
Radittsu blinked his eyes open to find Zh'leet standing beside the sleeping pit, hissing quietly.
      "I'm sorry to wake you, Ssii'iir, but the royal a… Vejiita-sama has 'ordered' your attendance at a Council meeting…"
      Zha'haabron shifted from his position, curled around his bondmate's back, and regarded the brood from half-closed eyes.
      "What is it about?"
      Zh'leet snorted.
      "Like he'd tell me!"
      The king chuckled and started to pull himself upright. Radittsu dragged him back down and into a hug.
      "You don't need to be there, zkai'da…"
      The zn'hre shook his head, kissing the corner of the Saiyan's mouth.
      "If it involves you, then it involves me. Anything urgent enough to have Vejiita contact us in the middle of the night is cause for concern for both of us."

Gh'heegonan had prepared the main council chamber for them, and sat discreetly out of view of the comm screen as the Council on Vejiitasei convened. The Saiya-jin-no-Ou's news was delivered with his usual terseness, and raised an audible buzz in the chamber on Vejiitasei. Radittsu frowned and turned to his bondmate.
      *I need to return. And we should think about moving the family back here until this is resolved. For safety's sake.*
      The king frowned, then inclined his head.
      **They may be safer on Vejiitasei…**
      The Saiya-jin-no-Ou was speaking again, and Radittsu turned back to the comm link.
      *We'll discuss it later.*
      "How soon can you be here?"
      "I can leave in four hours, sire." Radittsu glanced swiftly, regretfully, at his bondmate. Vejiita followed the look, his expression softening minutely.
      "I regret interrupting your visit…"
      Zha'haabron raised a hand.
      "Affairs of Empire take priority."
      Vejiita smirked.
      "I am glad you agree." His gaze moved to Radittsu. "Very well, Royal Liaison. Report to the Council as soon as you arrive."

*Are you sure you can't come with me?*
      Zha'haabron slid a hand down to his bondmate's groin, wrapping long elegant fingers around the rigid inkei and teasing the beads as Radittsu gasped and rocked his hips upwards.
      **I have matters to tend to here. I have been away too long**
      The Saiyan moaned as the king straddled his groin, easing his erection into a cool chitsu then pausing as Radittsu's big hands caught his hips.
      *I'm going to miss you…*
      Zha'haabron's head dropped back as his bondmate started shifting.
      **And… I… you…**

*… but we can make up for lost time when you get home…*
      Zha'haabron blinked up at his bondmate. He couldn't remember being rolled onto his back - couldn't remember anything very much once Radittsu started shifting, just the all-encompassing, searing pleasure that became their universe - but his Saiyan was now moving gently within him, allowing them both a few moments to recover before he started thrusting. Radittsu suckled at his claim mark, raising a shiver through the strong cool body below him.
      *We should take some time for ourselves, when you get back.*
      Zha'haabron would have replied, but just then the big male pulled out, ramming back in powerfully, beads rubbing over the blunted barbs, and the zn'hre lost the capacity for rational thought…
      Radittsu made it last, bringing himself and his zkai'da to climax again and again, only reluctantly slipping out of the shaking blue body when Zh'leet announced, for the third time and now distinctly aggrieved, that the shuttle was ready for departure and would the big ape please get his carcass into the vessel now… Zha'haabron sighed and held him close.
      **I trust the matter can be resolved speedily**
      Kissing his bondmate hungrily, Radittsu sighed.
      *Me too. I'll contact you later, once I know more…* He nuzzled Zha'haabron's neck, tail wrapping tightly around one blue thigh. *I don't want to go.*
      **I don't want you to go. But we have no choice. Shan't'ia'mis, zk'aida…**

Fa'saayen and 'jiisa greeted Radittsu as he hastened onboard. Well, 'jiisa did, anyway, hugging his dadda enthusiastically. Fa'saayen, who was not feeling particularly well-disposed towards Saiyans at the moment, nodded curtly and resumed glowering out of the port. Radittsu frowned at him over the hostling's head.
      "You're only making the problem worse."
      The warrior hissed at him.
      "This is not your business."
      'jiisa growled at the zn'hre.
      "It's part of Raditts'-san's job, ssa'an. That makes it his business."
      Fa'saayen snarled silently, but couldn't argue - 'jiisa was quite right. The hostling nuzzled the Saiyan.
      "I've said I'll referee."
      Radittsu chuckled: the general level-headedness of Zha'haabron's brats never ceased to amaze him.
      "Good. But you have any problems, you *call* me, understand?"
      'jiisa grinned and nodded.
      "'course! I'm not strong enough to handle it by myself. Yet..."

Radittsu slept for most of the eight hour trip, catching up on the rest he'd missed last night. The shuttle landed at the spaceport in the afternoon: with one last glared warning at Fa'saayen, the big Saiyan flew to the Council.
      Vejiita scowled at him - unfairly, he thought, he had got here almost as quickly as possible…
      "You were instrumental in uncovering the conspiracy, last time, and tracking down the kusoyaro rebels. I want you to do the same again."
      "Very well, sire."
      "Who - and what - do you need?"
      Radittsu thought for a moment.
      "Kyuri, sire. I need her technological expertise. I'll have the special squad maintain combat readiness, too, in case of Warui-jin intervention." He frowned, then sighed and glanced at Hijau. "I'll need you to make sure the Guard understand they're to obey my orders without question." At the captain's faint scowl, he added, "temporarily, Captain. There must not be any conflict of interest here."
      Hijau nodded. This situation threatened them all.
      "Nashi will join you."
      Both warriors regarded the king. Vejiita raised an eyebrow.
      "He has been keeping records of… unusual activity in areas we already suspected might give us problems. Speak with him before you do anything else: it might save time. And I want him to report to me every day, more frequently if necessary."
      Reluctantly - Nashi was universally disliked - Radittsu nodded.
      "Very well, sire. Now, as to the safety of the reigning families…"
      "I'll leave that in your capable hands."
      Good: he'd get that organised first, seconding members of the special squad to guard the family. 'dittsu and 'jiita would need their own - Ninjin, perhaps, 'dittsu liked him, and he was particularly devoted to Leteetza: Nyiur would make a good second. Sasa would stay with the family full-time. He'd need to place some kind of special guard at the Academy as well…
      Already planning tactics, he bowed to the king, gathered up Hijau and, with Nashi trailing unregarded behind, headed purposefully for Guard HQ.

Ti'zheenan was pacing, wringing his hands worriedly. Ti'aasaan tried to calm him down.
      "Zk'viss, I'll stay here. And 'jiisa will be with Fa'saayen - we'll make sure you're all right…"
      The delicate zn'hre dropped onto a floor cushion and covered his face with his hands.
      "I'm so frightened, Tia-chan. What if… what if he hates me for letting myself be claimed?"
      "He doesn't hate you, zk'vissin - he wants to be with you."
      "But what if that's only because of the hostlings? Or because he doesn't want me to be with Suguri?"
      Ti'aasaan blinked at that - it wasn't an attitude he'd come across before. Why would anyone stay with someone they hate to prevent that person from being with another who loved them? He shook his head and knelt beside his friend, hugging as best he could - not easy given how large his belly had become.
      "I'm sure it will all be fine…"
      At which point Fa'saayen opened the door and strode in.

The little zn'hre felt Ti'zheenan freeze, wide golden eyes fixed on the tall, powerful figure standing at the entrance, and for a long, long moment they simply stared at each other. Then Ti'zheenan pulled himself from the little zn'hre's embrace and flung himself into the warrior's arms, turquoise hair glowing against Fa'saayen's deep blue skin. The warrior's golden-green eyes widened for an instant, then he clasped the smaller zn'hre to his chest and buried his face in the sweet-scented soft hair.
      "Zk'vissin… zk'aida…"
      Smiling, Ti'aasaan took 'jiisa's hand and quietly withdrew.
      Though not so far that they couldn't return within seconds if necessary…

Suguri slammed against the arena wall with force enough to crack the stone. Hruska planted her fists on her hips and glared at him, tail lashing angrily behind her.
      "What the fuck is wrong with you?! That cosy life on Ren-kya made you fucking soft or something?"
      Suguri snarled and dragged himself out of the dent in the wall, lunging for the big female. They slammed together, kicking and punching, growling and grunting, neither getting the upper hand, for another half an hour, until another image of Ti'zheenan being fucked by his zn'hre partner distracted him - for long enough for Hruska to hit him hard, knocking him out for a few seconds. When he came to, lying on the ground with the brawny female standing over him, he shook his head and gave up. Hruska reached down a hand and hauled him upright, scowling.
      "Just get back to your lizard, will you? You're a liability like this!"
      Suguri gritted his teeth. He wasn't supposed to go back to their quarters until second sunsset - but… The thought of his Ti'zheenan in another's arms… He growled, then nodded….
      … and almost bumped into Ti'aasaan and 'jiisa on his way. The little zn'hre placed a hand on his chest, gently preventing him from going any further.
      "Suguri-san… This was not the agreement."
      Torn between the desperate desire to see his mate and the fact that he'd given his word not to interfere with the zn'hre's reunion, Suguri was reduced to growling incoherently, hands fisting at his sides. Ti'aasaan eyed him sadly.
      "I am so sorry this has happened." His voice was very soft, very sympathetic. Suguri closed his eyes, expression anguished.
      "I…" he swallowed, trying to gain control of himself. "He's mine. The thought of him… I know the hostlings are…" The guard shoved a hand through his mane and gazed despairingly at the little zn'hre. Ti'aasaan sighed and took one warm clenched fist into his own small cool palm.
      "Suguri… we need to sort this out, somehow."
      The Saiyan tried to pull back, careful of the little zn'hre's delicate hand, startled when Ti'aasaan refused to be moved. Suguri eyed him warily. Ti'aasaan beamed up at him with that smile no-one had ever yet resisted, and the warrior found himself being led into a side chamber…

"Come back with me. Come home."
      Ti'zheenan gazed helplessly at the zk'iinan he'd had no opportunity to get to know, but who had left such an emptiness when he'd been forced to leave. They hadn't bonded - but there was a connection, a strong one, and the delicate zn'hre simply didn't know what to do. He bit his lip, slender body trembling.
      "I… I can't… The hostlings…"
      "They can come back with us! I want…"
      The warrior frowned: Ti'zheenan was shaking his head.
      "We can't, zk'viss. This is home. The hostlings are with the Academy now. They love it there. They are deeply valued members of the community." He took Fa'saayen's strong broad hands in his own slender ones. "For the first time in our history, we belong. They are important. They are happy." He chewed his lip, suddenly frightened as to how his hostlings' sire would react. "I… I don't… want to spoil things for them."
      The warrior stared at him for long minutes: Ti'zheenan paled, suddenly afraid of what his zk'iinan might do… Fa'saayen stroked a lock of bright turquoise hair back from the delicate face, frowning when Ti'zheenan flinched and cupping his chin in a strong cool hand.
      "I would never hurt you, little one. Ever. I cannot even... think about it - after everything we have suffered…" He shuddered. Ti'zheenan watched him for a moment, eyes wide.
      The warrior kissed his forehead. The delicate zn'hre shivered and swallowed hard, gathering what little courage he possessed.
      "Fa'saayen… we are honourable, aren't we? The zn'hre, I mean."
      Fa'saayen blinked, then frowned.
      "Well, yes."
      "Then you will understand that… that I am bound by honour to… to Suguri…"
      Fa'saayen flung himself upright and began to pace. Ti'zheenan watched him anxiously, chewing at his lower lip: 'saayen was almost visibly coming to some decision. He stopped abruptly and dropped to crouch in front of the delicate zn'hre.
      "I cannot… I can't say I like it, or approve of it, and if I were not constrained by the Ssii'iin's command I would kill him for taking you from me… However, since it has been decreed, I am forced to… share you…" Ti'zheenan bit back a sob as Fa'saayen closed his eyes, anguish clear in every taut line of his body, then pulled his head forwards, golden-green eyes clear and hard. "But I will not do so at the same time, or in his company."
      Ti'zheenan understood. He thought - hoped - that Suguri would also understand. But it hurt. It hurt so much. He bit his lip and forced a smile, brushing his fingers over Fa'saayen's face.
      "Agreed, zk'viss."
      Fa'saayen gazed at him for a moment, hunger in his eyes, then dropped his gaze and folded the delicate zn'hre into his arms.
      "Zk'vissin… forgive me…"
      Fa'saayen rocked them gently, one large hand combing through his zk'iinan's hair - then slid the other down to Ti'zheenan's groin, teasing, fondling lightly as the smaller zn'hre gasped and quivered.
      "No… please…"
      "Why not?"
      "I… I can't, zk'viss…"
      "But I want you. It has been so long since I last saw you."
      Fa'saayen was dextrous, his fingers talented, Ti'zheenan remembered, arousal rocketing as the warrior licked at his shoulder and throat. It would have been so easy to let go, let Fa'saayen make love to him… But then there would be more hostlings. And Suguri wanted them to visit Vinas, to try for their own hybrid… Ti'zheenan bit back a sob. No matter what he did, one of his mates was going to be bitterly disappointed.
      With surprising strength of will he pushed himself away from Fa'saayen, standing upright and pacing, arms wrapped around his chest.
      "I can't, 'saayen. It wouldn't be fair to Suguri."
      The warrior's face tightened.
      "He wants you to carry his hostling."
      Ti'zheenan halted, head bowed, facing away from the warrior.
      "Do you want to?"
      Ti'zheenan thought over everything Suguri had done for him, for their little family. At the very least he owed a debt of gratitude. But he loved the big Saiyan, as well, and wanted to make him happy. He nodded.
      "Y… yes. Yes, I do."
      Fa'saayen was silent for a moment, then pulled himself to his feet.
      "I want to visit my sirelings now."
      Ti'zheenan bit his lip.
      "O… of course… I'll come with you…"
      "That isn't necessary."
      "Yes it is."
      Fa'saayen eyed him coolly: Ti'zheenan was trembling, but not giving way. He sighed and gestured to the door.
      "Very well."

Why was it so difficult to get a Saiyan to listen to reason, Ti'aasaan wondered idly to himself as he patiently explained to Suguri, for the fifth time, why he had to share Ti'zheenan.
      Mind you, he had to admit that the Saiyan's objections were perfectly valid. For a Saiyan, anyway.
      Suguri was pacing agitatedly.
      "He's had nothing to do with the hostlings - other than fucking their host, I mean! I've looked after them almost since they were born, been a father to them. And Ti'chan was perfectly happy to have me claim him…"
      Ti'aasaan nodded.
      "I know, Suguri-san, and I do sympathise. But if you could only consider the benefits of the sort of mixed family the Ssii'iin is hoping for…"
      "Yes, yes, I've heard it all before. Doesn't change the fact that Ti'zheenan is mine."
      'jiisa had had enough. Planting himself in front of the Saiyan and glaring up into the scowling face, he growled,
      "And before he was yours he was Fa'saayen's. Don't you realise, you stupid ape, that if you two hri'vken don't stop this useless argument you'll both lose him?"
      Suguri's jaw dropped. 'jiisa hissed.
      "He loves you both. You both keep demanding his sole attention, you'll make life impossible for him. And the Ssii'iin will take him away from both of you. He won't stand for anyone fucking up the life of one of his people."
      Suguri swallowed.
      "He… he can't do that…"
      "He can and he will."
      The Saiyan glanced uncertainly at Ti'aasaan, who nodded, then back at 'jiisa.
      "But what if they…?"
      "Fuck? They won't."
      "You're planning on trying for a hostling, aren't you?"
      Suguri nodded: Ti'aasaan bit back a smile as the warrior actually blushed faintly.
      "Ti'zheenan won't jeopardise that."
      "But he's a zn'hre…"
      'jiisa growled, baring very sharp teeth.
      "And we can't control ourselves?"
      "Have you no faith in him? Because if not, then perhaps he'd be better off without you!"
      Suguri blanched. Ti'aasaan's eyes were wide, wondering just where 'jiisa had learned his interpersonal skills. The Saiyan lowered his head.
      "I take your point."
      "Good. Now, I'm going to arrange for you and 'saayen to meet - no good you objecting," he interjected as Suguri's head came up, eyes narrowed and mouth open to complain, "has to be done sometime, and the sooner the better."
      The Saiyan crossed his arms over his chest and snarled.
      "Very well."
       'jiisa inclined his head.
      "I'll let you know when and where. And for now, you'll let 'saayen and 'zheenan have a little time together."
      "For 'saayen to meet his hostlings, if nothing else." Ti'aasaan added. "They've never known their sire."
      Very, very reluctantly, Suguri nodded. 'jiisa smirked.
      "Now, don't you have somewhere else to be?"

Fa'saayen had enjoyed his visit to the Academy. Bri'seiyis had greeted the warrior and Ti'zheenan with his usual courtesy, then personally conducted them to one of the larger rehearsal chambers, where the hostlings were practising a piece written especially for them. Their host and sire had watched and listened, unnoticed, until the end, then Ti'zheenan had called the hostlings over.
      Fa'saayen had smiled down at the three young musicians, a feeling of immense pride filling his throat. Such beautiful hostlings, and so talented. He dropped into a crouch, to be more on a level with them, and they eyed him curiously. Ti'zheenan smiled nervously.
      "This is Fa'saayen, your sire."
      Ti'kaanan moved first, stepping forwards and taking the warrior's hand, glancing back at his host.
      "Our papa?"
      Fa'saayen had nodded, gazing into 'kaanan's beautiful green-speckled golden eyes. The youngster eyed him sombrely for a moment, then, to the warrior's complete surprise, hugged him hard.
      "Papa… I'm so glad you didn't die."
      Fa'saayen blinked up at Ti'zheenan over the hostling's head: the delicate zn'hre was wiping away stray tears, smiling tremblingly. The warrior nuzzled 'kaanan's soft hair.
      "So am I, little one. So am I…"
      They'd spent a delightful hour in the eatery, the hostlings telling their sire about themselves and asking him question after question. Towards the end, when it was time for them to return to classes, Ti'vadin nestled close and gazed up into Fa'saayen's face.
"I'm glad you came back, papa. Now you can come and live with us and Suguri, and we can be a family like the Ssii'iin wants."
      Fa'saayen had frozen, then managed to force a smile.
      "Well, we'll have to see, zk'viss…"
      The hostling's faces fell.
      "But papa, that's what we thought you were going to do…"
      Ti'zheenan stroked 'vadin's hair.
      "Papa has duties on R'ren'nkh'ia, zk'vissini. We don't know yet what's going to happen."
      "Oh." 'vadin chewed on his lip for a moment, then sighed.
      "Well, we really want you to come back, papa. Perhaps you could talk to the Ssii'iin - I'm sure he could help."
      Fa'saayen managed a chuckle as he hugged the hostlings to him.
      "I'll have to see what I can do. For the moment, I'll come and see you again, tomorrow - if that's acceptable?" He glanced at Ti'zheenan, who nodded. The hostlings grinned happily as they said their goodbyes and hurried away, and Fa'saayen turned to their host.
      "They are…" He wiped a hand over his face, suddenly deeply sad that he'd missed their early years. Ti'zheenan sat beside him, wrapping both arms around broad shoulders.
      "We must try to make up for the lost time, zk'viss."
      And without thinking about it, Fa'saayen had found himself nodding…

© 2003 September 3rd Joules Taylor

Progression pt 5
Fifth Alliance Chronicle Index