Journeys pt 5

It was good to be home. It had been wonderful being with Zorun, but Mahrayne had missed the children, and teaching, and generally being immersed in the family's life. And she'd really missed Kelapa, so much so she almost burst into tears when she stepped into the suite and saw the warrior waiting for her.
      Kel had been alarmed.
       "What's the matter?"
       "Nothing," Mahrayne sniffled, "I'm just happy to see you."
       "Baka." Kel said fondly, pulling her into a cuddle.
       "Did you miss me?" 'tiisaan sounded a little anxious.
       "Oh yes," Mahrayne hugged him tightly, "very much."
      And she meant it; Zorun, Kelapa and 'tiisaan were the focal points of her life, she'd be lost without them.
      Mahrayne grinned at Leteetza.
       "Did you miss me?"
      The little female scowled. "Only in that there was one less pair of hands to deal with the brats."
      Mahrayne laughed and kissed her friend. "I love you too."

Zorun had dropped her back at the suite shortly before the evening meal. While she ate, snuggled into Kelapa's side, the warrior's tail wrapped securely around her, Mahrayne caught up on what had been happening in her absence. She was a little sad she'd missed meeting Peyaru - and his sister; Kelapa had said the Lady Netsariin was very beautiful. Buahan seemed to be a lot happier about the whole thing now, which was a blessing, so it looked as if the match would go ahead when the princess was old enough.
       Mahrayne spoke enthusiastically about her holiday, though she skipped going into any detail of the storms - other than that they had been amazing - because Kiraz looked miserable when she mentioned them. Mahrayne told the family about Lady Mayis and her children, and what she'd learnt about Zorun's family. The Hassinan was so engrossed in her narrative she didn't notice Hijau or Zha'haarak's startled, uneasy reactions when she revealed that Nappa was Zorun's brother. She also missed the look of puzzled concern Jeice threw the bondmates.
       "Nappa is Zorun's brother?" Kel had grunted. "That explains a lot."
       "Such as?" Mahrayne was interested, but the warrior refused to be drawn.
      Kelapa was also less than impressed with her lover's enraptured description of the caves on the southern peninsula.
       "I don't care how 'pretty' a cave is, it's still just a fucking hole in the ground."
      Mahrayne smiled. "I can't help it if I'm happy underground - I have spent most of my life there, remember?"
      Kel growled. "Maybe we should dig you a fucking hole in the palace gardens. Would that make you happy?" Mahrayne laughed.
       "I wonder if there're any caves in the area?" Ti'aasaan asked.
       "There aren't." Mahrayne said.
       "How do you know?" Leteetza was curious. The Hassinan blinked, surprised.
       "I'm… not sure, actually," she shrugged, "I probably read it somewhere."

In the bath later that evening, Mahrayne was sandwiched happily between Kel and 'tiisaan.
       "How is Pinattsu?" Kelapa looked like she didn't want to ask the question.
       "She's well," Mahrayne smiled at the warrior, "she sends her regards." The Hassinan frowned. "She's not happy though. Her mate treats her abominably - he cares nothing for her needs."
      Kelapa chuckled. "You can't rescue her, 'rayne."
      Mahrayne twitched, uncomfortably aware that that was precisely what she'd been thinking. "I know," she sighed, "but it's just not fair for Pinattsu."
      Kel smirked. "I'm sure you made up for it while you were there though."
      "I did, yes, she was very appreciative." Mahrayne grinned. "I gave her one of the toys." Leteetza and Kelapa smirked knowingly at each other.
      From across the other side of the pool, Jeice grinned at Mahrayne.
       "Have you always had this urge to nurture and protect?"
      Mahrayne smiled wryly. "Oh yes. Not that it was ever appreciated. 'Don't meddle, Mahrayne' - 'it's not your problem, Mahrayne'." She sighed gustily. "I can't help it, if someone's hurt I have to try and help."

'tiisaan was ready for bed, but he hovered, looking uncertain.
       "What's the matter, sinam?" Mahrayne asked the young zn'hre. The hostling pouted, just a little.
       "I've really missed you, 'rayne, and I want to sleep with you tonight but I think that you and Kel should have some time alone too."
      Mahrayne hugged him. "That's very thoughtful of you, jhatiludas, thank you. Maybe tomorrow night, yes?" She glanced at Kel for confirmation. The warrior rolled her eyes, but nodded. 'tiisaan beamed, throwing his arms around his teacher's neck and kissing her cheek.
       "Can you tell us a story anyway?"
      A chorus of 'pleeeeeease's erupted from the sleeping platform. Mahrayne laughed, and complied.

Mahrayne stepped back into the daily routine easily enough. Ubi was glad to have her back, and that first morning the children were pleasingly attentive. After the midday meal she spent a wonderful few hours dancing with 'tiisaan in the playroom, unconsciously sinking back into the comfortable, comforting rapport they shared.
       Mahrayne was due for another check-up later that afternoon, but it was Kel who was waiting for her when she returned to the suite.
       "Zorun's busy," the warrior said, "so I'm taking you. Is that all right?"
      Mahrayne was delighted.
       "Of course it is! I've wanted to share this with you."
      Kelapa looked uncomfortable. "I don't know, this is yours and Zorun's thing…"
      Leteetza, who was sitting at the suite's comm-link, smirked slyly at the tall female.
       "You're not squeamish, are you?"
       "No!" Kel spluttered, "I just don't feel like I really have anything to do with it."
      Mahrayne gently placed the warrior's hands on her distended abdomen.
      "Jha-tunovahn," the Hassinan said earnestly, "to me you are as much a part of this child's family as Zorun is, yes?"
       "Hn. I'll bet Zorun wouldn't see it like that." Kelapa muttered.
      Mahrayne smiled at her lover. "Let's go, Ayva will be waiting."

The medic had been a little surprised to see Kelapa there, but she simply smiled at the warrior and got on with the job. Kelapa wasn't comfortable, Mahrayne knew, though she couldn't fathom why. Kel would have been happy to wait outside for her, but Mahrayne grabbed the warrior's hand, and smiling encouragingly, gently urged the tall female sit beside her during the examination.
      The check-up went well, both Mahrayne and her baby were healthy, and Kelapa had been fascinated, despite herself, to see her lover's child detailed on the monitor screen. That night in the bath, Kel gently palpated Mahrayne's abdomen - a look of something close to wonder on her face - asking the Hassinan which part of the child she was feeling. Was that smooth, round bit his head? Was this sharp bit his elbow? Or his knee? Mahrayne smiled; it was if her child had suddenly become real to the warrior and it was beautiful to watch.

It was sunny enough the following day for the hostlings to go outside for a while. Mahrayne sat, leaning back against a broad tree trunk, watching the delighted children play a noisy game of tag amongst the trees. It was a pity Kel was on duty, she thought, she'd have liked to have her here. Then Mahrayne winced suddenly, feeling a sharp jab just above her wrist. She frowned, and absently flicked the thick-bodied black and red flying insect off of her, then thought nothing more of it.

"What's that mark on your arm?" Leteetza asked her, a couple of hours later.
      Mahrayne shrugged. "An insect bit me, it's nothing."
       "What sort of insect?" the little female asked, paling when Mahrayne described it.
       "Get to the medical centre, now."
       "Why? It's just a little itchy - "
       "All of Vejiitasei's flying insects are poisonous, and that is one of the worst."
      Leteetza glanced at Radittsu, who was reclining on the sleeping platform with Jeice and the babies. The big male nodded grimly, slid off the bed and strode over to the Hassinan.
       "Don't argue, Mahrayne."
      She squeaked as he scooped her up.

The flight to the medical centre was too, too short. Mahrayne snuggled into Radittsu's broad, warm chest, quietly thrilled to be this close to him. Maybe she should get bitten by insects more often…

Ayva paled too, when she found out what had happened, and Mahrayne quickly found herself on an examination couch, hooked up to a couple of different monitors.
       "There's really no need for this." Mahrayne protested, 'ouching' as the medic took a sample of her blood for analysis.
      Ayva was stern. "You have no idea how serious this could be, Mahrayne."
      The Hassinan shrugged minutely and lay back - they obviously weren't going to listen to her.

Radittsu flew her back to the suite a couple of hours later. Going by the noise level that greeted them, the children had just returned from the afternoon's activities.
      Kelapa was there too: the female hurried over to her, looking worried.
       "Are you all right?"
       "Of course I am." Mahrayne grumbled. Leteetza looked at Radittsu.
       "She's fine, the brat's fine - there's no trace of any venom."
      Leteetza stared.
       "I told you it wasn't a problem," Mahrayne said mildly, "The Hassinan metabolism is built specifically to deal with toxins." She looked at the confused Saiyan faces and sighed. "We have a number of organs whose sole function is to neutralise toxins."
       "Because everything we eat is poisonous." Mahrayne explained. "We've adapted to it."
      Kelapa growled. "Great. That fucking planet isn't content to try and bury you, it's got to try and poison you too."

Don't worry, Hassina won't be around to plague you for much longer…

The thought rose unbidden in Mahrayne's mind and she gasped at the sudden remembered anguish of her dream.
       "What's the matter?" Kel peered worriedly at her.
       "It's - it's nothing," Mahrayne tried to smile, "don't worry."
      The warrior grabbed her chin, forcing Mahrayne to look at her. "The fuck it's nothing, what's wrong?"
      Mahrayne trembled, and swallowed nervously.
       "I had a dream that Hassina was going to be destroyed." she whispered. Kelapa looked sceptical and Mahrayne hastened to make light of it. "It doesn't mean anything, it was probably just an over-reaction to the news of the Ember Caves collapsing."
       "When did that happen?" Kelapa demanded.
       "About thirty days before Pirum's visit." Kelapa pulled Mahrayne to her, hugging her tightly.
       "Oh gods, I'm sorry. Was anybody hurt? Why didn't you say something?"
       "No one was hurt." Mahrayne swallowed back the tears. "And cave-ins are a natural hazard on Hassina, I didn't think to mention it."
       "But you loved the Ember Caves." Kelapa stroked her face. "It must have been a fucking shock. You should have said something."
      Mahrayne felt a light hand on her hair, stroking soothingly. It was Jeice.
       "Are you sure it was just a dream?" the hash'shavven looked concerned.
      Mahrayne began to cry, helplessly, burying her face in Kelapa's chest. The warrior glared at Jeice.
       "Dreams are not always just - dreams," Jeice said to her, "sometimes they are messages."
       "No." Mahrayne managed to say, lifting her head away from the comfort of her lover's body. "We don't believe in pre-sentience, and pregnant females are prone to vivid dreams - it meant nothing."
      Jeice looked unconvinced.
       Please - Mahrayne willed him to drop the subject - don't.
      The hash'shavven looked at her for a few moments longer, searching her face, then he nodded slightly.
       "You're probably right, Mahrayne. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

Mahrayne picked at her meal half-heartedly. No matter how many dark, pointed looks Zh'leet gave her, she just didn't have any appetite that evening. She didn't bathe with the family either, to 'tiisaan's obvious and unspoken concern, but with the thumping headache she'd developed she didn't feel very sociable. Instead, she had a quick shower and crawled into bed, to fall immediately into a deep, dreamless sleep, stirring only when first Kel, and then 'tiisaan, snuggled in next to her.
       She felt much better when she awoke the next day, eating heartily and laughing at 'haavok and 'honee's antics; her mood only improving as the warm sunsshine chased her terrors further back into the shadows of her mind.

Mahrayne hadn't seen Zorun at all for a few days, but she did have word of him from Hijau on the infrequent - it seemed - occasions the captain was in the suite. The Saiya-jin-no-Ou had been in conference for most of the past few days, and would be for a few days yet; naturally, Zorun's presence was required there. Mahrayne thanked Hijau for letting her know, and looked forward to when she could see her mate again…

The afternoon of her fourth day back, while the children and most of the adults were out, Mahrayne sat cross-legged on a floor cushion, a disregarded Formal R'ren'nkh'ia-go text open on her lap. Instead of studying, she was surreptitiously watching the twins working on Zha'haarak. Mahrayne knew she shouldn't be looking at them, Kelapa had the afternoon off and was dozing beside her, but she couldn't help herself. The females were so graceful, so compelling - she licked her lips, her eyes drawn to Tane's breasts where they were outlined by the thin silk tunic she wore. The twins had recently started subtly flirting with her as well and while it was delightful, it was also disconcerting; Kelapa still hadn't given her permission. Tane glanced over her shoulder at the Hassinan, flashing her a look that made Mahrayne blush. She held the healer's gaze for a second or so, then dropped her eyes - to see Kel watching her. Mahrayne started, and smiled shakily, feeling horribly guilty. Kel's eyes glittered and she opened her mouth to speak - then suddenly Mahrayne found herself assaulted by an excruciating internal spasm. Her entire world shrunk rapidly inwards, focusing sharply on the source of the pain.
      Her child's feet were up against her ribcage and he was pushing
      Mahrayne lay on the floor with her eyes squeezed shut, panting as she tried not to whimper, silently pleading with the child to stop.
       She was so absorbed by the pain she was only peripherally aware of the gentle heat suffusing her abdomen. Gradually, the pain subsided and she was able to breath properly again. Mahrayne opened her eyes. Kel was kneeling beside her, holding one of her hands bruisingly tight. Mahrayne swallowed and smiled, trying to wriggle her fingers. The warrior immediately relaxed her grip. It was only then that Mahrayne noticed Dari kneeling on the other side of her, her eyes closed in concentration.
       "You scared me to death, 'rayne!" Kelapa snapped, "Don't do that again!"
      Mahrayne managed to laugh; the warmth was still swirling around her belly.
       "Tell him that." she said, indicating her abdomen.
      Finally only an echo of the pain remained. Dari withdrew her hands, opening her eyes - the warmth faded.
       "Better now?" the healer asked.
      Mahrayne nodded. "Yes, thank you. What did you do?"
      Dari smiled shyly. "I used ki to guide the baby back to a more comfortable position for you. It's something I learnt in the alien quarter."
      "Thank you." Mahrayne found the healer's hand, squeezing it gratefully.
       "How are your ribs?" Dari asked.
       "A little sore."
       "I'll check them, if I may?"
      Mahrayne nodded, releasing Dari's hand. The healer placed her palms gently over the Hassinan's ribs and concentrated.
       "No, no damage."
      Mahrayne chuckled. "Are you sure? I was certain he'd managed to crack one."
      Kelapa had sat silently throughout the exchange. Dari turned to her now.
       "Kelapa-san, it would be best for Mahrayne-sama to lie down and rest properly."
      Kel nodded, and gently picked her lover up, carefully carrying her through to their room.
       "What happened?" The warrior asked Mahrayne once she'd settled her comfortably on the bed. Mahrayne explained.
       "Ouch." Kel said feelingly. "That's another reason never to get pregnant."
       "He's very strong." Mahrayne sighed, absently stroking her belly. "Maybe I am too weak to carry a half-Saiyan child successfully."
      Kelapa kissed her. "It’s a bit late to consider that now!" She lay down behind Mahrayne, fitting herself to the Hassinan's back, wrapping arms and tail around her.
       "You'll be fine. Get some rest."
      Mahrayne nodded and closed her eyes, but Kelapa was still tense.
      The warrior's arms tightened around her.
       "You really want to fuck the twins, don't you?"
       "Yes." Mahrayne couldn't - wouldn't - lie to her lover.
      There was a strained pause.
       "Fine." Kelapa said softly. "Just not when I'm around, all right."
      Mahrayne awkwardly flipped herself over so she was facing the female.
       "Are you sure? Don't say 'yes' if you don't mean it."
      Kelapa smiled bleakly. "I'm sure."
       "Thank you." Mahrayne cupped her lover's face in gentle hands and kissed her. "I won't mind either, if you want to sleep with someone else."
      Kel smirked. "You think I've got the energy after you're done with me?"
      Mahrayne smiled. "I'm serious. Is there anyone else you'd like to fuck?"
      The warrior frowned as she considered the question.
       "Apart from 'teetza… K'uri and I used to muck around some."
      Mahrayne kissed her again, gently and deeply, feeling the Saiyan respond.
      "Honestly, I won't mind." she whispered.
       "I don't want to think about anyone else now," Kel said roughly, her supple tail questing between Mahrayne's thighs, "I want to think about you…"

Zorun appeared on the suite's main balcony late in the afternoon. Mahrayne was delighted to see him: it had been six days since their return from Pankuzu and she'd missed him.
       "I'll let Kel know where you are." Ti'aasaan kissed her on the cheek, "Have fun."
       Mahrayne knew something was wrong as soon as she stepped out onto the balcony. She was familiar enough with her mate now to read his body language easily; Zorun appeared relaxed, but there was a wound-up tenseness about him that was unsettling. He picked her up and kissed her.
       "We're going to the beach."
      Mahrayne nodded and smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.
       He didn't say a word, or look at her, during the short flight and Mahrayne became convinced something was seriously wrong.
      Would he tell her what it was?
      She sighed mentally; probably not, her mate wasn't one to share confidences.
       Zorun flew them down the coast a little way, finally alighting near a thickly wooded area. He led her off the beach and into the trees to a dry, sheltered spot within sight of the ocean. Zorun stood close, looking down at her, his large, dark eyes unreadable. Mahrayne for her part looked up at him, her love and trust there for him to see in her eyes, read in her scent.
      She waited. Normally she would have taken the initiative by now, but some instinct held her back - she knew, without knowing how she knew, that Zorun needed her passive acceptance this time. When he did finally move, it was to cup her cheek gently in one broad, rough hand, before quickly stripping off her robe and unclipping the metal bands in her hair. Mahrayne realised, as he pulled her down to the ground with him, that she probably wouldn't find out what the problem was, let alone solve it, but she could help her mate find solace in the loving warmth of her body...

Mahrayne smiled, softly stroking her mate's ebony mane. Zorun purred as he rhythmically licked over the small wound on her neck. While they were making love he'd – very gently - renewed his claim mark, and this time Mahrayne was fully cognizant of what he was doing. She hadn't protested, or resisted, finally accepting it for the gift it was. Though he was happier now, Mahrayne could see her mate was exhausted, far more than their recent bout of activity would warrant.
       "Are you all right, dherrum?"
      He pulled her in closely, wrapping himself around her.
       "It's been a - busy few days."
       "Rest now, yes?" Mahrayne's voice was low, and soothing. She continued to stroke his mane, and as his eyes drifted shut, she sang to him – a quiet, lilting little Hassinan lullaby used to soothe children to sleep. Soon Mahrayne felt the tension leave the big body she was cradled against, her mate's breathing becoming deep and regular, but she kept singing until she was sure he was deeply asleep.

Zorun jerked awake a couple of hours later. Mahrayne grinned at him.
       "Some protector I am," he grunted, sitting up, "falling asleep like that."
       "I was awake," Mahrayne said, "I would have woken you if need be."
      Zorun half-smiled at her.
      She nodded.
       "I'll be back soon."
      And with that he padded naked out of their hiding spot and down to the water...

"Do you mind if we stay here tonight?" Zorun asked her after they'd eaten his catch.
       "Will it rain, do you think?"
      The Saiyan scanned the darkening sky. "No."
       "Then let's stay."

Mahrayne was never entirely comfortable sleeping in the open but she felt so safe, so sheltered in the big male's arms – and Zorun had put a lot of effort in to making sure she was at least physically tired – that she had contentedly fallen asleep under the stars without a qualm.

She spent the next few nights with Zorun, in his rooms in the palace this time, and Mahrayne watched whatever it was that had been bothering him gradually recede until he was almost his old self. Almost. There was a residual hardness about him… No, not hardness, exactly, more like resolve. Mahrayne wondered at it, but wasn't bothered, this hardening of one side of him was countered by a softening of other aspects.
       Mahrayne's next check-up coincided with her first night back with Kelapa, but as usual, Zorun came to pick her up from the suite in the afternoon. To her surprise, Zorun didn't immediately pick her up and fly straight to the medical centre. Her mate regarded her sombrely.
       "Would Kelapa like to come with us?"
      Mahrayne stared, then grinned, hugging her mate tightly.
       "I'll ask."
      Kelapa didn't hide her surprise at seeing Mahrayne come back in so soon.
       "Zorun has asked if you'd like to come with us this time."
      Kel's eyes narrowed suspiciously.
       "Maybe he's accepted how important you are to me."
       "Please come," Mahrayne said, "it wasn't so awful last time was it?"
      The warrior gnawed her bottom lip as she thought about it.
       "All right." She grinned lop-sidedly at Mahrayne's happy squeak, then followed her lover out to the balcony.

© 2002 August 15th Amanda Mullane

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