Reformation pt 2

Mahrayne still wrote to Lord Kurumi occasionally, feeling an obligation to keep the noble abreast of news concerning his daughter and her family despite the consistent lack of response. To be honest the Hassinan wasn't sure the elder was even reading her letters so it was with some surprise, and a little trepidation, she opened the missive that arrived soon after 'rumi's birth. Mahrayne read through the brief contents twice before handing it over to her mate. Kelapa absently shifted a - finally - satisfied 'rumi to a more comfortable position nestled beside her on the sleeping platform then glanced through the note. The warrior frowned.
      "He's inviting us for a visit. All of us."
      "Including Kinu and 'jau, and Korena."
      "Why now? He's ignored us for fucking months."
      "Perhaps he wants to meet his name-sake?" Mahrayne tickled the infant's distended stomach, laughing at the resultant giggling growl: 'rumi was very ticklish.
      Kelapa grunted and the Hassinan leant across the cub to kiss his mother.
      "I think we should go. It's important to be on good terms with your family."
      The female arched an eyebrow.
      "You're not. Not with all of them."
      Mahrayne shrugged.
      "I have a large family, I can pick and choose. You only have your father, yes?"
      Kel sighed, shoving a hand through her smooth mane.
      "Yeah." She tilted her head, looking up at the white-haired female. "All right then. Not sure when though, I'm expected back on duty as soon as the brat's weaned." Kel looked down at her son, the softness of her expression belying the curt tone.
      "I don't suppose there's any hurry, yes? But it would be best if we can visit Pankuzu before the storm season."
      Kel nodded, scowling, not relishing the thought of seeing her father again.
       "I'll speak to Kyuri."
       "Good." Mahrayne's grin was happy and mischievous as she leant forward to nibble her lover's creamy shoulder. *'rumi's asleep. Shall we try not to wake him?*
       Kelapa smirked, tracing the outline of Mahrayne's breast beads through the filmy robe.
      *Hah. He wakes us often enough!*
      *That's different…*
       Any reply the Saiyan could have made was lost as she was thoroughly distracted by dexterous, golden fingers…

In the Saiya-jin Royal Family suite Korena knelt in front of Buahan, head bowed, a small fist clenched over her chest in the military salute. The princess regarded the youngster before her with no hint of amusement, even though the sight of the little warrior so formal and serious was nothing short of adorable.
       "Yes, Korena?"
       "Oujo, Lord Kurumi has invited me to visit him on Pankuzu." the female raised her eyes, "Do I have your permission to go?"
       There was no need for 'rena to ask but Buahan wasn't really surprised she had. Korena would be an 'infant' warrior for years yet but Buahan knew that as soon as she was strong enough 'rena would apply to join her guard. There was little doubt she'd be accepted, either. True, the cub only had a first-class power level but her unusual ability to move things with her mind was a definite advantage.
       "When will you be leaving?"
       Korena's brows creased.
       "Depends on when MaaziKel can get downtime, Oujo."
       "And how long are you planning to be away?"
       "Ten days at the most, Oujo."
       "Very well, you may go, but on condition you don't let your training slip."
       "Oh no, Oujo!" Korena smirked. "Kuri's coming as well, I can spar with him. And Jahonda-san - he's assigned as 'tiisaan's guard..."
       Buahan's lips quirked; it wasn't unusual for the little female to pit herself against much bigger and stronger opponents.
       "You mustn't neglect your other lessons, either."
       Korena's face fell for a moment then she nodded dutifully. Buahan smiled, leaning forward to cup the female's chin with her fingertips.
      "If you're to take your place in my guard, sinam, you must not only be strong, but smart."
       "Yes, Oujo." 'rena's dark eyes gleamed with renewed purpose.
       The princess straightened.
       "Now if you will excuse me, I have work to do," she gestured towards her paper-strewn desk with a wry smile. Korena stood and saluted smartly.
       "Thank you, Oujo." she said, turning and loping to the balcony with an easy gait not unlike Leteetza's.

With the Guard so depleted after the conflict it was a while before Kelapa could be allotted any downtime. Not that the warrior was overly concerned but it meant 'rumi was almost a hundred days old before he met his grandfather. The delay wasn't necessarily a bad thing though, the cub was now old enough to understand what was happening and be excited by the prospect of going somewhere different.
       Much as they would've liked to have gone, Kinu and 'jau were both very busy with the Diplomatic Corps and so had decided to remain in Vejiitamachi. Mahrayne was a little disappointed, she'd been looking forward to spending some time with her son and his bondmate, she saw so little of them as it was, but ultimately she understood - and approved - their commitment. 'tiisaan, however, she had managed to entice along. The young dancer had been resistant to the idea of even a short break from his work - that was why he hadn't gone to R'ren'khia with the family, after all - but between Bri'sensei's subtle encouragement and Mahrayne's suggestion that Lento could come as well, he'd wavered then finally given in. As for Lento, he was happy to accompany 'tiisaan, any time spent with his zn'hre lover was a delight and he'd heard so much about Pankuzu.

'tiisaan would've liked Tion to join them but the Kori-jin was having problems with the hot weather. She'd reluctantly elected to return to Kori for the time being but not before she'd sternly admonished Lento - in private - to make sure 'tiisaan rested.
      The young male arched a silver eyebrow.
       "What makes you think he'll listen to me?"
       Tion gave him one of her ferocious, fanged grins and gently poked him in the chest with a thick claw.
       "Don't care how you do it, Lento - fuck him unconscious if you think that'll work - but 'tiisaan has to rest."
       Lento nodded, reaching up to pat the massive female's furred shoulder.
       "I will do my best, I promise. I know how he's been... driving himself since..." he shrugged, uncomfortable.
       "Good." Tion tugged the slender male into a hug that was just short of crushing. "Thank you."
       Lento smiled and wrapped his arms around the female's thick torso, returning the embrace. The first time Tion had hugged him he'd almost wet himself! Since then he'd discovered that the Kori-jin were all physically demonstrative, especially with those they felt close to. It was a little odd at times but Lento liked Tion and was quietly pleased to have her think of him as part of her kin-group.

The trip to Pankuzu was long but not tediously so and the shuttle was very comfortable. Lento sat with 'tiisaan on one side of the vehicle's wide aisle, Mahrayne, Kelapa and 'rumi in the seats opposite them. The young Hassinan had to smile: Mahrayne had the little one in her lap, playing a clapping game with him and 'rumi was loving it if his gurgling chuckle was any indication. Lento remembered the females of his household doing the same with him before he went to live with the males and the memory provoked a warm glow deep inside. Malum, and Mahrayne to an extent, were promoting a new way of life for the Hassinan, one where the males didn't live separately from their females and where their children were able to grow up with both of them. Lento had to admit he found the idea very appealing - what sort of father would he make...?
       The dancer's low voice broke into his thoughts.
       "Yes, sinam?" he smiled at the pensive zn'hre.
       "I've been thinking..." 'tiisaan took a deep breath and sat up, pushing himself away from the Hassinan. "Perhaps it's time you returned to your mates."
       "What?" Lento felt like he'd been punched in the chest. "Why?" he blurted out, shocked, "Don't you want me anymore?"
       "Yes. Yes, I do. Very much." 'tiisaan hurried to say, "But it's... selfish of me to keep you here when, when you have other... duties..." he trailed off miserably.
       "Duties?" Lento frowned. "I don't understand, sinam."
       "You're supposed to be with your females now, aren't you? That's why they're here? So you can be with them and start a family?"
       Lento blinked, shaking his head.
       "Not for years, yet. We are too young."
       The dancer huffed, folding his arms across his chest.
       "Now I don't understand."
       The young male closed his eyes as he considered the easiest way to explain the situation.
       "I am only fifteen, so are Cene and Nenia. Females are not gifted to their males until they're both at least twenty years old."
       'tiisaan's gold eyes narrowed.
       "Twenty Hassinan years? And a Hassinan year is far longer than a Vejiitasei year?"
       Lento nodded.
       "So I believe."
       The dancer broke into a beaming, beatific smile.
       "Then you can stay with me? For a while longer at least?" he touched his fingertips to Lento's beaded cheek.
       "Until Malum recalls me, perhaps." the Hassinan turned his head to kiss the zn'hre's fingers.
       "Oh, good." 'tiisaan slumped, the tension visibly draining from him. "I'm very glad - I would miss you if you left."
       "And I would miss you."
       The pair smiled at each other for several heartbeats then 'tiisaan slid back to snuggle in close to the Hassinan with a happy sigh. Lento wrapped an arm around slim, cool shoulders and nuzzled a kiss into the dancer's silky hair. They lapsed into a contented silence.
       Across the aisle 'rumi was yawning. The cub gave both his maazis a brief, affectionate hug then clambered over the back of their seats to plop into Korena's lap. The little female laughed, gathering him to her and settling him comfortably with his shaggy head tucked up under her chin. In the seat beside them Kuri grinned, draping his tail over the cub. 'rumi was asleep within seconds...

Mahrayne clung tightly to her mate as Kelapa flew them both from the shuttle to Lord Kurumi's estate. The Hassinan was apprehensive, more from the coming meeting with Kel's father rather than any real fear her lover would let her fall.
      *It'll be fine.* Kelapa shrugged. *Kurumi plays by the rules.*
      *Of hospitality. He's invited us, he has to be polite.*
       Mahrayne subsided into thoughtfulness: she was still discovering depths to the Saiya-jin she never would have guessed at.
      They dropped silently into the Noble's compound, followed closely by Korena and Kuri, who held 'rumi securely within his coiled tail; 'tiisaan, carrying Lento; Jahonda, Za'rayne and Ra'vahn - the Ssii'iin's hostlings having agreed to join the group as extra guards. Lord Kurumi was waiting to greet them, the elder appearing much older than Mahrayne remembered.
       He stepped forward, towards the females with his palms out.
      "Welcome home."
       Mahrayne smiled, relief easily discernible in her scent, and inclined her head.
       "It is good to be back, Kurumi-sama, thank you."
       Kelapa half-smirked.
       "I suppose you'll want to meet the brat now?"
       Her father's expression echoed her own.
       "If it's not too much trouble."
       The warrior chuckled and motioned the waiting children forward. Korena flew up to the noble with a warm smile, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a kiss on a weathered cheek.
       "It's good to see you again, oji-san."
       "And you, brat." Kurumi scrutinized her. "You've grown, and you're stronger!"
       "Yes." Korena smirked. "I'm first level, now."
       "Your father would be very proud of you." the noble commented softly. 'rena nodded, suppressing a sniffle.
       "Thank you." she lifted her chin as she drifted aside. "'rumi's really strong, too, and he's still a baby!"
       On cue Kuri approached his grandfather, 'rumi perched on his shoulder, the cub's tail wound lightly around his neck for balance. The younger and elder Kurumi regarded each other unblinkingly then the younger smirked.
       "You look like maazi!"
       Kurumi chuckled.
       "Yes, so I've been told before." he held out his arms and without hesitation the cub launched himself from his half-brother's shoulder towards his grandfather. The noble nuzzled the cub's mane, then reached out and pulled Kuri into a rough hug.
      *It's good to see you again, too.* he *whispered*. *I was... concerned.*
       The youngster nodded, wrapping his good arm around the elder for a moment and squeezing tightly.
      *... We survived.*
       Mahrayne, oblivious to the exchange, was still smiling.
       "Kurumi-sama, if I may introduce the others, yes...?"
       The noble inclined his head respectfully when introduced to the hybrid youngsters, but there was a speculative gleam in his eye when he met Jahonda.
      *Don't get your fucking hopes up.* Kelapa *scowled*, wrapping her tail decisively around her mate's hips: she knew Mahrayne had told Kurumi who'd sired her youngest. *He was a means to an end, that's all.*
       Kurumi permitted himself a quirk of an eyebrow and a small sigh then invited the party to join him for the midday meal...

They spent eight days in all on Pankuzu. Jahonda and Kelapa took it in turns supervising the couple of hours training the children did every morning, while Mahrayne sat with them in the afternoons helping where necessary with the tasks the children's tutors had set. The rest of the time was mostly spent hunting and eating, and playing in the ocean. 'rumi was fascinated by the water and quickly picked up the basics of swimming. His confidence far outstripped his ability though and more than once he had to be fetched, protesting, from deep water. Lord Kurumi made time to spend with his grandchildren, Korena included, something Kuri deeply appreciated. The young male spent hours talking with Kurumi, discovering a satisfying rapport with the elder that helped ease the pain he still felt from losing his sire.

Not surprisingly Lento found himself near-blind from the suns' glare but Mahrayne, knowing what to expect, had come prepared. The broad-brim hats she'd brought along cut the glare somewhat though at times she would've been more comfortable knowing the young male couldn't see that well. The first afternoon at the beach Mahrayne stood hesitantly at the edge of the ocean watching Kelapa peel off her brief body suit.
      *You going to fucking stand there all day or are you coming in?* the warrior smirked back over her shoulder as she waded into the warm water after the laughing children.
       Mahrayne fingered the fine cloth of her robe, and dithered. The problem was Lento: she felt absurdly self-conscious disrobing in front of him, even though he was away over by the edge of the vegetation with 'tiisaan and probably wouldn't be able to see much anyway. Kel scowled and rolled her eyes when Mahrayne relayed the dilemma.
      *He's not on fucking Hassina now. Neither are you.*
      *You're right.* Mahrayne took a deep breath and quickly stripped off her robe, hastily splashing after her lover.

Sprawled on a colourful rug further up the beach 'tiisaan took in Lento's averted eyes and the blush colouring his angled cheeks, and smirked.
       "What's the matter, zvi'ch?"
       "Mahrayne's... taken her clothes off." Lento mumbled, keeping his gaze firmly fixed to a particular spot on the rug.
       "Ah." the dancer rolled on to his stomach and pillowed his chin in his hands as he watched the activity in the water. "She's beautiful, isn't she?"
       "Um, no, actually."
       "What?" 'tiisaan was scandalized. "She is! How can you say she isn't?"
       "Mahrayne's very ordinary, by Hassinan standards. She's... round, and her hair is white, very plain." Lento still wasn't looking. "Undosus is beautiful."
       'tiisaan considered the thin, angular body, and round, flat face of the singer. Mahrayne was voluptuous by comparison but yes, if Undosus was the standard then he could see how his teacher could, theoretically, fall short.
       "There is something about her, though," Lento murmured. "She has her own sort of beauty."
       "That's because she's doing what she loves, surrounded by those she loves." 'tiisaan smiled. "'rayne's happy." He trailed fingertips up the Hassinan's thigh, idly tracing the looping pattern decorating Lento's light robe. "Are you worried about her seeing you without your clothes? Or does this mean I have to wait 'til we're alone before you get undressed?"
       Lento's blush deepened.
       "You're shameless." he said with mock-severity, licking his lips as the naked dancer rolled over onto his back and wriggled, drawing the young male's attention to his half-erect inkei.
      "There is only shame when there is guilt." 'tiisaan smirked, slipping a hand beneath the Hassinan's robe to his groin. Lento stifled a groan then in one smooth, practiced movement he lay back, tugging the zn'hre to straddle his hips.
       "You are beautiful." He wrapped long fingers around the dancer's erection while sliding his other hand between their bodies to tease 'tiisaan's mound...

On the morning of their third day Lord Kurumi handed Mahrayne a sealed note.
       "I believe this is from Pinattsu." he said with a half-smile. The Hassinan nodded - she'd recognised the hand-writing.
      *Well?* Kelapa asked when Mahrayne'd finished reading. The warrior's face and *voice* were neutral, expressionless. *What does she want?*
      *She would like to come for a visit while we are here, bring her children.*
       The tip of Kel's tail twitched.
      *Why is she asking you and not my father?*
       Mahrayne grinned.
      *Pinattsu understands I need to check with you, first.*
      *Very well, she can fucking visit you.* the warrior's eyes narrowed and she wound her tail tightly about Mahrayne's waist. *But only a visit. Nothing else.*
      *Of course.* Mahrayne checked the urge to kiss her mate: Lord Kurumi was in the room and tail-winding aside, Kel was still uncomfortable with overt displays of affection in front of him. The Hassinan frowned a little. *Now what happens? Do I ask your father if Pinattsu can visit or do I let her know she can and then she asks him?*
       Kelapa scowled.
      *I don't fucking know!* her expression softened into a smirk. *But Kurumi knows you're friends, he's probably guessed what was in the letter.*
      *I'll ask then,* Mahrayne said with more resolve than she felt - the last thing she wanted to do was tramp over protocol and annoy Kel's father.

"Pinattsu!" Mahrayne hugged the tiny female. "It is so good to see you!"
       "And you!" Pinattsu grinned, then stepped away from the Hassinan. "Kelapa-san." she inclined her head politely to the watchful warrior, receiving a curt nod in return.
       Mahrayne eyed the three young Saiyan males standing attentively behind the female.
      "These aren't your sons, surely?" she grinned. "They're all so big!"
       Pinattsu laughed.
       "Nikuzuku is almost four, Donguri is two and Hezerunattsu is one year old."
       The Hassinan shook her head, smiling.
       "It still astonishes me how quickly Saiya-jin mature." she touched her fingertips to the female's shoulder. "Come inside, please, and have something to drink..."

Her friend appeared different, Mahrayne thought, more confident, less apologetic. It was good to see. The Hassinan had kept in close correspondence with Pinattsu over the past few years, grateful that the mess she'd made of her personal life hadn't seemed to affect their friendship. While Mahrayne hadn't exactly poured out her heart in her letters she'd still managed to convey enough detail that Pinattsu had a good idea of what was going on. The fact the female had not only kept writing to her after she'd betrayed Zorun but also seemed to be compassionate and non-judgmental about the whole thing had been like a balm to Mahrayne. But then, Pinattsu wasn't an elite…

Likewise, Mahrayne had learnt a lot about Pinattsu's life from her letters, in particular how the diminutive female had been quietly forcing changes within Pankuzu's society. At first with the support of Hezerunattsu - her mate's father - but later on her own, Pinattsu had agitated to have a school set up on the island, modelled on the ones that were operating in Vejiitamachi. There'd been some opposition initially but she'd won through with the argument that all of the Saiya-jin-no-Ou's family was being educated in this fashion, it would do the Emperor honour to follow suit. After military strength what reflected better on a ruler than an intelligent, educated population? A small school had been started and Pinattsu accompanied her children to their combined classes. To her surprise she found she got as much from the lessons as her sons did and to her delight she discovered she wasn't as stupid as she'd thought. In fact, after a year of learning how to think beyond the traditional boundaries of her life Pinattsu felt confident enough to ask Hezerunattsu if she could take a more active part in the family's business. Hezerunattsu had been happy to oblige his son's mate and soon Pinattsu was cheerfully dividing her time between her children and her work.

Her mate, Burajirunu, had been outwardly aloof and dismissive of Pinattsu's achievements but privately he was dismayed. His mate wasn't the pretty little idiot he'd always assumed she was, not only that but she was proving she was capable of providing for herself and her cubs – she didn't need him. To his credit he hadn't reacted with violence but things had become… tense between them. That was until his father had cuffed him around the head a couple of times and told him not to be so stupid, he should be proud of his mate! It hadn't been quite as simple as that but eventually Burajirunu had realised his father was right, he should be proud of Pinattsu, what's more he should be making more of an effort than previously to gain her appreciation of him

As they chatted over the midday meal, Mahrayne observed the subtle signs in Pinattsu of a well-fucked Saiyan. Apparently her friend hadn't been exaggerating her mate's new-found interest in sex. The Hassinan wondered if Burajirunu had discovered that a female's internal tail-spot was as sensitive as his own. Had Pinattsu told him? Mahrayne resolved to question her friend, later…

It was an enjoyable visit. Pinattsu and her sons stayed the night – in a separate room, which pleased Kelapa – returning home the next day after a leisurely morning on the beach. A few days later Pinattsu returned the favour, inviting Mahrayne's family to her home. Kelapa agreed to the visit but insisted they not stay overnight which made Mahrayne wonder, first, just how threatened the warrior felt by her friendship with Pinattsu and, second, what she could do to allay her mate's fears. The children seemed to get on well though, the six youngsters – supervised by Za'rayne and Ra'vahn – co-operating on a hunt that netted two of the island's native pigs and three of the long-limbed tree-dwellers. When the time came for them to return to Lord Kurumi's enclave Donguri in particular was sorry to see them go. He'd developed a case of near hero-worship for Kuri the war veteran, something that the older cub wasn't entirely comfortable with but which caused his half-sister no end of amusement.

Their last day on Pankuzu was spent at the beach with a prolonged, ongoing picnic that lasted well into the night. Lord Kurumi was there as well and Mahrayne was pleased to see Kelapa and her father become easier with each other over the course of the day. If nothing else the visit had given the two of them a chance to mend the rift in their relationship.
      Relaxed and happy Mahrayne danced on the suns-warmed sand with 'tiisaan, aware of Kel's eyes on her, and of Alida at her side as always. Undoubtedly the pace of life would pick-up again when they returned to Vejiitamachi tomorrow but for this moment there was peace and contentment and time to give thanks for all they had.

© 2004 September 11th Amanda Mullane

Aftermath pt 3
Sixth Alliance Chronicle Index