
"Oh fuck..."
      Hijau managed to open one eye, dried blood flaking from his lashes, at the sound of the familiar, horrified voice...

How long had he lain here? Long enough for the anger to die, for the pain to become a world-encompassing torment, for the humiliation to eat away at what little pride he had left.
      At least they left me somewhere out of sight.

And their three-day downtime had started so well, too.

He woke to strong warm hands teasing his tail, and rolled into his bedmate's embrace, latching hungrily onto the familiar mouth.
      "Mmmmm..... you taste so good...."
      Radittsu chuckled and wrapped a long strong tail around the smaller male's waist, tickling between his legs. Hijau gasped and instinctively spread his thighs wide, one leg wrapping over his friend's hip.
      "You sure, hibana? You're not too sore from last night?"
      *Baka! As if I'd ever be too sore to take you!*
      *And you'd never admit it even if you were, would you?*
      Hijau grinned.
      *Of course not!*
      Radittsu slid down the gold-tanned body beside him, kissing jaw and throat and nipping lightly at dark golden nipples before biting a prominent hipbone, breaking the skin just a little as Hijau moaned and buried his hands in the heavy mane, shivering as Radittsu lapped at the beading blood, tongue hot and firm against sensitive skin.
      *... aijin... more, please...*
      Radittsu paused, then raised his head to frown into Hijau's face.
      *What did you call me?*
      Heart sinking - and erection fading - Hijau bit his lip.
      *Aijin... I'm sorry...*
      His partner inclined his head, expression distant - then smirked.
      *I rather like that.*
      Hijau blinked, startled.
      *You do?*
      Radittsu nodded.
      *Just don't use it in public.*
      Grinning, Hijau kissed him.
      *I won't.*
      *Good. Now, where were we...?*
      And the big male started all over again, and by the time he took his lovemate's weeping erection into his mouth the smaller male was writhing, desperate to come - and even then Radittsu kept him waiting, pressing firmly at the base of his shaft and holding still for long moments before slowly licking further and further down, taking the engorged flesh deeper and deeper into his throat...
      As large strong hands cupped and squeezed his buttocks, Hijau gasped, fisted his hands in the thick mane and thrust, hard, every muscle rigid as he came, white light exploding behind his eyelids, whimpering as he gasped for breath.
      Radittsu waited until he was completely limp before allowing his friend to slide from between his lips, gently licking and kissing as he did so. Hijau collapsed onto his back, spent, eyes half-closed and panting quietly. He smiled up into Radittsu's smug face.
      The big male laughed.
      *But you love me really...*
      Hijau managed to raise a hand and stroked down the smooth pale face above his.
      *Nah, I just do this for the thrill...*
      Radittsu raised an eyebrow.
      *That so, huh? In that case...*
      He shifted until he was lying the other way up - and rolled Hijau on top of himself, nipping at the slowly hardening flesh in its nest of red-gold curls before taking it back into his mouth. Hijau closed his eyes, nuzzling at the heavy, swollen balls below his face before licking the underside of his partner's massive erection...
      Aroused as he was, Radittsu still managed to control himself until Hijau was ready again - and as their tails twined together, twisting and caressing each other, the pair came, in unison, a deep, deep contentment flooding both strong bodies.
      Hijau sighed and moved slightly so that he lay over Radittsu's shoulder, his own face nestling against the large genitals. The big Saiyan kissed his shaft and gently stroked his hip.
      *All right?*
      Hijau swivelled to regard him, eyes half-closed.
      *Oh yes... But why didn't you fuck me?*
      Radittsu rolled his eyes.
      *Some people are just never satisfied...*
      Hijau tweaked him.
      *Baka... I just wondered, that's all. I know you like that best...*
      *But I did that twice last night, and I can tell you're sore.*
      Which was perfectly true. It was still a struggle taking Radittsu - there were times when Hijau wondered if he'd ever completely get used to his lover's size and strength. He smiled, continually amazed at the consideration the big, rough, gruff warrior displayed.
      *I'll be fine by tonight.*
      Radittsu growled, mock-threateningly.
      *I'm very glad to hear it...* He licked at the smaller male's groin. * I'm hungry.*
      Hijau's eyes widened.
      *Well you aren't eating that!* He paused, frowning, then grinned. *Not for a while, anyway!*
      On cue his stomach growled, and they laughed aloud.
      "Your turn to get the food."
      Hijau frowned.
      "Thought it was yours."
      Radittsu stretched lazily and smirked at the younger officer.
      "I'm delegating..."

There was a lot to be said for having a lover. Especially one as talented as Radittsu.
      Hijau smirked to himself as he headed into town. It wasn't just the physical side, either.
      They'd been friends for ten years, ever since Limau had brought the injured infant Hijau to the capital. And the friendship had grown over time, as Hijau slowly found out more about his companion. Radittsu had an incredibly gentle, caring side he kept very carefully hidden from the rest of the world - not surprising, given whose son he was, the reputation he had to maintain. But it was a side Hijau took the greatest delight in exploring. And quite when respect and affection had changed - easily, effortlessly - to something deeper neither of them could tell, though both were very glad it had done so.
      The physical side had happened gradually. For years they knew only that they enjoyed sparring with each other more than with anyone else. That had progressed to helping each other bathe after training sessions - which gave Hijau the ideal opportunity to get his hands on that incredible mane. Not that Radittsu would let him do much more than wash and finger-comb it, but it was still a delight.
      They'd first kissed when Radittsu was seventeen, Hijau fourteen. Thinking back, Hijau chuckled, remembering how awkward they'd both been, so clumsy, so maladroit! But even from the first he'd loved the hot smoky taste of Radittsu's mouth...
      He'd once asked what he tasted like. Radittsu had frowned pensively.
      "Like... you taste salty. Like the sea. Reminds me of an ocean beach."
      Hijau blinked, surprised and pleased. He knew by then that his partner had an endless fascination with the ocean.
      They'd been very discreet, although just recently they'd stopped denying their relationship, if anyone asked. There was nothing that unusual about it, after all. Though it certainly upset a number of their fellow Guardsmen, who tried even harder to attract Radittsu's - and Hijau's: by then he had quite a few devotees of his own! - attention. But they were content with each other, happy, fulfilled, and faithful by default, neither needing nor wanting anyone else.
      Hijau grinned to himself - the first time they'd tried to have sex had been hilarious.
      By then they'd been familiar with each other's bodies, their responses, preferences, touching, stroking, caressing, fondling. They'd brought each other to climax countless times with tail and fingers, and, just very recently and with a sense of a wonderful god-like power, their mouths. They both wanted more. Radittsu knew how it was done - Liipa and Peretsu had seen to that - and attempted to explain it to the younger Saiyan. Hijau had insisted on a demonstration: Radittsu had tried, preparing his virgin partner with eager, trembling fingers, but found himself so excited by the prospect he came before he'd even managed to enter his willing and equally aroused - if nervous - lover. Frustrated, but seeing the funny side, Hijau had chortled hysterically until he'd developed hiccups, at which point Radittsu had pouted and stalked off to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. A quarter of an hour later Hijau, still hiccupping, had been forced to break the lock in order to get in, finding Radittsu standing miserably under a cold shower.
      Hijau had joined him, the near-freezing water curing his hiccups instantly, and snuggled into the big male's arms. Radittsu was shivering from the cold. Moments later so was Hijau.
      *What's wrong?*
      Radittsu lowered his head, pushing Hijau away. The smaller Saiyan wrapped his arms determinedly around his lover's waist and bit his nipple hard.
      Radittsu winced and glared down into slanted, loving eyes.
      *What was that for?*
      *To get your attention. You're being stupid. Come back to bed so I can warm you up.*
      *I... I disappointed you.*
      *Baka. You didn't disappoint me and I wasn't laughing at you.* He sighed. *We have all the time we need to get it right. Stop thinking you have to be the expert!*
      Radittsu bit his lip, regarding his lover uncertainly.
      *You weren't? Laughing at me, I mean?*
      Hijau scowled.
      *Of course not! Now come to bed and let's try again. More slowly this time, yes?*
      And they'd gone very slowly, and it had still hurt Hijau more than he dared say for fear of discouraging Radittsu for ever, but they managed, and afterwards Radittsu had licked and sucked and stroked his lover to a gloriously satisfying climax that more than made up for the discomfort he suffered for the next few hours...

Hijau closed his eyes, smiling, the breeze whipping his flame-bright mane about his face. Things had got better, with practise. So much better he couldn't imagine being more content. He simply had never expected to be so happy...
      A ki-blast seared across his ribs, sending him tumbling, teeth gritted against the pain. Gathering his own ki, he *scanned* the area around him for whoever had loosed the blast - only to have something slam into his back from above.
      He landed hard on the ground in an alleyway in one of the poorer quarters, not far from the outskirts of the city. Shaking his head to clear it, he pulled himself to his knees.
      Less than a second later someone forced his mouth opened and rammed a vile tasting, engorged shaft down his throat, gripping his wrists easily above his head and holding him still with a strong hand to the back of his neck. Gagging, he tried to bite down hard, eyes widening in horror when the being before him simply laughed.
      "Oh, you don't have what it takes to hurt me that way, monkey."
      "Don't use him up. We want a turn too."
      The voice came from behind him. He tried to gather ki, but someone grabbed his tail, breaking several of the bones, and his world went white with pain. Unable to scream around the thrusting, oily flesh filling his mouth, he tried to *call* Radittsu - only to slam up against some kind of *shield*... Seconds later he nearly choked as the being in front of him came, filling his mouth and throat with scummy, rank tasting slime. As the creature pulled out he dropped to all fours, vomiting the foul liquid to the ground. Closing his eyes in horror as someone behind him ripped his bodysuit from him and forced his thighs wide apart...
      There were seven of them, big, brutish, of a species he didn't recognise. All of them aroused as hell, not quite as large as Radittsu but big enough that he knew this was going to hurt. A lot. Then he couldn't think any more for the pain as the first of the aliens dropped to his knees, dragged Hijau's hips close and rammed into him hard and fast and came quickly, semen burning against the torn tissue inside the young warrior.
      A second being yanked the first out of the way, ripping him from Hijau's bleeding body and shoving himself in instead, hauling the suffering Saiyan's hips higher as he bit into the tortured tail. In too much pain even to scream, Hijau kept his eyes shut and prayed they'd be quick.
      And one after another they raped the young male, laughing as they did so, each of them breaking a couple of bones in his tail as they emptied themselves into his agonised body.
      And when they'd finished, and their semi-conscious victim was thinking vaguely that death might have been preferable to this, they took it in turns to kick him backwards and forwards between them.
      Until finally they'd decided they'd had enough fun, and with one last kick to Hijau's face, breaking a cheekbone, they sauntered off, laughing.

He had no idea how long he'd lain there, unable to move, unable even to *call* for help. He felt himself growing colder as the shadows lengthened. He was no longer bleeding freely, but the pain...
      Then he'd felt that so-familiar ki, and managed to briefly raise his own. Seconds later Radittsu had landed next to him in the alleyway.

The big Saiyan was in tears as he stared at his lover's broken body. Hijau was so badly injured...
      *Aijin - I have to move you. I've no way of doing this without hurting you. I'm afraid to knock you out - I might cause even more damage...*
      *... h... hai...*
      Moving as carefully as he could, Radittsu rolled Hijau into his arms and stood upright, cradling the shattered body as lightly as possible. Hijau, who'd thought it wasn't possible to hurt more than he already did, changed his mind and bit through his lip to stop himself trying to cry out.
      Without realising it Radittsu beat his own speed record in his flight to get the young warrior to the infirmary - and once there insisted on Hijau being allocated a low gravity recovery chamber. This was highly irregular, but the medic was not about to argue with Baadakku's son, certainly not in while he was in this overwrought state. A very little while later Hijau was almost floating in the small room, medics pumping him full of pain-killers then efficiently setting and strapping broken bones. Radittsu, mane a drifting ebony cloud around him, watched closely, wincing in sympathy with his lover at each quiet crack and click. And then the head medic gently eased the warrior's thighs apart.
      Radittsu darted forward - as fast as he could in the low gravity - as Hijau screamed.
      "What are you doing?"
      Toneriku glanced from the strong hand wrapped around his forearm to the worried, angry face above him, and smiled nervously.
      "Checking the damage, sir."
      "You're hurting him."
      The medic grimaced.
      "Sir, it's going to hurt him no matter what we do. His pelvis is broken, and he's been raped a number of times. He has internal injuries: I need to check how extensive these are and if there's anything we can do to speed his healing. I'll be as gentle as I can."
      Nodding reluctantly, Radittsu loosed his hold and moved to stand in front of Hijau, very gently holding his less injured hand.
      He realised, quite suddenly, that the only scent Hijau carried was his own.
      But now was not the time to worry about it, not with his usually-stoic lover sobbing silently with the pain of the internal examination, gripping Radittsu's hand with just a shadow of his normal strength...

Hijau was, finally, sleeping, face haggard with pain and stress. Radittsu hovered beside him, gently stroking his mane, trying to keep his rage under control. The medic glanced at him apprehensively.
      "Sir? Is there anything I can do? For you?"
      The young Saiyan shook his head - then thought again and nodded.
      "Contact Guard headquarters. Have Kyuri come here."

Half an hour later a puzzled Kyuri entered the chamber - freezing in shock when she caught sight of Hijau. She laid a hand on Radittsu's arm, her face pale.
      "Sir? What's happened?"
      "He was attacked. But there's no scent of the attackers."
      She stared at him, lips parted.
      "But that's not possible."
      He turned to her, snarling, and she flinched.
      "Obviously it is. Unless you think this - " he gestured to the heavily bandaged and sedated warrior " - is a figment of your imagination!"
      She swallowed hard and scented the suffering body before her - then frowned.
      "You're right. Nothing I don't recognise. But there's no way he could have been that badly hurt and not carry his attacker's scents." She paced slowly, smooth bright mane swirling in the light gravity, then swiveled to face Radittsu.
      "Is it possible that there's a species that doesn't have any scent?"
      The big Saiyan shrugged.
      "No idea. I wouldn't have thought so. But we need to find out. I'll not let this go unpunished."
      Kyuri nodded, expression grim.
      "I'll get back, see what I can find out. Where did you find him?"
      "East side. You know the Kusai District?"
      The female nodded, grimacing.
      "There's a lane behind the slaughterhouse..."
      "I'll report to the commander, let him know what's happened."
      Radittsu frowned.
      "I'll report in myself, later. In the meantime he should instigate a hunt. Since we don't know how many there were or of which species, I'd suggest he send at least a couple of the older warriors. Yes," he nodded as she opened her mouth, "you can go too, if he authorises it."
      She smiled her relief.
      "Is there anything you need? Anything I can do for him? Or you?"
      He shook his head.
      "I'll try and get a description of the bastards from him when he wakes..."
      Kyuri winced. Radittsu scowled at her.
      "I know - it's the last thing he's going to want to talk about. But we have to try. What if this happened to someone else?"

*Can you remember anything that might help us find them? Anything at all?*
      Hijau had woken with a choked cry, torn awake by nightmares. Radittsu held him gently while his racing heart returned to a more normal beat, murmuring soothingly and stroking his mane. When the smaller male had his breathing back under control, Radittsu had settled him as comfortably as possible and then knelt on the floor beside the bed, gazing into the half-closed, drugged dark eyes.
      *Hibana? I know you don't want to think about it, but I have to know. How many were there? What species?*
      Hijau closed his eyes, shuddering, then whimpering as the movement jarred broken bones.
      *... just want to forget...*
      Radittsu raised a limp hand, kissing the fingers.
      *I know you do. But I want to catch whoever did this to you. Tell me what you can, then we'll not speak of it again.*
      His *voice* quavering, Hijau relived the event...

"Seven?! Oh bloody hell..."
      Kyuri's voice cracked, and she took a moment to recover her composure.
      "Is he going to be all right?"
      Radittsu snarled.
      "If I have anything to do with it... And they don't have any scent. He didn't get much of a chance to see what they looked like: they were behind him most of the time. They're big, about my height, and resemble us to some degree - but don't have tails. Pale skin. And he said they also somehow stopped him *contacting* me."
      There was a startled silence on the other end of the commlink, then,
      "No idea. He said it was like hitting a mental wall. Couldn't break through."
      "We've got to find them. Any species that can do that needs careful watching. Do you want me to tell the commander?"
      "No - I'll be there shortly. They've sedated him again to make sure he gets some sleep: I'm returning for a few hours."
      "Then I'll see you later, sir. And don't worry - we will find them."
      Though how they could find a ki-invisible, scentless species in a city of around fifty thousand individuals, over half of whom were alien, was a mystery to them both. And indeed, they never did find the perpetrators, nor establish their race.
      Then, anyway...

Five days later:
      Hijau lay on his stomach on their bed, pale, oddly quiet, too thin. Radittsu had been allowed to bring him home from the infirmary that morning - he'd had to request additional downtime to look after the young warrior but given his status and the fact he was owed leave anyway this hadn't been a problem. Hijau was healing well, and should be recovered in another three days - physically at any rate. Radittsu sat on the bed, one hand resting very gently on his lover's shoulder.
      *Talk to me?*
      Hijau's eyes closed as he shuddered.
      *I don't know what to say.*
      *I know what happened...*
      The smaller Saiyan interrupted.
      *Yes, you know what happened. But what do you expect me to say? I was helpless. They... they used me. Like I was nothing. They just didn't care.*
      Radittsu bit his lip, forcing back tears. There was an *echo* to Hijau's thoughts, a *resonance* that harked back to his childhood and a mother who'd used him as her own personal punch-bag...
      *How can I help?*
      Hijau's eyes were bright with unshed tears.
      *I don't know...*
      Radittsu kissed him, lips gentle on the healed but still tender cheek.
      Hijau gazed at his lover.
      *Do you mean that?*
      The big Saiyan squatted down beside the bed, eyes sombre, and caught the younger warrior's hand.
      *I mean it.*
      Hijau sighed, some of the tension leaving his body.
      *Thank you. That helps.* He bit his lip. *'dittsu - it's going to be a while before I can make love again. I won't mind if you want to look elsewhere...*
      The big male stared for a moment or two, then pressed Hijau's hand to his forehead. Smiling.
      *You think I need anyone else? That I want anyone else?*
      *Sex is wonderful. Sex with you is far more than that. But I love you for you, not for your body and what it can do. Although I have to admit that's an added attraction...*
      Hijau caught his breath.
      Radittsu hesitated for a moment, then smirked.
      *Heh... didn't I tell you?*
      Hijau stared at his lover, eyes wide, pain momentarily forgotten, and Radittsu traced warm fingers down the golden face.
      *I guess it must have slipped my mind...*
      Pain ignored, Hijau pulled the big warrior into his arms, not for one moment thinking it would be forever, but gloriously content in knowing that for now, he was loved, deeply and surely, and that once the passion had gentled, the intimate companionship that remained would be even more precious...

© 2002 April 14th Joules Taylor

Hunger part 2
Eighth Alliance Chronicle Index - the Side Stories

Spark. Radittsu's pet name for Hijau.
