Transitions pt 3

It was blissfully quiet in the suite; everyone but Mahrayne and Kinu was busy elsewhere. Zha'haarak was still at the medical centre with Hijau, being closely monitored after the bond-mates' second attempt for a hostling; it was only the second day and everyone was holding their breath.
      Mahrayne had made herself comfortable on the sleeping platform with Kinu close beside her on a colourful rug spread over the sleeping furs. The Hassinan glanced up from the formal R'ren'nkh'ia-go document she was translating to check on him. Not that she needed to look to see if he was all right, she could feel his moods and emotions now, but it was only sensible to use her eyes as well - and she never tired of looking at her son. Alida, ghostly transparent and naked as always, was stretched out beside him, her body making no impression on the soft furs. Mahrayne met her twin's eyes and they grinned at each other.
       Kinu was steadily working at reducing the strip of preserved ontibu flesh jammed into his mouth into a disgusting, grey pulp. Mahrayne felt his contentment at having something to gnaw on - Kinu had recently started teething - but he was beginning to get hungry. Mahrayne was a little concerned; Saiya-jin were born with teeth, but Hassinan didn't get theirs until they were almost a year old and ready to be weaned. Kinu was only twenty days old; Mahrayne really hoped the appearance of his teeth didn't mean her baby would want to stop nursing any time soon.
      *Would it really matter if he didn't breast-feed for as long as a Hassinan?* Alida asked.
      *No, I suppose not.* Mahrayne sighed. *I'm beyond lucky to have a child of my own to nurse as it is, I shouldn't begrudge his growing up.*
      Alida smiled.
       *And there's always the next one…*
       *Next one?* Mahrayne would have pressed her twin for details but at that point Kinu decided he'd had enough of ontibu, dropping the soggy strip of flesh with a sharp exclamation. The baby reached up to his mother, who laughed, looking at his sticky face and hands with wry fondness.
       "A shower first, little one," when they were alone, Mahrayne always spoke Hassinan to Kinu, "and then food."
       They were only under the warm spray long enough to rinse the muck off the child – Kinu's hunger prevented any loitering - then Mahrayne wrapped them both up in a drying cloth and quickly settled them on her bed.

Mahrayne blinked awake at the tap on the bedroom door; she - and Kinu - must have dozed off.
      "Come in."
       To her unfeigned surprise and curiosity, Kiraz slipped quietly into the room and stood at the foot of the bed, scowling.
       "Can I help you, your Highness?"
      Mahrayne was intrigued; while Kiraz and 'raadiin were polite to her, neither of them went out of their way to speak to her either.
       "What does 'imbu' mean?" the young Saiyan demanded.
       "It's a creature that lives in the underground lakes on Hassina."
      "Why does she say it like an insult?"
      No need to clarify who 'she' was, Mahrayne had seen and heard her sister's and Kiraz' interactions with each other.
       "Ah - " Mahrayne searched for the most diplomatic way to explain. "Imbu's are useless to us."
       " - and they smell." Mahrayne, eyes twinkling, couldn't help adding.
      The prince was indignant.
       "Why does she call me that?"
       "I can't honestly say, your Highness," the Hassinan said, "but you haven't exactly been polite to her either."
       "Hn." Kiraz scowled again, the image of his father. "At least snowballs don't smell." he grumbled.
       "I'm sure Pirum doesn't mean it literally."
       "She should be more respectful." Kiraz sulked, then accorded Mahrayne the barest inclination of his head before leaving.

Mahrayne didn't laugh out loud, but she did manage to hold back her grin until the young Saiyan had left the room. Alida, however, was howling with laughter.
       *It's not that funny!* Mahrayne smiled.
       *Oh, 'rayne,* Alida composed herself with difficulty. *you have no idea.*
       *What do you mean - ?*
       *Look what your clever baby's doing!* Alida cooed at the cub, effectively distracting her sister.
      Mahrayne looked down and squeaked. Kinu had rolled himself over onto his stomach, he'd been doing that for a day or so, but this time he was also holding his head upright, bracing his upper body on his elbows. He smirked triumphantly at his mother, who wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. Kinu was growing so fast; if he was holding his head up now, he was ready for his Naming
       *Don't be sad, precious,* Mahrayne could almost feel her twin's hand on her shoulder. *Even when he's fully grown he'll always be your son.*
       *I know.* Mahrayne wiped her eyes. *It's silly, but - * she picked Kinu up and cuddled him tightly, feeling his contented happiness, * - I would like him to stay a baby for a while longer.*
       *All babies grow up, 'rayne,* Alida said softly, then smirked. *If they didn't, we'd be up to our necks in baby shit.*

The few days since Kinu had force-forged an empathic bond with his mother had been interesting for Mahrayne. After the massive, debilitating headache had finally faded, and she understood fully what had happened, the Hassinan had floated around for a day in a half-disbelieving euphoria that was partially fuelled by her son's utter delight at what he'd done.
       *You had an empathic bond with Kinu while you were carrying him,* Alida explained, *but that disappeared after he was born -* she held up a hand against her sister's question, * - no, I don't know why. But he missed it and couldn't understand why the link wasn't there anymore. And then he was so sad when Zha'haarak lost his hostling -*
       *But how did Kinu know about that?* Mahrayne asked, puzzled. *Nothing was said.*
      Alida shrugged.
       *I don't know. He may not have realised, specifically, about the hostling, but he did know that Zha'haarak and Hijau were very upset, which upset him and he wanted your comfort.*
       *Poor cub, no wonder he was so frustrated.*
       *But it's all sorted out now,* Alida beamed at her twin.
       *It is,* Mahrayne beamed back.

There had been some interesting ripples following on from Kinu's forcing the bond. Alida wasn't a dream, as Mahrayne had first thought, and now she could see her twin when she was awake. At first Mahrayne'd thought the excruciating pain from her headache was causing her to hallucinate, but after she'd been carted off to the medical centre for tests - which showed nothing physically wrong - and the pain had begun to recede, and still she could see Alida smirking at her, Mahrayne had quickly accepted the impossible.
      Her twin - her dead twin - was, not alive as such, but well and with her all the time. It should have felt odd at the very least, this haunting, but it wasn't - things had never felt so right before.
      She and her twin suspected that Kinu was aware of Alida on some level, though he never gave any indication of seeing or hearing her. Mahrayne made a mental note to herself to monitor this as her child grew up; maybe when he was finally able to speak to her she'd find out how, if at all, he perceived his mother's twin.
      On top of all this, Mahrayne discovered Zorun and Kel had formed partial links with her. It'd happened a while ago, apparently, but when Kinu had bonded with her, the Saiyan's links had deepened - or sharpened, to be more accurate. The links were, frustratingly, one-sided and sporadic, but they were there and Zha'haabron had said there was a chance she might be able to develop them more fully in time. Mahrayne had burst into tears in front of the surprised High King: to finally have a real chance of that deep communication she'd always craved, not only with her sister and son, but with her mates as well, gave her more happiness than she could contain…

Peyaru arrived to join the Royal Household. Buahan was thrilled to pieces, Pirum less so. The young male was nice enough, and it wasn't that she was jealous of the princess's attention to the lordling, but she did miss Bu-chan's exclusive attention to her. At least Buahan wasn't sleeping with him, yet. The young Hassinan wasn't looking forward to that eventuality; she'd grown so accustomed to having Bu-chan beside her, the thought of her not being there made Pirum feel lonely and cold. But that was for the future, no sense worrying about it now, and there were always her studies to distract her, and 'sel - and Kiraz, who was ridiculously, satisfyingly easy to taunt.

Peyaru was accompanied by his sister, the Lady Netsariin. Mahrayne had been away with Zorun when the nobles had visited Vejiitamachi previously, so this was the first time she'd seen the female.
      Netsariin was very beautiful, Mahrayne couldn't help but notice. Kelapa wasn't impressed.
      "I can't help it if I find her attractive," the Hassinan said to her lover later, when they were alone for a few minutes before Kel went on duty, "but I said I'd have no one but you and Zorun, and I meant it."
      Kelapa grunted indistinctly; she didn't sound convinced.
       Mahrayne chewed over Kel's reaction for most of the day, realising with a jolt that the warrior didn't trust her. It wasn't unreasonable for Kel to feel that way, Mahrayne thought guiltily; she had, after all, hurt her again and again, but how could she prove to the female she was serious about their relationship? Saiyans were creatures of action, not words, just saying how she felt wouldn't be good enough - Mahrayne understood - she'd have to do something…

Zorun picked Mahrayne and Kinu up from the suite - this was his second night in a row with them, tomorrow he'd have to relinquish them to Kelapa. The big male was aware of his mate's distraction as he flew them around to his quarters but he wasn't prepared for what she had to say to him.
       "I want to ask Kel to claim me."
       "No!" Zorun growled after a moment's stunned silence.
       "It's important, Zorun -"
      Mahrayne's expression didn't change, but her scent became determined.
       "I have to."
      The Hassinan sat back, cuddling their agitated cub to her breast. She sighed and reached up to stroke Zorun's face.
       "I'm not asking your permission, dherrum," she said softly, putting her fingers lightly over his lips as Zorun went to angrily reply, "Please, let me explain."
      The Guard scowled, but kept silent as his mate outlined her reasons for bringing up the outrageous suggestion again.
       When she was finished, Zorun could - unhappily - see why she wanted to do it, and being Saiyan, he could also see it was the only gesture Mahrayne could make to the female to prove how deeply she cared for her. But - Mahrayne was his mate; Zorun didn't know that he could share her with anyone that way. The urge to take her, thrust into her soft warmth and possess her the way Kelapa never could, surged through the big male. Zorun ruthlessly wrestled it down; he believed the medics - even if the baka Hassinan didn't - when they said intercourse was dangerous for her at the moment.
      Mahrayne was quiet, watching him, his reaction; the fear in her scent almost completely overwhelmed by hope, and love - for Kelapa and himself. Zorun came to the horrified realisation that he may not have a choice about sharing Mahrayne, not if he wanted to keep her.

      Kel had been looking forward to a night of exquisite sex with Mahrayne, once Kinu was asleep of course; she'd been anticipating it for the past two days her lover had been with Zorun. She'd been very pleased when Mahrayne hustled her out of the suite after the evening meal and led her to their 'other room' in a nearby guest suite. The Hassinan's smile had been softly promising and she'd smelt wonderful… and then Mahrayne had dropped this on her.

"I want you to claim me."
      Kelapa stared, aghast.
       "I can't! Zorun's already claimed you, remember?"
       "I want you to claim me also."
      The warrior couldn't believe she was hearing this - of all the baka alien things to say to a Saiyan. Kel's heart raced with hope and love and desire… for something that couldn't ever happen, she reminded herself forcefully.
       Damn 'rayne for dangling this in front of her!
       "Does Zorun know about this idiot idea of yours?" Kel scowled, knowing the answer already. Yes, he knew and it explained the hostility, laced with confused fear, emanating from him when he'd brought Mahrayne and Kinu back to the suite that morning.
       "He does."
      Mahrayne didn't lower her eyes.
       "He's not happy about it."
       "I'm not fucking surprised!"
      Kel paced, stalking about the room, keeping distance between them, arms and tail wrapped tightly around herself.
       "He'd kill me if I claimed you."
       "No, he wouldn't." Mahrayne said firmly. "Zorun knows why I want it."
       "How about you tell me," Kel snapped, "let me in on the secret."
      Mahrayne took a breath.
      "You don't trust me," she said softly, "I say I won't fuck anyone but you and Zorun and you don't believe me. If you claim me, you'll trust me."
      Kel growled at her lover's twisted, yet accurate, perception. Deep in her gut she knew the truth; if she claimed Mahrayne she wouldn't get so tangled up inside about the Hassinan being unfaithful to her. Mahrayne's interest in other females wouldn't hurt so much because she'd trust her not to act on it.
      Which was insane anyway! 'rayne was an alien, for fuck's sake, there was no guarantee she'd see the claiming as binding, not like a Saiyan would. But on the other hand - she'd kept faith with Zorun despite being claimed against her will…
      "I have to think about this." Kel said and took off out of the suite without looking at the Hassinan.

The warrior wasn't surprised to find herself heading for Zorun's quarters, likewise, he wasn't surprised to see her there.
      "She asked you?" Zorun's eyes glinted like dark ice.
      Kel nodded.
       "And?" He wasn't being aggressive, but there was a definite edge to his voice, his scent.
       "I don't fucking know!" Kel exploded. "I want to! Fuck, I want to so much, but - " she shoved a hand through her mane. "You'd kill me."
       "Maybe not." Zorun muttered, scowling when the warrior looked sharply at him. "Make no mistake, I don't like it, I don't want it - and if 'rayne were a Saiyan I would have killed you long before now…"
       "If she were Saiyan she wouldn't have asked in the first place." Kel growled.
       "…but she's not Saiyan, and she can see no barrier to being claimed by two people."
       "Not if she feels the same way about them both." Kel sighed, rubbing her hands tiredly over her face. "So?"
      Zorun was rigidly controlled, his words forced out from between clenched teeth.
      "If you do it I won't recognise it as a true claim," he growled, "but because Mahrayne wishes it, and only because of that, I won't - " he broke off, unable to say the words.
      Kel nodded, aware of his anguish but biting back her anger: the big kusoyaro may not see her claim as having any validity but she fucking would, so would Mahrayne.
       The warrior gusted a sigh.
       "I need to think about this." She faced her rival and half-smirked. "If I decide to go through with it, I won't claim her until you two can fuck again."
      Kel didn't smile at the grudging gratitude in his scent. If she claimed 'rayne, Zorun's overriding compulsion would be to re-claim his mate, and he couldn't do that without fucking her. Kelapa didn't like Zorun but she wasn't going to torment him that way.
      "Life was so much simpler before 'rayne, ne?" she murmured, then smirked. "Heh, Hassinan twins are supposed to bring 'change' - I don't think it only applies to the Hassinan."
      Kel caught the shadow of an answering smirk that crossed the big male's face as she left.

Kelapa didn't go back to Mahrayne after leaving Zorun. She couldn't, Mahrayne would have wanted an answer that the warrior wasn't ready to give, so she sat, chin resting on her knees, on an outcropping of bare rock along the coast. Kel looked out over the ocean, without once seeing it, and thought.
      And thought - wishes, hopes, desires swirling chaotically. She loved 'rayne, needed the alien like - like food, warmth. Claiming her would satisfy the soul-deep longing Kel carried with her all the time. She knew it was the right thing, the best thing she could do, but there was Zorun… He'd claimed 'rayne first. The Hassinan had been devastated when he had, but she'd grown to accept it, and now, in full awareness of what it meant, Mahrayne had asked Kel to do it… But – no Saiya-jin had ever been claimed simultaneously by two people, the idea was unthinkable, shocking – alien, like Mahrayne.
      Kel had a choice, she could try and deny, suppress, what she felt for the Hassinan and let Zorun have her, unimpeded – or she could kick centuries of conditioning in the balls, claim Mahrayne and be fulfilled...
      Eventually the warrior slept.

Mahrayne woke at first sun's rise to find Kinu and herself still alone in the guest suite. Kel hadn't returned last night.
      *Maybe I shouldn't have asked her?* Mahrayne bit her lip anxiously.
      *The rock's already dropped, heart's-light.* Alida said. *She'll come back, I'm sure.*
      *But what if - *
      *Your life is full of 'what ifs'!* Alida said sharply. *Look at the 'this is' side of things sometimes.*
      Before Mahrayne could say anything in her defence, Kinu gurgled happily, squirming around in his mother's arms until he could see the balcony door: Kel appeared there momentarily and Mahrayne's heart lurched.
      The Saiyan flew into the room, dropping quickly onto the bed beside the nervous Hassinan. Before Mahrayne could speak, Kel gathered her up into her arms, burying her face in her lover's thick, white hair.
      Kelapa pulled back a little and gently cupped Mahrayne's face in her hands, running strong thumbs over the Hassinan's cheek beads.
       "I will claim you, takibi," Kel smirked at the sudden leap in her lover's pulse-rate, "but not yet. No questions!" the warrior ordered, brushing Mahrayne's hair away from her neck. "Just accept, ne?"
      She lowered her head to her lover's unmarked shoulder, scraping her teeth lightly over the spot where, in time, she would mark Mahrayne as her own - despite Zorun, despite fucking everything!
      Mahrayne quivered in Kel's arms, the thought of being claimed - belonging - to her lover was more intoxicating, arousing, than she ever would have imagined. Over the Saiyan's shoulder, Alida's face was split in two, almost, by a huge grin.
      *Aww… that is so sweet!*

Dignusia and Peruro were returning to Vejiitasei on the next transport. Zyelenyi, who had been moping around the place for the past twenty or so days since Mahrayne had returned, was suddenly bursting with energy as he confirmed with Mahrayne the date for the females' arrival.
      "You'll be meeting them at the spaceport, yes?" Mahrayne asked him.
      The young aide nodded, his tail snapping from side to side in anticipation.
       "In that case, I won't wait with you," Mahrayne grinned, "I'd hate to delay your - reunion with my friends." Zyelenyi's smirk was positively feral and his beautiful, soft brown eyes gleamed. "But if you could ask them to get in touch with me when they're ready, I'd be very grateful."

True to her word, Mahrayne didn't go to the spaceport to meet the incoming transport, but a short time after Dignusia and Peruro would have set foot on Vejiitasei - and been whisked away, no doubt, by an impatient Saiyan - another young Saiyan male from the diplomatic corps, Mahrayne wasn't familiar with him, dropped off a bundle of correspondence for her. Mahrayne suspected it was Dignusia who'd had the presence of mind to ask that the letters be delivered by someone else, otherwise, who knows when she would have seen them!

It was a varied mix of news.
       Testa wrote to say that Chumie was pregnant - adding a note that Chumie would have written herself but the dancer was in such a foul mood…
       Nonnia wrote that Pinguis's health was failing; the old teverdia spent most of her time asleep now and she was rarely lucid when awake. Mahrayne smiled grimly, she wondered how many other secrets were inadvertently being set free as the old female's mind wandered… In the middle of the letter, tossed in as if it was of no importance, Nonnia briefly mentioned that Astolan had demanded she resume her visits to him, 'when she had finished mourning'. Mahrayne knew Nonnia wasn't keen to go back to Astolan, but her tertera had always been a dutiful female, she would scrupulously do what was required of her.
       *Will she have a child?* Mahrayne asked Alida, who shrugged.
       *Maybe, it's not clear. But there's definitely a chance of it now that she's been to G'geckah.*
       Nonnia's last piece of news was disturbing. Malum had been involved in an accident, a rock-slip, two days after Mahrayne had left Hassina. He'd lost one of his legs completely, and half of the other one, as well as sustaining massive damage to his pelvis and lower spine. Fortunately the hunting party hadn't been too far away from a settlement when it had happened; he was able to be stabilised enough to survive the trip off-planet to the waiting G'geck ship. Malum was on G'geckah now, undergoing treatment; it would probably take close to a Hassinan year before he was well enough to come home. Surprisingly, Ientus and Iocor had gone with him. Nonnia said she didn't see the point, Malum would be unconscious for most of his time there and his females would be better off staying in the settlement. But Mahrayne understood the sisters' need to be with their male; it had been obvious to her, seeing Ientus and Iocor last time she was on Hassina, how much they cared for her brother. But if it was going to take a year for Malum to heal…? Ientus's baby was due long before that. Would she go back to Hassina for the birth? If she stayed on G'geckah, her child would be the first Hassinan born off-planet.

Hijau sought out Mahrayne on the suite's balcony where she was basking in the late afternoon sun, having just fed Kinu.
       "It's a beautiful day, Hijau-sama, the warmth is returning, yes?" Mahrayne smiled at the Captain as he dropped to sit, cross-legged, in front of her.
       "It is." Hijau smiled and reached over with his tail to tickle the baby's bare tummy. Kinu squealed happily then gave a fair approximation of a R'ren'nkh'ian giggling hiss of amusement. Mahrayne stared at him for a second then laughed and scooped the child up, cuddling him tightly.
       "Clever thing!" she grinned, covering his face with kisses, "That's a more convincing Ren-jin sound than I could ever make!"
       Hijau's smirk became a chuckle as Kinu twisted himself around in Mahrayne's arms and leant deliberately towards the Captain, holding out his hands.
       "I hope your fingers are clean this time, brat," Hijau scowled as he picked Kinu up, grimacing as the cub made a bee-line for his mane, "it took me ages to wash whatever-it-was out last time!"
       Mahrayne watched the ember-maned male expertly, gently, handle her child, a warm curl of happiness threading through her. Hijau would make a wonderful father, she really hoped it wouldn't be too long before he and Zha'haarak -
       "Zorun's asked me to be a name-parent for Kinu."
       "He has?" It took a second for her to assimilate that information, then Mahrayne grinned. "That's wonderful!"
       "I haven't said yes, yet," Hijau was serious now, "I'd like to find out more about it first. Zorun said it's a responsibility?" Mahrayne nodded.
       "It is. We take being a name-parent very seriously. It's a promise that you'll care and protect the child for as long as you, or they, live, as well as being a friend or mentor to them if they need that from you. Name-parents are chosen usually because they have some quality that the birth parents wish their child to emulate, someone they can look up to and learn from."
       Hijau was silent, absently nuzzling Kinu's mane making the baby giggle-hiss again.
       "It's an honour to be asked then? Not simply a responsibility."
      "It is. I'm not sure Zorun sees it precisely the same way as I do, but - " Mahrayne smiled at the Saiyan, "he must think highly of you to ask."
       "Doubt he would have asked me a year ago." Hijau said quietly. The Captain's gaze was level and oddly intense. "Zorun's changed."
       "Everyone changes, Hijau-sama," Mahrayne said faintly, blushing slightly under the male's scrutiny without knowing why.
       Hijau's dark-green eyes were unreadable, but he smiled as he prised Kinu's fingers from out of his mane.
       "I'll think on it." Hijau handed Kinu back to his mother, half-smiling at them before turning to go back inside to Zha'haarak.
       *Hijau will make an excellent name-parent.* Alida said from her place beside her twin.
       *He will.* Mahrayne said. *I hope he says yes...*

Mahrayne sat on Zorun's bed, feeding Kinu and watching the light from the second sun's rise spill over the palace gardens.
      She was feeling – emotional.
      Kinu was less than one short season old – fifty Vejiitasei days – and today he was being Named. Alida knelt behind her twin, her arms wrapped comfortingly – though barely physically discernible – around Mahrayne's waist, her head resting on her sister's shoulder.
       *It feels like it's too soon.* Mahrayne's voice was tremulous.
       *It's not and you know it,* Alida brushed a kiss over her cheek. *That's just your desire to keep him a baby forever.*
       *Soon he'll be walking, and talking -*
       *And by sunsrise the day after that he'll have taken a mate and begun his own family -*
       *It's not funny, 'lida!*
      Alida stopped giggling.
       *I know this is hard for you, heart's-light, but Kinu is half-Saiyan -*
      * - it's only natural for him to mature faster than a Hassinan.* Mahrayne finished her twin's sentence. *I know.*

Zorun padded, naked, out of the bathroom. Kinu's face lit up and he held his arms out to his father, peremptorily demanding his attention.
       "Hanabira?" the big male sat next to Mahrayne on the bed, his tail winding around her waist as he picked their cub up. "You're sad?"
      Mahrayne sniffled and cuddled in to her mate's side, doing her best to ignore her twin's lewd thoughts as she ogled the naked male.
       "A little, but happy too - my baby's growing up." Mahrayne's voice cracked and she burst into tears. Zorun effortlessly scooped her up into his lap hugging both her and Kinu tightly to him.
       "Shall we go now?" he said softly after Mahrayne had composed herself. "They'll be waiting for us."
       *And Kel won't be pleased to be kept waiting after an early start.* Alida added with a grin, making Mahrayne laugh - which earned her a quizzical look from her mate.
      She slipped out of his lap and knelt up beside him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
       "Let's get our cub named," she nibbled at Zorun's lower lip, "and then we can eat, yes?"
       Mahrayne laughed again as the Saiyan's stomach rumbled on cue.

The early morning air was crisp and clear - it was going to be a beautiful day. Mahrayne looked around, a little stunned, at the multitude of people assembled in 'her' glade. With Zorun's agreement, she'd made Kinu's naming an open invitation, but she hadn't expected so many… She hoped she'd organised enough food for them all.
       *Don't worry, 'rayne,* Alida chirped, *most of them are Saiyan, after all, if there's not enough food they'll just go and catch some more.*
       *Very practical, these Saiyans.* the twins said together and Mahrayne had to stifle her giggles before she got another look from Zorun.

The entire family was there, naturally, including Pirum, Peyaru – standing either side of Buahan - Dari and Tane, the family's guards and a subdued Zh'leet. The R'ren'nkh'ians were all dressed in warm leather body-suits; the cold season may be past but it was still a little chill for their comfort. Ti'aasaan was standing with Merica and Jagung, Jagung's delicate tail coiled around the little zn'hre's thigh, Merica's tail, in turn, wrapped around Jagung. Ubi and the rest of the Thinkers involved with the children's education were there as well as Vinas and Ayva, Kyuri, Apyo and some other members of the Elite Guard Mahrayne didn't know. Not surprisingly, Dignusia and Peruro where there, with Zyelenyi, the young male wrapping a possessive arm and tail around the misty-eyed females. Manzano caught Mahrayne's eye and smiled; the Hassinan inclined her head politely towards the head diplomat, wondering why he was there, but pleased nonetheless.
       And Kel was there too, standing next to her father, both of them smirking identically at the Hassinan's surprise.
      "Lord Kurumi!" Mahrayne's delight spilled over to Kinu and he squealed happily.
      The noble stooped to place a fatherly kiss on Mahrayne's forehead.
      "Kelapa told me about the ceremony, I didn't think you, or your mate –" he nodded politely to Zorun, who was standing close beside Mahrayne, " – would object to my being here."
      "Of course not, Lord Kurumi," Mahrayne beamed. She shyly held her son up to the tall male.
      "This is Kinu."
      The noble waited for Zorun's nod of consent before he took the child.
      "Hello, Kinu." Kurumi smiled at the cub, who studied him curiously for a moment or so before wriggling to go to Kelapa.
      "Morning, brat." Kel was softly gruff as Kinu snuggled into her neck with a contented sigh.
      Mahrayne watched the pair, joyful all over again that her lover and her son liked each other. She felt Zorun's hand rest lightly on her shoulder.
      "It's time to get on with it," he smirked down at her, "before people are too hungry to concentrate."

Mahrayne stood in front of the assembly - Zorun beside her cuddling Kinu - nervousness tapping at her stomachs.
      "Thank you all so much for being here," she said, "I can't tell you how much I appreciate it." The Hassinan smiled shyly. "Now, if the name-parents could come forward and form a circle..."
      Mahrayne beamed at Kelapa and Leteetza, 'tiisaan and Hijau as they moved towards her - then her expression changed to one of frank astonishment as Zha'haabron and Radittsu joined the circle.
      "Your Majesty? Raditts-sama?"
      Radittsu smirked down at her.
       "Zorun asked us. You don't mind?"
       "N-no!" Mahrayne stammered, "I'm - we're honoured. Thank you!"

"This is very simple," the Hassinan smiled at her son's name-parents after she'd bade them make themselves comfortable on the ground. "I'll give Kinu to each of you in turn, and you hold him, touch his feet to the ground and say his name aloud, yes?" They all nodded understanding then Mahrayne retrieved Kinu from his father, tears starting in her eyes as she handed her son to Kelapa. The warrior held the cub firmly under his arms and lowered him until his feet just made contact with the cool moss.
      She nuzzled his silver mane and smirked at him for a moment before handing him back to his mother. Mahrayne smiled a watery smile of thanks to her lover then passed her son on to Leteetza, then 'tiisaan, Hijau, Radittsu and finally Zha'haabron.
      The High King smiled at the wriggling child.
       "May adversity pass you by, and peace and love enfold you always." The beautiful zn'hre murmured before handing him back to a tearful Mahrayne.
       "Thank you," she whispered to him, continuing in a fractionally stronger voice as she looked around at the other name-parents. "Thank you all."
       Zorun engulfed her and their son in a warm, comforting hug, brushing a kiss over the crown of his mate's head. The other Hassinan, he noticed were similarly overcome with emotion; Buahan was cuddling Pirum, stroking the little female's silver hair soothingly, and Zyelenyi had both Dignusia and Peruro sobbing against his chest.
      Zorun shook his head bemusedly: aliens

The feast was held in one of the smaller reception rooms, the guests reclining on cushions and rugs and furs. It looked like it was going to go on well into the afternoon. Zha'haabron had tactfully suggested that the children's lessons be suspended today, a mini-holiday in celebration of Kinu's naming.
      The guest of honour was fast asleep in his mother's lap, full and happy, tired out from dancing with Mahrayne and 'tiisaan. The cub had been delighted with the baby sized bracelets Dignusia and Peruro had made for him; they glittered on his wrists now, his first jewellery. Mahrayne had been touched to receive them for her child. Normally, children's jewellery was passed on from generation to generation within a household, but Tella had given all of her daughter's baby jewellery away to other families, including the pieces she'd been given. When Mahrayne had asked her mother about it, Tella had frostily told her that as Mahrayne was never going to have children, the jewellery may as well go to other females who would. Alone in the Ember Caves, Mahrayne had wept bitterly over her mother's – undoubtedly spiteful – actions. Mahrayne knew she wasn't going to have children, but she would have loved to have given her jewellery to Malum's offspring, or Chumie and Testa's.

Kinu loved the bracelets but he wasn't quite as impressed with the feather soft embroidered Slemmas cloth robe Dignusia and Peruro had given him on behalf of Nonnia. It was the first garment he'd ever worn - Hassinan children went naked until they were Named - and Mahrayne knew her son was finding the sensation of being clothed very odd. No matter, she smoothed his mane away from his face, he'd get used to it, and he looked gorgeous, the rich green cloth and gold-metal a distinct complement to his colouring.
       Beside her, Zorun was admiring the R'ren'nkh'ian silver metal knife the High King, Radittsu and Hijau had given his son. Knives - Zorun had found out - were traditional Naming gifts, and this one was exquisite. It was a straight blade but the edges undulated towards the hilt like licks of a flame. The knife was sheathed in a leather scabbard which was overlaid with more silver metal, delicately embossed with a swirling pattern of dots and lines that seemed to shift in front of his eyes. The hilt was covered in moonstones that felt cool and smooth in his grip, and the knife's edge was wickedly sharp. The Guard tested the weight of the weapon in his hand, his eyebrows rising in appreciation. The knife was well - no, beautifully - balanced, it was definitely a gift worthy of a noble's son.

Alida sat on Mahrayne's other side.
      *The Naming went well, don't you think?* she said.
      *Yes,* Mahrayne nodded, *and did you see how happy Kinu was when his feet first touched the ground? That foretells a happy life.* She looked at her sister, oblivious to Zorun's confused frown. *Will he have a happy life?*
      Alida took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly - Mahrayne could feel the mirrored sensation of something, some power, stirring in her breast-bone.
       *Yes, mostly.* Alida's voice was ephemeral, her eyes distant as she looked along pathways of time. *And his touch will be felt long after he's gone to the afterlife…*
       "Got some meat for you, 'rayne." Kelapa smirked, plopping herself down in front of the Hassinan.
       "Thank you, jha-tunovahn," Mahrayne dragged her attention away from her sister to take a piece of seared big-horn from the offered plate. She was secretly amused; Kel hadn't sat to the other side of her, where Alida was, even though that was where the warrior would have normally put herself. Mahrayne may be the only one aware of Alida, but no one - the Hassinan had noticed - ever put themselves in the same space as her twin.
      Kel had put the platter down - wordlessly within reach of Zorun - and was now carding her fingers through the soft pile of the sleeping fur the family had made for Kinu.
       "Heh, it's a good job you were out of the suite for a couple of days at a time; this would never have been ready otherwise!" Mahrayne grinned.
       "It's beautiful."
      The family had secretly put the sleeping fur together using pelts from animals the children had hunted. The varied colours and textures of the furs had been used creatively, the pelts cut into smaller pieces then re-sewn to form patterns. It was an eye-catching piece of work and Mahrayne could see Zha'haarak's delicate guiding hand in it.
      The gentle zn'hre was a born artist, why wouldn't he take his talent seriously?
       *He still believes himself worthless.* Alida murmured.
       *But how can he still think that?* Mahrayne was dismayed. *Zha'haarak is loved and treasured not simply for what he can do for others, but for himself!*
       *You and he have a lot in common -*
       *That's ridiculous! My life has been nowhere near as terrible as Zha'haarak's was! I can't imagine how it was for him, for any of the zn'hre!*
       *You both grew up believing you had no value, and you both still don't believe you deserve your good fortune.*
      Mahrayne was about to argue further, when she noticed that not only was Zorun watching her frown into apparently thin air, so was Kel, and Leteetza and half of the family, including 'zhasaan who – Mahrayne got the strangest feeling the little dreamer wasn't simply smiling at her, he was smiling at her and her twin...

© 2002 December 22 nd Amanda Mullane

Snapshots 4
Transition pt 2
Fourth Alliance Chronicle Index

       Way, way back in the 'Life Amongst the Savages' section, Mahrayne told Kel and Leteetza a Hassinan child was named when they were 50 days old. That's bugged me ever since - the Hassinan don't use 'days' to calculate anything else, why would they use it here? So, I've linked Naming with physical development - the child's ability to sit upright. I'll go back and fix all the relevant parts sometime soon - doncha just love works-in-progress?

And on the 6th of June 2008, while revising the AC for the archive CDs, we finally tidied that bit up - Naming now takes place when the child is strong enough to hold up its head, and I've revised LATS2 accordingly. There you go - history in the making! JAT
