Naissance part 1

Lento was feeling just a touch apprehensive.
      Mahrayne had approached him earlier in the day, briefly, and asked to speak privately. She'd suggested he arrive a little earlier to the daily Common lesson and Lento - strung between a furtive pleasure that the striking female would want to see him and a prickly, uncomfortable idea that he knew what it was about - had said he would be there.
       The apprentice Effodio stopped outside the classroom, pausing to ensure his expression was properly pleasant but neutral, then put his hand to the door and slid it open a fraction. He stopped again - Mahrayne was already in the room with her Saiyan lover, the one Merces had suggested he regard as Mahrayne's male. The females were standing close together, the warrior's tail wrapped firmly around Mahrayne's hips, while she traced the Hassinan's face beads with the backs of her fingers. Mahrayne was gazing up at the Saiyan with a look of soft love, and a simmering desire that prompted a reciprocal tightening in the young male's groin. The warrior glanced back over her shoulder at him, a smirk of amusement quirking her lips, and Lento hastily clamped down his reaction.
       "Thank you for seeing me, Lento." Mahrayne spoke in Hassinan, demure and throaty. She and the Saiyan exchanged a long look then the warrior turned on her heel and strode towards the door. Lento scrambled out of the way - it didn't look like the imposing female was going to stop - then edged into the room.
       "Please, make yourself comfortable." Mahrayne indicated a floor cushion, waiting for him to be seated before gracefully settling herself. She favoured him with a small smile. "I think you can guess why I asked to speak to you?"
       Lento coloured.
       "You know? A… about 'tiisaan?"
       Mahrayne chuckled.
       "'tiisaan told me. He sees no reason to keep things hidden."
       "Do you... disapprove?" the young male ventured hesitantly.
       She lifted a fine, white eyebrow.
      "I'm hardly in the position to give judgement on inappropriate behaviour, Lento, but I don't disapprove." Mahrayne regarded him closely. "Neither do I approve, entirely. It's your business, I just don't want either of you to be hurt. Will you tell your family?"
       "I don't think there's any need for them to know."
      "Perhaps." Mahrayne half-smiled. "If I recall correctly Manica is as conservative as my father." She became serious again. "I do think it a good idea to tell Malum though."
       "Why?" Lento frowned.
       "Because you are part of his... staff, and your behaviour reflects on him."
       "Oh." Lento was suddenly worried, he hadn't considered that aspect. He had enormous respect for the male he half-consciously considered to be his Leader; if Malum disapproved he wasn't sure what he'd do.
       Mahrayne was watching him closely again.
       "As long as 'tiisaan and yourself respect each other I don't think there will be any problems with 'tiisaan's family." She smiled again. "The zn'hre are more relaxed than we are about such liaisons."
       Lento nodded, thoughtful. Mahrayne continued.
       "And if you and 'tiisaan are still involved when your females are gifted to you - " the male started guiltily, he'd forgotten about Cene and Nenia. " - they probably won't object either."
       "They won't?"
       "No," Mahrayne grinned, "in fact they'll probably find it... beneficial to have a male with some experience."
       The apprentice blushed at her candour but found himself intrigued nevertheless. He knew so little about females, obviously...
       They both looked up as the door slid open and the first of Mahrayne's students began to trickle into the classroom. The female turned back to Lento with a small smile.
       "Thank you for letting me speak my mind, Lento." Her voice was pitched low enough not to be overheard.
       "I appreciate your honesty - " Lento paused; there was no term of respect a Hassinan male could use towards a female. Which was silly, he suddenly realised, why couldn't a female be worthy of a respectful address? He remembered the term 'tiisaan had used and bashfully offered it now to the teacher. " - Mahrayne-san."
       The female inclined her head politely to the youngster but her bronze eyes were shining.
      The room was nearly full by now, Mahrayne clapped her hands for the class' attention.
       "If everyone could take their seats we'll begin..."

Kelapa was waiting for her mate in their suite when the class finished. Sitting cross-legged on the sleeping platform, she looked up with a smirk when the Hassinan slid open the door.
       "How's it going?"
       Mahrayne grinned and crawled over to lie with her head pillowed in the Saiyan's lap.
       "It's going well," she sighed with satisfaction, "Some are picking it up faster than others, naturally, but they're all willing to learn."
       Malum had arrived on Vejiitasei a few days after the Zhane expedition had returned. He'd brought with him - or been accompanied by, rather, everyone was there voluntarily - forty-eight Hassinan including his own females and sons, and Lento. The group was almost equally comprised of males and females and ranged in age from the infants to a pair of non-breeding females well into middle-age. They were the vanguard for the Hassinan immigration, Mahrayne and Alida knew, even if the new arrivals believed themselves to be the lone few willing to try for a new life on Vejiitasei. Of the group, only Malum had any fluency in Common and Mahrayne suggested the others might want to learn the language as well, it would help them feel less alienated if they could make themselves understood by the rest of the population.
      Kelapa had scowled resignedly when her lover enthused to her about the daily, intensive language lessons she'd set up for her people. Once again she'd be losing precious time with her mate but on the bright side, the aliens would be moving to Kamome before long - if the Saiya-jin-no-Ou gave his permission. Malum hadn't approached the Emperor as yet, he'd prudently decided to put that meeting off until he'd had a chance to view the caves for himself.
      "When's your brother leaving?" Kelapa couldn't help shuddering just a little – why would anyone want to live in a fucking hole in the ground?
      "Five days," Mahrayne sighed.
      "They're all going?"
      "All of the recent arrivals, yes, and some of the earlier immigrants who haven't decided if they want to stay in Vejiitamachi or not."
      Kel nodded, running strong fingers through her lover's thick, white hair. Mahrayne would've loved to have travelled with them – the Saiyan was all too aware of the Hassinan's poorly hidden desire to go back to the caves – but with the Academy's Summer performance coming up there was no way she could spare the time.
      "Heh, no doubt you can visit them later – if they settle there."
      "When they settle there." Mahrayne stressed, softly. She tilted her head to look up at the Saiyan. "You'll come with me, yes? I know you don't like being underground."
      "Baka," Kel growled though there was a wealth of affection in it, "as if I'd let you go without me!"
      "Thank you," Mahrayne beamed, then blinked and scrambled out of the warrior's lap. "I almost forgot – there's another rehearsal scheduled in a few minutes."
      Kelapa sighed, loudly, then lay back on the bed, smirking.
      "Bring some food back with you."
      "I will." Mahrayne laughed, bending down to kiss her lover. She ruffled Kel's tail where it lay relaxed over the warrior's stomach: Kelapa stifled a gasp, then growled:
      "Do that once more and you can fucking miss the rehearsal!"
      Mahrayne laughed again and danced back out of reach.
      "I'll be back soon, tahnahn!" She was still chuckling as she closed the suite door behind her...

A full fifteen days later and the mood in Malum's temporary quarters in the Academy was tense, but positive.
      "I have never seen anything so beautiful, Mahrayne," the young male's silver eyes shone with conviction. "They're everything you, and Merces – and Lento – " he smiled at the beaming youth beside him, " – had said they were!"
      "And what were your opinions?" Mahrayne, grinning, addressed the question to her brother's four females sitting at ease on the colourful rugs and cushions they'd brought from their homeworld.
      "Amazing!" Ientus laughed, gently stroking the silver-grey fuzz on her baby's head as he nursed. "So much more like home than G'geckah could ever be."
      Mahrayne nodded, then inclined her head to Munile, who was waiting to speak. Alida found it a constant source of amusement that the majority of the Hassinan females on Vejiitasei – regardless of apparent status – now deferred to her once disregarded twin...
      "The caves are very rough, very primitive," the older female frowned, "it won't be easy making a comfortable life for ourselves there – "
      "Oh but the crystal formations!" this from Monia, one of the few artists in the group. "They're spectacular! And the plain rock in the other caverns will be a challenge to decorate!" She giggled. "I'm looking forward to it!"
      "If the Saiya-jin-no-Ou gives us leave to settle there – " Munile interjected.
      "You're so negative!" Monia pouted.
      "I'm being realistic. What are we to the Saiyans? A homeless people with nothing to offer – why should they let us stay?"
      "Because it was through their mining we lost our home." Malum said quietly, using his hand on Lento's shoulder to help ease himself into a more comfortable position. "The Lead Speaker believes Vejiita will deal fairly with us."
      "I hope so," Munile grimaced, "the thought of returning to G'geckah is... unappealing."
       "Has the Emperor given you an indication of when he can see you?" Mahrayne asked her brother.
      "Sometime tomorrow morning," Malum quirked an eyebrow at the dancer. "And you still won't consider being there as well?"
       Mahrayne's smile was mirthless.
      "My presence would not help your cause."
      "But why - ?"
      "It's a long story," she shrugged, "I'll try to explain, one day, but know that I am not held in high esteem by a lot of the ruling Elite."
      "What happened?" Monia, scenting gossip, leaned forwards.
      "A failure – on my part – in understanding." Mahrayne sighed, then smiled a little wistfully. "If you have no objection, Malum, I would like to accompany you to the meeting, and wait for you outside?" She smirked. "So I can be the first to hear the news if nothing else."
      Malum chuckled.
      "By all means."
      The dancer took her leave then – she was needed elsewhere – but promised to meet her brother after first meal the following morning.

Coolly regarding the Hassinan male from his bare throne, the Saiya-jin-no-Ou radiated power, and not just the political kind. That compact, muscular body, deceptively relaxed at the moment, was capable of all sorts of devastation, Malum knew. As a hunter used to facing immensely strong and dangerous prey, he understood and respected the inherent threat. Malum stood tall and straight before it, though, ignoring the nagging pain in his body and the looming sense of intimidation. And if the Emperor on his own wasn't intimidating enough, he was flanked by others - mostly Saiyans – who were all regarding him with the same unnerving intensity. Malum recognised Zorun, and he could guess from Mahrayne's descriptions that the small, red-maned female standing at Vejiita's side was Leteetza. Two of the three young Saiyans in attendance – a male and a female - had the look of the Emperor about them and so were probably his children. As to who the third youngster – another male – was, Malum couldn't say. The Hassinan silently cursed himself for not preparing adequately for this meeting; he wouldn't make that mistake again.
      The only non-Saiyan in the audience chamber – and the only one regarding Malum with anything like cordiality – was recognisable as a R'ren'nkh'ian. Most likely the High King, Zha'haabron, which would make him the sire of Lento's... friend. Malum managed not to stare – the blue-skinned alien was extraordinarily beautiful. He hadn't met 'tiisaan yet but if he was anything like his sire it was no wonder Lento had become entangled in such an unconventional relationship.

"Be welcome, Malum perliahn Astolan."
      The Hassinan bowed his head briefly.
      "My thanks, your Majesty." Malum lifted silver eyes to the Saiyan. "I would ask a boon of the Empire."
      "As you are aware, your Majesty, Hassina is no longer habitable. The Hassinan have accepted the hospitality of the G'geckans but not all of us are sure that that is where our future lies." Malum paused – Vejiita waited, unblinking. "The caves in the Kamome peninsula are more than adequate for our needs. Please, your Majesty, grant us the use of them." Malum held his breath, he'd planned to be a little more eloquent in his request but the plea at the last had come from the heart.
      "What do you need to make them habitable?"
      The Hassinan half-smiled.
      "They are already habitable, your Majesty, but to be comfortable all we require is a power source – for lighting and to heat water."
      "It can be done." There was no change in the Emperor's expression. "How many of your people are you expecting will want to settle there?"
      "I couldn't say with any certainty, your Majesty, at present there are only fifty of us but there could be more arriving at a later date."
      "How many will the caves accommodate?"
      "Several thousand, easily."
      Vejiita nodded, thoughtful.
      "I can see no reason not to grant your request."
      Malum relaxed fractionally – could it be so easy?
      "You have made plans to provide for your people, I assume?"
      "We have, your Majesty, I anticipate we won't be a drain on the local community."
      The Emperor nodded again.
      "Very well. Malum perhlian Astolan, I give the Hassinan leave to settle in the Kamome caves."
      "Thank you, your Majesty," Malum couldn't help the beaming smile that settled over his face. "You have our heartfelt gratitude."
      Vejiita half-smirked.
      "No doubt you'll want to leave as soon as possible, but it will take time to organise matters. And it would be a shame to miss the Academy's Summer performance. However, there will be a transport waiting for you when you're ready."
      "Thank you, your Majesty," Malum grinned and bowed his head, a respectful gesture that took in the entire company. "Thank you."

Lento couldn't work out exactly what he was feeling, how he was supposed to feel. He was on a shuttle bound for his new home in the Kamome peninsula, that was exciting, but he was leaving 'tiisaan behind and that... hurt. It was a strangely subdued kind of hurt though. So much had happened to him in a relatively short space of time Lento wasn't sure he'd be capable of fully untangling his emotions for some time.
      The Hassinan had celebrated for hours when Malum returned with the Emperor's answer, their relief and suddenly realised hopes expressed in a spontaneous revelry that quickly involved a large chunk of the Academy's residents. In the midst of it all 'tiisaan had taken Lento by the hand and with a promising smile led the young male up to his quarters. At the time Lento had been too focussed on the joy the dancer gave him to worry about how he'd feel if he left. He'd thought about it a great deal in the ensuing days though. Lento was very fond of 'tiisaan, enjoyed being with him, thought of him as a great friend but... the Hassinan couldn't deny the pull towards his people.
      Watching the zn'hre dance in the Summer concert however, Lento had almost changed his mind about leaving. 'tiisaan's performance was... riveting, thoroughly but gently erotic, expressing the satisfaction and happiness to be found in intimacy. Lento had drunk in the sight of his beautiful young lover, blushing and yet bursting with pride. 'tiisaan had told him that through his relationship with Lento he'd finally been able to understand what it was to make love, and understanding it meant he could express it fully through his dance.

Lento reached up to carefully touch fingertips to the shimmering blue/green R'ren'nkh'ian gem in his earlobe: 'tiisaan's parting gift. During their final hours together the dancer had removed the earrings - his favourites, Lento knew - and handed them to the bemused Hassinan.
      "To remember me."
      Lento blinked then smiled and snaffled 'tiisaan into a tight hug. He wouldn't need mere jewellery to remember the beautiful zn'hre but he was touched by his gift. One small problem though...
      The young male brushed long silvery locks away from his face, tucking them behind his - unpierced - ears.
      "I cannot wear them."
      "Oh." "tiisaan had looked crestfallen for second then he brightened, golden eyes gleaming with mischief.
      "I could pierce your ears for you!"
      "... All right."
      The pain had been momentary, hardly more than a johdan's sting, and afterwards 'tiisaan had taken great delight in keeping Lento's mind off of what little discomfort he felt.

"They won't heal properly if you keep touching them." Mahrayne's soft, amused voice jerked Lento out of his memories. The young male snatched his hand away from his ear, colouring a little. The dancer admired the jewellery.
      "They're beautiful stones. From 'tiisaan, yes?"
      Lento nodded, his blush deepening, but he didn't look away. Mahrayne smiled and touched her hand to his shoulder, a brief touch that sent a thrilling jolt through his slender body.
       "He will welcome your visits, Lento," the female's smile quirked into something positively wicked and she flicked a glance towards his groin. "Perhaps you could consider getting more beads, yes?" Lento only thought to snap shut his mouth once Mahrayne had sauntered away down the aisle.

"Stop teasing the brat." Kelapa scowled at her lover as Mahrayne dropped back into her seat. "I can fucking smell him from here!"
       "I'm not teasing, tahnahn," the Hassinan smirked, snuggling into the warrior's side, "I'm making suggestions."
       "Hn. I can imagine what sort of fucking 'suggestions' you were making."
      Mahrayne chuckled, wrapping an arm around her Saiyan's waist.
       "'tiisaan will adore it if Lento gets penis beads." She surreptitiously stroked the small bumps circling the base of Kel's tail, eliciting a shiver and a soft growl from the warrior.
      *Have you thought about getting some more?* Mahrayne *queried*.
      *Would you like me to?* warm brown eyes gleamed.
      Mahrayne nodded, her hand stealing up to brush over the female's breast. *I can help you decide where and what pattern, yes?*
      *If you must.* Kelapa feigned nonchalance. *Later. When we're not in the middle of a fucking shuttle full of people.*
      The Hassinan laughed happily and rested her head against the Saiyan's shoulder, golden-bronze eyes drifting closed. There was ample time for a nap before the shuttle – laden with colonists, and a generous amount of supplies donated by the Ssii'iin – landed at Kamome. Bri-sensei had decreed a well-deserved ten-day break for everyone after the performance and Kelapa had reluctantly agreed to join Mahrayne and the other Hassinan on the journey South. But only for a few days – the warrior had insisted they spend the rest of their break somewhere else, alone. Mahrayne was happy to comply with her mate's request; it had been a stressful year, for both of them, and it was time now to step back, relax and reflect...

© 2004 April 8th Amanda Mullane

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