
"There has to be a way to make this work. There just has to be!"
      'leesaan slumped at his desk, hands pressed to his temples, hair tugged into a tangled mess. 'zhasaan stroked his shoulder.
      "We'll find it, I know we will…"

The hostlings had been trying to find a way to make the jewels give up their secrets since 'zhasaan's return from R'ren'nkh'ia, so far in vain. With Zaheen, several Feeodoreean techs, and Leteetza when she could be spared from her official duties, they'd tried everything everyone could think of, subjecting the stones to heat, light, pressure, ki, immersion in different liquids, spectroscopic analysis and some incomprehensible tests the Feeds had devised especially for the purpose, but nothing had worked. 'leesaan was at the point of tearing his hair out with frustration.
      'zhasaan sighed and frowned at the gemstones. Well, if nothing else they'd established that the jewels were just about indestructible. He turned to his sire-sib.
      "Let's think it through. How would they have worked, originally?"
      'leesaan eyed his sibling bemusedly.
      "That's what we're trying to find out."
      'zhasaan waved his hands.
      "No - I mean, what would Zha'zhasaan have done with them?"
      'leesaan blinked, then frowned. Somehow, in all the flurry of testing, they'd overlooked that simple question. 'zhasaan inclined his head.
      "They're meant to be worn, aren't they?"
      Surely it couldn't be that easy? Could it?
      Tentatively 'leesaan lifted the circlet and fastened it around his own head: it felt surprisingly heavy. 'zhasaan helped him attach the earrings, then sat back, regarding his sibling with interest.
      "Now what?"
      'leesaan shrugged, setting the earrings swinging.
      "I have no idea!"
      Vorian, one of the Feeodoreean tech's, leaned forwards.
      "We know that the ship itself used ki as a fuel medium, your highness. Perhaps this uses the same."
      'leesaan nodded hesitantly.
      "But how?"
      "Try focussing your own ki into the gems, your highness."
      Carefully, now regretting his lack of interest in learning ki control, 'leesaan closed his eyes and concentrated…
      And nothing happened. 'leesaan slumped, rubbing his eyes. 'zhasaan patted his shoulder.
      "Try again."
      But again nothing happened. 'leesaan sighed.
      "I really don't know what I'm doing here…"
      Zaheen inclined her head.
      "It is only a suggestion, your highness - but try thinking..."
      The hostling blinked at her, then frowned.
      'zhasaan nodded.
      "'s a good idea… try thinking 'home'…"
      At this stage anything was worth a try. 'leesaan closed his eyes and focussed on the thought/word/concept.
      And the pendant gemstone on his forehead began, very faintly, to glow.
      'leesaan opened his eyes at the breathless hush, gazing nervously at the circle of wide eyed faces.
      "Is it working?"
      "Yes…" 'zhasaan's voice was hushed. "It's working."
      'leesaan was holding himself still with difficulty, voice trembling.
      "What can you see?"
      "Glowing… that's all… but it's a start. Are you *feeling* anything?"
      "I… don't know… don't think… wait… there's something…"
      He shook his head, concentration slackening, and the glow slowly faded. 'zhasaan hugged him tightly, beaming.
      "It's a start, zk'viss."
      'leesaan looked tired and was rubbing at his head.
      "It takes a lot of energy. And I have a headache."
      His sire-sib pulled his head down to lie on a slender shoulder.
      "Rest for a while."
      'leesaan closed his eyes briefly, then gently pulled away, grinning widely.
      "Later. Have to tell papa…"

Zha'haabron was returning to the suite after the day's council meeting when Zh'leet came hurrying to find him.
      "Ssii'iin - they think they've found how to make the jewels work!"
      Eyes wide, the king hastened to the suite's comm link, smiling at the two eager faces on the screen. 'leesaan and 'zhasaan were talking at the same time, excitedly trying to tell him the news, and he raised his hands, chuckling.
      "One at a time, zk'vissini, please…"
      'zhasaan gestured to his sire-sib, allowing 'leesaan to speak first, then took over, describing what he'd seen. And as they spoke Zha'haabron *felt* their exhilaration, his own anticipation growing - although he wasn't exactly happy about 'leesaan's using the gems without taking any precautions. Quite what precautions any of them would have been able to take, however, was somewhat debatable. Ah well. The deed was done, now.
      "Do we have any idea yet as to how it operates?"
      "Vorian has an idea, but he wants to run some tests before he commits himself to anything."
      The king nodded. Typical Feeodoreean caution. But 'leesaan was chewing his lip.
      "What is it, zk'vissin?"
      "Papa, we think - well, we were wondering - if it might be more effective if an adult tried it."
      Zha'haabron inclined his head. An adult would have more control, greater endurance. He nodded.
      "That is a perfectly reasonable hypothesis."
      "So, may we ask Tia-chan to try?"
      The king considered the question. 'leesaan appeared to be fine, unharmed, and - he *focussed* - *unchanged*.
      "Let me speak to Vorian."
      'leesaan swivelled the screen towards the Feeodoreean, who bowed his head in salute.
      "I wish you to keep the prince under observation until tomorrow, to ensure there are no residual effects from the use of the jewels. Monitor him closely. Contact me if there is any cause for alarm."
      Vorian nodded.
      "Of course, your majesty." He offered a thin smile. "That will give me a little time to examine the process more thoroughly."
      "Good." Zha'haabron smiled as the tech swung the screen back to his sirelings. "Wait until Vorian has made sure you have come to no harm, then have Ti'aasaan make an attempt. Contact me first - I wish to watch."
      'leesaan's eyes were as bright as his smile, though his sire could feel his frustration at having to wait.
      "Thank you papa! We'll make sure we do."

      Ti'nienan flung himself at his sire, beaming happily as the other hostlings hastened over. Ti'zheenan smiled gently and brushed slender fingers over the warrior's cheek.
      "Thank you."
      Fa'saayen kissed the corner of his mouth.
      "It's my pleasure."
      "Papa," 'vadin was tugging at his arm. "Can 'tiisaan and 'viirel join us?"
      The warrior glanced at his zk'iinan, who nodded.
      "Of course, zk'viss."
      'vadin grinned and beckoned the princes, who both bowed slightly to Fa'saayen, greeting him politely. He bowed in return, not entirely sure how he should treat them…
      **Like any other hostlings, zk'aida**
      He jumped slightly: Ti'zheenan had become very 'attuned' to his erstwhile mate in the short time they'd spent together. It felt very nice - comforting and comfortable - and gave Fa'saayen hopes that they might actually, eventually bond…
      For now, however, it was a beautiful warm day, and they'd arranged to eat the mid-day meal together, outside by the pool. They walked the small distance between the graceful Academy building and the water, 'nienan choosing a spot with a pleasant view, and unpacked a large basket filled with a variety of delicacies that Fa'saayen had had transported from R'ren'nkh'ia…
      'tiisaan's eyes lit up at the sight of a bowl of the insects he liked, flash-seared to perfection, and he grinned at the warrior.
      "It is very good of you, Fa'saayen-san."
      "I'm glad you like them, ssii'irin."
      The dancer shook his head.
      "Please, call me 'tiisaan."
      The warrior hesitated, then, at Ti'zheenan's nod, acquiesced.
      "Very well… 'tiisaan."

They spent a delightfully happy couple of hours, relaxing, talking, Fa'saayen and his sirelings getting to know each other a little more. At the end, when Tion arrived to escort them back to the afternoon's classes, the hostlings clustered around their sire, hugging him enthusiastically. And asking the inevitable question.
      "When are you moving in with maazi, papa?"
      He sighed.
      "I don't know, zk'vissini. I really don't know."
      'kanaan kissed his cheek.
      "I wish you'd hurry up and find out, papa. Maazi misses you. He wants you back."
      Fa'saayen glanced at his zk'iinan: Ti'zheenan was blushing, his eyes lowered. Keeping his eyes on the silky fall of turquoise hair, the warrior asked softly.
      "And why do you think that?"
      'kanaan cuddled close, whispering.
      "We heard him talking to Ssii'iir Ti'aasaan. And sometimes he cries after talking about you."
      Fa'saayen was silent for a moment, then cuddled his sirelings tightly.
      "I'll talk with maazi. But now, you need to get back to your lessons. I'll see you all soon."

"I…I hadn't realised they'd heard…"
      Ti'zheenan was flinching, afraid his zk'iinan was angry, Fa'saayen realised as they walked slowly along a winding grassy path through the cultured wood that bordered the Academy grounds. He sighed and pulled the delicate zn'hre to him, nuzzling his hair.
      "I didn't know."
      The low sweet voice shook as Ti'zheenan fought back tears.
      "I miss you…"
      His voice broke. Fa'saayen held his zk'aida, stroking his hair as he sobbed, wondering what on the two worlds he was to do…

"So, you ready, Fa'saayen-san?"
      The warrior growled, nodding reluctantly to Ti'aasaan and 'jiisa. He'd taken Ti'zheenan back to the rooms he shared with Suguri, in the R'ren'nkh'ian-adapted quarters of the Elite Guard HQ - rooms which he should be sharing with his zk'iinan, he thought angrily, gazing around at the delicately beautiful little touches, the chimes, several large sweet-scented plants in large pots, gold-dyed soft furs... Ti'zheenan had recovered, trembling and apologising profusely for embarrassing the warrior - which Fa'saayen brushed off, kissing away the last of the tears then reluctantly leaving. He had his… 'appointment'… with Suguri this afternoon.
      'jiisa smiled grimly.
      "Good. This way…"
      Suguri was already there, pacing, arms folded across his broad chest. He swung to face the zn'hre as they entered the arena, glowering, head lowered, looking for all the world like a rutting bighorn ready to challenge an interloper. 'jiisa scowled at him.
      "Remember what I said."
      The Saiyan snarled and forced himself to stand more upright, hands clenched at his sides, glaring at the elder zn'hre warrior with absolute loathing.
      Which was matched by the expression on Fa'saayen's face. He made himself walk slowly forwards until he was several paces from the Saiyan, then halted, eyeing his opponent… his rival… he gritted his teeth… his partner's Saiyan mate… coldly.
      It was the first time they'd met. Suguri wouldn't accept it until much later but he was quietly impressed by Fa'saayen. There were very few zn'hre warriors - hardly surprising really, given their history - but those few were skilled, dedicated and powerful. That Fa'saayen was also was apparent from his ki, and the stories Suguri had heard of his prowess… And he'd survived. And he was the sire of those wonderful, joy-bringing hostlings Suguri loved so much…
      For his part, Fa'saayen glowered at the Saiyan, one part of him wanting nothing more that to tear the traitor's heart from him and eat it… and another, softer, more rational side remembering Ti'zheenan's tears, *feeling* the terrible conflict inside the delicate zn'hre as he struggled with the situation, not wanting to hurt anyone and in despair because he believed he was hurting everyone
      What a fucking mess.
      Fa'saayen eyed the Saiyan, noting the furiously lashing tail, the narrowed eyes and clenched fists, and forced himself to stand quietly, alert but not tensed. Could he bring himself to speak first?
      Holding the image of tear-drenched golden eyes in his mind, he half-hissed,
      "I thank you, for caring for my hostlings…"
      just managing to catch himself before adding - in my absence.
      Suguri's eyes widened. Of all things, he had not expected that!
      "They are beautiful and talented brats."
      It was growled, but it wasn't threatening. Fa'saayen inclined his head.
      "I think so. I am… happy… that you think so too."
      ('jiisa glanced at Ti'aasaan, eyes wide. This was going very much better than they'd hoped. So far, anyway…)
      Both warriors lapsed into silence, Fa'saayen trying to think of something to say, Suguri eyeing the zn'hre narrowly.
      The silence dragged on. Finally Ti'aasaan stepped forward with one of his disarming smiles, and raised his hands.
      "I think that's probably enough for a first meeting…"
      Relieved, both warriors turned to him. He regarded them both, then grinned impudently.
      "Well, you didn't tear each other's head off - I think that's a positive sign!"
      They both gaped at him as 'jiisa buried his face in his hands, shaking his head despairingly. The little zn'hre smiled at the warriors - then his face became solemn.
      "I want you both to remember Ti'chan. This situation wasn't of his choosing - and between you you're making life difficult for him. I don't expect you to fall into each other's arms, but I do expect you to think of him, and the hostlings. One way or another you're going to have to work out some way of coping." He paused as the two glared at each other, then sighed. "He loves you both, you… hri'vken."
      Fa'saayen blinked, taken aback - then nodded, very slightly.
      "I know, Ssii'iir. And I'm…" he gritted his teeth, "…prepared to… work something out…"
      "I'm very glad to hear it." Ti'aasaan glared at Suguri, who turned his face aside.
      "I need more time."
      Ti'aasaan nodded.
      "I understand. It's a pity Saiyans are so much less reasonable than zn'hre… " he deliberately turned his back on Suguri, who stared at him, not quite believing what he'd said, "… but it can't be helped, I suppose. The next time we meet you both need to have decided how you're going to deal with the problem. Then we'll try to find a compromise."
      Suguri glared, wanting to ask the little zn'hre just exactly why the fuck he thought he had any right to interfere… But he already knew the answer. Much of it was in the large forms of Radittsu, Zha'haabron and Zorun. He growled an almost incomprehensible affirmative.
      Ti'aasaan turned to Fa'saayen, who nodded tightly. The little zn'hre smiled and clasped his hands over his swollen belly, deliberately drawing attention to the forthcoming result of a mixed-species family.
      "Good, good. Very well, we'll stop there. I will contact you both in a few days to arrange another time that we can meet. For now - I think we had all best get back to work, ne?"

'jiisa stared admiringly at Ti'aasaan as Zh'leet shoved a huge beaker of fruity glop into his hands, the little zn'hre sighing long-sufferingly and swallowing the rich liquid. His eyes met the prince's over the beaker rim: lowering the vessel he swiped a hand across his mouth and grinned.
      "The aim is to keep them off balance. If you do the unexpected you can get away with an awful lot more than would ordinarily be countenanced."
      'jiisa shook his head in wonder.
      "And just who taught you that?"
      "No one. I drew my own conclusions."
      The young warrior pulled himself up to his knees and bowed before the little zn'hre, only half-mockingly.
      "Tia-chan, I am in awe of your wisdom."
      Ti'aasaan laughed and ruffled the hostling's hair.
      "It's not wisdom, zk'viss, trust me… main thing is it works." He smiled sadly. "I just hope it has the desired result…"

Ti'aasaan shook his head sadly, the cool stone brushing over his forehead.
      "I'm sorry. I am trying…"
      'leesaan sighed and smiled.
      "We know, maazi. And thank you. But it obviously isn't working."
      Ti'aasaan, wearing Zha'zhasaan's jewels, had sat with the research group for almost the whole morning, trying everything he could think of to spur the stones into action - wholly in vain. Finally Zorun had arrived at the library, scowling and grumbling about his bondmate doing far too much this late into his hosting, and the little zn'hre had snuggled into the big Saiyan with a regretful sigh.
      'leesaan carefully removed the jewellery and returned it to its box, shoulders drooping with discouragement. Zha'haabron, watching over the vid link from R'ren'nkh'ia, drummed his fingers on the desk and frowned.
      "That is - unfortunate."
      There's was a moment's silence, then a soft voice asked,
      "May I try?"
      All eyes turned to the door, and Zha'haarak standing there: 'leesaan eyed the gentle zn'hre, eyes flicking to his sire's image on the screen, unwilling to comment. Zha'haarak seated himself and smiled at his sibling.
      "I would like to try, zk'viss."
      Well, it didn't seem to be too tiring for adults, if Ti'aasaan's reaction was anything to go by… He nodded.
      "But if anything - anything at all - troubles you, you are to stop immediately."
      Zha'haarak nodded gravely, then sat still while 'zhasaan removed the gentle zn'hre's own jewellery and replaced it with the ancient gems.
      'leesaan smiled encouragingly.
      "All you have to do is think of home…"

The earrings sparked into life, lighting up from within, hanging from the prince's ears like living nebulae… moments later the circlet's pendant stones also fired, shimmering and pulsating like the heart of a galaxy. In the elemental light Zha'haarak's face assumed an eerie, ancient, serene cast…

Zha'haabron stared, ignoring the tears trickling down his cheeks. He somehow knew - even before Vorian began to explain his belief that the navigator gems were genetically 'bonded' to individual bloodlines and inaccessible to others' - that these jewels, and the way they responded, proved the zn'hre's closeness to the zhaneer. Zh'nast hadn't been able to follow Zha'haabron's line back all that far, but certainly far enough to suggest a straight descent from the original Zha'zhasaan, inbreeding over and over to keep the line as pure as possible down through the millennia. Not that the native R'ren'nkh'ia-jin had any idea that that's what they were accomplishing, of course, he thought with sudden bitterness - but that was the end result. And for that they would be grateful.
      On Vejiitasei the stars within the gems were coruscating wildly, and Zha'haarak was tiring: the gentle zn'hre simply wasn't strong enough, didn't have enough control. And 'zhasaan was gazing earnestly at his sire.
      "Papa, they'll speak for you, speak clearly, I know they will. Can you come home soon?"
       There was still a considerable amount of business to be cleared, but he'd concluded all of the important matters in council…
       He nodded. He'd have to speak with Gh'heegonan of course, and 'haabron and Kobis - and if anyone objected, this time he really would have to stay until the outstanding business was cleared, he'd neglected his duties for far too long as it was - but he believed that no-one would object if he left in a few days time.
      "I will return as soon as I can…"

© 2003 September 20th Joules Taylor

Fifth Alliance Chronicle Index