Confrontations 2

      Zha'haabron glanced up from combing Za'rayne's unruly mane and smiled at 'haabron.
      "Precious one."
      The hostling hesitated, looking troubled: the king reached to brush the loose strands of hair back from his sireling's face. 'haabron sighed and cuddled close to his sire - Za'rayne crawled into his lap to hug him. Zha'haabron smiled to himself; the youngest hybrids were extraordinarily affectionate little creatures…
      Absently stroking the infant's mane, 'haabron gazed into his papa's face, his eyes bright with threatening tears.
      "Papa, why do things have to change?"
      Zha'haabron blinked, then kissed the hostling's forehead.
      "It is the nature of Life, little one. All things must change. Otherwise they stagnate and die."
      "But it's so horrible, papa. Dadda's hurt, and Ja'isuu has gone, and maazi's with Jagung-san, and 'rayne's had to go back to Hassina, and… and…"
      He sniffled, swallowing tears, and Za'rayne cuddled him tightly, making little comforting hissing noises in his ear. Zha'haabron cradled them both to him, rocking gently.
      "But I am here, and so are Hi'ijaa, and Zha'haarak, and Kelapa has come back to Mahrayne, and dadda will come home soon. And maazi's still your maazi, still our bondmate too, no matter what else happens. And Kobis is with you, isn't he."
      'haabron nodded, brightening fractionally, then slumped again.
      "Is it always like this, papa?"
      "Always unpleasant changes? No, precious one. Think of all the good changes there have been. How happy Hi'ijaa and Zha'haarak are, now, and your maazi. And remember we now have 'dittsu and 'jiita, and Za'rayne and Ra'vahn, and Ti'ani and Le'leen - and soon Mahrayne's baby, too - all good and wonderful changes. And you and Kobis. And Ja'isuu hasn't left us forever. He's gone to lead his people back to their own world - just as, one day, we hope we can visit ours."
      Zha'haabron nodded - then sire and hostling stared down at Za'rayne as the hybrid beamed up at them.
      **And one day we all will have a new home, one that's all our own!**
      'haabron sniffed, then giggled and licked the hybrid's nose, earning himself a scrunched up grimace and a hiss.
      "You are funny, machii." He grinned at his sire. "Z'rayne and 'vahn have been *talking* about a special place where all the hybrids can live together, all safe and protected. I think they've been listening to too many of 'rayne's stories!"
      Zha'haabron smiled and kissed them both, firmly **hiding** his concern, very aware that both sets of hybrids were still very much unknown quantities and unsure as to what to do about it. Though right now there really wasn't very much he could do…
      Their perception was terrifying at times. He closed his eyes - he really wouldn't be at all surprised if they turned out to be seers or diviners of some kind: one of the books the translation team were working on hinted that such things were an accepted part of life for the zhaneer.
      But that was for the future. All they really needed at the moment was the love and support of the family. The Omanir Conflict had kept Vejiita busy - too busy to worry about why Zha'haabron, Radittsu and Jeice had been giving special training to the little crossbreeds. And on the subject of hybrids, there was Mahrayne's unborn child to consider too. And if, as they wanted, Hijau and Zha'haarak were going to try for their own hostling…
      Zha'haabron blinked, a little startled, and realised his attention had drifted: 'haabron was gazing up at him anxiously. He sighed and nuzzled the hostling's hair.
      "I'm sorry, precious one. I think I am more tired than I realised."
      "Then you should rest, papa." 'haabron gently disentangled himself from his sire and machii and knelt in front of the king. Zha'haabron cupped the beautiful little face in one hand.
      "Are you…"
      'haabron interrupted, both small hands curled around his sire's wrist.
      "I'm fine, papa. You're right, change is part of life. And most of the changes I've known have been good ones, really." He smiled, his eyes misting slightly. "And I have Kobis. That is the best of all the changes. I'll remember that when I feel… like this… next time…"
      As 'haabron dragged on a warm bodysuit and left to make his way to the classroom - a little late, but with all the recent upheavals no-one would complain - Zha'haabron glanced over to where Ra'vahn and 'dittsu were playing together. To his eyes it was clear they were sirelings, though he wouldn't expect any of the Saiya-jin to think so. He frowned slightly, thinking back to Leteetza's words the day after Radittsu and Jeice had left for Omani…

Feeling guilty at leaving 'dittsu behind, even though she knew he'd enjoy himself more with Zha'haabron than with Vejiita, Leteetza had arrived at the royal suite in plenty of time for the main evening meal. As soon as Zorun had opened the door Buahan had raced into the main room and flung herself into her papa's arms, chattering excitedly about the happenings in the family suite, her lessons, the things she'd talked about with Pirum, a letter she'd had from Peyaru… Beaming, Vejiita had caught her, tossed her into the air, catching her as she shrieked and giggled, then cuddled her closely to him. Beckoning to the others to approach, he hugged the twins (Buahan wrapped tightly enough around his neck that he didn't need to put her down to have both arms free), then leaned over and kissed Leteetza, his gaze finally coming to rest on the miniature - and scowling - version of himself in his Companion's arms. He ran a finger down the little face, earning himself a glare, then smiled at the heir's mother.
      "Thank you for coming."
      Leteetza blinked. He was thanking her for something she really couldn't have refused to do?
      ... what was this leading up to?
      He gestured to the hearth, where a warm fire flickered, and the low table, piled high with food - both solid hearty fare and delicacies - and surrounded by comfortable cushions.
      "Let's eat. Then we can talk."
       The children dug in with enthusiasm, even 'jiita, who had on occasion refused to eat what he was given if he had decided he didn't like it today (or was trying to get his own way in something). Leteetza had soon put a stop to that by giving him the same thing at the next meal (and on one occasion even the next!): infant Saiya-jin appetite not able to sustain such a level of cruelty, he reluctantly, grumpily, condescended to eat the meal. Slowly, and making sure everyone realised he was doing this simply as a favour…
      Vejiita sat beside her, his tail curling lightly around her waist, his scent relaxed, warm, affectionate. She glanced at him suspiciously.
      *What's all this for?*
      He frowned.
      *We're eating together. As a family.*
      *Why not?*
      Leteetza sighed.
      *I don't think I've ever known you do anything just for the sake of it. What are you after?*
      He glared indignantly.
      *I wanted a chance for us to spend a little time together. All of us. I've seen very little of you or the brats recently.*
      She nodded, then frowned.
      *But we're not all together, are we? You didn't want 'dittsu here.*
      *He's not my child.*
      *But he is mine. You'd better get used to it, Vejiita, they're brothers. They'll be raised as brothers.*
      *While they are in your care, certainly.*
      *And what is that supposed to mean? If you think you're taking him away from me you have another think coming!*
      *It may be unavoidable - later, when he's older.*
      She growled, but reluctantly nodded.
      *I'm not stupid. I know he'll be king after you and needs special training. But I will not be shut out of his life…*
      He raised a hand.
      *You are my Companion. I would not do such a thing. However, you will need to explain to them why they will be treated differently. I expect you to start as soon as possible.*
      *Vejiita, they're babies! At least give them a little time to grow up!*
      He shook his head.
      *Vejiita Shinnou must be treated as the future king from now on. He is a prince, he will be raised as one. And on that subject, when the brats are asleep we will speak of his naming day - and presentation to the people.*
      Leteetza groaned silently at the thought of another royal presentation, and was about to point out that practically all of the children in the family's suite were princes, but at that point Buahan cuddled into her father's lap and the conversation turned to more mundane matters…

It had disturbed Zha'haabron more than Leteetza. It seemed clear that the Saiya-jin-no-Ou wanted his heir to take after himself as closely as possible, which, in the High King's opinion, wasn't altogether a good thing. Still, Leteetza had insisted that the child join the morning lessons, and Vejiita had agreed, so 'jiita would still mix with the family. Perhaps, he mused to himself, he could volunteer to take some classes himself - R'ren'nkh'ian statecraft and how it differed from its Saiyan counterpart, perhaps. Assuming he could ever find the time, that is…
      One thing that had pleased Zha'haabron - and Radittsu, and Hijau, and even Vejiita, though he kept it to himself - was the interest Limau took in both his latest grandchildren. The zn'hre had been a little worried he would favour 'jiita at the expense of 'dittsu, but that hadn't been the case. He'd come visiting in the depth of the Cold Season, bringing treats for all the children, seemingly delighted that he could, at last, claim Ti'ani and Le'leen as kin too (the hybrids had been bemused, but accepting, of the Councillor), and quite obviously entranced by the babies. Hijau had watched in astonishment as his father cradled them both to him, beaming and tickling them with his tail, then glanced at his bondmate. Zha'haarak was watching with a soft smile, but sad eyes, wondering if the Councillor would be the same with their own children…
      Time to make that appointment with Vinas…

Vinas, however, was now en route to Hassina with Mahrayne, Zorun and Kelapa, and Hijau - swearing under his breath: he was short staffed as it was with the Omanir Conflict - had been forced to allocate Apyo as Vejiita's temporary guard. And his second in command had asked for down-time too: her twin, Nasu, had been seriously injured in the conflict and Kyuri wanted to spend some time with her while she recovered. By dint of juggling his warriors, and the occasional double shift himself, the Captain managed to cover all required posts, but the stress was beginning to tell.
      Zha'haarak, of course, was wonderful. There was nothing quite like having a loving, gentle zn'hre to come home to to soothe a harried mind and troubled spirit. All the prince had to do was hold his Saiyan, stroke his mane, and all seemed right with the universe.
      Like Radittsu, Hijau sometimes had difficulty believing his own luck.

In the midst of all the upheaval, the family had received news back from the G'gecks' medical experts on the subject of Zha'haarak's hip. Gtislin (in Vinas' absence) had visited the family's suite rather than have the zn'hre risk the cold.
      "Firstly, your Majesty, highness, I have to say that the G'gecks believe that they can adapt their own biotechnology so that they may be used for certain procedures for R'ren'nkh'ia-jin. Not everything that they are able to do for other species - they wouldn't be able to regrow whole limbs, for example…" he didn't notice the High King's suddenly widened eyes, or the delighted little smiles the other adults gave him "… but they are fairly certain they can regrow damaged bone." He pursed his lips. "They were a little imprecise about it - unusually so given how fastidiously exact they normally are. However…. From what they have told us, it would be a long procedure. They would need to remove the artificial hip joint, and his highness would need to remain immobile for at least half a year while the positioning of the new joint was finalised. The whole process will take perhaps a full year - and I understand it can be very painful. And -" he gazed sombrely at his audience, "- they won't guarantee success. They've said that the bone should develop correctly, but since they've never dealt with R'ren'nkh'ia-jin before there could be unforeseen problems. And there may still be the same abnormal bony growth as before."
      He inclined his head.
      "My inclination is not to take the risk. If the procedure was successful, his highness would have full mobility, be free of pain, and never need ki-massage again. If it failed, he'd have endured a year of pain, inability to move the lower half of his body during the process - and an operation to fit a new artificial joint at the end of it."
      Hijau wrapped his arms comfortingly around Zha'haarak, who was trembling at the very thought. Gtislin smiled tightly.
      "It is, of course, your decision. Vinas will be more than happy to talk you through the details of the procedure, once he's returned from Hassina."
      Zha'haabron rose and nodded thoughtfully at the medic.
      "Thank you for taking the time to explain it to us."
      "My pleasure, your Majesty. While I'm here, may I enquire as to the prince's health? Vinas asked in his last communication."
      The king glanced at his sibling, but Zha'haarak was still pale, his eyes closed as he nestled in his bondmate's embrace: Zha'haabron spoke for him.
      "Tane and Dari are proving invaluable."

Which, he thought privately, was putting it mildly. During their visit on the first day of the new year, Tane had beckoned him to one side, her expression anxious.
      "Your Majesty, there are new growths developing."
      Alarmed, Zha'haabron had knelt at his sibling's side, stroking the frightened prince's face gently.
      "You are certain?"
      Tane glanced at her twin: Dari bit her lip and nodded.
      "They're only tiny at the moment, Majesty, little rounded bits on the surface of the bone, but they weren't there the day before yesterday."
      The king glanced at the gentle zn'hre, aware of his panic at the thought of another spell in the medical centre…
      "Do you think you could… dissolve them?"
      Tane blinked.
      "Uh, your Majesty? What do you mean?"
      "Your control of ki is astonishingly precise. Do you think you could remove them yourselves?"
      The twins gazed at each other for long moments, then Tane frowned.
      "Well, it should be possible… But… what if something goes wrong?"
      "Do you expect it to?"
      "No, your Majesty…" Her eyes half-closed as she mentally worked her way through the idea. "If we started off with no more ki than we usually use for the treatment, then very very slowly increased it…" She grinned, suddenly enthusiastic. "I'm sure we can do it!"
      And they had. Taking turns, focussing as intently as they'd ever concentrated on anything, the twins gradually blasted the abnormal growths, restoring the bone to smooth wholeness. Zha'haarak had been weeping with joy and relief by the time they'd finished, his gratitude overwhelming. Embarrassed, the twins had blushed and lowered their eyes, only to find Zha'haabron placing cool, gentle hands on their shoulders. They looked up through their lashes into affectionate golden eyes.
      "Thank you."
      "Was nothing, Majesty…"
      He chuckled.
      "Hardly, little healers!" He smiled. "I trust you will continue to provide this… additional service to the prince?"
      "Of course we will!"
      He nodded.
      "This requires some additional recompense. Is there anything in particular you would like?"

*Ye gods!*
      Dari *giggled*.
      *Now, I don't think he'd lend out Hijau, or his bondmate, so don't get over-excited!*
      *How's about we ask for 'dittsu as mate when he's old enough? Or one of the zn'hre princes? Or even two! Or 'dittsu and a couple of the zn'hre!*
      Dari blinked, bemused.
      *Tsuin, you're getting carried away.*
      Tane pouted, then smirked.
      *I know, I know…Nice to dream though, isn't it?*

"Your Majesty, could we think about it for a while, please?"
      "Of course…"

The heavily-guarded transport carrying the diplomatic mission to Omani raced towards its destination. The vital members of the team were sleeping, gathering their strength for what would most likely prove a difficult task.
      Radittsu was roused by… he wasn't quite sure what woke him, but…
      He pushed himself carefully up to sit cross-legged, blinking tiredly around the compact stateroom, wondering what was wrong. Then paused, his expression softening.
      Jeice was standing at the viewport, gazing out at the streaming stars, his arms wrapped around his trembling body, shoulders tense. Radittsu pulled himself unsteadily upright and limped to join the hash'shavven, laying both hands lightly on the little alien's shoulders.
      For a moment Jeice remained motionless, then his shoulders slumped and he turned to the big Saiyan, pressing hard against his body and gripping his mane.
      *Hasshkaen, I'm terrified…*
      Radittsu lifted the strong small body into his arms and cradled Jeice close, wrapping him in simple love. The hash'shavven clung tightly, hot tears bathing the Saiyan's skin. For long, long minutes they remained still…
      Then Jeice drew a trembling sigh.
      *I'm sorry.*
      *For what? Everything has changed, the future is uncertain, you don't know what awaits you. I'd be fucking petrified…*
      Jeice choked on a tearful laugh.
      *You have a way of cutting straight to the heart of the matter… Thank you.*
      Radittsu sighed and kissed him.
      *Come back to bed. Make love to me - it'll help you sleep.*
      And as the little alien sank into an exhausted, sated sleep, an hour later, the big Saiyan cuddled him closely against his warm body, frowning. They were asking so much of him. An ex-slave. He'd had no diplomatic training - still considered himself Zha'haabron's property if truth be told. And Vejiita wanted him to take on the leadership of his own people? Radittsu shook his head. The hash'shavven had no leaders. Had never had any: on their own world they'd lived and acted in concert, in joyous instinctive harmony with each other and their planet.
      But things were different now.
      He sighed. He needed to sleep, himself. He was so tired… But his hip ached ferociously, and the new skin across his back was itching like hell: heh, he'd be lucky if he managed any rest until they were on their way home…

Nappa smirked - then bowed to the diplomatic team, barely according them the respect they commanded. His gaze settled on Jeice - a white, scaled down version of the Saiyan diplomats' ankle length, loose, open sleeveless gown over the hash'shavven's white tunic, trousers and knee-boots - and he frowned, as though puzzled. Manzano crossed his arms over his chest and hrumphed impressively.
      "Commander Nappa - if you would be so good…"
      Nappa blinked, then nodded.
      "I've had all the high-caste Omanir assemble in the plaza in the centre of the city, sir. Along with all their slaves. There's a lot of slaves…"
      He wasn't wrong: the plaza was jammed with naked beings of a number of different species, all forming buffers between their owners and the next Omani broodgroup close by. Manzano stepped forwards onto the dais at the head of the vast open space, and raised his hands.
      "Greetings in the name of Vejiita First, Saiya-jin Emperor, your new overlord."
      Not the most popular of announcements, thought Radittsu dryly, as an angry rumble went through the crowd.
      Thankfully Manzano kept it brief, baldly stating Omani's new status as underling to the Empire, details to be advised later - then dismissing those slaves that weren't hash'shavven.
      The action raised a stir of unease, especially when Jeice, Radittsu standing firm at his back, moved to the front of the dais. The little alien gazed out over the crowd, his eyes meeting those of each of his people briefly then moving on, searching, searching…
      *She isn't here.*
      Radittsu laid a hand on his shoulder.
      *Who isn't, aijin?*
      *Veiyan. I don't see her - *feel* her - here…*
      *Who was her master?*
      *The Soutan Maagarin…*
      Radittsu turned to Manzano, speaking quietly: moments later the ambassador beckoned to the Soutan. Scowling, the ex-ruler stalked to the dais: Manzano leaned forwards slightly to speak with him.
      "Veiyan?" the Omanir laughed harshly. "That little piece of trash? I gave her away."
      *Feeling* Jeice's gut-wrenching apprehension, Radittsu reached out, grabbed the saurian by the front of his tunic and pulled him close, snarling quietly,
      "You will bring her here, now. Or I will rip you limb from limb, and all your hopes of enjoying the favour of the Emperor - my cousin - will die slowly with you."
      Blanching, the Omanir cringed back, pulling out a personal communicator and speaking rapidly into the transceiver. And minutes later Rikuma (Radittsu gripped Jeice's shoulders tightly as the little hash'shavven fought his instinctive need to flee) carried a small red and white bundle to the dais, impassively laying it at Jeice's feet.

Radittsu closed his eyes, willing it not to be so. The little female had bled almost white, and stank of sex, the smells of semen and Omanir body oils rank on her bruised, abraded skin. Blood still pulsed sluggishly from between her legs, mixed with silvery seed, and the faint rancid scent of ruptured internal organs - not content with simple rape, they'd sodomised her as well, ripping her open inside.
      She was dying. And there was nothing they could do to stop it.

Jeice dropped to his knees, carefully pulling the limp pale form into his arms. Veiyan gazed up at him, her lovely eyes dulling, and tried to lift a hand to his anguished face.
      "I am… so sorry… hasshvien… I wanted… to wait for… you…"
      The gentle voice faded as she grimaced, tensing as one last spasm of pain ripped through her small body - then there was silence as the tortured body relaxed into death.
      Jeice pressed a kiss to her forehead, and gently lowered her to the ground, gentle fingers closing her eyes, settling her as though for sleep, his movements slow and tender.

Radittsu moved carefully back from the hash'shavven, his eyes wide, startled and fearful. Scenting him, and alarmed by his expression, Manzano and the other Saiyans with the mission also fell back…

The Omanir were to all intents and purposes ki-less, or they would have been aware of the aura of sheer power gathering strength around Jeice. To Radittsu, and to the other ki-sensitives onworld, it *felt* as though the air was screaming, pulling in to surround the hash'shavven with an elemental fury terrifying in its scope. Jeice pulled himself upright over Veiyan's body, a small red and white figure at the head of the broad plaza, deceptively mild as he gazed around at the assembled Omanir.
      "Why? Why have you done this? Why have you treated us so?"
      Maagarin smirked.
      "Because we can. Because you let us. Because you're nothing but animals, fit only to be used as we see fit…"
      Jeice lowered his head, the fire in his eyes hidden behind long snowy lashes. For now. For only a moment…
      He raised his head, slowly.
      "Indeed. Then you will understand that what we do now, we do because we can…"
      He rose from the ground, arms outstretched, his body outlined in fire. And as the bewildered Omanir stared…

It looked, Radittsu later said, as though sparks drifted from him, setting the rest of his people, the assembled slaves, alight, like… like some sort of forest fire… And as each spark landed it ignited the hash'shavven it touched, and he or she rose too, enveloped in his or her own nimbus of fire, or water, or lightning, or lava…

It was a slaughter - the Omanir never stood a chance.

*Are you all right?*
      Jeice blinked up at the big Saiyan, then frowned. What…?
      He was slumped in Radittsu's arms, exhausted, and… crying? He brushed his fingers over his face, then frowned up at the big male.
      *What happened?*
      Radittsu eyed him warily.
      *You don't remember?*
      Jeice closed his eyes, trying to think… He was so tired. It wasn't easy. But…
      He stiffened.
      *They killed Veiyan…*
      Radittsu nodded, face grim.
      *Heh… Yeah. And then you killed them...*
      Jeice stared at him, bewildered - then slowly, reluctantly, and with dawning horror turned his head to gaze at the plaza.
      At the piles of bloody, steaming, smouldering flesh in the plaza.
      At the hash'shavven clinging to each other, lost and bewildered and keening their fear…
      He swallowed hard and pushed against the Saiyan's solid body. Radittsu helped him rise, then stood behind him protectively. Not that Jeice would ever need protection again. Physically, at any rate…
      He gazed at his people. At what was left of his race. A few hundred - a thousand at most. He bit his lip, eyes brimming, and glanced over his shoulder at Radittsu. The big Saiyan smiled, encouragingly, and gently stroked his hair.
      *Your people, aijin. Only and forever yours. You've bought your freedom.*
      Jeice bit back a sob.
      *At a cost of so many lives… How could I have been so… uncontrolled…?*
      Radittsu crouched down, wincing as his hip objected, and laid both hands on the hash'shavven's shoulders.
      *Good things are usually born in pain. Forget the Omanir - they were a blight on the galaxy. You have more important things to worry about now.* He gestured to the hash'shavven around them. *Speak to them, aijin. You lead them now. We'll help all we can, but you must lead your people.*

© 2002 October 11th Joules Taylor

Ghosts pt 4
Ghosts pt 3
Fourth Alliance Chronicle Index

Zha'haabron is 'haabron's sire (father), and Za'rayne's host (mother), so the children are related but aren't sire-sibs or host-sibs: machii is the general R'ren'nkh'ian term indicating this relationship (which is a very common one).


"my soul" - term used only between bonded mates. Strictly speaking not accurate here: Veiyan was expressing what she'd hoped would happen…
