
"What's wrong?"
     Jagung looked up from the letter he was holding, expression an odd mix of troubled and pleased, and frowned at his mate.
     "Cendawan is coming here."
     Merica blinked.
     "Your sister?"
     Jagung nodded a little absently, glancing back down at the creamy parchment with Lord Kurumi's family seal embossed at its head.
     "She says she's had enough of living on an island and wants to see the sights here." He looked up at his mate, smiling wryly. "I suppose I'll have to make the arrangements."
     Merica raised an eyebrow.
     "Why? Can't she do that herself?"
     Jagung flicked his tail.
     "She's been in Lord Kurumi's service since our father killed himself, just about. She's never known anything else – she wouldn't know what to do on the mainland."
     Merica grimaced, but had to admit that family ties had to be given their due respect. And Jagung hadn't seen his sister since he'd joined the military two years ago. Much as the big warrior hated the thought of anyone intruding on the time he spent with his lover, he couldn't really object.
     "Is she expecting you to find her work or a mate or something?"
     "She doesn't say..."
     Merica grinned.
     "If she looks like you, she's not likely to need much help!"
     Jagung chuckled.
     "We're twins. We do look quite similar."
     "That'll be interesting..."
     Jagung glowered at the dark male.
     "Don't get ideas..."
     Merica wrapped a strong, long tail tightly around his mate's waist, dragging him close and nipping at his claim mark.
     "You are all I will ever need."
     Jagung turned to him, kissing him fiercely, and didn't resist when Merica growled and dragged him to the bed...

"There she is."
     Merica nodded. There was no mistaking Cendawan – she really did look very much like her twin brother. She walked slowly down the shuttle ramp, deliciously long and supple tail swaying seductively behind her. She paused half-way down and gazed at the small crowd gathered at the gate, then smiled and raised a hand languidly in greeting as she caught sight of her brother. Jagung moved forward, laying long hands on her shoulders as he kissed her cheek.
     "Jagung-kun... it's been too long. How are you?" Her gaze moved to Merica, standing at his mate's shoulder. "And I assume this is your partner? He's very handsome, isn't he?"
     Merica eyed her narrowly, but her expression – and scent – was open and ingenuous. He bowed his head, fist pressed to his heart in salute, tail coiled around his mate's.
     "Merica. A pleasure to meet you."
     She twinkled at him, then looped her arm through her brother's and, to his startlement, took Merica's hand.
     "So, where am I staying?"

There were guest quarters at the military barracks, but Jagung had thought that would be really too harsh for a newcomer used only to noble living, so they'd arranged rooms for her in a pleasant boarding house not far from the Alien Quarter. She'd glanced around it – rather dismissively, Merica thought – as they entered, then leapt onto the wide bed, crossing her legs and grinning at her brother and his mate.
     "What are we going to do first?"
     Jagung dropped gracefully onto a floor cushion.
     "What would you like to do?"
     For a fraction of a second her expression grew... sour was the first word that came to Merica's mind. Then she smiled again, reaching forwards and running her fingers through Jagung's heavy mane.
     "But you live here, niisan. I don't."
     Jagung glanced at Merica, then back at his twin.
     "Well, there's the palace, of course, and there are several museums in the city – old ones, from the time of the Tsufuru-jin – and the Alien Quarter is always worth a visit or three. But would you like to go somewhere for a meal, first? It's not far off midday."
     She pondered prettily for a moment, then nodded.
     "I am a little hungry. Is there somewhere with lots of aliens? I've never seen any."
     Jagung glanced at his bondmate again: Merica was keeping his expression deliberately neutral.
     "What about that new place in the centre of the Quarter? The one with the courtyard seating?"
     "Oooh, that sounds nice!" Cendawan didn't give Merica a chance to speak. "Is the food good?"
     "We haven't tried it yet, but Radittsu spoke well of it."
     "And who's he?"
     "Son of the Elite Guard Commander."
     Cendawan licked her lips.
     "Mm. Is he handsome?"
     Jagung stared at her for a moment, then burst out laughing.
     "On the lookout for a mate, are you?"
     She pouted.
     "Might be..."
     Merica's eyes were cold.
     "Rad-san is spoken for."
     Jagung nodded.
     "True – he is. He and Hijau have been together for..." he frowned and regarded his mate. "How long is it now?"
     "Must be three years at least."
     Cendawan inclined her head pensively.
     "I see... Ah well." She grinned at her brother. "So, shall we try this eatery?"

Merica hadn't enjoyed the meal, despite the excellence of the food. He'd spent most of the time gritting his teeth, trying vainly to convince himself that Cendawan was simply innocent of the customs of the city, that her seeming rudeness was nothing more than ignorance.
     For all that, his hand itched to slap her. For Jagung's sake he resisted the urge, but it was difficult.
     After the meal she'd asked to see the palace complex, and Jagung had happily complied, but after only a few moments in the air she'd complained of tiredness and asked Merica to carry her the rest of the way. He'd reluctantly complied, stoically refusing to react to the long smooth hands that stroked his neck and shoulders as they flew: Jagung was happily unaware of her behaviour, flying as he was a little ahead of them. Merica growled warningly as she reached for his tail, twisting his head to glare at her: she smirked and desisted, but never had he been happier to arrive at his destination.
     "Thank you, Merica-kun." His tail bristled at the unwelcome familiarity and he glowered as she turned back to her brother. "What a wonderfully strong male he is! You're very lucky."
     Jagung beamed and nodded, glancing fondly at his mate.
     "I know..." He turned back to Cendawan and gestured expansively. "Here we are. Most of the palace is closed to anyone who doesn't have business there, but we can walk in the grounds – they're beautiful - and some of the training arenas are open to the public."
     Cendawan nodded.
     "That sounds great." She gazed at the series of waterfalls cascading from the sunward side of the palace down into the shallow valley between the solid building and the Guard complex. "It's very pretty."
     "Then let's walk..."

"... you don't like her."
     Merica paused in pacing and frowned at his mate. Jagung looked woebegone, and Merica sighed and moved to sit beside him, tail wrapping his waist.
     "I'm sorry, aijin. She rubs my tail the wrong way. I know she's your twin, but she's rude, and selfish, and fucking annoying. How you two managed to be so different is beyond me."
     Jagung sighed and slumped against his mate's broad chest.
     "She's... not quite what I'd hoped for, certainly." He winced at the memory of Cendawan flirting with every warrior in sight at the arena, and wondered where she'd learned that sort of language. It was hardly the sort of thing Lord Kurumi would encourage in his house, surely!
     "When is she going back?"
     "She might not be."
     "... fuck..."
     Jagung nipped his neck.
     "She says she'd like to stay here permanently, and that Lord Kurumi already knows and doesn't mind. But you're due back at headquarters tomorrow, you don't have to worry about her. I'll do what I can over the next few days to show her around, give her some idea of what's available and help her find somewhere more permanent to live – then she'll be on her own." He grimaced wryly. "She's obviously perfectly confident and capable. She won't have any problems."
     Merica nuzzled his mate's mane.
     "Will we have to see much of her?"
     "No. I'll make sure she knows how busy we are. And if you like, I'll see her by myself. I don’t want to inflict her on you any more than necessary."
     "You're very good to me."
     Jagung shrugged and kissed him.
     "No more than you deserve, aijin. I just hope she doesn't cause anyone any problems..."

Hijau eyed the slender figure standing in front of his desk, intrigued by her likeness to her twin and puzzled by her application to join the military. Her reasons were... reasonable: she was Elite, like her brother, wanted to escape a life that had become tedious in the extreme, and wished to experience some excitement. There were several other new recruits who'd voiced the same reasons. But somehow, he doubted her commitment, and said as much. She frowned and folded her arms across her chest.
     "That's unfair, don't you think? You haven't even given me any opportunity to prove myself yet."
     Hijau leaned back in his seat and regarded her sardonically.
     "It takes a certain... bloodthirstiness to become a warrior. A willingness to maim or kill when necessary. The ability to take orders, even when those orders seem contradictory or unpalatable. And the ability to work as part of a team when required. Elite or not, if you can't comply with that, you have no place here."
     She nodded grimly, eyes narrowed and lips a thin line.
     "I understand – sir. All that doesn't change my mind."
     Hijau nodded reluctantly, unconvinced.
     "Very well. Subject to Radittsu's approval, we'll agree a half-year probationary period."
     "Thank you, sir. When do I see him?"
     She jumped at the sound of the deep rough voice behind her, turning quickly – and looking up, eyes widening hugely.
     "R... Raditts'-sama?"
     "And you're Cendawan." He frowned. "You should have scented me. Not a very impressive start to a career."
     She pulled herself up straighter and saluted him.
     "I'm sorry, sir. Won't happen again,"
     "It had better not." He gestured towards the door. "Get yourself to the admissions office. You'll be allocated a uniform and instructed where you'll sleep. You're eight days behind the new intake – you'll just have to catch up. Ask your intake group to tell you the rules and routines. You have one day to adapt: after that, any... misjudgements will result in the same penalties as any other recruit. Understood?"
     Cendawan swallowed and managed a shaky "Hai, sir." before saluting again and walking quickly from the office. Radittsu growled quietly and wrapped his tail around his mate's waist.
     "How long shall we give her? Two days? Ten?"
     Hijau nipped his jaw.
     "I don't know. I never thought Jagung was going to be any good, but he survived. She might surprise us."
     "Jagung had a reason for staying and succeeding. She doesn't." He scowled. "I can't work out why she wants to join. It's not because of Jagung, I'm sure."
     Hijau nodded. "And there are easier ways of finding a mate." He shrugged. "Maybe she really does want to join the Guard. For the status, if nothing else."
     Radittsu looked sceptical.
     "Maybe. I suppose we'll find out by her first review." He shook himself and grinned at his partner. "Hungry?"
     Hijau smirked.
     "For you or for food?"
     Radittsu ruffled his mane, chuckling.
     "Let's combine the two..."

To everyone's surprise, Cendawan proved to be not only genuine in her wish to train, but also startlingly dedicated, surpassing the rest of the intake in less than a hundred days.
     She'd also managed to sleep with most of the barracks in that time, though only the males: she made it very clear she had no interest in females. By the time she'd passed her first review (with a distinction, no less) she'd fucked everyone except Hijau and Radittsu.
     It wasn't for lack of trying. She was well aware of her own appeal, and shameless about using it to get what she wanted, but to her intense frustration Hijau resisted, and Radittsu – well, he didn't seem to notice what she was doing even when she draped herself over him in the mess late one afternoon, simply picking her up bodily and setting her down in the seat opposite.
     Annoyed, she had prowled from the hall and taken out her irritation on Kyuri in a particularly vicious sparring session. Later that night, alone in her own bed for once, she lay sleepless, considering her position.
     How dare they! How dare they resist her! No-one had ever done that before – not even Lord Kurumi, who had treated her more like a daughter than a servant, except for that time, almost immediately before her departure, when she had seduced him, taken him to bed and left him exhausted. He'd been a good lover, she remembered with a malicious smile, but it hadn't been the sort of situation she could turn to her advantage. And she had to admit he'd been good to her, and concerned about her wellbeing and happiness. She felt less inclined to use him than she did some of the others she'd... beguiled.
     But this wasn't getting her any closer to solving the Hijau/Radittsu conundrum. Blackmail was a tricky option: they were very close, and unusually faithful in her experience; finding (or creating) something to blackmail either of them with would be very difficult. Perhaps there was something in their pasts that she could use? She'd have to investigate. Because she would solve the problem, one way or another, or someone would die in the attempt. And it wouldn't be her.

She woke early the day before High Summer, restless, hot and twitchy, her tail itching horribly. She rubbed gritty-feeling eyes, then her hands moved automatically to her groin, pressing hard... fuck. She growled to herself and grabbed for her tail – sure enough, it was fluffed, streaks glistening gold in the brilliant early sunslight.
     Fuckfuckfuck. She hated coming into heat in the hot season: bad enough her temperature was hotter than normal, but to have to cope with the summer's heat as well...
     Then again... Military regulations meant she was supposed to isolate herself with the other in-heat females, to prevent conception and the subsequent temporary loss of a warrior. But the thought of it, of having to rely on other females to deal with her personal needs, was offputting, to say the least...
     ... what if she were to use this opportunity...? If she approached Radittsu... no, Hijau would be better, he was younger and hence less experienced, and smaller, it would be less risky, and less painful... she could come between them...
     ... but she'd conceive...
     Was revenge worth conception? Was it really? How would she cope with a brat? She was probably the least maternal female in existence!
     Then again, there was always the military crθche. She'd been forced to visit it as part of her induction, shuddering fastidiously at the sight and sound and smell of a roomful of brats, from hours old up to four years. It had been horrible...
     And she'd probably have twins...
     Alternatively, she could get rid of them. While not at all a common thing on Vejiitasei, there were places, and people, on Rumput which would provide anything if the recompense was sufficient. There'd be no proof that she'd been in heat. It would look like rape. A slow smile spread unpleasantly over her face. Hijau shamed, Radi-san forced to doubt his lover: yes, it would be worth the temporary inconvenience...
     Now she just had to work out some way of making it appear to be Hijau's fault...

Having made the decision, she knew she'd have to act quickly: it took iron control not to rush out and fuck the first male she saw, and of course her scent would arouse any male who got within range. But as it happened, luck favoured her. Radittsu called an all-discipline training session, something, she found out later, that he tended to do when the weather was at its hottest and coldest, as a test for the Elite – and he ordered Hijau to remain at headquarters to keep an eye on things while the session was in operation. To remain there alone.
     She waited until the barracks were empty, then made her way to the main office, slipping in and locking the door behind her. Hijau was facing away from her, concentrating on his monitor, correlating incoming reports from other military units by the look of things. He was concentrating so hard it took him a good few moments to scent her.
     He swivelled, eyes widening in surprise then narrowing as he frowned.
     "What are you doing here?"
     She swayed towards him, tail raised and waving languidly, smiling as he responded, watching the bulge at his groin enlarge, his expression become almost predatory, his tail lashing behind him as he rose to his feet... He was very attractive...
     She frowned as he halted, fists clenching, expression tightening.
     "Get out of here."
     She moved a step closer.
     "Why, Hijau-kun?"
     "Be... because... I do not want this..."
     "Because of Radi-kun?"
     "I... won't betray him..."
     She paid her hand against his face, smirking to herself as he groaned and closed his eyes.
     "Of course you won't..." She licked his neck, nipping at his jaw, very aware of him trembling, fiercely trying to resist her. Sliding a hand down his body she wrapped long fingers around his erection, squeezing firmly as he gasped and tensed.
     "I don't want this..."
     Lapping at his neck, she took one of his clenched hands and laid it against her breast, smiling to herself as the fingers loosened and slowly opened to cover the firm mound, shaking slightly as his palm rubbed over her erect nipple.
     "Of course you don't..."
     He managed something that sounded very much like a sob as he pulled her to him, then growling as he buried his face in the crook of her neck, hands ripping her bodysuit from her. She grinned triumphantly as he tore his own clothing from his body, cupped her buttocks in strong hands and lifted her to perch on the edge of a desk – then she yelped, gritting her teeth to stop herself from screaming as he rammed into her, thrusting powerfully and coming almost immediately. She panted, head resting against his shoulder and tears of pain pouring down her face, as, still hard, still buried deeply in her, he paused for a moment to catch his breath...
     Then he started again, pounding into her brutally, ignoring her whimpers of pain, coming again then dragging them both to the floor, pushing her onto her back, covering her, fucking mindlessly, his senses flooded with her scent and need. Even the splintering of the door jamb as Radittsu forced his way into the office went unheeded – until a large hand gripped his mane, wrenched him from Cendawan's body and threw him to one side.
     The big warrior was snarling.
     "What the fuck do you think you're doing!?"
     Hijau stared dazedly up at him, watching as the Captain glowered down at the crying Cendawan sprawled naked and bleeding on the floor.
     "Get out. Get yourself to medlab and have yourself checked over. I'll speak to you later."
     Trembling, the female pulled her tattered clothing on as best she could and crept out of the room – smiling maliciously to herself as she heard Radittsu's furious voice raging at his partner, not allowing him to reply. She patted her belly, where the two little sparks of ki were already shimmering faintly. If she left for Rumput now, she could get rid of them before anyone had time to get suspicious – or notice that her scent had changed. She was sure she could convince the Captain, later, that it had been an instinctive thing, to run for home rather than go to the medlab as ordered. After all, she was the injured party here...

She returned three days later, bruised and limping and no longer pregnant, careful not to exaggerate her distress too much. To her annoyance she found Hijau gone, ordered into the offworld military, and beyond her reach to taunt and torture, and while Radittsu was now, effectively, partnerless, his attitude towards her was... unwelcoming. She found herself the object of his particular scrutiny, and began to think that perhaps he believed Hijau rather than herself. Because of course Hijau would have defended his actions, told his lover what really happened, even though there was no proof, now, that she'd been in heat.
     After a while, though, his suspicions appeared to have been allayed – at any rate, he resumed treating her as any other warrior.
     Until her next heat. She spent it in seclusion, and afterwards was called to his office.
     He glowered at her from behind the desk, and she smiled a little tremulously as she saluted.
     "I have been counting days."
     She frowned her puzzlement. He leaned forward, fists on the desk, a looming, angry presence.
     "Your last heat would have coincided with... the incident with Hijau."
     She stared at him in shock. He'd had the wit to notice? Fuck... Playing dumb was the first thing that came to mind.
     "Sir? I don't understand."
     He sneered.
     "Oh yes you do. Unfortunately it's not sufficient proof to change things." He leaned further forwards, tail lashing. "You got rid of them somehow, didn't you? Hijau's brats."
     She remained silent, eyes lowered, body shaking. Radittsu snarled.
     "He'll never forgive you. I'll never forgive you. I want you out of my Guard. I'm transferring you to Nappa's force."

At the time she'd known nothing about Nappa's offworld forces, and had accepted the posting without complaint – though without grace either. Half a year later, and with the 'benefit' of experience, she'd vowed to cause Hijau and Radittsu utter misery at the first possible opportunity...

© 2008 July 19th Joules Taylor

Eighth Alliance Chronicle Index - the Side Stories