
Leteetza jerked awake, falling off the bed onto her knees with her arms wrapped around her head, trying not to scream.
      What the fuck…?
      Over the pain filling her head two things came through clearly. One, her children - the hybrids - were losing control. Two, if something wasn't done to stop them, they were quite capable of killing everyone in the palace complex, quite possibly everyone in Vejiitamachi. Accidentally. Not that that would matter to the dead…
      By the time she stumbled blindly into the suite, Zha'haabron had the twins held tightly against him, trying to calm them, with only minimal success. And it was hurting him, she could tell.
      She did the only thing she could think of. Grabbing both lashing tails, she squeezed as hard as she could…
      The pressure inside her head eased, the deadly pain changing to a much more familiar physical agony. Gasping, mentally apologising to them, she pulled and twisted, breaking the tails.
      With twin screams, the hybrids passed out.

Vinas, still looking a little shaky, ran his monitor over Ti'ani, shaking his head.
      "Temperature is far too high, hormone levels fluctuating wildly… I have never seen anything like this before."
      He glanced at the king, frowning. Zha'haabron swallowed and shook his head.
      "It resembles nothing I have experienced."
      Radittsu laid a hand on his bondmate's shoulder.
      "It smells something like heat."
      Leteetza blinked, then frowned, sniffing carefully. Not quite the same, but the similarity was there. She was suddenly aware of Radittsu's arousal, and a second later realised the king was in the same state. Come to think of it, she was feeling twitchy herself…
      Vinas eyed the beings in the room.
      "I see." He frowned to himself as Le'leen moaned, and prepared another shot of the strong sedative he was using to keep the hybrids unconscious. Glancing up at the bondmates as he administered the dose, he shook his head. "I cannot keep doing this: it will harm them, and is unlikely to solve the problem. What are their needs?"
      The big Saiyan lowered his eyes.
      "They need… need to be fucked."
      Vinas - and Leteetza - stared. Zha'haabron closed his eyes and *focussed* for a moment, then nodded reluctantly.
      "Apparently so. There is an overwhelming need, much as in a Saiyan heat, but far more pronounced."
      Vinas frowned and recalibrated his monitor as a sudden thought struck him. Running it quickly over both hybrids; he nodded grimly.
      "It may be linked to their physical requirements. The readings are similar to a hosting zn'hre low in protein."
      Zha'haabron shoved a hand through his hair.
      "They need semen."
      "It would satisfy both needs at once, yes."
      Radittsu and Zha'haabron exchanged a worried look, but it was Leteetza who asked the question.
      "But… they'd conceive, wouldn't they?"
      Vinas closed his eyes.
      "In all probability, yes. Unless they coupled with an incompatible alien."
      Ti'ani stirred, moaning, and Vinas swiftly injected him again - then frowned at the king.
      "Their bodies are adapting to the sedative far faster than anticipated. If you're going to do something, it has to be now."
      Horrified, Leteetza switched her gaze between the bondmates. These were her firstborn children they were talking about! She growled.
      "You're going to have aliens rape them?"
      Zha'haabron blinked.
      "It is not rape, little warrior. It is what they both want - *see* for yourself…"
      But Leteetza had never had that close a *bond* with the hybrids. She gazed helplessly at Radittsu - who nodded.
      "And if they don't get what they need, we're all going to suffer. They have no control over their abilities while their bodies are in this state, and you know how powerful they are."
      She couldn't deny it - unconscious as the hybrids were, she could still *feel* their anguish pressing down on her mind…
      At which point two Shimosein peered shyly into the room, sparkling eyes wide and a little apprehensive.
      "You called for us, your Majesty?"

Leteetza was pacing. Vinas had shooed her - and Radittsu and Zha'haabron - out of the room, staying inside himself to 'monitor the situation', as he phrased it…
      At least the hybrids would be safe with the Shimosein. They were a gentle people, with considerable stamina, and Vinas confirmed that they were not genetically compatible with any other species except their own - except maybe the Hassinan, though he'd had no opportunity to check that yet. And they were beautiful, in their own way…
      Vinas wouldn't let anything happen to her children. She knew that…
      Which didn't stop her pacing.
      After an hour Vinas left the room for a moment, mouth quirked in what was, for him, a beaming grin.
      "Initial results are excellent. Hormone levels are still fluctuating, but not so much; they are both conscious and coherent, though by no means satisfied yet." He glanced at Zha'haabron. "I would suggest you have some more Shimosein report in."
      The king nodded, *calling* Bri'seiyis again. Vinas inclined his head and continued.
      "As far as I can tell, this is likely to last for quite some time. I would suggest you don't wait. I will contact you immediately if there is any change."
      Which made sense, they all agreed. With Vinas' reassurances, they returned to their normal daily tasks.
      Which wasn't quite as easy as it sounds. Leteetza was still subliminally aware of her children's aroused states, and as for Radittsu and Zha'haabron…

"But will that happen to us, too?"
      A distraught 'jau was snuggled into the king's hair, while Kinu hovered helplessly. 'vahn and 'rayne looked terrified: Radittsu held them both close.
      "We don't know, little one. Maybe. But we should know how to deal with it if it happens."
      He eyed his bondmate.
      **We will need to make provisions…**
      *Damn right. When this is over, I'll have Vinas hunt for other incompatible races… Perhaps we could set up some sort of… special place… where the hybrids can go… Safer for them, and for us - it's going to be distracting enough without having that pumping out!*
      Zha'haabron's expression was sombre.
      **I suppose it will be a regular thing… How often, though? And how long will it last?**
      *We'll have to wait and see. At least we coped with this reasonably well. Though their tails are going to hurt for a while.*
      **We must find a way to thank the little warrior…**
      Radittsu grinned.
      *Oh, I know just the way to do that…*

Four days later…
      Vinas folded his arms, expression satisfied.
      "They are both well - better physically than before this… heat, if you wish to call it that…"
      Vinas blinked at Radittsu.
      "Shizun. To distinguish it from Saiyan heat."
      "Very well. Both hybrids are extremely healthy, uninjured, and not hosting. Their emotional state, however…" he shook his head. "They are not happy."
      Zha'haabron frowned.
      "When can they come home?"
      "Now. But they don't want to."
      "Don't wa…? What has happened?"
      "Perhaps you had better see for yourself…"

Zha'haabron took Ti'aasaan with him - the little zn'hre's relationship with his sirelings had always been warm and friendly.
      They found the hybrids curled up together on the large bed, heads bowed, shoulders drooping, the picture of misery. Ti'aasaan hissed and leapt forwards to pull them into a hug.
      "Zk'vissini, what has happened? Why…?"
      Ti'ani bit back a sob, gazing helplessly at the king as Zha'haabron seated himself on the edge of the bed.
      "That was so horrible…"
      Ti'aasaan glanced at the Ssii'iin. Zha'haabron nodded and took limp, unresisting hands into his own.
      **May I *enter*?**
      Reluctant nods answered him, and he *slid* gently into the twin minds, unsurprised at what he *found*. The hybrids were, if not exactly proud of their self-control, then certainly very aware of how vital it was to the survival of those around them: to lose it so completely was terrifying. Self-loathing warred with humiliation inside, along with an almost overwhelming sense of dread. They didn't want to see or be seen by anyone right now.
      What if - when - this happened again…?
      **Then we will take care of you** Zha'haabron was *searching*, as quickly and discreetly as he could, for some memory, some clue as to how the hybrids had felt just prior to… shizun… commencing: if, in the future, they had some warning, they would have time to make sure everyone was safe. But the twins were too distraught to think or feel clearly. Examination would have to wait until they had recovered. Zha'haabron shifted until the twins were between himself and their sire, encircling them in love. At the moment, that was all they were capable of accepting. Explanations could come later as well.

Zorun sat behind his bondmate, cuddling the little zn'hre closely. Some of his sirelings' distress was still spilling over; Ti'aasaan was morose, melancholy, most unlike his usual cheerful self.
      The Saiyan nuzzled pale green hair, then *eyed* Merica.
      *Think there's room in your castle for another two brats?*
      The guard smirked.
      *Ti'ani and Le'leen? Of course. They can take lessons with Kinu and 'jau.*
      Zorun grinned his thanks. Radittsu wouldn't be pleased, but it really would be good for the twins to get right away from the palace - and their mates - for a while. It would make Ti'aasaan happy as well.
      Only another five days. Then Zorun and Hijau had a full twenty days downtime. How much of that was due to Vejiita feeling generous, and how much due to Zha'haabron, they'd probably never know, but they had no intention of shaking the tree…

Ta'haarel had been completely bewildered by the whole affair, not understanding why his protector had suddenly been hurried away. 'raadiin and Ry, between them, had tried to explain.
      The zhaneer was horrified.
      "H… how often…?"
      Ry gently stroked his hair.
      "We don't know; Ti'ani and Le'leen are the first born hybrids. Unless Vinas can come up with more information, we won't know until the next one hits."
      Ta'haarel chewed his lip.
      "And he's going away?"
      "Not for long."
      "I… can't I go too…?"
      Radittsu and Zha'haabron had discussed the same question, and decided - with Leteetza and Ti'aasaan's agreement - that it might be better for the hybrids to work through their residual problems without their mates being there to cloud the issue. 'zhasaan had been nonchalant, but Ta'haarel was unhappy, although he understood the thinking behind it. For the time being he'd been invited to join 'raadiin, 'fallon and their little family-within-the-family, and had accepted.

But there were other changes afoot.
      Lento had effectively moved into the zn'hre's quarters at the Academy - at least, he spent all his nights there, finally comfortable, twined around the coolness of the lizards' bodies - and he and 'tiisaan had explored and experimented, delighting in each other. 'tiisaan, with typical lack of foresight, had assumed their relationship would simply continue…
      Then the Saiya-jin-no-Ou gave permission for the Hassinan to take over the Kamome Caves.
      "But… I thought you'd be staying here!"
      The strength of his dismay shocked 'tiisaan; obviously he'd grown rather fonder of Lento than he'd realised. And now the Hassinan was leaving, going with his people to live in a cold dark cave hours and hours away…
      "I - wasn't sure," the young male's shoulders slumped, "I thought I could stay here but..." he gazed morosely into the dancer's beautiful eyes, "I need to be with my kin." After a moments hesitation he raised his hand and cupped 'tiisaan's cool cheek. "I enjoy what we are - " Lento grimaced, there were some things he still couldn't express in his imperfect Common. "I will miss you, sinam. Can I visit?"
      'tiisaan nuzzled Lento's hand, closing his eyes and swallowing to force back tears. Oh, he understood Lento's responsibilities, of course he did - he was a Ssii'irin after all, though he usually - conveniently - managed to forget it. But…
      "Of course you can, zk'vissin. As often as you want. Please!" He paused for a moment, then flung his arms around the taller being. "… going to miss you so much…"
      Lento froze, momentarily discomfited by the zn'hre's emotional display, then he sighed, pulling 'tiisaan in close and resting his cheek against silk-smooth hair.
       "I would like that," the apprentice murmured. He lowered his head to nip gently at 'tiisaan's throat. "We have a day before I must go. Can I be with you?"
      'tiisaan nuzzled his neck.
      "As if I'd let you be anywhere else…"

The zn'hre had packed a hamper full of their favourite foods and drinks, topping it off with a fur, then taken Lento's hand and led him back to 'their' clearing, determined to spend as much of the day there as possible. It was another shimmeringly hot day, but under the trees there was shade, and 'tiisaan had thought to bring a large bowl and container of fresh cool water, which he dripped over the lean golden body of his Hassinan lover.
      Lento smirked at the zn'hre through hooded eyes then tugged the naked dancer down to cover his body.
       "Nice. Cool." he whispered, nuzzling 'tiisaan's ear as he scratched lightly along the zn'hre's spine to the cleft of his taut buttocks.
      'tiisaan shivered, thighs parting as he wriggled to position Lento's penis at the entrance to his chitsu.
      "…mmmmm…. Warm…"
      The Hassinan wriggled a hand between their bodies, lightly wrapping long fingers around  the zn'hre's inkei. Preparing 'tiisaan for penetration had become something Lento enjoyed immensely; the dancer was so passionate, so responsive to his touch...
      'tiisaan gasped, eyes closing the better to focus on the sensation. Lento knew what he liked, what touches left him boneless and aching for more. He tucked his head under the Hassinan's chin, nuzzling his throat, licking lightly.
      Hips twitching, his penis teasing over 'tiisaan's nub, Lento increased the pressure of his strokes, grinning as the zn'hre started to shudder.
      The zn'hre hissed as he double-climaxed, gripping Lento's shoulders tightly - then slid slowly onto the Hassinan's erection, little aftershocks of pleasure making him quiver as the warm shaft rubbed over blunted barbs.
       Lento groaned, involuntarily arching up and pushing deep and hard into the cool body above him. He curled long arms around 'tiisaan's ribs, holding him tightly as he struggled to control his response. He was determined to take his time today…

Vejiita scowled at the holographic display, tapping a forefinger impatiently on the desk as he turned to Limau.
      "Is this accurate?"
      The elder Saiyan nodded. Vejiita snarled silently.
      "Where's Nappa's force?"
      "Two days away from Zaisan, sire."
      "Get them there with all possible speed." The king glared at the display again. A mass of small lights, each one a Karilun warship, was heading for the Hyoujin homeworld.
      "Is the Lizard in the Night ready for action?"
      "Yes, sire."
      "Pull as many nitorine-trained warriors as can be spared from regular duty and send them to Nappa. Immediate departure."
      Limau hesitated.
      "Radittsu, sire? And Merica?"
      Vejiita frowned for a moment.
      "The Royal Liaison, yes - but not Merica. Not this time. Assemble the Council - and make sure Zha'haabron is present."
      Limau saluted and turned to the communication console as Vejiita stared at the display. A hundred Karilun ships, each carrying - how many warriors? How many Warui-jin warriors? Intelligence from within the enemy Empire was sketchy at best.
      They'd reach Zaisan in three days at most. Encroaching on the Saiyan Empire.
      This cannot be allowed.

© 2004 March 30th Joules Taylor

Naissance pt 1
Snapshots 5
Sixth Alliance Chronicle Index