
"So - do you like him?"
      Buahan gazed up into Leteetza's face and inclined her head pensively. They'd just arrived back in the family's suite after seeing Peyaru and Netsariin onto the shuttle home - and rather to her surprise the little princess found herself missing her mate-to-be. She nodded solemnly.
      "Yes. He's nice. He treated me like a princess, and he was fun to talk to." She paused for a moment. "I think I'd like to go and visit him. He says there are all sorts of things on the estate he'd like to show me."
      Leteetza smothered a grin. She'd liked the young lord herself - he was polite without demeaning himself and respectful without cringing. She'd never admit it out loud but somehow Vejiita had managed to make a good match for his daughter, one that would satisfy all parties. Though she foresaw a battle when it came time to decide where the couple would live. Buahan had already insisted she was not moving north…
      "I hope Pirum likes him too…"
      Leteetza's attention had wandered and she'd missed the princess' last couple of sentences: she frowned.
      Buahan nodded, fingering the bracelet the Hassinan had given her. She hadn't removed it since Pirum had slipped it onto her arm.
      "I want Pirum to be part of my household. She's my best friend."
      Leteetza blinked.
      "But… she's Hassinan, bratling."
      "She's been promised to her own male, hasn't she?"
      "Yes, but that doesn't matter. I want her to be with me. And her male's got other females, he doesn't need her." She pouted angrily. "She wouldn't even have him to herself! That's not fair."
      "Uh, Bu-chan…"
      But the princess' face was set.
      "I want her."
      Leteetza sighed and stroked the brat's hair. Well, there was plenty of time to sort that little matter out.
      There was another storm blowing in from the south, a bad one, and Radittsu had cancelled the afternoon training session. Bri'seiyis and Jeice had happily hustled their protégés down to the 'playroom' for a protracted dance session: 'haavok and 'honee had gone with them for once, with strict instructions not to upset the class. Kiraz was huddled on the sleeping platform in a state of miserable anticipation, waiting for the storm to arrive, 'raadiin for once being sympathetic, cuddled up to the Saiyan prince and with 'fallon snuggled into his other side. And Zha'haarak, Jagung at his side, was heading for Guard Headquarters to take a late lunch with his bondmate.
      And Leteetza was tired. Loath to admit is as she might be, carrying the twins was proving a bit of a trial. Not that anyone was surprised: Vinas had already confirmed that Radittsu's brat was unusually large, while Vejiita's was extraordinarily active, seeming to take delight in kicking her awake every time she settled for a sleep. Between them they were putting a bit of a strain on her system. She'd be glad when they were born. And she needed her rest right now. She had to be awake and lively tomorrow: Vejiita was planning to sit in on the morning lessons…
      Ti'aasaan smiled at her from his place on the platform with Ra'vahn and Za'rayne playing nearby.
      "Come and rest, zvi'ch."
      She yawned and grinned at him, squirming over to lie with her head in his lap.
      He chuckled.
      "Oh, I think I can cope by myself for a little while…"

Jagung glanced at the overcast sky, the dark clouds on the southern horizon. They still had plenty of time to get to the mess before the rain started - and he could carry the prince back, all safe and dry within a ki-shield.
      Zha'haarak limped carefully through the palace grounds, his leather bodysuit and jacket keeping him warm, although Jagung also carried a cloak in case he grew cold. The prince was telling the guard about their time on R'ren'nkh'ia during FullMoon, his smile shy as he regaled the Saiyan with funny little anecdotes about the hostlings. Jagung smiled to himself: it was clear from the zn'hre's face and voice that he adored the children. He wondered, vaguely, whether Hijau and the prince would ever have their own. Zha'haarak would love it, obviously - but would his hip permit it?
      Hijau was finishing up a report when they arrived. He glanced up and grinned widely, beckoning Zha'haarak close and pulling him into an enthusiastic hug as he kissed the gentle zn'hre's neck.
      The prince nodded.
      "So is Jagung. His stomach has been growling."
      The Guard gaped, then spluttered indignantly. Zha'haarak gazed back over his shoulder, eyes twinkling, and Jagung relaxed and grinned.
      "I cannot deny it. I'm hungry…"
      "You'd better join us, then."

Cheerful voices rang out as they entered the messhall, calling greetings, but the mood of the room was mostly one of sombre anticipation. The campaign to liberate Ghrakigh was in its final stages of preparation, and discussion revolved around who and what would be involved. There were rumours - actually rather more than rumours - that the Omanir were recruiting Budoushu mercenaries into their offworld military, which necessitated a change of strategy…
      Vejiita had ordered Nappa to Council to decide how best to handle the threat.
      Jagung froze as Hijau, his face grim, delivered that bit of information.
      "When is he arriving?"
      "Five days. Don't worry - you won't have to meet him."
      The guard closed his eyes with a shudder.
      "Thank you, sir."
      Zha'haarak bit his lip, glancing between the two Saiyans nervously.
      "I don't understand…"
      Jagung smiled and stroked his face lightly.
       "It's nothing you need to worry about, hoseki-san. I had - a few problems with Nappa in the past."
      Hijau raised his eyebrows, but refrained from commenting. Zha'haarak didn't object to the endearment, or the gentle touch, which was a big improvement on his earlier wariness - and the captain was well aware of the protective feelings the prince fostered in others. He smiled.
      "What do we all want to eat?"

An hour later, bellies comfortably full, Jagung escorted the prince back to the suite. The wind had picked up, and half way home it started to rain: the guard settled the cloak around the zn'hre's thin body and pulled him into warm arms, wrapping him in a soft ki-shield and flying them both to the balcony. Ti'zheenan was visiting, sitting on the bed with Ti'aasaan and playing with the little hybrids: both smiled as Jagung lowered Zha'haarak to his feet. The guard bowed his head in salute.
      "Would you like me to stay, your highness?"
      "Thank you, Jagung, but I will be fine now."
      "Then if I may be excused…?"
      The prince smiled and nodded; troubled, Jagung returned to Guard Headquarters, sure that Hijau would be able to spare him a few minutes…

"He won't be going anywhere near the family's wing. In fact, I very much doubt he'll stay onworld. He'll shuttle down for meetings and spend the rest of his time on his flagship."
      Jagung chewed his lower lip.
      "Sir, even if Nappa isn't down here, you can bet his staff will want to visit, for R&R or to visit family. Most of them were offworld for FullMoon, and haven't been home for years."
      Hijau nodded.
      "And that presents us with security problems. And potential disciplinary problems. I know. I have already discussed it with the Saiya-jin-no-Ou."
      "But what if Cendawan…?"
      Hijau raised a hand.
      "She is forbidden to set foot on Vejiitasei until further notice. On pain of permanent exile."
      Jagung lowered his head.
      "Sorry sir, didn't mean to suggest you weren't doing your job…"
      "But you're concerned. I appreciate that. By all means if you think of or become aware of anything that might cause additional problems, let me know. In the meantime, I expect you to keep a closer watch than ever over the Ssii'irin."
      The interview was over. Jagung saluted and flew back to the palace, feeling a measure of relief...

Meanwhile Zha'haarak had joined in conversation with Ti'zheenan and Ti'aasaan. Ti'zheenan was concerned about his hostlings.
      "They have been asking to stay here, instead of returning to R'ren'nkh'ia. They like all your hostlings, and have - grown attached to Zha'tiisaan and Zha'viirel."
      Ti'aasaan blinked.
      "Neither has mentioned it to me…" He glanced enquiringly at the prince - who shook his head - then frowned, stroking a lock of turquoise hair back from Ti'zheenan's delicate face.
      "Well, it's a bit of a wrench, but why can't they? Why can't you all? Vejiitasei takes a little getting used to, but we've survived. And it has its compensations."
      "Suguri has to return. He is captain of the onworld Saiyan forces."
      "I'm sure the Ssii'iin could persuade Vejiita to change his posting…"
      Ti'zheenan shook his head.
      "He doesn't want it changed. He likes R'ren'nkh'ia, is looking forwards to going 'home'."
      The bondmates gazed at each other, startled. It was difficult to imagine a native Saiya-jin actually liking the heat and aridity of R'ren'nkh'ia… The little zn'hre frowned.
      "And how do you feel?"
       Ti'zheenan shrugged gracefully.
      "I am more comfortable on R'ren'nkh'ia. And I do not wish to be parted from Suguri. But I want the hostlings to be happy, as well… They're too young to be left by themselves, and I would not dream of asking you to care for them. You have more than enough to cope with as it is."
      Zha'haarak opened his mouth to object, but Ti'zheenan forestalled him.
      "No, my Ssii'irin. It would not be fair. And I must confess, I would miss them." He smiled sadly. "Even though it was a forced mating, with the zn'hre Fa'saayen. But my hostlings were the first ever free-born zn'hre. They are very special - to me and to us all."
      Zha'haarak took his hand.
      "What happened to Fa'saayen?"
      Ti'zheenan lowered his eyes.
      "I don't know. He never arrived at the royal enclave. I can only assume he died."
      The prince pulled him into a gentle hug.
      "I am so sorry…"
      Ti'zheenan sighed and pulled back, brushing a hand across his eyes.
      "He was strong, a fighter… He would have been a loyal and valuable subject to the Ssii'iin… We had two days together, but it was long enough - I would have been content to stay with him." His shoulders drooped. "I miss him."
      Ti'aasaan took his hand, silently sympathetic, and they sat for a few minutes, unspeaking. Then Ti'zheenan shook himself.
      "But Suguri - he's been wonderful. He loves the hostlings, and I believe he is fond of me too. At any rate, he has proposed claiming me." Ti'zheenan inclined his head, smiling. "And I'm happy with him. He is… affectionate and kind. He hasn't suggested breeding yet - I think he was waiting to see what happened with the Ssii'iin - but he's so wonderful, so gentle with the hostlings… I would be happy to host our children."
      Ti'aasaan glanced briefly at Zha'haarak's shadowed eyes and laid a hand lightly on his wrist. Ti'zheenan bit his lip.
      "I'm sorry, my Ssii'irin - I forgot…"
      "Do not trouble yourself. It may yet prove possible." He changed the subject. "But as to your hostlings… the tuition room and its equipment is still in place on R'ren'nkh'ia: shall I ask if Mahrayne and the Thinkers would be willing to have students join the lessons from the homeworld? I'm sure they'd be happy to agree - although the hostlings would have to fit in with the lessons here…"
      Ti'zheenan's eyes were glowing.
      "Oh, that would be wonderful! They could keep in touch with everyone more easily, that way, too. And have an education."
      Ti'aasaan laughed, and smirked at the gentle zn'hre.
      "That's an excellent idea! Mahrayne is due back in four days: we'll ask then."
      They all glanced round as the inner door opened to admit Bri'seiyis, Jeice and Leteetza and most of the children, Ti'zheenan's hostlings included, returning from an afternoon's musical activities in the 'playroom', and the next hour was spent in discussion of the day over one of Zh'leet's 'light' meals. Towards the end Bri'seiyis moved to sit cross-legged beside Zha'haarak, bowing his head respectfully.
      "My Ssii'irin, I have a suggestion to put to you…" He hesitated, and the prince smiled.
      "Please, musicmaker. Ask."
      Bri'seiyis inclined his head.
      "Your hostling Zha'viirel is proving himself to be a musical prodigy. I would like to take him back with me when I leave. I would like to become his mentor and patron."
      Zha'haarak blinked, thoroughly startled, and stared at the songwright. Timid little Zha'viirel? On R'ren'nkh'ia without him? Without any of his siblings? Could he cope?
      "I'll… I'll have to consider it, Bri'seiyis. You'll understand this comes as something of a shock. Have you spoken of it to 'viirel?"
      "Only in a very abstract way, my Ssii'irin - I've no wish to cause friction in the family. He seemed… interested in the idea. He enjoyed our time together on R'ren'nkh'ia and has expressed a wish for more. And I can, of course, teach him more effectively if he is with me."
      Zha'haarak bit his lip, feeling slightly panicked at the thought of losing one of his hostlings - but not wanting to deny Zha'viirel any opportunities…
      "I… I'll have to discuss this with his sire…"
      The songwright bowed his head.
      "Of course, my Ssii'irin. It is a big step for a youngling. Even one so talented!" He half smiled. "It is a pity Zha'tiisaan couldn't come too, but he has already stated his firm intention to remain here, where he has access to both Mahrayne and Jeice's dance tuition. We do not leave for another fifty or so days - plenty of time to come to a decision."

Everyone - not least Ubi - was a little nervous the next morning. Leteetza had asked the brats to be on their best behaviour, and roped Zha'haarak into helping to make sure 'raadiin, 'haavok and 'honee behaved themselves. Vejiita hadn't given a time for his arrival in class, and the tension mounted for two hours before he finally turned up. The children stood respectfully as he entered, then, as he settled in a seat at the back of the classroom, resumed their lesson…
      Ubi had decided that something fairly safe would be the best choice, and had opted for a discussion class about the Empire and the worlds within it. The main screen was set up to show a sequence of images from a variety of different planets - from orbit, from various places on the ground - and their inhabitants, and some of the flora and fauna, to see how much the children could recognise. This had led on to a lively debate about why these worlds had been annexed, what was special about them, how the people and animals had evolved as they had… Not only did it give the tutors an ideal opportunity to assess how much the children knew, and their attitudes towards the subject, but also the children enjoyed it so much they actually forgot the Saiya-jin-no-Ou was there. Vejiita stayed for an hour, until it was time for the children to take a break, then left the class, acknowledging them with a brief bow of the head and directing a *See me when the lessons have finished* to Leteetza.
      Ubi nearly collapsed with nervous relief, and called a halt to lessons for the day. Instead, she announced to the class, she'd arranged for them to see a performance, a series of mythic stories - with audience participation - acted out by a Bunka-jin artistic group visiting Vejiitasei for the first time to see how receptive the population was to their particular artform. She'd already arranged with Zh'leet for them all to have an early lunch, and would call to collect them and their guards in two hours time.
      Leteetza had blinked - she hadn't known about this. Ubi smirked apologetically.
      "It was all at rather short notice, I'm afraid. Do you mind?"
      The King's Companion shook her head.
      "Not at all! It'll be good for the brats. Do you want me to come too?"
      The Thinker shook her head.
      "Not unless you want to."
      "Not right now. I need to get some work done in the library."
      Ubi grinned and hustled the children out of the classroom as Leteetza helped Zha'haarak limp back to the suite and Tane and Dari's healing hands. It was cool and windy today, and although most of the soreness from the operation was gone, the gentle zn'hre was still suffering somewhat…

Leteetza met with the king briefly on her way to the library, anxious to know what it was he wanted to say.
      The audience was brief too, and she came out grinning manically. Vejiita had been (almost, he scowled) impressed with the class - the room itself, the subject matter and how it was being taught, the brats' behaviour towards him and their tutors, their knowledge and enthusiasm. He had no further objection to the forthcoming heir receiving the same education. On condition that he also started training early and spent time in council as soon as he had the wit to understand what was going on. Vejiita wanted a worthy successor. Oh, and he also wanted Leteetza to spend the next five nights in his suite.
      Eyes sparkling with delight, she wasn't going to argue…

In the zhaneer project room in the library work continued at a slow but steady pace. Another shipment of ancient documents had arrived, carefully preserved between sheets of silicate, and were being painstakingly translated into Common (and thence into Saiya-go). The team now consisted of eight Formal R'ren'nkh'ia-go translators (six ko'ish'n and two tz'een), and five Thinkers, pressed into service because Leteetza finally admitted there was no way she could keep up with translating the increasing number of documents from Common into fluent Saiya-go. The King's Companion was now concentrating almost exclusively on putting Zh'nast's very literal translations of the zhaneer books into more easily readable Common and Saiya-go.
      They were learning about the zhaneer, but it sometimes felt frustratingly slow. Zh'nast was having to try to find analogues for things quite outside Saiya-jin and R'ren'nkh'ia-jin experience, and although she was very good, some of the terms she came up with really had Leteetza blinking in puzzlement. That beautiful picture book was a good example…
      It was a pictorial documentation of the zhaneer homeworld, which, they'd finally established, the inhabitants called Zhane. (Logical when you thought about it, Leteetza had thought wryly to herself.) The basic meaning for the syllable zhane was 'blue', only in this context it meant a something like 'intense, deep blue where the ocean meets the midnight sky' - with a sense of richness and vitality as corollary meanings. And Zh'nast freely admitted that there was more to it than that: she just hadn't pinned down enough of the language to give a definitive meaning. But she was working on it…
      The illustrations fascinated and entranced Leteetza (not to mention the sense of awe they engendered in the zn'hre…) The world was so unlike anything she'd come across before. What the brood had thought was turquoise vegetation turned out to be a colony of the sentient mycosa that created the zhaneer's basic source of sustenance - which seemed to be a rich, thick protein drink… Zh'leet had gaped at that, then beamed with delight at the thought that her 'fruity glop' was somehow connected to her Ssii'iin's origin. Those beautiful airy crystal shapes weren't buildings - they were huge artworks designed to metamorphose with shifts in their star's electromagnetic spectrum. And what had appeared to be fields of bright blue ice…
      Jeice had been with Zha'haabron when that translation came through, and although the king kept his face impassive, Jeice had felt his universe finally shift into place within and around him - and the hash'shavven had burst into tears of joy and hugged the Ssii'iin tightly. That was the desert he'd danced. Not ice, nor sand, but clouds of a smooth, heavy, sweet-scented gas that the zhaneer - the dancers amongst them at any rate - moulded into graceful, slowly shifting shapes with the movements of their bodies. Their 'desert-dancers', it appeared, were highly valued in zhaneer society.
      But they were still no closer to discovering the coordinates for Zhane…

Hijau met Zorun and Mahrayne and their guard at the spaceport on their return from Pankuzu. The King's Guard immediately tensed.
      *What's happened?*
      Hijau glanced at the Hassinan.
      *Get her back to the palace: we'll talk then.*
      Hiding his anxiety behind an impassive mask, Zorun settled Mahrayne in the suite then followed Hijau to Guard Headquarters. Once in the captain's inner office, Hijau poured a beaker of firejoose and thrust it into Zorun's hands.
      "Drink it."
      "I'd rather you told me what the problem is."
      Hijau eyed him for a second or two, then sighed.
      "Nappa's due here tomorrow."
      Zorun paled, then downed the fiery liquid in one mouthful.
      "Vejiita wants him in council."
      Zorun swallowed hard, then collapsed onto a chair.
      "Oh gods… I'll have to be there."
      Hijau crossed his arms.
      "Unless you have some excuse. I can put you in the infirmary if you want."
      That Zorun actually, seriously considered it for a moment or two was an indication of the extraordinary fear Nappa inspired in his younger brother. Then he shook his head.
      "No. I can't let that fucking kusoyaro control my life like this."
      Hijau squatted down beside the chair, his hand on the King's Guard's thigh. Zorun was trembling.
      "You sure?"
      The guard glowered.
      "No. But I don't have much fucking choice, do I? If I'm not there, he'll know he's won. And Vejiita will want to know why I shirked my duty."
      The captain frowned at him for a moment, then nodded.
      "Very well. But you will report to me at the end of every council session, understand?"
      "I'd rather not…"
      "That's an order, Guardsman. You will report to me, and we will talk. Or fuck, if you think that will make you feel better."
      Zorun stared, then lowered his head.
      "Understood - sir."
      "Very well. Now you'd better report to Vejiita. If he asks why you were delayed, tell him I wanted to see you first about a security issue." He half-smiled wryly. "It's no more than the truth…"

The following three days were torture for Zorun.
      Vejiita required his presence, of course: the King's Guard was to stand motionless at his back, aware of everything that went on in the council chamber, senses stretched to the full for any sign of treachery or danger. The entire Council, and an honour guard, had assembled at the spaceport to receive the Commander. Zorun had laughed to himself, grimly, to see that each of the council members had, for once, assigned Elite Guards to themselves. It would appear that no-one trusted Nappa.
      A wave of black dizziness swept over Zorun as Nappa exited the shuttle. His brother seemed even bigger than he remembered, bigger than Radittsu, and ugly, his thin moustache outlining the cruel lines of a mouth set in a permanent sneer. His eyes flickered across the group, pausing for a moment on the king as he inclined his head, barely respectful, then lingering on his brother. The sneer deepened infinitesimally.
      *Ah, brother… So good to see you again…We must take some time to renew our acquaintance - later…*
      Zorun forced himself to remain impassive and ignored the commander. As the King's Guard, it was appropriate for him to remain silently watchful: Nappa could not take offence. At least, not officially…
      Nappa had brought his captains with him - all eight of them, one for each specialist offworld squad. Vejiita greeted them brusquely, then gestured for them all to return to the palace. There was no time to waste.
      And as the meeting began, Nappa started to *share* with his brother, images, memories, the echoes of scents and sounds - what it felt like to pound into the virgin youngster screaming and sobbing face down on his bed… Zorun paled, willpower alone preventing him from passing out.
      He endured, somehow, managing to keep his scent under a modicum of control: the Council knew Nappa wasn't liked by his family so weren't too worried by his reaction. They were in any case too wrapped up in trying to thrash out a new plan of campaign…
      Eighteen hours later Vejiita called a halt for the day, dismissing Nappa and his staff, the Council, and - to his infinite relief and gratitude - his Guard. Saluting swiftly, Zorun exited the council chamber and fled to Guard Headquarters.
      Hijau was waiting for him. As Zorun stumbled into the office, the captain caught him and lowered him into a chair, reaching for the drink he'd already prepared and raising it to the warrior's lips. Zorun took it in shaking hands and downed it, then sank his head into his hands. Hijau squatted at his side, one arm across the strong bowed shoulders.
      "Bad, huh?"
      "I really thought…" Zorun's voice quavered, "I really fucking thought I'd beaten it, got it under control…"
      "What did he do?"
      Zorun *opened*, letting Hijau *share* the experience of the day. At the end of it the captain knelt before him, dragging him to the ground and hugging tightly, rocking gently, soothingly.
      *No one should have to go through that. No one. Do you want me to relieve you of duty? I can find something that'll excuse you…*
      Zorun, his face buried in Hijau's mane, shook his head.
      *I won't let him win…*
      The captain nodded, silently, then pulled the guard upright.
      *Come with me.*
      Zorun pulled back.
      *I can't go back to the palace, not tonight. I can't.*
      *You don't have to. I've allocated us a room here.*
      Zorun gazed at him, face haggard.
      *I can't keep you away from your bondmate…*
      *He knows where I am.*
      The guard blinked, then his eyes widened in horror.
      *He… he knows? You told him?*
      *He knows a little. He was *connected* to me at the time…*
      Zorun had gone white, his body rigid.
      *Who else knows? Radittsu doesn't, does he? Or Leteetza - or Kelapa?*
      Hijau shook his head firmly.
      *Me, Zha'haarak and the Ssii'iin. No-one else.*
      The guard's eyes closed as he slumped with relief. Hijau pulled him upright.
      *Come on…*

And Hijau let Zorun use him, taking out his pain and frustration and outright fear in and on his warm golden body, then holding the older male as he sobbed. Zorun wouldn't talk about how he felt, but he really didn't need to - Hijau *knew*, through what was left of the *link*. The captain stroked his mane, frowning, wondering whether to get the Ssii'iin involved…
      Zorun left before dawn to return to his quarters, to shower and change and report for duty. When he arrived in Hijau's office that evening he was even more distraught, incoherent and trembling. The captain held him tightly.
      *You should speak to the Ssii'iin.*
      *I… can't…I can't *share* this with anyone…*
      Hijau gently *reached* into the guard's mind, recoiling at the sheer viciousness of a mind that could torture another - a sibling, no less! - so violently. Zorun was brutal that night - then begged Hijau to fuck him, hurt him, it was the only way to drown out the memories… Reluctantly the captain had complied, but after Zorun had returned to the palace the next morning, Hijau flew back to the suite and requested a word with Zha'haabron.
      The king was already up and dressed. Somewhat to his annoyance his requests to join the council had been declined for the past two days - Limau had later told him that Vejiita wanted to resolve some internal issues with Nappa before letting him meet the alien Alliance partner - but today the Saiya-jin-no-Ou had requested his presence: they needed to discuss the role of R'ren'nkh'ia and its military in the forthcoming conflict.
      Hijau had bowed his head respectfully and, since time was short, spoken without preamble.
      "Ssii'iin, you know that Nappa is in Council?"
      "He's causing *problems* for Zorun."
      The zn'hre's face darkened.
      "Is he indeed? We will have to put a stop to that immediately."
      Hijau blinked. That hadn't been quite what he'd meant…
      "But Ssii'iin…"
      Zha'haabron inclined his head.
      "Thank you, Hi'ijaa. I will handle it from here."

It had been a little tricky, Zha'haabron admitted - strictly to himself, later - taking action without Nappa realising what, or more precisely who, was… *interfering* with his mental processes. Or what passed for his mental processes, anyway, the king thought to himself, grimacing. The Commander's mind was a kfick
      It had been very important not to let the giant Saiyan know exactly what was happening: Zha'haabron wouldn't put it past the h'k'vierch to 'accidentally' wreak some sort of vengeance on the family - or even on R'ren'nkh'ia itself, he had the firepower - if he knew who was responsible. So the zn'hre had started very subtly, gently *channelling* the flood of vile memories from Zorun's mind to his own, shaking his head very slightly as Zorun, eyes widening, realised what was happening. The King's Guard held his place, and his peace, watching, stunned, as Zha'haabron discussed with the Council the best use of his shr'en'an warriors in the conflict against the Budoushu while simultaneously *directing* Nappa's *attack* back at him in redoubled and far more vicious form. It gave Zorun and Zha'haabron both a grim sense of satisfaction when the giant had paled almost to white and faltered, almost passing out. But he recovered himself quickly, glaring suspiciously at Zorun - who maintained his neutral stare - and at the zn'hre, who inclined his head politely and asked if he was feeling quite well.
      By the time Vejiita adjourned the meeting, most of the details of the conflict had been decided: the following day they'd deal with the minutiae and any last minute contingency plans, which left one last day for any other business and a feast. All in all the conference had been satisfactory, and even Hijau had had no complaints, Nappa's troops actually behaving fairly well if you overlooked several brawls and one more serious twenty-five individual fight that landed several warriors and a handful of civilians in the infirmary… All in all not too bad.
      Zorun saluted Zha'haabron as the king was leaving, keeping his voice low.
      "Your Majesty…"
      The zn'hre shook his head very slightly.
      "You are not to mention it, King's Guard."
      He left without giving the Saiyan the chance to speak further. Zorun flew to Headquarters as soon as Vejiita released him from duty: Hijau was waiting as usual.
      "You spoke to him, didn't you? The lizard king. You told him about Nappa."
      Hijau regarded him coolly.
      "Commander-in-Chief Nappa was making your job impossible. I mentioned this to his Majesty. What action he then decided to take was out of my hands."
      Zorun glowered for a moment, then grabbed the smaller male into a hug.
      "Thank you. Whatever he did, it worked."
      Hijau grinned.
      "Good. He will no doubt do the same tomorrow, and the next day, if needs be."
      "Will you thank him for me? He wouldn't let me say anything."
      "Of course I will. Now, do you want to stay here, or go back to the palace?"
      Zorun considered the question, then sighed.
      "Will Zha'haarak mind if I keep you a little longer?"
      "No. Though he might ask you to make love to him, one of these days."
      Zorun stared, startled.
      Hijau smirked.
      "Actually, it's Ti'aasaan who's curious about what Mahrayne sees in you…"
      Zorun grinned shakily.
      "Heh. After what the lizard king's just done for me, I can't really refuse any of them anything!"

Kobis nuzzled 'haabron's neck, rousing his koi from sleep. The young zn'hre sighed happily and snuggled a little closer, opening one eye drowsily.
      **Mmm… what is it?**
      Kobis wrapped his tail around the prince's thigh, tickling his groin.
      *Just thought you might like to know the wet season's nearly finished.*
      'haabron glanced towards the windows: rain was still streaming down them, battering against the silicate.
      **How can you tell?**
      *I can *feel* it. The wind's dropped, and the storms are over.*
      'haabron shifted until he could gaze into his aijin's deep dark eyes.
      **So what happens next?**
      *Next,* answered the Saiyan with a happy grin, *we get about a hundred days of sweet warm weather before the cold season starts. A hundred days when I can take you exploring, in the city, in the forest and the plains and the jungles to the north. And the beach. I want to take you to the beach. Rad-san loves it there, and so do Hijau and Zha'haarak-sama. I think you will too…*

© 2002 August 12th Joules Taylor

Journeys pt 5
Journeys pt 4
Fourth Alliance Chronicle Index

Hoseki - jewel, precious gem.
