Transition pt 2

The morning after her return, Mahrayne and Kinu were due at the medical centre for a check-up. As neither Zorun or Kel were around, Ayva had offered to pick them up and fly them there. The Saiyan medic was gratifyingly mushy over the cub, cooing at him and tickling him with her tail while he burbled at her.
       "He's just lovely, Mahrayne - and his colouring…" Ayva's eyes twinkled, "What are my chances of finding a willing Hassinan male next time I'm on heat?"
      Mahrayne blinked, astonished, then she laughed.
       "There's one I could put in a good word for you with."
      She wasn't seriously considering mentioning Ayva's request to Malum - not seriously - after all she wasn't sure how serious Ayva was, but it would be fascinating to see what the combination of her brother's pale gold hair and Ayva's red-tipped dark brown could produce...

"You're both doing well," Ayva looked up from the monitor screen, "though you still need to take things easy for a while." The medic made a note on the scriber. "We'll keep you on the nutritive supplement for the time being, that'll help with Kinu's feeding." Ayva tickled the soles of the cub's feet and Kinu squealed happily. "He's developing much slower than a Saiyan child," she smiled at Mahrayne, "but that's to be expected. We need to take some more blood samples -"
       As if on cue, Vinas knocked and entered the room. Mahrayne scowled, then mindful of Leteetza's lecture to her about respect due to the biotech, she forced herself to a neutral expression.
       "With your permission, Lady Mahrayne, I'll take those samples now."
      Kinu whimpered as the needle pierced his skin but Mahrayne managed to repress the urge to snap at the alien. Vinas was finished in an efficiently short time; he nodded curtly to the females then turned to leave.
       "Vinas? Sir?"
      "Yes, Lady Mahrayne?" The biotech was coolly polite.
       "I - " Mahrayne bit her lip, unsure of what to say, only knowing that she had to say something. Leteetza was right, Vinas would be the one responsible for her child's health, and Pirum could be working closely with him in the future. It would be better for all concerned if there was no friction. " - I would like to thank you for accompanying me to Hassina, especially given how much you were needed here at the time."
       The Feeodoreean's eyes widened fractionally in what Mahrayne assumed was surprise, then he inclined his head politely.
       "I can't say it was my pleasure, Lady Mahrayne, but thank you."

"What was that all about?" Ayva asked as soon as Vinas had left the room. Mahrayne sighed.
       "It was pointed out to me how rude I was being to him."
       "I wouldn't worry too much," Ayva said with a smirk, "he's been dealing with Saiyans for a long time and we're not the most civil of people." The medic stroked Kinu's mane. "We're finished here, let's get you back home, ne?"

After being absent from the suite for a couple of days, Kelapa suddenly reappeared one afternoon. She looked - Mahrayne thought, eyeing the Saiyan anxiously - as if she'd been through some terrible trial. The female was tired, and gaunt and hollow, somehow. Mahrayne desperately wanted to know what could have upset the warrior so much, not from simple curiosity but from an abruptly deep concern for Kel. She couldn't bring herself to ask - to be honest, the Hassinan had been afraid to open her mouth for fear of causing any more problems - so she waited, gnawing nervously at her lower lip while the warrior spoke briefly to Leteetza. She didn't have to wait long, Kelapa soon turned to her, and smiled. True, it was a weary, hurting little lift of the warrior's lips, but it was the first sign of genuine affection Kel had offered for days and Mahrayne's spirits rose. Her hopes for reconcilement between them rose too, when Kelapa almost literally scooped Mahrayne and her child up, and took them all through into the privacy of what had been 'their' room.

Kelapa collapsed, cross-legged, onto the bed, her shoulders slumped and her tail curved limply out behind her. Mahrayne sat tentatively beside the female, needing to help, but not sure what she could do - there must be something…
      "Can I see the brat?" Kel smirked tiredly.
       "Of course!" Mahrayne lifted Kinu - who was awake, alert, and watching everything with bright-eyed curiosity - out of his sling and handed him to Kelapa. The warrior smiled lop-sidedly at the cub as he wound his tail around her forearm, lifting him up to gently nuzzle his neck. Mahrayne watched Kel's face closely; the female's eyes drifted closed as she scented Kinu, her expression a curious mix of joy and sorrow. Mahrayne realised with a jolt where she'd seen that look before, on Hassinan females she'd known who'd lost their child. But, that didn't make sense from what she knew of Kel…
       Kelapa didn't give Kinu back straight away, as Mahrayne had expected; instead, the female settled the child in the crook of her arm, gently stroking his long, silver mane away from his face while he gazed serenely up at her. Before long he was fast asleep, his tail relaxing, but not unwinding from around the Saiyan's arm. Kel smiled softly down at him for a few moments, then her smile faded and she looked at his mother.

"Kel - " Mahrayne began, then stopped helplessly. Kelapa, rich-brown eyes unblinking, expressionlessly watched the Hassinan founder. She sighed, and regarded Mahrayne steadily.
       "I love you, 'rayne," the Saiyan's voice was barely above a whisper, "I'm sorry I hurt you."
      Mahrayne's golden eyes widened.
       "Oh no, jha-tunovahn!" she - quietly - hastened to reply, lightly gripping Kel's wrist, "I'm the one who should apologise." She lifted her hand to Kel's cheek, gently stroking the creamy skin. "I've made such a mess of things between us, but - " she said earnestly, "if you'll let me, I want to try to make amends."
      "How?" Kelapa half-smirked. Mahrayne shifted closer to the Saiyan, cupping Kel's cheek in her palm. She kissed the corner of the female's mouth.
       "I will have no-one but you." she murmured.
      Kel chuckled quietly.
       "And Zorun." the female smirked.
       "Well, yes, and him of course," Mahrayne giggled then became serious, "But no one but you two." She searched Kelapa's face. "Will that help?"
      Kel's expression was carefully neutral.
       "You'd do that? You'd stop fucking 'teetza, and Ti'aasaan and - " she growled, despite herself, " - the twins."
      Mahrayne nodded; she'd not gone near Dari and Tane since Kelapa had left, and while she'd miss sex with Leteetza and Ti'aasaan…
       "You're worth it." she whispered.
       The warrior said nothing, but her eyes were suspiciously bright. Mahrayne leaned forward and kissed her lover, gentle lingering kisses that quickly left them both breathless. Mahrayne pulled back, grinning, then removed her son from Kel's lap, deftly unwinding his tail from the female's forearm, and settled him safely at the other end of the bed, where he thankfully stayed asleep for the next hour or so while the females wordlessly renewed their bond.

Later that afternoon, Zorun returned, carrying a battered, unconscious Hijau. Mahrayne watched, disturbed, as her mate handed his burden to Radittsu then knelt before Zha'haarak, pledging his life to the gentle zn'hre. The Hassinan didn't fully comprehend what was happening - it was all very alien - but she felt a thrill of pride at Zorun's actions and her guilt lifted fractionally when Zha'haarak smiled at the Guard and sent him to join his family.

Zorun was quiet as he flew the three of them to his quarters. Mahrayne, sneaking glances at her mate, couldn't completely suppress her anxiety. Zorun didn't look to her to be in much better shape than Hijau had been, though she didn't like to hazard a guess at how much of the blood covering Zorun was his own, and how much was the Captain's.
       Once he'd gently deposited them onto the bare floor of his sleeping chamber, Zorun silently held out his hands for his son.
       "Ah, I've missed you, little one," he murmured, breathing in the child's scent as Kinu wriggled happily in his father's embrace.
       Mahrayne flushed guiltily, realising that Kinu was six days old and he'd only spent a few hours with his father. The Hassinan dropped to her knees, pressing her forehead to the floor.
       "I am so sorry, Zorun," she forced the words out of a thickened throat, "for my thoughtlessness - for everything…"
      There was silence for several long moments, then she heard the Saiyan sigh.
       "What happened?" The tip of his tail caressed her cheek.
      Mahrayne risked a glance at him.
      "I don't - " she shook her head, confused.
      Zorun's dark eyes bored into hers.
       "Kelapa and I came down to the planet because we both *felt* your distress. What happened?"
      Mahrayne froze, then swallowed: Zorun and Kel had '*felt* her distress'? What did that mean?
       "You - felt?"
      The big male nodded. "We sometimes sense things from you. We knew something was wrong."
      Mahrayne knelt upright, shaking her head in agitation.
       "That's not possible. Hassinan aren't telepath- "
      She gasped, dark-golden eyes almost round with alarm as her hands flew to her mouth. Hassinan weren't normally telepathic… except for their twins.

Oh, gods!

Mahrayne collapsed forward, quivering, overcome, and sobbing, buried her face in her hands. Her thoughts whirled frantically. What did this mean? What did this mean?
      She became aware of herself again, cradled in Zorun's lap - he was sitting on the floor - his arms curved protectively around Kinu and herself.
      Mahrayne snapped out of her shocked introspection, taking the whimpering child from where he was awkwardly being held against Zorun's chest, and cuddled him close to her.
       "'rayne?" Zorun's voice was harsh with worry.
       "I'm all right, dherrum," she whispered, stroking Kinu's back soothingly, relaxing into her mate's strength.
       "What happened on Hassina?"
      Mahrayne drew a quavering breath.
       "I found out I was a twin." Such a deceptively simple statement. "It was a shock."
      Zorun frowned.
       "What happened to them - your twin?"
       "She died before we were born." Mahrayne closed her eyes against the tears. "I've been missing her all my life and I didn't realise."
      "Why weren't you told earlier?" he growled; Mahrayne shrugged minutely, smiling involuntarily at Kinu who had finally quieted and was now turning his attention to the more important matter of feeding.
      "I'm not sure." It was only a small untruth, and necessary, because Mahrayne honestly didn't want to reveal more of her peoples' shortcomings to her already intolerant mate - not yet, not until she'd had a chance to think things through. She opened her robe and placed the child to her breast.
      "But I know now, and I can begin to deal with it."
      Zorun shifted a little, settling himself comfortably back against the bed without disturbing Kinu's nursing. He half-smiled, watching his son and his mate.
       "Hijau is a twin," he said after a few minutes, "he still misses Setela."
       "I know." Mahrayne sighed, not taking her gaze from her child's face. "I grieved deeply for him when I found out Setela had been killed. I didn't understand why at the time."
      Zorun hugged her, gently brushing a kiss over the top of her head. Mahrayne accepted the wordless comfort and they sat in an easy, loving silence as they watched their cub contentedly feed.

They'd all bathed after Kinu had finished feeding, the child lying quietly in his mother's arms, replete and drowsy. Mahrayne was glad to see her mate's injuries weren't as extensive as she'd feared, but he was exhausted, barely able to keep his eyes open. The Hassinan was pondering whether she should make sure he ate something, or whether she should simply let him sleep, when there was a knock on the door. Mahrayne's stomach rumbled as she looked at the trolley laden with seared meat and fresh fruit that Radittsu had thoughtfully arranged to be delivered to them. She grinned, there was even a small jug of the meaty glop there for her. Zorun managed to stay awake long enough to devour most of what was there before sliding under the sleeping furs.
       His eyes gleamed as Mahrayne climbed in next to him and set Kinu gently down between them.
       "You're too tired!" she protested, giggling.
      He smirked and his tail slid over her groin, making her gasp.
      "You're not." Zorun pulled her over to straddle his waist.
      She would have protested some more but talented fingers and tail made her discard the thought as irrelevant.

Mahrayne slumped, panting, over her mate's chest. She grinned blearily at him.
       "Now will you go to sleep?"
       "Heh." Zorun's smug smirk was cut short by a huge yawn.
       "Go to sleep." Mahrayne insisted with a smile, kissing him and sliding off of his strong body; Zorun was asleep before she'd made herself comfortable on the other side of their son. She smiled softly, watching her mate and her child sleep. Mahrayne closed her eyes…

… she was aware of the presence in the room, and who it was, before she rolled over.
      Alida sat, naked and cross-legged, on top of the sleeping furs, long, soft white hair falling down around her shoulders. The muted golden glow from the both of them warmly illuminated the room.
      *He makes you feel good.* Alida said, nodding at Zorun.
       *Yes.* Mahrayne smiled.
      *Kelapa makes you feel good as well.* Alida smirked.
       *They both do.*
       *Along with others…*
       *Is there a point to this?* Mahrayne couldn't help grinning at her twin's sly tone.
       *No, not really,* Alida laughed. *Though it would be nice to feel how good it is first-hand.* She elaborated at Mahrayne's querying look. *You're my link to the physical world. I can only experience what you do, feel what you do.*
       *Oh.* Mahrayne thought that was sad, then she blushed as the implications made themselves clear. *Everything? You can feel everything I feel?*
      *Oh yes. I laugh when you do, I cry when you do,* she smirked broadly, *I come when you do. There's a lot of that, it's very pleasant.* They both giggled.
      *Why am I dreaming of you now?* Mahrayne asked, *I don't remember dreaming of you before.*
      *Are you sure this is a dream?*
      *Isn't it? I'm asleep.*
      Alida smiled an infuriatingly enigmatic little smile.
       *Kinu's about to wake.*
      Mahrayne knew the truth of that even as her twin spoke. She turned to her son…

… opening her eyes.
      The room was dark, and vaguely chilly. Mahrayne glanced back over her shoulder, not really expecting to see her twin there, but still irrationally, bitterly disappointed when she wasn't. Mahrayne acknowledged, then tried to ignore the sharp pang of loneliness that stabbed through her leaving a throbbing ache in its wake, focusing instead on her child. Kinu was awake and squirming, fretfully hungry. She quickly put him to her breast in the hopes of quieting him before he woke his father but even so, Zorun stirred awake, his tail looping around her waist. He reached out and stroked her hair.
      "Just a dream." she whispered. "Go back to sleep."
       "Hn." Zorun shifted closer to them, insinuating an arm around her shoulders, pulling her head down against his chest before falling asleep again.
       Mahrayne dozed while Kinu fed, only properly going back to sleep once her son was satisfied, a faint, comforting, golden glow playing at the corner of her eyes…

Zorun dropped Mahrayne and Kinu back at the R'ren'nkh'ian suite early the next morning. He kissed his mate and son, feeling calmer, more content than he could remember being for a long time. He wrapped his tail around them both, smiling down into the Hassinan's eyes.
      "I'll see you tonight."
      Before he could leave to resume his duty with the Saiya-jin-no-Ou though, Kelapa *spoke* to him.
       *I need to talk to you.*
      Zorun scowled, ready to refuse, but something in the female's scent - anguish, anger and old, old pain - gave him pause.
      The male held himself aloof as Kelapa smiled at his mate and son, kissing her and ruffling Kinu's mane, murmuring reassurances that she'd be back soon. The happiness in Mahrayne's scent at being with the islander female teased his desire for her even as he was irritated by it - Mahrayne was his, dammit! Kelapa jerked her chin at him, indicating he should follow. Zorun suppressed his growl and took off into the air after the annoying female.

The Saiyans stood amongst the trees in the palace gardens not looking at each other. Kelapa was tense, staring at the ground, arms and tail wrapped tightly around herself.
       *There was an attack on the palace while we were away.*
      Zorun looked sharply at her.
      He'd heard nothing of this, not surprising seeing as he'd left with Hijau as soon as the transport landed then been effectively incommunicado for two days. Hijau hadn't said anything about it either, but then the flame-haired male had been too busy trying not to get shredded…
      *Aliens. Four of them. They had no scent, their ki was undetectable - * The muscles in Kelapa's jaw were knotted with tension, * - it took the combined attacks of the King, and High King and the Captain to subdue one of the fuckers.* She looked at him, her eyes narrowed and hard. *They were the same race that attacked the outpost where Piturun and I were stationed.*
       Zorun froze, shocked rigid by the unexpected statement.
       *We faced fifteen of them.* Kelapa's *voice* grated harshly. *Can you see now why Piturun died? We didn't stand a fucking chance.* And then she was gone, leaving Zorun alone in the frosty air.
       The Guard was stunned; his initial reaction was to angrily dismiss everything the female had said as a lie - but why would she lie? He scowled, he didn't like Kelapa, but he didn't doubt her honour; the truth of the recent attack would be easy to verify anyway. He growled, hands clenching into fists at his side; he remembered the state of his partner's corpse - even before Nappa had finished with it - and, despite his grief and anger at the time he'd seen how badly injured Kelapa had been. She should have died. If these aliens were as powerful as she said then… he couldn't blame her for Piturun's death, couldn't blame her for living.

The Saiya-jin-no-Ou grimly confirmed Kelapa's story, allowing Zorun to leave his post so he could see what was left of the Warui-jin. The big male stared at the remains of the prisoner with loathing and a creeping horror: the thing was recently dead and he got a look at it before the Feeodoreeans begun the preservation process - it had no scent.
      As he'd been leaving Vejiita's office the King had said the Warui-jin were going to be annihilated - no fucking annexation for this race! A vicious smirk spread over Zorun's face. If it were at all possible he wanted to be in on the killing, he wanted fifteen of them dead at his hands…

It was a busy day for Mahrayne, conferring with Ubi in the morning so they could organise lesson plans and extra teachers for the expanded number of students, and a protracted dance lesson with Ti'aasaan in the afternoon, on top of caring for a happy, though demanding baby. Mahrayne was glad of the distractions however - over the morning meal she'd found herself staring at 'ani and 'leen as they sat with their tails twined around each other, noticing seemingly for the first time, how close the hybrids were...
       "Are you all right, takibi?" Kel had asked her, the female's tail wrapping around Mahrayne's waist. The Hassinan blinked back tears and forced down the echoing loneliness that had somehow snuck up on her again.
       "I'm fine," Mahrayne brushed a kiss over Kel's lips, "just tired, I think."
      But despite Mahrayne's resolve not to let herself be distracted, it had happened again during the midday meal, and again in the afternoon, a painful, yearning wistfulness filling her when she looked at 'ani and 'leen, or Za'rayne and Ra'vahn, or 'dittsu and 'jiita.

"What's wrong, Mahrayne?"
      Mahrayne flinched, hoping she was imagining the sharpness in Leteetza's tone.
       "It's – "
       "Don't you dare tell me it's nothing!" the little female growled. "You've been on the verge of bursting into tears all day."
      Mahrayne hung her head, desperately trying not to cry. It was so unfair, she was trying not to let her unhappiness bother anyone – gods knew the family had enough to worry about without her, face it, insignificant problems as well – and she was trying to get back to normal; being growled at by her friend wasn't helping. Kinu wriggled fretfully in his sling.
      Leteetza growled, then sighed irritably and stroked the Hassinan's cheek.
      "What is the matter, 'rayne?"
      Mahrayne looked down at the female, seeing the genuine concern behind the scowl.
       "I – " Mahrayne sighed tremulously; she didn't know why, but she couldn't bring herself to tell 'teetza what the problem was. "I will be all right, susareh," she finally said, "It's - not really something others can help me with."
      Leteetza scowled.
      "Fine, but if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Understand?" she said brusquely.
      Mahrayne sniffled, nodding.
       "Thank you."
       "Hn." The little female's tail flicked in what Mahrayne interpreted as annoyance before she stalked away to find out what had made 'dittsu squeal so loudly.

Zorun had collected Kinu and Mahrayne after the evening meal, the big male quietly paying his respects to Zha'haarak and checking on Hijau's recovery before whisking his family away to his quarters.
      Leteetza watched 'til they were out of sight then she turned to Pirum.
      "Right, what's going on with your sister?"
      Pirum glanced up from where she'd been cuddling with Buahan.
       "What do you mean, ferenah?"
      Kel frowned at the young female.
       "Something happened to 'rayne on Hassina, something that shocked her enough to give me a fucking headache."
      Pirum looked uncomfortable.
       "I don't think I'm supposed to say anything - 'rayne doesn't know that I know."
       "We can't help her if we don't know what the problem is!" Leteetza growled.
      Pirum chewed her bottom lip, unconsciously imitating her sister.
       "'rayne found out – " Pirum's voice dropped to a whisper, " – that she was a twin."
      Leteetza blinked.
       "That's it?"
      Pirum nodded solemnly.
       "Tella miscarried Alida – the teverdia managed to save 'rayne."
      Kel and Leteetza glanced at each other.
       "I can understand how upsetting it would be to find that out," Leteetza frowned, shoving a hand through her mane, "but 'rayne's more than just 'upset'."
      Pirum swallowed nervously.
      "It's not just that she lost her twin, I think, she's angry because she was lied to about it, and – and there's been things that have happened to her that made her think she was odd but she's not she's a twin."
      Kelapa scowled.
       "You're not making a lot of sense, brat."
      Pirum shrugged helplessly.
       "Maybe I can help...?" Zha'haarak spoke up softly from his place beside the High King. "Mahrayne has told me some of the Hassinan stories about their twins."
      The gentle zn'hre blushed a little under the multiple expectant looks. "Twins are rare, and revered by the Hassinan," he said, acknowledging Leteetza's nod, the little female knew this much already, "but they are also telepathic, at least with each other; they form very strong bonds with each other."
      Kelapa's eyes widened and she swore.
      "'rayne's telepathic?"
       "If she's a twin she probably has the potential," Zha'haabron commented thoughtfully, "though whether she can link with other races...?"
       "Explains a lot." Kel grimaced. "Zorun and I have been *hearing* things from her for a long time." The warrior snorted. "Thought I was imagining it."
      The High King's elegant eyebrows rose.
       "Maybe, with work, Mahrayne will be able to realise that potential?"
      "Heh." Kelapa grinned lop-sidedly at Leteetza. "Be nice, that."
       "It still doesn't explain why she's in pieces about it." Leteetza frowned.
      Zha'haarak smiled sadly.
      "Think of this – with the intimacy Hassinan twins have with one another Mahrayne hasn't simply lost a sibling," he glanced at Hijau, sympathetic tears in his beautiful golden eyes, "she's lost a bond-mate..."

Sated and warmly, deliciously tired, Mahrayne cuddled in beside Zorun, their cub snug and safe between them. Mahrayne smiled happily and kissed the Saiyan's shoulder. Zorun stirred in sleep, his eyes flickering open briefly before he sank back into exhausted slumber. Mahrayne grinned, even though she and her mate couldn't enjoy intercourse at the moment, her fertile imagination - and returning stamina - had ensured that that had been no hindrance to their mutual pleasure. She slept...

... *Hello!* Alida chirped, grinning broadly.
       *Hello,* Mahrayne smirked, *did you enjoy that?*
      *Oh, yes,* Alida said, her eyes twinkling, *very much.*
      The twins giggled at each other.
       *You didn't answer my question last time,* Mahrayne said. *Why am I dreaming of you now and not before?*
      Alida shrugged.
      *I don't honestly know, heart's-light. Maybe it's because you're finally aware of me?* She scowled. *Though it would have been less traumatic for you if you'd grown up knowing about me.*
       *Would it?*
       *Yes!* Alida growled, then her expression softened. *But if you'd been told about me earlier you wouldn't have left Hassina, or met Zorun,* she smiled at the sleeping child, *and Kinu wouldn't have been born.*
      Mahrayne was curious.
       *How do you know this?*
       *Because I can see down different paths, if you like, of time. I can see the potential consequences of isolated actions, events. * She leant down and brushed her lips over Mahrayne's cheek – it felt like the barest ghosting of warm air. *So can you.*
      Mahrayne gaped.
      *Don't do that,* Alida laughed, *you look like a mubohna!*
       *I can see the future?* Mahrayne shivered in comprehension. *Hassina's destruction.*
       *Yes.* Alida said bluntly.
       *You said potential consequences - does that mean Hassina might not be destroyed?*
      Alida shook her head, her expression grim.
       *No. The turning point for that event has already passed - Hassina is doomed.*
       *When? Do you know?*
       *Soon. Within ten of our years, I think. Before Marldus dies, anyway.*
      Mahrayne wiped away futile tears.
       *At least the Lead Speaker believed my warning, we should be able to save our people.*
      Alida nodded agreement.
       *Most of them, in any event.*
      The pair lapsed into silence.
       *I think you should sleep now, 'rayne, you've got a busy day ahead of you.*
       *I do? How do you know? Did you 'see' it?*
      Alida laughed.
       *No, but it stands to reason. Every day of your life here is busy!* She leant down and kissed her. To Mahrayne it felt like another almost-sensation, but her twin's action provoked a strong surge of arousal.
       *I wish I could touch you.* she said huskily.
       *You can.* Alida grinned. *We do.* She giggled. *You're looking like a mubohna again.*
      Mahrayne shut her mouth with an audible snap.
       *When does it happen? How?*
       *Have you never wondered why you always feel better after you've tranced?*
       *Yes, but I can never remember what happens. Do we - ?*
       *Not physically, not like you do with Zorun and Kel; but when you trance - * she wove her fingers together tightly, * - we're able to meld, we become part of each other, like we're meant to be. It's beautiful.*
       *Oh.* Mahrayne sighed wistfully. *I wish I could remember!*
      Alida smiled at her.
       *One day you will. Go to sleep, little sister.*
      *Little sister?* Mahrayne raised an eyebrow.
       *Well, technically, I was born first.* Alida grinned.
      Mahrayne smiled and turned over onto her side, snuggling close to Kinu.
       *I'm very glad I'm seeing you, dear-heart,* she murmured sleepily, *even if it is only in dreams...*

      Mahrayne fell asleep to Alida's soft, sweet rendition of a Hassinan lullaby…

Mahrayne divided her time between her mates, spending a couple of nights with each of them in turn, though making sure Zorun got to see Kinu every day. When she was with Kel Mahrayne made an effort to see that for at least some of the time, they – with Kinu, of course – were by themselves in an adjoining guest suite. Pirum didn't object to her sister's absence, as long as she was with Buahan the young Hassinan didn't really care. 'tiisaan didn't say anything when Mahrayne and Kel left the suite, but his face was so easy to read... Mahrayne always made it up to the little dancer the following day, spending extra time with him. 'tiisaan missed 'viirel, even though they spoke daily over the comm-link, and he missed Jeice – so did Mahrayne, but not for precisely the same reasons as the young zn'hre did. It was probably a good thing she didn't have to face the little alien's particular temptations every day.
       Kinu thrived in the loving atmosphere of the family's suite. The cub was happy to be with almost anyone - if he couldn't be with his mother or father or Kel - though he did have his favourites. Very early on, Kinu had shown a marked preference for Zha'haarak's company, and he was fascinated by the colour of Hijau's mane and tail, contentedly fisting his little hands in the bright red mass, oblivious to the Captain's occasional grimace if he tugged too hard. Likewise, Kinu had fallen asleep more than once wrapped up in Radittsu's mane with Ra'vahn and Za'rayne: Mahrayne had thought she would melt away into a puddle of mush when she saw that. Kinu loved it when 'tiisaan danced with him, holding the cub securely as he spun around the room. Mahrayne was very glad they appeared to like each other, she hoped it meant they would become friends: it was always wonderful when a child and their name-parent were close. Kinu really liked 'ani and 'leen as well, 'teetza's hybrids always played such interesting games with him! Mahrayne had come back from the library once to find the pair giggling with Kinu on the sleeping platform, teaching her cub to growl...

Zha'haarak and Hijau had made their first attempt at a hostling but they'd lost the child within hours.
       Mahrayne paced with Kinu in her room, trying to calm her cub. She was getting desperate, and tired; he'd been fretting and crying for most of the day and unwilling to be with anyone but her. Kinu was becoming increasingly frustrated as well, wanting - needing - something which Mahrayne couldn't provide because she couldn't work out what it was!
      Kel had come back to the suite during her midday break and taken over from her harassed lover for a short while.
      A very short while.
      Kinu made no bones that it was his mother he wanted – no one else was acceptable.
       *What's the matter, brat?* Kel had *asked* him before being forced to hand the child back to Mahrayne. Kinu was too young to have anything like coherence in mind-speak, but Kel was easily able to discern his frustration, and a thwarted, confused sadness that was quickly turning to anger. She'd passed him back to Mahrayne then with a grimace.
       "Sorry, 'rayne, I can't help."
      The Hassinan sighed and held her child against her shoulder, rocking him gently.
       "We'll manage, won't we, dherrumah?" Kinu hiccoughed and sobbed as if his heart was breaking, then, to Mahrayne's surprise, he pulled his head back – something he'd not been able to do before – and looked at her with a disturbingly intense awareness.
       "Kinu - ?"
      Before she'd had a chance to form a thought, Mahrayne was suddenly consumed by a pain so intense she couldn't draw breath to scream...

"'rayne! 'rayne!"
      The Hassinan groaned – it felt like she'd had her skull split clumsily in two with a very large rock, and the rock was still embedded in her throbbing brain.
       "Wh - ?"
      She was lying on the bed in her room, she noted absently, Kinu lying quietly beside her, Kel and Zorun both there, crowded around her, both of them anxious. She peered fuzzily at the big male – where had he come from?
       "'rayne? What happened?"
      Mahrayne took a moment to concentrate on the parts of her body involved with speaking, she didn't think she could trust them to work properly on their own.
       "Don't know." she managed.
      She blinked repeatedly. The pain was receding slowly, but the oddest thing was happening to her vision, everything had taken on a distinctly golden tone, very pretty...
       "You scared us shitless, baka!" Leteetza's voice – she couldn't see the little female.
       "How are you feeling?" Kelapa again.
      Mahrayne paused to think.
       "Good." she said, surprised.
      It was bizarre but she did feel good - wrung-out and hungry - but content.

No, wait a minute - the Hassinan frowned - that wasn't how she was feeling – she was feeling like the aftermath of a cave-in. Mahrayne was confused; if these weren't her feelings, where did they…?
      Kinu gurgled happily next to her. She stared at her child; these were Kinu's feelings!

      What the fuck..?

The Hassinan looked up from the bed, bewildered, looked past her mates and Leteetza, into the ethereally golden face of her twin.
      Alida smiled delightedly.


© 2002 December 7th Amanda Mullane

Transition 3
Fourth Alliance Chronicle Index

      Hassinan term of respect for a higher-status, unrelated female.

       Derivative of 'dherrum', literally 'little treasure'.
