan/Hassinan hybrid was pronounced clear of genetic defects. Mahrayne had cried, sobbing with happiness and relief while Zorun held her, the big male not really understanding the significance of an imperfect female bearing a perfect child.

Although the little female never said anything, Mahrayne knew Leteetza was missing her children dreadfully. But interestingly enough, the separation was helping the little hybrids with their speech. 'ani and 'leen couldn't *talk* to their mother over the distance and so had to resort to vocalizing. Neither of them were happy about this at first, looking pleadingly at Ti'aasaan to translate for them, but with gentle encouragement from their father, and mountains of praise from everyone else, the twins gradually began to talk.
      While the heirs loved Leteetza enormously and were delighted to be spending so much time with her and their father, and while she in turn was happy to spend time with the young Saiyans, it was still hard for the little female to be separated from her children. What she needed, Mahrayne decided, was a little distraction.
      Leteetza sat at the console in the suite, frowning at the screen. Mahrayne raised an eyebrow at Kel then looked significantly at the little female. Kelapa smirked and stood up.
      "Come on, brats!" she called the heirs, "let's go flying..."
      Leteetza eyed Mahrayne suspiciously once they were alone in the suite.
      "What are you up to?"
      Mahrayne smiled and stood behind her - gently, teasingly kissing the female's neck.
      "I've got too much to do - " Leteetza protested while unconsciously leaning into Mahrayne's embrace.
      "Come with me." Mahrayne said softly and lead the female into her room.
      Leteetza went to launch herself at Mahrayne but was stopped by a firm hand in the middle of her chest, and an enigmatic smile. Leteetza looked at her questioningly, but let the Hassinan strip off her crop-top and briefs. Mahrayne kissed her softly then fetched a couple of her jewellery boxes from the shelf.
      Leteetza crossed her arms across her chest and scowled.
      "Can't we just fuck?"
      Mahrayne looked at her with all the big-eyed winsomeness she'd learnt from Ti'aasaan.
      "You'd deny me this pleasure? In my condition?"
      Leteetza growled.
      "Are you going to use that as an excuse for whatever outrageous behaviour you can come up with?"
      Mahrayne smirked and stayed silent, concentrating on stroking smoothly down the little female's back to the base of her tail.
      "Let me guess," Leteetza tried to continue against the exquisite sensation of Mahrayne's fingers through her fur, "pregnant Hassinan are always indulged?"
      "Without hesitation." Mahrayne whispered softly into the Saiyan's ear, making her shiver.

Mahrayne stood Leteetza in front of the large mirror, then began to drape the contents of the small boxes over her friend's body. The Hassinan made a sensual feast of it, sensitising Leteetza's skin with licks and caresses before putting each piece of jewellery into place, letting her experience fully the tingle of cold metals against her hot skin. Mahrayne's desire notched higher with every piece of jewellery she loaded onto Leteetza, and the little female smirked.
      "You're supposed to get more aroused taking things off, aren't you?"
      Mahrayne just grinned and silenced her by raking her nails lightly around the base of the female's tail.
      Bangles and armbands ran the length of the little female's arms, and rings were slipped onto most of her fingers; an intricate filigree mesh collar went around her neck, spreading over her chest and dipping to a point between her breasts; a pair of matching somethings covered the back of Leteetza's hands, looping over her middle fingers and around her wrists. A delicate chain belt, that had a second, contrasting chain scalloped along it, went around her waist; and Mahrayne wound loops of braided metals, threaded with colourful facetted beads, around the female's ankles. Into Leteetza's thick dark-red mane Mahrayne threaded strands of glittering gems and lastly, a beautiful metal headband, richly etched, went around the female's forehead. Mahrayne stood behind her friend and looked at the female's reflection in the mirror. Leteetza's dark-green eyes were wide, almost disbelieving.
      "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" Mahrayne whispered to her. Leteetza's lips quirked up into her familiar 'you're mad, but I'll humour you' smile, and Mahrayne chuckled into her ear, making the female shiver again and set the exotic jewellery shimmering. Mahrayne fondled the female's tail with one hand, reaching around with the other to tease at her groin, watching her reaction in the mirror before settling comfortably to her knees in front of the Saiyan. Mahrayne glanced impishly up at Leteetza then gently used her thumbs to part the folds of delicate flesh between her legs, exposing the female's sensitive nub to the Hassinan's soft, mobile tongue.
      By the time Mahrayne had finished with her, Leteetza was trembling with fatigue brought on from a surfeit of pleasure, unable to do more than simply lie on the bed while Mahrayne carefully removed the jewellery, humming contentedly to herself.
      "What about you?" the little female asked when she could form words again.
      Mahrayne lay down beside her, cuddling in close, and smiled.
      "Sometimes I get more pleasure from reducing someone to a physical wreck than I do from my own enjoyment." she kissed the tip of the Saiyan's nose, "but you know that already."
      Leteetza shook her head in disbelief then closed her eyes and slept.

It was getting close to the time for Mahrayne to leave and she couldn't put off any longer the call she needed to make to Hassina. She gathered her determination about her and set off to the Diplomatic corps to contact her people's Lead Speaker.
      "It is good to hear from you, daughter." Marldus smiled in what could have been genuine pleasure.
      "And you, Lead Speaker." Mahrayne smiled demurely back. "I have a request to make of you…"
      Mahrayne told the older Hassinan that she needed to return to Hassina - and why - and explained her need for an area to be allocated for her use as a classroom.
      "You'll be returning to Vejiitasei once this FullMoon is over?" Marldus asked.
      Mahrayne lifted her chin a little defiantly, and nodded.
      "Very well." Marldus looked thoughtful. "Your father won't like it but - "
      "That is why I have contacted you, Lead Speaker, rather than him."
      The older male chuckled. "Very well, daughter, I'll smooth the way for you. It will be good to have you home… for a while."

Mahrayne felt an enormous relief having got that uncomfortable piece of business out of the way, and she practically skipped out of the Diplomatic building - turning a corner too quickly and almost colliding with an older, red-haired Saiyan.
      She apologised profusely for her clumsiness and then realised she'd almost run down Hijau's father, the councillor Limau. For a second she had the insane notion of asking him about his daughter, but squashed that thought quickly before she had the chance to cause offence. The councillor gracefully accepted her apology, then smiling, excused himself and continued on his way. Mahrayne began to move off, then stopped and frowned to herself; there was something about the councillor's eyes when he smiled that reminded her of someone… She remembered how she'd had the same thought at the feast she'd attended a while ago, and as then, was unable to pin down what it was that nagged at her. She shrugged philosophically: much as she hated leaving a mystery, there was not enough spare time to think about it.

Mahrayne really didn't want to return to her homeworld and the closer she got to the day of departure the more certain she was it was a bad idea. But there was nowhere else for her to go; R'ren'nkh'ia was out of the question - she'd never survive the heat, and there were no other planets, yet, that she felt comfortable in visiting. There was one bright spot in the grey though - Kelapa had received permission to accompany Mahrayne to Hassina. The lovers were very happy about being able to spend some time by themselves, even if Kel could only stay for a day or so before returning to Vejiitasei.

The time sped by and too soon Leteetza and the heirs - with a guard of Saiyan Elite - were boarding the transport for R'ren'nkh'ia. It was quite a send-off. King Vejiita was there, with Zorun in attendance, as well as half the Elite Guard it seemed, and a goodly proportion of the diplomatic corps. The Lady Kayusu didn't make an appearance, not that Buahan seemed the least bothered by that, thrilled as she and her brothers were to be going to join their playmates on a new planet! Mahrayne tried not to watch the discreetly tender goodbye the King and his Companion exchanged, but she couldn't help smiling just a little... it was so sweet. For the sake of a happy farewell, Mahrayne ruthlessly suppressed her envy for the departing Saiyans; the family were going to be together again – except for Hijau and Zha'haarak - while Mahrayne couldn't shake the feeling she was going into exile. Mahrayne – with Zorun watching her obliquely and Kelapa hugging her - watched the transport disappear, and felt bereft.

It was a dismal afternoon. Mahrayne mooched around desultorily packing the few things she'd need for the journey before heading off to spend her last night on Vejiitasei with Zorun.
       The big male was tenser than usual, never taking his eyes off her all through the evening meal and later, in the grove where Mahrayne danced under the stars for what felt the last time in a hundred years, he was almost frightening in his intensity.
      Zorun watched her dance until finally, with a growl that had an edge of desperation to it, he pulled her to him, freeing his erection and plunging into her without preamble. Mahrayne was used to at least a little preparation and bit her lip against the sudden sharp discomfort. She'd learnt a thing or two though, about having sex with an impatient species, and was able to manoeuvre herself in his grip to a more comfortable angle. Despite the abrupt start to their love-making, Mahrayne soon felt herself being swept up in his passion, moving with him, losing herself in the glories of sex with Zorun so much so that she didn't realise he'd sunk his teeth into the juncture of her neck and shoulder until it was too late.
      Mahrayne's eyes widened in shock as the pain from his bite registered and with an adrenaline-fuelled strength she shoved herself away from him. She touched her hand to her neck then stared at the blood – her blood – coating her fingers.
      "What have you done?!" she snarled at him, feeling a peculiar, fierce satisfaction when the big male flinched.
      "'Niffumahg eh denillh!" Mahrayne screeched and slapped him hard, leaving a smeared, wetly red imprint of her hand across his angled cheek. She grabbed her robe and ran, somehow managing to struggle into it before she got to the palace.

Trembling with shock she stumbled into the suite, straight into Kelapa's arms.
      "He – he's claimed me!" she wailed, breaking into tearing sobs.
      Kelapa picked her up bodily and carried her into their room; Mahrayne was peripherally aware of Hijau leaving the suite.
       "Let's get you cleaned up." The warrior spoke calmly, soothingly as she stripped the bloodied robe from her lover and went with her into the shower. Kelapa held her up under the spray and Mahrayne yelped when the hot water hit the wounds, making them sting. The warmth of the water, and Kelapa's nearness, was comforting, though, and Mahrayne eventually stopped shaking. She looked up at the female, confusion and pain in her eyes.
      "Why did he do that? He knows I didn't want it."
      Kelapa kissed her forehead.
      "He's a fucking idiot." She sighed. "But I don't blame him."
      Mahrayne stared disbelievingly at her lover, and Kelapa did her best to explain.
      "You're his mate – and you're leaving. I'm not saying he was right in claiming you," she added hastily, smoothing Mahrayne's hair, "but I can understand."
      Kelapa gently probed the wound on Mahrayne's neck, making the Hassinan wince. "Hn. It's stopped bleeding at least." She turned off the water and wrapped Mahrayne in a drying cloth before settling her on the bed, holding her tightly against the shivering which had started again.
      "Let me deal with this," the warrior said softly dropping her face to Mahrayne's neck.
      "What are you doing?" the Hassinan flinched away from her.
      "Shhh..." Kelapa soothed, "this will help." And with that the female began to very gently lick the bite mark on her lover's neck. It did help, Mahrayne found, in an odd sort of way, and worn out from shock and reaction, she soon fell asleep under Kel's rhythmic ministration.

Mahrayne woke before dawn the next day, her hand immediately going to her neck as she remembered what had happened. The wound – Zorun's claim mark, she reminded herself bitterly - ached like fuck underneath the soft bandage Kel must have dressed it with while she slept. Mahrayne felt the tears well up – what was she going to do? She couldn't, just couldn't live with this – it wasn't fair! Kelapa stirred beside her, and Mahrayne clamped down on her hysteria before it woke the female. She miserably snuggled back under the covers, prepared to get some more sleep. She couldn't get back to sleep though, her thoughts about what had happened – what he had done to her - churned over and over in her head. It was going to be a long day.

Mahrayne took one last wistful look around the suite – she was going to miss this place. Kelapa smiled at her.
      Mahrayne sighed, struggling to keep the tears from her eyes, and nodded. Kelapa scooped her up and flew them to the spaceport. In the little while they had before they needed to board the transport, Mahrayne half hoped Zorun would make an appearance. He didn't though, and she bit back her disappointment. What was she thinking anyway? In her current frame of mind she'd probably slap him again, at the very least. But still, he might have made the effort... She would've liked to have said a proper goodbye to Hijau as well, but he'd disappeared, and Kelapa didn't know where he'd gone. Oh well, she'd catch up with him over the comm-link.
      Mahrayne held Kelapa's hand tightly as the transport pulled away from Vejiitasei's gravity. She smiled tremulously at her lover, glad beyond words the female would be with her. For a little while at least she wouldn't be alone.

© 2002 May 4th Amanda Mullane

Third Alliance Chronicle Index

'Daughter' - generic term of address for any daughter of a Household by that Household's head male.


'Niffumahg eh denillh - 'you are your mother's/father's mate' – literally 'mother fucker'. The worst insult a Hassinan can throw at someone.
